ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Full Broadcast - Feb. 22, 2024

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tonight breaking news tens of thousands of cell phones in the US stop working the FBI on this tonight and what we know so far also breaking as we come on tonight the first US attempt to land on the moon in 50 years reports coming in now of unexpected issues will they pull this off and the sad news on well-known TV host Wendy Williams tonight first this evening the FBI Homeland Security investigating why tens of thousands of AT&T customers lost cell phone service for hours other carriers tonight explaining why their us users were affected too authorities in some places telling users if you have an emergency call on a landline but what about the many Americans who no longer have landlines and was this a warning of what could happen if the threat is more serious Rebecca Jarvis with late reporting President Biden today meeting with Alexi nal's wife and daughter and what Biden called Vladimir Putin overnight that made news and tonight here the video message from naval's mother what she claims Russia told her James Longman oversees tonight the Fallout after that decision declaring Frozen embryos are people by Alabama's highest court tonight several Hospitals and Clinics halting IVF vice president Harris today saying this is because of Donald Trump and his picks for the Supreme Court overturning row Elizabeth schy in Alabama tonight after Republicans torpedoed that bipartisan border security deal President Biden signaling he will take action on the southern border on his own Matt Gutman On the Border tonight this receiv receiving a US Navy sailor charged with Espionage what he's accused of giving away Pierre Thomas reporting that's sad news tonight involving well-known TV host Wendy Williams diagnosed with the same condition affecting Bruce Willis what kind of dementia is this Deborah Roberts is here the new storm moving into the northeast tonight snow and rain and what's coming right behind it and more on the breaking news on this first US mission to the Moon it was supposed to land just moments ago and the news just coming in it has just landed from ABC News world headquarters in New York this is World News Tonight with David M good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a Thursday night we have several breaking stories this historic landing on the moon just moments ago we have learned that the unmanned Landing was a success Gio Bonas is standing by on this but first the breaking developments at this hour on this massive outage today cell phones across this country tens of thousands of AT&T customers their phones not working other carriers affected by this too tonight sources just telling ABC news they now believe it was an AT&T software update that brought the phones down the outage is Rippling across the country you can see the map there showing the most affected cities including Los Angeles Houston Chicago and Miami AT&T tonight saying service has been restored but for many hours some users were told if you have an emergency call on a landline but what about the many Americans who no longer have a landline and authorities are now asking tonight was this sort of a wakeup call what if the threat had been worse Rebecca Jarvis leading us off tonight tonight multiple federal agencies including the FBI and the FCC are investigating after AT&T customers in major cities all over the country from LA to Dallas to Chicago lost cell service I woke up around 3:00 and I checked my phone and it said SOS only the outage affected emergency services and mult multiple states with callers having problems getting through to 911 San Francisco's fire department telling callers having issues to use a landline Massachusetts State Police reporting their 911 call centers flooded with calls from people trying to see if 911 works from their cell phone please do not do this it also affected firstnet a nationwide Network for first responder and police communication AT&T hasn't said exactly how many of its more than a 100 million customers were affected according to the website down detector which tracks self-reported outages the numbers peaked around 10:00 a.m. at more than 70,000 but that's just cases reported directly to the website down detector also reported outages from T-Mobile and Verizon but both those companies say they're operating normally and blame the reports on failed calls from their customers to AT&T users so let's get right to Rebecca Jarvis with us tonight sources telling us that this was a software update that malfunctioned affecting tens of thousands perhaps even more and all of these concerns today because people were told to use landlines uh if there's an emergency concerns that this could have been far worse in this country particularly because so many people don't even have a landline anymore that's right David and far worse potentially if it had been a Cyber attack or something more malicious it was also a reminder that in an emergency most phones like this one have a function where you can use Wi-Fi to make an emergency call and you can use that SOS emergency function to also text in a real emergency David all right Rebecca Jarvis leading us off here tonight Rebecca a great reminder now to the other breaking story we're following the first US attempt at landing on the moon in more than 50 years just before we came on the Air Tonight the attempt and we have just learned now the landing was a success let's get right to ABC's Gio Bonz covering this for us Gio that's right David dsus is officially on the moon now we don't know it's conditioned just yet but we know it's transmitting that data this little spacecraft has a big mission tonight that historic touchdown an American spacecraft landing on the moon for the first time in more than 50 years separation confirmed the lunar lander Odus nicknamed ODI touching down near the Moon South Pole at precisely 6:24 p.m. a what an outstanding effort I know this was a nailbiter but we are on the on the surface and we are trans transmitting Mission Control erupting in Applause the Lander built by Houston based intuitive machines now the first private spacecraft ever to land on the moon carrying instruments that will gather information about the lunar surface ahead of NASA's emis mission to the Moon in 2026 with humans on board Americans first landed on the moon on Apollo 11 in 1969 we will be here from now on for what will be uh truly a historic time that's one small step for man one for man the