I Have Created a LASER RAVE PARTY! | Magicraft

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hello everybody sift here again with another magic Craft Run the action combat work like the you create busted Builds on and today I'm going to try something different again we're going to still stick to the starting wand because our build is not really the what I want and let's do the run but today today I'm going to play on normal mode the reason is twofold first of all I want to try whatever random build that might not be super viable like laser beams or butterflies or whatever weird I can get and secondly I want to see if the third boss gives me meta progression so you get faster meta progression here so maybe can unlock more things faster we're going to see that's it's a double test pretty much instead of you know going back to the first video I've ever done and literally looking up if does happen but doesn't matter let's actually go and see how this is going to go also I want to get a feel as to how bust n we're going to get and also also also I am a bit time restricted in real life so might as well get a benefit here we literally just rolled oh I need to break that I literally just rolled the worst possible thing as a spell I got that if I summon a pet it's going to be connected with me with a line very useful right right let's get rid of the eggs let's get rid of the spawner nice so this is going to be a I guess the spider infected Zone oh this the spawner loses life on its own when it spawns something that's good to know so it is a specific amount that can spawn uh refreshing stuff I'm going to go with refreshing relics yeah that's always good early enough and let's go more relics allthough yeah let's go more Alex there is no although uh I want to go to shop to get keys that's the although I was thinking about I already start with 61 coins so getting um going into a shop is going to be very easy we have enough money to at least buy uh three keys minimum as they cost like six each plus a couple of spells maybe let's push opponents to death oh this is a red spider that means it's a shooting one the blue ones only jump and the green ones are poison shots Reser money I could do money build max life or losing Health gives you damage all three of these are decent I could do a money run but I don't I do I want to do a money run I remember there's a unique spell that spends your money that would be nice to test out right uh this is hard to get let's go man part this is almost a curse man the moment you get this you just switch you know what no no I want to go with getting a weird spell build going so let's not go this let's go 35 life is not worth it this is straight up not worth it by the way because uh a door that gives me Max life gives me 3d2 Max life so and this gives me 3d5 after wasting 50 Health this is completely usage Relic from here out I would like to get a roll uh double the summoning limit do I want to do a summoning build I don't really want to do a summoning build but getting this rare might we might get the potion that says roll your I don't know I don't know we might find the potion that says reroll your one of your relics and I'm going to roll that rare into another rare push these guys off I don't have enough push back to push those guy I do I do have a little bit of push back that guy dropped a key that's nice push him push him off push him off I'm zigzagging never zigzag the key is almost at the end of the line and here is the chest I'm going to use the Keyon let's see what we get out of this Relic AOE uh randomly upgrade one Relic yo imagine if this upgrades the more summons is that even a thing well we're going to go with more rears uh I I wanted to try imagine if it upgraded this someone limit time 2 or time three or Time 4 who knows what it could could have been could have had I I can't get there we could have have had had an awesome run going there is a shop I'm going to go to the shop to get a bunch of keys poison inside of this that's nice now I'm good poison shots literally the first one I've ever did the I should go spells honestly I only have one key though and I want to go into every single key we find nice uh what's this book guiding Fable it just has a leg wire inside of it and our Magic Bullet um max Mana no I don't really enjoy these choices let's roll here I found a double key that's even better obviously it costs 11 nice I'm pretty much done with keys the way this is going let's also get whatever money we might find in the room laser beam for 18 that's a rare I might get uh no what's the sword Knights oath when you get damage you do a dash no really not really a snake build Shaman dagger MP cost less final damage less but it has a very good coolon and it also yeah MP cost - 70 is very powerful and I found another snack double Keys obviously should I go for a snack but I did stack build literally yesterday I don't want to do that again double shots is good in general let's get double shots and uh I guess I could go for the shaman with poison double shots and just line everything up 19 coins for a weapon that's a bit better and a ghost snake I think yes it's not about the weapon itself I could have bought two spells though eh whatever so we're going to go with this one this has 10 Mana reason this is eight but this is 70% Mana cost it's a lot cheaper for sure uh the snakes are relevant here we're going to go with a shotgun attack speed let's go with spells and I obviously want money uh we have poison and because we attack this fast the Poison's guaranteed going to be enough I mean that's the idea here we have a machine gun poison build right now nice which it can do up to 80 damage I would like to do a straight up only poison build you know I'm I'm running into ideas right now resonance run that 3% chance to cast a spell for free and also vicious goo when the spell hits something it's going to slow them and we're going to go with uh free casting snakes that slow opponents when they hit them easy enough there should be destruction here on this boss yeah this boss should theoretically not really survive this how fast we're attacking man and poison is enough to destroy this guy who done easy enough let's destroy this and let's see what we're going to get let's destroy this already dead let's destroy this Rebel good Mana region very good cool downs but always cast back birds or get a good scatter but also bouncing and decently good cool down this isn't this better than the thing I have I I have never used this by the way let's go here just so we get also a spell not like these are good ones or anything so who cares I would say the bonsing actually goes to the thing I'm already having and I think we're going to stick to what we have does this work by the way is the snake a summon no it's not the cord does not actually appear let's go on I can still go summons by the way uh money for sure not that I can choose anything on hly bye-bye you bye-bye you poison is very powerful in general that's what I'm using and I'm using here right now the fact that poison is busted and also the crazy madlad attacks with the shaman stuff has wh nope I would like if I could control my snakes it would be cool then I would definitely play Snakes poison snakes that is the poison Shaman oh I got a mustache