- Today, I'm going on an
eBay shopping spree for tech. The only catch? I have to pick whatever the first item of my search result is. Is this gonna go badly? Absolutely! What if I just type in "good headphones"? We're going for it, all right. First non-sponsored results is... (laughs) Beats by Dre Powerbeats Pro, used very good condition, $71.95. Add to cart. I'm not sure how I'm feeling
about this video right now. One thing I'm not gonna cheat here is, I can look at what the autocompletes are to give me an idea. Cheap phones? Cheap gaming PC, oh. Cheap gaming PC. I think I need a cheap gaming PC. Oh, good lord. HP... (Jared laughs) - [Jared] I don't need to hear anything- - HP sparkle emoji cheap sparkle emoji desktop gaming computer. All right, we gotta bring this back. I gotta get something good. - [Josh] Cheap PlayStation. - Cheap PlayStation? I mean, as long as I keep
putting "cheap" in front of it, I'm sure this won't go wrong. - [Josh] Yeah! - Well, first sponsored link
was a $900 PlayStation 5. But, sponsored, doesn't count, all right. Getting un-sponsored... Oh god, no! (laughs) No! No! No! Jumping Flash Long Box PS1
Complete, in box, tested. It's a hundred dollar
PlayStation one game. (laughs) - [Jared] Yo! We gotta do it! (laughs) - How is this cheap? $100 PS1 game is cheap? Are you kidding me? (groans) Phones, I need a cheap phone. If I'm an eBay seller, and
I want someone to realize that I've got a great deal on my product, what's the word I'm
gonna use to describe it? Incredible? Complete? Tested? - [Josh] Quality.
- Quality! Quality. Quality smartphone. Oh wait, I should've put refurbished! No, I hit the enter button! (giggles) SpigenFlex Strap phone grip holder. This is still not what I want. It's literally a little like... Clip that you put on
the back of your phone. All right, I'll add that to the cart. Refurbished phone, that's
my absolute answer. Unlocked. That's gotta be safe. Oh! All right. iPhone XR, 260 bucks. Factory unlocked, very
good, eBay refurbished. I think I could've done a
lot worse than this one. 260 bucks for an iPhone XR? I would think it would be difficult to buy a phone that is that kind of price that is as high quality as the XR. Okay, we're doing well. Let's not jeopardize ourselves too much. What do I need to fill out my tech? I've got a gaming PC, oh a monitor! Gaming monitor, you
really sure about this? - [Jared] Yes. - Gaming monitor. Ay, we actually got a good gaming monitor! - [Jared] I told you not to- - Whoo! eBay refurbished, coming in clutch again. The Samsung 34-inch 21-by-9
FreeSync display for 249 bucks. (crew exclaims) That's actually... that's
excellent, and free shipping! On an ultra-wide monitor. Whoo! Although wait... wait... Wait, why did I get a gaming monitor? I have a Core i5 with no GPU. (laughs) This is the worst gaming PC ever. Low profile graphics card. Oh god, oh god no, please no, please no. I think this is okay, actually. It's an R5 340x for $19. Is this the way to shop? Just to like, Ricky Bobby it? eBay has the wheel? This is going surprisingly well. (laughs) Like, this should not be going
as well as it is right now. Budget keyboard... No, what
if I said office keyboard? To me, I wanna get like,
the cheapest thing I can. Office keyboard, that
feels like the key word that's gonna be like, a $10 Dell. Home office keyboard. I feel good, I feel good. I feel good. I feel great, what the (oof sound effect) It's a Razer Pro Type
Programmable Home Office keyboard in great condition. So this is an old Razer keyboard. Like, I mean, this looks
like Windows 98 old. - [Jared] Oh my god! - But it's 37 bucks. (click) Cheap mouse. Budget mouse. Affordable mouse. - [Jared] RGB mouse. - No... oh actually, I think you're right. Oh yeah, yo let's go, baby! MSI M99 RGB Wired Gaming Mouse, $19! Have we cracked the code? Have we been overthinking
it the entire time? Okay, so we got a lot of PC components, although it's actually not so bad. So everything's shown up
in a fairly quick manner. Probably the most legit
looking package here is the Samsung refurbished monitor, which wasn't sold by Samsung but clearly was actually
refurbished by Samsung, so I feel good about that. Is this our graphics card? Aw, look how tiny it is! Aw, so cute! You've got the red and the black cooler. Oh wow, this is also packed well. What the (oof sound effect)? - [Jared] Oh my God, What? - You couldn't have taken
a paper towel... What? Oh, Jared! - [Jared] What? - Look at the hard drive,
can you see the hard drive? - [Jared] Oh my god! Was this a smoker's PC? Here we go. - [Austin] Ah, not terrible. - [Jared] Cleaner than I thought. - Yeah, we can work with this. The thing with these PC's is that you can get a good deal. Like these are, generally
speaking, very affordable considering, you know, the specs and the single channel of memory, but you have to just be very careful when it comes to your upgrade path, you need to be thoughtful about it. I think, in a span of 30 seconds, I can install this graphics card. Look at that. There we go, that's some air flow. So Ken, we have a very exciting
thing to show you today. We went on eBay and we
