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[Music] boom baby win all doubler let's freaking go [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey everyone it's andre get rich or die scratching so i need to give a massive thank you to lenny me and lenny are going 50 50 on this gamble right here we have 600 in tickets so we each went in for 300 and i bought these um in sets of two so for instance this is ticket nine and ten this is ticket twenty eight twenty seven these are from different rolls and packs eleven and 12 29 and 0 at publix when they run out they can open the new pack and they go in reverse so 0 was the last one in the book 29 was the next one 16 and 17 and 3 and 4. so in no particular order i got these from different books different uh vending machines different roles gas stations etc so here we go premier ticket here in florida so we have 600 worth of this this is awesome hopefully we can win big um the odds are one and four and a half and you can find multipliers and then what i like to call the super sack if you find this you win all the prizes twice all right let's jump into this bad boy starting with ticket number four enough of my yapping more scratching all right the bonus on this one is sixty six and nine sixty six and nine six hundred dollars in i will put a counter um on the screen i'll edit it on the screen on where we stand all right no bonus ticket number four let's get it baby here we go 74 38 we had a 58 no dice three and eight uh we have no singles 79 65 we have a 29 a 69 21 41 nope no 20s no 40s 73 35 trying to stay alive 11 18 49 we have a 16 and a 13. 76 78 nope 25 43 no 20s no 40s oh we do have a 29 actually sorry 39 51 39 51 we have a 59 55 69 29 all right come on baby one more two more three more rows one thirty seventy twelve no thirty nope 77 36 it's a 22 64 72 6 bump and uglies 19 28 17. all right guys ticket four was a bust yikes that's 50 bucks all right ticket three we will simple hunt this bad boy we'll go a little sideways here make it easier so again we're looking for a multiplier or the money bag the base win on this ticket is a hundred dollars so if you hit you at least get 100 which is i actually really like that that made that the base win um not 50. okay no symbols i had a friend who did 10 of these in a row the other day and lost on every single one pretty crazy no symbols let's uh see if we can match a number the bonus is 14 and 33 14 and 33 22 21 22 21 nope 24 68 24 and 68 48 no dice 13 and 28 man we needed that 14 38 48 no 28 no 13 oh oh nervous 3 and 44 3 and 44. nope okay 69 and 47.69 yikes all right well there we go those two lost ouch all right let's do the next one we have tickets 16 and 17. come on baby one time florida show us the love we will symbol hunt as well again looking for multipliers or the money bag those are the symbols that you can hit winning anything is awesome on this because again the base win is 100 this is a 600 gamble i would like to win a thousand plus or a cool 25 million since this game came out like in the last month they had i think 14 or more than more than 14 maybe 20 million dollar prizes already hit pretty crazy all right no symbols that's okay we can still match a number the bonus is 12 and 70. 64 and 56 64 and 56 we have a 54 and a 66 that doesn't do us any good 49 29 49 and 29 yikes 57 51 57 51 no no 50s well we have 52 41 39 41 and 39 yeah well so pinoulsa 3 and 62 3 and 62. ouch okay well those are second chance entries that's what that is that was ticket 16. next up is ticket 17. let's go come on come on florida give us a win baby 44 13 57 29 72 37 34 46 69 and 9 77 no we had a 37 57 43 nope whoops 78 59 69 29 19 26 21 and one 27 35 27 35 one off dot com 62 22 nope 23 16 42 23 16 42 48 63 yows up folks come on heat it up florida heat it up eighty and three fifty three and thirty eight nope 73 47. look someone's got to put these kids through college right 41 me and lenny will do it 79 11 oh 24 6 oh we had a 46 i thought that was a match 15 75 trying to stay alive 67 baby dolls four oh my gosh 28 12 28 and 12. i'm nervous to buy these in sequence now i'm nervous to buy these in sets of 2. all right here we go ticket 29 this was the um first ticket in the roll that's how publix does it i had him open a new pack for me here we go let's get lucky baby 17 18 42 77 80 12 74 65 37 and 33 36 49 63 44 25 67 we had to 65 22 and 70. 