I Made $69 Trillion Coins Slaying Monsters

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it's time to once again earn millions of dollars by becoming a mass murderer how do I attack we got a little bag down here so I can upgrade by a sword okay I just bought one wait let's just keep uh spending all my money on this where are the bad guys I'm supposed to become a mass murderer well I guess in the meantime I'll just uh keep upgrading my sword actually I should save up for the shield it'll give me one coin per second oh but then I got this Emporium seller increased coin value by one okay let's get that so it seems like we have upgrades here and then on this side we have Perks of some sorts go fast for a small period of time all right it gives me this button so I click that oh how long do I go like this for oh yeah I get these coins there we go I want to get the 50 so give me these coins and now we have 50 coins I can buy the shield now I'm getting 1.6 coins per second but that's not even close to a trillion and that's how many I want because I like to be rich I'm gonna buy The Shield once again so each Shield gives me an extra coin per second which is awesome hello where are the monsters for me to murder with my sword I don't know give me another Shield got my first 100 coins but I'm gonna keep buying the shield because why not seems to be a pretty good upgrade at this point in the game much better than the stupid sword but let's go ahead and keep buying the sword still waiting on those monsters for me to murder I haven't seen them yet oh there's an options menu I can turn off the sassy music oh finally but look armor it costs 750 coins it gives me plus eight coins per second I think we'll get that later let's get some more perks training quests unlock quests to earn great rewards okay let's get that and then let's unlock random boxes let's unlock all the stuff we want to do all of it now we have a quest boost three times okay there's one and then this one I gotta kill eight flying enemies but I haven't seen any enemies yet oh where are they uh oh I need 1 000 coins and then I get to start an adventure a few enemies will now start appearing alright so I'm just gonna save up to 1 000 coins time to finish this Quest oh wait maybe I have to click it oh yeah clam reward upgrade unlocked rookie Quest and then this one okay so where did these go I need 250 000 coins to unlock new quests uh-oh start adventure here we go we want enemies to start appearing and then might as well get that all right enemies where are you I'm ready to murder but here's one bam wait uh what did I get for that I don't see but I need to kill eight flying enemies so seven more please here's another it looks like a b it's gonna that's kind of cringe so killing the bee gave me 11.6 coins oh I can get the armor that just uh doubled my coin per second awesome I got two uh ball Stingers here and they're both dead just got 35 coins how much will you give me 263 coins that's awesome I'm gonna upgrade armor once again get another eight coins per second I also finished this Quest this claim the reward Hills giant that costs seven thousand dollars unlock the hills giant giant in its home Dimension what's uh okay I can't tell if that's a typo or something I can now buy meat I'm gonna get two percent bonus coins per second let's buy that and let's spend the money on my shield here brings me up to 29.6 coins per second I'm gonna buy The Shield it's gonna give 100 more coin so that means each Shield gives me two coin per second that just brought me up to about 40 coins per second give me another armor that'll make me happy and this stuff too don't miss this one yay 391 coins that's really not that much but I'll take it Beggars can't be choosers I now have 8 000 coins that means I can buy this coin Trader upgrade increases coin value by plus one thousand okay does that mean oh oh my goodness every time I get a coin I get 1 000 so I'm instantly at seven thousand coins well we're gonna buy all these upgrades I don't even know what they do but who cares I'm I'm just really excited a fee for me each coin you pick up gives you 10 of your current coin per second okay Jewel of Soul unlock the jewels assault tab all right we got a new tab 9x daily coin per second bonus okay it's free oh last four minutes okay um what's all this stuff here oh this I buy with these Jewels a lava makes it costs 30 I want more I need five oh what's this oh I'm fighting get him it's one of the Giants yeah I just got 47 000 coins for killing him that's crazy well now that I'm making um tons of money the game is gonna completely change now I got all these new upgrades here level Zero boots plus 556 coin per second so let's buy that armor look at all I'm just I'm just clicking actually you know I'm gonna turn on my auto clicker and now look I'm just clicking stuff yeah Auto clicker go oh yeah this is awesome look at this yeah let's check out the upgrades burlap armor your armor now gives you 100 more coins okay that brings me up to 1200 points per second another stupid giant time to slice you in the Rock balls and