I Just Found Out What That's For (Believe Me, That's Something You Need To Know)

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ever paid attention to those metal or plastic tips on the ends of your shoelaces they're called aglets sure they keep the strings from fraying and they make lacing your shoes a bit less labor intensive but here's the surprising bit they appeared in ancient rome where people made them out of glass or stone now the reason why the computer mouse is named after that cute little rodent is easy to explain the thing is quick and small and not too long ago it used to have a cord connecting it to the computer that looked like a tail but when the first computer mice appeared producers referred to them as turtles makes sense they're covered with a hard shell and all the moving parts are underneath this shield obviously webcams let you see your friends and relatives who can be halfway across the world but few people know that the web camera was created with a bit less noble purpose it was 1991 and cambridge computer scientists were getting frustrated you see every time they went to the coffee machine for a cup of joe there wouldn't be any coffee left in the pot a journey wasted one day they finally had enough and simply invented the world's first webcam they placed the camera next to the infamous coffee pot with a perfect view to check the level then they'd know right from their desks if the trip would be worth the effort ah what would childhood be without hours spent sending a slinky down the staircase good times the popular toy has been around for over 70 years but there's more to the slinky than stair time fun and a lot of tangles its older metal version used to serve as a makeshift antenna for engineers and soldiers and in 1985 one slinky even made it to space unfortunately it refused to slink in zero gravity astronauts reported that it just drooped paper money isn't the only reliable form of cash because bills tend to wear out faster than you think for example a u s one dollar bill usually lasts only for eighteen months after that it must be withdrawn from circulation and replaced a five dollar bill goes a bit longer for two years a 10 for three years and a 20 for four years as for 50 and 100 dollar bills they last the longest nine whole years and get this the us mint prints 37 million bills a day but 95 of them go to replace old ones that are dirty torn faded and unusable hey i'll be happy to take that dirty torn and faded cash call me maybe t-shirts were invented at the beginning of the 20th century in 1904 cooper underwear company advertised them as a perfect product for bachelors who couldn't sew or reattach buttons to their shirts back then you were supposed to wear a t-shirt under your collared shirt as an undergarment oh and all t-shirts at that time were white no funny prints or bright colors in 1957 engineers alfred fielding and mark chavinez decided to seal two shower curtains together with tiny bubbles of air stuck in between why it was supposed to be a cool new idea for wallpaper unfortunately for them nobody was interested in bubbly wall decor but in 1961 people realized that this bubble wrap could be great protection for fragile things the company's first client was ibm who used the stuff to cover their computers during shipment i don't know i'm kind of into that wallpaper idea now that i think about it imagine how fun your house could be erasers why are they pink okay i know they now come in all colors and shapes but i'm talking about that classic bubble gum hue history's got all the answers when a standalone eraser appeared in 1916 it was made mainly of rubber and pumice without the pumice the thing didn't have enough friction to erase pencil marks pumice could be white or red and the color of an eraser depended on the hue of this volcanic rock that year the eberhard faber pencil company started to add pink pumice to their erasers which became popular under the name pink pearl nowadays producers don't use pumice or natural rubber for their erasers anymore but they decided to keep the color as an homage to history electric fans don't actually cool the air if you put a thermometer anywhere close to the working parts you'll see the temperature rise due to the electric current what it does do is cool your skin the device speeds up the evaporation process making sweat on your skin colder rice is the oldest food on your plate and i don't mean it's expired rice is the product people have been cultivating for the longest time from twelve thousand to fifteen thousand years it first appeared in ancient china's pearl river valley thousands of years ago the only other food that's almost as old is corn native people in mexico started growing it between 7 000 and 12 000 years ago now the keyboard you use today was originally designed to slow you down the position of the letters isn't as random as it might seem it's called qwerty design see the top left row of letters and it appeared in 1872. the main purpose of this design was to slow down the typists of that time they were getting too fast for the machines they used as a result typewriters jam which wasted tons of time and however counter-intuitive it may sound slowing the type is down actually made them more productive obviously there's no practical need for the qwerty keyboard nowadays but people are so used to it that is probably not worth coming up with a new design you might have noticed that some cables have clunky cylinders on them these cylinders are called ferrite chokes or ferrite beads and they have an important function without them cables turn into antennas that can pick up and broadcast electrical interference the cylinders in turn choke this interference automatic lip liners and eye pencils have a sharpener installed