i learned an important lesson | CS2 Coaching

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this is good oh see see see a guy went out for the this is literally what I just talked about look look look and the guy the guy is doing what you are doing not watching it look see he's hiding look he's hiding he's completely clueless that this can happen and now oh me I guess you Karma bro karma for last round where you didn't watch it bro I'm so happy it happened I'm sorry that I'm happy for your loss but hi in today's video my coach penix and I go over a face it demo where I played connector on Mirage this is a new position for me so there was definitely a lot to go over subscribe if you want to see more coaching content and by the way I've been streaming on Twitch a little bit more than usual so drop a follow come say hi when I'm live thanks enjoy the video okay that's not how you jump spot by the way okay because uh uh the way you jump spot you're like see like you're stopping here so you're all the time you're jumping you're visible see like how you're uh stopping here and going down the way you should be jump spotting you should be like visible for a moment okay you should you should be visible for like a split second and that moment you will see if there's anyone like out ramp okay wait why didn't you buy an M for actually uh I wanted you to why you though um who cares about UT on this level honestly okay like no no cap like why why do you need you like these people they don't have like any structure right yeah they're not going to like execute properly on you like do any strats or anything like I'm choosing him for every single time second roundout over over U and look at their economy they have like two deagles two Max Mac 10 and MP5 and G right mhm like you can out aim those guys you don't need you to stop them I don't even know if I end up using it I mean you do but the way you used it here like doesn't do anything like you're just mulling over this cabby where they can still get out toward Tetris right and you're fighting from stairs which I mean you don't have to do it's not not not wrong to do that but the way you're fighting here is just you're staying too long to long in the open instead of straing in and out this m is useless generally you would be way better of just Ming palace here do you know why uh so I don't have to look at it yeah I mean you're skipping It Anyways for some reason like if there was anyone Palace you're dead right now I mean not yet but right now yeah you know M better off Ming it and now for some reason like you shook your Crosshair out of the guy like look wait I can't can't get used to this controls yeah what is this wow it's a the thing okay I can still see the crossair so it's fine yeah yeah look how you like shook it off with the guy like you I mean your cross placement is a bit off as well while picking it but it will be interesting to see that look what was that movement I don't know did you see did you see that little movement like to right I don't maybe it's just a a a way over correcting adjustment yeah I mean you overc corrected that a lot so MP9 here wait what what's going on here why do you have 57 cuz it seemed like everyone was bonusing and I wanted my money to be wait what do you mean everyone's bonusing you guys just [ __ ] one round and you're not buying full equipment like this is not a thing did you not know that bonus round after winning second round is not a thing no not buying everything you can to win the round after uh winning a round is not a thing okay it's very simple after you win the round like you never done this before by the way never ever like I saw you do this so I thought you know this every single round you win next round you need to buy everything you can to win the round I thought there was like a special consideration for the third round if you come out of that second round with most of your guns still I thought it was like a a thing where you can kind of try to conserve because they'll be on rifles now and you'll still have your shitty SMGs yeah yeah yeah yeah you yeah and then and yeah and then what you mean with the SMGs what do you do with the SMGs then oh you try to win the round but then no matter what have a full the next round yeah so you mean like you died that's yeah that's exactly what I mean if you had an SMG I wouldn't see a problem keeping it right and just playing an that would be a bonus yeah that's the bonus then like if you have SMGs uh on the second round after you won the pistol and then you keep the SMGs and then you're trying some kind of Agro plays versus the rifles and you're trying something like cheeky something gimmicky to win the round with the SMG so you save more money yeah that that's called bonus ront as the same on T side if you have like mik 10 and you just stay with the mik 10 and you rushb for example right yeah instead of buying a yeah that's the thing but there's no such thing as not buying yourself because you see your teammates have SMGs okay okay sounds good so yeah uh when your teammates have SMGs you should just buy whatever you can so M4 in this case and I mean actually you can't afford an M4 okay what can you afford here yeah I mean you can buy an MP9 as well and full Cav utility yeah definitely there is no such thing as eing because your teammates have SMGs and you're kind of thinking that you're losing this round and next round you