he's dead thank you for 58 000 coins next I'm gonna buy that each coin you pick up gives you 21 of your current coin per second okay so now the coins that I hit here are gonna give me even more money so let's just grab these oh yeah I'm definitely Rich I just got frenzy it wasn't me oh my gosh so many coins okay come on yeah get them all uh I'm purposely not using speed because I want to get as many coins as possible all right that brought me up to almost 500 000 coins now I can unlock new quests yay so here's all the new quests got to kill a bunch of wasps collect coins kill Giants stuff like that and once again upgrade my boots that brings me up to a 2300 coin per second I just finished this Quest let's claim the reward upgrade unlocked Soul gatherer oh I also finished coin first okay now I got Giant Slayer all right so well I'm gonna need hundreds of millions of coins for these uh oh all right then it's uh time to upgrade gonna put all my money into the armor with my auto clicker it's now level 35 and let's do the shield why not after I kill this giant I'll complete this Quest and he's dead so let's claim the reward unlocked Souls flask so that's right here but it costs 1 million so I need to start saving some money oh boy another frenzy let's get as much as possible this will easily take me to 1 million uh yeah I now have 1.5 million so let's unlock Souls flask here I'm not really sure what it does I think I need to get the soul gatherer swords as well that's gonna cost 1.5 million so I need to save up come here stupid wasp give me your money thank you I can now buy soul gatherer it's gonna enchant my sword to extract The Souls of the enemies I kill okay so let's see what happens if I kill that oh yeah you see the bar filled up a little bit wait do these turn into uh these purple diamonds or whatever and what's this has scale 50 is that like a character I have no idea but I really want it die okay so that just filled up I got one whatever that is oh what's this Ascension this is basically rebirthing like coins equipment and upgrades will be reset and then I'll gain Slayer points for all the souls I've gathered and then I can spend them on permanent upgrades all right well we definitely want to do that but um I want to kill more enemies first so I can get a lot of these points die giant so killing that giant just came me two Slayer points I definitely want to kill more of those get that thank you so I figured out that I'm gonna need 14 of these Slayer points before I Ascend and that's because this cost two this one costs four and then this one costs eight and this one's really good each coin you pick up gives you 25 of your current CPS so I'm gonna wait until I have 14 of these points and then we'll Ascend in the meantime we might as well I can claim that okay so I'm just gonna unlock stuff let's get this ring it's gonna give me 4 000 CPS all right that sounds good it was bite again and one more time so now I'm getting 18 000 coins per second I changed my mind let's just Ascend now you can't Ascend I need at least 10. oh okay well killing this guy should give me 10 and there we go oh give me 11. all right you know what fine I'll just wait until 14. I'm only three away I'll just get a nine times coin per second for a minute let's go even though I don't know what I'm gonna spend them on how about the burlap boots your boots now give you 100 more coins okay and then cheese three percent bonus coin per second killing that giant gave me another Slayer point so I only need two more golden artifacts unlock new content in the jewels of Soul tab alright what did it unlock oh the lava dagger and the lava claw which uh I can't get because I have no idea how to get these Jewels let's get the dagger it will give me 43 000 coins per second that sounds wonderful this giant will now get me to a 14 Slayer points yay all right let's Ascend I just got a bunch of achievements I now have where is it 14 Slayer points so let's buy this one and then this one and then this is the one I wanted so let's get that and there we go now I am strong oh we have worms that's new there's also enemies at the very beginning so we can start collecting souls and that's really the key to making lots of money is getting lots of Soul points and then getting a bunch of upgrades so we want 25 points for this one each coin you pick up will give you 10 of your current CPS so it's just like before I'm just upgrading these early items and then working on these upgrades as well this is the important one the coin Trader here I can now buy the coin Trader so now we get rich I'm also gonna get this so we can kill Giants that gives us lots of Slayer points or I buy this which seems pretty nice it's only three points oh wait what about this one gain the ability to open portals to New Dimensions well that sounds pretty awesome let's save up for that in the meantime let's unlock these two and buy the helmet two times oh no horde incoming I'm gonna get so many Slayer points okay don't mess this up come on there we go very good well I missed one uh stupid idle idiot so uh this Ascension tree is