I found some luck! | 100 x $1 tickets

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oh baby let's go let's freaking go hey everyone it's andre get rich or die scratching so y'all commented not everyone a few people commented do a hundred one dollar tickets i can't believe i did this man this is insane and also i picked a hard game to play meaning instead of just matching a number i have to find three like prizes and then there's something in this prize level thing scratch the prize level spot for a chance to win triple or even nine times the price this game has a top prize of five thousand the prize right below it is 900 it's such a weird game brand new game here in florida all right this is a hundred dollars a day in may this is so much work but hey let's get lucky baby let's hit it for 5k right so get single prize when the pr prize remains the same triple prize win triple triple tripler win nine times okay so those are the prize levels we're just looking for three like prize amounts i'm gonna do these in sets of two because it's more efficient three like prizes nope that would have been the triple triple prize oh triple pride okay all right single prize single prize nope all right those two are losers the odds on this game what are the odds one and 4.81 there are a ton of prizes on this game meaning from one dollar to two to three it's like it's it's wild man the um there's like an eight dollar prize a lot of weird ones all right three like prizes guys that's all i'm looking for this should be pretty quick actually i mean there are 100 of them so i won't be that quick but so far we have four losers in a row and you know me i'm a scanner i'm going to scan them all cause damn your local get richard i scratching does not throw away tickets without scanning them and you know how much i miss it's crazy for as long as i've been doing oh we got two bucks let's see if we can single prize two dollar make me hala holla and no all right we got the first win how am i going to mark this as a win i'm just going to oh and i guess i'll just tear it off it'll be a single win over there we're at two back so far i probably keep a run in total on the screen if i edit this properly all right here we go 150 151 two back so far look at that four back single prize all right we're at four back another two dolla all right to get 150 that was 152 or at least we didn't hit for a buck right all right next up 148 i won't even say the numbers what's the point you can see it we got a lot of tickets to get through five bucks hey five dollar make me holla holla oh triple that's a 15 banger right there for a one dollar ticket let's go i woke up in beast mode not too shabby if you ask me 15 bucks on a one dollar holla holla so what is that where were we at we were at four plus 15 that's 19 back so far we're killing the game baby we are killing the game don't sleep on the one dollar games all right 19 back on 100 spent we got some ground to cover baby oh man that would be insane that 5k make it rain the 9x and no dice no dice on the 9x all right the next two here we go got a tripler and a 9x the triple tripler they call that the triple tripler for 9x nope and nope it's all good it's all good in the ticket 142 143 no [Laughter] no all right let's get it baby 20 oh baby let's go let's freaking go if there's no multiplier there that'll put us at 39 back 1x let's go baby let's freaking oh man that's awesome that is awesome a 20 win on a one dollar ticket so my biggest ever win on a one dollar ticket folks is a hundred all right here we go let's see if we can break that today some way somehow no and no next up 136 scratch dust on this thing oh baby that would have been juicy all right we got a buck down there three bucks we got a three dollar holla holla you guys hear that in the background that is my wife she's outside blowing the leaves she has um borderline ocd on stuff man she can't handle dirt man she like i mean mentally like she hates it all right another dollar that's funny so i think we were at 39 oh we got 39 plus so we're at 40. now that was a three times that was the three times we were at 42 man this is confusing three times again let's go baby that's a nine dollar win no that's a one times three that's a three dollar win sorry i thought it was three times three oh man i'm a hot mess i'm gonna have to do a total somehow on this um approximately approximately at what oh what were we at 40 43 40 yeah we were at like what were we at dang it oh you're all gonna kill me man all right that was a 3x that was a three that's six plus 20 plus 15 plus 2 plus 2 that's 19. that's 39. that's uh freaking 42 45 we're at 45 back sorry y'all all right 132 133 we're at 45 back we're doing pretty good honestly we're freaking doing better than i've done on a lot of other days from being freaking honest man these one dollar tickets are hitting right now all right here we go top prize is 5k baby 5 000 bucks oh my gosh can you imagine hitting five oh fifty oh agitating five thousand dollars in a one dollar scratcher that's insane eh all right here we go 128 129 no all right here we go no i think doing these in sets of two is a little better 5k baby come on oh man look at