I Made a BIG Mistake!! Footing pour

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[Music] so [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna just do a walk around to make sure that there's nothing glaring and i think i'll take you guys along for the ride so let me show you the bag system let me hit pause on my playlist this is the fast foot by fab form i'll put the details in the description because i'm not going to remember them off the top of my head but you can kind of see how the bag system works it's laid out for different it kind of all depends like you see the the 36 40 44. you can see that over there some of that depends on the height of your footing but if you kind of press out with your feet as you staple it on it goes on really easily this particular footing calls for three bars we have to hook two of them and then these are the steel mate we just lay those out one foot centers and then we can pick our spacing based on what the engineer says except for the front which he called out as 10 inch spacing so those of course are laid out for 10 inch everything else is 12 or that back wall was 48 on center then the footing expands to 2 foot 6. for just this side and it's because the floor system goes front to back he did the same thing over on the far end so that section is two foot six and then the rest is two foot by twelve inches deep this section has four number four bars and then 36 inch verts with 18 inch tails and here's the steel mate 10 inches on center they install pretty pretty fast now as you can see we've got a lake out there when the excavator came out and left kind of slept a little bit otherwise this all drained around and out so hey it's life that's why we wear rubber boots i know you would have thought i was han solo but i don't have the karelian stripe star wars reference for you expanded footings now you probably already have some questions big point load footing so what i'm standing in is actually below the garage floor we're going to frame joists and then slab over the top this whole basement will be all basements lab so you might be wondering how can we use the bags here but we didn't here well i made a mistake on that job and i left the interior strip footings down low because i thought well they're just going to pour the slab anyway so who cares what i failed to take into account here let me do this here what i failed to take into account is that this is going to fill up with rock with pea gravel it gets a vapor barrier and then it gets two inches of insulation out to the wall and turns the corner so we really want these footings to be at the same height so that we can stop our insulation at the footings and then when the slab is poured it can pour down into the footings since those are all structural i'll try to get b-roll when that actually is happening so what i did is i just double formed these we were going to raise them too that's basically when we figured here let's do this so the reason i still thought that was going to work when we formed this we got everything formed and ready for inspection and then it was like i don't think that's going to work very well for the insulation and gravel so i just came in and just added more forms on top so i know it's kind of ugly not kind of it is ugly so these are monocleats down below they nail onto the form and then these are just spreader cleats so there's not going to be much load in there and then of course dobies keep our bar three inches off the soil so that's what it looks like i think all finish buttoning this thing up and then i'll go and maybe take some drone pictures and then i'm gonna pour concrete and for a change it looks like it's pretty decent out finally this has been such a bizarre spring here we can see the weather coming from there so we'll see it's blue sky then all of a sudden it's just dark clouds and either we'll just you know endure the hail or we'll run to the van it depends on whether we notice it in time so oh there's one other thing i wanted to show you we used the stabila la 180 to lay out you've seen this in previous videos i'll put some b-roll here so what we do is we set it up in this corner and we shoot a square line with a laser and a square line here's the nails that we tack these actually represent the foundation walls the outside corners so what we can do once we pour concrete is we're going to dry line and set all of our clips because the walls are already placed then there's no layout after we pour concrete we can just dry line or snap if it if it stiffens up quick enough hey by the way look at how straight that bar is yeah those steel mates highly worth it that's the second job we've used them on i bought those yeah getting drizzled on a little bit so let me show you over here what i'm talking about these are the exact same plan but mirrored so that's the garage section that's the garage section so on our forms we had a nail and a nail and then we can snap lines like we did this the next day after we stripped but we can do it the same day and then here's the spreader cleats that are going to hold our foundation walls again we're two inches off the foundation wall with our rebar exactly as the inspector wants it and just a few hours later we are ready to place concrete look at that weather it is beautiful i hope it stays that way okay i'm gonna go through the process we're gonna speed up some cl oh yep there's the clouds this is what i was talking about y'all this spring this spring quite schizophrenic this spring is was has been always will be remembered to be set yep so there it is the hoses run out from the line pump that's my brother-in-law just standing there like seriously we have to do this again in the rain well you'll see the sun does come back out go man anyway when it rains we pour right that's i should get t-shirts made would you guys buy t-shirts if i gotta what are you gonna do what are you gonna do there's no sense complaining about it or crying about it that pond in the front well it is what it is it's not what it isn't let's just get down to this