I made a $10,000 Commercial in 12 Hours Using Blender

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welcome back to the 3D cookups today we're kind of on a schedule we have 12 hours to create a whole 3D product animation I've got one big problem though I've got no product which makes this whole thing a little bit more interesting because we're not only going to create the whole 3D product animation we're also going to create our very own product one thing I do know it's going to be a tech product which means in 12 hours I'm going to create a product model it create a storyboard and finish the whole animation [Music] me up put down [Music] me what inspired me to do this project is actually this rabbit AI thing that came out a few weeks ago you probably seen it it went kind of viral on Instagram so we're going to use this as our inspiration material and before we lose any more time let's start creating our product we are back at the function to look for some reference material let's see what we can find you feel running through [Applause] your and you Jer it out all right boys I'm done I'm going to pick one of the colors that I use in my NFL branding and that will be the main color of the product I might even create the product in all of the three colorways which I think will look pretty cool because it kind of resembles one of these old iPod ads Apple always used to make I'm going to start designing a draft of the product in illustrator from all sides and we'll decide what kind of buttons what kind of ports and in general what kind of functions the whole thing will have I'm going to be yapping them out okay guys this is the defining step in the whole process we're going to actually design our product so how do we go about this first off I went to dream Studio which is a AI image creation website and I played around with some prompts to get some reference material for my device as I had a few images that I liked I quickly marked the parts on the devices that I thought looked cool and afterwards I started creating the actual design of my product well as I already know the basic shape I will start designing the thing from all sides which means I went into illustrator and I made a quick draw for each angle of the product so front backs side Left Right top and bottom in this step I also decided where the screen was how big it was and where the buttons will be placed on the device all right as I had every part of my device mapped out I was ready to export my draft and import it into blender I imported it as reference images duplicated it once mirrored it to 90° and that way I had both angles that I needed to start creating the actual device so I started modeling the main body of the device which was just a rectangle I created all the but a little scrubble on the side and everything was made out of very basic shapes so just cubes and spheres most of the time I also went into edit mode to create for example the joysticks and I also sculpted a lot of detail on all of the buttons because especially when we're going to start filming the close-ups it's important that stuff has a little bit of detail what is also very important if you create devices in suchar is if you have buttons always make a cutout behind the button which is slightly bigger than the actual size of the button that makes the product look way more realistic what is also good is if you separate the object into separate parts so for example you could have a little divider line on the front plate on the back side basically any big part of the device so it looks like the device is actually put together out of separate objects which is the actual way that products are made of course as I had the basic shapes done I started going around and beveling some edges as well as creating a back plate with some little screws on it the top part of the device got an ox port and the bottom side got a USBC port and we're back so as you can see I finished modeling the whole thing I might be adding some little details here and there later but for now I'm pretty sure we can work with this as you can probably already tell by the joysticks this will be kind of a mix out of a media player and a little handheld gaming console so the next step now is texturing the whole thing I'm going to use the NFL brand colors to create some different color versions but let's not get ahead of ourselves right now we're going to get to the texturing part so let's do that so what's next you might ask simple we're coming to the texturing part now now which actually kind of fun by the way guys if you're interested in seeing the full recorded footage of me creating the animation as well as the actual project files with all of the models and textures included feel free to go down in the description and download both of that for free as I like the look of clean simple devices I chose a very very simple rough plastic texture for the main body of the device the colors themselves I picked out of my nfo corporate design sheet and here's a handy little tip what I did is I chose all of the colors that I like the combinations of I put one on the device and one on the background and then I key Fram the color property on the texture itself so I basically gave the background every color of my corporate design as a key frame as well as the device that way I could just scrub through the first few frames of my composition and basically check what color combination I like most very handy if you have multiple colors to pick from and you just want to check out which ones work best together I gave the screen a glass material and I also added a little outline around the glass which I gave a white material because most screens have that it just makes it look a bit more realistic I can really advise you to just have a device next to you or open as reference image just to see how certain parts are put together and what kind of details I needed to make it look realistic I hope I'm in Focus bro otherwise I'm going to go I gave the screws that were holding the back plate of metal material the main buttons so the two at the front and the two buttons on the left side got the same material as the main body but I just slightly darkened them so there's a little contrast between the two materials I slapped together a quick style frame rented it out put some grading on there just to get a general aesthetic of the whole thing and see if the colors actually worked well together hey guys how you doing all right we are officially done with the texturing part as well from start up to this point it only took me about 3 hours to create everything which I think isn't too bad as you can see here this is the textured product I actually created three different textures for it in three different colors from my nfo branding and I actually think they look pretty sick now we're coming to the real sauce we need to start animating stuff but before we can do that we have to create a storyboard I'm going to use the rid ey animation that we used as the main reference point pick out some scenes that I like structure them in illustrator and that's it with we got our finished Story Board and afterwards we can start animating so let's do that so what's the next step you might ask at this point I wasn't 100% sure on what the actual order of the shots will be but I knew what kind of shots I wanted to have in there so I took a look at my reference material which was mainly this rabbit AI thingy and I screenshotted some of the scenes that I liked went into illustrator pasted them on separate upbs and gave them a quick description that way I could just always take a look at this and see which scenes I hadn't animated yet to at least know how long each scene needs to be I went onto art list and quickly picked a song for the whole animation put it into After Effects set some markers on where I wanted the scenes to be cut and that were also the reference point regarding the frame so I could see how long each animation roughly needs to be oh my God no way we're very close to finishing this thing but the biggest hurdle was still in front of us which is the animation you know how it's done you can't stop now it's already begun feel running through [Applause] your all right so now the big reveal how did I animate this whole thing sorry guys I didn't have anything else for my notes I wanted to start of my animation to be kind of like the rabit ey thing which basically starts with a dark environment and there's one Spotlight which goes over the product and just makes for some real athetic cinematic close-up shots that's exactly what I did as well so I dimmed all the lights and had one main Spotlight which I animated the position of and that went slightly over the front side of my product and a song that I picked out we had a beat drop in the beginning so as the beat dropped the light turned on and we had the main product shot of the animation which was the product just flying into frame afterwards I wanted to showcase the buttons and the scroll on the side so I put the camera very close to the on and off button let it turn on the camera panned up to the scroll wheel which was slowly scrolling afterwards I wanted to show that the device was available in different colorways so I had a shot which basically split up the device into three and displayed all the different colors afterwards I created a shot where you could see the three colorways again but but this time I plan to have the screen play some UI animations that basically showcase what you can do with the device the screen animations we're going to discuss later from time to time I did some test renders over the conas render website just to check if the H render animation was to my liking this way I could also order these shots and instantly check if I needed the camera to for example pan out for transitions the R I think actually had a pretty cool shot in my opinion which was the camera of the device rotating and the shot of the actual ad was basically tracked to the movement of the camera I wanted to do some similar so I parented the camera to one of the joysticks and let the joysticks rotate of course I also wanted to Showcase what kind of ports the device has and my idea was to let the cables come in from bottom and top and actually plug into their designated parts so I had to model an ox cable as well as an USBC cable I'm sure there's a different and better way to do it but I just couldn't get it to work in one piece so I animated the actual cable with a curve modifier and I used that same curve on the ending of each cable and gave that a follow path conr strained so they were basically moving separately but I just timed it so they were moving in sync if there's a better way feel free to put it down in the description yeah description brow put it down in the comments in the last few shots of the animation I wanted to have the actual packaging in there as well more work for me but it'll look cool went into illustrator and created a very basic package design just used the NFL branding as guidelines rented out a quick product shot of the product and put it on there as well put some information and some little key elements here and there saved it as a jpack Creed a box with the same dimensions in blender slap the package design on there and voila we had a packaging the Box had a top and a bottom part the top part with the main design the bottom part was just white with the NFL logo on it and ultiple little plastic holding inside the bottom pod where there was space for the device and as well as the USBC cable the separate USBC cable I had to remodel of course which was just a path that I gave a lot of bends just extrude the path 2 million times Twisted it then used the middle vertices pull them together and put a little rubber strap around there use the ends of the USBC cable that are already modeled and just botom on there as well then I should use the box for the final shot of the animation which is the device falling into the box the Box closing and then the Box sliding to the side I let the Box slide to the side so I had some negative space on the right where I could basically put my general end title for the animation I went into my After Effects file put all the rendered animations to their designated area of the song and that way I could go over the whole animation and check where which screen animations were necessary went into illustrator and designed a very simple UI interface for my device I made a home screen a little snake game and the media player I animated all the screens at After Effects exported them as video files and then imported them onto the screen the screen was basically just a plane that I put behind the actual glass texture of the screen in blender still got it bro so did we make it under 12 hours let me check real quick we actually did yes this whole thing took me 11 and a half hours to create which I don't think is too bad for a whole product animation that means you can easily get it done in 2 days and if you really wanted to you can get it done in one day you guys have now waited long enough after some Buck fixes and some sound design here is the final product animation [Music] [Music] I think this was a really really fun project especially because I had full creative control and now let's give you guys a rundown first of all how difficult was this animation I personally would give this animation three out of five default cubes I think the skill sets required to recreate this are pretty basic the only thing that might be a bit difficult for people were the screen animations as they also required some knowledge of Illustrator and after effects but besides that I don't think this whole thing is too hard to recreate and now the most important question as always how much could you charge for an animation like this the good thing about product animations is you can sell this to basically any Niche every person who's doing any kind of business is either selling a service or product Services most of the time require more of an explainer type video because you actually don't have something physical to recreate but everyone who's selling a product you can make a product animation for it of course the style always depends on what kind of product it is what kind of company it is and who the target audiences but I mean that's why you're working in a credit field got to find a way to please everyone quick disclaimer please know that the pricing estimations provided are based on personal experience in the field and may very depending on individual factors such as demand client base and skill set thank you for your understanding so I would say the minimum you can charge for an animation like this is between $2 and $25,000 which isn't too bad the highend though could easily be five figures of course it always depends on what Niche you're targeting and who you're working with but I would say charging 89 $10,000 for something like this is very reasonable still especially because it targets a more commercial client base there's not going to be someone sitting at home with no budget and a 9 to-5 who just magically produces a product there has to be budget beforehand there has to be teams organization and most of the time an exual business behind that thing and don't get me wrong I'm not saying if somebody has more budget you should just charge them more but you have to see it this way how much value are actually providing for that person and especially product animation is basically the visual representation of their product to the customer that means if you're doing a good job they will definitely make way more profit than $10,000 artam do you agree with this I don't like it thank you artam if you could do me a big favor go down in the comment section and please let me know what you think of the animation anything you would have done differently and of course if you're feeling very generous leave a sub leave a like and of course follow me on Instagram until then thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next 3D cook up show [Music] [Applause] [Music] got to check it out baby don't you know you really got to check it out
Channel: ioannis
Views: 24,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Animation, 3D Artwork, Blender, Blender 3D, 3D Timelapse, 3D Breakdown, 3D Tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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