in the package the lid on the back part of the pencil doesn't only reveal the color you can pull it out and sharpen up the product toothpicks come in different varieties and one of them is a bit puzzling sometimes they have several grooves the first one is weak so it's easy to break the toothpick in two the smaller section with one more groove can be used as a stand to avoid the contact with the table you can make a makeshift stand for disposable chopsticks they have a sort of lump at one side before you split the pear so next time you have a sushi dinner try breaking off that lump instead of regular splitting when you want to take a sushi break just place the stick on this stand yeah you've heard before that a drawer beneath your oven is there for keeping the food warm if the guests are running late here's one more hidden function you can slow cook on lower temperatures in that drawer too all the bottles used to be of the same green color ones but later it was discovered that brown ones are way better at blocking uv light say no more stickers on fruits seem to provide zero information about the product but if you look closer you'll find some numbers that can tell you more a five digit number where the first number is nine is a good sign you're about to buy an organic product a four digit number starting with a three or four means it was conventionally farmed and if the number starts with an eight and there are five digits well it's best to leave it on the shelf [Music] a dollar has its secrets too a large letter with a rim shows which bank is responsible for issuing this bill there are 12 banks distributing currency for example the l says it was printed in san francisco now some cups look like they're chipped on the bottom but they're produced this way in fact these dimples are supposed to keep the cup in place on wet surfaces and it doesn't let excess water accumulate while it's in a dishwasher small hollows in a chocolate box are designed for chocolate lovers press the closest deepening to the chocolate that you want to grab and it'll jump out of the box right into your hand bath foam can be more than just a pleasant smell it also has a sort of thermoregulatory function the bubbles save water heat so you can enjoy your bath a little longer disclaimer it works for acrylic bathtubs only those made of metal lose heat fast no matter how much foam you make a good doorknob is one that's made of brass bronze or some copper alloys these metals have an anti-germ effect bacteria spread way slower on them they also get rid of germs pretty fast within a couple of hours nope it doesn't mean you don't have to wash your hands if you pour milk or juice right onto your t-shirt every single time you're probably not doing it right try pouring it from the other side of the carton it sloshes less and is easier to control there's only one way you can store your peanut butter right if you place it the regular way it may get a bit solid before long the trick is to store it upside down so the oils don't stay on the bottom all the time and distribute evenly a dinner jacket has small pockets above regular ones and they're not useless they're called ticket pockets and were designed so that gentlemen wearing such jackets could easily access the tickets and show them on a train they could also store cash and other small loose items in a super convenient way now whatever coffee shop you go to all the disposable cups look exactly the same only the logo changes the secret here is the special shape that allows you to enjoy your drink easily the top is always wider which allows it to accommodate your nose while you're drinking and the bottom is always narrower so that anyone can hold it easier even if the hand is quite small this width difference also allows the cups to stack triangular flaps on small juice cartons can help control unwanted spillage if you flip them and use them as handles for the carton you won't press the package so the juice won't be squeezed uncontrollably now if you have a mason jar and a blender with a screw on top this secret is life changing you can actually put a mason jar directly onto the blender and make any shake you want without having to wash the blender jar just don't put your device on max [Music] there's one trick you can use to make salt and pepper come out smoothly grab a container with pepper or salt turn it upside down there are ridges on the bottom of the shaker now grab the second container and rub those ridges together the vibrations will make the product literally flow out most headphones both wired and wireless have little holes they're needed to ensure good sound the air circulates through those holes which is important for the sound quality stick sachets were designed smartly no need to tear one of its edges the right way is to tear them down the middle now you may say it's not a big difference but at least there's less mess with those torn paper bits if two zips for one section seem a bit too much for you it's probably time you started using them wisely it's a great pickpocket proof you can put on a small lock on those zippers and make sure no one but you can open your backpack hide the key in the fifth pocket on your jeans that was originally designed to keep watches safe so now you know next time you're getting ready for work take a closer look at your go-to shirt every buttonhole is stitched vertically but check out the very last hole it stitched horizontally right this is because the bottom part of your shirt endures the most stress from pulling as it's where your hips are so that horizontal buttonhole isn't a mistake it's put there to stop your shirt ripping as your hips move that layer of bubbles that forms when you add bubble bath to your tub isn't just for fun the bubbly layer also