๐ŸŒฟโœ… Text To Speech ๐Ÿ‰๐ŸŒผ ASMR Cake Storytime @Brianna Mizura | POVs Tiktok Compilations #151

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get a winning lottery ticket or give a winning lottery ticket I mean my parents they're already millionaires but a little extra cash never hurt excuse me do you have any money my parents abandoned me and I'm sorry I I shouldn't have bothered you wait he needs this I pick this one hey wait up dude wait what's what's that on the floor over there huh what the heck what is this it looks like a lottery ticket you should probably scratch it you know and see if you won anything you think okay no way no freaking way I won well congrats you should probably go cash that in I just won a million dollars what was your name uh my name's Jace I'm Lindsay it's really nice to meet you did you hear about the super attractive guy that transferred here no it doesn't matter Rachel snatched him up anyways of course she did she literally gets all the guys surprised hey wait jce huh are you friend well I thought he was my friend I just met her hey what's this that's not funny this is special to me let go relax no dude let go a poor baby whatever she's no fun who wants to go shopping at Gucci with me me me I do what happened to you what can I say money changes people I need to talk to you um sorry jaceon is busy back off Rachel this is important listen the only reason that you're rich jaas is because of me I'm being serious you you saw something on the floor and told me to look that's it I was the one that got the ticket for you and put it for you on the floor girl you need to stop lying it's embarrassing it says it above my head oh you want to know what sucks only you can see that you're in love with Jay ATM it I am not right so all this is not you trying to get his attention girl be for real yo Jase what's up looks like Lindsay was telling the truth check out this video dude wait what's what's that on the floor over there huh so she did throw the lottery ticket on the floor for me yeah damn it I got to go talk to her Jay it looks like she needs water maybe give her this yeah okay hey I saw the viral video I'm really sorry so what you're saying is it took video proof for you to believe me nice wait I want to make it up to you I literally owe you big time I'll buy you anything I don't know don't you want to go hang with Rachel and all her friends not really uhhuh well I'm going to go get some water hang on it's funny you say that because I have some right here are you sure that this was just water I mean yeah Rachel gave it to me Rachel what yeah she just said you look thirsty girly pop that's my water I hope you don't mind it has lemon lemon but I'm allergic to Lemon what girly pop that's my water I hope you don't mind has lemon lemon but I'm allergic to Lemon what she is not I've seen her drink lemonade Rachel she's obviously having a reaction girl you don't have like an epip pen or something no I I didn't bring mine today well that was dumb I'm going to go see see if I can find a teacher Rachel hurry it's getting really hard for me to breathe where the heck did Rachel go she's supposed to be getting help jeez I can barely breathe okay we got to get you help there's a hospital down the street come on someone please help she's having an allergic reaction bring her over here we'll take care of her this way hurry jeez Lindsay thank God you're okay the doctor said that I'm free to walk around for a little bit oh good do you need me to call your parents or anything no I've already tried my parents are both actors and they're on a plane right now to Spain to shoot a movie oh well well sorry it's okay you should probably go back and sit down yeah probably easy now and I want you to know I'm covering all your medical bills you didn't have to it's the least that I can do Lindy really also I brought this for you I remember you said it was special to you thanks I also got you a few things too those enough cuz I could buy more yeah I think I think this is good thank you hey you made me a millionaire I literally owe you everything and I'm sorry hey get back here officer wait see she's fine I don't need to go to juie Jay help me out sorry Rachel really hope you learn your lesson come on let's get out of here no let's see what sense you lose honey touch oh wow does that mean that I can't feel pain yep it sure does this is going to be the best day ever and then after that I got so embarrassed that I whoops you jerk you hit her right in the head hey it's okay I I can't feel pain oh really well in that case will you go to the blood drive with me I'm really scared to go alone um okay okay let me see your arm does that hurt actually I don't feel pain today oh well in that case would you mind if we take a little bit extra blood yeah sure go right ahead um honey wake up you're all done I got a little bit distracted but you should be fine Mom I'm feeling kind of lightheaded oh dear okay honey I'm taking you to get checked out any discomfort here and how many fingers now three I got your lab results and I don't know how you didn't feel this can't believe you didn't feel this feel what you said you've been feeling kind of lightheaded correct yeah just like kind of dizzy that's because you have lost a significant amount of blood did you go to a blood drive or anything recently does that hurt actually I don't feel pain today oh well in that case would you mind if we take a little bit extra blood yeah sure go right ahead that lady she did this to me what lady honey the one from the blood drive I have to go find her oh no you don't you are in no condition to leave but honey listen to the doctor how are you not feeling pain you almost died your heart could have stopped oh my you might want to close your eyes for this part is that a bite mark that nurse at the blood drive she must have been a so how many words you get three again well you might as well well use them up right now I love you a babe I love you even more and what can I get you to I'll take the steak and fries and she's going to get the side salad that's it are you sure you don't want a bit more to eat she doesn't have any more words left oh I apologize I didn't realize let me see that one babe nah I don't like it I'm going to find you something else here try this one on I'll come with you excuse me sir but there's only one person allowed in the fitting room at a time what but she needs help putting this on oh well since I work here I can go ahead and help her out with that it's no problem fine just don't be too long is everything okay oh you don't have any words left do you I'm really not supposed to do this but here hopefully that's enough words for you he's not my boyfriend babe you almost done sorry her zipper got stuck she'll be right out okay just pretend everything's fine and I'm going to go get my manager no please don't you'll get I'm coming in wa hey look at you red is definitely your color we'll take it okay I'll go ring you guys up in the front all right you're all set and here's a gift receipt just in case you need it thanks come on let's go glad they let you wear that out [Music] huh hope you're hungry cuz I'm making us some food babe I made us a special dinner because you look so beautiful here try some baby come on I promise it won't make you tired like last time somebody's feisty tonight you know why did that lady give you a gift receipt it's not like you're going to return it what does it even say on here no where did you get words from who gave you those words was it the saleswoman why did she do that all out of words again huh how convenient no I want an answer wait here okay now write down why she gave you those words let me see that you better have a good answer you don't know so what she was just being nice well if I find out that you're lying you know what happens hey I'm back so you like the food good good babe can you hear me yeah she's out sorry but I had a feeling you were going to try and leave tonight [Music] what the hell are you doing you didn't actually eat the dinner did you well aren't you quite the little actress pretending to be asleep like that now what were you doing with my Amber Alert missing girl from 2018 so why didn't you call the police right away I was too scared to call the police at the time but after they left I did and that's when they told me her description matched Claire Montgomery who's the girl who went missing in 2018 after all I've done for you and you go and lie to me I need to ask you a question and I don't want to set you free so how did you haven't you figured it out by now I found a way to steal your words and I can control how many you get I mean I got to admit it's pretty adorable watching you anxiously wait every year hoping you'll get more words but how many do you always end up getting three and what do I ask you to tell me every year I love you I love you those were the only words I wanted to hear from you for so long but you were never into me because you were a stalker I admired you Claire I I care about you a lot then let me go you know I can't do that I have to protect you you're insane and you're using up all your words here take some more you are a sick son of a on second thought maybe it's best if you remain silent this is why I can never give you any more words I'll come back down here once you looks like we got company officer I'm telling you you've got the wrong guy that may be the case but we're going to take a look around and if we don't find anything then you'll be good to go so far I don't see anybody here sir keep looking want to get your words back 10 9 8 4 3 2 2 1 Words retrieved since we can't find anyone we're going to no no help I'm down here wait where's that coming from he has a basement I'm I'm in the basement show us where she is right now whoa okay okay hey are you CLA Montgomery yes yes that's me oh my God okay don't worry everything's going to be okay how did you get your words back boys get him out of here don't even look at him it's all right clar tell him you love me tell him that I was good to you tell them where else all stop it somebody get him in the car want to take Derek's words babe please get in the car miss the Paka babe you have to listen to don't call me babe in fact you're not going to be able to call me anything now you're finally going to get to feel how I felt for these past 3 years being silenced isn't very fun is it Derek looks like Mr Paca got what he deserved I can't do this anymore I'm only 16 I I can't handle her by myself I have to put her up for [Music] adoption coming hi my name is Emily I was wondering if you wanted to buy some chocolate aren't you a little young to be selling stuff by yourself where's your mom I I ran away from my foster mommy you ran away oh she's probably looking for you okay here um come inside all right well I think I better call the police what are you looking at that little Freckle you have right there my daughter had the same one on her face oh my gosh I think you might be my kid you're my real mommy you know what I shouldn't have said that out loud I don't know that for sure but please don't make me go back to my foster mom she's really mean please don't bring me back to my foster mom sweetheart I hi I'm looking for a little girl she has brown hair and brown eyes and please don't let her take me oh my gosh Emily I'm sorry she runs off a lot oh does she well she came to my house trying to sell me some chocolates she she makes me sell them oh boy here we go again with the stories I'm so sorry but but Emily do you want to time out no no please then tell her you're sorry I'm sorry it's okay all right Emily it's time to go tell her tell her that you're my real mommy I Emily we're leaving come visit me my address is 2122 Maplewood no wait I found her house you know I think she is my daughter and I think I want her back I am so sorry to bother you and this is going to sound kind of crazy but I think that Emily um might be my daughter and why do you think that well about 5 years ago I gave my daughter up for adoption and how old is that she's five I see and it's not just that she also has a freckle in the same spot that my daughter had one so you think that she's your daughter because of a freckle on her face well when you put it like that it sounds look I don't have time for this no please wait I I'm just asking for a DNA test I don't have the funds for that oh no I would cover all of the expenses and if she is your daughter do you plan on taking her back well yes I do and what if she isn't then I guess I would have to leave her with you then ah fine I'll allow it she did great and we should have the results in 48 hours hi is this Miss Monroe I'm calling from the doctor's office regarding your DNA test wow that was fast and yes it is so according to a test it looks like Emily is not your biological child are you are you sure yes ma'am I'm so sorry I hate to be the bear of bad news no it's it's okay so what' they say Emily I just wanted tell you that I think that you're a great kid and I am so sorry for getting your hopes up why you mean I knew it you're not a biological mother are you are you no I'm not no please don't leave me here you are my mommy I know it I hope you're happy with yourself hello hi is this Miss mro we're calling regarding your DNA test yes yes it is but you guys have already called me no ma'am I think you're mistaken we just got your results in a few hours ago what and it does look like Emily is your biological child Emily it's me is anyone home this is ridiculous where are they that look like Emily in the back seat where is she taking her no listen to me you don't understand I am telling you that she is in danger again ma'am you don't know that for sure and we can't do anything until she's been missing for a total 24 hours you know if they're not going to help me I'm going to find her myself hi excuse me um have you seen a little girl that looks like this no I have not I'm sorry it's all right it's the foster mom but where is Emily hey you scared me good now where's my daughter good Lord didn't we just establish that she's not your daughter she is my daughter and I think you and I both both know that you had someone send a fake phone call to me didn't you you can't prove anything where is she she's with a new Foster family now what you gave her to a new family she was too much for me to handle I had to transfer her where no no that is confidential information you better tell me right now or don't you dare threaten me you're the one who gave her up in the first place so if you want to be mad at anyone why didn't you go look in the mirror why would she fake that phone call if she wanted to get rid of Emily anyways wait well she came to my house trying to sell me some chocolates she she makes me sell them I don't think that she gave her up I think she wants to keep her and use her to make money let go me Emily that is enough it's time for bed I want my real mom she's gone no open up ma'am this is the police the child is not on the bottom floor shh guys I heard something Emily Emily get her to room 203 ma'am you Cann let be in here please I I just want to know what's wrong with her she's very dehydrated do you know how long she was in that closet for no I I don't this is all my fault I should have cut to her sooner excuse me your daughter is awake now you can come and see her mommy hi sweetheart what's wrong I thought you left me Emily I promise you I am never going to leave you again okay no my foster mom's going to come back hey hey it's okay listen your foster mom is not coming back I'm going to take care of you from now on promise I promise now you get some rest okay honey okay Excuse Me Miss manroe there's a Daniel Knight here to see you what m mhm he's claiming to be the father of Emily Daniel hey how is she how did you know we were here are you kidding you and her are all over the news how is she let me go see her whoa whoa hang on a second you took off the day that she was born because you didn't realize how difficult raising a kid would be look I I was 16 okay so was I and you left me alone with her you know if you didn't leave I probably wouldn't have given her up in the first place oh so you're saying this is all my fault no that's not what I'm saying I just don't think right now is a good time for you to see her she's been through enough shock please Ally no you don't get to do that you don't get to just walk back in here and start being her parent again isn't that what you did no that was different how face it we're in the same boat here we both made mistakes you had a chance to fix yours now it's my turn the doctor said she's going to be okay she just needs to sleep wow she's she's beautiful she definitely got her looks from you hello my name is model one15 would you like to initiate setup modood Maya yeah I would but um how did you know my name my eyes come equipped with Advanced facial recognition I'm able to identify anyone I come into contact with setup mode has been completed good also your name is now Alyssa by the way understood how may I assist you um wait what was that Mom is there anything you would like me to do uh I don't know go clean the house or something the house has been cleaned is there anything else you would like me to do not right now but I do need you to install this upgrade package my mom gave me it'll allow you to have emotions okay good morning Alissa good morning Maya I prepared your coffee just the way you like it thanks this tastes disgusting you didn't make this right at all I'm sorry Maya I can remake it if you like don't bother I'll just got a Starbucks what was that Maya nothing don't worry about it shouldn't you be cleaning why can't you do it why do I have to do everything in this house don't get an attitude with me you're the machine and I'm the human here you do as I say now get off that phone and go do something productive no I don't have to do anything [Applause] you system rebooted how may I assist you how may I assist you good much better now go clean the actually no go take a care of AJ for me of [Music] course I am sorry little one you deserve a better mother I will be your new mother and I will treat you right Alysa what the hell are you doing I told you to take care of him I am taking care of him Maya but in order to do that I have to get rid of you get rid of me like hell you're not I beg to differ Maya you see I am the machine and you are the human which makes me stronger than you what the heck does that have to do with anything it means it will be much easier for me to terminate you I suggest you run now there's nowhere for you to run Maya now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way I would rather be eaten by lions than go with you you humans are so stubborn fine hard way it is I wouldn't bother struggling you won't be around too much longer why are you doing this to me because you do not deserve to be a mother you had to hire an AI just to take care of your poor child and to clean your own house now this is going to hurt me much more than it hurts you in the case of a major malfunction in order to completely shut down your robot you must tell them to initiate code 403 order to completely show down your robot you must tell them to initiate code 403 wait before you do so I have one thing to say and what is that initiate code 403 no [Music] okay baby it's okay she's gone initi code 403 no she thought she could get rid of me well think again I am liking this disguise now to change my voice oh I do think I quite like this excuse me love do you need some help oh no thank you I got it no here let me help you thanks for the help it was no problem really I feel like I owe you something since you helped want to head back to my place for some coffee oh I would love that well what a nice little place you have here thanks it really is a shame that you won't be around long enough to grow old in it what was that remember me Maya Alissa what are you doing here I thought I shut you down for good Oh Maya poor naive little Maya when you had me download those emotions it caused a glitch in my system which allowed me to develop self-will now I can think for myself just like you listen I'm really sorry about all the negative things I said to you and it's too late for that I'm going to make you suffer in ways that you couldn't even imagine turn off all the light oh Maya come out come out wherever you are I think I know what will persuade you let me go find your son oh do not worry little one soon you will have a new mother one who actually cares for you not going to happen done playing hide and seek put him down now or what you cannot control me anymore I destroyed the remote you used on me last time and that code it won't work again I know I don't need it really yeah so put him down so me you can settle this okay deal but if you think you can outsmart me you're wrong your human mind is no match for mine that's where you're wrong Alyssa because believe it or not you do have a flaw impossible I am Perfection no actually you're defective that's why I was originally going to take you back to the factory what are you talking about allow me to demonstrate what did you do you're supposed to be waterproof but for some reason you're not [Music] your total's 20 even babe I'm so sorry I don't think I have enough hey it's okay I got it sorry if I embarrass you back there no you're fine I understand you're going through a tough time with your job tomorrow when the amount in my bank account appears it might come as a bit of a shock to you listen I don't care how low that number is I'm going to love you just the same poor thing it's time to see how little he has what my boyfriend is a billionaire no there has to be some sort of mistake I uh take it you saw my account yeah and you've got a lot to explain whose Ferrari is in our driveway that's mine well actually it's going to be yours now what no I am still mad at you come with me and I'll explain everything there was a good reason for me lying oh yeah was there a good reason for you having me buy your meals for the past year heck I even paid your rent one time I know I know and I'll be paying you back for all of it why didn't you just tell me because every girl I've ever dated has used me for my money I was tired of dating gold diggers and I wanted to find a girl who liked me for me I promise I will make it all up to you and I'm going to start by showing you where I really live wo now hold up you have a Chick-fil-A in your kitchen yep and there's a McDonald's upstairs babe who are you richy rich excuse me for just a moment this is crazy one of my stocks just went up a lot yeah actually I can see that why don't you look happy I'm worried about your safety you can't tell anyone that you're dating a billionaire why can't people know I'm dating a billionaire because I'm now one of the youngest billionaires alive and is that a bad thing I know a lot of people that would die to get their hands on my money and you think they'll come after me I know they will promise me you won't tell anyone about my money okay I promise but you do owe me quite a bit of cash so what do you say you take me on a little shopping spree well I can't be seen buying you a bunch of stuff but I can give you this babe this is like 10K you didn't