will have full money okay plus your teammates have enough money to actually drop your M4 if you even if you don't have M next front look at this guy for 5K yeah like this guy if even if he like dies here for zero he will still have money to drop M4 buy M for himself and you'll be you'll be good to go you know yeah okay makes sense yeah a lot of people like actually I see make this mistake they think like they need to buy with the team you know yeah and on full like a lot of beginners do it like uh you need to buy with the team adust the team's economy and after you win around round you're not buying fully like every single round you win just buy everything you can you know okay I mean unless you're an oper and maybe you're saving for an OP you know then yeah for sure like you can play a pistol second round Nice Shot here oh oh I me here you're just running around the map nothing Terror win pretty good thank you okay Molly ramp that's perfect I mean generally as a con player it shouldn't be you moling ramp you should be focusing on flashing mid I mean it can be either the a player or the con player but the point is if you're not playing with your with your teammates and you don't have good communication right you didn't know if this guy behind you is gonna flash mid you should be focusing on flashing mid do you know about flashing mid like every single round I didn't do it once oh okay but do you know about it sure yeah flash like over where I threw the Molly but just over the thing so it'll blind the top mid players yeah why didn't you do it then I don't know just wasn't thinking about it I guess yeah okay so that's important for this guy for example right now that's dying in mid to not die because the enemies will be blind as he's peing right if he dies then well he doesn't die because he goes back so it's fine I messed this up I mean that's nice try but you should have just thrown it instead of going for it oh and that's nice try as well yeah before in CS go it was a one way this kind of smoke yeah now it's not the one way they can see you as much as you can see them right but it's still a good smoke so using it is definitely oh no oh nice shots well am I tripping or your I'm getting better like since last week I don't I don't know since ever like it's way better than it was I have been deathmatching a lot and you stopped like IDE I'm trying I'm trying so hard to not do it I wrote it down after you told me to just write it down I have uh no ad spam no moving as reaction to seeing an enemy this this this is good by the way what you're doing right now this is not an ID spam this is picking in and out and you're ready to kill the guy if he's there maybe slightly too long periods of holding it considering you have eight HP but true but is good maybe like holding it way too too long you know here because 8 HP like come on you need to kind of find the timing but yeah that looks good good thing this is Shady I remember not really knowing what to do in this spot I just wait don't really have to do anything I mean here the cross placement is slightly off right oh yeah okay so so if you visualize how he's going to be jumping into that window especially that you heard him like you have to have your Crosser around the height of this white yeah no I don't know this is this is a door um that's next to the window or this is like part of the window or whatever it is like the the top of this white thingy that's that's where his head is going to be I never even realized yeah that's helpful um so you would want to be Crossing like generally with your knife out because yeah if they're rushing out they're just going to Blind you anyways so like holding doesn't work in the middle of open and yeah if there's an opener like peeking that's also like better to jump across with KN okay and here you're faster in con when you have your knife out so only there only benefits of holding your knife when you're Crossing there oh no yeah there is no need to take not for taking out your nade like when you're on top stairs you should be just you should be just picking it you should not be taking out your n yeah I remember at the time I was like oh no why am I doing this yeah definitely and it's 43 and you're peing pretty aggressively don't see don't see a lot of wrong with it oh is this the smoke I showed you oh nope oh yeah actually maybe I think so just on the fly yeah counterterrorist it went deep for some reason it's not supposed to but it's okay hey look I I I heard you yep yeah this this is good this is what you're supposed to be doing here in con playing around the the con smoke trying to find kills behind it way to throw it it's fine but you're super unaware of under as well I don't know why yeah that's a great Point um like you still don't remember about under like there could be some maybe just not common in your games that people go here oh def that KN definitely is not good okay yeah as you can see how it bounc yeah only if he's standing completely in the open yeah oh no no no no no no that is not a good flash they can see it from miles away the other thing is they know that your stairs and yeah it just flies too long in the air I think I was moving there I think so too I I did uh think him but you're moving with s the S of Doom look at this s oh no no no no wonder your first bullet went almost into palace if you didn't even counter stfe right so oh yeah I mean yeah the S the S