The Journey Of Life (Dr. W.F. Washington)

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at turning and want to do this as rapidly as I can and I'm gonna do something hopefully that's all familiar what we're gonna try to pull some practical lessons from it that you're probably not aware of a chapter is chapter of the book of Acts Acts chapter 8 Acts chapter 8 except the hey let's look at verse number 26 if you've been in the body of Christ for just a few days and I'm sure all believers will hear you read this and you do this other breaches you know freeze from AIDS after the book of Acts so we're gonna take another look at we're gonna take a fresh look at we're gonna take a fresh look not all okay first me and look at verse 26 verse 26 let me just see we read from verse 26 and what I want to read too much time take away sometime verse 26 maybe two about first number about verse number 30 maybe that's full verses and that's a problem to give us some idea if we begin with president of course yeah all the verse 26 and verse number yeah the 26 let's read down to verse number 31 yeah but that that puts us in the context all right verse number 26 to verse number 31 those will happen will say man those who do not have Bibles look at the jumbo screen and it for you alright verse number 26 this breathe and the danger of the Lord spent unto Philip saying arise and go toward the south under the way that go down from jerusalem unto gaza which is death and he arose and went and the whole amanda ethiopia a unit of great authority on the Candace queen of the Ethiopians who had the charge of all her treasure and infirm to Jerusalem for the worship while returning and sitting in his chariot read in bed out of the prophet then the skirmish said unto Philip go Leah joined us left in this cherry and Philip read limiting him and heard him read the prophet of Isaiah and said understand about what darling verse 31 and he said how can i except some man should guide me and he designed her all right now look at the neighbors and they brought the journey of life all right let's have to see that's a little a little different Flagstaff date that's a different kind of text for Acts chapter number 8 and they're going to set this for those of you who have your Bibles and those of you who came to get a word from the Lord in verse number 12 of Acts chapter 8 putting this in context verse number 12 table of chapter number 8 Philip is holding a gospel campaign he's holding a gospel meeting in Samaria preach of the gospel of Jesus Christ and not only in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ but he's having good results the people are accepting preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ we know this as the president of a campaign for price and that's what he's doing I call that at that time but this is he's preaching gospel meeting and the Bible says but when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both men and women so then if a preacher or the ocean trying to preach Christ then that's what he has to do what does it mean to preach Christ very directly so when you listen to your radio and listen to your television all right watching your television and you hear it these women and men and whatever punching in and then telling you this preaching price if they are not preaching that then our preaching price now if you wanted to preach price according to the Bible according to the Word of God there are truth in my reserve but when they believed Philip rigid what does my seed ever take that must read verse 11 verse 11 and then to enter to heaven they had regard because of the long time he had bewitched them with something that's that's one of those fellows who claiming to be preaching the gospel and he's not preaching the gospel he's fooling people and then verse 12 comes in and verse 12 the Bible says but when they believed Philip you see there are people who may not go to church but they know where they did lewdly they living and be in touch ever lord's day but they know and then here's something one than that because number one it may not make sense so that was social was there but the Viper says but when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both men's and what now if a person is born to preach Christ if a preacher is going to preach Christ there at least three things he must preach and that is the kingdom of God the minimum Jesus Christ and baptism that is what it means to preach right now if that fella or that lady is that preaching that they're not preaching right they never eat right ah the Bible says that there are three things the kingdom of God which is the church the name of Jesus Christ because God gave Jesus the name which is above every name because of the name of Jesus everything must by all right and if it's all must confess you know this 700 the kingdom of God which is the church if you go to French fries you've got to preach the one on the water phase and the one baptism you got person after that preaching that you don't prison great you don't push it this easy go freak right yes okay to preach practical lessons I don't have Apollo preaching practical lessons in person but I don't want other people actually I don't want the body of Christ to think that they that that Christian is some kind of psychological to teach them to free your mind from the difficulties of this life now of course everybody but easy to know how to live a life and I talked about that in my quest this morning every believer needs to know how to sinner themselves yet we because you know faith is sin truthful and we talked about that in class this morning how to sit in yourself and how to find how to find I said so Philip we're down here and he preached now after the kid pain was over after the gospel meeting was over an angel appeared to it verse number 26 an angel appeared to him after he got through preaching down there are in their gospel meeting are in Samaria and after those people heard about the kingdom after they heard about the name of Jesus Christ after they were left I probably should have said that the Bible says and the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip you know now we move in too quickly now we moved into the miraculous understand that Acts chapter 8 not only dealing with