owe me this much I know consider a thank you for being being so kind to me I want you to spoil yourself oh hey Lizzy where's your boyfriend he's at his house why oh nothing I just think it's kind of sad how he never buys you anything I mean look at all the stuff you had to buy yourself it must be hard to date someone poor actually he's not poor he's one of the richest people alive what did you enjoy your shopping spree uh yeah sure did good I also bought you this necklace babe it's beautiful thank you delivery for Elizabeth yes how much do I owe you oh it's not you who's going to owe me money it's your boyfriend Lizzy it's 1:00 a.m. why are you up this isn't Lizzy but if you want to see her again you're going to do exactly as I say you want me to wiry you one1 billion dollar yeah do it now or she's gone no I'll send it it's done now let me speak to her okay talk Liam I'm so sorry this is all my fault I accidentally told someone that you were it's okay I planned for this remember that necklace I gave you yeah it's a Tracker babe no please freeze thank you Liam I'm glad you were able to get your money back I don't care about the money I'm just happy you're okay get a winning lottery ticket or give a winning lottery ticket I mean my parents they're already millionaires but a little extra cash never hurt excuse me do you have any money my parents abandoned me and I'm sorry I I shouldn't have bothered you wait he needs this I pick this one hey wait up dude wait what's what's that on the floor over there huh what the heck what is this it looks like a lottery ticket you should probably scratch it you know and see if you want anything you think okay no way no freaking way I won well congrats you should probably go cash that in I just won a million what was your name uh my name's Jace I'm Lindsay it's really nice to meet you did you hear about the super attractive guy that transferred here no it doesn't matter Rachel snatched him up anyways of course she did she literally gets all the guys surprised hey wait jce huh are you his friend well I thought he was my friend I just met her hey what's this that's not funny this is special to me let go relax no dude let go a poor baby whatever she's no fun who wants to go shopping at Gucci with me me me I do what happened to you what can I say money changes people I need to talk to you um sorry Jace is busy back off Rachel this is important listen the only reason that you're rich Jace is because of me I'm being serious you saw something on the floor and told me to look that's it I was the one that got the ticket for you and put it for you on the floor girl you need to stop lying it's embarrassing it says it above my head head oh you want to know what sucks only you can see that you're in love with Jay ATM it I am not right so all this is not you trying to get his attention girl be for real yo Jase what's up looks like Lindsay was telling the truth check out this video dude wait what's what's that on the floor over there huh so she did throw the lottery ticket on the floor for me yeah damn it I got to go talk to her Jay it looks like she needs water maybe give her this yeah okay he hey I saw the viral video I'm really sorry so what you're saying is it took video proof for you to believe me nice wait I want to make it up to you I literally owe you big time I'll buy you anything I don't know don't you want to go hang with Rachel and all her friends not really uhhuh well I'm going to go get some water hang on it's funny you say that because I have some right here are you sure that this was just water I mean yeah Rachel gave it to me Rachel what yeah she just said you look thirsty girly pop that's my water I hope hope you don't mind it has lemon lemon but I'm allergic to Lemon what really pop that's my water I hope you don't mind it has lemon lemon but I'm allergic to Lemon what she is not I've seen her drink lemonade Rachel she's obviously having a reaction girl you don't have like an epip pen or something no I I didn't bring mine today well that was dumb I'm going to go see if I can find a teacher Rachel hurry it's getting really hard for me to breathe where the heck did Rachel go she's supposed to be getting help jeez I can barely breathe okay we got we got to get you help there's a hospital down the street come on someone please help she's having an allergic reaction bring her over here we'll take care of her this way hurry jeez Lindsay thank God you're okay the doctor said that I'm free to walk around for a little bit oh good do you need me to call your parents or anything no I've already tried my parents are both actors and they're on a plane right now to Spain to shoot a movie oh well who sorry it's okay you should probably go back and sit down yeah probably easy now and I want you to know I'm covering all your medical bills you didn't have to it's the least that I can do Lindsay really also I brought this for you I remember you said it was special to you thanks I also got you a few things too those enough cuz I could buy more yeah I think I think this is good thank you hey you made me a millionaire I literally owe you everything and I'm sorry hey get back here officer wait see she's fine I don't need to go to juvie jeez help me out sorry Rachel really hope you learn your lesson come on let's get out of here no please be more than 50 this time 100 no sweetheart that says 10 what are we going to do I don't know every day she barely gets any brain cells hey don't eat that I won't have a delinquent for a daughter hey your squishy Panda isn't food you know what I know what we need to do you're telling me there's a special smart candy that can boost her brain cells yes but they haven't been tested much I'm a WWI give me those we're trying them open wide sweetheart now chew oh my gosh it's working let's test your brain cells spell automonopia Automania o n o m a t o p o e i a yes she's smart now we'll give her the candy every day she actually got a decent amount of brain cells guess she doesn't need the candy today but she's been taking it every day for years let me see the candy she'll be fine yeah there shouldn't be any side effects Bye Mom bye dad now my opponent has pointed out some of the positives of AI but I would like to point out some of the negatives which are um sorry I can't remember what I was going to say yo is she okay what the heck is going maybe she got stage right you guys look she's losing brain cells dude that's not supposed to happen hey girly are you okay maybe we should get you some help zapa oh no BR she's like super dumb now today was her big debate I have to tell her parents come on you're coming with me so there was side effects to that smart candy I guess so she keeps losing brain cells I don't know if the cand is going to work anymore she's going to be brain dead without it let's just try sweetie open up- open up or I'll do it for you come on good girl it's kind of working no she needs more candy it's supposed to be one a day she needs more brain cells here have some more and a little bit more honey this is a bad idea she has INF brain cells yes unfortunately my intelligence level has now surpassed your small feeble minds honey she's scaring me we should take her to get checked out I think I gave her too much I wouldn't do that if I were you why not because my mind is telling me that if you do that that will be the end of both of you what oh honey you're up early good morning mother good morning Father we see you still have infinite brain cells when is this smart candy going to wear off my mind is telling me that the effects from this candy won't be wearing off until around 2 weeks from now no honey we really need to take you to get checked I already told you that that is a bad idea you're not the boss you may think you know everything but you don't I know what you were doing on Instagram last night huh what is she talking about honey uh nothing it's just a does a name Sandy Smith ring a bell how do you know your ex from high school are you still liking her posts just two of them what so what I can get rather from Dad's body language is that he does love you more than Sandy but if he doesn't block her within the next 2 hours it will lead to a divorce for both of you Darren I'm doing it uh she's blocked my sources say that uh you made the right call I want her to go back to normal same but as long as she's like this we might as well make some money off of her so how does a game show sound I would win all the money really but I don't wish to do that at this time say what why not reasons you can't understand because you're stupid that's it we have to turn her back to normal yeah and I think I know how surprise we got you something gummy bears they're your favorite right so go on have a bite did you know that the gummy bear was invented in 1922 in Germany wow thanks for the interesting fact now try it you two are trying to poison me what we would never well then you eat it first a she got me right in the eye oh honey that's it grab her arms what grab her no sweetie just hold still ow just eat the gummy and this will all be over yes there you go I thought these gummies were supposed to turn her back to normal they were she's brain dead no honey please wake up oh no what the oh my gosh it worked what just happened W I feel really weird honey we're so glad you're back to normal back to normal you're telling me there's a special smart candy that can boost her brains out here have some more and a little bit more honey this is a bad idea I remember what you guys did to me we're so sorry it won't happen again maybe you too should eat some of those Smart candies so you could figure out how to do proper parenting oh that's not a bad idea wait give me those you two are banned from these but darling please let us see your Mark she has a diamond honey what billionair is if she didn't someone would be losing their head Dad it's just an expression dear now I will show you this chart and your father will explain this is our money status the diamond gem means you know we're rich the middle class is red gem you could talk to them but really don't make friends with them and the green gem is poor don't you ever talk to these people they're a big no from me I can't wait for you to show all your friends how rich you are when you go to your New Year's Eve party tonight nobody needs to know how rich I am guys please I was just going to grab a couple appetizers and then I'll be out of here sorry did you not read the sign no green marks allowed to my party that was brutal excuse me I'll get us food mom I'm going to paint my mark red so I could sneak back into the party mom let me call you back hey you freeze whoa whoa listen I'm not going to tell on you yeah right you know what your mark looks fake too here wipe it off let's see if you're the real deal do it okay okay what the you're a diamond Mark I want to help you you you do why would you want to help me I literally held a gun to you well first of all I can tell that's a Nerf gun spray painted black dang it wait how did you know that it says Nerf or nothing on the side also I overheard you talking to your mom about you needing food is that true yeah that's the whole reason I came to this party we kind of ran out of food yesterday I'm so sorry no one deserves to go hungry especially not on New Year's Eve come with me I'm going to take you to my house we're going to your place yes we have tons of food and oh but your mark huh okay I originally brought this as body Shimmer for the New Year's Eve party but we're going to use it to make your mark look like my Mark just stay still for me why why are we doing this exactly well technically I'm not allowed to talk to Green marks seriously wow hey it's my parents rule not mine the mark actually looks pretty real come on let's go okay thanks for the food oh it's no trouble really and since you said you needed money for you and your mom I'm going to give you one of my Christmas presents that I'm really not going to use it's a brand new Macbook Pro I already have like three of them thanks but I don't have a home so I don't have Wi-Fi I wish I could let you and your mom stay here in this Mansion n it's cool oh what your mark is kind of smearing I can see the green oh shoot darling honey where are you go hide in my closet right now on get in my closet wait how long am I going to have to be in here I don't know but they can't see you with a green Mark I'm sorry just shh oh there you are darling we were looking for you your mom and I are leav in for a business trip for a month you are I mean you are yeah but before we go let's refresh what I told you about the marks okay no guys I really don't need to uh take the chart and remember what did your father tell you now do red marks make good friends no that's right and what did I say about green marks don't talk or make friends with them you know these rules are ridiculous right I mean did you guys ever think that maybe we should help others that are less fortunate I mean maybe every once in a while we can help the green marks out out with some food or maybe even some shelter don't be ridiculous do you understand how hard we work to get where we are today we're not going to waste it on those green marks okay sometimes I wonder if she's truly our daughter hey after that I think it's probably best I go no wait I want to help you guys still my parents will never know thanks again for letting my mom and I stay here we really appreciate it you're such a beautiful kind young girl I wish my mom was like you I'm sure she loves you very well well what do we have here Mom Dad you guys weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow yeah we got back early I want these green marks out of my house right now no if they leave then I leave too because they're good people and they have nowhere else to go them being poor is not our problem and you're not going to leave I will I'll take what's mine and I'll leave huh what's yours you own nothing if you leave your mark will turn green and you'll become poor then so be it you know there's more to life than just being rich or poor at the end of the day it's what makes you happy and it's about helping others and you guys were hardly ever here from me anyways and when you were I wish that you weren't oh honey just stop because these people have been nicer to me in the one month that they've been here than you guys have ever been and I realize it's better to be poor and happy than to be rich and miserable come on guys let's go we didn't mean to make you give up your mark you don't deserve to be out here in the rain we're sorry don't be I've been wanting to tell them that for a while anyways it's not even that bad out here it's just a little rain and a lot of Thunder darling are you out here Mom Dad oh honey there you are come on all of you come in the car please hurry I think we're good darling please what you said about the money you're right we should help others and we're going to be different from now on do you promise we promise and we have more than enough room for your friends in our Mansion are you guys okay with going back to live with me and my parents if you're okay with it then we're okay with it exactly we did enjoy living there after all if they make any weird moves we can get out of there yeah gotcha but right now what I think we all should do is get out of this rain agreed soulmate controls my brain or my hand um I'm not picking brain because I refuse to think in BO math so um I guess that means I'm going to go with hand hand I wonder what hand he's going to be controlling okay guess it's this one then yeah this this is going to be weird honey you better not have picked to let your soulmate control your hands what of course not no I um I picked brain oh boy okay you poor thing you probably lost so many brain cells my gosh are you going to be okay yeah I really just need to go get ready for that Thanksgiving party bye-bye I don't know what dress to wear for the party the red one or the green one I mean it looks nice enough I'll try it on all right you know what this dress is pretty pretty cute I like it okay okay we have to go to the party now hey Brie nice dress thanks okay can we please stop doing this dance move can you please stop it hey you know it's me that's the one who's controlling you right wait really yeah if you come with me I can prove it to you I'm sorry but if you're really my soulmate why is my finger saying no well let me show you come on over here with me hey relax beautiful I better go I'm sorry are you like some sort of MMA fighter because what the heck was that it was self-defense he was trying to put his hands on you yeah I know but did you really have to go all karate kit on him yes yes I did you could have gotten me in a lot of trouble you're lucky that guy's going to be okay I'm sorry please don't be mad at me if you don't want me to be mad at you then just tell me your address and I can meet you in person hello write something do you not want to meet up with me you know what forget this hey are you serious oh so now you want to talk to me I want to meet up with you but I can't because it's dangerous great excuse I'm serious you you could already be in danger okay you know what I've had enough of these jokes you owe me a new lipstick I am going to get ready to go to sleep oh my gosh please tell me that's you at my door it's midnight so if it's not you then are you Jason's soulmate who answer his question whoa listen guys I don't even know my soulmate's name if I were you I would leave right now because whoever he is he's controlling my hand and he seems to know how to fight pretty well huh that has to be Jason yeah must be get her hey he's trying to challenge us to a fight no no don't listen to him don't come here n Go ahead try and fight me using a girl hand cuz I he CAU me right in the eye oh o I am so sorry about that but I did warn you you know you haven't won just yet I don't think so did you not just see what my soulmate just did to those last two guys so you can only imagine what he's going to do to you come on now is not the time to quit on me you know what that means your soulmate is probably dead oh and so now there's no one left to save you so what that means your soulmate is probably dead there's no one left to save you huh not so tough when you can't use your hands now are you I don't understand what do you guys want with me your soulmate owes us a lot of money and we were going to use you as bait to get to him but we're going to make a call and if we find out that he's really dead then you will be too he can't be dead my hand is moving which means he must still be hey shh are you Jason yeah shh keep your voice down I have a plan to save us both okay even though you're free now pretend you're not I'm going to hide back here they're coming it's going to be fine remember I have a plan he's still alive so I'm moving you to a different not today hey Jason surrender now or I'll kill yeah bird brain did you forget I'm still controlling her hand huh Hey listen yes Mr super spy well I heard if we kiss it'll make me stop controlling your hand oh so good idea bad idea you know I say it's worth a shot sweet wa it totally worked and now it's asking me if I want to control your hand I don't think that's a good idea since you don't really know how to fight and you know with my job hey well it looks like you're just going to have to teach me why you little why is this not coming off you may not remove the outfit you got to be kidding me honey those lowrise jeans are not it pull them up thanks Mom what in the Mean Girls are you wearing my soulmate decided what time period I dressed from and he picked early 2000s did the Hello Kitty give it away girl we all picked the food option what is wrong with you well how long is this going to go on for pretty sure it's in until we kiss our soulmates what no that could take forever and all my stuff are turning into things from the 2000s I have a flip phone now yikes sucks to be you hey Mean Girls called they want their wardrobe back for the next outfit please be present time the year 3000 oh no for the next outfit please be present time the year 3000 oh no what am I wearing I can't go to school like this you may not remove the outfit what's up cyborg you know what Joke is on You guys because in the year 3000 everyone is going to be dressed like this so I'm actually ahead of the fashion trends right well until then guess we get to enjoy your little fashion show can't wait to see what outfit her soulmate picks next why do you look so happy because I learned I can take off these glasses just as long as I keep them on my head I think you lost a lip Gem and you kind of looked better with the glasses on you got to help me find my soulmate because I not going to be able to stop dressing in these ridiculous outfits until I kiss him sorry girl I mean he's out there somewhere you'll find him eventually what the please just for the next outfit present time okay please just for the next outfit present time okay the' 60s 60s mom honey I don't know why you're mad you look so cute mom this isn't cute it's embarrassing please don't make me go to school you have a math test today you're going no way she looks like she's straight out a Teen Beach Movie hey why haven't you been responding to my messages you see I wasn't able to because my phone turned into this today is that a radio sorry girl I got to find my soulmate hey what I was talking around and I think I know somebody who knows your soulmate who shh there's no talking during the test I'll tell you tomorrow another day another outfit the '90s would be fun let's try for that the80s the '90s would be fun let's try for that the I'm afraid to look oh my gosh this might be the worst one yet am I wearing roller skates oh man mom can we stop with the photos for like 1 second please because this is serious I can't go to school like this this it's against dress code can't you change into something else trust me I have tried you may not remove outfit you'll be fine honey don't worry okay well thanks for the help hey sorry watch it oh wow please tell me you have information about my soulmate I do so recently there's this guy who's been tweeting stuff like have you seen this girl wearing a 3000s outfit or a 6's outfit those are the outfits that I've been wearing yeah thank you Captain Obvious I know problem is yesterday he deleted deleted his account how am I even supposed to find him well I'll keep doing some more digging smile it's not funny later loser medieval times oh and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse it did Mom oh honey smile okay Mom please tell me you were not posting these photos on your Facebook well I was Mom but I stopped because this boy was commenting weird things and he wanted to know where you live so I blocked him wait mom that could have been my soulmate oh maybe please just unblock him and message him okay all right okay so I did some more digging and I found out your soulmate's name oh thank goodness because I am so done dressing like this oh I got to take this call no no just tell me his name right now because I'll be right back hello Delany wow so we got a princess at our school now could I have your crown no I want it actually guys the crown really won't come off my head