acts as insulation and keeps your bath warmer for longer the pom-pom on top of your beanie wasn't put there as a fashion accessory the pom-pom was originally added to the hat to prevent sailors banging their heads on the ceilings of the ships that were too low crackers have holes in them to stop them cracking and breaking during baking if the holes weren't there steam would build up inside the cracker and make it collapse those numbers on stickers they put on oranges aren't random if there are four digits and the first is three or four this means the fruit has been made with conventional farming techniques five numbers beginning with an 8 means the fruit has been genetically modified five numbers beginning with a nine means the fruit is organic margins on paper aren't for writing in dates and numbering lists they were originally added to serve a protective function back in the day rats used to be a pesky problem in people's homes and paper was one of their favorite snacks margins were added as a safeguard so that the rats would nibble on blank paper rather than taking a bite out of your important work if you put your chinese takeout on a plate when it arrives you're doing more work than you should much like the paper condiment pots and fast food restaurants your cardboard chinese takeout box can be unfolded to create the perfect size plate for your food the long neck on your soda bottle is designed like that to encourage you to hold it there that way the heat from your hand will only warm that top bit of the bottle instead of heating up your whole drink why does a lapel have a button hall with no matching button originally coats and jackets did have a corresponding button so that the wearer could turn up the collar and fasten it around the neck to keep warm over time people stopped doing this and the button was removed but many suit makers still keep the non-functioning traditional buttonhole it's always hard to see your food in the microwave because of that pesky black grate on the window but it's there to stop harmful microwaves escaping called the faraday shield it protects you as well as ensures that your food cooks properly that random diamond on your backpack is called a lash tab or pig snout it's there so you can thread cords through the holes to carry extra gear perfect for camping or long hikes golf balls are covered in dimples rather than being perfectly round so that the ball can fly through the air more smoothly decreasing the drag and allowing it to travel further and faster your makeo pads have two different sides for a reason the bumpy side is used for applying makeup while the flat side is for removing it donuts have holes so that the inside and outside cook evenly before the holes were added the inside would often be greasy and doughy while the outside was crisp your apple laptop charger has tiny legs that can be folded out and they're not there so your charger can stand up these legs when unfolded allow you to wrap the cable around and then clamp it into place securing it and preventing the cable getting tangled or damaged now take a look at a soda bottle and you'll notice a disc inside the bottle cap this helps seal in the liquid and the drinks fizz stopping it from going flat that hole in your hollow lollipop stick isn't to prevent choking should it ever be swallowed it's actually there to keep the candy in place excess candy flows into the hollow tube and the hole which when it hardens keeps the pop in place if it was a smooth stick the candy would slide off easily the zipper on leather biker jackets is often sewn diagonally it's not just a fashion statement zips that are stitched vertically can bunch up if the wearer leans forward but a diagonal zipper won't that little triangle on your gas gauge is there to let you know which side of the car your gas cap is on now you'll never pull up to the wrong side of the pump in a rental car again vacuums come with so many attachments but do any of us really know what that one with long bristles is for is for dusting and is perfect for cleaning framed art blinds and lamp shades those tiny holes in the chocolate box tray actually serve a function push the hole near the candy and it'll pop straight out with you having to get your hands dirty how thoughtful some skyscrapers have hollow floors that can contain nothing but an elevator it's actually a way to get around height limits some skyscrapers are given a limit to the number of floors they can have because the hollow floors are empty they add to the height of the building and make it look more impressive without increasing the number of floors and breaking the building contract these hollow floors also help to prevent the spread of fires women's shirt buttons are traditionally on the left for a reason back in the day it was a sign of wealth as it signified that a chambermaid had dressed you as having the buttons on the left made it easier for them to do up the shirt your cuticles serve a purpose so think before you get rid of them the small area of skin is there to protect your nails from infection without it bacteria and fungi can get in what's the difference between a wooden hanger and a plastic one aside from helping keep your clothes in shape cedar wood hangers also repel moths and bugs if you look closely at an elevator door you'll notice a tiny hole this is actually a keyhole used for emergencies or for routine maintenance checks have you ever noticed those plastic lines along the side of your phone they're the oddly spaced stripes that seem to have no purpose in reality though they're probably your phone's most important feature because without them your device would be little more than a smart paper way they are antenna lines allowing your phone to remain wireless electromagnetic waves