last time back in 1972 on Apollo 17 now od's Mission sets into motion a new beginning in exploring the moon and the universe that South Pole the dark side of the moon has water and ice which is critical if we want to use the moon as a home base to one day explore Mars and Beyond the moon has one six the gravity of Earth and no atmosphere so it's a much easier place to launch deeper into the solar system it really is the launching pad into human exploration out into deep space and David what's really incredible about this is that they actually lost a critical tool to land the spacecraft in the two hours before this landing and in those two hours here on Earth they created new software uploaded it to the spacecraft and made this possible now it's transmitting data David the mission officially begins Gio Bonas with the breaking news tonight Gio thank thank you next year this evening President Biden meeting with Alexi nal's Widow and daughter in San Francisco today delivering his condolences in person after naval's death in a Russian prison in the Arctic the president calling Naval a man of incredible courage and tonight right here the video message from naval's mother what she claims Russia told her and what President Biden called Putin last night that made News James Longman overseas Tonight Tonight President Biden offering his condolences to Alexi nal's Widow and daughter in San Francisco he was a man of incredible courage and it's amazing how his wife and daughter are emulating that Biden ready to unveil new sanctions on Russia tomorrow and praising Julia's resolve she's going to continue to the fight he had onway we're not letting up the president even going so far as to call Vladimir Putin a crazy s SOB at a closed fundraiser yesterday also tonight nearly a week after his death nal's mother says Russ officials took her to a morg in secret and claims they are now blackmailing her I'm recording this video because they started threatening me she says they say that if I don't agree to a secret funeral they'll do something with my son's body a public funeral for Putin's best known critic could be a major Focus for protests nal's death certificate reportedly lists the causes natural but his family says they believe he was poisoned this as the boyfriend of russian-american kasnia Carolina who was detained in Russia last month tells ABC News he's just received a letter from her one day she'll wake up and she feels so motivated and so inspired and just so positive that she will see me soon and then one day she'll wake up and she says Chris I have really no hope and I believe I'm going to be here for the rest of my life well Vladimir Putin called Biden's comments about him rude but strangely enough doubl down on previous comments he' made when he said he hoped President Biden would win November's election David James Longman reporting live from keev again tonight James thank you meantime back here in the us tonight and to the new Fallout that could affect so many women in this country it comes after that decision declaring Frozen embryos are people by Alabama's highest court tonight more Alabama Hospitals and Clinics have halted IVF even with women families in the middle of treatments tonight vice president Kamala Harris saying this is because of Donald Trump and his picks for the Supreme Court overturning row ABC's Elizabeth schully in Alabama tonight tonight President Biden denouncing that controversial Alabama Supreme Court decision that puts women's access to IVF at risk calling it a direct result of the overturning of roie Wade saying the disregard for women's ability to make these decisions for themselves and their families is outrageous and unacceptable on the campaign Trail in Michigan vice president kamla Harris saying we're at this point because of President Trump appointing Supreme Court Justices who would overturn row and he did it and that's what got us to this point today and just days after the state Supreme Court's ruling almost half of Alabama's fertility clinics are pausing IVF treatments Dr Beth Mia at Alabama Fertility clinic describing the heart-wrenching calls to patients we've got patients who are already with this sort of extreme stress and then you put this decision that's coming out of nowhere um on top of that and it's yeah it's awful 238,000 families in the US undergo IVF every year to try to become pregnant each cycle averages $122,000 how does someone else get to dictate what I say what I what I want from my family Tori Beasley conceived her daughter by IVF she's Midway through another cycle only to learn today her Embryo transfer appointment scheduled for March 4th was cancelled you stay in a state of hope I guess just being hopeful are you hopeful today still hopeful that's all I have right now undergoing IVF is a deeply personal decision we've been speaking to so many families here in the middle of this process they are angry and Confused in the middle of an already stressful process some have spent their life savings and what they think David could be the only option for them to have a child David as you said deeply personal for millions of families Elizabeth thank you we turn now to the southern border tonight after Republicans killed that bipartisan border security deal President Biden tonight signaling he will take action on his own on the southern border Matt Gutman reporting from the border tonight tonight just two weeks after Republicans torpedoed that Landmark bipartisan deal on the border President Biden now weighing taking executive action to stem the flow of migrants at the southern border for months he claimed that without Congress he was out of options all I can do just give me the power but now ABC News is learning one proposal the White House is considering cracking down on migrants who cross between official ports of Entry they comprise the bulk of those Crossing in recent years like the families limping into this camp near the Mexican border in hakuma Hot Springs California under this potential executive order they could be barred from seeking Asylum the border wall extends several miles behind me in that direction but it ends right here at these Boulders and it's right here where for several months hundreds of migrants would cross a day and out of concern of a humanitarian disaster here Mexican authorities built this encampment with food and water but it had an unintended consequence people stopped coming here last month migrant apprehensions at the southern border totaling just half of December's record high Sam Schulz is a volunteer