strafe you have to counter Strife with W then yes but uh no one likes to do that so I wouldn't hit it as well if I was moving with us that's why I don't move with us okay so that's one one last kill due to unnecessary movement yeah I mean the angle was [ __ ] as well like if you have the angle like if you're standing like very close to stairs that's probably worse than if you're standing like further away towards the uh the con wall you know okay if you're holding the acoss like you're more visible I will show you in later on you want to be standing towards more towards cor and jungle than close to stairs if you're picking from stairs okay here I see that I don't have anybody you never want to do something like this where you take out your knife and you turn around from the angle like this what you're doing right now yeah like you never want to do something like this like like they can be running through the mly and killing you they can be running out palas and killing you like this moments of holding your knife in your hand this is pointless guy could be out Tetris right now you know what I mean yeah if he run for the mo and he wouldn't take that much damage to be honest maybe he would be like 50 HP out Tetris and you don't know about him and now he could be sneaking sandwich right now he could be sneaking sandwich right now he would be already like fireb and yeah you know you know he would could have killed your teammates or sne into jungle that is a point this [ __ ] happens this [ __ ] happens in my games you know someone Runs Out ramp mly and unnoticed he sneaks out somewhere you know this can happen it's random but but it's is possible trying a defensive smoke no this is not working anymore by the way as you noce probably yourself it's very big yeah I'm I'm lost but I do end up getting a couple points here okay okay like how do they not expect you going for that okay I understand this standing here I understand that but then going through that smoke and then them completely not looking here that's interesting I mean good play you surprised them I would go out of the smoke with a flash from my teammate but apparently you can get away with going out through that without any flashes and no one's holding the smoke I don't know what what were they holding if not the smoke but good I like this spray transfer it was like pretty calm as well thank you this is good oh see see see a guy went out through the this is what I'm talking about oh yeah I I died to this guy this is literally what I just talk about look look look and the guy the guy is doing what you are doing not watching it look see he's hiding look he's hiding he's completely clueless that this can happen and now oh oh I guess you Karma bro karma for last round where you didn't watch it yes Karma bro I'm so happy it happened I'm sorry that I'm happy for your loss but as you can see I'm happy for your loss that's a new one yeah but I said I'm sorry I'm happy for your yeah yeah I deserve it and I should know because I like doing that sometimes going out of the M yeah just yeah no he's doing it again it worked but now he's going to die I think oh no oh yes nice nice and this is a better angle than you were holding before stairs further away that's what I was talking about towards con you know this is just just better basically Okay the reason is also like the closer you are to angles the more more your model is exposed to for them to see you before you see them you know yes so so here the angle is fair if they're peeking Underwood like or middle of or if they're just picking that angle you have like a faight where when you were close to stairs you your model was visible slightly faster oh right right now like if he's pecking from under stairs he will see your model like slightly quicker yeah I think here I was just trying to play like the edge of the smoke yeah that's okay that's I'm just exping makes sense this fine kind of like cross replacement off I think this is okay a little too high or okay yeah yeah but now like look that's not good like I noticed I had an inl that it's something wrong but I just had to see it again yeah so wait when if there's a guy at the bottom of ramp where where will his head be uh like so you're peeking on a head shot angle so you just need to piek uh you just need to have your crossair um like above this box that's in front that is in front of you because you if you think about it they can see only your head so you can see their heads only as well so it means you just need to I'm slightly above the texture okay makes sense yeah double mod is now oh no no no this n definitely not good okay you just Ned into the mly they're not going to be standing there this is a good good play unfortunately didn't get any kills but Lally like playing behind that smoke is good yeah oh they [ __ ] it up no no no no no no if they [ __ ] it up you just need to peek without flashing now you're telling them IO I'm window but before that you should I peek it without flashing if they mess up the Molly because they think it's mol or they don't understand that you understand that they missed it okay like for a moment they will think it's Molly like for a split second of course they will need to like they will need to check if it's like actually burning but for a moment this guy who just for mly will think he just mol it you know of course they will realize after like a second or two that it's not