13 and 15 46 19 26 71 oh my goodness 57 53 no 50s 148 38 66 54 6 68 75 73 and 7 73 no [Laughter] 858 oh my goodness 28 sixty nine thirty four i should have sent him the money fifty two four oh lord forty all right come on bonus save my life baby 11 and 47. nope oh man that's rough all right this was the last ticket in the pack even though it is ticket number one um whoops the lighting just went out all right here we go ticket or ticket zero triple zero come on let's simple huh let's find a freaking symbol man let's find a juicy fat multiplier or many multipliers that would be so awesome black box special no way that we buy 600 worth of tickets and lose on everything impossible right per the odds we should win on two we just need one of those wins to be crazy like a million bucks no symbols baby 4 and 49 4 and 49 nope 12 and 18 12 and 18. a lot of numbers ending in eight 58 48 28 38 78 65 and 26 65 and 26 oh my goodness 78 70 we have a 78 thank goodness whoo baby oh come on let's go and a 73. oh thank gosh 13 25 man i'm sweating bullets up in here all right 13 25 all right i don't see a 25 or 13. all right let's hit the bonus 2 and 23. nope all right we got the two matches the least it's gonna be is a hundred hopefully it's more 78 and 73 50 and 50. we will take it 100 back so far thank goodness we got a win all right next up sorry y'all getting that scratch just out of the way is ticket 12. we still have quite a few tickets left we have six tickets left we're only halfway through let's let's try to simple hunt this bad boy the fast way if you all watch um another channel called ar platinum he knows how to do this the super quick way i have never been able to master his level of scratch so i do it the slow way i know some people appreciate the fast way you know it is what it is i don't have his skill set he's got the angle down perfectly all right so far no symbols let's hit the bonus the bonus is 17 and 54. 80 and 14 80 and 14. no that's a 19. 16 and 38 16 and 38. nope 13 and 60 13 and 16 no dice 33 48 33 and 48 27 and 67 27 nope this is a second chance entry all right that was ticket 12. next up is ticket 11 as promised guys i did i buy these um i stated at the beginning i bought these in sets of two here we go ticket 11. we need a 44 or a 17 44 or a 17. all right no 44 no 17 21 and 30 we have a 21 first scratch first match let's go baby let's freaking go we're getting at least 200 back at least 70. oh man these tickets are expensive bro 18. single match single match 43 63 77 51 i'm calming down 49 25 41 11 45 trying to stay alive 40 and 68 made a 78 6 19 23 48 74 72 and 30 28 and 3 22 36 71 and 1 12 26 we have a 76 is 16 29 65 58 35 78 all right folks this is a single match ticket a single match ticket let's go let's freaking go baby 100 bucks hey we'll take it though we'll take it it was really as soon as i saw that zero and i saw the hun i was like please be 500. all right we're at 200 back so far not too shabby could be worse all right ticket 27 i mean we spent 600 so yeah we want more we want a cool million ticket 27 we'll simple hunt this bad boy and then you guys know how i do it now i go sideways a little bit you can still see we haven't found a multiplier yet all right no symbols that's all right we can still match a number this is ticket 27 so this is a different new set of tickets ticket 27. let's get the bonus real quick the bonus is 21 and 69. 21 and 69. 61.34 61.34 no 64.29 get this whole thing in frame 64.29 i don't see either 59 39 49 45 37 45 37 no dice 54 77 nope 30 and 17 30 and 17. folks we did not hit on this one and again the bonus was 21 and 69 so no no dice there all right that's a loser guys so next up is ticket 28. here we go and then we have tickets nine and ten so we got three whole tickets left plenty of chances here we need a 53 and a 52 55 so sweet to hit that bonus we hit that bonus we're in profit zone all right nope here we go 37 43 nope 39 41 21 no 20s 33 69 60 and 7 we have an 8 and a 9 12 57 nope 72 35 trying to stay alive 48 75 you cannot add them together that's not how it works 2 78 38 79 65 24 32 19 31 18 26 no 20s boom baby win all doubler let's freaking go [Music] profit dude this is minimum 500 this is freaking awesome oh baby let's clean this up sorry y'all gonna have to wait for this because i'm getting the thumbnail man let's freaking go okay this pro this might be the way to go the two in the row who knows i know it's all pure luck in the odds and everything so man let's freaking go baby let's freaking go oh let's go lenny dude we're in profit this is minimum 500 minimum all right let's win all the prizes twice