carrying phone bluetooth and wi-fi signals cannot pass through metal which makes up most of the phone's outer case and the glass panel up front also slows those waves down it's like there's a bouncer at the door refusing to let most signals in or out of the phone hey i've been to that nightclub anyway that means no phone calls no text and no late night delivery when you have nothing in the fridge except one egg and something that might have once been lasagna those little strips of plastic allow the same electromagnetic waves to come and go as they please this is why you can call a friend order a ride or play an online matching game until three in the morning hey don't you have to get up early for work when you do finally stumble out of bed make sure you're using this next item correctly to avoid a potentially upsetting situation the zipper originally patented as the clasp locker in 1851 didn't become widely used until the 1930s now they're on everything from bags to jackets to jeans and they're not perfect they get stuck they pinch the skin and we all know what happens if the zipper on our pants refuses to stay up well luckily this can be avoided most zippers have a locking mechanism built right in when the zip is facing down and flat against the teeth the lock is engaged and the zipper remains closed if only i had known that back in school what about those metal rivets most jeans have they're more than a design choice they were added to protect areas that experience the most strain such as pocket corners and the base of the fly the rivets hold the fabric together even when it's being stretched and pulled during work and since we're talking about clothing have you ever wondered about that tiny fifth pocket at the front of your jeans well first of all it isn't really a fifth pocket originally jeans were made with four pockets including that little one in front the fifth pocket is actually the one on the back left which was only added to jeans in 1901 the little pocket though was important a long time ago cowboys needed to keep their pocket watches safe while riding out on the range yeehaw that pocket kept the watches protected but also handy and then people became so used to it the jeans just look weird without one another strange holdout from a bygone day is that stitched v on the front of some sweatshirts what if i told you that those exact stitches hold the whole shirt together well then i would be lying and i never do that but back in the 1940s this v was very useful first the v stitch was initially used to add a patch of stretchy ribbed fabric to the shirt so that it could fit over our big heads more easily secondly these shirts were specifically designed for sports so the v included an additional piece of fabric to absorb the sweat that would build up during a game or a workout as stretchy fabric became readily available and better at handling perspiration the v lost its traditional value but like the tiny jean pocket it has continued as a decorative feature a reminder of our big headed ancestors who apparently only sweated just below the chin but moving on one place you won't find many people sweating is the golf course you will see quite a few fashion disasters sure but sweat not so much golf was invented around the 16th century in scotland but then the ball was perfectly round and smooth over time the ball would become dented from use and at some point golfers discovered that these imperfections actually helped the ball fly farther dimples were added on purpose in the 1900s when it was found out that they reduced the aerodynamic drag that slowed down a smoother ball and the dimples made the balls easier to control and no not all golf balls are created equal the number of dimples can range from 300 to 500 with one company producing a ball with over a thousand little dents wow a little overboard eh need a quick refreshing drink after a round of golf juice boxes created back in 1963 are very convenient but why do they have these large triangular flaps on top their lifted flaps act as hand grips this stops you from accidentally squeezing a full box and spilling juice all over the place like onto your favorite t-shirt or the new couch now when you're done golfing grab your backpack with that leather diamond patch with two vertical openings it's commonly referred to as a lash tab but i much prefer its other name pig snout i mean it certainly looks like one you typically find these pig snouts on packs used by hikers and climbers the diamond is a place to tie any extra gear that they need to carry like boots cooking equipment or sleeping bags but these lash tabs are also becoming more common on smaller backpacks they're a nod to the past but just as useful attach your running shoes to one next time you head to the gym keeping those stinky things away from the rest of your clothes now i'm sure you're a great driver but for years you've probably been neglecting an important safety feature right in front of your eyes that rear view mirror has a small tab located at the bottom center it's high time you started using it when this is flipped forward the mirror is in day mode providing a strong reflection of everything behind the car flipping the tab backward changes the whole situation to night mode this reduces the brightness of the headlights behind you resulting in a safer drive another cool car tip if you're borrowing from a friend using a rental or have the memory of a house plant cars feature a handy indicator to let you know which side the gas tank is on it's a tiny arrow next to the pump icon that points either left or right where the arrow points that's where the gas tank can be found and that's one less thing you have to remember if you're not at your computer take a look at your keyboard right now if