RATS OF TARKOV 1 Hour Special (Feat. StankRat) - Escape From Tarkov

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have you ever extract Camp before this is unacceptable you're in a a rat suit godamn it Chief oh man shoot him damn it what the run for your life there's a cheater in the lobby what the f he's the cheater am I the cheater oh I don't feel so good you don't feel good oh no do you have a heavy bleed stop her please don't leave whoa he shot me first he shot me first put prove it put your hands up you guys ready for some stin rat action some some Chief rat GG I'm ready believe me I'm ready I got my snacks on top of snacks on top of SN snacks on top of snacks on top of snacks there's more in the fridge I got my drink I'm [ __ ] ready bitbot is on the cosplay wouldn't be complete without the tail you should believe me n XX I'm going to show you how to truly rat I've decided to embrace the rat lifestyle can you even see the screen I don't need to I can smell it look at this snout dude I could feel it with my tail I even got shoes on look how fast I can Scurry Perfection and now we wait I already have my first kill coming my way this guy doesn't know what's going to hit him delivering me my cheddar look at look at him what an idiot he's so sneaky oh [ __ ] I still think they should have added a bayonet option to this bad boy I'd love to just be like ah stab him stab oh an injector's kids you ever seen Arthur wear a headset I think he's a rat isn't he me listening to my own advice did someone open the door what the [ __ ] well we got a cheater in the lobby just hoovered the hell out of that injector's case yeah we looked in there there was an injector's case I heard someone pick it up but no door open rip run for your life there's a cheater in the lobby we're going straight to Holy what the [ __ ] he's the cheater am I the cheater I love you here stoker no matter what CB says about you he those guys got clapped for what the where'd he die from what is going on he hit the bush okay oh stop moving I still can't believe we saw a cheater [ __ ] Hoover that [ __ ] out and then ran into an a speed hacker I dropped him and his carries I'm a Chad yo what's up don't mind me I'm just playing I'm cosplaying a bird here I accidentally stream sniped you Lu love you oh God everybody act normal everybody act normal sankk you'd be proud of me you see that guy there I killed him that guy there killed him that guy there killed him that guy there killed him there's another one on the other side of that van that was a speed hacker killed him all with the avt I'm just warming up for my stank rat Duo tarov can't couldn't handle us together oh my gosh stink all right stink how do you ever survive I had the most like insane sneaky spot first bit bot I immediately died there's so many scavs oh my God oh my God oh my God what the hell he tried shooting me underneath this this what is going on listen if you're a player scav I'll make you a deal let me live and you won't regret it I'm going to kill him you son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] they got me I just die yes all right let's go down down to the rombs [ __ ] oh God no no no okay does he shoot this light out can you shoot take a cracker little bit of meat the Peace Day resistance which is the cheese and then you dip it in the PE day resistance which is the bean dip you son of a [ __ ] is what is delicious we have the boss up I feel like he's going to draw all the attention to him over there I need to ask stank what is the optimal amount of time to sit in you think that's funny I need to ask stink like I was saying what's the optimal amount of time to spend in one location am I sitting here too long not long enough this spot's so good even the AI scabs don't see me no don't go on my body that's it's not your loot that chat is mine what's up whiz look whiz is confused he's like what's up with all this [ __ ] in my way those are my snacks dude he is so confused last time we opened it I got like four skybridge keys a y TOA manager's office G room storage key I feel schemed any other Keys okay let's go try and take on kaban all right it's on [Applause] foreign [Applause] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Applause] this isn't [Applause] good is he inside there now Jesus [Laughter] it's easy need a bigger bag damn he had a lot on [Applause] him oh we got an air drop what the [ __ ] this the ultimate rat gun is that me this guy's going for the [ __ ] turret that's going to happen a lot this round goddamn rat that link there Kevin it'll work well all right P to that BS ammo isn't BS ammo like 7,000 round did I just hear a person run to the X Shar got you [ __ ] you with the dumb hat