I hired PRO Violin Teachers and Pretended to be a Beginner…

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Ego Porn. Fucking dumb.

👍︎︎ 210 👤︎︎ u/Chugaboy 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't enjoy stuff like this. Like these instructors are actually trying to help people that are eager to learn, instead I feel there is a certain trust that is betrayed with something like this. It ends up feeling like a mean thing to do.

👍︎︎ 236 👤︎︎ u/JustSeriousEnough 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

It fits the sub better than most things but I just feel bad for those instructors.

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/Fuck_A_Suck 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

What a dick.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/TRON0314 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

So, what does he get out of this?

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/chickenclaw 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Well, that was self gratifying... How cringe is this?

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ArmyVetRN 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

My favorite part was when that one instructor was wise to him within the first few seconds. Like come on, don't oversell it right out of the gates.

I used to live in a party house at college with eight roommates, and Smash Bros. was on 24/7. We had all gotten really, really good (one of my roommates even placed at a tournament). Anyway, we have this party, and this international student plunks down and asks us how to play. He joined a match and was clearly skilled (even doing a bit of advanced tech like wavedashing) but still pretending he was new. My roommates and I decided to punk him back and threw a couple matches. "Wow, you're a quick learner. What's say everyone plays with their favorite character now?"

He got put through a meat grinder. "Ok, ok, you got me, you guys are really good." He was a good sport and (like most Eurpoeans) a great drinker.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/jeromocles 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

This guy doesn’t know how to make a prank funny or wholesome. Was just like “hey look how good I am. I’m also a YouTuber anyway bye”

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/VoiceofPrometheus 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

its smurfing of course it sucks.

smurfs just want ego boosts.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/joblagz2 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] in this video i hired pro violin teachers and pretended to be a beginner i started playing the violin at three years old and have two degrees in music performance but these teachers won't know that so i came up with a fake story hi jessica i bought a violin six months ago and have been self-taught since then but i need some help my 10 year old son loves meme songs and video game music so i'm trying to learn one to surprise him for his birthday in october his favorite is a song called coffin dance do you think you could help me learn it maybe we could start with one lesson and go from there my schedule is open this tuesday thanks alan now i thought about wearing a disguise so these teachers wouldn't recognize who i am because i do have some violinists who watch this channel but then i thought no i wear a costume in pretty much every one of my videos but if i go as rob landis they'll never see through my disguise i got a violin about six months ago my son has really liked watching um you know different videos of violinist play music um and so i have just kind of been self-taught and but it's it's pretty hard to learn without a teacher without having somebody know you know wanted to see if i could try a lesson with you and if things you know go well then maybe we can keep taking some more lessons and of course yeah yeah sure james bartholomew yes you can call me bartholomew or bart okay i love the simpsons so i'll call you bart okay sounds good all right i'm i'm really nervous so you don't have to be nervous not at all okay it's just bart yes just i'm just burnt so don't start let's start okay are you sure your violin is tuned let me see to be self-taught i can say that it's not bad oh okay good well i i i'm a i'm a fast learner um and i've i've worked really hard and i wanted to see how far i could get on my own yes but i can hear already the sound you produced and it wasn't bad absolutely for someone who never had the lesson never have been guided from the teacher you surprised me so my first question are you a lefty or a righty uh yeah i'm a lefty okay just wondering gotcha is this is this okay to play this way or i want to see what you got into so you can just do everything normally okay well i would be i mean if this is i want to make sure i'm doing it right so i'll just play kind of what i can do and then yeah but but i'm happy like i'm happy to switch over today and just make sure i'm doing it right you know i want to do it the right way but he can play on the left side with the bow on the right side okay well let's just let's just i mean let's do it the right way so i'm happy to you know if you want to kind of show me where everything goes on this side and make sure i'm doing it right so let's start okay sorry i'm really i'm nervous uh no no no be calm and be calm because you're doing very very very well i can't believe you did it by yourself well i can't believe but it is great of course uh we have to correct some something but um for someone who who did it by himself it's really surprising you're very very very well done oh thank you no no no thank you very much though this is this is great i didn't know i was doing so well because i still feel like i'm kind of scratchy and my fingers don't go in the right places and they still get kind of tangled up sometimes now let me interject real quick it was at this point i realized she was starting to catch on she kept saying things like you learned so fast oh you're like a genius so i had to dial it back a little bit i want you to start up higher here on the fingerboard close to your closer to your bridge rather than down here because i want you to develop springy joints okay so with your first finger i want you to just go like this so can you see this black strap this black strap and this frog there's a middle portion this is gap between the black strap and the frog because tiny tiny portion over here yes yep so your thumb goes the tip of only the tip of your thumb goes straight into that gap like that just the tip goes into that gap exactly like that yeah and your little finger will just stay put on the on the wood okay look exactly so this is your bow bowl [Music] i move my thumb and then other fingers until i arrive on the top of the ball and then i do the same thing only with one arm you see i'm good with the same thing you're good and i go back a nice exercise to to learn how to hold in a secure way and uh also in the same time you will have enough flexibility in your fingers [Music] which is good yeah i feel like you're yeah and your posture is also really good like your posture is like not too high and it's not too low it's like it's really good that's good um did the a string and the e string as well try that try on the e string [Music] okay so you switch off you switch off yeah yeah okay yes you're doing well i see maybe the first time you see it's not very very easy yeah you're doing well you're doing well i i'm afraid to come i'm afraid to come back uh down seems like that would be harder yeah this is uh this will be more difficult also you're right yeah but you can do it okay okay finger on the g string and then move your arm away and try fourth finger on the d string be careful of your if your bow is too high make sure it's all down okay [Music] and then only after that you have to hide yourself at the elbow [Music] have you ever heard of the term pronation and suffonation um yes i studied some uh medicine in school actually that and that's the the concept we need when you draw a down bow when you come to your violin you actually want to pronate [Music] on the downbow you mind if i try yeah you can try oh that looks nice i'm guessing you know all the notes on the e string till the e strings are g d a e you know the notes on them let me see [Music] this moment i didn't hear from you so i see them all we didn't play can i ask you one question sure do you think by the end of next week's lesson i can sound like this i'm a youtuber i've been playing for 30 years i'm a youtuber i was i was pretending to be a beginner i've played the violin for 30 years you're a very very you're a great you're a very very good teacher and if with your permission i would like to have you on my youtube video i started playing the violin when i was three years old and i've i have two performance degrees in music sadly i'm like wondering why i'm wondering why oh my gosh wow wow now you know why i had to record the lesson that was just so like effortless though i was just like sure you can just take over like i don't need you i don't eat it thank you bye bye all right hey thanks man take care bye too see you bye all right guys i hope you had fun watching this i had a blast and i want you to know that all three of these teachers gave really really great advice and i would recommend any of them to you if you want to get better at the violin so go ahead and check out their links down below and hire them on fiverr if you want to see more videos like this let me know in the comments i'll see what we can do see ya [Music] what's up gamers today i'm going to play youtuber intros on the violin because i hear them all the time and i want to find out if i
Channel: Rob Landes
Views: 7,148,536
Rating: 4.9221983 out of 5
Keywords: rob, landes, rob landes, rob landis, violin, violinist, Fiverr, Fiverr beginner, pretended to be a beginner, beginner violin, I hired PRO Violin Teachers and Pretended to be a Beginner…
Id: qsErReM15XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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