I Lied... THIS is the most ADDICTIVE Nintendo Switch Game.

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guys i i need to apologize actually i do why am i i actually do have to apologize i haven't made many videos this year i really haven't and i could start going into the ifs ends wise buts who's its and whatsits and when's it's of it all and i will i'll do it right now the start of the year i needed a break i was totally burnt out on edge stressed borderline depressed and i took a break in january and i felt great then came february and i spent a lot of time on that video like that took like two weeks to make that video and then the video didn't do very well which i have merch for if you want to buy a sorry cherry t-shirt now we're in march we're already like a third of the way through the year what is happening what's my excuse for halfway through march you might be wondering this time the excuse is a little weaker i'm gonna show you today you might hate me for it i've been addicted to something again and it's just sucked up all of my time so to start i have to show you this and this isn't the video today we're gonna be on this for like 10 seconds trust me a couple of weeks ago on twitch a bunch of friends and streamers and i started this huge minecraft server it is massive there are so many things happening in here that every time i sign on there's like some kind of new building but it got me back into minecraft i've built a horse stable i have my farm i have my crops i have i have all of this i have creepers sat with my chickens but anyway i've been playing this and i i do like it as always with me i i end up missing story i want that progression i want to feel like i'm working towards something the game wants me to work towards rather than just a free-for-all of whatever you want to do so i accidentally reinstalled another game on my switch this game is so good this game is so good for 15 i honestly think this is the most addicting switch game the most worth the price switch game i reviewed this like four or five years ago at this point but i remember back then the game didn't really stick for me like i know it was good you know i got the gist of it and i threw it in an e-shop video and i knew people would love it but for me i i hadn't really gotten into games like this yet this is before i'd even played dragon quest builders and got super addicted to that it was before i even tried minecraft for the first time crafting games honestly i didn't want them but then dragon quest builders happened which led me to minecraft and then while i was playing minecraft i wanted more and believe it or not stardu valley for 15 gives me so much more i got to restart actually because i just lost like two hours of the day while i was talking it actually started because kim and i started a joint farm and even though we were having fun playing together we hated that we had to share our money so we ended up both just starting our own separate farms but we play next to each other anyway so it feels like we're playing together this has honestly taken away so much time out of my life and i'm not really even that mad about it so this is my farm i have this mission right now there is so much to the game it's overwhelming i'll show you my routine every morning i wake up in this game but i have this huge crop order to make a hundred yams and i really wanted to see what the substantial reward was all of this is me trying to grow yams and most of my day is honestly just spent watering my crops not counting my other two playthroughs that didn't stick this is my first official playthrough so if you want to leave any suggestions down below for like things i could be doing better or differently i'm open to it believe me a new baby chick has hatched glad you guys are here for this moment oh that's kind of a cute name actually um you know what i've never used one of the default names but that's actually kind of cute it's like pee it's like it stinks look at the baby chicken okay anyway i get to collect my eggs in the morning i get to pet my chickens this is lorraine actually named after a guest judge in a cooking show that kim and i watch this is elaine because it rhymed with lorraine and we were watching seinfeld at the time this is daffy cause it's a duck snowball because it's white duck bird cause it's a duck miss plugins and babes i don't know i got i got lazy on that one i just caught a baby all right so i gotta i gotta feed them or else they get mad at me and then when i pet them in the morning they have little angry squiggle lines instead of nice little sweet hearts this video is relaxingly sponsored by audible go to audible.com beat em ups or text beat em ups to 500 500. for the last couple years i have been an active user of audible it started with supermarket a book i thoroughly enjoyed and then realized that the author had voiced the audible version after that i was hooked amy poehler voicing her own book yes please nick offerman voicing this book that i really like also podcasts like real crime and so many other audible originals i was already subscribed to a bunch of video streaming and gaming