the natural but it also deal with the supernatural and indifference time I'm not going to read all of that but just save you that the angel spoke to the preacher and told the preacher that Sharia there's a man Oh a journey takes I put over it over then he might get to Ethiopia so a this picture the picture and then I understood that this was added the preacher did so the preacher started learning he was chasing the cherry he was after he was chasing the bundesliga he was chasing the cherry you know God give you God don't give up you see God that you might give up a goddamn Giver you see God is always through his word chasing you and you gotta be careful you know on your journey our journey God is changing you how doesn't change he has chased him through his word how does he speak he speaks through his word you see and so this man the unities your community is on a journey you see you're gonna be careful about your journey you gotta be careful about your journey and here's what you have to understand when you own a journey it's the cat away with the destination isn't you you need to take in what's happening on the journey because there are experiences on your journey that you need to be aware of you need to be in authority and is located geographically in northern Africa this man is on his way back to Ethiopia by way of Gaza all right all right and then the Bible says and unique okay great Authority he was a unit away authority so there was an important man because he had great Authority either go ahead read under Candace under Candace queen Ethiopians y'all got a minute now bring it Candace Candace queen of the ethiopians check he was other the authority of Candace queen of Ethiopia when you search the historical and the geographical and implications and applications of that text very absolutely no way that you can execute the check the text you see we've been reading this all of our lives everybody's every wording will be everyone what you see ah in order to actually exegete you can explain when I said X to G and there's a difficulty exegesis and I say Jesus yeah exegesis of romaine to dig into the text to understand the historical and the geographical the cultural all that about that clip that's exegesis now you're gonna read it and and go to heaven is a problem with that but if you really want to teach you if you then you got to study that's my Jason and not many of you ought to be tension because you will receive a bigger condemnation so you want to be a teacher you have to know something about Jesus you have no the different we next to Jesus and I statistic because I statistic is his wrong construction place to protect you come up with your own idea it's an idea but it's the wrong idea yes I said understanding it historically understanding it for truly understanding it geographically understanding it the management understanding it environmentally understanding it in all areas then you are exegete but to teach it based on saying what the wording is is okay it's okay because everybody can x2g but this morning since you I feel I feel like if let's go back to Kansas in this unit what does it say can't this Queen a start again they start at the top of the verse and he arose and went here and behold yes a man of Ethiopia a man of Ethiopia and home and this is no this is no it is inhabited by african-americans I'm not after that it is it is everything about Africa in northern Africa all right now we got his culture we got his culture who is it he's right man that's really no all right and then and unis he was a you know now you understand what unity right I don't need to be alright it is a man that was made in capable of having children and some time having sex yeah he's been milk yes I wanna say all right is it you and that's important that's imparted and the reason is that you will see what that's important in a minute because when I tell you about Kenya you're gonna see why it is important that you understand why the class took time to designate this man as human you see it isn't it I'll be back I'll be back in a minute all right and unique your great Authority great authority under Candace I've been woman Candace oh no don't pretend they say they're gonna take a shower can't they say what is Candice Candice Candice is a position I'm gonna help you with that you see the president is not a name the president is a position are y'all follow what I'm saying alright so bad Candice not is a long line of Queens this is just one of the Queen but Candice is the historical name of the of the history of women queens in Africa Candice Candice means that she was a woman and not only that but she was a woman queen she was not a queen like a Barbie doll who sat beside the king and she is not Barbie doll this woman is powerful she is there is in the text don't really like that using that I know Candace was the queen under which the eunuch worked and Candace gave the unit permission and authority to bear this you know come all the way from by weight of Gaza to go to G Rosen in question I wonder why you got minute all right now Candace the rule women Candace was a strong powerful woman Esther says that ah Alexander the Great in his neck position of territory while seeking to take the territory of the area to but she had a unit that she had given authority to take care of her treasure so now I'm back to this you got a man in that cabin and it's won by all women so we gonna make sure there ain't no mitigating y'all ain't goodness so Candace fixes him so she can trust the Bible says the Bible says that this you had to wash up well why go all the way to Jerusalem to watch her because that Jew is Russia that time so what is because he is a black Jew this is the queen of sheba we talked about it and so the queen is she would meet Solomon but Solomon completely flabbergasted his wisdom was so strong his intellect was so Integris until the Bible said that the Queen almost lost her breath the brother was small and was awarded a hammer resolve the Queen of Sheba fell in love with some Oh Masha Jewish they were called Jew if you look at if you look at TV just not longer I remember was in the beginning of the two thousand year period that there were Jews all over from Africa to Israel to determine whether or not they were affected you