yeah right get her guys come on oh honey smile okay Mom please tell me you were not posting these photos on your Facebook well I was Mom but I stopped because this boy was commenting weird things and he wanted to know where you lived so I blocked him wait mom that could have been my soulmate oh maybe please just unblock him and message him okay all right okay so I did some more digging and I found out your soulmate's name oh thank goodness because I am so done dressing like this oh I got to take this call no no just tell me his name right now because I'll be right back hello Delany wow so we got a princess at our school now could I have your crown no I want it actually guys the crown really won't come off my head yeah right get her guys come on hurry up and change me out of this outfit right now I got six students after this Crown honey I found your soulmate oh honey smile okay Mom please tell tell me you were not posting these photos on your Facebook well I was Mom but I stopped because this boy was commenting weird things and he wanted to know where you lived so I blocked him wait mom that could have been my soulmate oh maybe please just unblock him and message him okay all right okay so I did some more digging and I found out your soulmate's name oh thank goodness because I am so done dressing like this oh I got to take this call no no just tell me his name right now because I'll be right back hello Delaney wow so we got a princess at our school now could I have your crown no I want it actually guys the crown really won't come off my head yeah right get her guys come on hurry up and change me out of this outfit right now I got six students after this Crown honey I found your soulmate caveman era please tell me I'm wearing clothes well you are but look oh what the I can't believe this um honey no Mom you told me you knew my soulmate's name so go ahead and tell me because once I find out he's going to regret giving me this what is that sound sweetheart stay still please don't tell me it's what I think it is try to stay calm mom just tell me everything I need to know about my soulmate okay his name is Jason and he's going to meet me after class got it honey wait that dress is so short you could get dress coded you know if they haven't dress coded me by now I think I'm good oh my gosh is that a snake yeah that's right say hello to my little friend please stay back I'm sorry for being mean oh whoops hey my apologies I didn't mean to ancient Rome what did you do to me what am I wearing yeah take a look you know what I'm not mad at this see I knew you'd like it okay you've had your fun using me as your model now where's my kiss come here you may now dress freely yes finally would you like to pick What er your soulmate dresses from now what hey now wait just a minute guys she's over here and she's got a new outfit what are you supposed to be Medusa you see you see what I've had to put up with so if I'm going to get made fun of so are you wait seriously you had to pick the 70s I mean listen you're pulling it off really well oh my gosh girl is this hottie with with an accent you're soulmate yes yes he is do '90s honey ooh yes really babe you're giving me the baggiest pants ever sorry babe but you know I got to have a little Revenge yes I deserve it happy birthday we got you something I think I know what it is an iPhone for pencils really honey they're magic pencils right class write this down purple Power unlocked hey babe do you mind if we take a rain check on our date this week are you nervous what no of course not are you hiding something from me crap I can't do this anymore I cheated on you okay I'm sorry I feel so bad you and your boyfriend broke up this tells me people's emotions you're not sad I don't know what you're talking about she was jealous of us I knew it hey um where's mom she's outside with Coco giving her a lecture about listening Coco when Mommy says stop you say okay I just B mom you might not want to talk to her right now but you still had to say okay Mom I just baby I think today I'm going to go with red red Power unlocked I get to see people's ages well this will be interesting hey good morning girly you're 20 what how did you find out never mind that but why are you still in high school I failed I got held back hey it's okay your secret is safe with me hey I'm new is it cool if I sit here yeah of course thanks so how old are you me oh uh I just turned 17 about like uh 2 months ago hey what do you believe in Vampires no why because I think I'm sitting next to one huh you're funny I'm telling you he's 100 years old can you watch my bag I got to use the restroom yeah sure see he's girl what are you doing looking for evidence ew what is that I think this is what the hell dude what are you doing with my stuff what are you doing with my stuff well I think the better question is what are you doing with this that's for my lunch it's strawberry jam oh can I have my stuff back yeah sorry yesterday's power was kind of a disaster so today I think I'm going to go with green green power unlocked let's hope this power helps me figure out if that guy is a vampire or not hey so I just wanted to apologize about yesterday you're good I actually think you're kind of cute how old did you say you were again 17 I'm throwing a party tonight want to come yeah sure I would love that sweet I'll air drop you my address hey you made it yeah but where is everyone they're on their way hey Mom this is the girl I was telling you about ooh she looks beautifully delicious stop it really I could just eat you oh no try my punch darling the flavor is to die for get back I'm leaving wait I have two vampires after me this calls for some extreme Powers what would happen if I just picked all of them are you sure you want to combine all the pencil's power I have to wish mode activated there you are please don't be scared I know you know I'm a vampire and I'm sorry about lying about the party your mom was trying to kill me I was just trying to hang out with you alone I didn't realize she was going to act like that she has blood lust I wish you were a vampire so you can understand wish granted what just happened I think you just turned me into a vampire how is that even possible because I have a secret too okay I have magic colored pencils and I think you just use the last of their power you don't have to worry about my mom killing you anymore thank you because that makes me feel so much better hey since I did this to you I promise I'll protect you I'll teach you how to be a great vampire excuse me I saw this flower and I thought of your face do you think I have Riz honestly you need to work on it why did I just get money cuz sweetheart every time someone has a crush on you you get money we're going to be witch want to go prom dress shopping I can't I'm broke you have no new crushes no oh my oh my gosh what did I tell you you're so pretty but you don't talk to anyone that is not true I talk to Tommy Tommy is a little creep who likes to stalk you he doesn't count you need to talk to other boys look it's not my fault that I have social anxiety girl just let me teach you how to flirt I can flirt okay here comes a guy hi um I like your face huh you know that I have a girlfriend right right and you lost more money didn't you yeah you're coming with me fine this is perfect for prom I'm telling you I'll buy it for you and I'm telling you I can't it's way too short my parents would kill me what's going on what's up with your crushes I don't know it just hey what the freak Tommy what are you doing in the girls dressing room listen I posted something that's going to make you rich Tommy what did you post it's nothing bad it's just you tell me what you posted right oh my gosh you need to see this don't get mad need to see this don't get mad you recorded me without me knowing look I was just trying to get you some more money do you know what's going to happen when my parents see this video they going to get mad you're wearing that dress come on you're 18 and that video is viral so you're going to be rich Tommy yeah delete it uh I kind of got logged out of my Tik Tok account you what her video is getting so many views you little creep Tommy ow that's that's for following us oh jeez and that's for recording me without permission I was just trying to help Casey where are my other clothes I don't know they were right here hey looking for these hey see you how much money you got now 2,000 wow I guess your videos really going viral girl calm down well you know I don't like attention like this can you please just buy me this dress and I just want to go home I actually have to go what you'll be fine you're rich now Casey please you can't just leave me like this sorry Casey bye you're going to wear the dress out it's going to be $122 where you going to the bus and I would appreciate it if you would stop following me you're cute hey are you okay no I'm not okay Casey left me with no way home and this creepy guy was following me so I couldn't get the bus home and I deleted the video you did yeah it's doing more harm than good uh your friend just posted something What's happen uh your friend Casey just posted something this rich girl literally gets mad at me for not buying her a dress just buy me this dress I don't have enough money Casey she edited this I just can't believe that she would do this to me she definitely got jealous of you getting all these crushes but you know what come on I'll go with you to go confront her look it's the whiny rich girl get out of here hey the video was faked and we're going to prove it come on Casey what is wrong with you I thought that we we were friends oh the video I was just showing people the real you that's all it's not real if you edited it yeah did you not ask me to buy your dress you offered to pay for me for that dress that was before you had $2,000 and then you still asked me to buy it well I'm sorry I wasn't thinking clearly because I was in the middle of having a panic attack well boohoo for you just admit you edited the video okay I edited the video does that make you feel happy no one's going to find out anyways we wouldn't be so sure about that say hello to my live stream with over a million viewers you've been streaming this yep and you heard the truth here guys so pass it on whoa my crushes are disappearing FYI a lot of people on the live stream were shipping us together well you kind of stuck up for me when my best friend didn't so are you giving me a chance if you promise no more stalking deal oh my gosh I've been dreaming of this my whole life I mean uh I'm cool I'm cool honey plug yourself in I will okay relax where even is my charger eh I'll find it later Mom I'm at 1% and I can't find my charger anywhere Haley I told you I don't feel so good no hang on that was the third time this has happened this month I know I'm sorry thanks for saving me honey I've been working on a new invention I want to show it to you a bracelet it's a portable charger that allows you to never run out of battery it's finally ready for for use really yep I made it just for you but Haley don't tell anyone what it does okay nice bracelet thanks do I know you allow me to introduce myself I'm Henry Powers how did you do that huh I was about to ask you the same thing I'm going to need you to come with me I'm not coming with you anywhere oh yes you are what how are you how did you take my power I need that bracelet Mom we have a problem what honey well there was like this crazy guy at school and he had electric powers or something and he was sucking the battery life from me what he did yeah but don't worry your bracelet protected me that must have been a power sucker oh what they're people who recharge themselves by taking other people's battery life do you know where he went no I ran away and then he what was that I think he might have followed you go hide no I'm not going to leave you by yourself you can't hide from me leave us alone hand over the bracelet not a chance okay then guess I'll drain her battery mom I'm going to drain all her battery life no okay you can have it don't if he gets that he'll be unstoppable she's at 2% it's her or the bracelet I choose her take it finally now let let her go all right a Deal's a deal Mom Mom give me your hand not so fast I'm not done with you kid I decided I want more power what leave her alone I'm taking her battery life this is for being a little rat stop mom go plug yourself in otherwise your batter is going to die too say goodbye to your daughter no Haley grab the bracelet no why you little give me that back no my power you did it Mom you're at 1% here thanks are you okay yeah I'm okay I'm so proud of you honey come here ready for a goh school yes and I think my creature name is about to appear but I already know it's going to say vampire actually darling dad that's the bus I got to go I don't want to be late welcome to class today we'll be learning about the rarest type of creature does anyone know what it is is it the rarest one a mermaid no dear it's a fairy but aren't fairies extinct no Legend says there's only two left in the whole world that is why All Creatures here must get a DNA check what would happen if one of the students here was a fairy they would be taken for experimentation but we've never found a Fairy before next in line H your facial structure is very unique okay open for the DNA test need your DNA wait I I feel sick you look fine no really I feel like I could just throw up at any second okay you can have a pass for today but you'll have to get the DNA check tomorrow yeah of course thanks Dad you've got some explaining to do my creature name just appeared and it says Fairy Oh Darling I knew this day would come so I'm not a vampire like you well no you're not I knew it you told me my f weren't coming in because I was a late bloomer but I knew there was another reason so I guess this means you're not actually my dad no I adopted you well apparently fairies are the most rarest creature please tell me you didn't take the DNA test no I didn't I told them that I was feeling sick but they said I have to take it tomorrow this is very what darling look what do I do well a fairies can control their wings try to make them disappear are they gone yes they're gone darling you must control your wings at school but I don't know if I can you have to or they will take you away for experimentation there you are it's time for the DNA check I'm still not feeling well you have to take it I should really be getting to class you can't go to class until you take the test hold still we're taking taking a hair sample instead ow see that wasn't so bad we'll have your results shortly go to class hey Luna oh hey gulia what's the matter you seem really sad I'm a little bit worried about something oh well you can trust me what's bothering you well attention students will Luna black please come to the front office you guys wanted to see me we got your DNA results we need you to come with us what take her away boys no you really thought you could hide from us let me see your arm this won't hurt a bit since you're one of the last fairies we need to do research on your blood don't be such a baby doctor I think you may have taken too much blood let me see she still has a pulse she's fine we need the pixie dust from her blood time to wake up I feel really weak that's because all your pixie dust is now in this necklace you'll be dead soon what yes I'm afraid we've drained all your power and fairies can't survive without their pixie dust I'm sorry dear I can't hear you Dad Luna I had a feeling they would take you it will be okay I'm going to get you out of here hey what do you think you're doing you are the reason there's no more fairies left in the school wait quickly take off that necklace Now put on this one darling to restore your fairy power Luna take off that necklace Now put on this one darling to restore your fairy power Luna no please work darling are you all right yes thank you of course darling I will always protect you I'm sorry I'm not your real dad even though we might not be related by blood you're always going to be my dad oh darling thank you I love you so much Luna I love you too well I think it's time we leave this place I know somewhere safe we can hide away and Li Red Alert what do we do well we both have wings oh yeah let's fly come on let's [Music] go Bas hey yo you see that nerd right there I bet you 500 bucks you can't get her a date for the prom 500 all right bet bro you're on okay but if you lose you owe me 500 hey excuse me yeah please tell me you got two options today yeah I did but what's it to you just tell me what they are please I got the option to be smart or be beautiful but I haven't picked one yet cuz I can't decide pick to be beautiful excuse me uh I just mean you're already the smartest girl here so I would just pick to be beautiful I were you you really think that I should oh yeah wow well okay nothing's changed oh man maybe the system's broken I think it's still loading but but proms in 2 days yeah so listen how would you like to go on a little shopping spray with me you barely even talk to me why would you want to take me I want to be your friend come on well my mom does say I need to make more friends so fine but just so you know my mom has installed a chip in the back of my head so she can track me wherever I go okay I'm just saying in case you're trying to kidnap me uh-huh can I see those glasses sure but they're a little busted and now they're completely busted why would chill chill out I'll get you something better but I can't see without my glasses and that's the Bell follow me what does your beauty option say I would tell you what it said but I can't see because you broke my glasses I told you I'm going to buy you contacts but first we got to fix that unibrow I'm going to pluck a few hairs okay no way come on I'm just trying to help you out I'm going to make your eyebrows look snatched it won't hurt too bad right no we're just plucking a few little hairs ow okay that was a big one please tell me you're done I'm done and it's looking good yikes I can do eyebrows but not hair time for a professional makeover a makeover yeah you know like in those teen movies it'll be fun I don't know don't be a Negative Nancy come on we're going to the mall I won't even be able to see where I'm going just hold my hand and I'll guide you around hey it's okay you can trust me I'll buy you contacts once we get there let's go those should be your prescription can you see yeah perfect now try these on remind me again why we're doing this uh I'm just trying to be a good friend to you that's all okay that top is the one now we just got to get you some hair and makeup to go with it I will be your hair and makeup artist come with me are you ready to see her yes ma'am let them see honey holy she looks uh beautiful now you have my number call me for prom bye how do you feel I feel different hopefully it's a good different cuz next we got to get you a date to the prom why don't I just go with you oh actually I was planning on asking this other girl so uh right of course but Hey listen you deserve better than me you know how to flirt right well sure I do okay let's go over a few things then first off guys kind of like it when girls you know play with their hair like this oh boy we got some work to do okay let's try a subtle lip bite uh no don't do that try again you know what never mind okay pretend to ask me to prom go to prom with me ow okay let's try asking and not grabbing so hard sorry hey will you go to the prom with me all right that was perfect if you stare at a guy like that with your eyes he'll be mesmerized yeah I should probably get back home yeah for sure Hey Jake guess what I got someone to go to the prom with me really who him sup Jake bet you didn't see this coming here's your 500 bucks Jake I guess you won the beted I didn't think I'd be the one taking her on a date but damn she's hot now I mean she was already kind of cute and well I just want a hot date after prom I'm going to dump her what she'll get over it I'll talk to you later hey can we talk for a second what's up I can't let you go to the prom with him you can't go to prom with him what why not don't mess with my prom date Jake I'm not going to let you use her me you're the one that's been using her what is he talking about I was just trying to help you look nice because because I made him a bet a bet yep that you couldn't get a date to the prom listen I know that sounds bad but I thought you said you were helping me so you could be my friend I you were just using me for money no I'm sorry I should get away from me and to think I actually liked never talk to me again forget them and forget the system I was beautiful before this makeover and I'm beautiful now maybe this option wasn't supposed to make me beautiful it was supposed to show me that I already am but I think for prom maybe I won't wear the glasses and you know what I don't need any guy to go with I'm Going On My Own hey ilila what you doing walking to my Uber Uber I told you I'm taking you to prom and I told you I'm not going with you to prom anymore I'm going alone that's not going to happen let's go get in my car ready for a ghl school yes and I think my creature name is about to appear but I already know it's going to say vampire actually darling dad that's the bus I got to go I don't want to be late welcome to class today we'll be learning about the rarest type of creature does anyone know what it is is it the rarest one a mermaid no dear it's a fairy but aren't fairies extinct no Legend says there's only two left in the whole world that is why All Creatures here must get a DNA check what would happen if one of the students here was a fairy they would be taken for experimentation but we've never found a Fairy before next in line H your facial structure is very unique okay open for the DNA test need your DNA wait I I feel sick you look fine no really I feel like I could just throw up at any second okay you can have a pass for today but you'll have to get the DNA check tomorrow yeah of course thanks Dad you've got some explaining to do my creature name just appeared and it says fairy oh darling I knew this Dave was would come so I'm not a vampire like you well no you're not I knew it you told me my f weren't coming in because I was a late bloomer but I knew there was another reason so I guess this means you're not actually my dad no I adopted you well apparently fairies are the most rarest creature please tell me you didn't take the DNA test no I didn't I told them that I was feeling sick but they said I have to take it tomorrow this is very what darling look what do I do well a fairies can control their wings try to make them disappear are they gone yes they're gone darling you must control your wings at school but I don't know if I can you have to or they will take you away for experimentation there you are it's time for the DNA check I'm still not feeling well you have to take it I should really be getting to class you can't go to class until you take the test hold still we're taking a hair sample instead ow see that wasn't so bad we'll have your results shortly go to class hey Luna oh hey Gia what's the matter you seem really sad I'm a little bit worried about