don't move I tried to tell [Music] him what H do I look like scab nope not with that outfit like these ones we are ready no that's definitely blocking a lot of the vision Rod but that's fine cuz I have an extra set of eyes now step one survive long enough to let a let a bunch of players SC spawn in step two get this [ __ ] dill pickle chip out of my tooth like jammed up in there yes I'd like one martini shaken not stirred I get it like James Bond you son of a [ __ ] ghost you son of a [ __ ] a he got [Laughter] me report offensive nickname I'm offended should I shoot this light out is that what stin would do yes what the I'm pinched between two teams here what the what the [ __ ] I'm joined one of his Duo channels hello sir oh Lord is it time yeah I think it's time are you sweating right now if if Shrek asked me that if I was in a swamp I would say no this is my swamp and get out of it that's how bad it is that's how bad it is it's pretty swampy oh man I'm getting out of this raid right now how's uh how's your rat Adventure going by the way do you make it look so easy this is so much more difficult than I would have thought stop oh it's hard you're just flattering me H there's a science to it I need you to teach me the ways oh shoot that scared the hell out of me um oh yeah we we'll go right now well the issue is we're both running bit bot so we ain't very yeah we're not very quiet you think tarkov's ready for this yeah oh my God I feel kind of underdressed for this occasion should I put on a hat I got a hat on myself right now I mean you you got you don't need more heat do you you got a lot of heat on right now I got it is yes yeah that's believe it or not I had this before I knew about tarov it was destiny mhm doors are closed so far nope there's a man here I'm dead he must inside I killed him how many times do I teabag him he came out of the window like that uh six times there we go yeah that's what Loser yeah we report that for sure actually toxic yeah for real I don't have red Rebel am I good to pass on by you guys pass I'm up here with you yeah yeah are you in are you in this building here no no no I'm by the extract but I don't have a red Rebel oh what's up brother what's up oh rip I oh what happened I trusted them I shouldn't have I bet on friendship and it bit me in the ass did you make friends no I tried he's so tense right now lighten up buddy bro your cat looks so like that's the most tense he's ever been whenever I when I held him like that like usually he's pretty chill and just like melt and right there I don't think you trust me in this thing as soon as I put the costume on he attacked me immediately yeah naturally You're a Rat yeah it makes sense he's like what the [ __ ] is this big rat doing in my my human's chair okay just goes all out all right so I I heard mixed things do we shoot this light out whenever we camp like at this spot nope no we don't change the environment gotcha I think that might have got me earlier oh definitely yeah I play into the psychology of the Chads you know if you oh there's two water files right there if you want those you don't want them no I'm good I'm good I feel like I'm changing the environment kind of yeah okay we are going to close this door I'm going to go down real quick and there's a so the button down here if you I don't know if you know uh but if you go next to the button it'll tell you to turn on power so then when somebody turns on power it'll tell you to hit the button so you can see when power is turned on so I just kind of slide right next to the button yeah I don't know if you knew that I did not I knew it would turn green if someone had like taken the extract yeah yeah do you know if that's if someone actually takes it or if it's uh if it's just that they press the button no if they uh they they got to well if they open D2 then it's uh then it will turn green oh my bad okay uh where would you like to sit you want to sit on the top I'll spectate how you get up top I'm you know how to get up I do not okay you just kind of do one of these whoopsies and then you just jump up on top of that server right there oh yeah you make it oh you make it look so easy all right yes and just uh be careful if you prone so like there's little prongs if if you prone in between one of the prong like if you prone in between the prongs you won't get stuck if you prone on one of the prongs you could get stuck and it's really bad so you should be okay right there now we just sit here and relax and wait for them to come down what's the what's the snack of choice tonight oh I got some well you got you got some crazy snacks you're snacking is crazier than mine right now I'm actually kind of jealous I got some fruit