actually a lot bigger than I realized there's so much cool stuff to unlock I think I'm gonna unlock this one next I need 10 points or actually I should get this increase the amount of souls you gather by 14 yeah I think I need to get this next and then I'll get this one so I'm gonna send now and I'll show you why so I have eight points I can unlock this Grim Reaper idiot it's gonna increase Souls by 22 and then I'm gonna get this all Quest bundles stay unlocked permanently okay so here's some quests let's claim the reward now I just got to kill 80 worms and start unlocking stuff again another horde to kill give me lots of Slayer points please thank you I still have no idea how to get these Jewels can I only get them by spending real money so next up is to get this uh rock or whatever it costs 10 points I currently have five so in the meantime I'm gonna just start buying a bunch of stuff here upgrading oh good the giant I have now reached 10 Slayer points I've also been doing a bunch of upgrades but who cares about that this time to ascend and buy whatever this rock is so let's do it now we can purchase this thank you so we're get five percent more coins per second wait what happened to my upgrade bag hello oh there it is yes give me my sword please so as you probably guessed this is an idol game which means you can kill monsters and earn gold when the game is closed that's important to mention because this upgrade allows me to slay 50 more enemies while the game is closed I have eight Slayer points I'm gonna Ascend and then I'm gonna buy this upgrade because I'm gonna close the game for a while and then we'll come back tomorrow and we'll see how much money I have wait actually I'm not gonna do that yet I'm gonna play for a bit and get a bunch of upgrades and then I'll close the game can you spawn um like like some humans or something it's a lot more fun to stab them instead it keeps throwing these ball Stingers at my face well look at this I finally killed 80 worms claim reward What's it gonna give me worm jelly potion here it is only cost 500 QA which I don't even know what that means it will give me three percent bonus coins per second so we'll unlock that in about 12 months I'm just kidding it's an idle game we could probably get it tomorrow it's definitely better to save up for the dagger I guess spent 2.7 million for 9 000 per second or spend 14 million and get 78 000 per second so let's uh get the dagger I wanna get up to at least 1 million coins per second before I close the game but I actually do want to get the ring to level 10 so let's do that and then by bringing it to level 10 Again upgrade here which will now give my ring 100 more coins so let's buy that and that upgrade alone almost doubled my coins per second but let's also get cheese game three percent bonus coins per second thank you and now the rest of my money is gonna go into the dagger I leveled up the dagger twice and I'm at 456 000 coins per second and once I get my dagger to level 10 I'll be able to get the upgrade that doubles its coins per second so then I'll be making probably up to like 2 million coins or something so let's keep upgrading it oh those three coins just gave me 2.5 million so yeah let's upgrade the dagger once again oh I just found 43 million in that box and now I'm at 100 million so let's upgrade the dagger it is now level 10. so now I need to save up to 70 million and then I can get the Black Dagger and so that's basically gonna double coins per second I'm at one million per second let's see what happens when I upgrade bam oh man it almost doubled I'm at 1.8 million per second awesome get the box please I just found 81 million yeah I'm getting pretty rich but now it's actually cheaper to upgrade the ring instead of the Black Dagger so let's put my money into the ring and now it's cheaper to level the dagger so let's level it up and I'm getting 2.5 million coins per second I'm gonna wait until I have 500 million and then we're gonna buy the chain mail of greed I'll get point zero one percent coin per second for every equipment level wait a minute there's also an ax but it's really not worth it at all to save up to 580 million I might as well level the dagger for a while I now have 560 million let's buy the chainmail agreed and I don't really think that helped too much oh well I'm used to getting scammed but 2.5 million per second I think that's a good place to close down the game so I'm gonna close it and then we'll see how much we have tomorrow so it's been about a week oh 3.7 trillion yeah uh it took a lot longer than the day off I had some sussy Titanics to get and so by the week of not playing gave me three trillion coins as you saw so let's do some upgrades let's see let's take the ax and then how about the staff that's gonna give me 2.4 million coins per second and then the Bell will give me 71 million coins per second so let's buy that and then the spell book I cannot afford it I need about twice as many coins as I have now all right let's go to the upgrades what should we get here we got so much money unlock bigger coin patterns okay special