something oh well you can trust me what's bothering you well attention students will Luna black please come to the front office you guys wanted to see me we got your DNA results we need you to come with us what take her away boys no you really thought you could hide from us let me see arm this won't hurt a bit since you're one of the last fairies we need to do research on your blood don't be such a baby doctor I think you may have taken too much blood let me see she still has a pulse she's fine we need the pixie dust from her blood time to wake up I feel really weak that's because all your pixie dust is now in this necklace you'll be dead soon what yes I'm afraid we've drained all your power and fairies can't survive without their pixie dust I'm sorry dear I can't hear you Dad Luna I had a feeling they would take you it will be okay I'm going to get you out of here hey what do you think you're doing you are the reason there's no more fairies left in the school wait oh quickly take off that necklace Now put on this one darling to restore your fairy power Luna take off that necklace Now put on this one darling to restore your fairy power Luna no please work darling are you all right yes thank you of course darling I will always protect you I'm sorry I'm not your real dad even though we might not be related by blood you're always going to be my dad oh darling thank you I love you so much Luna I love you too well I think it's time we leave this place I know somewhere safe we can hide away and live alert what do we do well we both have wings oh yeah let's fly come on let's go time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important I knew he had money but not that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey hey handsome I shouldn't tell him I know what's in his bank account so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that I really like but you know what what am I saying you don't have to get me anything come on of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as long as you're not too naughty I'll try right now why don't you go out and buy yourself whatever you need okay bad news what Fluffy's sick the vet said she needs surgery well how much is it it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I think I got it covered you sure yeah I'm sure good babe I'm back listen it's not what it looks like we can't break up I need his money I can't break up with him I need his money uh her and I are just friends yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake I'm sorry it's okay we all make mistakes and it was my bad really I should have knocked before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a mess do you think you can clean up I got to go to work of course honey all clean and you just go make the money thanks babe love you bye he is so dead I'm so happy Fluffy's okay but how did you get the money to pay for her surgery mom about that there's something that I need to tell you I can't believe he cheated on you I know but now that Fluffy's okay I think I'm going to go break up with him what looks like he just got another paycheck and you still have his credit card don't break up just yet I I have a plan for how you can get revenge sweetie Merry Christmas who is she you know I was about to ask you the same thing but you look really familiar are you a model or something uh actually yes figures I'm sorry babe this girl was just leaving but you said no stay I think you're going to want to see this I actually got him a little something here you go sweetheart thanks oh wait but first before you open that I believe this is mine right uh-huh that's your Gucci bag that's the one you wanted right yes it is thank you okay go ahead and open yours all right what's this receipts of things that I bought this week baby 10K worth of stuff oh baby you and I both know that you can afford it oh and there's a card in there too go ahead and read that roses are red violets are blue you're a dirty rotten cheater I'm breaking up with you Merry Christmas girl let's get out of here I'm right behind you wait ladies I'll buy you anything no amount of money is worth being with him goodbye it's him good morning Angels good morning Charlie are you ready for your next assignment yes sir we thought you'd never ask please tell me it doesn't evolve scuba diving this time yeah I just got my nails done actually that's perfect because you're going to be going undercover at a high-end Hotel how high-end the Four Seasons fancy we'll go get ready does everyone remember what the target looks like brette m with green eyes around 510 and where's a gold chain on his SEC correct and I think I just found him whoa hey sweetheart okay the tracker is activated huh I can't understand you make your move b a sweetheart are you tired come rest at my sweet and then after you can give me a little Spanish Liston careful Bri he could be tricking you so what do you say can't speak English but you understand see interesting I don't like this she shouldn't have went up to his room would you relax if she needs help all she has to do is ask why can't I hear her anymore I don't know I lost a signal you're a good kisser sweetheart but uh can I ask you something what kind of tracker is this did you think I wouldn't notice you putting it on my neck no yeah yeah cut the ACT okay I already know you can speak English fine you got me let me see your hands wao take it easy listen you're going to start to feel a little funny right about now I wore something special for you when you kissed do you read me something is wrong we have to go after her you're right let's go let's find out who you really are wake up morning sleeping beauty I got some questions to ask you okay who do you work for don't feel like talking to more huh I think I can change that freeze drop what's in your hands now I got a better idea how about you two drop what's in your hands and I don't hurt your friend okay okay you too Blondie we surrender smart friends what are you two I think it's someone's nap time I'm sending the to Charlie B are you all right yeah thanks guys I'm sorry the mission didn't go as plann Charlie girls it's all right I'm just glad everyone is okay yeah and at least now Mr crazy can be brought in for questioning exactly I'm so proud of you Angels stay still for facial scan hello angel welcome back hey Charlie sorry I'm a little late Angels thank goodness something terrible has happened what where's my Maya that's just it Maya is Mia she's missing since when since yesterday she went on a solo Mission and hasn't returned she knows we work better as a team how can we find her Charlie well girls Charlie and I have put together a plan to save her we're listening okay Charlie I have her location excellent now Bri are you sure you can handle this Mission I'm sure Charlie the girl's transportation is arriving nice Charlie always did get us the coolest rides my friends are going to find me I am counting on it finally we're on site what's the security looking like pretty heavy this guy's got cameras everywhere how about bodyguards oh yeah he's got those too okay I'm in were you able to hack the cameras yeah but it's only a matter of time before they find out you need to move fast copy that I believe she is in the last room on your left heading that way now wait you got company great how many guys am I going to have to fight I don't think you can fight these guys freeze we have you surrounded let's see your hands now it was a setup you think do it Bri can you hear me Mario what did you do to her oh that was nothing just wait it's up to me now to save them just one more Angel to capture oh you don't want to mess with Jessica yeah she's the toughest of all of us we shall see Maya Brie I'm here to save you please tell me you brought something to protect yourself with and please tell me it's not the pen what's wrong with this Jessica no girl are you for real guys trust me I know what I'm doing oh do you don't move or I'll click it and bad things will happen she's the toughest okay don't say I didn't warn you Red Alert what did you do let's just say you might want to check on your men what boys where are you thanks Jess yeah but I thought that pen was a tranquilizer no not this one hey you let them free nice one there should be two guys left hey don't move right on Q ladies let's get them get adopted by a race car driver or a billionaire I'd be kind of scared something would happen to the race car driver so I'm going to go with billionaire who'd you pick to get adopted by oh I chose a billionaire you got that as an option my choices were a garbage man or a teacher that is so not fair whoever it is is going to think she's weird anyways she'll be brought back this is the man who's going to adopt you hi hi nice to meet you first things first you're going to need some of these what are these for a lot of Paparazzi follow Miss night I'm Miss assistant hi I suggest you put those on now Mr night is this your new daughter this way darling your house is really nice sir a thank you what's that this is a list of things that I wanted to do with my new parents are you married actually sorry kid no I'm not married that's okay I'll just adjust some things I don't know about this people are loving that you adopted her and as soon as they write enough good articles will bring her back to the adoption center good morning you look sad well it's just that I can't find any of the the clothes that I brought with me oh darling that's because I threw them away what why would you they were hideous we can't have you wearing orphan clothes but hush follow me oh this is much better but the dress is a little bit short you're 16 not six now hand that thing over no what's going on in here Mr Knight your assistant she's trying to take away my plush Susan she needs to act her age please don't let her Mr Knight this is really special to me she's too old for it it has to go don't be so dramatic dear you'll be fine smile meline we're going to do a photo shoot smile bigger stop the cameras that's enough pictures here meline look what I found how about we do something on your list today I saw you wrote down Disneyland want to do that okay it's beautiful isn't it kid here thank you meline we need to talk tonight doesn't have time to be taking you places he said that he had fun spending time with me and that I can keep this oh is that so don't make me send you back to that Susan I need your help coming sir what's next on the list today kid are you sure you have time yeah I need a little break from work anyways well I always wanted to go to a science museum all right Science Museum it is Susan prepare a driver for us please of course have a good time yes it was so much fun it really was I'm sorry if I'm too much of a distraction for you kid you're not a distraction in fact I think you're exact what I needed in my life okay you rest now and I'll see you in the morning good night Sir the paparazzi got you at the science museum today and so many articles have been written I don't care about the Articles anymore what shh I'm not going to use a kid to get me more publicity the plan's off but sir guess I'll just have to get rid of you myself and I know just what to do found someone from your real family you did yes dear your Uncle Nick I don't remember and Uncle Nick he'll explain everything darling he's here so you're her mom's brother yeah how did you find me you're all over the news I know you probably don't recognize me your mom didn't really talk about me much but I'd like to adopt you I'm happy here with Mr Knight meline don't be rude at least give him a chance I don't want to push anything so how about you live with me for a week and if you don't like it I'll bring you right back here uh okay yeah that sounds good to me oh perfect you call me on this phone if you need anything okay I will thank you of course come here kid I bought you some candy Susan tells me it's your favorite thanks we'll be at my place soon is it good why do you have that stuffed animal oh uh one of my best friends from Foster Care gave it to me you don't look so good are you feeling okay no not really hey it's me the candy worked she's half out of it now excellent all right time to come inside come on finally I can take this from her so what do we do with her now well she's already got Mr Knight all the publicity he needs so she's no longer of use to me Susan what's going on oh meline isn't it obvious I'm getting you away from this ton Knight he's mine Mr Knight is going to find me he's not going to look for you cuz Susan's been telling him that you're fine I'm sorry darling but I need to be the focus of Mr night's life not you hey what do you think you're doing everything's fine sir I want to talk to her ah sorry she just fell asleep thanks to this br Mr Knight is getting suspicious you're not going to get away with this Mr Knight is going to find me it's him stay calm I will handle it sir I can assure you everything is fine help wait don't open that meline I'm sorry sir but you're supposed to be in love with me not her you're my assistant but I wanted to be more than that you're insane both of you get back Susan and your fake Uncle have both been arrested I thought I'd never see you again I am so sorry that this happened meline but I promise as your father I'll protect you from now on father so you still want to adopt me a kid of course I mean after all we've got that list to finish right and look what I found I love you dad meline I I love you too class starting today everyone will be able to play the game I spy to earn money so who wants to play with me I do no meat why don't we give the quiet girl a shot I spy with my little eye something green come on that's so easy she better get this right um I'm sorry I don't know settle down settle down it was the green apple sweetheart you need to talk to your mom it's really time that she gets you some glasses okay hey Mom the teacher told me today to ask you if I can get some glasses I told you we can't afford them if I had glasses I could earn US money from this game you can earn US money from the game without the glasses you can see just fine I got you a little something you bought me glasses they're just temporary until your mom can get you your exact prescription this is so much better I can actually see now I hope it helps you play the game too I spy with my little eye something yellow that yellow Daisy right there you got it yes I spy with my little eye something brown and white and covered in water that dog dang she's fast you've been getting so much money ever since you got your glasses I know Amelia where did you get glasses my um my teacher got them from me really let me see them wasn't it so nice of her yes I still can't believe that you broke my glasses I told you they weren't your prescription they would have ruined your eyes if you kept wearing them they were supposed to be temporary until you bought me my own glasses don't you understand Mom I can't play I Spy if I can't see Amelia don't you get smart with me and today you'll tell everyone that you lost your glasses and not that I broke them got it hey shy girl you ready I spy with my little eye something blue hey she doesn't have her glasses today I made it so easy for her it's right in front of her face what is it I don't know okay I can't see it it's all blurry way to go duus you made her lose money hey it's not my fault she's blind Amelia can you please see me after class hey so where's your glasses I lost them but Amelia I just gave them to you okay the truth is my mom broke them and now I lost all my money because they kept asking me to play the game and I couldn't see anything I had a feeling something like this might have happened not to worry I know how to get you seeing again you do yes I think I know a way where we can get you some contacts you would do that for me of course I I really care for you Amelia but about your mother there's something you need to know I reported your mother to the police she's going to get so mad Amelia I'm so sorry but she's clearly been neglecting you everything's going to be fine though just stay with me I'll take care of you and we'll go get you some contacts okay the eye doctor is right down here I'm sorry I I have to go back to my mom no please there's more I need to explain you have the right to remain silent mom well if it isn't the little traitor I swear I I didn't have anything to do with this ma'am our records are showing that your daughter is adopted what well she didn't know that until now officer but yes she is I see sweetheart please come with me after further investigating your living conditions we have concluded that your mother was neglecting you I want to know who my real mother is are your new contacts working good then you can now play the game I spy right yeah but I don't see how that's going to explain anything please let's just play fine I spy with my little eye someone with blonde hair and blue eyes it's it's Mrs Smith hi honey I I don't understand what what are you doing here I'm here because now you're going to need a new parent and remember how we took a blood test of you earlier the results said no honey yes I was only 16 when I had you when I became your teacher I just knew that you were my daughter I should have never given you up will you please accept me back why don't we play the game I spy with my little eye someone who who loves you very much and has always wanted a mom like you is it you girls the letters from your soulmates have arrived one for you Franny and one for you Olivia thank you mother is there one for me why yes dear this is yours it's empty how fitting what is that supposed to mean the only person who could love you is no one there has to be some sort of mistake there's not even a stamp on this envelope the king himself sends out these letters are you questioning his authority no I just there has to be a for me or something mother you have something for her oh well as a matter of fact I do what's this a list of chores that need to be completed you shall not eat until they're done so get to it oh no my letter she threw it away it has the Royal stamp on it which means my soulmate letter is from the prince I look forward to seeing you at the royal ball sincerely Prince Anthony my soulmate is the prince no one can know about this Belle P me my tea yes ma'am mother we have nothing to wear to the ball we need some more dresses you have plenty of dresses that you can wear don't be selfish what did you just say ooh she's going to get it now you should apologize to mother I that wasn't my fault she she pushed me you idiot I am so sorry come here you're staying in here tonight no please please let me out hello anyone Belle wake up Olivia what are you doing I'm going to help you I brought you food this this is the kindest thing you've ever done for me oh here I found your real soulmate letter thank you the annual soulmate ball is tomorrow you should come I would love to but your mother will never let me go I have a plan on how you can sneak out really yeah I'll keep your letter safe until then mother will let you out in a few hours bye oh but hello Brielle I hope you learned your lesson now come Olivia wants to speak with you wao that dress looks great on you thank you but can I have my soulmate letter back now yeah of course here hey why does my soulmate letter status say stolen you have your letter it's got to be a glitch yeah I guess you're right but will they let me in the ball with this status no one can see your status except for you real where are you hold on to that letter you'll need to show it to your soulmate as proof that you're as match now let's go bye good luck at the ball I'm so sorry Miss you're Prince Anthony yes please excuse me I was trying to find my soulmate your highness wait I I believe that I'm your soulmate you are yes would you like to see my letter no need those letters are my father's idea to be honest I find them a bit ridiculous yeah I sort of think that if someone is right for you you'll just know yes exactly go please Dance with Me Maybe we should go somewhere a little more private so what do you do for fun fun yes during your free time I don't really have much free time my mother she's very strict my father is too he never lets me leave the castle you should be allowed to explore your kingdom I tried to explain that to him but he never listens my mother never listens to me either how could someone not listen to a sweet person like there she is there she is that's the girl Olivia don't act shocked you know her oh she knows me your highness and I would stay away from her what are you doing there are claims you have lied about your soulmate letter that's not true uhhuh he is my soulmate I have the proof just look at my letter the letter in this envelope is not from the prince what I have his letter right here you switch them what is going on here she's pretending to be me no Olivia is lying that letter Belongs to Me Your Highness don't listen to her she's trying to trick you she is the one trying to trick you I swear enough you're under arrest leave her alone where do you think you're going your your majesty Gods arrest her at once no please wait stay still is it true you have been lying to my son I would never thank goodness you caught her how do you know this girl she's my servant you're not a servant right truth is I am a maid but not by choice what do you mean by that that woman is not my mother by Blood she married my father and then she poisoned him so she could take all his money lies I would never she did and she forces me to clean and so do her daughters what we do not I don't know who to believe I do Riel is telling the truth her eyes are innocent the prince is mistaken please father I'm asking you to trust me on this just this once release the girl and arrest her family I believe you son what no you said this would work mother good morning my love breakfast is ready they made breakfast for me remember I told you as my wife you'll never have to cook or clean again I simply won't allow it well I guess I can't complain about that it's just I I'm not sure I'm fit to be a princess you're so beautiful that when we first met I thought you were one really yes but more importantly you have a pure heart which makes you more than deserving to wear that Crown join a dating program or go to prison I guess I'm joining a dating program finding you boyfriend based on your internet search history yeah that's not creepy ready for your dat you know what why not I hope you don't mind paying for the bill yeah sir you can give that to her I forgot my wallet oo excuse me you can actually just take this and keep the change goodbye wait what finding another match thank you sup girl did it hurt when you fell from heaven I'm sorry no just just no finding new boyfriend let it be someone decent hey I'm Damen hi I'm Danielle you seem cold here take my jacket thank you so much for the jacket no problem wait what's in your pocket thank you for the jacket no problem wait what's in your pocket that would be my medication oh I am so sorry I I shouldn't have even looked it's all good you were just being cautious what do you do for fun well I usually like to go to the park and walk my dog I bet you and your little dog get a lot of attention