'I Heard God Speak': Columbine Survivor's 'God' Moment Amid Horror

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Craig Scott we are at the 25th anniversary now of Coline an event that you survived that you went through and that you very beautifully over the years have spoken about sharing your experience your sister's life story and so much more thanks for joining me today absolutely Billy great to be on with you so I want to start just as we're at this marker 25 years I imagine in a lot of ways you can't imagine or believe how fast that time has gone by what's going through your heart and your mind as we've hit this anniversary here yeah there's a lot that's gone on in my mind uh I've been thinking about what to say even for the last year because this I knew was kind of an important marker for me personally just 25 years later um I've I've dedicated a lot of my life to sharing uh my sister's story my story and traveling around and speaking my family started at a an organization to share The Life and Legacy of my sister and we've um impacted millions of people uh we became the largest school assembly program in the country um so I I also work in film I live in Atlanta and want to be a part of inspirational true stories so uh I've just been thinking about a lot this this anniversary I'll be going back to Colorado and spending time with um people in the community as well as my family and I'll do a number of interviews out there because it was you know it was the first mass school shooting that happened in our country um I've been followed a lot over Through The Years with media and it's partly why I got into film making and storytelling because uh for a year like d line followed me and gave me a camera and told me to film as much my life as I wanted and um and I it's you know immediately after the shooting um I did this interview with Katie krik and she called it her most memorable interview I was with my friend who was killed next to me Isaiah and his dad I was with Isaiah's dad and um it really you know I re I realized early on that people a lot of people saw the the news media and you know saw it as invasive but I didn't see it that way I saw it as a way to get out a message and a story so from early on I had um this belief that um that God had a a plan and a purpose for the worst tragedy in my life and and that belief whether you know if somebody believes that or not that belief has been uh one of the ma the biggest helpful things in my journey the last 25 years this belief that God has a plan and a purpose for even the worst stuff that I go through yeah I mean you you mentioned your friend who died next to you you were in the library you saw and experienced some of the most horrific things imaginable particularly for a teenager a kid at the time you know it was horrific for the entire country you went through it coming out of that when it comes to forgiveness right we talk a lot about forgiveness in our culture maybe not enough but the word gets thrown around a lot but you really have had to deal with that how did you get to a place of forgiveness what was that Journey like for you coming out of a situation where 12 kids a teacher killed by their peers it's just horrific yeah a lot of times um you know just a recap a little bit about what I went through I was in the library which was the scene of the most intense shooting um I watched as the shooters went around the room taunting students and treated it like it was a game um they came over to where I was I saw my friend Isaiah they call them racial slurs they tried to pull him out from underneath the table um they killed him then they killed my friend Matt and they left me underneath that table I thought I was going to die and I felt uh that I heard God speak to me and I I am careful even with that phrase God told me to do something because I know that my own thinking can get in the way um of that still Small Voice that's within but I felt very strongly and impressed that that a voice that was all knowing wise and told me to get out of there I was the first student to stand up looked down the around the room I saw the shooters were gone and I yelled at everyone let's get out of here um a group of us ran out there was a police car outside we all got behind the police car and um shortly after the shooters came back into the library and began to exchange gunfire with the police uh behind the police car I was holding a girl who was had been shot she her name was valner and she had a conversation with the shooters just minutes earlier where they were one of them walked by her and she said oh God and it caught his attention he said God you believe in God and had this conversation between the two of them where she was begging for her life and um and finally she said she did she said yes and then I heard a shotgun and uh but she survived and I'm I and I'm holding her behind this police car trying not to let her go to sleep it's amazing what kicks in you know you you think uh we're we're more resilient um than we realize sometimes things automatically kick in that you don't even know I mean I'm 16 years old just turned 16 and I'm holding and all I knew all of a sudden it just came to me you don't let someone who's losing blood go to sleep you're also I'm in total shock which is your brain's way of kind of protecting you from the the gravity of what you're dealing with so you're in total shock it feels surreal um when I was in the library I was completely paralyzed with fear and it and it was it was um less than 10 minutes but it felt like