Ninja Defusing is now meta in CS2

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hey guys if you haven't seen this clip already this is from IM IM Sydney Counterstrike 2's first big tournament and it's phase ninja diffusing to steal a round away from gamer Legion on the a side of nuke now I'm sure if you haven't seen this before you're probably wondering how is this possible well let's dig a little further and if you like videos like this please subscribe I do make Counter-Strike 2 videos regularly and I don't want you to miss them now one of the things that you might not have noticed if you're coming back to CS2 after not playing for a long time or if you're new is that valve actually extended the bomb radius making it really hard to save your gun if you're still in the building when it goes off now in the clip that you just watched the team that FaZe was playing against actually planted the bomb in front of the silos so that it could be watched here by the squeaky door and here by mini but most teams that you play against will actually plant it here which makes it a lot easier for you to ninja diffuse in your actual games now you're going to want to start going for a defuse when you hear the 10-second timer going off and if you only have one piece of utility the one that I recommend throwing is coming right off the top of the ladder aiming at this little Peg right here and run throwing which will put the Molly right behind this doorway and cover the run out where people would normally contest the defuse allowing you to slide down put a smoke down and get the defuse started now usually if the t's want to leave someone to watch the bomb they'll leave them here just because they can shoot anyone coming in from heaven and then they can leave when the bomb starts to get close if you do want to deal with that position really easily you can come right between these two dots aim a little lower run and throw like this and you'll actually have a flash that you can peek off of as the flash does pop down here meanwhile from the t's perspective they're going to be seeing the whole Flash and they're not going to be able to contest and now if they do plant in the plat spot that you saw in the clip earlier it does get a bit more difficult because the t's will want to watch the defuse from this area where it's easy for them to escape after the bomb goes off but you'll notice that in that clip what they did to remedy this on phasa side was they still had one person throw the Molly and jump onto site they just had another person help out by posting up right here on this angle I think he might have also thrown a flash to get the guy off of the angle right here and then just holding right here because the only two places you have to worry about when going for a defuse on the other side is right here at these boxes where they have to come around the second box in order to contest and right here in the garage so they just just had one person with an Aug up here while the other person defused although this is the more difficult of the two plant spots it is still possible with a little Health now moving on from nuke another map that has the problem of having really tiny bomb sits where it's hard to save after you've planted is actually Inferno especially if the bomb gets planted here which is where most people like to plant in their games you see the biggest problem with planting right here is that if you do plant there you're not going to be able to save here in the pit you're not going to be able to save here in top middle and you're going to have to run pretty far away if you do want to survive the bomb explosion or you're going to have to push into the CT spawn where there could be anyone waiting for you now what this means is that if you do ever find yourself here in apartments and you can hear the te's running away they're going to either have to make the decision to stop a defuse if they hear one coming in or run and try and save their weapons and hope that you don't have it now with the new 10-second timer this means that if no one clears this area right here you can simply come out right click a smoke while you're running out jump and start diffusing here in the lane as you will be able to start diffusing without even being on the top platform which makes it a little harder for te's to know where exactly you're standing if they do want to turn around and spray at you now here at the B bomb site a really common plant spot is right here where people will plant so that they're covered from CT spawn and also covered from church now this also has the same problem of if you want to save your weapons on tside you you have to run past around this point to survive without exploding and if you want to survive exiting banana you're going to have to get past the half wall for most people in order to survive without going down with the bomb now what you're going to want to do is as you start hearing the 10-second timer coming down you're going to want to start running for the bomb and just right click a smoke right here and often times if people have already started running away there's not going to be an amazing angle for them to come back and actually spray you off and and if they're already here past the half wall it's going to give them limited time to actually guess where you are on Mirage the default plant is right here right behind these boxes on site and this can lead to a lot of ninja diffusing opportunities because if you want to defend the bomb from up here you do have to run away pretty deep around here in order to even start surviving with full HP and if you are in a main it's the same kind of thing where you won't be able to watch the bomb all the way until it goes off you will have to back off a decent amount meaning that in low time you can go for diffuses number one if you don't already know this spot is called ninja and it is notorious for back in the day being a spot that a lot of people would play to get Ninja diffuses since people usually won't clear it as when they are walking onto site it is a little out of where they would be focused on for enemies coming by and you can just go ahead and right click a smoke and ninja diffuse like that if you haven't seen that it was way more popular back in the days but in order to get a ninja diffuse right here on this plant spot you actually don't have to play Anywhere nearly as risky you can simply come behind this ticket booth and hold with a pistol or Desert Eagle or anything you have on low by and it'll be really difficult because T's sometimes won't want to push down here as it is a little scary you know you might die and give the CTS a weapon so holding down here is a good easy angle to defend yourself and when the bomb starts going off usually they want to retreat down a main and Palace where will have to run a little bit farther away you can either Malu a main and diffuse right here with a smoke or if you don't even want to do that usually by the time the 10-second timer kicks in people will be running away and you can pass along here for some cover and simply stick the defuse and I do have a clip of this working Global Offensive before they even change the bomb radius so I do think that this is something that'll work even better now that the bomb explodes just a little larger now if you do have a light bu or just need around I would encourage you to try these diffuses in your games I do think they'll genuinely work and I have been seeing people going for them at all levels so try them out in your games and see if it helps you wi more rounds peace out
Channel: LekeingCS
Views: 7,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WGfcnHWiSdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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