here in hakuma Hot Springs you know if President Biden does pass this executive order essentially changing the way Asylum is done what do you think the effect will be here if that happens yeah we'll get a flood for a while and then it'll probably shut down but who knows who knows David it's images of ragtag camps like this that is putting pressure on President Biden to act On the Border in the White House telling us tonight that the restrictions on Asylum are just one of a range of possible executive actions they could take and even if this does come together they say it could take months to finalize David of course a major issue this election year Matt Gutman Matt thank you next tonight a US Sailor from Tennessee has been charged with Espionage tonight accused of passing classified documents to a foreign National at least eight times Pierre Thomas with what we know so far tonight a Navy sailor who worked in a division providing support to one of the nation's most advanced missile systems has been charged with Espionage Navy chief petty officer Bryce pedini who was stationed aboard the USS Higgins is accused of repeatedly sharing classified information relating to the National Defense to a citizen and employee of a foreign government according to the military charges Pini shared classified material on at least eight occasions while he was stationed at a naval base in Hampton Roads Virginia and also while on duty in Japan so far the military is refusing to name the country or provide specifics on the classified information that was allegedly compromised but pedini operated the agis combat system a sophisticated radar system that tracks incoming missiles so they can be shot down among the classified material he allegedly provided to a foreign agent images of a SI computer screen which allows access to sensitive top secret military material tonight Navy officials gave us the following statement saying they take all incidents of this nature very seriously and they remain vigilant for other potential breaches David and we know you'll continue to follow it Pier thank you now to the sad news tonight involving well-known TV host Wendy Williams diagnosed with the same condition affecting actor Bruce Willis so what kind of dementia is this and what her family told our Deborah Roberts just days before the releasee of a new docu series chronicling her personal struggles former talk show host Wendy Williams revealing a new battle a care team for the 59-year-old saying she was diagnosed with Progressive Aphasia and frontotemporal dementia adding the conditions have presented significant hurdles in Wendy's life it's the same diagnosis Bruce Willis revealed last year here's Randy for years Williams reigned Supreme on her gossipy talk show but in 2017 she collapsed on set sparking concerns for her health the TV host had been open about her medical issues and battles with substance abuse but in the end her show was cancelled Williams was hoping a new lifetime documentary where is Wendy Williams would lead to a return to TV instead cameras captured a heartbreaking decline with excessive drinking erratic Behavior go drive I have no idea where we are and bounce of incoherence just yesterday I sat down with Williams's niece Alex finny an anchor at our Miami affiliate WPLG to talk about the documentary some people are going to look at this and say this is exploitation she's being exploited how could they do this right my aunt is the executive producer of this documentary and she said now is the perfect time because I want to take ownership of my story family members say they had noticed cognitive decline in Williams but at the time there was no official diagnosis during this filming at what point did you know something was seriously wrong oh right off the bat when I saw her she didn't have to say one thing I knew that every cylinder is not firing the way it should Williams is under the care of a court-ordered Guardian following questions about the management of her finances her family says while they're relieved to hear that she seems to be responding well to treatment they're frustrated that they haven't been allowed to see her in nearly a year David DEA Roberts tonight Deb thank you when we come back here the new storm moving into the northeast tonight and then what's coming right behind it and the dramatic images tonight the rescue from a highrise of harpon fire the baby being carried down that ladder in a moment tonight here the dramatic rescues from a 14-story apartment building fire in Chicago at least seven people were heard including an infant in critical condition one person seemed carrying a baby through a smoke filled window climbing down a ladder and then handing the baby to a firefighter fire crew is also saving people hanging from Windows authorities say everyone is expected to survive when we come back here tonight the new storm moving into the northeast tonight snow and rain and what's coming right behind it and what we've just learned about this landing on the moon tonight Gio is standing by with more tonight we are tracking snow and rain from Kentucky right up to the Northeast up to two inches of snow possible in Upstate New York and parts of New England rain from Washington DC to New York City to Boston then behind it much of the country about to see temperatures in 50s 60s even the 70s this weekend right into next week when we come back here tonight what we just learned from Gio on this Landing moments ago on the moon ABC World News Tonight with David mure sponsored by vivg guard and vivg guard hulo finally tonight here the us landing on the moon for the first time in more than 50 years just a short time ago the unmanned Lander already sending data back Gio Bonita is covering this what have you learned Gio well David it's just incredible in the final two hours before this Landing we've learned that the main Landing system actually failed and they actually had to create right here on Earth a whole new software and send that to OD there by the moon and that made that successful Landing incredible David made all the difference supposed to land at 624 and it did just about that you'll have more on this tomorrow thank you Gio and thank you for watching at home good night thank you for making World News Tonight with David mure America's most watched newscast
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Id: 1Jf9uIfkcNY
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Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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