it uh it felt like um you know hours that I was in there because those seconds just um are so long and you're you're totally um aware of every you're you're just in this very crazy crazy place what what I I've learned about forgi you know used to ask about forgiveness is you know a lot of times we don't realize we need forgiveness like we're angry about something we don't know sometimes what it is we're carrying around some some stuff from our past some our anger for and I didn't realize it but for years I was um I was for years I was angry and I hated the shooters I mean I would the reason I hated them was because the news got the overall reason wrong why the shooting happened not because they were intentionally trying to but everybody wanted to know why and this story came out that's just not true and the story is these guys were pushed to the edge with being bullied at school so bad that they got revenge and that was the overall story that came out from Coline even the psychologists and everybody in the community everyone that's learned about Coline realized that's not what happened that had to be frustrating you know to continue to hear that even now that still comes up right you know as the primary reason a lot of people go back to that media narrative and that's all they really know of the reasons yeah so that is that's a false narrative and it's not the reason why Coline happened it's a minor smaller factor it's a factor but it's a it's a smaller factor and in fact that caused in the mind of the American psyche a bad formula that's existed for 25 years and we need as a country need to get rid of that formula and the formula is uh oh you've been bullied at school look out a school you could do a school shooting well that is so wrong because that's that's the equivalent of you stepped on my toe I'm going to cut off your limbs as justice so we have to get rid of that thinking it doesn't it's not it's it's like a plus b equals you know Z it doesn't add up but um so as I watched on the news and I and I saw them being portrayed as getting bullied so bad and almost as that they were the victims and then watching them come into the library and so you ask well why did Coline happen I don't have all the reasons I can't tell you everything but I have learned a lot and I can tell you that the that I what I've after everything I've learned as far as people are concerned the biggest people responsible are the two shooters it's not it's not the school it's not people that maybe treated them bad it's not their parents it's not the medication they were on it's not the guns that they got it's the choices that they made in their in their heart to just to get into a dark place to uh choose to kill and uh and and choices that they made to lie to not not uh do the things that they were going to say they're going to do to all kinds of things things so you know even as a teenager when I watched them at on the news I I I remember and they were older than me they were a couple years older than me and I thought they knew what they were doing they were planning on it they planned it they plan Eric specifically planned it for over a year so very sick and twisted dwelling on the darkest thoughts that you could have having these dark fantasies of of being in in power and and and showing the world your anger in your rage and all and just this uh very egotistical very arrogant um uh fantasy and that Eric had and then there were two different kids and I've learned a lot about and I say kids one was 17 one was 18 um but they just like other Shooters and of shootings they they knew what they were doing was was was was so wrong um so but back to the issue of forgiveness um forgiveness is like setting a prisoner free and finding out that prisoner is you so you have all this anger and you and you realize forgiveness is what sets you free from that uh forgiveness is a spiritual issue and people a lot of times misunderstand it they think that forgiveness is saying oh it's okay what you did now sometimes that it is when you when you're meant to be in relation and connection with somebody uh you forgive them and you forget what they did and you say it's okay and you give them Grace you give them Mercy but sometimes something happens from someone and it's not okay it's completely wrong and evil or whatever you want to call it and at that point it's not about saying it's okay so you and there's it's saying I'm going to choose to let go and it's for your sake forgiveness most of the time is for you it's for you so I have a poem my father writes a lot of poetry my father um and I have worked together and my whole family to uh create uh school assembly program to help prevent um shootings but more so to start the right kind of culture at schools that's really what we do but this is a poem I thought I'd share uh such words of wisdom I have heard that have a deep in truthful ring from Gandhi and Mandela to Martin Luther King the weak cannot forgive they said they cling to bitterness instead forgiveness is misunderstood by those who hold to pain and rage their freedom gone they choose to live like PR prisoners in a dreadful cage they can't let go they can't forgive and so in bondage they now live forgive and you can be set free your life will now move on ahead no longer bound by things long past existing like The Walking Dead forgiveness opens up a door that sets you free to live once more unforgiveness keeps you Chained and so you know that's that's the essence of it is forgiveness is a freeing thing and people don't realize well they