purchased every single top search result that I typed in. - Can I ask why you guys chose to buy all of the first results on eBay? Is there a reason for this (laughs) or is it just one of your
arbitrary video ideas that you think will get clicks? It's probably that one. - [Austin] So this display
is a beautiful Samsung that is incredibly high quality, 75 hertz, it's beautiful. - Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I saw this around the studio and I wasn't sure why it was there but we've definitely
had this monitor before. - [Austin] No we haven't. It's brand new. - I'm pretty sure one of our
editors had it at some point and did not like it after
like, a couple weeks. - [Austin] Well, I think it's great. I actually think it's maybe the best gaming monitor of all time. Jared, how much was
this beautiful monitor? - Well, this was actually
a great deal at 250. - [Austin] 250 United
States freedom dollars. - Tell me more about this, what kind of panel, is
this like, a VA, IPS? - [Austin] It's an ABCDEFG HIJK- Not only is it high resolution, beautiful, it's also 75 hertz,
and FreeSync compatible! What more could you ask for when you type a word into eBay search and hope that something good shows up? - An LG ultra-wide? I don't know if you can actually get a 1440P ultra-wide at this price point. - [Austin] You can't, it's impossible. Only through the power of eBay and... - Now that you're stressing... Wait, you paid 250? - [Austin] Yep. - Okay, so I'm on eBay refurbished, 230. (cheer sound effect) - [Austin] When it was
time to actually get a gaming PC setup, that
was where things got dicey. - Wait, wait, wait... You typed in gaming PC
and this is what you got? Oh, did you add like, a modifier? - [Austin] Maybe... - Did you add, like... cheap to it? - [Austin] No! (Ken laughs) I put in good, super good. Okay, well why don't you crack it open? See (stutters) we modified it. - Crack it... wait, what? - [Austin] Oh, you think we're
just gonna buy a PC on eBay? - No, get outta here. - [Austin] Just pull it, Ken. It's a high-end gaming PC, look at that. That's the high-end gaming
PC quality you expect. - [Ken] I have never see this before. - [Austin] It's a high-end
cooler that routes it directly channeling through
the vent and the case. - [Ken] Oh, that actually does, huh? - [Austin] High end, Ken. Yeah, yeah, there you go. But there's more! - [Ken] Oh, you did SSD. - [Austin] Yep. Ken, you know what you should do though? Pop open that disc drive. - [Ken] Oh, no. - [Austin] Whoo! Look at that! Pop-open door, baby! - [Ken] Yeah, like every HP of this era. - [Austin] Yeah! High end. - [Ken] It doesn't wanna... - [Austin] You're supposed
to press the button. But Ken, we're not even done yet. (Ken laughs) You might notice... there
are some things missing here. - [Ken] Oh, yeah peripherals,
you got peripherals? - [Austin] So I've got
myself an MSI gaming mouse, individually bagged. - [Ken] Yeah, I've
always liked these, yeah. So good.
- Some are better than others. - [Ken] They're so good, Austin. Look at this, look at the high... (laughs) What... which part of this is not working? That's part of the game! (Austin blows) No!
(Austin blows) That's not gonna work. You remember what HP stands for? Hot poop! (laughs) - Let me just confirm
that it's a mouse problem. Look, yeah, it's...
okay, the mouse is dead. - [Ken] Yeah, MSI quality right there! - We're just gonna, uh, (clears throat) editing team, just cut
this part of the video out. That never happened. (whispers) Please help me. You know what you really need though? - [Ken] I hope to god
this is an MSI keyboard. - It is not! You can see the fine sellers on eBay have amazing packing jobs. I'm pretty sure that
this is mildly illegal 'cause you're not supposed to do this but whatever, it's fine. - [Ken] Oh, I don't like the look of this. Oh, what is this? (laughs) Wait... - [Austin] Ken, I'm not
sure if you're familiar, but Razer's been making
keyboards for a long time. - [Ken] That's a thing? - So long in fact, that
they shipped keyboards with a 30-pin iPod connector on them. You've got your shuffle button, you've got your volume, you've
got your little music button and wait until you hear these
incredibly high-end switches. Get a load of this. (keyboard clicks loudly) - [Ken] It's membrane, isn't it? - Mmm. Revolutionary product
with many years of R&D. Honestly, this is really the
reason why Razer exists today. - [Ken] So, where do you think they sold-
- Don't worry about it. Oh, is this not PC enough for you? Is this not what you expect when you type a bunch of
auto-completes into eBay (stutters) and you get items? Well, I've got more to show ya! - It's a 128 gig USB 3.1
flash drive from Micro Center. Why did you buy this on eBay? - [Austin] So, while you
could go to Micro Center and get one for free, we chose
to buy one on eBay instead. - Wow. - [Austin] How much do you
think someone sold this for that they got for free at Micro Center? - I would hope to god you didn't spend more than five bucks on this. - [Austin] Jared? - This was 13 dollars. (Ken laughs) But with free shipping! - [Ken] With free shipping?