snacks though apple flavored it's snack time I thought about breaking out the fruit but I thought I didn't know if rats ate fruit uh they might eat anything I don't know yeah yeah they yeah yeah yeah I went with the cheeses oh man have you had cheese it snapped I'm not oh if you uh I hope I'm not like ruining this isn't ruining your diet but those cheese at Snaps are actually crazy good snap yeah they're like cheit Snap comma or apostrophe D and then uh if you ever get uh I don't know if you like Cheetos but they have a jalapeno chetar Cheetos those things are so good oh man hopefully somebody comes down sometimes D2 is quiet though I avoid it like the plague have you ever extract Camp before I have not which I'm not doing it now I'm not shooting anyone right I'm just I'm just here to spectate I want to watch the master at work oh you gota you got to definitely kill somebody down here I don't think I'm good enough I don't have it in me I mean of all places in tarov not to go it's this one it's got to be this place right yeah 100% 100% so people coming down here they know that o they know they're about to get red that's fair all right sounds like they're in Bunker they hit power already so they may be coming soon and there's two guns I think and then there's somebody way above your life is 4 F1 she going down the stairs I I'll spectate I'll spectate yeah you're going to have to do this I'm not going to fire my gun you got toi we going to watch dude we should we should just tell them and be like we could have killed you give us give us your loot I tried yelling at people with a freeze today and not to move they immediately moved and like looked in my direction I don't get it they always do that or something Have you ever ratted before in tarov like fullon this sort of behavior no not this hard I did one time someone was bringing me in a viewer kit and they disconnected and so and it was on streets and it was in the pig room and I jumped up into the corner and within like 30 seconds a Chad came in dude and I smacked him in the head with my melee weapon and then he fell there and I jumped back up in the corner and then a Timmy came in and started to loot his body and I killed him too what yeah it it was like the easiest quickest two kills I think I've ever had it was awesome that's that's amazing how did it make you feel so good I had to end on a high note though I was like I'll never top this so what you're saying is ratting made you feel good it did yeah no it was it was it was like dipping my toe in a pool that I wasn't supposed to yeah for sure it's like grabbing the cookies out of the cookie jar when you're definitely not supposed to I did that [ __ ] all the time as a kid I would like take the cookies and I'd hide them somewhere and then forget about them and the cookies would go stale just cookies classic ADHD yeah you'd look like behind behind the shelf and there'd be just like a storage it's kind of rat honestly I think rats store their food like that yeah yeah that's that's rat mentality I think this you might be meant for this I don't know although I don't think you can I think Adam would be really disappointed in if you were to he's extract camped before Oh has he like our second wipe he extract camped to get a shooter born in heaven kill and I make fun of him for it that's funny is back when you had to do it on interchange oh oh oh yeah defin okay don't mind me asking how much was that get up surprisingly cheap someone just asked that too oh Jesus Christ that scared the hell out of me that's my bad that's bit bot's bad God I forgot you had bitbot on oh my God it uh I think it was like 25 bucks it was cheap I was surprised that's actually not that's why I said I had to get it so what are you gonna be for Halloween Nikita H that' be I got I got my DJ outfit already yeah yeah they're coming oh Lord okay so you have the advanced angle so I'm going to need you to shoot somebody shoot him damn it Chief I'm not a very good shot I'm not a very good shot oh man I panicked uh I think he died cuz he was so scared though had a heart attack attack I maybe okay so yeah well we're going to break you out of this habit this is unacceptable you're in a a rat suit goddamn it they didn't give me claws though I don't know how to aim oh yes you're G have to go back on Amazon and complain right at one star yeah well I think he might have been solo I'm going to do a little check parkour yeah he was solo whoopsies oh H do you have any uh uh splints by any chance got you I seem to have forgot the splints you broke my fall my hero do you want his loot n it's all you oh uh you don't need an RS ass do you he's got okay well he's extra mad you think he needed it oh oh there's