because what happens is you go well I have a right to be angry yes you do for some things that have happened you can either hold on to that right and it let it eat you inside and it then comes out in different ways usually on people that you don't intend it to go out onto or onto yourself or you or living in torment in your mental health or you have an attitude of forgiveness and choose to let go and so that's an issue that I have to deal with a lot of times Billy I probably had about in my life I've probably had no exaggeration of probably 30,000 young people tell me the worst thing that's ever happened to them after I speak I make myself available and kids come up to me and they hear my story and they tell me what they went through and so I've heard a lot of very terrible stories but I've also seen seen a lot of amazing things and choices that that that teens have made and people have made to say uh Hey I want to be a part of the chain reaction that your sister started my sister talked about starting a chain reaction of kindness compassion and you know they basically choose um make a a choice there after hearing the the story that I share to uh a catalyst moment of change you know and so um and a lot of times this issue of being able to let go of somebody that's really hurt them you know and you can you can forgive somebody and even not have that person be in your life it doesn't mean you have to be in connection with that person um if you can the best thing if that person is is reconciliation you know to go and be reconciled with that person but um uh so I forgave the shooters at Coline but I would not pardon them pardon is a different is an issue of the law if they had not killed themselves that day I would have I would I believe that they belonged in prison so that they couldn't do that again until maybe you know uh years and years down the road that they were a completely different person but um so that's for I want I want to ask you something about your sister because you brought you've brought her up a couple of times and your sister many people know her story some people might not but your sister obviously she lost her life at Coline she was killed in the midst of all of this and so when we talk about forgiveness understanding you just shared the horrific thing that you went through right and then on top of that the loss of your sister I mean there's multiple layers here um what would you want people to know we're at this 25 year anniversary your sisters had a massive impact on a lot of people's lives through the books that your parents have written on her but what would you and in a film about her what would you want people to know about her well she had uh a prayer in her life and it was to be used to impact people and to in a positive way and she wanted to start a a positive Chain Reaction um when she was 13 years old she traced her hands like this on the back of an old dresser and wrote These Hands belong to Rachel Joyce Scott and will someday touch millions of people's hearts she kept a lot of journals she had seven journals at the time of her death and she's become like a modern day Anne Frank there's thousands of kids every year that do rep book reports on her uh there's quotes of hers in on the hallways and schools of hundreds of schools right now murials made so she's become this role model of kindness and compassion because she wrote an essay a month before she died talking about how to treat people and stepping out of your way to start a what she called the chain reaction of kindness compassion and she she lived it too we heard a number of stories of people that she uh befriended there was a boy at my school who had a disability who was usually left out of things and one day he was getting picked on and Rachel went up and stood up for him and then a after that um he came up to my family after the shooting and said uh Rachel didn't know but I was thinking about taking my own life and she started saying hi to me every day in the hallway you know and have to have this like pretty girl saying hi to him and he was socially awkward and she didn't become his best friend but she took a minute out of her day for him and you never know how far A little bit of kindness can go you know that little act so we start chain reactions every day that either give life or or negative or or uh have a negative impact but I'll share with you just a couple things that she wrote and and as you said uh there's a movie called I'm not ashamed if You' like to find um my friend Macy who you've had on your show she's a friend and she did a wonderful job playing my sister um every time you if you get a chance to see the movie especially if you have uh faith and want to see somebody who struggles with faith and has real teen pain you know real painful issues and struggling and doubts and watch this it be very inspiring if you get to see it just know that every time you hear uh the narrative voice that's straight from my sister's journals for btim so I'll read to you a couple of her journals um this one she wrote um this is a journal entry she said don't put limits on what I can do I have faith why can't you don't keep me from my dreams I can reach them if I believe she wrote Things Untold things unseen one day all these things will come to me life of meaning life of hope life of significance is mine to cope I have a purpose I have a dream I have a future and then she ends it with this so it seems so one of the other things about her life um she told my sister my cousins her friends she had this feeling