I Just Bought My Dream Car

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graev up your engines okay I just don't have the book for a 69 Falcon I got the whole car here now Ford Falcons were an interesting car it was America's first mass produced what we Americans call compact car when these cars first came out they were $ 1,38 these were seen as a secondary car as back in the' 60s America was a male shave in his country the husband would drive the luxury either Lincoln or big Ford to work and the wife would get a falcon to go to the grocery store take the kids to school and back this is the first American compact car that really made it big and believe you me they made it big they sold over 3.1 million of these things now they only made them for 10 years they stopped making them 1970 they went from 60 to 70 although in Australia they kept upgrading them as you can see here that's an Australian Ford Falcon one of the last models they made totally modernized car so how could Ford afford to build these things so cheap 1300 bucks when I first came out because these were the beginning of modern cars they are unibody construction there is not a solid frame that the body bolts on it is unibody construction and with the lighter weight they get a little bit better gas modage but they do a phenomenal thing they make the them ride and handle better you get an old fullframe vehicle man cornering all that weight this doesn't have a fullframe it's got less weight and this particular one is an economy version it's just the six-cylinder engine 200 cubic inch straight 6cylinder engine as time went on some people had V8s in them they became muscle cars a lot of guys that have Ford Falcons today they have the muscle cars they build them all up but this is a red unique car because it's a 69 and it's only got 97,000 real miles on it right now being a second car in a family sure it's going to have low mileage but I mean in all those years had a little bit of mileage this thing sat around a lot he's probably the third owner of the car still in excellent shape but let me warn you I've seen these things in Rhode Island and they might take four cars and build one because every everything's rotted away rusted Ford did not know how to rust proof cars in these days this is in Tennessee no big problem here Taxas you would never problem either but if you're looking to buy one of these you get under there and if you see that uni bodies all rotten away don't even think about buying it like I said still sounds could be I mean how often you can find old col with a chrome is still in pretty good shape these are called bench seats cuz they look like a bench now I own to Ford Maverick which was the first Maverick 1970 which was the replacement of this and it had bench seats too and when you were cornering fast man you be sliding here sliding over there but at least this one has an automatic transmission right no power brakes no power steering just say men were real men in those days you got to build up those muscles you got to get the coordination shifting on the tree cornering with no power steering breaking with no power brakes somehow we all made it through alive well most of us did now odds are you'll never find one as nice as this this isn't one that somebody did over this is still pretty much a bone stock car back in the day they actually made him quite a bit better than they you today fed know cuz they used enamel paint they did not use this water-based crap that they use today that Fades away those days two-tone was in so it's two-tone and check it out hub caps they aren't rusted they still in good shape too the rear bumper except for this chrome tape cuz it was hit and it chipped off otherwise the chrome plating still in good shape and it was for family so this one's a four door hey plenty enough room in the back seat here and of course this was America so what's in the back seat an ashtray yes an ashtray instead of air conditioning which this doesn't have they had these cool Windows look this is your air conditioning you open it up and the air would blow through the car batter to cool you off now believe it or not this car is the precursor to the Mustangs the Mustangs are basically the same frame and the Mustang started out with a little bitty sixes and they went to VH and yada yada but these inline six-cylinder engines can run forever and I mean forever things a 69 maybe it uses a few ounces of oil between changes you one fan belt a real fan blade oil filters to get to and here's the fuel pump that pumps the fuel two bolts holding on mod cars wear the engineers with their dastardly mines put the fuel pumps inside the gas tank so on most American cars you got to pull the tank off to change the pump and it cost a small fortune you can change this thing in 5 minutes even today you go to autoone get a fuel pump for this thing for probably 35 bucks they were very simple easy to repair Vehicles everything is easy to access look at the room that's inside there's the fuel filter check it out right there oh really hard to change you know the modern cars the fuel filter is inside the gas tank too and some of them it's an integral part of the fuel pump module assembly then you got to replace all that instead of just getting yourself a $4 fuel filter putting it on away you go now of course as time went on then they started to go too cheap for example this went for 10 years then they made Mavericks they lasted even less period at the time they got too cheap and of course anti-pollution equipment had a lot to do with it because in the 70s they started pumping anti-pollution controls and these engines are relatively underpowered to begin with and when you start putting this anti-pollution equipment on I'm pretty much the death Nell of these things of course looking back at time people say oh I love to have one I want to fix one up but they just faded away from making them too cheap this hey still rolling down the road you know granted if you were in a place where it rusts there wouldn't be anything left but a pile of orange rust sitting there but this one didn't and it shows how wellmade these things are we'll start it up okay this is a 69 old as the hill I've seen brand new cars today they wer as smooth and made a lot more noise Than This thing did which by the way most manufacturers gone away from straight sixes other than BMWs although I tried out that new Mazda cx90 that's got the inline six and it was a marvelous car it was super expensive too right it had all the characteristics of six-cylinder engines smoothness will probably last a long time but it's turboed this is a 69 so we're