Thirukkural and Object Oriented Programming - By Dr R Nadarajan, PSG College of Technology

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hello I'm Joseph Robertson and I go by Robbie and I live in Atlanta area few days ago I had the pleasure of attending the fifth International Conference on thural held in Chicago it is one of the most gratifying both intellectually and emotionally conferences that I've attended in recent years the event was hosted by Chicago Tamil suum they have done an amazing job of putting this event together be it the Assembly of knowledgeable Scholars from all over the world are fantastic cultural programs top quality [Music] production programs are be it the food and the love with which they served I could feel the love for the T language and every cup of coffee that was served great job Chicago I'm really amazed Amed and and thanks for putting this great show together it is going to start a lot of thinking process among a lot of us who attended thank you the primary motivation for my attendance is that uh my college professor from phsg College of Technology an association that goes beyond 30 years was presenting a paper in the conference he had come all the way from quatu just for 3 days so that he could present the paper and Dr nadran is such a person that over three or four decades he has created such a rich network of alumni who the same amount of love and affection for him his topic a rather unique one was titled thural and objectoriented programming just the mention of the title of the topic would make you stop and pause knowing him I'm pretty sure that he's been thinking about it for three decades or so since he started working on object oriented programming it was very well received with wrapped attention it was just like being in a classroom all over again just the Mastery with which he was able to present complex topics the humor this 20 minute presentation at all the elements drama and all together so I had the privilege of recording it and editing it in fact I would say that I learned a lot during this presentation but a lot more while editing this is an amazing presentation that I'm I'm sure it's going to spawn off lot of thoughts enjoy the presentation and please feel free to leave any comments in those thread so that I can take it back to him and for any F good morning to everybody including the chairperson it is a different titam I have been teaching objectoriented programming since 1993 that time I was not comfortable with During the period of time one of my PhD student gave the book written by Dr VC just a 9 rupees book which got s Academy Award there one chapter talked about now the recent book on the English translation is available which I got last week only right imortal by the by Dr V so there I saw a chapter generalization generalization ofra and the first characteristics of object oriented programming is abstraction so that made me to think there is something connected with object programming and right there are four characteristics for object oriented programming abstraction encapsulation inheritance and polymer right and how they are what connected with that isend this talk when I talk about object all are objects all are objects and still higher level today we are participants of what this peral conference this a class which contains both the data and number functions there is a definition for personality definition before marriage one after marriage before marriage talks about height weight color attributes after marri only people realize color will not work more is Reed affected parties are here what mean by that the husband is handsome the wife is beautiful both are employed and husband one day every day the wife comes from office by 5:00 by 5:30 one day she came by 8:00 the handsome husband asked where are you coming from will there be any Harmony in the house after that I hope right that is what I mean by the physical characters alone not sufficient functional character more important that is about class that contains data MERS and M some of computer science people available here this is a difference between class and relation schema relation relation talks only about attributes class contains both attributes and what M functions okay the agenda of object oriented program is p complexity and kill complexity Bas complexity and in complexity capture mod so these are the four characters ICS of object orent programming abstraction encapsulation inheritance poly basically and I what is that this is the best slide of this presentation from my perspective from my perspective it is mapping the four characteristics are given in programming the first one is labeled as modeling that is what I talked about face complexity and kill complexity mod and philosophically it is classification the word class came from classification right many times I used to tell in the class when your parents will be happy the moment they know their words are good in classifying things if you know your words are good in classifying things your life is very comfortable so it is classification en calulation data and philosophically accountable I come to I talk about this we are responsible plus and minus nobody else responsible that is be accountable and inheritance talks about reusability continuously add value if you don't add value no survival right something plus something there is influence of the movie something something right and single message many interpretation knowledge is perect I will talk about be adoptive be adoptive so some charactertics available and programming it is looked at from one perspective in life it is looked at from another perspective so when we teach a course instead of teaching only object oriented programming inject value system inject value system the value system is available in no need we have to go El when it is available why you have to something else that is please then right there is a fantastic this I saw in that book that made me to a journey of thousand mil start the single step the single step is given by Dr talked about computer talked about computer inste ofing not about computer I hased about computer has about this mic there is a fantastic word he has identified which is any time any place you are able to fit today's job should be completed by today today's job should not be completed by yesterday able to appreciate so he has used a very very strong powerful word that is a richness of what isra obra because of Abra then people talk about what is whatever you want to identify and assign it is not Dy assign is very careful right some time next one this also right every place it is acable for the world as IND this is this also patient which patient we don't know doctors they may doctor anyine then attend right either it's aaker for the patient for the doctor right all the things be what isod here this is fantastic excellent it starts with I right you want to learn you can learn people say artificial