I Could Have Died

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well dogs good morning it is another lovely beautiful sunny [Music] day oh no nope psych it's not that Sunny well we're going to head back down south and continue on some of the knocked over corn there's maybe oh what did we figure like 70 Acres left I carried the nine came up with about 70 about half of it is decent the other half is going to be a struggle especially in this fog and humidity should I open the door for him in there too yeah you could do that cuz we won't be going in there for a while yet okay what do you think about the Green Lake sh start that man it is wet down here even just the the way the fog is hanging in the air is enough to get on the windshields I don't know we'll see if this goes or not if the corn silks are too wet it's just not going to feed I left my lunch box in there now so make sure nobody takes off with that in that truck yeah cuz I'll be getting by here again well hey you can move it to the field when to get it opened up then you get it that'd be awesome [Music] yeah welcome to what we normally get for Harvest conditions here in Western Minnesota it hasn't snowed yet I feel like I need to address some of the farmers from south of here Texas Oklahoma Illinois even that are going to come on here and tell me we're idiots for driving in the field when it's muddy I'm telling you I promise you I guarantee you this is not going to dry up until April May somewhere in there it just does not dry this is going to freeze up in a few weeks and we're going to be done out here so we're going to go when we can go everybody else in the area is doing the same thing it's time to farm kind of as wet as it was on the way down I was wondering if the silks might end up being too wet I think the sil are dry enough and they're probably good that the there's to much stock going in there that's wet to I don't know it hasn't yet but this isn't good right here again this is not a brand or a hybrid or variety specific thing this is everyone corn everywhere in this area there are multiple hybrids that we have planted down here and they all did it there's no consistency to it just a bad storm bad situation they must not gotten out here to do the antennas they kind had all day yesterday but they didn't they never heard from them how's the moisture in this field is it any different no so far the average has been 18.7 we got this corner of the field opened up now I got to make the walk all the way down there luckily traffic isn't too heavy this morning oh thank goodness luckily crime's not too bad in this area nobody stole my lunch [Music] boox when it gets muddy like this we start getting nervous about getting trucks in and out of the fields that one seemed to go out just fine good to go Scott well the fog seems to have lifted I I'll learn to talk just hang on now that it's sunny out here let's hop out of the tractor and see what kind of job this combine's doing and just cuz I was ready to stretch my legs a little bit I'd say it looks pretty good to me not a lot of kernels on the ground the cobs are coming out good they're not split we're getting a lot of a lot of this that means our threshing clearance is set pretty well and most importantly we're knocking out acres and the sun is coming out 5 to 4 it looks pretty good behind you where I walked right there well well we just broke and then uh back can bring the empty truck to the other field that'll work that's it for this 30 Acres so now we're going to jump up the road a mile to that last 40 acres of poopy corn poopy corn before we move back home to the awesome corn but first the local FFA has made lunches for Farmers this week and and they are delivering them I'm assuming it's liver and onions so I'll go grab that that was a nice little fieldside lunch and it wasn't liver and onions they brought us chili and some bars and a bottle of water so thank you to West Central FFA for that they do that uh gosh they've they've probably done it forever we've gotten it the last few years so thank you guys we're going to have one truck sit here so Scott's going to keep up Dad's going to dump by himself we're not going to run a grain cart because this is going to go so slow back here and in the meantime I'm going to go home and fire up the grain dryer so we got that moving fire it up I am so happy that the Sun came out seems like everything's working pretty well there so I'm going to check the oil here in the 9570 and just take the MCO chisel plow right out here to finish our last 70 Acres or so of soybean ground come here cow you don't want to you don't want me to pit you what's the matter with you I'm a nice guy come here come here come on that's a good Tom Cat he doesn't really let me pet him but he hangs out here and he catches mice his name is cow let me know give me a guess as to why you think the girls named him [Music] that you want to see something cool on these mono chisel plows it's the handiest thing wow look it's a cold doctor pepper what are the odds since I'm right next to the house it's been an hour I'm going to run up and just make sure that the moisture coming out of the back of the dryer is exactly where it says it is yeah that's what I want to see I'm running it a little bit slower trying to get things just a little bit drier right now because because we're not burning with the bottom burner when the corn gets put in the bin cold it doesn't actually dry itself down as much and was we're all good to go hey guys how are you it's Aaron from the between the rad YouTube channel haven't seen you in like forever it's been a while catching up to me I'm working on it good at least you're doing something feling Aon you got any good farmer jokes that you could tell on the YouTube channel or my mouth is full but I'm sure you'll make a joke about that get your mind out of the gutter are good for live here they are good expired chips better they're only expired by 15 months or so that ain't bad no not in relation to like how many months there have been over the course of time 8 not right here where are you going H hunting in your shorts these are my cam what's up dogs this took way more gas than my Prius you have to charge the battery though I didn't have to do that no we're almost done Aaron getting there getting there this is