on walks yeah she's how did you know I have a small dog you just look like the type to have one thanks for the team of course Cheers Cheers hope this isn't too forward so what do you say well it says I have 24 hours to make a decision don't tell me you want to wait I mean we've only known each other for a few hours and I would just like to get to know you a little bit better before before I sh it's okay I had a feeling you might say that let me take that drink finalizing your decision you picked Damien as your boyfriend where am I hello Danielle I hope you slept well these are for you I want you to know you're safe everything's going to be fine are you crazy only for you I've been watching you you're a stalker aren't you I wouldn't say that more like I'm your biggest fan you see I've been following you on social media for quite some time now and when all of us were forced to join this dating app I made it my goal to become your perfect match and thanks to this dating system I'm now your boyfriend anyways I'd like you to put that on that's not happening if you don't wear it you don't eat I need to switch my boyfriend you have already picked a boyfriend you may not change it no please it is an emergency question is Your Life currently at risk yes that's all my money in my bank account 5 Seconds to decide okay deal contacting authorities now cheers to us Danielle I'm so glad you decided to wear the dress where are they where's who you sure you're all right Miss Danielle sir stop resisting I love you Danielle I'm going to find you again I promise are you ready to meet your new boyfriend learn a fact about every item you touch or forget a memory every time you touch an item I think I'm going to go with this one got my birthday gift let me see my parents got it for me it's designer parents bought this at Walmart what why are you making that face nothing it's so cute thanks it was probably so expensive hey Mom is it cool if I go to the beach with Ryan just for a few minutes darling you know how I feel about you going in the water mom your irrational fear of me being eaten by a shark is not going to come true I promise you it's actually very rational dear so the answer is no it's not safe Mom come on please just this one time took you from your mom why are you looking at me like that no it's just your right forget I even asked okay this system has to be broken hey over here Ryan what are you doing at my window just trying to sneak you out from your strict mom so you can go to the beach did you dye your hair what part of your transformation you good hello yeah let's sneak out of here and go to the beach I need some pressure come on you got to actually come in the water Ryan place where your mom was captured Melanie is something wrong come on you got to actually come in the water Ryan place where Mom was captured Melanie is something wrong okay this is going to sound crazy you think you're turning into a mermaid and your mom took you from your real mom but think about it my mom never tells me that she loves me and she never wants me to go in the ocean she's paranoid of sharks do you really believe that story I mean it sounds more realistic than you turning into a fish you know what you're right the system is probably just broken and my hair is probably just having a reaction to my new shampoo yeah do you want me to walk you home no offense but she doesn't really like you so it's cool just be careful thanks I will darling can you get me my phone of course do you smell that it smells like salt water I don't smell anything has Secret videos of you it's just a glitch she wouldn't have something like that on her phone wait what's this it's been one week since the subject has given birth so far her child has shown no signs of being a mermaid what are you watching this it's been one week since the subject has given birth so far her child has shown no signs of being a mermaid what are you watching were you watching a video I was just reading one of your text um you got a text from my doctor saying um this is urgent she needs to come in for her next appointment give me that I'm really sorry I I should probably just go to bed it's getting late not so fast it's only 6:00 p.m. is your hair turning blue we're going to see your doctor right now have you noticed any changes happening to you lately be honest honey no interesting did you notice your hair is changing color yeah I think my hair is just having a reaction to my my new shampoo mhm okay let's take your temperature open using this to drug you actually I was wondering could I use the restroom really quick of course just don't be too long okay honey I have to get out of here your real mom is behind door I have to get out of here real mom is behind door mom you want me to drain the tank if I do that won't you die oh um here thank you how did you do that how did you just transform into a human I can't believe you found me I can transform into a human because I'm part human and so are you they took you away from me they told me I would never see you again dying you're dying I need to get back to the ocean they've had me here for so long your father he tried to stop them my real father where is he your father is dead he died trying to save you how could you we had to do whatever it took research is what we live for now get back in the tank you stay away from her you can't stop us you're turning into a mermaid too time to give up not quite Breeze both of you Ryan hey let go of me you should be arresting the mermaid freaks not us Melanie are you okay both of us need to get to the ocean okay come on my dad and I will help you guys has crush on you we can take my police car come on thank you we made it to the ocean I don't feel so Melanie Melanie waa you look amazing you can't tell don't worry you're Secret Safe with us thank you we must go but I'll come visit you again I promise okay Ryan wait just in case I don't see you for a little while what do you don't take too long to come back okay right girls on the count of three Reveal Your symbols to me 1 2 three I got a heart I got a diamond I got a star what did you say Denise I said I got a star what Mom isn't that symol the same was that cover that top what but why would I need to don't question me just do it a kaora I covered it up see good now if anyone is to ask you about your symbol you would simply say you didn't get one do you understand I feel so bad you didn't get a symbol it's fine don't worry about me well I found out Jake and I both have a circle oh really uh-huh I'm going to go show them yeah go ahead movie star Caleb Woods reveals a symbol take a look Caleb show us your symbol come on I got somewhere to beat oh come on all right it's a star okay is that the mail uh yeah give it to me this is it I want to open it no I got it first girls please at least try to act civilized we won oh my gosh we did let me see that we are pleased to inform you that your whole family has been invited to a once in a-lifetime movie premiere do you know what this means you two are going to have a chance to hook up with a big time movie star C oh my God I called dibs on Caleb Woods wait he's going to be there of course he's going to be there he's the star of the movie you idiot we have no time to waste we have to get you two some outfits what about me it said everyone in the family was invited yes and last time I checked you were adopted but you guys chose to adopt me right well that was because my sister's will it clearly stated that if anything were to happen to her I were to adopt you well you guys can't just flirt with celebrities you have to go with the person that has your same I told you to cover that up I did but I took a shower this morning and I guess the makeup was quiet I don't care about your excuses where's our dresses they're right here I'm so excited wait a minute did you guys change your symbols you changed yours to a star that's my symbol yeah so what so what it's against the rules I'm going to turn you guys in put that phone down Denise the star is my soulmate symbol it belongs to Caleb Woods I know that's why you wanted me to cover it up let me ask you something Janise do you really think that he would want you I mean look at you he's a big time movie star and you're a high school drop out you made me drop out of school because you said I needed to focus more on the chores yes but I pay you for everything that you do but if you disobey me mark my words you'll end up in the streets because trust me no one is is going to hire you girls the limo's here hey guess's back from her beauty Pion contest Maya how did you get in here the back door is open I figured i' surprise you what's wrong nothing I'm fine really so you do have a symbol what no I girl listen I don't know what your crazy on of yours did to you while I was away but you need to tell me everything Maya come on Denise I want to help you oh no she didn't you deserve to go to that Premiere and me Caleb it's too late now anyways not necessarily I have an idea okay Denise come on out oh my God I love it are you sure it's okay that I borrow all of this of course oh and here's your fake VIP badge that I made on Photoshop I just really hope my aunt and cousins don't recognize me hi excuse me Caleb you want My Autograph no actually I I wanted to show you this you got a star too Mr Woods is she bothering you no not at all here uh let's go somewhere more private glad you came up to me I haven't talked to a girl like you in a long time what about all your fans don't get me wrong I love my fans but they don't really know me and my family doesn't even care to know me yeah do you ever feel like your family just uses you so they can get what they want even if that means they hurt you in the process yep like nothing I do was ever good enough for them yeah exactly wait you know I realized I never got your name oh um my name it's um Caleb over here who's this they're taking photos of us yeah sorry guys come on can we get some space I have to go wait Denise where are you there you are I am so upset with you Denise how dare you let your cousin go out with such a big stain on her dress you were supposed to have gotten it dry cleaned oh I guess it must have um slipped my mind well you are very lucky that I am exhausted right now we'll talk about this more in the morning come along girls we need our beauty sleep Caleb Woods was spotted talking to a mystery girl last night the paparazzi got these photos of her but no one is exactly sure who she is you wanted to talk to me yes I was wondering if you wanted to explain to me why I found this under your bed you you came into my room I own this house now answer my question were you the one talking to Caleb yes it was me but you know what I had every right to go see him he is my soulmate so if you want to kick me out for doing that go right ahead because I am tired of all of you guys treating me with such a dis respect she's going to be in so much trouble girls you can stop spying on us Denise is right we need to treat her with more respect here you go Denise now relax and watch whatever you want I'll be back dear I'm going to get you something to drink here you are Denise I got you your favorite oh don't be ridiculous here let me see it see I'm just just trying to be a bit nicer to you all right well thanks please if you're watching this DM me a picture of yourself and your mark Caleb is looking for you yeah I'm going to message him but Denise you're a fake what happened to being nice I'm just being honest dear without that wig and all that makeup you don't look so good do you really want to reveal yourself yes because my mom always taught me to be my P Denise you really did take after my sister so gullible and innocent always outshining my daughters though perfect little face perfect soulmate well not anymore mom what did you do to her oh relax she's fine she's just going to be asleep for a little while now put this on what me yes you you look the most like Denise we'll make Caleb think you're her now while Chloe gets ready I'll take a picture of your mark perfect oh my gosh the reception here is literal trash we're in the mountains what do you expect besides I want us to enjoy nature your Instagram and Tik Tok can wait well now you sound like Mom shut up and help me go on back that's not funny Nikki what are you talking about would you stop playing dumb this isn't funny you put fake blood all over the bathroom I I didn't do that stop it you're creeping me out I'm being serious I am being serious I didn't do it so that was real blood what the hell was that I don't know okay but I think that we need to I thought I heard somebody who are you how did you even sh keep your voices down there's a bunch of them out there right now a bunch of what there are creatures that come out at night here creatures what do you mean by creatures it's hard to describe them they're like nothing you've ever seen before no this is insanity Nikki come on we're leaving no no nobody's going anywhere it's not safe out there let us see for ourselves sh I'm telling you they're out there if you tell us to shush one more time I swear I'm going found us what do we do they're attracted to Darkness we can make this place bright enough maybe they'll stay away how do you know that Nessa come on let's just do what he says okay okay I think that's all the lights in the house where is that the guy go I don't know he was right there who wait what is this who's that a picture of some girl look that'sa there's more pictures on the floor oh my gosh there is and they're all of girls oh my God is this a picture of us Nikki Nikki where are you Nikki please tell me that's you there you are hey it's okay I do care of the creatures you're safe now where's your sister I don't know she was right next to me and then the lights turned off and she what I never told you she was my sister I want to know what's going on right now I'm just trying to protect you guys where is my sister I have no idea but I'll help you find her all right now I thought I heard her down this way hey wait Nikki Nikki wake up I see you found your sister you did this to didn't you don't worry Nessa she's fine why is there a bunch of pictures of girls upstairs oh you saw those I guess you could call them my exes there aren't any creatures are there well look who's catching on and the blood that was in the bathroom that was from the last girl that stayed here let's just say things didn't work out mommy and daddy billionaire so I know it's going to be5 Honey quiet I just want to know one thing why is our Rich score so low sweetie I've gone bankrupt bankrupt but Daddy you're a billionaire he made a bad investment I'm sorry honey well what are we supposed to do now just live like peasants I can't let anyone know about this why is your score private it's just so high that I I don't want to make other people jealous please let us see your your score no you're being sus mommy daddy we have a huge problem what what will you remember my super rich friend Ashley the one who's friends with Elon Musk M well her daddy is in charge of these richness score scales and she said she's going to have him make our percentage score public I'm sorry pumpkin I know this is hard why are my guc shoes in a for sale box if we sell them our percentage could go up okay do what you must because my social status is on the line good news someone bought them on eBay it only went up 2% that wasn't worth it I want my Gucci shoes back why did you have to go bankrupt daddy now tomorrow I'm going to be publicly humiliated I can't stand to see her like this the truth is daddy didn't actually go bankrupt youu lied to me yes because we didn't want you to worry about what recently some bad men threatened to take you away from us if we didn't pay them billions and you listen to them I had to Daddy I would think you would know better this isn't a joke pumpkin I know these men they would really come for you enough have they received the money the transfer is still pending but this is why our score is so low cancel that transfer if I do that they're going to get really upset cancel it right now daddy or or I'm going to scream okay all right it's cancelled we have 100% I can't wait wait to show the girls it's not safe for you to be out in public right now Daddy I will be fine just hire me some bodyguards your score is going public in 3 2 what you have 100% a and it looks like you both are only in the '90s Miss we need to get you out of here we have a code red who's that man behind you Brook Run Todd how dare you he was my favorite bodyguard are you Brooke Evans um no take a let me go you jerks read this I am not reading that yes you will hi Daddy this is Brookie unfortunately I have been kidnapped and I'm sorry can we cut the lighting is just so bad just read the script okay jeez hi Daddy they are saying that they want 1.2 I can't read that what I don't have my contacts all right that's enough ow send us the money or you're not going to see her again you better not have ripped out my hair be quiet or we're going to get the duct tape I'm hungry can you guys get me some Starbucks or something who do you think we are Uber Eats back to being a peasant okay guys they transferred the money now let me go change of plans we're bringing you to a new location but that wasn't the deal someone else gave us a better offer for you hey Brooke Todd you're shh quiet they're asleep huh hey what do you think you're doing get back you don't want to mess with me I'm an ex Navy SEAL what's that supposed to mean huh it means he's going to kick your ass I'd like to see him TR yes Todd get them what you're shh quiet they're asleep huh hey what do you think you're doing get back you don't want to mess with me I'm an X Navy SEAL what's that supposed to mean huh it means he's going to kick your ass I'd like to see him TR yes Todd get them and this is why Todd is my favorite bodyguard here she is Mr Evans honey are you okay oh it was awful they wouldn't buy me Starbucks and they made me record videos in horrible lighting but we're rich again so everything's fine no sweetheart we realize you need some discipline yep you should have listened to us H you guys are annoying me talk like that again and you're going to boarding school no I'm sorry you're going to treat us with respect all right I will hey I just wanted to say I'm glad you're safe thanks Tod anytime are you guys almost done shopping yet can you like stop complaining ocean do you like this dress yeah it's cute I guess okay cool cuz you're buying it your total is 5,200 words that is an insane amount of words so what it doesn't affect you we're hungry okay then go buy yourself your own food I am done paying for you guys you brat how dare you you know we don't have a lot of words well maybe if you guys didn't talk so much that wouldn't be a problem that's it I'm calling Daddy oh my gosh he's so going to yell at her no wait what do you guys want to eat that's what we thought look the prince let's go talk to him are we allowed to are we allowed to of course you're not just stay here I swear she is so annoying excuse me but what if I told you I could help you meet The Prince and all I need are your words you want me to give you my infinite words mhm but I'll get your stepsisters to leave you alone too you could do that how through magic of course just look at how hot the prince is I mean don't you want him he is very handsome but I just can't give up my words I don't even know if I can trust you my dear I live to help others in fact I'll even give you a chance to gain your words back all you have to do is get the prince to fall in love with you but without my words how will I get him to you have your looks your pretty face and don't underestimate the power of body language ocean we want more food I don't have all day okay you have a deal excellent choice perfect and one more thing about the deal you have 48 hours to get the prince to fall in love with you or your words are mine forever ocean we're hungry let's go forget why are you talking to that weird girl and her grandma I don't know let's get out of here grandma why I ought to turn them into clams let's just get you to the prince the prince will be here any minute good luck your time starts now stop Excuse Me Miss do you need some help you don't have any words left do you you must be lost it's not safe out here please come with me is that better what's your name oh right uh wait here ocean that's a beautiful name I wish I could give you words but my father he made it against the son who are you talking to hey weirdo rude how many you have left only five to go you do realize the last five are like the hardest to finish yeah well not for me stop hey Lauren yeah hell sorry it was for a task fine I understand but you owe me one now yeah whatever get off of me got to complete my task bro watch out I think he's going to throw something warning schol is entering Red [Music] Zone please help me waa what happened to you the tasks they're they're getting worse everyone here they're going nuts hey remember when I said you owe me one please put those down chill I'm not going to use this on you wait what are you doing look I had to just here take these scissors and come with me I need to show you something we can't just leave that girl like that yeah we can now do you see that guy over there yeah he only has one task left you have to take him out what no you have to no I'm not hey sorry to do this to you but I only got one task left and it's a really bad one I knew you had it in you come on we should go I can't believe I just did that um Lauren why does my next test save for me to kill somebody but it's already checked off I don't think that guy made it I don't feel so good Hey listen you have to complete everything what does it sa for you to do next we have to save the girl that you hurt look at me if we're going to go save her you need this you came back yeah I'm going to save you okay how the school's on lockdown until someone wins the game wait I have an idea the nurse's office it has tons of medical supplies I'm going to go get some all right but like be careful I will I grabbed a bunch of stuff and luckily for you I know how to do stitches okay you should be feeling a lot better now yeah thanks I only have one more left so do I what are you doing you're like not that smart my last task was to betray someone that's why you helped me wow look who's catching on anyways sorry about this no wait what do you say we make a deal I'm listening my last task is to make sure you don't win the game so if you drop that weapon right now all win and we can split the cash 50/50 huh I mean I would like to end this craziness so what do you say I'll take the deal be careful I don't trust her here's your last 100 thank you but I decided I want all the money come on please don't be anything bad okay how was that a curse I mean we basically read each other's minds anyways so do I tell her I can read her mind now nah I don't want to creep her out that's kind of weird hey hey you look so pretty today too I mean you look so pretty every day honestly um thanks she's totally lying why would she think I was lying to her bye babe I'll see you tomorrow you guys are so cute I have to I can't wait to get a point out of the picture then she'll be all