that she wasn't going to live to have a long life and none of us want to hear her talk that way um and she uh but she just had this feeling that she was G to God was going to use her to impact a lot of people but that she wasn't going to be around very long she also uh wrote this um she was she was seeing the hurt in our world people are crying losing their minds people are dying taking their lives will anyone save them will some will anyone help will somebody listen or am I all by myself you know sometimes it's hard to listen because we open up oursel to be influenced by people's and and and we have to use discernment you know who am I who uh Jesus himself didn't help everyone a lot of people think that he he he had to retreat go away himself and spend time with with God the father he had to go off on his time to get uh you know he didn't just go around com feeling every person's need all the time he only did what he felt he was supposed to do following his heart and following what he believed the father was telling him so Rachel here is just writing about you know seeing this dying and crying and will anyone save them will anyone help will somebody listen or all by myself and the last thing I'll share with you is this that she wrote she said 'I have my ups and downs and I fall a few times but I don't give up don't give up because God rewards God's reward is worth it all I challenge you to listen and see what God will do take a risk chance it and trust in God you will see what God can do with a willing heart and that's you know that's that's when it comes down to our faith you know my sister um in the last moments of her life she had a she was question about her faith and uh that's that's been questioned and you know in and uh in a matter of controversy but I can tell you why I I can say that confidently um and it's from uh her account uh never made it into a police report because of the boy that was with her um he was paralyzed um but the first thing he said when he woke up he was shot um was where's Rachel and then he told him that they were mocking her for her faith and they knew my sister uh but he he then went back into a coma and then um so his account never made it to a police report so there was like controversy um around that issue but um either way my sister uh was living out her faith in a genuine way but she wasn't the kind of person to like um scram it down someone's you know she she she was doing it through more how she was treating people and building relations so yeah impact millions and she'll continue to is um her her I believe her story Billy will be one that lasts a long long time and it's in we've we've put it into the school system and she's a wonderful role model and you know um her story has literally saved uh thousands of lives I have a book here here at home of 2,000 of over 10,000 emails from kids in a 2-year time period that heard her story and wrote took time to get on the website and write and say her story Saved My Life um I have uh and I know I I go I I know I take a long time to answer your questions but that's okay there's a lot there's a lot to unpack I mean I was just going to add as you're pulling as you're looking through there you know it is it's interesting to me you know I'm an only child I don't have siblings you have this sibling you know who you live with you know very well and you have this event happen and I would imagine there's a whole different lens through which you even see your sister now compared to growing up you know being with her in that way and I've actually never asked you this before but but I am curious and how your view of your sister has been illuminated or changed as a result of the events that happened and getting a chance to see her heart through these journals over the years and to to look and think differently about her as a result of that yeah well now I'm I'm I'm almost old enough to be her age when she passed away I mean of a father I'm sorry I'm I'm old enough to be her father you know like so here on Earth she she's my little sister now you know but I believe her she continues to exist she still is my older sister so but she only lived to be 17 so I see some in some ways how she only got to be 17 but then I see other times in and the wisdom that she had um this you know and this there's a scripture that says the spirit knows all things our spirit has such profound wisdom and can speak it you know at different times in our life and has an understanding a peace that passes understanding even when we're young so I just see her as a she she is um she was my sister but she's also a martyr she she uh she was also prophetic um she she she uh she drew a picture about a half hour before she was killed of Her Eyes Crying 13 tears there were 13 victims that day 12 students and a teacher watering a rose with drops of blood coming off from it she showed her teacher this drawing at the very end of class and her teacher Mrs CRS who I had later on said wow Rachel what is it and she said it's my tears I'm crying and then she said that uh Miss KS like wow Rachel it's beautiful and then she said Rachel looked at her and said Mrs KS I'm gonna have an impact on the world and she walked out of class and a and not a half hour later she was killed and so um you know she and then the last moments of her life Eric picked her up by her hair and said do you still believe in God and she was crying and and she said you know I do he said well go be with him she took her last shot so to me she had a lot of Courage I look at this I look at my sister and