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they say it's not the fall that kills you it's the landing and hopefully i land good cause i'm gonna be falling a lot [Music] hello everybody i'm kindly keen and welcome to minecraft we're playing a dropper level by dr jones and to be perfectly honest i've never played a dropper level in minecraft i'm kind of scared also i have wings i think that's an elytra can i fly okay i can well i mean i can like glide i also have a snowball that's not a snowball it's a death ball okay um hello youtube sign youtube they're watching also here's the creator click me dr jones four creator thank you dr jones um let's start i guess here we go start oh you now have a lytra equipped use them to fly to each dropper teleporter down below okay okay okay all right i made it i made it to level four it all happened so fast i i don't know what exactly is actually happening why is there a trip wire okay anyways um we're on level four it said small world i get it i get it we are a tiny tiny person in a giant house and this is actually amazing this is really cool um where do i go is the next question do i go to the bed i see that that flower has some some arrows some like friday night funkin style arrows up up up down failed where do i actually go maybe there's something in the house oh i can jump mega high okay probably should have started with that that's amazing um i'm like a little flea i'm a flea amazing let's jump on the bed okay there's nothing really up here to be honest do you think i can like elytra over there wait do i still have my elytra i don't have my elytra anymore okay never mind can i just jump up this let's try oh yeah i can that is quite a leap i do have to say what's going on here is this the giant's garden or something i don't i don't really know i'm i'm a little scared actually a lot scared i would like to get out i can't get out okay never mind wait the arrows that's right maybe i can if i jump on top of the flowers then there's something going on up here and then uh wait wait no no no no what is that this jump is is almost bad when when i'm this close to the ceiling i don't know what this is there's crafting tables everywhere what am i gonna do with the crafting table i have no materials all right let's go to the other side of whatever this is look at these parkour skills no of course right when i say it i realized what's happening here what we're looking at right now in our house is a replication of what is outside of our house but giant oh my gosh that is so clever okay so we're basically climbing across the tripwire and we want to get over there because that's where the exit is man that is smart i love it yeah okay that makes perfect sense so this time i'm not gonna say anything about how well i'm doing because that is a bad idea here we go almost there just play it cool nice and easy nice and easy there you go all right i just need to drop down it it's harder than it looks when you can jump 30 feet in the air and of course you bunk your head on the ceiling okay wait we're going to the top the top of the house i didn't check the top of the house i should have checked the top of the tiny version of the house to see if there was any hints as to like what we're supposed to do at the top here but i do see that there's a tiny building here what do i do with this spawn point oh it's like a checkpoint so if i die i respawn here is that what that means i guess where do i go now can i just leave i don't know if i can oh we can go out to the garden you know what let's go oh there's something underneath it okay okay probably shouldn't just jump like that yeah that was a bad idea safely fall down to this though is there a path or something maybe there's a landing pad right here nope it's not gonna work we need to find a way down that's what we need to do there's gotta be some kind of staircase or something somewhere i'm gonna jump on top of the giant fence post maybe i'll be able to see something are any of those slime blocks could i i could land on slime blocks right i don't know if that's the technique though anything over here no no gosh all right well this is going well maybe i just go back the way that i came maybe i can get to the ground from here i don't know it is less of a drop right slightly not really much better though i don't think i'm going to survive this drop yeah no there's got to be something that i can land on here right that a sponge will sponges hey i did it okay i need to get to the lily pad that's where i want to go oh don't go too far okay okay sponge land on the sponge i don't do do sponges help with fall damage i don't think they actually do all right now we drop down to this okay okay um wait can i go down there i feel like if i drop i'm just gonna die what do i do dude i'm so scared i think i'm just gonna go for it oh water i understand now okay this is where the the dropper part comes into play so actually all i need to do is uh is jump to the to the lily pad do you think i can just eat myself all the way get a running start i don't think so can't make it okay but i can drop to this thing and then jump from here so we'll land on there get our health back and then we're going for it okay so we need to land in the water there's water down there we can do it we can do it oh i clipped it that hurt really been playing for 13 minutes already maybe if i jump it'll help i'll have like a little bit more control i don't know about this oh gosh this is so hard where's my elytra i need it give this another go nope i just don't have enough momentum my closest attempt was the first time i did this so i don't know exactly what that means but hoping oh here we go yes he's done it level completed where am i i'm at the top again am i at the top i don't yeah yeah and then i can elytra over to the other levels but i i don't have like super jump anymore so remember that i want to go to this rainbow world that looks cool level ten rainbow oh this this should i why why am i skipping around i should start with level one i feel like okay anyways we're just gonna press the button oh there's a countdown there's a countdown my gosh this is that's incredible that looks so cool okay um i feel like i should stand in the middle because that's where i need to be yeah yeah yeah that that definitely makes things a little bit easier wait do i need to i need to perfectly land in the center oh my gosh okay i understand um i do not have an elytra right yeah only in the the main overworld maybe if i like maybe one of these blocks is like a secret i don't know i just need to perfectly land in the center it's insane i did it that's right look at me oh my goodness okay um no no i messed up i totally messed up because you need to bounce into there and i missed it this looks so cool though all right i guess i need to eat my death ball is that what this is for that's exactly what it's for all right um that that kind of worked i just stood on this guy and then i just lined it up with my cross hair and that was that was the secret but remember we need to land on the red so i just need to land like that hurt that