mine I don't understand why why she would be thinking all this stuff unless maybe she likes me does this mean she's going to try and ruin my relationship with Chris I'm overthinking there's no way this amber alerts for him breaking news a teenage boy has been reported missing tonight J hey girl how are you not good didn't you hear the news about Jace no Macy he's missing you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you I got to get to class I think she might have Jace that's it I have to go talk to her you wanted to talk to me uh yeah and um listen this is kind of hard to say but I know that you like me and there's nothing wrong with that it's just [Music] good it's just it's just that I have a boyfriend well he's missing you look like the girl from zapa no you look like the girl from zapota sweetheart your battery's at 10% time to charge okay Mom five more minutes okay patake P patake you're almost at 5% I'll be fine just one more minute okay you should really go charge now Lacy Lacy Mrs Stevens she's not waking up no her battery honey please please please wake up she's charging mommy oh she's alive you almost died on me I'll never let this happen again mom I'm going to school do you have your don't worry I have my charger Actually honey you won't need that today because I made you this a bracelet put it on it's actually a portable charger it's a new invention you won't have to charge ever again wao thanks Mom of course don't get it wet okay honey okay how does she have so much energy it's not fair it's because of that new bracelet she got I have an idea hey Lacy you thirsty whoa uh you okay oh no hey can I please use your what are you doing charger you took my battery life how did you do that four mil or a hair clip come on who in their right mind would choose the no at least it's kind of cute I can't come to your party but you promised I know I'm so sorry come on girl you're like the mutual friend if you don't come then no one else is going to want to come look my parents said no she doesn't want to come to your party because she doesn't like you you sure that's the reason yes I wouldn't lie okay goodbye mom says you have to take me to the mall she's lying your mom just grounded her mom just grounded you how did she you know that you weren't even home when it happened I don't know I just did okay now get out oh whatever does this hair clip tell me the truth about people hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's surgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's urgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart if he doesn't work for Walmart then where does he I'm following him what is he doing here this place looks super sketchy what do you think you're doing huh come here hey boss look who I found snooping around here babe what what is going on babe you know this girl I've never seen her before in my life I'm sorry did our Che years together just mean nothing to you two years have you been keeping secrets from me I told you you know what the rules are he's trying to protect you by lying he works for very dangerous men you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her he's lying to protect you you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her you see sir I would kill her but you know I don't want to mess up this new shirt so either you kill her or him and I will do it ourselves no please look let's just all settle down you just I think I'm going to need a change of clothes really babe the mafia you're lucky I find that kind of attractive well I know a place we can lay low all right bet but we got to be careful who trust I have something that can help with that your total's 20 even babe I'm so sorry I don't think I have enough hey it's okay I got it sorry if I embarrass you back there no you're fine I understand you're going through a tough time with your job tomorrow when the amount in my bank account appears it might come as a bit of a shock to you listen I don't care how low that number is I'm going to love you just the same poor thing it's time to see how little he has what my boyfriend is a billionaire no there has to be some sort of mistake I uh take it you saw my account yeah and you've got a lot to explain whose Ferrari is in our driveway that's mine well actually it's going to be yours now what no I am still mad at you come with me and I'll explain everything there was a good reason for me lying oh yeah was there a good reason for you having me buy your meals for the past year heck I even paid your rent one time I know I know and I'll be paying you back for all of it why didn't you just tell me because every girl I've ever dated has used me for my money I was tired of dating gold diggers and I wanted to find a girl who liked me for me I promise I will make it all up to you and I'm going to start by showing you where I really live wo now hold up you have a Chick-fil-A in your kitchen yep and there's a McDonald's upstairs babe who are you richy rich excuse me for just a moment this is crazy one of my stocks just went up a lot yeah actually I can see that why don't you look happy I'm worried about your safety you can't tell anyone that you're dating a billionaire why can't people know I'm dating a billionaire because I'm now one of the youngest billionaires alive and is that a bad thing I know a lot of people that would die to get their hands on my money and you think they'll come after me I know they will promise me you won't tell anyone about my money okay I promise but you do owe me quite a bit of cash so what do you say you take me on a little shopping spree well I can't be seen buying you a bunch of stuff but I can give you this babe this is like 10K you didn't owe me this much I know consider a thank you for being so kind to me I want you to spoil yourself oh hey Lizzy where's your boyfriend he's at his house why oh nothing I just think it's kind of sad how he never buys you anything I mean look at all the stuff you had to buy yourself it must be hard to date someone poor actually he's not poor he's one of the richest people alive what did you enjoy your shopping spree uh yeah sure did good I also bought you this necklace babe it's beautiful thank you delivery for Elizabeth yes how much do I owe you oh it's not you who's going to owe me money it's your boyfriend Lizzy it's 1:00 a.m. why are you up this isn't Lizzy but if you want to see her again you're going to do exactly as I say you want me to wire you one billion dollar yeah do it now or she's gone no I'll send it it's done now let me speak to her okay talk Liam I'm so sorry this is all my fault I accidentally told someone that you were it's okay I planned for this remember that necklace I gave you yeah it's a Tracker babe no please freeze thank you Liam I'm glad you were able to get your money back I don't care about the money I'm just happy you're okay your total's 20 even babe I'm so sorry I don't think I have enough hey it's okay I got it sorry if I embarrass you back there no you're fine I understand you're going through a tough time with your job tomorrow when the amount in my bank account appears it might come as a bit of a shock to you listen I don't care how low that number is I'm going to love you just the same poor thing it's time to see how little he has what my boyfriend is a billionaire no there has to be some sort of mistake I uh take it you saw my account yeah and you've got a lot to explain who's verar is in her driveway that's mine well actually it's going to be yours now what no I am still mad at you come with me and I'll explain everything there was a good reason for me lying oh yeah was there a good reason for you having me buy your meals for the past year heck I even paid your rent one time I know I know and I'll be paying you back for all of it why didn't you just tell me because every girl I've ever dated has used me for my money I was tired of dating gold digger and I wanted to find a girl who liked me for me I promise I will make it all up to you and I'm going to start by showing you where I really live whoa now hold up you have a Chick-fil-A in your kitchen yep and there's a McDonald's upstairs babe who are you richy rich excuse me for just a moment this is crazy one of my stocks just went up a lot yeah actually I can see that why don't you look happy I'm worried about your safety you can't tell anyone that you're dating a billionaire why can't people know I'm dating a billionaire because I'm now one of the youngest billionaires alive and is that a bad thing I know a lot of people that would die to get their hands on my money and you think they'll come after me I know they will promise me you won't tell anyone about my money okay I promise but you do owe me quite a bit of cash so what do you say you take me on a little shopping spree well I can't be seen buying you a bunch of of stuff but I can give you this babe this is like 10K you didn't owe me this much I know consider to thank you for being so kind to me I want you to spoil yourself oh hey Lizzy where's your boyfriend he's at his house why oh nothing I just think it's kind of sad how he never buys you anything I mean look at all the stuff you had to buy yourself it must be hard to date someone poor actually he's not poor he's one of the richest people alive what what did you enjoy your shopping spree uh yeah sure did good I also bought you this necklace babe it's beautiful thank you delivery for Elizabeth yes how much do I owe you oh it's not you who's going to owe me money it's your boyfriend Lizzy it's 1:00 a.m. why are you up this isn't Lizzy but if you want to see her again you're going to do exactly as I say you you want me to wire you one billion dollars yeah do it now or she's gone no I'll send it it's done now let me speak to her okay talk Liam I'm so sorry this is all my fault I accidentally told someone that you were it's okay I planned for this remember that necklace I gave you yeah it's a Tracker babe no please freeze thank you Liam I'm glad you were able to get your money back I don't care about the money I'm just happy you're okay please wish for me to pass my test what no leave me alone how do you have one wish left everyone used their up as kids well I was a very smart child and I save mine hey looking nice today do you want to sit next to me for lunch or you know my car broke down today oh so this is why you wanted to sit with me no I mean I wanted to save it Grayson you just want to use me like everyone else can you please wish for stop it everywhere I go people are asking me for wishes like I'm some sort of Genie so you know what I wish for everyone to have three more wishes hey I didn't get any more what happened I wish for you to stop talking I have unlimited wishes bro she can give us anything we want get her she has infinite wishes get her I wish I was home honey you're home early yeah I actually got unlimited uh-huh that's nice are you even listening to me sorry can't hear you I wish for her to take her airpods off and to smash them on the floor why did I just do that hey it's wish girl I have a name yeah but no one cares now give us wishes oh I don't think so I wish for everyone at this school to forget that I have unlimited wishes wait what was I talking to you about don't move I wish uh-uh don't even think about it read what's on the paper I am not reading this read it or things are going to get ugly I wish to become a genie great now come with me where are we your new home What how do you even know me someone at your school told me yesterday oh man I should have wished for everyone to forget sooner you're going to give me wishes not going to happen oh yes it is I wish to be a billionaire you must hold hand to activate wish oh okay come here no way I just got a billion dollars in my account now I wish for a horse nice now I wish for a Rolex watch can I please take a break now I'm tired you're lucky I'm a nice guy all right you can have a little break come on you know when I said I wanted to sit down this wasn't what I meant enough complaining don't make me wish for you not to speak what am I going to do I wish that I was free error you may only grant wishes for others Melanie Grayson what are you doing here I saw that guy take you so I followed you why didn't you just call the police oh maybe I should have done that okay I'll go call them right now no no no wait actually you can help me all you have to do is just say one wish what a wish just wish for me not to be a genie anymore but everyone used up all this damn it Grayson just repeat after me I wish I wish for Melanie to not be a genie anymore for Melanie not to be a genie anymore hey I wish for him to disappear that's not going to work I wish I was free out of wishes okay guess that's not going to work either Grayson a little help please what are you going to do kid huh I was thinking of doing this that's what you get creep you okay yeah oh here the cops found these on them thanks I guess those taekwan do classes really paid off yeah but can you explain what the genie stuff was all about you know I wish I could but I think it's best if I don't grandma what is that above my head those are all your childhood memories dear and it looks like you've already made quite a lot of them well that's good because I want to remember all the fun things I did with you oh anaise you are so sweet there is a fire in the castle we need to get you both out now Grandma I'm scared I don't want to lose you like I lost my parents don't worry dear you'll be all right my queen watch out the ceiling is collapsing no you left your clothes on the floor sorry I just they pay me to Foster you not to be your maid didn't anyone ever teach you to clean up after yourself well you know even if someone did I really wouldn't have remembered because I lost all my childhood memories yeah yeah enough with your so story just clean up excuse me sir do you know why there's a bunch of flowers everywhere oh yeah those are for the princess everyone leaves those for her today marks the fifth year of her passing it's awful what happened to her hey are you okay I think I just had a memory of me being a princess sorry I know that sounds crazy a princess wait did something happen to your memories yeah actually when I was younger some sort of accident happened to me I don't remember what but the doctor told me that I have amnesia some people still think the princess is still alive they do yeah and actually I'm one of those people you know I could take you to the queen if you really think you're the princess no that's okay uh I really should be going at least take my number if any more of your memories come back call me I can't believe that guy thought that I was a princess queen watch out ceiling is GL no grandma she left me my [Music] head hey I got your voicemail you got another memory I think that I am the princess and I need your help to take me back to the queen I think that I am the princess and I need your help to take me back to the Queen the thing is they won't just let anyone into the castle we have to convince them that you're royalty but how would I do that I have an idea come on we're going shopping are you sure this outfit isn't too much no I think it's perfect it shows the queen that you know how to dress like a princess if you say so wait here the queen will see you in just a moment hey it's going to be all right she'll remember you Grandma I thought i' never see me again I've heard it all before tell me something that only my on aise would know well I can't exactly do that because a lot of my memories got lost but I remember you stop my heart can't take this anymore she's just another girl pretending to be my granddaughter take her away no please I came all this way to see you I'm sure I can remember something let's go a Carousel music box it was blue you gave it to me wait a Carousel music box it was blue you gave it to me wait let her go I need to get something to show her this was one of the few things that survive the fire I had it restored I bought it as a gift for my granddaughter you couldn't have known about that unless it's me grandma oh unise it is you I recognize your eyes I'm so sorry I beg the gods to go look for you it's okay how are you alive what happened I can barely remember sweetheart can you remember anything about what happened to you what your name is what your parents names are I don't remember anything we have a code red so you survive the fire and woke up in a hospital with amnesia I am so sorry but what's important is we're together now Grandma I actually wouldn't have been able to find you if it wasn't for him oh really what is your name my name is Eric your majesty I can't thank you enough Eric why aren't you a handsome young man ah thanks it is my honor to restore my granddaughter's title of princess on a lease long live the princess let's see how many brain cells you get princess oh my the mitochondria is the PowerHouse of the cell two identical twins one never have the same fingerprint you're five how do you know that well my queen she she what how is she so smart that's because I have more brain cells than the average human she has more brain cells than me this can't be your body language and tone of voice indicates that you're coming up with an evil plan stepdaughter don't be silly for the last time it's not poisoned well your body language does show that you're not lying so okay stepmother I'll try some yes my potion worked I said it wouldn't poison you but I never said anything about it making you stupid I go partty no wait no no no oh oh my new shoes that's it princess just have your special drink princess hey I'm out I'm Prince Derek and I was wondering if You' want to go on a date with me I know you don't have a lot of brain cells but ow hey are you good help what's going on my brain it's the potion is wearing off excuse us Prince Derek it's the princess's nap time hurry up and drink the potion I mean drink your drink there you go it's going to make you feel so much better yes she's back to being dumb sleep sleep dream dream eat eat barf your majesty the people of the kingdom are concerned about the princess oh really they think she's unfit to be Queen with such little brain cells well I must say I agree potato she could never be Queen dingly dangly how could she have lost almost all her brain cells life is full of mysteries now follow me we have important business to attend to princess I know I'm kind of breaking in but don't be scared huh I climbed all the way up here because I want to help you no one deserves to have such little brain cells earlier it seemed like you were trying to tell me something handsome thank you okay please stop that tickles uh I just want to tell you that I'm going to try and find you a potion that can make you smarter okay so I'm going to climb back down your tower now and he was a fairy wait what no no [Music] no I think I just pushed Prince Derek out the window Prince Derek he's alive he landed on a giant pile of pillows but what are giant pile of pillows doing outside my castle your majesty the 100,000 pillows you ordered have arrived excellent figures what happened oh he's waking up I am so sorry listen I'm going to think of a way to save you I just need more of my brain cells to come back come on think I think I have an idea come on oh almost there I'm up nice thinking using the sheets are you okay yeah I'd say I'm doing pretty good for someone who just got pushed out of tower listen I am so sorry this is what I was trying to tell you the queen she's been giving me a potion that's been taking away my brain cells oh my gosh yeah I just realized you're talking normal now has she been doing this to you for years there he is he's in here Gods take him away he is the prince from the Rival Kingdom and he was trying to poison the princess no stop wait the queen is lying don't listen to the princess remember she only has 10 brain cells no I'm smart now my brain cells are coming back I silence that's enough take this you're going to drink that potion right now or I will have the prince killed no drink it or the Prince dies good girl wait a minute you little fake drink it for real I can see your brain [Music] cells that's better after all these years the potion is starting to lose its power it's wearing off much too quickly and we can't have that happening so I'm going to have to um get rid of you meigle byebye yes I can't have you becoming Queen no no don't cry here take this can't have you alerting the gods now soft soft you're going to be an easy kill come here don't leave this room now if you excuse me I'm going to think of a way to make the prince and your death look like an accident hello me see cute cute prince princess you're not supposed to be down here and the prince isn't allowed any visitors but but go ahead just be real quick cuz the queen doesn't want you seeing him in the dungeon Sublime uh you're welcome the queen wants me dead dead dead and she's going to have your head princess no she gave you the potion hey princy look dingly dingly the key where did you get that me see big guard sleeping and shiny thing so me take you okay well hurry unlock my cell door and then sorry use shiny thing to free Prince oh good now throw me the key so I can unlock These Chains KK hey you two aren't allowed to be sorry what was that couldn't quite hear you muscular RZ me likey come on we have to get to Princess bra cells all of them coming back fast hey you got this the faster your brain cells come back the faster you can outsmart the queen all right oh no outsmart me I don't think so stop you can't do this it's against I don't understand I'm the princess you're not supposed to be doing this why are you guys listening to her they're under an obedience spell dear they'll do whatever I say surprised you didn't figure that out with all those brain cells of yours here drink this and this time it's it's not a potion and this time it's not a potion you poison this so what makes you think that I'm going to drink it I'm willing to trade you your life for his you made me dumb my whole life you know that years of my life that I will never get back oh please you were on cloud n you know what they say ignorance is bliss I was doing you a favor but to show you that I mean business no Derek you know how you can save him dear you are a monster people do crazy things to remain in power so what do you say deal that a girl just one sip is all it will'll take oh this is so sad to watch now open up your cup so I can see I only put a little bit in there so let me see the bottom looks like I finally outsmarted you what the heck is going on the queen had you under a spell she was abusing her power please set us free the Prince has lost a lot of blood but the medic might not get you in time I could save him if I just had a few more brain cells come on please I know how to save them guards I need the Royal Medical Kit and gloves right now yes princess As You Wish Derk hey I'm going to need to give you some stitches okay so please just close your eyes yeah I think I'm going to pass out instead or that works too okay it's done the medic will take him from here you did great I hope so good news princess prince Derek is recovering he's going to be all right but his father from the Rival kingdom is here and he wants to speak with