somebody here okay we we'll go down further we're going to rat further we're going to rat deeper inside of D2 this man was running the uh MP9 I ran that the other day it's actually uh it was a lot of fun it is pretty fun it spins like crazy though or where do I sit okay so this is what we're going to do you going to knock out that light you're going to sit right here and just do a little lean like that I'm going to sit above you I'm going to also open up D2 to make it seem like we left remember I'm a really bad shot yeah I'm going to actually rely on you on on this one to actually kill the dude I'm so sad you didn't kill him I tried my best I I I missed I panicked oh I see his gun he's coming make sure you kill him Chief I panicked uh we got to break you out of this habit this is crazy I blame bitbot yeah I don't know why the guy still came through though he was he was investigating some people grew up watching Scooby-Do and it's obvious oh no welcome to tarov level 11 this guy's toxic too why are all these names so [ __ ] up oh damn uh okay you don't want the water filters oh yeah what the hell is this she what the hell is this I don't even have an identified I don't know what it is and this guy's bag was full are you leaving behind this bag uh you you don't want it no I mean I'm not taking that poison there's no way I put that in there you're right I need to leave that behind all right the B the bag's clean now oh is it clean mhm is it still over there okay yeah thank you thank you hello hello there something there's some juice on the ground if you want it I think that guy dropped it thank you thank you so that's the adventures of D2 that was nice that was um that is like a that that Reserve Run was like it was really nice we had a good spawn they came down quick go one after the other it's pretty rare that we get that actually usually people just kind of don't show up sometimes rat flicks and chill I feel like I tune into your stream at the perfect timing say anytime I watch it it it's just like that oh yeah sometimes sometimes it's real bad though you want to run a scab real quick let's do it I love to scab dude okay wait did we go to reserve oh we did Spa right in the bush right there you think we're on Woods yeah for a second I thought we were uh let's see we could go we can start over here so there's a box right here oh is this the grenade run yeah if you want to loot the Box oh got a Raider down oh is that a Raider body mhm I think or B guard one of the two there's a couple boxes that can spawn here now uh looks like they did not spawn looks like you know that they spawn here though you were looking in the spots oh I was looking at that ammo oh is this a grenade box this is oh yeah it is nice nice nice what's in the box real quick for another grenade sometimes three of them three boxes can spawn down there oh my bad just ignore me throwing down some warning shots yeah just letting them know we're coming watch out get out the way oh my gosh would you like me to come I forgot that was there excuse me oh godam the scab across the way thanks okay hello sir are there any Raiders no hello sorry that my sister such a cute little [ __ ] sorry that was my sister again no [ __ ] go like that if you're if there is can you not hear us no there's no razor my name is and what's your like this is no this is yes I mean Des pop sorry can you hear us hello how' you do that what the did he hit you yeah yeah yeah I AC I accidentally hit him though I'm out of here he did hit me though but I don't know if he lose rep cuz I hit him first in the group yeah I think I would you don't want to [ __ ] that up I'm in I'm in trouble I got a heavy bleed right now I got something to stop a heavy bleed oh wait oh do you no I don't I have a car kit that does not stop a heavy bleed no weing some do you have do you have something to stop a heavy bleed let me let me loot these Raiders okay before he gets to them shoot yeah can you see if he has a CMS K on him nothing oh my God there's rers all over the place well this grenade run just kind of got scuffed classic bit pot yeah hey wait do you have a heavy bleed stopper friend stop please hello do you have a heavy bleed stop her please don't leave [Music] no I think VoIP is bugged I I heard you yeah I could hear you too but these guys aren't responding to me hello really really that's kind of weird hello do you have a CMS kit for CMS kit oh wait the hom is not here right C CMS Kit Hello these guys are ignoring me and it's hurt my feelings I'm about to kill one of them oh no I found the guy that I shot he's still walking around with no leg guys want to take it a D2 hold on what's that mean whoa he shot me first he shot me first put prove