intelligence I want to learn I used to tell the stutely so anything you can learn advice given by whom that depends on the requirement right okay there is a nice concept available in C++ or Java abstract class right that says it is a class for which there is no instance I used to tell my students God is a good example of an abstract class for which there is no instense all right it is my perspective it is perspective need what is I to fight with anybody Once Upon a Time some six seven years back I told this example we have a discussion in the C some of the were there how to impr students with example then I told this example he was set of interesting example after two minutes he was he told me my father will not accept this serious 85 years old person will not accept it that is reason right somewhere I have written right it is totally my perspective L available they would have gotd from their GES even G is not able to do able to solve right for that right which you can so D is a very very rich word which is more abct no int if you are able to appreciate no need I to fight with other F am I correct absolutely no need a concept for a highly mat mind that is an example abass it is my perspective right encapsulation data MERS manipulated by m i study well I get good marks I'm not studying well I'm not good I'm not getting good marks right I have an account if I put money balance will be there if I with money bance will be less appr right that isulation data manipulated byun and this is also available right literature it is available for our plus and minus we are responsible but B is much more virual very strong he never looked at the problem from others perspective he looked at the problem from don't blame anyone at any point of [Applause] time ask God-fearing person or a conscient fearing person I used to tell I'm a conscient fearing person [Applause] then that is also super for what is encapsulation right next then inheritance something BL something it took some time for me to connect inheritance I so doctor arod doctor right doctor is a Bas class arod doctor is a d class something plus something more right inh continuously what is for this I got some two right I said the first slide which the thir slide and this is next one there are things available they have some characteristics they are having some characteristics hope you know is one characteristic right but what is Project is a ruler right is a Statesman so one is a base class other is what the Der class to appreciate like the second next one yeah this is another fantastic people talk about a one Visionary one person right by using chbd you come out with the report correct you prepare any document but his evaluation process is totally different there is a degree holder concept available there is a knowledge holder concept available all the degree holders are not mechanical engineering degree holders are not mechanical engineers computer degree holders are not computer scientist but who def def talk in front of what is said a person who is comfortable with computer science then I labed as a that is inter that GP will not work then when you go to interview you say I have lot of Fes keep the to talk to the broker certificates are broken right in marriage you have to broker for where the is available oregom is available beyond that if you the broker you are do belong bra right so this onear is a base class right that is a degree holder the other is on the class right fantastic fit and this is po 100% 200% every is polymer every is polymer polymer a single message interpreted by different people I tell one joke which I was told by my teacher with the students right asking the question two students not when he asked I'm talking about it was told by my fourth standard teacher serious not like this not able to catch right so this is how simple matically 1 + 2 add this 2.8 + 3.9 add then a vector plus b Vector add 1 to in all the places we are using the word add that that add gets interpreted depending on what is coming if it is 1 2 it is a integer addition if it is 2.8 3.9 it is a floating point add if it is a vector it is vector addition right it is a complex complex number addition it gets interpred try all the things we are what single message life is like this Ser the knowled is what is a perspective knowled not absolute mother asked son to get red label he asked that mother whether it is half kilo or what is it 1 kg father he asked whether it is half l or single word right how there is a yeah there is a Fantastical available for what is that characters adaptability does not mean losing our values and self Respec self respect they have lot of people they you know that you have seen in TV right how they adap to what is places so self aspect and this is very important and this also I used to tell some point it will hand over to the next no other state dos May somebody iser than ispec this isant I'm a teacher the teacher business is to make the students salable comfortable in school if you look at tamad state board students join Cal board students join IC medium English medium biology group computer science right all the students but when they leave the campus they should not say I from biologist I from Medi classify as Lear and Lear broadly SL and P maintain so that the slow Learners should become what Lear when they live after four years of engineering education or years of education or 3 years of education they should live happily stating that I an engineer of College of Technology hope you are able toate in talking I was this right it is laed as acemic governance ask they should so right X should become white when they will become white when they ask the question white W right that is poly and he talked about what is this also is fantastic what is that why me that question right he talked about who talk about ideal case we say we should not fight with anybody we should not argue with anybody we should not beat right all the things this is ideal case but actual case due to something we do some mistake so what he [Applause] so many things are there I have send it this as AER the value is only from that Dr what is thanks for the opportunity now [Applause] waiting C not joking seriously could be for Cy SEC machine learning dat I teach I connect it is it is [Applause] many time we ask questions and we say they are not able to answer over the period of time it is notal problem it iate CH I know he will irritate also say that is the reason I remember what Newton good example to make them to find out good [Applause] examp and increment software development is and increment we do something we commit mistake and see that next time that should not be IDE example [Applause] than
Channel: Robby Lobby
Views: 5,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psgtech, thirukkural, objectorientedprogramming, chicagotamilsangam
Id: AkUI0ZX9gc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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