that hundo baby let's go that would be so awesome to tie my best ever win on a one dollar and we got the one dollar times three so we're at 45 we are now at 48 48 and i had to scan all the other ones you know because you all know me man i make mistakes on matching numbers what do you think i'm doing on this thing all right here we go 48 no no all right all right all right come on i think if i hit 900 i would just mail it in if i'm gonna be totally honest nothing there i don't think it's worth the it's like it's not like i'm not like desperate for the money right this second you know don't get me wrong guys 900 is awesome all right two two two that's a two dollar win times three that's a six dollar win baby let's go i woke up in beast mode where was i at was that um i was at 48 plus six i think that's 54. i think we're at 54 back let's get it 54 no oh man get me all hot and bothered over here all right here we go no oh oh my bro bro for some reason i thought oh i about screamed i was about to scream and then it realized okay all right 54 plus 155 we're at 55 back okay two two two times one all right we're at 50. that was that's back-to-back wins uh i was 55 57 back 57 not too shabby over half no no all right come on baby no 10 10 10 oh let's go baby let's go all right that's uh we're at 57 what'd i say 57 67 bam we'd be hitting on these ones man i don't know maybe i should've bought the whole book who knows all right 104 105. [Music] malfunctioned there at a dollar i was like what did i say 50 50 67 so 60 i think we're at about 68 bucks 68 bucks back all right it's actually a fun little game to play i wish i should live stream a whole book of these that's actually a good idea oh man that's why you get 300 300 300 times the three that's why you get that 900 prize that's pretty odd right it's so funny i guess it's just the theme of the ticket you know no nothing there sorry i'm about to sneeze all right i'm back so i had to sneeze one one and one baby we're at 60 something we're still at 60 something with that one dollar how long ticket 98. 98 being difficult we got still a lot of tickets left folks a lot of tickets left let's get it no no no i think we're probably still in the 60s probably the high 60s 68 or 69 something like that get your mind off the gutter let's go one one one times one we're probably at about 70 give or take and you guys must know this is killing me this scratch dust um buck let's just call it a let's call it 70. let's just call it 70 and we'll go from there all right all right all right baby no my app on my phone has not been like scanner app has been acting up recently it's funny because i was being critical of the california app and let me on the floor that's way better and now the ford app's acting up it's almost like it hurt me no three out there three bucks three one dollar that's a dollar times one that's a dollar seventy one [Music] give or take out goes this is what we got left 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 it's a 22 pew pew pew [Music] 22 tickets left sitting on about 71 bucks honestly i'd be happy if i didn't i'd be happy with that i'm getting my ass whooped so bad man getting 70 back 100 is happy happy grads no of course i would like to hit 5 000 that would uh be amazing 30 30 and now no [Music] teaser buck 1.72 back man we're doing pretty good 72 back that's pretty freaking good honestly absolutely freaking bonkers 73 i think we're sitting at about 73 back now here we go no [Music] oh man they know how to tease man they know how to tease all right 70 75 74 75 or 74. we got six left then i gotta scan them all and then um i will do the recap you know all right four left four left no no all right this is it 58 59 no all right we got the one one one three times hey if we were at 72 we were at 75 so i'm going to do the recap guys that was pretty freaking good we got quite quite a few wins quite a few wins out of these all right i'm gonna do the recap and i'm gonna turn off the camera count it all clean it all up come back to y'all all right i sorted through them all so we got one two three four five six seven eight nine single one dollar winner so nine dollars two four six eight um in two dollar winners so four two dollar winners so nine plus eight is seventeen and we got some i got a couple three dollar ones so one two three four three dollar ones that's 12. so what was that 17 plus 12 that's what 29 and then we got some bigger ones guys we got some big ones we got six bucks here so that's 29 so that's 35 then we got a 10 one that's 45 then we got a 15 one that's 60. then we got a 20 one for 80 bucks guys 80 bucks back on 100 spent on one dollar tickets hey not too shabby thank you all for tuning in i got still got a mess i got to scan all these bad boys i might have missed something if i missed something it's more but for right now the count is 80 dollars back on 100 spent i love all your faces stick to your budgets see you in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Get Rich or Die Scratching
Views: 180,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CK5Ds2vIAzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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