I killed a GPU for science...

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[Music] seeing at this Halloween I figured we would release some spookiest content I've ever made take your shirt off know what you're gonna make us watch it's an hour long compilation of your videos or no today gonna make us watch a 10 hour compilation of blindness no fail today we were gonna drip some water on some parts to see what happens [Applause] [Music] today's video is brought to you by cabman wada and the cable wad configurator if you want custom cables for your computer if you want them custom made with your colors and your choices and your configs you can do that on the cable mod configurator that support all major brands of PS use both modular and semi modular and you can have cable extensions made but the best part is previously they offered aluminum cable combs and only black and white but now you can get them in various color so if you want to take your system to the next step and really make it pop get some custom cables and make them your way with the cable mod configurator you can start playing around with that by using the link in the description below this should be the scariest thing you guys have ever seen on this channel this this is just clear fluid with dye in it three mill chilled I so I think a lot of the issues we've been dealing with the premature fluids are specifically because of their dye but that's besides the point that's not why we're doing this today we look whenever I do water cooling videos people are always like water drips and gets wet and it did water conductive break stuff so today you know I want to do something I've never actually done on this channel before I am going to intentionally introduce a drip onto a graphics card and our sacrificial card today is a MSI 1650 so I chose this card specifically because it doesn't have a backplate one of the one of the things we're did the bid bid to do it's not just about structural rigidity and whether or not it does it doesn't dissipate heat it also does act kind of like as a little bit of a barrier it's kind of a little bit of extra protection between a drip happening on your system now when it comes to how we can give a sneak peak of nebula come back here fill but because of the upright motherboard and the way the tubes and stuff are the more likely place you're going to find a drip is to to the graphics card dripping directly onto the motherboard unless you have a horizontal system kind of like our test bed or a block that completely fails and drips down the socket it's more than likely not going to be the issue I've never had a system leak from the actual block on the CPU I've had fittings leak on you know corners and rotary fittings where oring start to wear but I've always seen people talk about drips directly on their graphics card as you can see here with this backplate that wouldn't drink dripped directly onto our PCB so that's why we're using this particular 1650 because it doesn't have a backplate that we need a way to prop this up you might tighten our TX card should work out oh man I mean even if it drips on the our TX card our the the irony that fluid can splashing out of the card because it's does fluid in there from our stuff at Steve okay so the other side of this argument and something that's taken place as lawful order cleans been around is but Jay there are non conductive coolants well that's true for a little while but anything touching metal for a long period of time eventually will pick up ionization from those metals which then in turn will create conductivity so we're maybe testing a couple different things here think this is water sounds like soapy water that's fine so we got this whatever is in here we've got the actual liz's xl5 from corsair we've got distilled water with blue so this is the same fluid we used when we got the world record ish or in like the top five whatever with that run so we're using these three fluids we are gonna go ahead and fire up like heaven I'm not convinced that a few drips on this backplate are gonna hurt it and this is something I've wanted to do for a long time I've always wanted to do this maybe I should start with the Corsair stuff because it's a premix it smells like moonshine it's the best way to put it do I need to move this at an angle where you can see it better yeah ah oh no we've just gotten a leak yeah I know oh they just frozen oh oh I'm gonna dry it now and see what happens okay so clearly this is not non conductive fluid this might be the shortest no J video I've ever made with electronics get wet and they're on bad things happen the question is whether or not it died nope look at that but will it run 3d mode because remember it does go into - there's a 2d and 3d mode different things happen on the card so maybe the next part of this now is we can drip it in different areas so let's see if we can go back into 3d mode though that's what matters I mean there's plenty of graphics cards that people who emailed me and they're like J my card works fine as soon as I enter a game then I get all this craziness so see what happens with that mode Hey look okay that's soaking right now some of the input/output but there's nothing plugged into that one fire extinguishers right there just in case okay so squirting it right onto the that part of the input/output which isn't being used what over here no okay so that part of the card clearly is not crucial it's better over here right but in the back of the core again wait what there we go okay so