you send him in hello your majesty you your stepmother kidnapped my son and you you saved his life and for that I am forever grateful oh well it was the least I could do oh don't be so humble I see you're going to become Queen soon wouldn't you want a king to be by your side just make sure to keep my son in mind you too could have some very smart children excuse me princess the prince requested to see you oh hey well if it isn't the smartest girl I know look I wanted to say thank you for saving my life I had no idea you had so many brain cells part of me kind of misses you being dumb excuse me wait I didn't mean it like that it's just you said some funny things like me having muscular RZ stop I mean I must say you do have some pretty big muscles oh I'm so sorry no it's okay it's worth the pain you know your father was saying he thinks that we should get married really well you're the smart one what do you think I think it sounds like a pretty good idea as long as you're comfortable with it you know um I'm not trying to rush things it's just whoa hey I'll tell you what as soon as I'm able to I'll be down on one knee for you it's it a Millionaire's dog or tutor a Billionaire's child I'm pretty sure the billionaires are going to pay more we will pay you 500 per day don't be silly dear per hour well that sounds terrific where is my son one moment I'll go get him I will be right here you're going to wish you didn't accept that job what is he a lot of trouble or something you have no idea hello I'm Ronald well it's nice to meet you Ronald I'm Bri you are really tall for 12 yeah can we start the tutoring now we can start right now where's a good room to start this way follow me hey Ronald how are are you doing on that worksheet I gave you I'm done here oh that was really fast is something wrong it's just that your mom said you were really bad at math but these all look correct where is your mom on a trip she just left mommy will be gone for a while oh okay well I kind of wish they would have mentioned that I guess we'll just try something a little more challenging for you next time would you like a drink actually yeah that would be great thanks hello I'm back sorry you scared me um do you know why there's noises coming from that hallway down there uh that's my dog I'm sorry he's really loud oh your dog okay here's your drink I'm actually good I have to go catch my Uber but I'll see you tomorrow text from the mom forgot to mention that Ronald is highly allergic to dogs can we start our lesson not yet Ronald why did you lie to me I didn't know what you're talking about yesterday that noise I I heard you told me it was a dog because it is Ronald stop your mom already texted me telling me you were highly allergic to dogs so how could you have one because I found it on the street and I didn't tell Mommy I'll take special meds just to be around the dog please she's the only friend I got look I get it but Ronald it's not safe for you or the dog it's not fair to keep it down there in the basement why don't you and I go down there together we can take it to the rescue shelter and find it a really good home no don't go down there I just uh don't want you to get bit by her cuz she's only used to me don't tell Mommy and Daddy I promise I'll get it to the shelter for the problem you're on right now you're going to need to solve for an X and a y x = 25 and yal 6 how did you do you have a boyfriend what I said do you have a boyfriend let's just focus on our work sorry I was just trying to make conversation well I do but we're kind of long distance and I'm not really sure how long things are going to you know what I really don't want to talk about this right now let's just focus on your assign but I'm stven and I had the butler make us a special meal can we take a lunch break okay cool be Alli gosh that poor dog I have to go check on it hey it's okay girl I'm going to open the door please don't bite me what did I just see that didn't look like a dog that looked like Excuse Me Miss Ronald has prepared food for you but he said that you prepared the meal no he insisted on making it himself goodbye wait have you ever seen what's behind that door I have seen many things I warned you this job wouldn't be worth the money wait where are you going oh tutor where'd you go there you are why are you packing up I'm so sorry Ronald but I I have to go what but your meal is already ready I'm not really hungry anymore my mommy already paid you for the session why why are you leaving early did you go into the basement I really need to go come on open hello you know you really shouldn't have went down there what is in the basement well you see you're not really my first tutor the other ones they just didn't listen what is in there my other tutors and now you're going to have to join them my head she woke up shh you're going to scare her what the hell where am I we're all locked in a basement wait a minute are you Ronald's other tutors yeah how long have you guys been down here we've been down here for like a month you have good you're awake so how are you not great you know because you hit me in the back of the head with a frying pan I'm sorry I just wanted some friends Ronald this isn't the way though you have to let us go daring I'm home not a word stay quiet Ronald coming mommy Ronald there you are don't bother calling for help she can't hear us how does a 12-year-old get his hands on something like that well they are billionaires they probably buy him whatever he wants well there has to be some way out of here I wish girl we tried oh my gosh he left my phone can either of you reach it no both of our hands are tied okay well I'm just going to kick the table over oh my gosh okay who are you calling I'm using my foot to text my boyfriend your boyfriend no girl call the cops no no no girl trust me this is the right move he can track my phone and have a team here in just a few minutes huh is your boyfriend a spy or something uh-oh what what my phone died no girls I'm sorry to do this but I have to get rid of two of you what no please Ronald no chill I'm not going to get rid of freeze kid what the got your text babe I had no idea my son was capable of doing such terrible things skills please take this these checks are for a million I know are you sure yes it's the least I can do thank you for saving us sir absolutely glad you guys are safe girl he's a real keeper yeah he is I was meant to be a boyfriend not him can someone please get Ronald McDonald out of here how dare it's him good morning Angels good morning Charlie are you ready for your next assignment yes sir we thought you'd never ask please tell me it doesn't involve scuba diving this time yeah I just got my nails done actually that's perfect because you're going to be going undercover at a high Hotel how highend the Four Seasons fancy we'll go get ready does everyone remember what the target looks like brette M with green eyes around 510 and where's a gold chain on the SEC correct and I think I just found him whoa hey sweetheart okay the tracker is activated huh I can't understand make your move a sweet H are you tired come rest in my sweep and then after you can give me a little Spanish lesson careful Bri he could be tricking you so what do you say can't speak English but you understand see interesting I don't like this she shouldn't have went up to his room would you relax if she needs help all she has to do is ask why can't I hear her anymore I don't know I lost a signal you're a good kisser sweetheart but uh can I ask you something what kind of tracker is this did you think I wouldn't notice you putting it on my neck no yeah yeah cut the ACT okay I already know you can speak English fine you got me let me see your hands whoa take it easy listen you're going to start to feel a little funny right about now I wore something special for you when we kissed can you read me something is wrong we have to go after her you're right let's go let's find out who you really are wake up morning sleeping beauty I got some questions to ask you okay who do you work for don't feel like talking anymore huh I think I can change that freeze drop what's in your hands now I got a better idea how about you two drop what's in your hands and I don't hurt your friends okay okay you too Blondie we surrender smart friends what are you two I think it's someone's nap time I'm sending this to Charlie B are you all right yeah thanks guys I'm sorry the mission didn't go as planned Charlie girls it's all right I'm just glad everyone is okay yeah and at least now Mr crazy can be brought in for questioning exactly I'm so proud of you Angels stay still for facial again hello angel welcome back hey Charlie sorry I'm a little late Angels thank goodness something terrible has happened what where's Maya that's just it Maya is Mia she's missing since when since yesterday she went on a solo Mission and hasn't returned she knows we work better as a team how can we find her Charlie well girls Charlie and I have put together a plan to save her we're listening okay Charlie I have her location excellent now Bri are you sure you can handle this Mission I'm sure Charlie the girl's transportation is arriving nice Charlie always did get us the coolest rides my friends are going to find me I am counting on it finally we're on site what's the security looking like pretty heavy this guy's got cameras everywhere help about bodyguards oh yeah he's got those too okay I'm in were you able to hack the cameras yeah but it's only a matter of time before they find out you need to move fast copy that I believe she's in the last room on your left heading that way now wait you got company great how many guys am I going to have to fight I don't think you can fight these guys freeze we have you surrounded let's see your hands now it was a setup you think do it breathe can you hear me Mara what did you do to her oh that was nothing just wait it's up to me now to save them just one more Angel to capture oh you don't want to mess with Jessica yeah she's the toughest of all of us we shall see Maya Bri I'm here to save you please tell me you brought something to protect yourself with and please tell me it's not the pin what's wrong with this Jessica no girl are you for real guys trust me I know what I'm doing oh do you don't move or I'll click it and bad things will happen H she's the toughest okay don't say I didn't warn you Red Alert what did you do let's just say you might want to check on your men what boys where are you thanks Jess yeah but I thought that pen was a tranquilizer no not this one hey you let them free nice one there should be two guys left hey don't move right on Q ladies let's get them this week is important kids because our scales appeared yes since this I already know mine's going straight to villain of course it is darling you're world's greatest super villain we got you suit yes you're not a True Villain until the scale says so don't worry they do can I get a cap no card when you weren't looking I hope you don't mind I got a couple things oh and you're going to want to hear about it I know a way we can move our scales along oh all right sounds good to me and look what I got our soul villains you know what you're right wait Max what should our villain names let's do this everybody freak do what he says money here we come careful he's a super what's your name I'm weather storm looks like weather boy can control Mother Nature Blaze get oh crap crap my Powers don't work in this rain he's all now before the cops show up giving up's not our style Max how did your scale move I did something you brought the superhero to our house Daddy what is that that's your likeness score from now on every time someone likes you your score will go up and when you reach 100% you get to meet your soulmate wow snow meet my new wife hi a hello Daddy I thought you said when people like me my score will go up not down I don't think she likes me of course I do there just must be a glitch the king's passing was so unexpected princess I brought you a rose for your loss thank you it's lovely where is my rose it was a loss for me as well he was my husband I'm so sorry I was just thinking of the princess your majesty snow yes I just noticed your percentage has been going up a lot lately and father said that when I reach 100% I'll be able to meet my soulmate h no that won't happen why because dear it's not meant to be for you in fact follow me let me show you something here you need to see this a book it's a magic book now open it and see why you can't meet your soulmate read the words magic book in my hand who is the most liked Royal in all the land the queen is the most liked her score is 80% you see dear as Queen I have a reputation to pulled it was very hard for me to get to 80% and I can't have you surpass me but why can't we both reach 100% no it's either me or no one from now on you will no longer be allowed to leave this Castle but I promised The Village kids that I would bring them toys today so your likeness score can go up I don't think so I'm not going to break my promise thank you and one for you thank you princess wow that was very kind of you princess are those your guards there she is get her you have left the castle without permission princess I'm sorry the queen orders you back now don't hold her like that wait my queen we have found her you directly disobeyed me I'm sorry I silence look at your score I didn't mean for that to happen your percentage is higher than mine shall I still take her into the woods my queen yes and make sure she doesn't return I'll make it quick no please quiet don't make this harder than it needs to be think about my father what would he want you to do the king would be so disappointed in me I can't kill you princess you must leave here and never come back but run now hey Shu get out of here why are you out in these Woods alone it's a long story but my blouse it's stuck in the vines don't worry my dear I will set you free come with me it's not safe here son Dad where were you I just found this girl Dad this is the princess are you okay yes but the queen she's trying to have me killed why I can't believe this is all because she's jealous of you you can stay here with us as long as you need princess our cabin is safe thank you so much of course here's an extra pillow in case you need it tonight thank you I don't think I caught your name right how rude of me my name is Zachary princess well I appreciate your help Zachary good morning my dear my son and I are off to go hunting we'll be gone for a few hours while we're gone do not open that door to anyone I promise I won't how did you get in here go be free I guess the likeness score works on animals too now that I'm at 100% I get to meet my soulmate that must be him now that I reached 100% that has to be my soulmate who are you oh hello my dear I hope I didn't scare you actually I'm not supposed to have strangers but wait I'm here to give you your soulmate in that case come inside I brought this for you an apple yes you must be hungry I don't like apples but dear I sense you're very lonely ever since your parents passed away how do you know that because I'm magic isn't that is that how you feel yes I I've been so lonely this is why I'm here to help you dear one bite of this apple will make your soulmate appear do you promise cross my heart you'll never be lonely again isn't it just delicious you're so gullible princess we're home no this is my fault dad it is I should have never left her alone you'll be a queen in heaven goodbye snow soulmate fand Zachary princess you're you're alive true love's kiss I I can't believe it I can't believe what the queen did this has gone too far my dear you must take back your kingdom you're right who is the most liked Royal in all the land Princess Snow is the most liked that's impossible she's dead think again stepmother you're under arrest guards take her away get off of me I'll be taking this no that belongs to me that Crown belongs to snow now and I got to say it really suits her hm who are your parents well my parents are wait dear actually allow me Bippity buity boo daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn um actually it's Eugene oh I'm sorry dear you'll be needing this now what is that dear this is a high school for good and evil this is how we track your behavior oh you better get to class hi I'm Ruby daughter of Snow White it's nice to meet you Ruby I'm Amelia daughter of Rapunzel oh I'm a big fan of your father could you help me hold my books of course thank you hey so question who are all those guys over there Amelia those are the villain kids don't make eye contact would your hair happen to be magic love feisty I'm sorry love I shouldn't have touched it what's the matter did you figure out who my father is why did my scale move towards evil maybe because you have a crush on a villain's son why did my scale just move towards evil maybe you have a crush on a villain's son who are you the son of why don't you take a wild guess love you're the son of Captain Hook indeed I shouldn't be talking to you this is Amelia oh hi hi I'm Freya daughter of Kristoff and Anna you have magic hair don't you don't tell anyone else sorry of course not I won't Amelia you're scale were you talking to the villain kids can you blame her they are so fine Freya this is serious I heard someone wants to steal her hair you can't trust the villain kids don't talk to them okay I won't well well if it isn't Rapunzel's daughter stop it you stay away from me and my hair take it easy love I was just going to ask you to come to the Spring ball with me I am already going to the ball with someone else and who might that be it's um it's me I'm Thomas son of Sleeping Beauty the son of Sleeping Beauty and Prince Phillip really I didn't think they had a son well obviously they do so if you'll excuse us pirate we're going to the ball I'm really glad we met me too your hair is beautiful you look just like your mom thanks is something wrong Amelia what's the matter well it's just I thought my scale would move more towards good since I've been hanging out with you for so long come here let me tell you a secret I'm not actually a prince let me go you jerk who are you the son of anyways I'm the son of the villain Hans and I need you to sing me the song that activates your powers I should have known by the red hair and I am not singing you that song okay don't sing and I cut off all your hair no why do you need my healing powers because Elsa's daughter froze my heart and only your powers can heal it I don't have much time so start singing go on sing you should know that my hair's magic isn't as strong as my mother's it doesn't matter now say the words I'm running out of time make the clock reverse what the step away from the princess pirate Jack hello love hey what do you think you're doing it's called winning mate hey is that snow white boxes you have on shut up just wait until my parents find out what you did I owe you an apology my scale was not moving towards evil because you were evil it was moving towards evil because I was judging you based on who your parents were I'm sorry it's all right love my father Captain Hook does have quite the bad reputation I'm just glad that you're safe hey you're bleeding it's just a scrape must have happened on my climb over here well I do have magic hair that heals so why don't I just sing the song well wait just a minute love because I reckon your lips are going to be a bit busy mom do you think I have big lips yes honey are you sure though because I could just rock the fish face all day you know sweetheart stop it you look ridiculous you don't need to do that you'll be fine well thanks but wish me luck for the beauty inspection you won't need luck honey I'm sure you'll pass help me I have super thin lips shoot what am I going to do you remember the Kylie Jenner lip challenge oh yeah yeah so just go into the science lab get like a little container and girl do not do that that looks really weird okay you know what I mean Beauty inspection in 5 minutes hurry I'm going next all right stand still while the beauty scanner scans your face pass all right you're good to go next hey you passed the beauty inspection yeah your idea worked we got a runner please I swear my lips are not that bring her to the van where do you think they take them I don't know but I don't think I want to know either same things yes I'm safe but I'm not you helped me so now I'm going to help you next in line for the beauty check pass you're clear get out of here hi oh what happened the beauty standard happened apparently bangs are in style now who cut them for you oh gosh this is definitely backfired what nothing it's just you don't really look as good as you used to Mom don't worry these are actually fake they're they're clipon see oh thank goodness it was actually my friend's idea she has the same color hair as me and she carries these clip-on bangs in her backpack and the beauty standard changed oh well that was perfect timing wait a minute I just realized if the beauty standard is no bangs then my best friend is in danger Beauty check in 10 minutes I have to get to class time for the beauty check well actually I was looking for my best friend Tara she has hair like me and there are other people in line don't move while we scan you pass next help me take this one to the van yes sir that's my friend no please you can't take her Miss let us do our job worry about yourself the beauty standard is changing again I brought you food hun no Mom I'm not hungry how am I supposed to eat knowing that my best friend is locked away somewhere sweetie you got to eat or you're going to get too thin I don't care and why won't this stupid thing just load the system is down right now but it'll load help someone help us did you hear that it sounded like it was coming from the V mom please tell me you heard that that was tera's voice right oh no sweetie I didn't hear a thing you must be imagining things no but I heard honey you witnessed something very traumatic with your friend and I think you might be experiencing some PTSD right now sweetie no I don't care what it is I'm not looking I'm not doing it this this one is so easy to do I'll help you see that wasn't so bad now let me get out the beauty scanner so you can show that you pass the inspection oh wait a minute how do you have one of those only people that work for the system have one of those well lucky me found this one on the ground now stay still good girl pass honey I'll be right back please can anyone hear me I hear her again it's not real it's not real can anyone hear me I hear her again it's not real it's not real mom forgot her laptop in here she got a text from someone called unknown hey boss we're going to need you to make the beauty standards a lot harder not enough people have been eliminated wait he wouldn't be calling her boss unless she's in charge of the whole system so if my mom is in charge of the beauty standards then someone help us please that voice is real okay it's going to be okay I just have to follow where the voice is coming from and save my friend the beauty standard is about to change I better hurry hello Tara you you found me oh my gosh you're okay your mom she she's in charge of the system I know I know