M but you have that SP second of a timing that that's a great point you can use like right now it started burning and they think like oh Molly window yes so right now you have a split second of timing where you can see it [ __ ] and you can just peek behind it wow right now right now the timing ended if you pick now it's over but if you pick instantly after the the flame like came up you know yes like you you saw the flame like doing the fire thingy like if you picked instantly behind it it would be like easy kills okay good point w w this guy what is this guy doing not peeking that suppressing Fire Man Battlefield what the hell he's still spraying he didn't stop ah he gave up I think it just ends up being B here it's been a while since I've rewatched that one and totally messed up that smoke I think you moving here because you weren't confident of holding the angle okay and now just stay here and hold the angle right now you don't need to go any further W I just started moving to the left when you were shooting but it's okay it happens to anyone okay this is pretty hetic situation as well but it's fine I mean your teammates already pushed F PR mm and and you're clearing it I think I was like oh wait he's already through no oh wait they're coming back to hold p i mean you don't need to be stars to hold P also the problem is like you're looking in the middle of the smoke right for a moment here yeah cuz I was like oh he could he could walk out at any part of it why so why at any part of it because like he could walk out through the left Edge or he could walk out in the middle and come through wh why would he walk out through the left Edge I don't know to be surprising or not to be surprising but just to like out of the edge of the smoke instead of just you can't peek at the edge of the smoke like that I will show you in a second okay time to go for a quick so I have it like clear in my mind where this when there is a smoke here right mhm are you going to walk out like that out of the smoke like on this line more more likely or are you going to walk back part uh the back part and then like try to sneak out around it yeah and kind of like peek around it you know MH not here you don't want to be walking out here because that like imagine the smoke is kind of like [ __ ] right for example and you want to walk around it and kind of peek first this and then like peek around it and peek like this if you walk out like that like you're instantly exposed to everything yeah that's what I mean so nobody like walks around like that if if you want to jump out yeah yeah yeah if they're like getting flashed out right it's an Eco and they're just jumping out yeah sure okay like that that's fine but it wasn't it's a full so someone will be sneaking out same with any smoke like let's say the ram smoke right like obviously people will not be coming through like this I mean maybe they will but it's St bid they they will be they should be running out on the right right so they can kind of like clear the angles like that you know what I mean yeah definitely it's better better to go around the smoke now for the jump spotting part like this is how you should be jum spotting oh I kind of blocked the texture okay so you're visible for the least amount of time possible Right mhm not like this yeah okay I can definitely see the difference same on B actually like would you would you like to jump spot like this or would you rather jump spot like this that what is easier to hit right yes like no you don't want to jump being so like that uh and then this kind of angle like if you're like that you're way more like exposed like they can see you way quicker because you're close to this texture but if you're like this like you're kind of cutting the angle and you're further away from it which CS go physics give you like more Advantage M the way kind of I want to explain it is the closer you are to walls the if I stay like this for example like I'm visible to Palace you know what I mean right yeah you're visible even though you can't see yeah yeah yeah but the further away I stay the more uh Fair the angle is for me when it comes to model visibility right and then like stairs angle peing like you should be peeking with your cross around here I see so this is what you will see the head right and one good tip is like if you actually Crouch here do you know they cannot see your head oh no I didn't know that yeah and you can go like Crouch to the right side and now peek from the right side you know oh cool if an oper is holding this right and a lot of good opers are holding this thing uh and you just wi swing you're dead right like yeah definitely you're just why swinging you're dead so I don't recommend it swinging like always like that but sometimes you can just Crouch and then stand up and kind of pick the over from an off angle cool when it comes to playing con like you should be flashing mid every single round probably for your teammate oh so this how will be flashing just above the tower here okay so the flash pops like that and blinds people that are trying to peek your teammate in window of course you can Flash always like above con as well like that flash pretty similar just point is The Flash needs to pop around there and blind people that are running out okay and trying to kill the window player and you should switch around with the a player when it comes to molotoving and flashing so