it put your hands up oh we got a SC yeah he that wasn't your boy right he shot me first I I don't know if you're talking but you seem pretty cool here take this oh CMS kit how cool how do I do a hand signal to say that I need a CMS kit hold on why is this working with me I can they can hear me and stuff they're responding wait I'm missing out wait I all right those are shots in D to let's go hey Dam I'm going to go into D2 with all these guys there's like five of us here and I'm going to underhand a grenade and then disconnect oh no it's foolproof that's what they get for ignoring me I know they can hear me here I feel sorry for you son I got 99 but scabs ain't one holy [ __ ] spitting bars just I think we found them boys oh okay all right loot up [Laughter] boys well that was an eventful run that was something that's for sure sure check scab up wa it I disconnected scabs I don't know Reserve scabs are so animated I feel like yeah dude the guy I ran into he was something else the last last thing I heard as I disconnected with him screaming dude it's even better whenever you like go to an airdrop that someone else called in and you start calling dibs oh [ __ ] I'm gonna have to do that dude it's so funny it's so funny do you uh you tell you tell them that that you're the one that called the air drop in to it's even better they get offended that's so funny I'm G to have to do that oh man [ __ ] terror group no one's Left Behind wait shoot which one is you this must be oh you just killed me oh no I'm just see oh [ __ ] that scared me man you going to share some of your snacks yeah do you want some I could use some as long as you look me in the eye as I chug this Mayo yeah I look you in the eye for whatever reason wait why is oh I don't feel so good you don't feel good oh no need to wash it down with this sausage all right we're going to play a little game I like to do on Customs it's uh so what I like to do if I get that spawn I'll go over to uh to dorms and I'll send the car away if it's there and and then I come back and say Smugglers like an [Laughter] idiot uh that's [ __ ] good have you ever sat at D2 button and just pressed it all around I figured there's been if there's been anyone to do it it might have been you oh [ __ ] did I get shot at I thought you shot no yeah we got shot at I don't know where from though yeah I don't know where at all oh that was me oh I didn't even see my gun shoot that's funny I I didn't see anything shoot either yeah that was weird it was just a Ricochet oh wait's not supposed to be on right now we should chug another Mayo to celebrate it being on no bad no mayo have you ever had a mayo sandwich I have not I heard if you put pickles on it it's pretty good pickles on mayo or Mayo on pickles kind of one and the same really that's true nice little uh when you when you think about it yeah yeah uh damn I need a drink might be a good snack you know pickle and you dip it in some uh Dam I need a drink oh here I got you oh it's all good I got a I got a drink oh okay that's not that's not that can't be healthy oh I don't feel so good you want to sit in uh these bushes yeah I'm down okay this this a good Bush H yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah how deep into the bush do I need to go uh 7s yeah if you want to go full Bush 70s is the way to go I would go 70% in that's what I meant that's what I meant yeah that's what you meant right yeah but if you don't want to go full Bush you just tip you just go into the you know just like the tip right yeah just a tip yeah I feel like this bush is nice it's got like a little window to see out of yeah I like the windowed bushes you need some wait you some water again no I just got hit I'm getting hit I'm trying to drink this Mayo protect me I'm not sure from he's up top maybe on the bridge where is he uh down right about to bre barve him we're going to Uncle Reco him oh I am not strong enough I'm ashamed he's like down right behind that big ass Rock okay oh I hear movement oh somebody yeah behind us this has to be a scab it's got to be a scab right he going straight to your grenade noise wait it should have worked but I don't have my melee on that's on me that's on me oh yeah definitely scam he almost looked like a he almost had a the PMC head I have a feeling that you know maybe all this noise that we were making might have uh prevented a a nice rat kill you never know though some people they come running for it this is true they definitely do like to fight oh I got a big heavy thing on the um yeah dang I wonder if you get like have you uh do you eat meat I do I love meat yeah I like meat too actually yeah we can't I can't make this with this Samurai on yeah don't give me