you're not that's okay here's one on the screen the keycaps are arranged in what's called the qwerty layout named after the first six keycaps below the numbers as it turns out it wasn't always this way they used to be laid out alphabetically which would make more sense when you think about it the alphabetical layout fell out of use because long ago there were things called typewriters remember those you press down a key and a type bar would fly out hitting an inked ribbon and stamping a letter on the piece of paper eventually typist got good at this and typed faster too fast the tie bars would eventually get caught in a log jam with each other ruining the flow to fix this problem they made keyboards with randomized keycaps the new layout actually worked better because it made typing harder helping to slow type us down and prevent the type bars from getting stuck much better today no type bars no typewriters mostly people are still fast nowadays but you just can't help but wonder who is faster though us or them keyboards have another hidden feature too have you ever noticed that the f key cap and the j key cap have little bumps on the bottom of them as it turns out they're there to help people figure out where they are on the keyboard without having to take their eyes off the screen grabbing a takeaway cup of coffee at your favorite cafe might be just what you need to fully wake up in the mornings when you get back home or to work though you might be afraid to stain your desk when you put the steaming hot coffee down worry not your plastic lid isn't only good for keeping your coffee hot it also doubles as a coaster in fact they're the perfect size to hold the cup try it for yourself this one's going to come in handy if you're a home cook if you're like me you might have a bit of trouble deciding how much pasta you need for just one serving well if you've got a pasta scoop grab that most people don't know what the little hole in the middle is for and assume it's supposed to help with water drainage or something it turns out that it helps you measure out a perfect serving just see how much dry spaghetti you can fit in the hole and use that as one portion out of the store buying coat hangers you might notice that the plastic ones feel cheaper than the wooden ones there's a good reason for this wooden hangers are made out of cedar wood the big difference between the two is that the wooden ones repel bugs and moths they're stronger and last longer too perfect for things that might stay in your closet for a long time when you brush your teeth you might have noticed that your toothbrush has blue bristles they're not just there for show in fact they're there to tell you when it might be time to switch toothbrushes these bristles lose their strength and color when the brush has been worn down letting you know that it's time to get rid of it microwaves often look a bit like mini tvs especially ones where you can clearly see the black film around them this is actually a really important feature that's used to keep the radiation from slipping away they're called faraday cages if you want to get technical this is why you can stand next to a microwave without melting into a puddle that's not to say you should stand in front of the microwave and watch your food heat up but at least you know you won't grow an extra ear or something okay not really some ovens have a drawer under them it's tempting to use this to store random junk you don't use often but there's a better use for it instead this should be used to help keep the food that's waiting to be served hot you can take it out of the oven and store it right in this drawer keeping your oven free for you to carry on cooking now you're on a plane looking around trying to pass the time before takeoff when you examine the window you notice this has a little very tiny hole on its bottom don't worry it's not broken it's there to relieve the pressure that builds up over time as the plane goes up and down it also lets the air flow through it now raise your hand if you've ever ridden on an escalator and scrubbed your shoes on its bristles hey i'm guilty of doing that maybe more than i should it's not there to clean your shoes though it's an important safety measure it stops your shoelaces clothing and other stuff from getting stuck in there avoiding a nasty scene when you go to get off sometimes a piece of fabric comes with your new clothing it usually comes along with the extra buttons in a little plastic bag you might think it's just a piece of fabric to use for future patching in case you rip it but that isn't its purpose at all it's actually supposed to be put in the washing machine to test how it reacts to various washings now you don't have to worry about shrinking your new expensive coat because you know how it'll react to the wash bubbles who doesn't love bubbles most people have fond memories with bubble blowers as a kid but as adults the closest thing we can get to recapturing that feeling is with bubble baths after a hard day at work there's nothing better than dipping into a nice warm bubble bath right guys and the bubbles do more than just clean you if they're high quality bubbles they'll serve as a heat insulator so they make sure that your bath stays warm for longer boxes of chocolate sometimes have these mysterious holes in them when i'm eating a box or two i usually ignore them and take out the chocolate by pressing the bottom of the plastic but it turns out that i've been doing it wrong the whole time if you press one of the holes the chocolate comes right out i'm certainly going to start doing this from now on here's another one from the kitchen the handle on a pot will often have a hole in it most people use this to hang them on a nail on the wall as an easy storage