sometimes for example you won't have a flash so you tell the a player can you flash mid I'll mly ramp for you right yeah um if you if you're like going uh going con and you your teamate is flashing it's sometimes good to Molly and jump across if you don't see the oper because you know people can boost on this Shadow right yeah yeah and the oper can stand like this and hold the angle mhm if you don't see the oper jumping across it's pretty good to n deep so just jump across you don't see anyone you just line up the n and just KN here really quickly oh nice okay that's pretty annoying and from yeah what I saw from your demo people are standing there a lot when R small so it would be pretty useful and you you might want to rewatch this and see that you you'll be doing a lot more damage with the nades if you if you that consistently now but also wasting a n like that might be a bit useless because you can use it to break the con smoke right right to kill people under cone Now using this Con smoke first of all you should not use it every single round you should kind of play of information I mean in P the information might be a bit [ __ ] and you might be want wanting to use the every single round regardless of the info but if you keep playing with better and better players this window player should give you info what's going on on Mid right if he tells you nothing mid right obviously don't use the smoke because why would you use it it's pointless it doesn't give you a oneway anyways so you might as well hold top M like this instead of throwing a smoke before it gave a bit of a one way so yeah you would throw it regardless but but now it doesn't matter so you don't throw it now if this guy tells you there's a lot of going on on Mid for example they smoked him window and he cannot help right then yeah of course drop the smoke instantly Just Bounce It Off here and it will be fine I remember you wanted to right click it it's just okay if you just walk forward like one step walk forward and throw it and it will be fine and yeah with this smoke you can do many things you can just hold cat is a pretty good angle to hold cat just next to the Box yeah okay cool you can break iten and pick top and try to get a cheeky kill here you can Flash through it as well flash you know if there's a smoke here you might throw it a bit like closer to G if you want to flash through it in that round so you just Bounce It Off closer to G right mhm and then you just pop a right pick FL fruit nice and you get like two kills and go back there's a pretty common play where people flash for for each other so the guy from fire box will flash like this and this guy will just run out con and a bit more further I guess yep FL like flash like this your teammate will throw for you and you're just running out cont try to get one or two kills and going back into the smoke nice picking under definitely something you should be doing so you can hold under kind of from above here or you can just run out here and peek towards under you know yes okay that's something good to do and then holding this angle that you are already doing is is pretty fine as well um it's good to especially counter people that are rushing fast out mid if it happens people are like flashing here and just running fast mid you know it's pretty good to go around the smoke and you will hear the steps you know maybe you'll catch them off like close to Cone uh uh yeah I mean there is also like angles new angles on top of the bench if you go on top of the bench that's pretty good you will see like above the smoke right depends how this depending how the smoke pops as well like sometimes it will give you a mhm a little it's a cool okay just it's crucial to use the smoke and uh make different variations of your play sometimes Agro sometimes be passive obviously versus EOS be more passive versus full B switch it up MH and then Peak stairs sometimes of course mullink uh mink Poli is way better than just smoking it because you can pretty freely like Peak and really dial in that cross placement it should be like perfect if you're picking like it should be like this right right can I say helping the guy a sometimes like the guy will be executed on right and you need to know what to do here when there's uh execute coming in like when there there are smokes popping like smoke stairs smoke jungle Smoke City right you're guys is isolated so there's couple things you can do uh of course you can break the smoke right to try to help your teammate you can also just throw another smoke in front of it if you haven't used your smoke con and just create some yeah clear create some more angles for yourself and try help this guy on a to defend you can Flash above him so you can Flash just behind him like this right it will help if his default M you can Flash like if he's CT like tiet right you can just flash in front of CT they just here flash just tell them flashing in front of your CT if you just thr a flash like that everybody's not looking at CT is blind one good play that you can do also that is very old meta but it's still working if you want to help your team you just bounce his flash like this oh yeah I've seen this in videos I always forget to try it oh and then pop into sandwich The Flash is coming through the smokes so they don't see it right because if you don't have smoke there and you throw a flash like this like you through right yeah they they