the uh this is like the last 200 ft of our soybean tillage we got to do the part you don't show on camera that you missed right right well I'm I'm not missing it see I'm getting it you got it I got it we're all good now we're done with soybean tillage now we go from one moo to the other we got to go get the choppy Chopper thing the pizza cutter tool that turns the dirt the other thing that turns the dirt that's right this one's been sitting back here for a while we'll just kind of swap spots now this machine's got all kinds of adjustability lots of different hoses to hook up got a control box here for one of the hoses that does three separate functions it's really versatile you can use it in a lot of conditions and a lot of different ways so that's what we one of the things we really like about it we're going to check tire pressures hit all the grease zks we do have one rock stuck in the uh rolling Basket in the back so we're going to get after that a little bit our combine is currently down I won't elaborate at the moment exactly what happened with the combine but the combine's down sounds like it was operator error that's not me judging that's me saying that the operator told me it was operator error so we will not finish the crappy down corn tonight the poopy corn but that's you know that's how it goes some some days it has turned into a very nice night anyway and we are drying corn and filling up the new bin so those are all good things how did that get in there look at that it's an Arrow Head my great great great great grandpa made that must have used a fence post to put it on yep a big Arrow we're ready to go with this rig and try it out I tell you what guys it is the next day now in fact it's uh it's well into the next day and we just finally finished these downed Acres I just didn't I wasn't feeling up to I wasn't feeling up to doing more video stuff last night it just gotten late and I was tired and and we're getting strung out so I set the camera down and just forgot it in the shop but we finished up this crappy corn this poopy poop corn we are going to move everything back home now there goes the last load out of this field I'm going to fuel up the 9570 the tillage tractor that's up the road here on my way by to bring in this home then we're going to come back down and get the cart and another pickup that's here the big horse is fueled and I am back home and happier than ever to be be done with the poop corn and there's cow just headed to the dumpster to see if there's anything new to eat yeah some of our cats are dumpster cats some of them actually hunt look at these yoos dig are you happy we're done with that corn down there go me too you probably don't care that much though and the final pieces are on their way home I hope we can get down here this fall and clear some of these trees that have fallen over on this field road hopefully I can include you guys in that because if a tree falls in the field road and nobody's there to YouTube it did it ever really happen fueling the Beast I don't know how any of that got there just pretend you didn't see it and for the guys wondering why we leave that there well it's simple if you get rid of it it just comes back may as well get the juice tank ready or the government juice this is awesome it's almost 70° out here today unbelievable a lot of people ask me why I do so many things with my left hand why do I put the diesel the de pumps in or the diesel pumps in with my left hand why do I turn the keys with my left hand cuz I'm holding you guys with my other [Music] hand well she's all full of fuel she's full of death time to move did you are laying a little too comfortably too close to some of those big tires you got to watch it those things are heavy time to throw a little bit of exhaust fluid in this thing now that that pesky combine is out of our way we can get this thing all Juiced up every time we get into a new field everybody in the operation wants to know what the yield and moisture are but I don't have to ask him on radio anymore cuz now I can just hop into the John de Rob Center app and I can see everything the combine guy can see but I'm not going to show you guys sorry this is typically one of our better fields and it's standing well and it's got a pretty good hybrid on it so we're pumped about this and I don't know if I mentioned or not but it's 70° in sunny out I just tested a sample and this corn is 18 1.2% so pretty similar to what we had down south but it's going to be way way better corn I don't know had I did I mentioned that part yet just got a call from Josh he's got a a bolt that's broke out of one of the bearing holders on the front disc blades on the Ripper um I I think I got a bolt that you want me to run down there with a bolt for him or just have him take that one that one uh disc off um I suppose if he could take it off he sure could that probably be just FY to take it off if you can run that way and do that yeah that's what I was thinking I'll call him let him know unless you can hear me Josh got to keep moving the camera around while I drive a truck out of the driveway and talk to Dad I'm going to call Josh now 5 to four Josh found a bolt that'll go in there it's not really the right size it's a little small but he's going to put it in there and see if it'll hold for tonight anyway okay yeah that sounds [Music] good back and forth I think I better climb the w b see where we're at here lots of room left got our last couple trucks of the night here so I'm going to let Scott go home with this one dad and I are going to finish it out and uh load this last one take this one home in a bit that's going to do it again another day another day down and we are on to the much faster corn now unfortunately uh dad's actually got to head down South for some family stuff here the next couple days so tomorrow morning I hope we are going to have Onyx and Ranna out here hopefully Onyx can run the combine and we can brush Ranna up on the grain card skills and keep her moving that is what I'm looking forward to anyway so we'll see you guys in the next video thank you very much for watching keep it between the [Music] rows I
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 509,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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