How to Calculate Concrete - Olympic Foundations

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[Music] okay so here's a look at our forming system it's basically based around two foot by eight foot inch and an eighth mdo or hdo panels look at how many plies there are right okay some of our lighter color panels are hdo that's high density overlay they'll last longer these guys are medium density overlay that's what we've always used it's like an extra five bucks per panel to go with the hdo by the way most of our panels we bought the price was pretty consistent at about thirty seven dollars per panel we recently paid eighty one dollars per panel so there's a look at pricing this is why everything is expensive anyway inch and an eighth two foot by eight foot you can buy four foot by eight foot but those are pretty heavy so we just stick with the two by eights inch and an eighth here's how it works this is called a spreader cleat it goes on top of the wall goes on the bottom of the wall what we like to do is once our footings are raised to grade right before we pour concrete we re-shoot square we tack nails that represent the outside of the walls once we place concrete then we can set these we can either dry line or snap a line put a nail right through the hole so that sits on the bottom concrete pours around it it's there permanently so here's how that works imagine that this is the top of the pudding slips in like that panel slips in like that okay so spreader cleat at the top spreader cleats at the bottom essentially we're relying on the strength of the panel now as we start to stack panels like you see here and this guy we went up to 10 feet it's easy stacking two foot at a time right okay so this is a snap tie this fits on top of the wall it has a washer and i'll show you how that works so the washers fit inside the wall what we like to do is these are called shoes or wedges hang them go ahead and set your panel [Music] i'm going to go ahead and cleat the top just so it doesn't fall on my head okay so there's how that works now all you do is flip these over finger tight and that's it so after we pour concrete we're going to strip the walls you know the next day days later all depends pop these off and then bust off the snap ties or snap them off snap ties stay shoes you buy them one time and you just keep reusing them these stay in the concrete so you're paying for these on each job where my ladder is currently in this portion of the video is a bedroom so that means that we need to have a window that is big enough for egress and a window well so somebody can actually climb out in the case of a disaster a fire something like that so i go from 10 foot walls to eight foot then down to two foot for the window back up to four feet and then it goes behind the camera and that's just for dirt grade you can kind of see the neighbor's driveway up on the top left there so as we frame this house later this year well i'll be curious to see just how all this finally works out but for the purpose of this video i have ripped down whatever scrap material we have for framing like so normally for rafters i'll order extra two by 12. that way i can use the pretty ones the ugly ones get cut into other things for example buckouts so these actually were mostly left over from the previous foundation those came out of rafters anyway i digress so i have to buck out six feet of wall to get down to that two foot panel so the way i like to do it is just shove it in there you saw that i had to loosen the shoes once i tighten those shoes this is going to be a lot of pressure so i screw in the top check it for plum then i put a screw in the bottom and then i go ahead and i just stitch up the whole thing while i'm there i'm using screws these are the simpson strong tie framing screws code listed they're stronger than nails it's easier on the body as you can see there's no impact body the impact driver is taking all of we're making all of the impact it's also going to be super easy to strip again easier on the body that one will be good yeah so yeah that'll be good and then you can do the rest just maybe not the top until we have the eye joist sweetness sweetness dude ah darn it it means i have to go rip another one of these okay that's fine that's fine have you ever told you that you're loud man yeah yeah i mean those impactors without hearing protection okay well do i care i guess i could hold it high it's three quarters on the panel i guess i'll just do that pretty good [Music] so oh yeah awesome framers hey man rule number 17 of the top 10 rules for awesome framing and doing other things in life awesome too always use a level at least three times longer than the board that you're using it on [Music] so i will need 64 and a quarter inch tight [Music] when got the forefoot level because the sill well it's too short for the six foot level tack a couple of screws or nails whatever your fastener is now i have something to hold it because i popped off the spreader cleats that was easy i can wedge it in there and basically friction fit it you can see i mean i'm not making it look super amazing but you can see it slides in without beating things around too much that's right this ain't my first rodeo how many times do you think though that i've tried to do this without putting those screws or fasteners in so that i can hold the board way too many times so this is this is much easier sometimes i even think ahead sometimes every once in a while just often enough to know i can still do it but not so often that i i don't know on the last house i beat the spreader cleats in with that little tab that tab that represents the inside of the panel this time i'm beating them flat i only need the spreader cleat to fit over the top you can see that at the beginning of this video it gouged the panels last time it worked i don't really have any complaints about it it's just i don't want to gouge our panels so i'm going to beat the taps down this time that little screw is a nice helper i can pull up with my hammer or pry up to make sure that i'm level then i'm going to go ahead and fasten this whole thing off now something i was taught to do way way back when i was younger is to always flip the level and double check even though this is a stabilo level and i have implicit confidence in it i visited where they're made in anwyler germany and i watched how the epoxy set those and how somebody dials it into point zero three degrees a good habit to get in is to always check your measurement tools a level we're relying on it right to be either level or plumb and a lot can go wrong so i think it's still worth even with the world's most reliable level i think you always check the vials so just flip it over or flip it around as the case might be and make