see it like they see it coming it pops like all the way here right but if you bounce The Flash like that and there is a smoke stairs and you just pop a flash wait for it to pop and then you go sandwich yeah that's how you counter the the a executes generally you will have U when they're executing a because a lot of the times it's very easy to spot out if it's fake or if it's actually mid control default so if it's a fake maybe there will be like for example only smoke top M and no one coming out so your window player will tell you it's very common for the window player now what he should be doing if there is a smoke like top M he should be just breaking it and now you know if it's a fake or not right right if no one's coming out yeah I guess I had a question like relating to that um especially since I've been playing with friends more it's like the way that the window connector and Cat player should be working together so before that the meta was like this that you were remoking con all the time for this Con player and this Con player was just blocking blocking the entry of the smoke and just holding the the cone area and the cut player is just helping him by holding cat for him and the window player should probably be rotating towards tiat if he smoked off or just stay in window so the way that you guys should work together is uh depending if you want to play Agro or passive okay as I told you the cut player should be Agro all the time so his teammates needs to help him as well so the window player is obviously going to fight mid if he sees the smoke top mid he will try to cancel it right cancel it with an eight of course and then Molly boxes that should be the default reaction the guy under if the guy cut is fighting mid the guy under can clear like uh the guy sorry the guy can clear out under so you can just clear out under there's a pretty cool puff flash here Flash oh wow that's awesome flash it to like like this but they can under with or you can just hold under for your teammates right mhm and yeah this window player needs to Molly behind boxes the cut player just fighting the con player just going out out and about and you guys are uh cooperating together to clear out M if the box is moled by window player or C player the con player has a lot of freedom here because they're going to be standing around here um yeah that's about it so this is Agro and if it's passive then the window player will generally rotate to ticket and he will now he's ticket right but he would probably like to do something like this from ticket right mhm or maybe hold ramp so the pretty common setup is the ticket player will just hold ramp the a player will stand on top of palas and hold palas the reason he can take those kind of weird off angles is because his oper is holding ramp for him and then then the cone player will take the the job of the window player and will hold both con and window boost okay that's a strong setup is there a good flash for say I'm in a position to want to Peak window um in the mid round like this kind of flash could be good that's crazy or there should be some flashes like flash that seems good yeah kind of flashes work but uh the best flash is thrown by your teammates obviously because these ones just they can just hear it and they're not the best the best one is just from a you know or from cat like flash M for me flashing Flash The Flash pops you're peeking everybody's blind you know okay or from cat can you flash mid yes flashing mid boom like these flashes are the best the S po flashes are not the greatest to be honest okay and I would not recommend them if you can if you have choice between flashing being flashed by your teammate or getting flashed by your teammate or still flashing like I would recommend your teammate flashing for you every single time all right okay what do you think we didn't cover yet on Inon because I have something in mind but I'm kind of waiting for you to ask for it I guess just like focusing my attention between mid and a like if they're not out mid l you just go away okay um okay pushing pushing top mid no that St shouldn't happen that much okay then yeah I don't know uh rotating oh right so what do you do when they go at B right now what do you think um well I could either go out connector and then upcat I could go back through spawn I could try to do a window jump through spawn no no no no I mean generally your job just as if you're a cat player and you're rotating a and clearing out lurs is the same you just need to clear out lurs so you're going to clear out mid clear out under right mhm and then you can yeah you can jump towards cat [ __ ] I tried to flex here with my great movement in CS2 but it's terrible and uh yeah you you go you can retake for cat or if you don't feel like doing movement like you just clear out under of course and then you can be very cous cautious of top M even clear out boxes and [ __ ] and and just just join cat right mhm that's pretty much what you're going to be doing as a con player very rarely you want to be rotating through kitchen to be honest okay like very early because already your window player will be probably rotating through there because I don't see an oper to who's like um jumping around here yeah I mean if your oper is like in window yeah and it's called like B Rush B Rush B rush you know and if he's jumping like Fast cut your op is like jumping and he's quick short