concrete placement look at poor greggy he's just like seriously by the way i don't think i show it maybe i do yeah this drone footage you can see the pavement's starting to get wet i'm just letting the mavic fly okay so let's just get down to the concrete placement that is the mixer truck backed up to the pump truck that's the hopper that is starting to pour concrete into the operator always of the pump the operator always double checks the mix make sure he likes it it's a six sac 60 40 mix with fly ash and pea gravel basically it's a smaller aggregate and that's what it allows that's what it allow that's what allows it easy for me to say that's what allows it to flow through the hose because the hose is a little smaller than a boom pump okay now it's time to just get to placing concrete i know you've seen this in previous videos so i'm gonna cut yeah i mean look at it i had if i had to land the mavic it was like nope that's what i just took off to do and the mavic but let the gopro be out there in the rain okay so let's get into the concrete placement i'm not going to belabor this point you've seen this in previous videos if you haven't seen it then we'll go into it just a little bit like i mentioned that is a line pump the advantage to us is that the company provides somebody to operate it depending on the company so in a sense that gives us one extra person this guy was a beast he was so strong he was whipping that hose around like nothing we just couldn't believe it i should try to find some b-roll of him just flipping that hose where we like to start is at the step-downs you pour your mud a little stiffer there because it's more likely to hold but the way that we've been building these these little step downs like this they don't even creak so i'm just kind of stepping on the bar because i want to keep it spaced where it is and he's just pumping whenever we start placing concrete it's a slow like everybody gets to stand around just chat while we wait once it fills up then he's going to start to pump down the length and we'll go fill up that other step down anybody else think of like soft-serve ice cream from dairy queen you know soft ice cream coming out filling up a cone maybe it's just me so you can see that is not super loose mud and by loose we mean like wet you can tell that it's not just like flowing down the bags but it's holding itself now what we like to do and this was a trick that another pump operator taught us some years ago is that if you use your concrete rake then you don't have to bend over to rot off the top of the concrete also because the 2x4 is there to hold the verts rotting it off doesn't really work any very well anyway so you put a person on the inside a person on the outside give them each rakes always have a couple mag floats running so my brother there he's going to go ahead and start floating the top of the concrete as kyle in this case is flattening the top then greg has the cordless concrete vibrator yeah i mean look at that it just came in oh man these little gopros though they are champs they are champs i think it'll become a little bit more clear here in just a minute [Music] you know to be honest this spring i think i came the closest to a nervous breakdown that i ever have i'm not i'm not hyperbolizing either it was it was really stressful just the way everything seems to have been working out now looking at it in hindsight it's like hey look at that you know look how tough we are we did all this stuff oh man oh we made it through it one foot in front of the other one day at a time each day has enough of its own troubles don't think too far out that that's what we're slowly learning i don't know if you all have been dealing with supply chain issues labor shortages scheduling issues weather like just everything if it can go wrong it's going wrong but we're just learning very begrudgingly not to stress about it just just take one day at a time really okay so let's get back to the the um kind of the order of things operator is placing the concrete he's eyeballing it to the top sometimes we have to add a little sometimes we have to take a little out but he gets it real close guy on the inside guy on the outside you can see that we're just using the concrete rakes to just flatten the top kind of push it around into the bag system and then my brother is the one that's going to float the top with his mag float and greg's got the concrete vibrator that's the basic process so we just follow the pump operator all the way around you can see that when the footings get bigger there's actually less work for us to do because you're waiting on it to fill up right so that's not a bad thing by the way we like to have one more person than we think we need and then if things go well a lot of times he can take off or we just share the load and nobody has to get over tired everything about this process is exhausting setting up footings placing concrete tearing them down setting up foundation walls it's way harder on the body than framing i'll digress here for just a moment these two footings and this work will take me about six months to fully heal from my lower back doesn't i don't have no structural back problems but i'll just be sore for for probably up to six months kind of depends on what we get back to now that it's summertime as i'm editing these i can get out and hike and the warm weather helps but foundation work is just hard and maybe it's even a little harder when it rains oh man anyway as you can see too you can tell our stakes are about every four feet apart we have spreader cleats on top and then we have one by fours on top and that just elevates the two by fours enough for the mag float to get underneath it footings do not need to be super pretty they just need to be flat so that we can stack our wall panels it's all going to get covered by either concrete foam vapor barrier or dirt i don't see any value in making the tops polished that's just me other people might do it differently in my opinion save your body where you can save the labor hours where you can