I'm doing is dabbing it right now all right so I'm gonna wiggle the mouse this time in desktop mode it's still good it's still good like does it actually enemy wow it's still good it's dripping on the oh it's dripping on the power whatever what the as long as you know spring a leak while you're gaming hot you whoa no weird though how it like went into 3d mode this is yeah I thought for sure this card would not have come back it's clean now all right is it dead now I kind of just want to see what it takes to kill it now oh yeah I'm afraid to plug this in now when we go into Windows mode now when I get anything uh-oh I mean that was that was a pretty solid error on the screen clearly this video output right there goes let's see if we can get into safe mode ddu this and then see if we can get back into Windows so what I'm using right here is a utility called ddu or displayed driver uninstaller this is a free utility I got it from 3d if you're having weirdness with your graphics cards this is where you start you don't start by going to the forums you know start by going to Twitter you don't start by just reinstalling over the top or even clicking that stupid clean install button with Nvidia this is what you do so it's really simple you reboot in the safe mode so then we do device type we're uninstalling a GPU and we're uninstalling an NVIDIA GPU and we're gonna clean and restart so what it's gonna do right now is it's going to wipe every trace of that driver out of the registry out of anywhere it's loaded and installed to the point to where when we go back into Windows if you're connected to the Internet then windows is gonna do like its basic like windows driver of what the most recent wickel driver or bla bla bla is and we don't want that either so we're not connected to the Internet we're gonna reinstall the driver that we've already downloaded and if we get the system back then we know that all we experience there was a driver crash but this as you can see right now is how we're using to uninstall our driver is how we're going to be cleaning it all off the graphics driver failed the install your system requires a dch driver package we do want a bit oh it was connected to Wi-Fi to failed because windows was in the middle of doing its own install so this is why the automatic windows installer sucks and installed for 32.0 and our latest driver is for for 1.08 so yeah anyway does it work that's all that matters I don't care what drivers install is it gonna work look at that the fans working well no because the fans don't well the fans don't turn on until it's like it's that 0db fan crap right hey did overclocking improve 2160 Oh start this is the part where as Phil said in Mythbusters they just keep going until they find what kills it it's a perfectly good card and I know some of you out there are like man I could've used that card Jay this is science you know they crash test rate perfectly good cars okay but our cards a little dirty but it smells nice now we got to clean the Windex off it's dirty up in there [Music] yeah it is definitely time to press f4 this graphics card we've killed something in it and it's gonna restart it so you guys can see we can get into BIOS we can get standard VGA out of it we can get into safe mode we can uninstall the driver in safe mode and d2 you like I showed you but as soon as we go to install another driver see we get video right here as soon as we go to install another driver what happens is it just goes to black screen in the middle of the install and doesn't come back I'm gonna see if it does it right now cuz the driver didn't finish installing it crashed yeah see we're getting the black screen again which is what I showed you before we got back with a corrupted driver the problem is now it's crashing when the drivers installing so we're pretty convinced and ramps up to well the fans were up to a hundred percent which is always indicative of a bad EEPROM bad driver just weirdness happening with the card I can't be mad at this card though it gave its life valiantly and it took what a lot of fluid a lot of way more than we feel you would truly get in a leaking water cooling system unless you're Kyle if you're bit with Kyle you're guaranteed to get more water than what we did on your system I mean the guy's luck with water cooling man and probably should just stick to knock to it but I digress Phil and I both discussed this we think that we'd be perfectly happy with a card that survived for dowsing zuv water before it started to give us this weirdness and what can you expect water electricity don't mix but like I said we wanted to make some cringy scary content content that we feel was indicative of all the comments of like that's why we don't wanna cook that's right we don't want to go well then don't work hope you don't want to these are the risks we like to take so with that Jo boo chicken wait what well the I'm still super shocked by this though yeah I mean you're shocked because water it
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,107,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watercooling, watercooled, watercooled gpu, watercooled cpu, watercooled gaming pc, watercooled computer, watercooled pc leaked, pc leak, watercooling leak, watercooled leaked on gpu, watercooling leaked on video card, video card got wet, what happens when a video card gets wet, how wet can a video card get, cablemod preroll
Id: iJUl_IqDbNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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