talking about what 54 years old there's no way I can guarantee you you're ever going to see a 1.5 L turbocharged engine rolling down the road never have been taken apart or touched only oil changes and spark plugs that's going to be rolling down a road after 53 years that is not going to happen they will not hold up too much pressure and of course let's start looking for plastic parts hey headlights are glass they're not plastic the bumpers made out of metal this is all metal okay here's some plastic that's the battery hold on but it's not the original one the original one was metal and when it rusted away they put a plastic one now you can see the shock system is relatively basic those of the towers for shock absorbers in the front and then they got two in the back it served its purpose to go to the grocery store to take the kids to school and really you could take vacations in it if you wanted but people would have frowned upon you not taking your big Ford or your big Lincoln on vacation you had to show people you had money so this would stay in the garage when you went on vacation pass the test of time but it's just sitting here so let's take it for a spin and you can say this baby still doesn't even have 100,000 M on it yet no you can't always believe that because these are old cars they went to 99,999 point9 then they went to zero guy AC cross the street from I was a kid he bought one used and he thought oh je it's only got 35,000 mil on it turns out it had 235,000 M on it and those days it was worn out and we're going down all of a sudden boom on front of the hood smokes coming all over the place all the hoses were totally rotten with that mileage cuz back in those days they didn't have synthetic rubber they had natural rubber it only lasted so long they all blew and then he found out that it really had 235,000 miles on it but look it won't start and you know why because these often wear strange watch this what you do is you can turn the key push this up now it starts that's so people can't steal it and as you can see it has an overly optimistic speed of 120 realistically maybe 94 mph going downhill forget 120 but you know it does have a fuel gauge and you can see they started to make them somewhat cheaper because it only has an idiot light for the alternator brakes it doesn't have the gauges the old one does it does have wiper blades and it has heat and look what it says warm or cool well let me tell you something it's only going to be cool if it's cool outside cuz this baby doesn't have air conditioning It's relatively cool versus really hot and okay he does have a little cover here cuz over all these years then the sa a black Dash is going to crack a little bit these were the early plastic dashes at least they weren't metal the really old cars had metal ones which would make a big hole in your head when you hit it so no airbags but the horn still blows not still the seat belts but they are what are called Lamp belts they only go on your lap the driver's body to go crashing into the steering wheel if you do get in an accident so don't trust these babies all that much I turn so man we're going to be turning this baby a lot good thing it's not a cliff but you let go see how that Twirls back don't put your hands in the middle or you'll lose them it's all but look at this it's still extremely smooth these six-cylinder engines did have a use smooth not insane horsepower but on the other hand they got decent torque and it's not a race car but as you can see it's still Corners perfectly fine going around the road you just have to make sure you turn the wheel have a little more braking distance because this does have four wheeel drone brakes after all there's no disc brakes on these if you're going to buy one of these and you don't care about any kind of collector's value go Ahad and put disc brakes in the front you don't have to mess with the back they're fine but you could put disc brakes in the front there's many guys that sell kits for get people leeway cuz you're not going to exactly be racing away from them if you pull in front of them see it's pretty smooth and they had real ticking turn signals you can hear them so here we go out in the country look at this I can still drive it with no power steering with a camera in one hand and a steering wheel in the other now we're at our drag strip so we'll stop and here we go full blast oh my God this thing is burning rubber hey hey don't poo poo these engines look at that the only traction control these things have are make sure you have tires that still have Trad on them so they don't slip oh you can see they have torquey when the past people look floor speedometer starts speeding up it's not a slouch it's not a racing car but hey it's going to get you where you're going and then some and do I hear bearings worn no I hear the window cuz I had the window open it doesn't have air conditioning you got to roll the window down right but if you really wanted you could actually put air conditioning on this they have big radiators they could handle it if you wanted to spend the money so there you have it a Ford Falcon yeah it doesn't have disc brakes it doesn't even have power brakes you get used to it and sure it's got bench seats but bench seats are very useful for other purposes and I'm not just talking about sleeping on them hey they were solid built as long as you didn't live where there's a lot of rust when they would rust away that can be fixed by coding them but they didn't in those days they were cheap this is less than $1,300 brand new right they get you where you going and didn't break down simpler times for simpler cars hey but I do have to say looking at this original owner's manual I guess people were even dumber in those days because they're showing you how to operate the ashtray fascinating bit of American History when Americans made cars in Detroit people had jobs everybody lived in Suburbia and was happy or at least that's how the myth goes so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that [Music] Bell
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 189,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, car advice, dream, dream car, I just bought my dream car, buying a car, buying a new car, buying a used car, buying my dream car, dream cars, mustang, old mustang, mustang review, old car, old cars, new car, car tour, car vlog, new car reveal, new cars, my new car reveal, I just bought, car buying, 1969 ford falcon, ford, ford falcon, falcon, ford falcon review
Id: Shz0Ya0DT8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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