she uh she lived life vibrantly her middle name was joy and right now I've been working on a presentation in a book called Finding Joy because I see today that one of the biggest things I'm seeing is just just isolation and disconnection and part of that is because of covid part of that is because of Technology um we have social media uh but yet how is it that we're that we're so disconnected and it's because this this is an amazing tool it's a it's a wonderful servant and a terrible master and and also we're connected to the world we don't need to be connected to everything all the time we need to know what we need to be connected with we need to choose positive influences we need to limit the time that we're this needs to serve us not us be addicted to it there are people that created programs on here to be addictive and so what's happening is you know it's true of all of us but especially young people can uh have everything relational happening through a device but it cannot ultimately imp place inperson time we've got to get we've got to be intentional with having digital detox and I talked to the kids about this I talk about mental health and uh becoming aware of your emotions how to translate certain negative emotions into positive ones like anger into determination sadness into an appreciation for Life psychologically sound culturally relevant and biblically based principles and so but um so my sister sister she'd lived in a time this is my sister right here she lived in a Time way before uh any of this there was no social media internet was just now coming into play so she was writing her thoughts and her feelings down in journals and I I tell I keep journals uh record your story I I talk to kids about that um record what's happening in your life right now because uh you never know you might go back and it might become really important for you to see your journey along the way it might turn into a book it might influence other people but she uh she her you know this 17-year-old girl like Anne Frank um has impacted we grew up reading about an and her kindness and the things that she wrote and now kids learn about my sister um as well as an Frank you know as we're talking about all of this you just mentioned a number of issues you know that that are going on right now that are affecting young people why do you think and in so many ways Coline was sort of the first of these events that got into the American conscience right and that really shocked people why do you think America is in its current moral and ethical conundrum which is a much broader issue you know the shootings are one part of what is going on why do you think how do you think America ended up here morally and ethically well like you said that's a that's a big that's a big question but what I've what I I know is that we for a long time as a country we were number one in the world for example with education we were number one in the world for nearly 200 years as a first world nation in education every single teacher knew something called the three hes it was before the three Rs so my parents knew the three Rs Reading Writing arithmetic um but before the three Rs um were the three hes every teacher knew the three hes it was the heart the head head and the hands and when we were teaching that was the motto that was our you have to understand that was the the uh philosophy of our system that was the core belief uh of Educators that we were first to teach the heart of students and then knowledge and academic achievement and then their hands for work and and and and for application so first we taught morals values issues of the heart now at the time it was it it was it was also uh a lot of it was connected with religious principle so in 1963 uh we as a country kind of started to remove anything to deal with because we have a lot of different religions in our country but we're still uh predominantly if there was any one religion we're still predominantly a Christian uh based country we that is our foundation whether people want to believe it or not our founding fathers were Christian men uh they did believe and and I've my dad is a scholar in American history um and and and we've done I've done a lot of study and anyone who tells me that the founding fathers were not uh uh Christian men I I I can totally blow away their argument I mean it's the evidence is is huge and to what our foundation is so but we can't go back in time uh we cannot go re revert back to those days what we can do is look at the principle of how do we as a nation in our schools what is our driving philosophy is it knowledge and academic achievement because guess what you can find out anything and guess what Eric Harris who killed my sister and killed you know the and Dylan who killed uh 12 students a teacher they were smart Eric was smart he had knowledge the problem wasn't the education of his of his head it was the education of his heart uh and so um we have to get back to a place and a lot and this is what most Educators want they get into education because they care about kids um you know but it's also a very tough job and there and kids are walking into the school building with a lot of different issues that they are not responsible for that they're I mean that they're you know they yeah they they had nothing to do with uh anger angry attitudes some addictions uh some total rebelliousness you know and yet in some ways the really good Educators they make it relational with their students and you can remember your favorite educator teacher so this is more