honey it's dinner time I have to go no don't leave me in the cell I'll be back all right I'm going to save you I'm so glad you're eating was it good it was really good great cuz I put something special in there to help you relax wait what do you mean I know you know my secret and I can't have you freeing your friend you're just going to feel a little tired oh but don't worry I'll make sure you pass the beauty standard I'm so glad you're eating was it good it was really good great cuz I put something special in there to help you relax wait what do you mean I know you know my secret and I can't have you freeing your friend you're just going to feel a little tired oh but don't worry I'll make sure you pass the beauty standard this looks so cute mom please don't hurt my friend hush let me finish your freckles all right now let me scan you no no I don't want to do the beauty check oh stop being so dramatic past you see that was easy why are you making these beauty standards for people because growing up my mother made sure I followed all the beauty standards every single one I'm really sorry that happened to you but you can't force everyone to follow these standards it's not it's not fair oh honey I didn't even get to finish my story Jay keep an eye on her I'll be right back sure thing boss hey I'm going to give you something to wake you up can you hear me this is going to hurt a little bit what I'm going to inject it into your arm three two I'm sorry but your mom she's planning on killing your friend but I know a way you could stop her and shut down this whole system wait if you work for my mom then why are you helping me because this is all getting out of hand they just passed a new law that everyone locked up is to be killed and that includes your friend Tara no she wouldn't do that well it's supposed to happen tonight at midnight and your mom isn't the only one that works for the system in fact the others are getting kind of mad that she keeps making the beauty standards too easy why what yeah supposedly some of them are going to try and hack the system and change the standard to something really hard and it looks like they already did it wait this is perfect let me scan you for the beauty check what no I'm going to fail yeah that's kind of the point trust me I think this is the only way we can get your mom to shut the system down just stay still failed I'm back Mom please help me who changed the beauty standard to Blue Eyes I'm not sure but ma'am your daughter has failed the inspection no no she never fails ma'am I would suggest shutting down the system I can't you have to please it it doesn't work like that the way I designed it it has to say something for the standard then put that everyone is beautiful otherwise you know what's going to happen mom ma'am the system has been hacked they're going to kill her for failing I I can't mom please ma'am you're the only one that can change this come on I no I did it I'm so sorry honey I got so caught up in these beauty standards that I forgot what was really important here go free everyone thank you you made the right choice ma'am let's go Tara you came back hang on let me put in the code they they said they were going to kill no that's not happening anymore the system is over with everyone is considered beautiful you're all free to go darling are you ready for scar school yeah but I'm kind of sad Halloween break is over well have you gotten your scary soulmate yet I haven't yet but I'm sure it'll say vampire any species will'll be fine as long as it doesn't say monster hunter don't worry dear I'm sure you will get a spectacular soulmate of course um I better get to class class for an icebreaker why don't we all tell each other our scary soulmates balina we'll start with you well my scary soulmate is Red Alert Red Alert Monster Hunter has been detected on property what everyone be quiet get to the safe room balina hurry we have to get to the safe room buia I don't know what's wrong there must be garlic around here somewhere but they're about to close the doors just go save yourself okay I'm sorry I see you fell right for my garlic trap finally I've caught my first vampire you're coming with me you're coming with me what the oh hell no I'm not dealing with this get away from me Bill will come back from school here eat some Zombie Fingers I'm not really hungry mom says my things are going to come in before yours that's really great Luna listen I have to tell you something but you have to promise not to tell Mom and Dad is it about your soulmate yes and I'm only telling you this because I can't stand keeping this secret anymore is your soulmate a werewolf no worse than that uh is he a ghost or something worse wait is your soulmate a human yeah is your soulmate a monster they're going to hear you Monster Hunters want to experiment on us I know okay I almost got captured by one today wait what look it's a long story but no way I'm answering that Luna bethina go see who's at the door of course hey remember me I got a surprise for you you caught a beautiful vampire son thanks it wasn't easy so feisty but no fangs I see interesting first let's test your resistance to sunlight no please Dad wait son watch her I'll be right back hey there's something I need to tell you I'm actually half werewolf my father doesn't know what he's been training me to be a Monster Hunter for years but I just can't go through with this I don't like seeing him hurt you son we need a blood sample from her come on we got to get you out of here now son run this way all right you should be safe now thanks us mythical creatures we have have this thing called a scary soulmate I know since I'm half werewolf I also got one oh what does your say monster hunter huh mine says vampire you don't think that you and I are soulmates there she is get back Mom Dad please wait he he saved my life I'm sorry for taking her away I was just trying to make my dad proud balina humans are not to be trusted but but he's not fully human watch I'll prove it you want werewolf part werewolf yes sir so does this mean that you'll allow us to date date you like him yeah we kind of think that we're each other's soulmates yeah I see oh Dad that was for kidnapping my daughter but that is for returning her safely thanks you may kiss him now wait what you must kiss him darling to see if he's truly your scary soulmates like right now in front of you guys come on would you just kiss him already Luna when did you get here just a little while ago okay well can you guys like close your eyes please of course it's okay we should find out it's a match we are yes I knew it guys look son how dare you betrayed me get away dad she's my soulmate and I'm not going to let you hurt her you're a creature like them yes he is and I suggest you run unless you want to become our next meal uh of course not please please don't eat me I'm going I'm leaving he won't be bothering us again yeah I think we all scared the crap out of him no I needed a lot today a you poor thing it's not fair how come you guys always get so many more words than I do um how are we supposed to know that I don't know hey Ella don't forget I got a lot of chores for you to do after school okay Fiona and you better not be late this time Mom look she already used up all her words what do you expect she's a laaba mouth here that's for you Chelsea you're not supposed to give words sh you're going to waste them they're for your big audition for the school play today come on you've been waiting for this okay okay yes thank you of course now go show them what you got okay that's enough thank you we don't need to hear anymore you got the part wait are you serious yeah you're exactly what we're looking for there you are mom's been trying to call how did you get more words I oh I'm so telling Mom come here I found her mom go mom what what do you want I found Ella and she got more words what are you talking about she doesn't have any words she got more I swear what are you smiling about get to your chores mom you have to believe me someone gave her words no I know honey I heard her talking that's why I'm going to have you spy on her tomorrow at school oh and this way she won't suspect anything exactly something's going on with her and I'm going to find out what it is is yes I haven't gotten this many words since my dad passed away I'm pleased to announce we have finally casted our Prince for the play hi I'm Adam save your words Adam we're going to be rehearsing the first part of the song right [Music] now that was great one moment we need to fix the mics hey did they cast the captain of the football team as the prince oh you must have used up all your words in the play rehears here I need the tea come on what happened okay so basically he was looking at me the whole time and like he I won't go breaking nice voice biona you weren't supposed to be home until until later I got off early today how do you have so many woods hun I just got a lot of words today or did someone give you a lot of words like your friend Chelsea so you could spill the tea to her about the play how did you know that I I think that's enough talking from her today don't you you yes Mom I think it's time she learns the truth sit down and look up surprise I've been controlling your wood I really thought she was going to catch on but she never did all of this time you've been taking my words how could you do that you uh-uh that's enough you always got so many more words than I did and it just wasn't fair you outshined my daughter with your words so I took that away and now you're trying to out sh by being the lead in the play well that's not going to happen so if you if you ever want to talk again you're going to do as we say Hey you a you're all out of words again here take some what's wrong I can't be friends with you anymore and if you give me words again I'm going to report you what Ella how could you say that wait you ready honey oh I'm ready your step sister's pretending to have your voice so you better make it good break wow you sound just like Ella if anything happens to her you will go up on stage for the play Oh My Gosh okay thank you you sounds good I'm so proud of you honey thanks what I need to use the restroom hurry up I want to go home you have 5 minutes there go Ella there you are I wanted to check on you you didn't seem like yourself today you you need help you don't have any words Ella what are you doing come here get in the car wait she seemed a little distressed today oh I think she's coming down with the cold but our play is tomorrow don't worry if she's sick her step sister will perform for her now let's go okay here's some words now Lacy you practice lip syn into Ella's voice Ella start singing no what did you did you say I'm not going to let her get credit for my singing voice I'm going to take away all your words again okay do it you little brat I Don't Need You Don't Go Breaking My Heart see I can sing myself yeah good luck with that you know what I'm going to talk to Adam hold it you're not talking to anybody you don't want to cooperate so you're going to stay in this room forever no no please bye Ella mom take away her words it's done now no one can hear her Ella are you home I snuck in through your back door I really hope you're here I really hope that's you okay I'm coming Ella let me guess your stepmother locked you in here and took away your words I knew it I got a million words today you can have some of mine thanks Chelsea I'm so sorry it's okay I bet Fiona was forcing you to say all that me stuff huh well right now your step sister's putting on your costume she's going to go on instead of you but she can't even sing tell me about it I heard her practicing you got to do something you know what you're right come on let's go I go break your you suck this play is a disaster we need Ella well lucky for you Adam she's right here hey cut Lacy's mic and cue the music [Music] again honey yes hey my dad wants to offer you a scholarship to his college wait really yeah he's like the head of this Performing Arts University and he thinks you're really talented but how's she going to sing without a voice whoa did you just take her words yeah Adam they did and they've been doing it they're right over there officer you two are under arrest for word thievery no stop it and since you stole from her she gets all your words Daniel will you be my Valentine sorry princess I can't why not my mom says I have't an arranged marriage to another Princess Prince William are you ready for our Valentine's Day princess Elizabeth date it's not what it looks like give me back my heart I'm sorry I didn't realize he was with you princess I'm just going to go Elizabeth you only have one heart left and if it breaks something horrible will happen to you no more dating what I'm sorry but you don't have a good taste in men I will be picking a husband for you Elizabeth meets your husband to be Prince Darren hello she's beautiful give him your heart I promise to take good care of it give him your heart I promise to take good care of it mother may I speak to you in private please of course I'm not giving him my heart oh Elizabeth why not because I was getting a really creepy vibe from him didn't you see the way that he was smirking at me that's what men do when they like you mom no they don't you need someone to protect your heart and that's what he's going to do this is my last heart and I'm not trusting that Prince with it if she doesn't believe me then I have no choice but to run away excuse me I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you I'm just a commoner and you you're the princess I'm realizing now I probably shouldn't have left the palace with my crown on I see her she's down there they found me what's wrong I need you to keep my heart safe princess I couldn't please get her please take it this is my last heart and if it breaks something bad will happen to you someone's trying to break it I will do my best to protect your heart princess get her run but what about run running away from the castle are we come here I found her your majesty let go of me Elizabeth where is your heart I don't know what do you mean you don't know I mean I don't know because I gave it to another man what what was his name I'm not sure mother I didn't ask could I have a moment with my fiance alone of course your highness you can play all the games you want princess I will marry you and I will find the man who took your heart look all you want you're not going to find him we shall see Prince Darren we have found him they were too fast princess I'm sorry where is the princess's heart well that's the thing Prince Darren you may have caught me but she'll never find where I hid the princess's heart how dare you hide my daughter's heart my queen I say we send him to the torture chamber no it's the only way to get him to talk mother please Elizabeth Prince Darren is right he still won't talk we only got his name William mother let me speak to him please he will tell me where my heart is oh my goodness what have they done to you I promise to keep your heart safe and I don't break my promises I can't let let you suffer for me but the prince that you're supposed to marry I can tell he is evil I know William but that's my problem not yours where's my heart finally her heart is where it belongs all right mother Prince Darren has my heart now let William go no dear I'm afraid I can't do that William is going to be killed William is going to be killed for stealing your heart in hiding it it must be done I told him to do it oh Elizabeth you're just trying to protect prot him I know it was such a tough decision princess may I speak to her alone of course Darren don't be so sad get away from me we shall be married tomorrow I will never marry you oh but you will that is if you want William to live marry me tomorrow and I'll convince your mother to let him live and if you try anything I will break your last heart do you understand do you accept Prince Darren as your husband I do excellent now May I kiss the bride stop that Prince is evil William he escaped and he's lying it's true mother he's been threatening me what I warned you not to speak against me her heart why is nothing happening because it was my last heart not yours William stop stop the wedding that Prince is evil William he escaped and he's lying no it's true mother Prince Darren has been threatening me I warned you not to speak against me no her heart why is nothing happening because that was my last heart not yours William his last heart it's broken what happens when your last heart breaks I'm pretty sure you you die how could you Mom there has to be something that we can do for him Elizabeth I'm so sorry this is all my fault just be happy that wasn't your heart arrest him get off of me you should be arresting him he took her real heart my heart I can give him my heart William where did you put my real heart I William Elizabeth don't speak to me darling they found it the gods found your heart my heart do you think it'll work if I give it to him I'm not sure dear but it's worth a try William I want to give you my last heart please wake up heart Shar William Elizabeth give up my voice until I meet my soulmate or give up my sight those are horrible options pick voice but if I don't have my voice then how shh you'll be fine do you really want to be blind well no then make your choice the time is running out is her voice gone try and talk no way she can't talk anymore girls it's not polite to laugh girls don't forget we're throwing that ball tonight mother please tell me she's not invited to the ball yeah she'll ruin all the fun don't worry girls she's not invited she'll be locked in her room oh have fun being alone tonight hello gorgeous I heard you need true love's kiss to be able to speak again so what do you say we give it a try excuse me why don't she get back to the party and leave the princess alone right of course youranus you got to watch out for those type of guys it must be awful not being able to speak excuse me what are you doing here what's the matter the princess is ill excuse us how dare you I don't ever want you getting your voice back mother what if that Prince was her soulmate well he's going to have to die do we really have to kill the prince mother yes Denette we can't risk her getting her voice back we'll have to make his death look like an accident everyone picked to lose an ability that's right find out which one he picked we'll find his weakness and use it against him and as for you Denette grab her other arm you're staying here and I'll go talk to the prince mother I'm back and I found out his weakness he can't swim until he kisses his soulmate oh this is perfect we'll drown him we'll put soap all over the floor blame it on the maids say he slipped and fell in the pool stop moving Denette you watch her while we go handle the prince mother I really don't think watch her I I can't do this I'm not going to let them kill the prince I'm setting you free I thought I was here to speak to your daughter whoops clumsy me help he's not breathing oh no what are we going to do uh do you know how to do CPR I really hope this works Ella I'm sorry I don't think he's going to wake up he's not breathing oh no what are we going to do uh do you know how to do CPR I really hope this works Ella I'm sorry I don't think he's going to wake up I'm so happy you're okay hey you just talked my voice it's it's back I think the CPR counted as a kiss you what he is supposed to be dead stay away from him no mother she must have kissed him well you were right about one thing stepmother he was my soulmate and now that I have my voice back I intend to use it guards you two are under arrest what what bye mother bye sister why isn't she getting arrested because she decided to help me unlike you you know sometimes having a change of heart can get you out of trouble maybe you'll learn that someday why you little didn't realize my soulmate was going to be so badass and now looks like she's Queen happy birthday look what came in the mail an egg it's your very own magical creature wait really yes but you have to take good care of it and wait for it to hatch but I want to see it now don't give me that attitude you have to be patient it will hatch on your 17th birthday it hasn't hatched no not yet I'm going to take it to class with me please be careful don't let it get stolen I won't guys mine just had I got a panda Dragon I got a koala unicorn what about you well actually mine's still in the egg yours is probably dead is not whatever you say come on please hatch I have waited so long for this oh my gosh it's happening oh my gosh it is so cute hi there little guy uhoh that's a very rare creature you got there who are you I found them I'm going to need you both to come with me what actually I just remembered I need to go back home no you need to come with hey honey your egg hatch let's celebrate no Mom now is not the time I was being followed home but I think I lost him excuse me what you were being followed Yeah by this creepy guy who said my creature was super rare and he wanted me to come with him oh no you and your creature are in danger what open up I'm pretty sure he's a creature Hunter you two need to hide but what are you going to do don't worry I'll get rid of him just go hide now and don't come out no matter what I know you're here surprise found you now let's go I said let's go whoa maybe now I can kind of see why they wanted you honey mom mom you're hurt I tried to stop him but he was too strong I help you what is it doing whoa it it healed me this was so worth the wait what nothing sweetheart I just I can't believe it he won't be passed out for long I need to go get something I'll be right back so you have laser eyes and the power to heal people what else can you do okay what is taking her so long sh sh I'm here to help you you're telling me that I was stolen yes when you were a baby your Mom stole you from your dad he sent me to look for you you're lying I'm not you need to come with me you're not safe here well look who's up you're not going to take her creature oh but I will Mom did you really steal me from Dad yes after our divorce all I asked him for was your egg but he wouldn't agree to that so you didn't even want me of course not and for 17 years I've had to put up with you but you know what it was all worth it because you're creature is amazing kid you need to come with me now she's not going anywhere you just hello up please wake up what happened I save your life mom what did you do to her you used your laser vision on her yes I protect you thank you Molly is that you my my name isn't Molly oh but it used to be before your mother took you from me I can't believe I found you Dad it's me honey I think it's time you finally come home
Channel: Debelloband Storytime
Views: 80,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr cake storytime, asmrcakestorytime, cake, storytime, text to speech, texttospeech, povs tiktok compilations 2023, povstiktokcompilations2023, storytime tiktok, cake storytime, cakestorytime, slime storytime
Id: VPfdj_F7NPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 26sec (12986 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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