services so it just made sense to experience thousands of new audio books too their newest plan audible plus gives you full access to the popular plus catalog you can listen all you want to thousands and thousands of popular audiobooks original entertainment and podcasts all available to download and stream on any of your devices being able to listen while cooking exercising on a walk in the car or just relaxing it's a huge benefit i love that it's cutting down my already ridiculous amount of screen time but i still get to do my stuff without getting bored with an audible plus membership you can download or stream without limit so why not give it a shot for 30 days for free just visit audible.com forward slash beat em ups or text beat em ups to five hundred five hundred it's free it's easy and you help support the channel directly and i really appreciate it thank you audible for sponsoring it's just so relaxing i almost don't want to go back to the video but i have to all right let's go now we can go see my cows look at my gold banana that's bethany this is lady yeah i named this one mr moo i felt so dumb when kim was like you know that it should be mrs moo right but whatever we don't stick to gender norms here on the hawker ranch oh and um [Music] bertha thankfully this game has no nets so i don't have to whack this cow so then i milk my cows every morning then you take the milk and you put it in the cheese thing i'll make cheese honestly i do this routine every morning it's gotten so bad to the point where this morning when i was lying in bed half a week i was going through my routine in my head and i was like going to my chickens getting the eggs putting them in the mayonnaise going in my cows milking them putting the cheese and i'm not even kidding so i just got chests everywhere filling up with all this stuff here's all my gold stuff honestly i don't even know what i'm keeping up in here anymore why am i holding grapes alex needs a catfish or who needs a pumpkin caroline needs a pumpkin or see if i have a catfish i don't oh wait i do oh perfect i think i was given that this morning by lewis again it was only 15 there is so much you can do i know you might have seen how messy my farm was all the grass don't worry about that i don't have time i don't have time to clean it this is her right i'm pretty sure no i gave her the catfish can i have my catfish back is it just me or does abigail play too many videos no there's probably a joke here in the fact that i'm making a video about the fact that i've been addicted to this video game and the first person i talked to asks me if it's an issue that her friend plays too many video games damn why are you calling me out i'm feeling attacked right now stardew valley catfish i need to know if i can catch one real quick the catfish is a fish that can be found in the river during spring and fall during rainy weather that's fine that's fine we don't worry about it if i wasn't making a video right now i'd honestly just restart the day but i've already milked my eggs milked my eggs he gave me a macky the only reason i restarted it is because he gave me a catfish oh my god this game's very relaxing there's so many things about this game that i don't know if they were unintentional by the developers like getting longer days when you go fishing it can either be just a happy little accident or it can be intentional but either way it's brilliant because it helps you relax because you know you have more time and i don't have to worry about how much time i'm taking to catch this really difficult fish oh yeah i got it baby what is it tiger trout never got that before oh yeah we know abigail plays too many games shut up here's your pumpkin i think tomorrow is the big day of the yams it's the yamane where i think all hundred of these yams i planted are gonna sprout tomorrow and i can pick them and we can find out what this substantial reward oh why oh mayonnaise oh cheese why is this game so good these ones can be picked this is my yam chest got like 50 games in there right now i'm going yam crazy i need to upgrade my watering can but i wanted to make sure that i got these yams out first because i really did not want to mess up this order after buying a hundred yams for it found this out last night because kim told me you can talk to the scarecrows and they tell you how many crows they've scared off i just love there's so many little details like that it's already 7 20 at night this day's almost over before i go to bed i'm gonna waste the last of my energy just cutting down a couple of trees because everything you upgrade in this game like the barns and the coops and everything takes so much wood what a good day's work if you had had me guess before now how long a day took i'd say like 10 minutes but i've been recording for almost an hour already and it was only one day but it feels like i've been playing for 10 minutes show me the yams oh baby i'm about to get a substantial reward look at all these yams gonna be rich gonna be yam rich why am i five yams short oh thank god there's more yams ship how do i ship them i'm gonna put one in there i'm gonna see if it