any sort of credit there for blocking you I smacked that down real quick yeah have you been uh cream barbecue or anything like that oh dude so the only time I've ever had cream barbecue uh we were at a land event in LA and we had just landed and uh I was going to law school at the time and so like I you know that wasn't partaken in the devil's lettuce at all uh oh my bad oh [ __ ] that scared the hell out of me yeah that's my bad but we we had like two days before we had a media day and then we had scrims the day after that so we basically had three free days when I first landed and so the first day we're like yo let's land chill and grab uh grab some good Korean barbecue food and my as soon as we landed my coach had went to the dispensary and came back with like this crazy [ __ ] joint like rolled in ke and stuff like that it was like insane oh my God I about had tried you by accident Jesus uh oh oh hey Ice scab is mad and so I had the munchies big time like I had you know I was I had no no tolerance whatsoever Munchies majorly I ate so much cream barbecue and and I was the only one that knew how to use chopstick like my teammates were all fumbling with it trying to pick up the meat and stuff I I was I was just had free reain of all the meat so I I was Downing it Downing it and I got so [ __ ] sick that night I prayed oh my God dropped my bag I prayed and I was like I'll never overindulge again please Lord just don't let me die I felt like my insides were exploding I threw up so [ __ ] much we went back we went back and got it the next night I it was so good it was so good it's like the best food I've ever had I I prayed that night dude I turned into a very holy man and I I was like I cannot die on the bathroom floor of a hotel in LA because I overate [ __ ] Korean barbecue it was like the best food i' ever had I loved it it's so good but yeah so you eat so much then you would know about the meat sweats yeah oh yeah yeah you just smell like meat I wonder if uh if I smell like Mayo now oh she smells like smell like Mayo what does mayo even smell like like eggs she probably smell like eggs you ever ate asparagus yeah probably nothing like that but I understand though I see what you're going with this you get it yeah apparently only a portion of the world like people can smell the aserious not everyone yeah some people can just eat it freely and no no worries like they can't smell the I don't know if it's if they can't smell it or if they just don't stink after eating a bunch of it huh you a lawyer now I dropped out to play video games do I look like a lawyer to you do do I look like a lawyer all right I might look like a lawyer that's a good point that's a good point bring melee a good call you GNA go to twitchcon yeah you went to the last one right I did yeah did you go to the last one I did not I haven't been to one yeah the um are you gonna go this year I was I'm on the fence about it I'm on the fence about it what's the uh drawback I haven't taken a time off in a long time uh it's been like several years since I've gone on a vacation and I feel like the first time taking off from stream I would rather not do something stream related really yeah stream related yeah and so but but there's like I also would love to meet some of these people IRL and kind of get a face to the the username more so I know already I guess that's so that's the thing is like and you don't like so for the last twitchcon I didn't even go to like the convention um I went in I walked in got my plaque or like the little lanyard thing uh and then I walked out and I never walked back in and then basically it was just like hanging out with uh all the content creators for like the rest of the time right uh among like a lot of other people too you know you didn't go to like a partner party no I wasn't partner then oh [ __ ] okay yeah like you can do the convention is one thing but like hanging out with the people is pretty fun too you know um but it is stream related so if you're if you're trying to like go to Maui or something like that you know like I was thinking yeah like a cruise or something and just be away from my phone entirely no technology desk honestly like a weekend in Vegas isn't all that bad right it's not too much time off which is why I'm kind of on the fence about it I could always do both right why not both you could always do both 4K noos um are you far from Vegas Oklahoma so I'd have to fly okay but I don't think it's that bad of a fight no probably not like couple hours probably yeah that' be cool if you went but um but also you know you haven't taken you you you stream a lot you are I think like like the fifth or fourth or fifth in our category in the amount of like