method the hole has another use too when you're cooking you can use this handle to hold your wooden spoon or whatever else you might be cooking with this makes sure you don't make a mess when you put it down triangular flaps on small juice cartons can help control unwanted spillage too if you flip them and use them as handles for the carton you won't press the package so the juice won't be squeezed uncontrollably all the disposable cups look the same the secret here is the special shape that lets you enjoy your drink easily the top is always wider for the nose to fit in while you're drinking and the bottom is always narrower so anyone can hold it even if the hand is small also the width difference allows the cups to stack you can use a mason jar directly onto the blender with a screw on top and make any shake you want without having to wash the blender jar the only rule is to not put your device on max there is no need to tear one of its edges on stick sachets the right way is to tear them down the middle you may say it's not a big difference but at least there's less mess with those torn paper bits two zips for one section can be an excellent pickpocket proof you can put on a small lock on those zippers and make sure no one but you can open your backpack if something got stuck in your teeth it could be hard to have perfect results with loose floss to increase the tension tie it in a knot with increased tension you'll get rid of that basil between your teeth in no time a tiny hole on the bottom of a padlock is there to drain water to help avoid corrosion plus it's the most convenient place to lubricate a padlock a drop of oil in there will make it open and close easier a tiny plastic disk under a bottle lid is what makes soda sparkling while the lid keeps the liquid inside this plastic disc holds the gases inside without it it would just be sweet water it's a myth that the red side of the eraser is for pencil and the blue one is for ink the blue one gets rid of mistakes on thicker types of paper only it works both for pencil and even ink but make sure the paper is really thick but that blue little thing can do so much more it can polish your jewelry clean your electronics for example the screen of your cell phone you know those irritating sticker residues that won't peel off eraser helps there too so as with cleaning scuffed up suede or dirt you have on your walls glass bottles usually have a kind of indent on the bottom called a punt it's handy for those who pour drinks in the glass the bottle won't slip from the hands like this a cotton pads pack has those strings on it to hang on some hook or holder there is no need to untighten and tighten the pack again look at the bottom it has a perforated line tear along it and just pull out a cotton pad from a hanging pack if you lick a nintendo cartridge you'll notice they leave a revolting sour bitterish aftertaste in your mouth they're covered with denatonium benzoate aka one of the most disgusting flavors it prevents people from swallowing those cartridges bottles have long necks for a reason hold the neck not the bottle if you want to enjoy a cold drink the same goes for fancy glasses their stem saves any drink from overheating so hold it right a button on the reverse side of a shirt collar is needed to hold a tie in place anyway slim ties which this button was designed for are not that popular today so this button is only an element of design all running shoes have an anti-blister system pre-installed it's the extra hole on top of your sneakers make a loop with this hole inserting the lace in backwards cross the laces and insert them into the loops then pull the laces down creating a kind of lock some people like to hide the laces under the soles to make them totally invisible women's shirts oddly have buttons on the left because some women used to have maids who would help them dress up it was convenient for maids to button the shirts with the button on the left silica gel can often be found in different things you buy like bags shoes and many others it's meant to absorb excess moisture so anytime your shoes are a bit wet just throw in a sachet with silica gel you are probably using shampoo wrong all the time well the main thing you should know is that you don't apply it directly on your hair you gotta apply it onto the roots only the foam that you make is enough to clean your hair notebook margins were invented to protect people's notes people used to co-live with rats and those rodents nibbled on paper pretty often still they weren't able to gnaw on more than the space left on the margins red cups you saw at parties can measure liquids the bottom line equals one ounce the second line equals five ounce and the third line equals 12 ounces detachable headrests in cars are all about safety if you pull it out of a seat you'll see two pretty sturdy bars if you ever get locked or trapped in a car you can get out of there smashing the window with these bars a little arrow next to the refueling indicator on the car's dashboard indicates which side of the vehicle has fuel tank openings it's useful when you need to refuel a rented car roadside rumble strips come in handy if someone wants to drive at night since they prevent falling asleep whenever a car bumps into these strips the driver feels vibration and hears quite a loud noise so the driver can't help but wake up instantly rings used to be more than a stylish accessory the nobility used rings as a seal archers wore rings to protect their fingers from bow string injuries while needle women from needle pricks as for rings three rings on a phone jack are not part of the design they represent different functions if your audio jack has three of them it means your device can produce stereo sound and your earphones