the world that I work in and so you asked me you know what what are what are uh the moral ethical things that our country is going through well if we want some antidotes and correction I think we have to not just think about teach making academic achievement or knowledge a priority that was not the priority when we were number one in the world the priority was first character principles and how do we impart that onto our children and then knowledge and when and we were far superior uh academically uh in 19 1963 when we decided to remove in essence a a recognition that we're three-part beings Spirit mind and body and just say we're you know we're going to remove everything to do with with that side take out God out of everything take out anything um Faith related uh they're left a void and uh and so um you know I'll end just that issue I'll end with the poem my Dad read this poem in in 199 9 to the house Judiciary of Congress three months after uh the shooting and he said your laws ignore our deepest needs your words are empty air you've Stripped Away Heritage outlawed simple prayer gunshots fill our classrooms precious children die seeking for answers everywhere and ask the question why you regulate restrictive law through legislative Creed and yet you fail to understand that God is what we need and he went on to say that he wasn't promoting that we put necessarily religion back into schools but that a recognition that we are three-part beings that there are spiritual heart centered principles that every person needs and we need it in our schools we need it in our families we need it on our communities we need it in our culture there's no one single answer that will stop school shootings from happening first primarily is the shooter thems you know because somebody that wants to take the time to do something plan it and do something evil they're going to find a way so if that person doesn't change if that person doesn't make a a choice then the next thing is another person stepping out of their way in compassion and taking the time for somebody that's in a dark place and and bringing them out and encouraging them the biggest thing I do when I go into school's Billy is not try to stop bad things from happening it's not what I do it's like trying to fight Darkness you don't I'm not an anti-bullying anti-suicide even though I get labeled my family's program we get labeled as that that's not what I go and thinking about I go and thinking about inspiring speaking to the light that is within every person and you say well there's not a light in every person well there's a scripture that says in Proverbs that the life of a person is the candle of the lord we are fearfully wonderfully made in the image of God so your life when you're born whether and you don't have a belief system at that point you don't have your the theology in order you know your life is the candle of the Lord so I'm speaking to that light spiritually speaking that is in every person and and trying to speak to that it's the it's the things that block that bushel that Jesus talks about that bushel that blocks that light from shining and so I'm that's what I try to do is speak to that Inspire the uh the the the life and light that's within students and and I have one of my biggest messages in my program is that you have incredible built-in value that you were born with and it's not based on what you look like or what you can do for others it's not based on what other people think about you and now our value to this world is based on what we do but we always have a built-in value that's always there and it's and it's it's important and it's not an egotistical thing it's not saying my value is more than someone else's it's just recognizing I have incredible value we have to we have to teach ourselves and our children to see themselves this way it's how God sees us it's how we're made it's how we're and even if you don't believe in God you I can tell you a a lot of things about your yourself that would make you go wow like right now your brain is sending 70 trillion messages to your body you know I've been on cam I've been on film sets where they have $80,000 camera lenses they can't come close to doing what the natural eye can do you know so just there's a lot of amazing things about you as a person and it's not egotistical to say that I that that value I have that fearfully wonderfully made fearfully wonderfully that's who you really are and uh and so um we got to speak these kinds of things into each other our and kids um and then we'll see um cultural impact on schools so I have one more question for you because I don't want to take much more of your time here so we got a couple of minutes left and this is an important one because we've talked about a lot we've talked about the issues facing the country we've talked about your sister and your journey and I want to kind of bring it back to you because you have gone through a lot over the last couple of decades what has been the toughest issue for you in light of what happened at Coline to move past and journey through my biggest issue has been that I have made my identity my whole identity sometimes about what I do and about my my my my past story uh I I share about it a lot because it's it's tied to my purpose and I want to make a positive impact through that but um you are not just what you do and you're you are not your past and I share I'm sharing my about my past um a lot uh but it's to affect current things today and sometimes I'm not talking about the past at all but I I have