random box all right and then we have a drumstick two percent bonus coins per second okay and then there's a banana that gives me three percent bonus coins per second and then a new quest for one oh look he found one billion okay that's a absolute trash but anyway I can get new Quests for one trillion let's do it look at all these new things for us to do that's crazy all right there is an upgrade for these Monsters the Giant Slayer all right let's do it so now we should be able to kill him faster and we're once again sassy poor because I can't afford any of these upgrades I need trillions of coins so let's take the Black Dagger all the way to level 20. that should give me a new upgrade or not let's take the ax up uh level 15. now 88.4 million coins per second and now let's work on the staff so yeah we wanna definitely level this up a bit now I'm at 102 million coins per second let's take it to level 10. oh we got upgrades okay I can upgrade the ax that's really good and then the staff I can upgrade as well so this is gonna really jump here we're gonna go from 119 million coins per second to 145. oh look I get this free nine times daily all right let's do it it's active for a minute and 20 seconds okay I still don't have any more of these purple gems I think I have to purchase those let's take the black ax to level 20 and then the black staff going to take it to level 20 as well now getting 1.8 billion coins per second with this bonus and now I'm gonna buy the bow uh just twice here actually three times whatever I want to take advantage of this uh 9x bonus so I'm getting three billion coins per second let's activate this I forgot about that wait what's this what what a portal where are we going don't fall click bonus fears to complete sections you'll lose time if you fall off you have unlimited boost okay let's swipe with my mouse oh that music's so loud all right here we go yeah okay we just have to not fall oh this is oh oh okay I'd rather Miss some than die oh no this looks scary okay good I made it and all right good good oh no oh okay okay okay all right let's hit these and then we'll get the okay good all right what's even happening I don't know what I'm gonna oh we defeated section oh look at all the coins okay okay come on just like little jumps here good oh no we're going faster now okay we have to get 30 of these balls no no what's that I lost time also I don't actually lose I just lose time okay stupid game yes I blame the game not my skill it's always lag never me there we go okay section completed easy reward coins and enemies okay oh I'm not even jump I'm just gonna wait here we go all right yeah there we go we made about a trillion uh coins from that oh my gosh it was so fast now I have to get 35 okay oh no no [Music] okay I'm not doing well here [Music] all right all right all right okay better we're okay we got five six one all right good good come on no that was my there's one more left and I missed it do you want to try again yes I can't believe it's giving me another try okay let's actually do it this time let's not suck like that oh my gosh stupid game stupid game not player skill dude dude okay this is actually a skill issue yeah stupid game all right give me a third wind we do not get a third wind all right but we made a lot of money from that oh I just clicked up here and I get I got three trillion coins I don't know why that was there but I clicked it oh I may get 312 Slayer points because I was AFK for so long okay let's Ascend and let's see all right we got 315 points to spend well how about this portal because that was fun okay we're just gonna unlock this multiplier one look at this random boxes will hover on top of your head for a few seconds that sounds fun and then we have this one up here special random boxes will hover on top of your head for a few seconds okay I'm gonna grab this 10 bonus if someone's also 10 bucks oh look at this one it costs 6 500 Slayer points okay so it starts to get really expensive when you go out this way so we won't be getting these anytime soon we just gotta get these newbie ones so gain eight percent bonus coins per second this one you gain double souls for every kill while using the Boost that sounds really good and then how about this one every time we ascend will get 250 bonus coins per second I'll take it I'm now really strong wait can I click this oh we can do that every eight hours so let's head on in now entering the modern city what's gonna happen here I cannot boost or anything oh we need to upgrade I forgot I'm uh level one again oh hello slimes I'm definitely leveling up a lot faster than before but I'm really not sure what this world is anyway folks this has been idle Slayer I'm sure you get the point of the game now it's pretty fun so if you want to try it just check out the link in the description and the pinned comment I'll see you next time
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 186,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pthMhE7OI8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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