here right I don't see a problem for you to rotate for kitchen then okay but that's probably the only time or you might even push towards under you know and go behind them that's what you can do but yeah that's uh that's about it when it comes to rotations so okay that will be the con con player wrapped up I think I'm not sure do you have any questions or specific scenarios that happen in your games in your level that you're not sure about because in this game it was pretty yeah I do like to jump out window and go under is that a kind of a troll thing if I'm the connector player or is that no if you're the connector play You're perfectly fine starting from M so you're perfectly fine starting window if you have spawn for it maybe just even ning and just like playing in under you can't play in under because you're still holding con you know just the a player needs to know his solo right you can play an under you can even hide here yeah generally pushing under probably not the best idea as the con player because you're leaving out a completely alone but playing in under and just chilling here betting on the fact that they're not going to come and you have like a jump on them from bottom bottom con here right yeah that's a good play or just overall like you know starting through through window just jumping out and just going on and grabbing that information early if they're running out or not I I like this s a lot always dos a lot of damage just throwing it like top M nice and slowing down anyone that's fully swinging right yeah so you discourage them from swinging yeah it seems really good out seems like I'll have to practice that a little bit yeah you want to just jump on the lad right M turn you're on this ledge you're ring like ridiculously high and then you're nice okay cool thinking with those us no maybe like a pistol actually pistol what do you do in pistols well pistol rounds in my opinion there is no point to play con it's just to close range angles you should be playing some kind of stock with your team maybe like if your teammate is is playing a you can play sandwich Underwood your teammate ticket is a good Bas setup okay uh yeah so there's no like no really point to to play con it's not like the people with Glocks are going to like take mid control and then go back to a or you know they're going to like play default not not going to happen maybe there there is some strats where people are rushing you con or they're rushing under to con but then it's still better to be in this long range angles like for example ticket or under Shadow right instead of being close con to them right okay and then on Force B I like to like deagle here just search for these kills right mhm search for this head angles with the eagle you can if you want go Palace as you did before and just play on top of wood generally as a con player sometimes you can just say I'm not playing con this round and start on a right oh yeah I did want to ask you about that like the situations where maybe I should also play an A with my teammate whenever you want to surprise them I saw crims from ftic doing as a con player doing a play like this so he would be mulling RAM and just casually once in a while he would just go here and play behind the moly and then after the mo is finished he would just go up and play here as the connector player wow okay so the a play the a player is still still on a right still playing a maybe he's more like uh more cons cautious towards like you know towards con because you're obv stay in ramp but he's still here playing on a so yeah sometimes like yeah you can just start on uh actually a play that I like a lot uh versus uh full buy when I have low money is like buying a nade and uh a smoke and deagle and small cavlar and I'm just going to n like ramp like thisen go here start walking go up I'm going to bounce my smoke like this smoke so I'm make sure that it bounced like like five times or something and I'm just going to send in the smoke and this guy he hears the smoke bounc so many times and he thinks like oh probably smokes from STS right and then I'm going to stand in the smoke here and wait for it to fade and try to kill the guy who's uh playing Palace right very sneaky okay the big part of is like nobody spams the smoke Palace because they don't want to they don't want to reveal that they're in Palace because then they're and they're done you know the lric is done then mhm so that's that's good use of a knowledge that no one nobody will be spamming that I'm going to try that one nice yeah hey everyone hope you enjoyed this fairly lengthy and detailed look at how to play connector on Mirage like I said at the start of the video I don't have much experience playing this position but I figured given how much Mirage is picked in CS uh it would be good to to kind of get versatile in the spots I could play unfortunately or fortunately maybe if you love Mirage the next video is also going to be Mirage Focus kind of a more overarching look on what I've learned since the series has started and then after that don't worry we're going to a new map I promise all right see you in the next one
Channel: xboxlasagne
Views: 31,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: csgo, counter-strike, cs:go, counter-strike:global offensive, counter strike
Id: ArZ-ODdU8Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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