to bring it up when I when I start off and sharing my story and um and so I've learned to just tell it like it's a story it's not me I I for me personally one thing that's helped me is to know that I'm not my my story matters your story matters but you're not your story you have a past story and a current one ha happening right now you have a future story but your story is like the journey or path that you're on and you're the person on the journey but that journey is not you you are more than that Journey you you are an eternal spiritual being um you if you're you're you're you're more than your body you're more than your brain you are a spirit and that uh spirit was uh given to you by God but so I for me um not getting trapped in the past you know yeah I and and uh and even now I'm I'm working on a book you know and uh and if I if you get you it's okay to visit the past to learn your lessons but don't live there don't get stuck there and there's people all of us we can get you know all shame regret and most sadness lives in the past all anxiety and worry lives in the future it's why we're supposed to live in today all you ever all you will ever have is today 10 years from now all you will have is right now so it's learning it's learning to not get trapped in either the future or the past and um and I can I end with my favorite poem yes you can uh my that has been very helpful for me um to in my healing process um and still it's crazy but there's still things that we all need healing from I'm still getting healing even to this day on some things but the poem is called in the quiet and it's in the quiet I find peace where the outside noises cease where my mind has settled down and my thoughts no longer race in the chambers of my spirit I have found a secret place there the Unseen things embrace me the invisible that's real and we there enjoy the treasure that activity would steal hear The Whisper Of The Poets who have beckoned us to know of that inner Sanctuary where we seldom ever go in the quiet of our being creativity is born and it rises to the surface to to a world that's hurt and torn deep within me love replaces all the anger and the fear in the Stillness is a knowing who I am and why I'm here those are powerful words and I always love when we get to talk and you kind of pull the The Poetry in because it makes you think it makes you think deeply about all of these themes these are all issues we all face these struggles right and so you always do such a good job of bringing that all home and I want to give just before we go here I want to give you a chance because you are working not only are you working on a book you have a podcast coming where can people go to find out everything you're doing to listen to the podcast once it's live so then go to my website it's just Craigs scott.org and uh if they're interested in having me speak I speak at conferences I speak at I've spoken a lot of educational conferences I do churches uh rallies and events I've even spoken to some companies um but a lot of schools mostly schools uh from all the way from elementary middle and high so uh that's my speaking but yes I have a podcast uh and I'll release it actually this Saturday because it marks the 25th anniversary of the Coline shooting April 20th and um and I'll I've got some episodes ready to go but it's called pain and to purpose so my question for my guests who have incredible stories I just had Lou goset Jr on who he if you don't know he was an academy award-winning actor who uh recently passed away but he was 87 years old a real man of Peace he was friends with um some of the LA one of the last people that traveled around with Dr Martin Luther King Jr and had an amazing story he produced um a film with uh Nelson Mandela he was in the show Roots um he was a sergeant Foley and um officer or gentleman and anyway just some amazing people people what I wanted to do is I wanted to show some people who have been through some we've all been through pain but people that have been through some really painful things that have now come through it and can share the lessons they've learned and a lot of them are are have come into a place of real success not all of them but uh so pain into purpose will be is the name of my podcast and I've got amazing host uh he's like a dad to me his name is Mark fin Canan I met him on my first set he's cast over 100 movies and shows and we f film it here in Atlanta near a big movie studio called trth and so we uh that's that if they want to check it out um the first one I'll be releasing this Saturday um just visit Craigs scott.org and uh if you get a chance um uh check out the movie about my sister called I'm not ashamed and uh hope that you find it inspiring well Craig I find you inspiring and I appreciate you taking the time and joining us today we'll have you back again sometime soon thank you Billy Love You Man
Channel: CBN News
Views: 156,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbn, cbn news, christian news, christian tv, christian stories, faith, faith news, faith stories, inspirational stories, news today, today's headlines, quick news, quickstart podcast, us news, international news, cbn digital, columbine, Billy Hallowell, Faithwire, Faithwire news, Faithwire.com, columbine 25th anniversary, sschool shooting, craig scott, columbine survivor, remembering columbine, columbine victim, rachel joy scott, april 20 1999, columbine attackers
Id: WZqQ-v8CMLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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