hours or something oh Jesus yeah so I didn't know that yeah stream a lot my dude it' also be weird taking time off like when I don't aniy right yeah I've recently gotten good about taking days off just like a singular day like it's like I need I need to not go 24/7 and so yeah because you'd be doing that especially when well it's hard though because we just had wipes so everybody's been doing the wipe hype um but now it's kind of like cooling down but I still take I take Tuesdays off which is like arguably still not enough to balance to work life right but if I don't stream I'm just like an anxious mess so we stream [ __ ] it right I have fun doing it too so it's a little different on like work life thing yeah yeah that's the the thing though is like you know we enjoyy it so it's not really you know like work necessarily except for the editing part the editing is like the real work of the yeah a lot of the behind scenes stuff true yeah yeah but the but streaming itself is like the greatest part anyway do you already have all your stuff booked for Vegas and whatnot yeah everything's ready to go nice that's exciting you can be staying on the Strip uh God you guys are funny I wish I was this this oh Jesus cat sorry I did not catch that it's okay I'm terrible at catch as well oh God that scared the [ __ ] out of me I thought I was going to get shot at running through here right now have you ever gotten stuck behind that big door no oh oh yeah yeah definitely yeah I have I tried tried to rout up there one time and I overshot it and fell and got stuck behind the door I was like you know what maybe it just wasn't meant to be yeah all right we're going to sit right here well actually no yeah it's fine whatever that's yeah that's not going to happen [ __ ] die already you want to hop up on the other one I'll hop up on this one uh if you want to chill right here did you vo or did you voice on right now that was you right it wasn't me oh yeah I guess it was me I thought that was you I thought it was me too it's so hard to tell anymore the just Blends man uhoh uhoh oh this could be really bad oh no they [ __ ] tag teamed me dude they had me W key and N at the same time oh my god oh no okay I'll get you I don't even know if it was planned well it was nice to see it on the other side yeah you want to bring me in a kit I'll bring you in a kit oh are we going to trade okay I'll bring you something bring you something fancy dude surprise me okay no peeking what should we get him chat I'm G to bring you something that I love to run should we give him the meta HK the PKM okay the PKM that's a no-brainer I can't believe I didn't think of that one should we give him some cheese as well the cheese look how sexy I look though bam pure sex appeal like we got to give him some mayo wow I burned through a lot of rubles today all right sir oh not the Mayo again I heard it was your favorite specifically 5.1 lbs yuck oh I was running around with the ABT earlier and I was clapping with it oh I love the thing oh goodness gracious H it's practically an ABT yes just a little bit bigger I've been told that girthier same stronger well thank you for the kiss sir you look very intimidating yeah this looks uh this is fancy this is fancy equipment I had one of those on earlier and bitbot got me with a grenade oh no I know I had just dipped a cracker with meat and cheese in some bean dip and I saw bitbot go off for the grenade and I was like you know what it was worth it I just ate the cracker instead just eat the cracker yeah I died it was oh God Hit the Dirt oh are you oh you're not dead oh you son of a [Laughter] [ __ ] Dan skin yeah okay I don't know if you have those commands enabled only the AL 41 yeah maybe I should have taken that one out [ __ ] I was struggling to get it to work with my mouse and so I I was like you know what we'll go with the ones that I can easily do via keyboard yeah so you don't have like the drop gun and stuff no not yet I will for the next time you got to get that yeah you got to get that one that one's toxic as [ __ ] dude I just scored such a big kit holy cow see if the car's up massive come up with this kit damn the car's not up there no unfortunately not of course it's not it's never there when you need it you know surely no one's at emercom yeah surely emercom has been a nightmare lately it's pissing me off cuz I'm the one that I I want to rat it and there's guys there already I'm just like so let me rat it in peace please nothing like throwing a grenade to announce your forthcoming yeah uh it's okay I have this uh this PKM you know I'll admit this the swamp ass hasn't bothered me as much but my ears are on fire and I don't know why cuz technically it