I let AI DECIDE what I DO in Roblox Murder Mystery 2

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this video is going to be a little different in today's video I'm going to ask AI the new amazing technology what I'm supposed to do in Murder Mystery 2 basically I'm going to use this site called chhat GPT which is the love of my life helping me with all my assignments in school and everything I love it I'm going to ask them or that I I don't know what to call it but it I'm going to ask it what I should do in Murder Mr 2 and whatever it tells me to do I just got to do before the video starts I would like to tell you about L.G it's a website where you can buy murder Myer two items for very cheap when you have completed your order all you have to do is click here to claim your item then you just follow the instructions to claim your order and then you will receive your item it's so easy it's so quick recommend I got chat D in front of me and I'm going to ask them something I should do in mder Mr 2 and whatever they tell me to do I got to do okay oh my it's giving me too much I just asked for one thing we're going to ask something more specific give me one un wait unusual un unusual unusual I don't unusual I don't know if that's right spelling but this is not what I wanted it's still giving me a list but let's just ignore that and just look at the first thing it said and it said for video content you could try hosting a hide and seek in Roblox murder misy I'm just going to trans that to hide in Murder with SH so that's what I'm going to do okay great start I just got a hiccup so I'm going to sound very stupid oh my God this stupid hiccup is going to expose my hiding spot I know this one is a very good one but it's like maybe too obvious like people really know about this one oh my it didn't even break that's perfect nobody will know I'm in here and I can see everything from here that's perfect I'm watching you o who did that oh it's you stop hiccuping it's so annoying what am I supposed to do it's telling me to organize a disguise party I'm just going to translate that into playing murder Mr two disguises okay let's go murder Mr 2 disguises who am I I look pretty Oscar Oscar Oscar with a G I forgot this GES is always played in first person and it's so annoying what why are their heads floating everywhere what what is this why are there literal heads just laying around like it's nothing why are they having like a romantic scene just looking at each other oh somebody just died except these two oh you did a good job whiskey what's next one weird thing you could try in Roblox murder Mr 2 is to organize a reverse round where the object is for for the innocent to hunt down the sheriff I think it wants me to chase down the sheriff even though I'm not murderer and hopefully not get shot but probably probably get shot okay good we are innocent my job is now to find the sheriff and Chase it as if I'm the murderer even though I'm obviously not okay um I found the one with a knife not the one with a gun I think everybody knows who the murderer is so nobody's going to think I'm the murderer anyway oh this little guy is the sheriff did he just try to shoot me he's what I did not even have to chase him to get shot even though that was like kind of successful I didn't really kind of do what I kind of should have done so we're just simply going to do that again oh okay again I managed to find the knife but not not the gun oh there you are okay I'm just going to chase you she's just standing there anyway and the murder is right there this is stupid I'm not she's not going to believe I'm the murderer that went right through me this is dangerous I'm still technically chasing the sheriff cuz I'm constantly with the sheriff so she's probably so annoyed with me by now a I told me to do this this was not me she a giving up she's just standing there poor girl she totally just gave up how did you even miss she's just standing there oh my God I seriously what what are you doing oh my and I got shot mission accomplished I guess I chased the murder and I got shot that's all I wanted in the end one weird thing you could try is to organize a custom swap let's just play this round and then I'm just going to blindly swap my weapons and then use those weapons for the rest of this video she went bald who ripped her wig that's what we're going to find out cuz this is wig ruffer mystery too go girl go girl she dead oh my God I really thought I made it anyway I'm going to swap my weapons I'm just going to close my eyes and then randomly choose weapons I'm closing my eyes right now I'm just going to scroll a little bit and then I'm going to click oh I got Rose and then let's do holidays again I'm going to scroll and then click oh perfect I actually got it gone um this is not the best set I've seen green and pink and then my outfit is red and blue um not at all what I hoped for just get this gone yes we love it and we're calm she went here didn't she oh let's go this gun is amazing I just one shot her let's ask it what I should do next a black blindfolded murder my 2 challenge okay I was not ready for chat to do that this is probably going to be the hardest challenge in this video or maybe not keep watching and we'll see okay but for one whole round I'm just going to totally close my eyes and we will see what's going to happen I am so excited to check the footage after doing this cuz I myself will not have any idea what's going on this just got really interesting I'm not even going to know what role I am I'm closing my eyes right now I do not know what roll I am so we're just going to walk somewhere and see where we end up I'm just clicking oh I heard somebody die that was close to me so I should probably go the other way are we doing good you guys am I doing good please tell me maybe we should jump a little bit maybe the murder is like after me right now oh I can hear that I'm jumping on a roof because I'm jumping very quickly oh my God I actually survived Let's Dance am I dancing oh a silence murder Mr 2 does that mean I'm not allowed to talk when the round starts I'm not allow to [Music] [Music] talk what okay I'm allowed to talk the round is over and we just won all of a sudden that was so easy give me something harder sha tell a truth or a lie in Roblox murder mystery too I choose to tell a lie I'm going to tell everybody I'm the murderer I don't know if anybody's going to understand me cuz everybody speaks Russian but I'm just telling everybody I murder even though I'm not kill me I murder they might have actually believe me cuz there's no oh and the sheriff is right here I don't know if she understands me I'm murder oh this person is trying to tell her killer please oh yes oh my God I cannot believe that worked I did lie and they didn't actually have to believe me but they did a speedrun challenge I don't know how I am supposed to speedrun when I am innocent speedrun is basically when you win really fast this guy is really speedr running he's doing it for me he's just speed running everything anyway I'm going to try to win as fast as I can I heard the gun di perfect oh my God I'm speedr running like crazy I am actually okay okay we're speedr running this going the other way I'm going to win as fast as I can oh and I shot somebody else if you enjoy this I might actually do it again because it was like kind of fun to just do random stuff it's like a dare but it's AI telling me what to do or maybe you guys want to tell me what to do in my next video I don't know you comment whatever you think hope you have a good day or night and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Auiciq
Views: 214,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ssFdWnVTq6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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