ticks up chat is this right i'm so scared i don't want to mess it up it's a hundred yams okay there's a reddit post i'm not the only dumb one get x crop and ship it you have to sell it through the shipping bin as normal you don't get extra credit until you rest and the items sell overnight i am terrified that i'm about to do this wrong [Music] [Applause] i'm missing one yeah um hello i'm looking for a yam can you show me yams oh it's right there i literally have exactly a hundred yams i didn't leave any room for error there's the yams i am going to go buy more yams because i want i want to keep yams and i think they take eight days to hatch so we got to go buy more yen which is good because then i can show you the store i know like everyone has played this game already but i never played it on my channel so i feel like i'm introducing you to it maybe some of them yams so most of this soil is already fertilized we can go ahead and just bang bing bing bong boom bing bing bong boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom as soon as i'm done watering them i'm gonna sprint to the blacksmith actually i'm gonna also take the geodes i have i need to make sure these are watered actually i didn't even do the math oh i'm so dumb yams take eight days to grow crops die at the end of the season it's the 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th iams aren't gonna grow my yams aren't gonna grow that's actually the real reason why kim and i stopped playing on our joint farm i took all our money and invested it in a crop but i was like kim i'm gonna plant like a thousand of these and we're gonna make big and then the next day the season changed because i wasn't looking at that at all and we lost everything we lost all our money all the crops and we both got so upset we just scrapped that whole world and we both started our own separate games again there is so much to this game so many little things you find geod sometimes i found these in the mines and you get to crack them open and see what's in them and i don't have that then you can upgrade your tools so i want to upgrade to a still watering can but because i got some collectible things out of those geodes we can go to the museum and we give these to the museum sometimes if you complete a set or give him a certain amount you get a reward and the rewards can be really cool sometimes you go on all day i just i just love it i just love it so much and that's my day oh baby payday chef's kiss that is payday right there so these jams take days and they just finished all at once i'm so excited to see what i get for selling these yams i really am oh mama the 14 regular yams they sold for 176 each two and a half then the silver yam sold for 220 each for 9k the gold yams got me 12k i'm so invested in this stupid game i just love it i love it 40k baby all right what do i get another 9k i got 50k baby that's the most money i've had by far in the game i am a rich right now i wanted to thank you for your hard work taking care of my special order here's a mini shipping bin as a token on my appreciation place it anywhere where would be most useful to put that where am i ever gonna be that i have a ton of stuff that i need to sell over there but still that's cool and it's cool that i got that because it was from a quest that i had to pick between two things so i got the money for just selling the yams plus an extra 9k plus a pretty cool reward i love this game i'm probably a good 15 hours into this world maybe more i honestly have lost track of time it feels like a day takes 10 minutes when you're playing because it's so fun and you have so much to do and it feels like you have so little time but i'm realizing that each day actually lasts like half an hour it just feels like it's flying by so honestly if i feel like i've played 15 hours i've probably played 30. my point is i've played all this time grinding to make a thousand dollars here five hundred dollars here and to get an insane payoff like that it honestly feels like a real world won the lottery moment because you have to work so hard for everything in this game but they sprinkle in all these little exciting moments and things to look forward to every day and every week and every month i love this game that's where i've been all month is playing this but i'm working on some new stuff in and around playing this still i have content coming um and if i and if i don't you know what happened to me i love you all like the video if you liked it subscribe if you had a good time and i'll uh i don't know see you guys see you guys later
Channel: BeatEmUps
Views: 313,713
Rating: 4.9317851 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Switch, nintendo, Switch, I have been ADDICTED To This Nintendo Switch Game, Addicted to Nintendo Switch, Addicitive Nintendo Switch Game, Best Switch Games, Most Addictive Switch Games, upcoming switch games, upcoming nintendo games, switch games coming soon, stardew valley, stardew switch, stardew nintendo switch, nintendo switch stardew valley
Id: mfNtf71xWdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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