Columbine 25 Years Later: Survivor says he thinks of best friend who was killed daily

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I'm Sean Graves I was shot uh April 20th 1999 I was 15 years old shot six times paralyzed from the waist down with the T12 incomplete uh I was shut just outside the building outside the commons with uh Dan robah and Lance Kirkland uh the three of us were leaving to sneak off school grounds I wanted to go for a walk clear my head and uh have some laughs and that's why I asked Dan to come with us everyone already knows Dan had a quick sense of humor dry very dry our sense of humors works very well together yeah I essentially asked him to walk out to his death and that's weight on me but I know I wasn't responsible for killing him but still still a hard one to carry just recently when I turned 40 actually on my birthday I remember looking at myself in the mirror that morning and I thought it Den like I do frequently daily sometimes more than one I thought about that I wondered what he'd actually look like had he been turned in 40 instead of me you know where would he have ended up what would he be doing with his life I don't know always try and push myself harder to do more with my time here with the gift that I've been given cuz let's face it I I should have died that day I should not be be walking but for whatever reason both those both these opportunities were handed back to me and um I'm grateful for that but I always wonder if I'm if I'm doing enough with my time to live up to Dan's memory to live up to where he would be or what he would be doing with this time versus me
Channel: 9NEWS
Views: 42,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 9NEWS, Denver, news, local news, mass shooting, columbine high school, rachel scott tribute, columbine high school survivor, columbine shooting, columbine victims, columbine high school shooting, school shooting, columbine survivors, columbine 25 years, sean graves, daniel rohrbough
Id: QSgkcjyPVbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 54sec (114 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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