everything's expensive as it is what's the point of polishing it so it looks like the floor of a big box store but anyway okay so you can tell schizophrenic i think was the right word the weather just rain and then the sun comes out what the operator likes to do the pump operator is he tries to minimize moving his hose so he's just gonna pump wherever his hose is close to so now we're doing the interior strip footings you can see the hose really flopping depending on the company that you use some of them do that and it's kind of annoying you can see it kind of moving the verts there well our form stayed right where we wanted them to that wasn't an issue it's just oh it looks done yeah you can do both sides on the back front and then i'll stay up there with [Applause] [Music] okay so we're gonna do all the boxes or the uh interiors he's kind of just whining okay [Applause] i'm not really needed over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right let's pop these off as we go brian just if you see him i think he's having trouble with it yep i think we got his ditch miles he just said basically good luck trying to get california yeah were they just doing commercial work well try bayshore the middle is like nothing has to really be done anyway i'm gonna dig this down because we'll probably come back to it [Applause] what we were talking about there is the fact that we continue to have trouble with the concrete from this particular batch plant it will meet all of its um design requirements but it just doesn't pump i've talked to three pump companies that have been struggling with it as well as some other subs and we're just annoyed basically what happens is is the sand is hot it absorbs the water and even though it's still going to be strong concrete it doesn't like to flow through that hose very well and so it's just hard to work so what the pump guy had to keep doing was backing it up and going forward so it just took longer it added a layer of stress that we didn't need but as you can see we're just going to keep rolling um the other thing i was talking about a little bit earlier was those interior strip footings they don't need to be pretty so we're just going to pour right to the top and then use the concrete rakes and flatten them off but that's going to get uh that's going to get a basement slab over the top of it so it doesn't need to be super pretty so again save the energy these days get hard enough as it is [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] okay so you saw it from the drone now i'm gonna show you from the hill and then i'm gonna let it play out in real time from that camera right there in the foreground bottom left yeah i'm super embarrassed by this but i also recognize that things like this happen and so i'm showing it maybe it's dumb because i get a lot of hate when i posted like the little one minute you know vertical reel version of this on instagram and here on youtube boy did i get a lot of hate but i think it's instructive like i said it's been stressful so we just missed it i earlier in the video i even talked about doing a once around i thought i had everything dialed in i didn't you can see that we have stakes about every five or six feet some people think that's the problem it's not it's not the problem as you'll see is that i popped a spreader cleat that also wasn't the problem two of those one by fours were not tacked to the forms had either of those situations been different this would not have happened you saw that we poured the one maybe i'll put it up here we poured the other one in the rain nothing popped in fact nothing ever pops for us like this so this is that's the reason why i'm posting this is yeah it's embarrassing we're awesome framers we're not awesome concrete guys we make lots of mistakes i don't care who you are mistakes happen i've had i have some good friends that work commercial and boy some of those colossal failures good lord there's some real stories there but here you just watch we're kind of just letting the guy do his job i'm coming through with the rake you would think that pressure would do something nothing creaked so just sit back grab some popcorn and enjoy the show i'm letting it hang out there also at this point i really don't care i don't care what anyone thinks yeah we blew it i blew it this one's 100 on me right there see what i'm doing don't do it to me don't just don't do it here it comes yep we heard something now i'd like to point out something too is like instantly this wasn't a big deal and it was like okay we can fix it oh i see there's some nails that got missed but now watch we save it we save it that's what makes this so sad to me in hindsight ah and i i just blame myself a hundred percent at the end of the day it wasn't a big deal but just dumb just dumb the pump guy knows so he's heading off he's just gonna start filming he's gonna start feeling the other footing he's like i know i know when these guys yeah so he's just gonna keep going i don't blame him either he's wet he's getting tired so now with enough pressure right we're strong we're framers we're gonna get it in fact we do get it watch got it look at that now all i needed to do was walk away walk away stupid i'm speaking to myself my uh my past self i would really like to invent a time machine the first thing i would do with that time machine is go back and tell myself leave that spreader cleaned in place then i would go farther back in time and i would tell the younger version of myself hey man i don't think this is what you want to do for a job and then i would go back even farther and you know i'd buy amazon stock early on when i should have my econ 101 teacher in 1998 told me to buy amazon stock do you think i did i was a single guy with discretionary income i could have yeah see because i was pushing on it it popped again and we thought well we can save it i'm just gonna shut up you guys can watch this when you see it from the other camera angle too you're going to see this is just 100 my fault my fault i own it thought oh maybe if i get