and when they got into Israel the rabbinical Council of America went over to Israel to ascertain whether or not these black folk were actually Jews because they were calling himself blank June and they found out after examination that they qualified as is to Gaza and to King Solomon image I want you to go down would you go get it I want you to go get that rag wish I had time because you see we know why this Jew is going all the way who's them and I wish I try to deal with this faithfully because there's an all-way they're always with you my way in Gaza - I mean that's oppressive arrows that show stick to it today that shows faithfulness but now Philip goes up to the chat and he said do you understand what you read then the Bible says he was do you feel like you know everything but there is there is an unsafe so so man so the name is Franz when you come to a period of your uncertainty you need to know everything I don't need to talk and know this man explain what to do when you come to a period you can go off the deep end what began at the same Scripture priest under him Jesus and the lab resident thing while that would be came up out of the water the Spirit of God took away philip and the eunich he went on his way when you allow yourself to be guy doing your period of uncertainty and in the feel of it is the whole difference you see you can be uncertain in the field of religion and there are so many for who uncertain that's what many people who listen to the radio or watch TV and they say I know that any right I know that's a fossil and I've been busted before I know I'm no rare bisphosphate I'm gonna really go he's your husband you and you just certainly and in other words as a result sometime you think all preachers are hustlers and you think that all the churches are hustlers in and you see you understand and the only way to be sorry if you have to raise because God wants you to know and do he put it in the word hey Jess you were here today and you aren't certain BC by being a member of the church you can find in the back by being a member of the church that Jesus died for did is life for you see and just know that even after being baptized you're going to be on a journey you could be on a journey and not only are you going to be on a journey but you got to pay attention to as for what happened to you on that journey and you got to know that you're gonna come to a businessman first point really you gonna you got to have times that uncertainty you're going to have times when you wonder why so many much did I make a mistake I did I miss her woman yeah yeah yeah you go you want to come they're pointing and I you see but if you listen if you listen to the voice of God and do what you say and have fun and what you can turn it over to Jesus and he'll make it you'll make it all right and you need sort of Baba you say but that's the kind of God we serve and I would say to you meet this morning if you need help if you ride a period of uncertainty then you don't need to be there any moment and you young girls in this room just know that you come from a long line of Candice's yeah you young girls it is Billy they're just wrong you know you come from a long line of travel you you don't you don't have the grid winning the funny that's a whole nother subject but but but I'm trying to tell you that that life is a journey but if you it but if you're live God to catch your wit if you just if you just allow God to catch up with that chair if you hear you would change the light turn it around and then you could go over the joist if you're not a child of God if you're not a Christian and you want to be saved you want to be added to the church if you if you don't have a church home and you'd like to have a church home and this is the place right here you don't have to go anywhere else you don't have to look in a whereas with the goal of that Church of Christ is where you need to be and if you'd like to place membership here if you want to be baptized and you have never been baptized into Christ if you want to be baptized right because there's only one baptism the right teaching makes the right baptism you can be baptized five time but if you hadn't been taught right your baptism is not right because there's only one Lord one faith and one baptism so if you hear and you want to join our fellowship then you can do that and if the Lord added to the church you can do it by just coming forward and if you in the building in the room and if you have reached the period of in your life you may not know which way to go don't give up don't give up don't give out at that time we didn't really deal with yes I wish I had that you know even though he was at a period of uncertainty God had to run it that was on his way is there what I'm saying so so so so why you were born to uncertainty don't quit God got water that's chasing your chair and here catch here catch up with it and you can catch everything before you get the gospel and before you get to either you catch away so God has running on your journey don't you think you will not journey by your side perhaps you want the church to pray for you that you might be able to stand and to come out of this period of uncertainty then you can do that even read that we want to say here in just a moment and while we're singing this this will be your opportunity become of the church to pray for you and if you want to be a part of the body of Christ the Church of Christ this is the time to come to be a part of the body of Christ by believing that Jesus died for your sins by repenting of all of your senses by confessing that he is Lord and Savior and then we're baptized for the remission of sins and God will write your name in the Lamb's Book of Life if you hear and you want to come to Jesus if you hear you won't pray if you're going through a period of uncertainty get it over with just listen to God because God has the answer he has the remedy or whatever your difficulty years let us stay
Channel: New Golden Heights Church of Christ
Views: 8,499
Rating: 4.8608694 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ
Id: Q97OvqBFV4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 43sec (2803 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2015
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