- [Jared] With free shipping. - [Austin] This is
capitalism at its finest! - No cap. - [Austin] No gaming PC setup
could possibly be complete without this next item. - Is it a headset? - [Austin] This is copy
of the highly acclaimed, world-famous release of
the game of the century, complete in-box copy of
Jumping Flash, which... - [Ken] Yeah, I was gonna
say, not new in box. This is far from new in box. - [Austin] Complete in box. - [Ken] I don't like that. - [Austin] It's fine...
okay, don't ruin the manual. It's the hottest game of 1995, my friend! - [Ken] This was really the first result? - Yes. (Ken laughs) There was a slight wrinkle with this one, in that after we purchased it, the listing disappeared. But it was $120, so I'm
sure we're gonna get lots of high quality items.
- [Ken] What did you type in? Okay, those are... - [Ken] Gate hinges! - [Austin] Oh god. - [Austin] Oh wait, hang on, hang on. There might be some stuff in here. There's also- - [Ken] Oh, I need these! - [Austin] See? - [Ken] Suction. - I knew you needed a suck, Ken. There is an 18 inch towel bar. That's worth solid $5. A soft-close door frameless insert. - [Ken] Man, someone really
just robbed the Ace Hardware. - How 'bout a knob? - [Jared] What'd you call me? - [Ken] It looks exactly like you! - Hey, a set of drill bits! Look, it's a $70 value
if purchased separately. I think we've already got $120 of value but I'm gonna keep going. Oh this one's heavy, this is probably... Heavy means good. We've got... (Ken laughs) Another set of... you know what? Sometimes you need a lot of drill bits. I go through so many drill bits. I think there's another one
and there is another one. (Ken laughs) Jared, do you need a new set of... I've also got... oh, a stud finder. Actually it's not, it's a
scale between dry and wet. - [Ken] (laughs) What? Wait... Wow.
- In case you couldn't tell. - [Ken] I don't need a machine for this. - Look at this, a little heater. - [Ken] Don't even think
about plugging that in, dude. Why would you hold it from there? Why are these handles here? - How far away is that
from the good deals? - [Ken] This is like dad left home and just to remove all the
memories of his existence, we just put his poop in a box
and sold it to Austin Evans. - Does this not look
like $120 worth of value? - [Ken] This looks like my dad and every mistake that
he made that wasn't me. - That was a rare self-own on that one. So Ken, what else do you
use on a daily basis? - [Ken] A phone! - This, my friend- - [Ken] Is an iPhone! - [Austin] Yeah, it is baby, XR! - Oh, it is! Is this.. oh, my god. I will defend Apple LCD's
to the ends of the earth. - [Austin] Like you do
on Denki all the time? - I do. Yeah, there's scratches on the screen. - [Austin] No, there's not, no, what? This was supposed to be
in very good condition and it is in, I would say, fair at best. That screen is pretty rough. - Yeah. - [Austin] But good thing is Ken, that's not the only thing we got. You can't use an iPhone
without accessories, right? - AirPods? The PowerBeats pro? - [Austin] Yep. - I forgot how big this case was. It's the size of my hand, dude! Oh right, that's why it's big. Because it has the...
- [Austin] Ear hooks. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I actually do like this design a lot because these never fall out. They also look fairly clean, is this a refurb or new? It's probably refurbbed, right? - [Austin] Super minty, best condition. - Now I'm gonna ask a
very legitimate question. Are these legitimate? - [Austin] I don't know, you be the judge. - Yeah, these sound real. - [Austin] (laughs) They just sound real? - If these are fake,
they're very good fakes but I doubt they're fake. For upwards of 70 bucks, these are great. - [Austin] Oh, you think that's great? The video will be over as
soon as you open this product. People will be so amazed,
they will have no choice but to watch another Austin Evans video. - Oh come on, you were amping this up like it was gonna be bad. In what world is this bad? - [Austin] I didn't say it's bad, I said it's high quality,
it completes your setup. - I mean, it absolutely
completes the phone setup. I mean, it's not clean. Could probably find a better
solution that looks nicer like a Pop Socket but come
on, for these bigger phones? Oh wait, that's a little... Oh, it's just for one finger. Well actually, no. That's great. Is this a seat heater? - [Austin] So, you don't have heated seats in your vehicle, now do you? - No, we live in California. - [Austin] Oh, Ken. Are you gonna have a heated
seat on the cyber-quad? - Put this here. - [Austin] You know, I don't
think you're warming your butt, I think you're warming some other part of your anatomy with that. - Even better. Okay, I'm gonna sit on it and hope for the best. - [Austin] How you feelin' there? - You know, between this
and the heated blanket that you got me last time, maybe I just have a really high tolerance for heat. - [Austin] Well, at least I have an excuse to get B-roll of your ass now. - No. (Austin laughs) - Some days at work just... this ain't it.