should be like more comfortable You' think not much for you to leave also I'll uh 7,777 bits 77 7,777 bits a freaking schmuck just got me a schmuck aoo well he's gonna be happy yeah what a schmuck what a schmuck you wantan to you want to try to run the scab real quick I'm down [Laughter] okay how long this is the first day you ran with bitbot have you ran before yeah I've ran it um I've done it for charity events oh nice but these these commands are the the best I've done for sure I did like a much lighter version yeah like you have mastered bitbot yeah I've you got all the fun ones yeah I went into the deep one like I went deep with the bitbot I I spend I don't know how many hours trying to like configure some of the drop kit and drop gun and then like the VoIP thing is hilarious too and yeah I want to get the VoIP one set up cuz that that one was the funniest as soon as I saw that you had that I was like holy [ __ ] that is funny yeah it's every time you've done it in raid so far I've got it's gotten me to laugh yeah have what there was a PMC in the bush maybe I just died that was weird oh I I Avenged you oh nice how many teabags does he get oh six again 69 6 I don't think I can count that high you might not be able to maybe just a good solid six oh was it not a PMC that killed you no no no it was it was a PM oh God I just [ __ ] up my scav oh no yeah he in the bush over there somewhere well he got me too it was a good shot though dude on that scab I will say I dropped him yeah you did drop that guy I saw that I went to went to teabag him and yeah he he he didn't deserve it I feel bad I hope you didn't lose a lot of rep uh like minus 1.4 yeah yikes oh man we're we're back we're back down to sluming it my ears are on fire dude oh that feels so so good to take the headset off yeah this will have to be the last one my my ears are killing me funny enough these ears are doing fine well cuz I Al that for okay here we go thought I was matching bug oh there's a guy in the bush in front yeah dropped him you got him there's also one on wood in the building too I'm not sure from where though yeah I see him mid building first floor dropped them too there's there's another one though we just try and run past we could just go by unfortunately those are probably the dudes that are going to go down to D2 they'll loot for us yes he's going to sit and camp those bodies waiting for us to go loot them yeah we'll never show up oh over banding oh I got caught that guy scared the [ __ ] out of me oh my God you died I did I did where was he right on the other side of the building from you all right that is where I'm going to call it guys thank you so much for all the support today it is just out of this world how many tea bags four and a half okay let me get on it one a dude what I got what a fun day holy cow much much much love guys thank you seriously so [ __ ] much all the followers lurkers chatter Subs get the subs Don know Bitties everything you got time for one more no I'm going to call it there my ears are killing me okay okay dude but we need to we need to get in a full full day of this coming up that was fun oh hell yeah dude it was fun men our impromptu rting session it was this was a great day couldn't it couldn't ended in a better way I mean maybe not that guy kill me but at least you teabag him for me so that really I got that's all that really matters yeah man none of the stuff was insured it's all yours it's all okay thank you I uh yeah I like the get up by the way thank you dude the ABT actually does slap that's it's pretty fun yeah I haven't really the AV too much I really only used the SVT count one in the same yeah I need to use it more I think thanks again guys for everything I'm going to send joh over to SRP let's go hang out with him well thanks for the raids dude oh dude my pleasure man my pleasure uh well like I said we'll we'll have to do it again soon but oh yeah man until next time brother take it easy you too man have a good one dude
Channel: SheefGG
Views: 133,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov, tarkov, tarkov highlights, escape from tarkov highlights, escape from tarkov gameplay, eft, tarkov chad, tarkov meta builds, tarkov chads, tarkov gigachad, chad tarkov gameplay, tarkov pvp, tarkov loadout, sheefgg, best tarkov builds 2023, tarkov builds 0.13, tarkov rat spots, tarkov rat streamer, tarkov rats, tarkov rat vs chad, stankrat, stankrat best moments, sheefgg tarkov, stankrat sheefgg, tarkov special, eft rat, sheef eft, rats of tarkov, rat eft
Id: cFCOXj2Wez8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 46sec (3886 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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