another spreader cleat run forest grab some spreader cleats kyle's just like i got it guys oh man hey i'm letting it hang out there this is what it's really like on our job sites are you sure you want to come out in frame with us two [Music] um [Music] just leave it alone timmy just walk away walk away um [Music] [Music] yeah it's true it just raises your own blood pressure [Music] here it is from a different angle it has better audio now you can see i really hope i'm posting this because i think why am i posting this honestly ah that's that's the crazy laugh like what the reason i'm posting this is one i try to be transparent you know we have triumphs once or twice a year more often than not we have stupid things like this happen and there i'm just letting it hang out there i think it's instructive i don't know may i i don't know maybe i shouldn't post i'm posting it though i i hope that it's educational or if it's not educational at least maybe it's entertaining i don't know i don't know enjoy [Music] [Music] i'm gonna let this chill before i tamp it down very easily [Music] we're there man i'm a little low but i don't think whoa i thought i was here to creep i did too it leaned my way okay and it just dropped yep yeah they all the screws popped oh oh oh we were there too so what happened it just leaned my way okay well oh you know what it was just chill the screws this guy wasn't wasn't nailed and i popped the cleat well let's see if we can put it back on yeah yeah it's because this cleat didn't have a nail okay so if you hold that i don't know if we'll get it it's your side that's gotta come yes you wanna just leave it well at this point i mean i think we can get it get it if we can bend that we just straighten this back out if you um greggy with one of these rakes help me just pull yeah both of these didn't have nails i got a rake here i think you can you can probably pull from that side yeah oh we're gonna get it we're gonna get it i'm gonna go in the water but we're gonna get it are you there nope not quite okay nice hey it's right back up to level good job guys that's yeah i was like what the what i was like i wasn't traveling that hard yeah soft touch greg soft touch okay i'm going to leave i'm going to leave spreader please just in case yep it was like literally the only two that probably didn't get a nail oh dog on it okay can we try this guy too that nail just pulled okay hey greggy oh yeah i think it's the screw okay it's the screws man the ice okay okay so can we get one can we get one more um this whole thing hold on one sec [Music] let's do it stages so i have one here okay and then we'll probably have to pop that guy yep i don't think we're gonna get it come on no we're not i wonder let's just sit do we have uh i don't think we're gonna get it we do but i think at this point it'd be better to go down there let's just let it set yeah and then maybe i think i think we should let it sit let it set up he leaves us a pile right here and then we just scoop it in bit by bit do you want to try oh that's i'm worried the whole thing is just going to go zip over yeah if we mess with it i think you're right yep okay well we're professionals well we have more now i mean at least this side never changed so that side just got bigger yeah no that's perfect i'll go a little later i wonder if i can't pour it um yeah if you want to slap it in i'm i'm no i can't sorry okay so how did we fix it we didn't i'm just going to say it right now we didn't it's going to get buried and there's a decision that you make that it's going to be a way bigger deal to try and make it look pretty so now the trick is to make it functional so what we do is we let it set for 25 minutes we finished the rest of the footing the pump guy left us a nice pile of concrete now what we're gonna do is buy half five gallon bucket at a time i'm just scooping it handing it and we're going to flatten the top mag float the top put a little sweat into it all we need is for this to support the wall panels nice and flat when we pour stem walls is this a structural problem no because now we have more concrete than we need so that that's our justification you don't need to make it look super pretty it's all going to be buried and i think maybe that's the lesson i'm not trying to be a hack i'm super embarrassed by this i think it's ugly and it doesn't matter structurally so sometimes you just got to check your personal pride and go things happen it's my fault but the the job goes on right and like i mentioned earlier this spring has just been rough it's not just been rough for us it's been rough for you too one foot in front of the other it works [Music] i think that's it i'm gonna grab all this and then i'll grab the two cameras yeah we could throw in the water and just just a little bit of concrete yeah that's it though i know these are new yeah this is what we learned yeah that one was perfect so if i if i wouldn't have popped the cleat and we missed a couple steaks i missed a couple steaks so [Music] yeah yep it's not what it isn't okay so that didn't go well could have gone a lot worse a whole lot worse but basically we've been dealing with hot mud from the batch plant and by we i mean everybody in the area and then we have one by fours across the top of the footings because that's what we put our 2x4 and then we put our verts to that so wherever i had a spreader cleat next to that i was like well let's take them off now instead of tomorrow after the concrete's on you know covered it the one i popped the two one by fours next to it were not nailed so technically it's the person's fault who makes who didn't nail those but if i would have just left it not been in a hurry it wouldn't have mattered so we're done we're done nothing else to say but hey it could have been a whole lot worse like you know can't find the off button worse [Music] you
Channel: AwesomeFramers
Views: 41,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XO8nAknVTAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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