I left the Minecraft Faceless Steve world on while I slept.. (SCARED)

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huh one of the most anticipated videos yet hands down this one's gonna need a like okay go scroll down right now hit the like button trust me when I say we need the likes to be high on this one because we are doing something that I'm regretting but I'm gonna do it anyways look if you haven't subscribe any but post application ringing about making goat a notifies your every single feature upload here lately you definitely want to be on the channel you definitely want to be notified and you definitely want to tell your friends simple as that there's a weird entity in my world right now known as what we are calling it faceless Steve it's a Steve like entity that has no face whatsoever all the villagers are dying everything is going wrong that could possibly go wrong and we are trying to get down to the bottom of it figure out the mystery figure out what exactly is going on behind this weird entity that is appearing in Minecraft now without a side perhaps you're sitting there in a t-shirt that isn't quite what you would say is merch yeah that's right it's not merged and what I can assume you probably need some merch so go buy you some merch at ong dot merch for allcom link in the description get you some official oh and she merged so you have something to wear when you watch the videos trust me it empowers you even more now with that aside I am da I am NOT dealing with another intamin right now you guys know how I feel about intimate time and time again they appear and I just do not do well with them and I don't want nothing to do with them if any Endermen out there watching this video I'm sorry I welcome you but please keep your distance now what we are going to do in today's video is something I have what was that that is okay that's that's a we found an incredible loot though in the last video can I say that we did find incredible loot but there's only one villager living in the village and a lot of people had something to add about to go look in this house one second guys I might just lose my life I'm okay anyways I was a bit excessive I will agree but listen you guys if you haven't seen the previous episode so you have no clue what's going on right now and you're like what is he losing his mind about look you need to go watch the previous episodes it's a very serious thing we're dealing with something here that I'm not sure about we found a grave in Minecraft first off a grave yes that's not normal hi I know we found a grave it rippled into an entity appearing known as faceless Steve it's a look when you see this thing it is creepy so today we are doing what we set out to do in the last video leave the world on I'm gonna take a 20-minute nap I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna review the footage to see if anything happened and see if we capture evidence of this weird entity known as faceless Steve because it seems to be a real ongoing issue so strap in it's gonna be it's gonna be a lot I can I can already imagine so um what I wanted to do since there appears to be a house in the grave here what I wanted to do was just leave things on see if anything happens if we catch anything that's evident because we haven't ran into faceless Steve but twice and I really want to encounter him again just to see what he's about what story is behind why stay Steve got his face erased it's super creepy concept I don't like it and honestly I started looking into it right and I felt tons of creepypastas I didn't tell that this is something that I do not want to be messing with but for some reason I find myself messing with it and oh do I ever so regret it but I will say this if the likes are good on this video we will continue looking at this slowly but surely so with that aside I need to get like an aerial view I got to find an aerial view guys and we will resume would you look at that we will resume okay so I summon game mode to creative and I think that this is just gonna be good I think right here is good so I'm gonna set my timer on the phone I'm gonna take a quick 20 minute nap because you know why I need a nap right now there's nothing wrong with taking naps no matter the age you are don't judge me so it's just think it'll be interesting to see if anything happens when I'm completely in a dreamlike state asleep IRL I'm gonna see if anything happens on the game hopefully I don't sleep for like two hours like mile long because I'm just like two hours later like sorry about that guys all right we're gonna do a speed up cue the music the music's already playing what am I saying future stuff knows how to edit and I will see you all after my 20 minute nap [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm still in creative right now I just reviewed the footage and I'm kind of lost for words all of you you already seen what happened and I don't know what to do with that information I don't know what to do with that footage I'm like this is a lot for me to take out okay wait back up I come in here okay I'm like okay let me review this real quick I'm reviewing it I I'm just instantly like whoa like what hits me in the face hard I'm like we really just got pretty thing going the grape he didn't do anything whoo it's so creepy his movements and what he actually did I hear a skeleton well that was a quick kill I don't recall skeletons being able to be destroyed in one hit one hit ko that was a little bit weird but he walked up to the grave he looked down and just looked at the grave for a little while and then he looked right up at I was I don't know if he's seen my character or what was going on there but in the footage it is terrifying then of course like in the previous one he disappears quickly as ever an unexplainable trace no way to figure out if he went that direction that direction or what I don't know now this is just so weird to me once more there's no village there's always a zombie over here there's two zombie to this sign oh he's the only villager he's the won't belabor that what kind of runs this whole village I didn't even get to address the comments in the last video it's a I'm lost for words I don't know what to explain about that footage first off what do you guys think about the footage what do you think baseless Steve is doing this is probably the most intense episode that we've recorded of this little series so far because we actually call him doing something having purpose kind of deliberately going to the grave looking down at the grave maybe sobbing or just anything looking up a dude it's so weird it's so Fuzzle I don't know what it means but what I can't say we're gonna figure it out we're definitely gonna figure this one out um dude this is creepy man this was the most--it it we go in here oh I didn't look in here why is there another skeleton their skeletons everywhere oh there's nothing in there I don't know I seeing things guys it's so weird because taking a look at him this time and just kind of looking at him more in depth it literally is steep like that's Steve but he has no face and I am just like is this is this really happening right like I don't know what to take from it I don't know what to really do what we gathered but we're learning we're learning and through all the comments that you guys are posting like we're figuring it out and without a doubt we're gonna get down to the bottom of it it's just it's a lot to take in I say this guys if you had any idea why he was looking at the grave why he just disappeared like that what could be where we could go from here what should we do to the grip should we destroy the grave do you think hmmm we might do that but I feel like that's just gonna anger him and then like if he can order it does have any aggression he's gonna come out and kill us instantly and we're not even gonna have a say in the matter we're just gonna get absolutely destroyed what have we got herself into I'm not sure I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing I I don't know I will say this if you guys enjoyed the video we should hit the like button we're gonna have another one rolling out tomorrow soon as possible I I literally I see the feedback I'm like okay cool cool cool we got to get another one out right now cuz I'm learning more about this I'm figuring it out it's crazy but it's awesome so if you guys haven't subscribe if you guys also have it copped your merch go cops emerge oMG March 4 all calm freshest merch around I'm not even kidding at this time in YouTube we have the freshest merch it's it's kind of facts um so yeah best merch on YouTube at the moment I'm not saying there might be someone else that comes along that has a better merit I am I'm just gonna have to accept that but right now doing pretty good so with that aside [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 35,111
Rating: 4.9128013 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, Minecraft Steve, Minecraft Faceless Steve, Faceless Steve, Steve, Steve Minecraft, Faceless Steve Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos Scary, Videos Minecraft, Minecraft Videos, For Kids, Family Friendly, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: VtnQr43L37w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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