sure that the bubble reads the same way on both now popping those screws out spreader cleats are installed i can go ahead right through the hole in the tab and i'm going to screw these forms together i think the spreader cleats would have been fine but there's a whole lot less stress when it comes to placing concrete because you've taken some extra steps remember that footing that blew out on this house i'm learning my lesson slowly but i'm learning now what i'm doing is we need access for the concrete vibrator to consolidate the concrete at the buck out on the right on the left and of course the sill buck out of course i always i never get these things tight the first time anyway i have an inch and a half diablo spade bit i love diablo bits so i'm going to drill holes often enough i think what did i end up doing maybe like every 16 inches and that meant that we could get the vibrator in and i'll show you how that all worked out once we actually get to the video where we place concrete way more exciting than this spoilers it worked really well [Music] rule number two of the top ten rules for awesome framing and doing other things in life awesome two is always double check yourself twice rule number one where is it rule number two never second guess yourself twice that's rule number three now it's rule number one triple check also triple check yourself twice as the case might require 33.96 i think i'll order 35. so that's fairly tight but basically that's how you do it okay so the last thing i need to do today it's friday we just passed inspection i'm tired this has been a long week a really good week but long week we're gonna pour concrete monday at noon so the last thing i want to do today is i want to figure out how much concrete these walls are going to take so the way i like to do it is i add up all the easy stuff in this case i know what all of my 10 foot walls are so what i'm going to do is just add all this up on the plan because you know we built according to the plan okay so i have 84 lineal feet of 10 foot wall so the formula for calculating yardage is length well let's let's say this way in this case basically it's cubic volume right so it's length times width times height but maybe just to make it relatable to these walls it's the total linear footage so how many linear feet of 10 foot wall do i have that's 84. my wall is eight inches thick and i'm 10 feet tall now i've snapped a line one inch down and that that accounts basically that's a reset point to get perfectly level no matter if our footing is a little off so but we're gonna call it 10 feet because i want just a little extra okay let's just double check myself i have eight feet plus 24 feet plus two feet plus 12 feet plus six feet plus 16 foot six and one half plus four feet plus eleven foot five and one half 84 feet so here's how you do this 84 feet times eight inches of depth that's how thick our walls are times 10 feet tall 27.74 yards so i'm going to write down 20.74 and yes i do the decimal because i if i go is if i go tight now then i have a more accurate idea for how much concrete there is and how much i want to order extra if i round everything as i go i mean you could do that too i just find that for me i'd rather make like okay i know it's 35 yards exact or pretty close how much do i want to order extra by the way we'll see how close we are on that so 20.74 yards for the 10-foot wall now as you can see i have 10 foot walls behind me but then i step down to eight then i have a window opening and then i have six foot then some four feet then i'm two feet and then if i go all the way back to the start i go ten feet for eight drop down to six and then drop down to eight then six then four so i'm going to just calculate each one i've already included the 10-foot wall so now i'm going to take the eight foot i'm going to measure the length i already know the height and i know the depth then i'm going to go six feet i'm going to measure the length i already know the depth and i know the height et cetera et cetera i think that should make sense that's just the way i do it i don't know that it's the best way i think it's the best way you know measure each section now one thing that you could do is you could measure inside corners and outside corner i always measure outside to outside and that does give me just a little bit of a buffer so that's just me [Music] [Music] so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to add up i still have to do the two foot but i'm going to add up all the jogs because now i confused myself so i have one number for the 10 foot one for that eight foot one for the two foot buck out one for the that little four foot by four foot that's the six foot wall that's the four foot wall four foot wall six foot wall eight foot wall okay that adds up so now i just need to run and measure that guy so i have 35 feet of 2 foot tall wall 35 feet times 2 feet times 8 inches 1.72 yards okay so now i'm just going to add this all up from the top of the list down and then from the bottom of the list out so twenty point seven four plus one point seven seven plus point two six five point three nine plus two point five nine plus one point six seven plus point eighty eight plus one point seven seven plus two point one seven plus one 1.72 33.96 okay i'll add from the bottom up one point seven two plus two point one seven one five one point seven two point seven point seven [Music] 33.96 i think i'll order 35. [Music] so that's fairly tight but basically that's how you do it [Music] [Applause] hey happy friday everybody so inspector just left he was here for about an hour shouldn't have been here that long i think he's just kind of interested i kept peeking i was on the other side bracing i kept peeking through the slats like what's he still doing i mean he looked like he looked through every detail on the plans and that's not a bad thing so anyway in the past inspection i'll have to figure out concrete before i get out of here so i think i'll do a video on that add a few requests maybe maybe a few more braces but then monday we're going to do a once around you guys will see from the drone footage we're not even interested in cleaning this up sorry neighbors not that bad but this was it this was a good week but a tough week stripped this guy on monday tied bar tuesday formed the entire thing on wednesday and then tyler and noah and i got it mostly braced and scaffolded yesterday and then i'm just puttering around here so have a good weekend everybody it's gonna be 70 so haven't seen 70 degrees since 2004. [Music] you
Channel: AwesomeFramers
Views: 7,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LbJaSmf9Lz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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