hurt down to my bones come on rainbow dropper don't hurt me like that why you gotta do me dirty like that here we go okay all right we'll do one more bounce we'll do one more bounce i missed it i missed it we understand what needs to be done though i understand the strategy oh i oh i messed up hear me out what if i land on the slime block and then i just land on one of the higher up levels so that i'm not falling as far i think that's what i need to do just land on like this yellow part there you go and then we can slowly make our way down to where the door is there you go that's the dream all right this is the final level if you would like to get a prize click yes if you would like to go back and try the other droppers again click no how do i click no how do i click it didn't work i would like to explore more of the levels i don't know how to click no seriously get me out of here i have an idea i click it and then i go into my inventory and i hit no didn't work what okay so at this point the only way i can get out of here without actually figuring out how to click yes or no which i'm sure i'm making an absolute fool of myself but the only way that i think i can get out of here with my abilities is to just go to creative mode and fly out which is what i'm doing so i think i kind of broke game by doing this i don't know how to get back to where i was it's not my fault i mean it is kind of my fault but it's not my fault we'll go with that look at this crazy looking pyramid thing this is insane looking it's kind of making my brain hurt all right well i guess i just need to reset the level how do you do that okay so i had to reset the map um i am probably very dumb but i don't know how to actually uh you know click yes or no in the game but we are back so now we can go to different levels i guess that level is the last one let's not go to the last level what is that that's just a skull that's on fire that's weird i don't like it all right let's aim for this icy looking world over here uh okay i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it level five metropolis whoa uh okay i think i can land in the spider webs right and that'll slow me down for a little bit and then eventually i am going to to fall oh gosh i'm trying to get to this next building here where the spider webs are but i don't know if it's gonna work i don't know if i'm gonna make it oh no oh no all right the spider webs are about to release us too high up that one hurt that's all right can i just aim for the jet itself you think that's it's too high okay i like this though the spider webs are this are like the the exhaust from the jet engines that's pretty cool maybe we can just aim straight for these spider webs let's just go straight for these there you go that's easy and then from here i have no idea where to go i don't even know what our end goal is maybe it's just to get to the ground of the city get off the buildings uh oh oh interesting okay just take the stairs easy so easy this is crazy it's so elaborate there's so many things here okay we're on the seventh floor can i just keep going down the stairwell here can i just go all the way to the bottom 14 wait thought i was on the seventh floor very confusing i'm still going down going all the way down i definitely have no idea what the end goal of this is but i'm going maybe from the surface of the city we can figure out where we need to go what floor am i on ground wait you can go i can keep going i can go underground you know what i don't want to go underground what is happening here what i can get give me a watermelon slice where's my watermelon slice give me xp where's my xp what is this place this is just a giant cafeteria or something i don't know what the purpose is though i can leave all right we made it to the surface of the city we started all the way up there now we're down here still have no idea what the end goal is but let's do a little bit of exploring i suppose it's a very orange building over there who cares what is this welcome to downtown take the bus back to the warp room wait does this mean i won there's no bus here where's my bus at i'm very confused let's go up here because we can wait this is a freeway this is like an on-ramp or an off-ramp why am i going up it i i don't know because i have no idea where to go and i'm just kind of going my computer keeps chugging some kind of building here exit 4. there was nothing really up there maybe maybe there's like clues or hints around here i don't know just a quick thank you to all of you who download the map it means a lot to us this map is is super cool it's really cool it's also very confusing i have no idea where i'm going or what i'm doing maybe we should go underground remember that's one of the options we had oh what okay uh sure i am under the building now basement up oh it's an elevator does it work does not appear to work okay i like the idea so this is just the basement i guess wait there's a garage does this open but this opens we're under the city now i i think any buses want to take me home no buses where these go i can't open this is there a button somewhere there is nothing over here okay still extremely confused you know what i'm going to eat a death ball because i feel like from up here i can get better idea of where i need to go or what i need to do maybe not can i just jump to this building you think no that's too high that would hurt there's a hospital there's the freeway man i do not know where to go oh no slipped um i guess we're gonna try to go to this building it has some spider webs over it and we're gonna try to hit them i think we'll make it oh i missed definitely missed maybe i can just aim straight for them is this one right yeah it was this building boom he's done it great question somehow i lived and now i am on the top of this building and i don't know why go into this trapdoor a little scared what i don't even know why or how that worked but it did here we are back at the overworld wow okay um that was bizarre and kind of awesome well as you can see there are still plenty more levels to try out in this mod uh let me know if you guys want to see more of this cause it's pretty stinking cool and i will link to this map in the description down below check it out for yourselves either way thanks for watching i'm gonna fly into the endless of this and oh this oh bad okay well here i am i i live here in the darkness now so beautiful [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 731,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, family friendly, lets play, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, minecraft creepypasta, scary minecraft videos, minecraft funny, minecraft map, minecraft scary, minecraft horror map, cursed minecraft seed, minecraft mods, best minecraft mods, minecraft baby, minecraft with son, bees, bees in minecraft, minecraft bees, fathr son, father son, father and son, father son minecraft, minecraft morph mod, morph mod, minecraft dropper, impossible dropper
Id: LkEKz41ddOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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