have the microphone function kings depicted on playing cards are real historical characters spades king david clubs alexander the great hearts charles the great diamonds julius caesar a drawer under the oven it's simple you need it to store all those pots and pans maybe but it wasn't this drawer's original purpose you can use this place to keep your food warm while something else is being prepared in the oven wooden hangers they might look more stylish and sturdy than metal or plastic ones but it's not all about looks the very first wooden hangers were made from cedar which is an effective natural insect repellent the smell scared off moths and safe clothes fabric patches some pieces of clothing come with a small patch of fabric with a button on it while it's quite obvious how to use the button the fabric's purpose isn't so apparent is it to patch holes then why is it so small well you're supposed to test your cleaning products on it then if something goes wrong you won't ruin the whole garment diamond slits on backpacks these diamonds were originally placed only on traveler backpacks and were designed to carry ropes now you can find such slits on pretty much every backpack why not use them to carry a bottle of water an umbrella or a pair of sneakers a hole in the elevator door this seemingly random diamond sized hole is actually a keyhole if the elevator doors get stuck an operator can open them manually by inserting a special key in this hole the same tool is used when an elevator needs routine maintenance a dent in the milk container some plastic milk containers have dents in their sides that can serve several purposes for one if milk spoils this process can cause swelling and high pressure buildup inside the container that's when the dent comes in handy it pops out and doesn't let the jug blow up plus if you decide to freeze the milk it'll expand like any other liquid and then the indentation will pop out and prevent the container from bursting inside the freezer removable headrests even though it wasn't its original role a removable headrest can turn into a crucial survival tool being trapped in a car you can use the headrests metal prods to break the window and get out applesauce lids ever been stranded with a pack of applesauce but no spoon in hand if i had a nickel then you probably don't know that each snack pack already has a built-in spoon several twists of foil lid and ah there you go [Music] bread tags colorful plastic tags on bags of bread indicate when the loaf was baked the color code is the following monday a blue tag tuesday green thursday red friday why and on saturday you can buy fresh bread with a yellow tag apparently they don't bake bread on wednesday that's so they can loaf around grooves on keyboards palpable lines on the f and j keys help those who type without looking at the keyboard to position their hands correctly you place your right and left index fingers on the grooves and immediately understand where your other fingers should go none of which should be up your nose rings in zippers ever paid attention to those outer rings and zipper sliders especially when two sliders are used together these rings are added so that you can connect the sliders with a lock and keep sticky fingers away chinese takeaway boxes a first-timer might think that chinese takeaway boxes have a peculiar shape most experienced diners know that by unfolding the sides of these containers you get a paper plate with the food already sitting on top tri-color toothpaste lots of toothpaste have blue red and white stripes such coloring isn't mere aesthetics all the stripes have their own ingredients and purposes the blue one contains antimicrobial elements and has a breath freshening effect the red one includes some ingredients crucial for healthy gums and the white most valuable stripe removes plaque and whitens the teeth [Music] little studs on jeans hey that was my gang in middle school you know the first jeans had one problem workers and miners who were the original jeans wearers put so much stress on their denim pants that it seems couldn't withstand the pressure and tore tiny metal studs were invented to prevent this from happening [Music] utility knife this instrument is supposed to last way longer than most people think take a good look at the knife's blade and you'll notice that it's made of narrow parallel sections when your knife gets blunt break off the top section with the cap you find at the bottom voila you have a brand new sharp blade again just don't forget to put some safety gloves and goggles on first a slot near the iphone camera not every iphone owner pays attention to an almost unnoticeable little hole between the camera and the flash it's the gadget's second microphone its role is to block outside noises when you're filming a video this microphone also makes the sound clearer use it when you're on the phone in a noisy place ketchup cups if you ever use those flimsy ribbed ketchup containers they have at fast food restaurants you probably wondered why they don't make them a bit bigger what most people don't know though is that those ribs should be pulled outward thanks to this trick the container can house way more sauce
Views: 1,104,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, hiddenfunctions, hidden uses everyday items, secret uses for everyday things, things with a hidden purpose, interesting facts, amazing facts, what's that for, original purpose, bright side facts, random facts, did you know, product secrets, simple life hacks, lifehacks, everyday objects with hidden purpose, everyday items with hidden purpose, true purpose, coin ridges, egg digits, soda caps
Id: OLw3CRB0eAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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