let's do it baby let's do it let's add this up so you win all the prizes twice this is called the super sack i think this is a i don't remember i will do the math right after i discover what they all are come on all right so here's how we're going to do this we're going to go 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 200 and then there's gonna be one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 that's 500 bucks baby let's freaking go freaking a man that is so awesome that is so awesome man i think that's 500 is that a thousand did i just mess that up where's my pen let's redo that let's redo that 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 200 times 2 that's 400. this is a [ __ ] claimer dude i'm dumb let's go baby oh my gosh i don't know how to do math that is so awesome one two three four five that's a hundred one two three four five that's two hundred one two three four five that's 300 plus dude this is a freaking claimer let's go oh my gosh i can't believe i messed that math up in my head i just was so convinced it was fine that is so awesome bro lenny lenny my man hey it hit brother it hit dude oh my gosh all right y'all i'm so sorry about that i'm gonna get roasted alive in the comments i know it but hey you know what it was worth it dude we just hit the freaking second claimer on this youtube channel baby all right all right ticket 28 win all double oh that is so freaking awesome man i can't believe i messed the math up profit zone all right we still got two tickets left y'all it is not over the show is not over we got nine and ten let's freaking go i can't believe it man oh man my heart is racing right now let's simple hunt we need to find a multiplier we just found the super sack i like to call that the supersac because not only is it a win all you win all twice i can't believe i messed that math up that is so embarrassing y'all just roast me in the comments i'm so sorry i got carried away i had no clue um i hit the super sack like when i first did this game but it was 500 so i just assumed boom baby 10x let's go let's freaking go man we are on fire this session it started slow but hey you know it's not how you start it's how you finish baby it's how you freaking finish all right 62 and 26 62 and 26 no 73 and 12 73 and 12 no i don't see either 13 and 51 13 and 51 no dice six and two six and two thirty nine and seventy thirty nine and seventy forty nine nine fifty nine all right nothing there all right let's hit the bonus real quick 38 and 46. all right folks we have a single 10x here the obvious prize would be 10 times 10 for the base win of a hundred bucks which we will gladly take but there could be more small zeros all right it's 100 bucks but we'll take it baby let's go let's freaking go i can't [ __ ] believe sorry y'all i know y'all don't like me swearing i apologize i can't believe we just did a claim right i wish i knew where i bought that ticket from because i bought these from so many places this is the same thing happened last time i don't remember where i bought the ticket from that i hit the claimer on all right ticket number 10 ticket number 10 let's freaking go all right the bonus is 80 and 56 80 and 56 you can win on back-to-back tickets i've done it numerous times 80 and 56 so just because you hit on one don't give up on the next one 49 and 19 meaning if you bought them together don't i don't suggest chase thing i just mean 78 52 15 21 15 and 21 36 35 no 20s 66 18 8 40 42 39 2 46 28 17 62 26 73 7 12 65 14 75 9 43 72 76 oh come on 68 64. i mean we're so in the profit anyways 23 63 all right that was a loser oh my gosh what a session thank you all for staying till the end we hit a hundred there we hit a freaking claimer a thousand there that's one thousand one hundred a hundred there one thousand two hundred and one thousand three hundred dollars on six hundred spent guys that is super rare when playing lottery tickets wow wow wow i'm so bad i messed up the math on that y'all thank you all for tuning in hey lenny thank you so much man for sharing this um gamble with me i know last time we got roasted alive but we came back brother we came back big time all right y'all i love all your faces if you're new to the channel please consider subscribing i'll see you on the next video peace
Channel: Get Rich or Die Scratching
Views: 313,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ocJlgbvr3PY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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