I Just Tried Apple Vision Pro for 60 mins at WWDC23: it is IMPRESSIVE!!!

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okay [Music] I just checked out Apple's Vision Pro headset it is damn good it is really really good [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay how do I start this video properly because let's just go back to the keynote keynote happened we sold the headset we sold the price 34.99 coming out next to him I was like okay this thing is probably good but maybe not that good fast forward to me literally 30 minutes ago I just came from an hour demo with the Apple Vision Pro headset and I have to say I was thoroughly impressed I was shocked and I'll tell you why I kind of just take you through the whole process I went through now with this demo we went over we weren't able to record any of our interaction because again this was early for them so they said no no recording but you can experience it and we they made sure they were able to kind of size and calibrate the headset for each individual so in my case I got the headset I had two Apple employees in the room the reason I say that is because my interaction with them while using the headset was quite interesting the headset itself looks exactly like what you saw in the keynote um well built pretty solid this had the battery pack attached to it because of course it was running longer demos we do know the headset itself two hours of battery with the battery pack Apple promises all day now I was able to put on the headset quite comfortably the band at the back is nice there's a little kind of rotor that can tighten it a little bit and there's a top strap and then you've got the crown now in terms of functionality most of the functionality is done with gestures with your fingers and looking around with your eyes the crown is kind of going back to home screen or maybe and also just increasing the opacity and blocking out the world it kind of get into your own space right but the first thing you have to do is calibrate your eyes and there's a short calibration sessions about it turns out two minutes and you're in and this is where the magic happens this is where you jump into it and the first thing you see is Vision OS home screen very simple very clean but what was cool about it is the spatial distance you've got lighter sensors depth sensor depth cameras you have multiple cameras on this thing and it felt like an episode of Black Mirror where they were you know people had the VR headsets or headsets and you could clearly see the floating display but this wasn't like jittery it just felt fixed now I had a rep on my left and the distance between the wrap and the display I could calculate it it was like probably like a foot and a half and I like that it was there it was physically there and then came using gestures I thought that would be difficult right I thought it wouldn't work well that was one of my biggest concerns so initially you know uh to tap an eye on an icon to open something you have to just basically tap with your fingers so I had my my hand in front of me most of the time just because I figured hey the cameras are in front I'll do this and I realized in like three to five minutes like I didn't have to raise my hand up and just like the video uh from the keynote I was just like right below down there and I'm just like tap tap move and stuff so you could you could tap drag drop you can move Windows around so multitasking is really easy I thought it would be difficult now this also helps because you've got senses around your eyes while you're heads you're in the headset so that tracks that you've got senses outside so while you move things around it doesn't feel like it's floating or you're gonna get dizzy or any of that sort of tracking is really good now we looked at photos the photos app was cool because you could go through photos navigate through you know swipe through you could also check out the panorama photos and once you get into that it just takes over your whole View and you're like okay wow this is this is what Panorama images should look like now they're also 3D photos and 3D video I really like the video because it felt it felt like you jumped into a memory again I'm gonna go back to Black Mirror because it felt like you jumped the episode where you could tap into a memory and you were like wow yes I remember when you know it was my kid's birthday and you're blowing out the candles like you were there that's the visual representation it didn't look like I was watching something flat it felt like I was there and that can be recorded off the headset itself right using the cameras externally and that's how they capture that then you have like a home view now home view allows you to go in and pick uh kind of like a backdrop that you want whether it's the mountains it's the city and it gives you like this view that you know almost takes over the whole screen now using your digital Crown you can actually just rotate it clockwise to fill it up so you're not immersing your own home View and you don't see anything around you but here's the kicker with that is that when somebody walks up say in this case I had my two apple reps there one was sitting on my right and I looked I could clearly see them coming through they kind of fade through slowly which was interesting and actually pretty cool meaning that whenever someone comes around you can actually see them clearly and um it doesn't necessarily interrupt your your viewing experience as a jarring thing but it's just more like oh they're there so that actually was actually that was cool that was that was really nice so we did that and then I got a FaceTime call and I was kind of stunned by this because uh the call answered and I was like okay I see the persona but I thought maybe it was like a video they were playing and then the guy was like Hey I was like oh hi are you there like you're real it's like yeah now Persona is it's a bit weird to me because you can tell that it's a similar current of someone um it's like a higher version of you know uh of an emoji a much higher version uh because the animations match you can see him move his hands while he's talking the lips are moving pretty close to what it should be but it just felt a little bit weird but it still worked out well so I can see how that can be used now I was able to drag you know the FaceTime window around wherever I want to and spatial audio here is great moving that you know from one end to the screen I could actually hear his voice travel as I move him to the right now when you have spatial audio in this headset watching movies is a great experience so I went into like the cinema mode I played Avatar and dear Lord Avatar was in proper 3D it felt like what she Avatar 3D in the theaters and it was great oh my God it was absolutely fantastic that was very very impressive seeing that they also had like this 8K video uh 360 video where they shot different things like Alicia Keys singing in a private concert I felt like she was in front of me singing somebody was climbing the mountain and I was like okay that's kind of trippy I was in the city different things like that that were just completely just very immersive and I felt I was there but the biggest one was the last demo called encounter with dinosaurs and why I like this demo was simply this the first thing they said look stick your hand out and my finger out and a butterfly flew and landed on my finger and I moved my finger around the butterfly was so dead and flew off but the accuracy of pinpointing because those sensors match and you think about the kind of calculations that are happening because as that was happening a portal opened on the wall in front of me now I got to give it to them with the M2 Chip the R1 chip everything felt like it was working in sync with this device and when that portal opened up it opens up this prehistoric world where there was like a dinosaur running around and finally ran away and then a massive T-Rex came and it walked towards the portal so there's a portal and I can see the world of the dinosaur there and this is my world so think about it from like uh content creation perspective like you can create a portal to different worlds and you know told me they said I could get up and walk closer so I picked it up I picked up the battery pack and I walked sure and my depth of field changed to match my distance it didn't feel like it was shaky or anything off the portal was still where it was at the wall but the dinosaur walked through halfway and I felt I had a dinosaur in front of me not like it's hard to explain it's not cheesy you know AR or cheesy you know 3D rendering it felt realistic I mean graphically yes it you know there's like a real dinosaur but it felt really there and I and I was able to get close to it and I and I started thinking I'm like think about you know they talk about Partnerships with Disney or like in my case look I'm a DC fan right I'm gonna go watch The Flash and being able to run into the world where the flash is creating chaos and you know changing things around or Harry Potter for instance right you can open a portal to a different world to go into Hog's words that kind of stuff like that's what this thing can do and if I were to ask the question if you ask me the question is it worth the 3500 yes as a piece of hardware and what I experience it definitely wasn't I I am shocked that I am this impressed I'm really impressed with what they actually showed how it was implemented the fact that things worked my biggest thing again gestures it worked really well as if everyone I don't know we'll have to wait and see what it launches but apple is going to shake up the whole industry because this is not like the iPhone to me I think this is bigger but also might take some time but the Apple Vision Pro is legit anyway guys I hope you liked it I've got a flight to patch I'm heading back to uh New Jersey so you see this this video in the morning if you like it definitely subscribe uh leave a comment down below let me know your thoughts and always enjoy your entertainment
Channel: Booredatwork.com
Views: 112,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Booredatwork, Tech, Boredatwork, Bored at Work, gadget review, review, Apple Vision Pro Hands-On, Apple Vision Pro, wwdc 2023, WWDC, apple vision pro, apple wwdc 2023, apple event, ar glasses, apple headset, ar headset, apple vision pro headset first look
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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