by the way from this thing uh I would say relics although money is the actual play but let's go relics reason why money is the actual play is money also provides you with even more spells and we rolling of spells I got hit that's my first time I got hit in this run today actually I'm going to go money from here not if the chooes relics for money I'm going to go money anything other than relics maybe is the play let's roll them although I have a bunch of rolls damage based on curses that's also a build I can do I maybe get a th this is not worth it with 10 curses you are literally unable to play and you only get a 100% damage all these Ru damage take 2% randomly upgrade the Relic that's going to roll the dice again we're going to go reduce damage by 25% uh yeah let's go I would say money there is a chest here almost missed it okay it give us a key and 10 health for free as I said we're going to go Money Max health is a bit irrelevant to me pull these guys in this guy pulls you in too I think oh and I got hit I hit him a couple of times and then just let him die from Poison I guess I got hit again it's okay very very weird enemy in general this thing yep you're toast we're shooting out three snakes I like the free shooting of SN because of czy attack we have what is this gain temp Shield equal to your current missing Health that's nice as always permanently Max MP I'm going to roll the dice actually before I roll the dice we might get the Relic that says we get more stuff not going to go Shaman here we're going to go spells I will try to always go spells and hope to get something unique and rare and new I would like to get the tracking shots if I can get the track shots I'm going to rotate back to a snake build for the time being as the snakes we have proven yesterday might be one of the highest DPS weapons the game uh but as I said I would like to do a a laser beam build with tracking shots not control shots snakes is good with control shots I would like a laser being built with tracking shots split accelerator that's accelerator is nice we get the cool down let's go split I guess open another one and find The Relic gain three points of Shield when entering a door that's a permanent Shield by the way and let's continue just breaking everything in case we find anything let's make the snakes split and make the snakes go a bit faster and at the end they split right it takes a while for them to split uh what would it be if my shot split I think this is better the snakes do not need to go faster let's money I would say I don't care about Max's life and my shot splitting might be not as crazy as I hoped it um no it's good we are so heavy into poison that just getting random shots all over the place and poisoning the opponents is good enough nice and then I rotate over to my snake build and cast it on my own I don't need to wait for it specifically to be cast it randomly let's not never forget that I can always use the snakes my own let's get my money and let's continue into I would say even more spell for now I don't need to go spell combining yet I would like to fill fill my whole inventory with spells and then go spell combining so let's I mean on the one hand I want to avoid Relic on the other hand I have rolls of relics twice it's it's a bit hard to decide which of the two is the better choice and you know what for get the split shots for the time being because I want to be able to attack in Poison opponents and this here being more expensive isn't really helping I would like to do a try a real Poison build with a tier three poison but the tier three poison is like 360 it's very low what hit me I guess butterfly uh money gives you money now I'm going to roll the MP up or down but first let's see what spell we get laser beam I would like to do a laser beam build I found two rares though I would also like to do a dash build I want to do the laser build though let's try the laser beam build that's the thing I actually actually want to do YOLO the 50/50 I roll as always I mean between these I'm going to definitely go relx but if I find money again I'm going to go money and that was proven yesterday where I where I had enough spells to roll but I didn't have enough money to roll so the order at which I will take these is spells first um money second and then relics third that's how I would like to do this and see how it goes in every single run I've ever done ever in this game I'm always going relics like always always always so today is the time I'm going to try something different also I'm playing on easy mode so a normal mode I guess crit chance CR chance is good in general uh I can find better stuff though CR chance again I don't want to roll again I want to accept this let's go see what we find it's a chis chest room pretty bad gain money equal money gain Shield whatever anything locked requires key not really cannot attack within 2 seconds damage a bit dangerous C change over time very dangerous cannot cast spells for the first 5 seconds so super dangerous increase casting tural and cool down of the one by 10 Ah that's bad lose to HP every time you enter the door no I'm not going to do any I I hate those rooms by the way let's see how this fight's going to go should theoretically be easyish enough um should I start using some laser beams yeah I mean why not there is no real downside to this makes everything F I want to do a laser build a laser beam build is what I want to do today if I'm lucky enough and only lasers nothing else oh this is a lot of damage we're doing here yeah lasers and bouncing bouncing lasers I want to do uh what is it called a ra party build yeah I was not able to dodge that so we're not going to be able to go to the devil's deal you should never be in the middle by the way in this fight you should be somewhere in the side so that you can dodge this specific maneuver and we won very nice hopefully we're going to get a good Dagger by dagger I mean a good spell I did actually get the secret room so shielding protects you from losing the chance to get to the secret room that's good to know uh we got good stuff here with a lot of slots alien visitor this has 15 Mana 13 Mana very big cool down but has keys Heads This has a less a decent cool down and also gives you flying State we're going here 13 11 scatter is like who cares transition over how much man do you have eight 0.7 0.14 um 15 Mana region 0.13 0.3 yeah we definitely transfer over keep everything we have uh definitely make my bullets faster and maybe even Mana oh yeah uh which one is the expensive 4.5 6.8 can I do let's do this I'm going fullon laser show today fullon laser show build let's see what the curses are maybe I can shoot behind me I have five keys I could have gotten the infinite keys when you die you get revived lose 99 Health but go for shielding this would be worth it now this is worth it as early as possible um I already spend enough money for keys I don't think this is worth it but I think five keys are enough for the rest of the game revive revive is worth it but we're playing easy mode so might as well keep my life let's go on the only thing I wanted there was either more slots on the wands or uh 25% chance to retire shoot bullets in random directions when you shoot bullets I'm going to go Max life here shop is a bit IR relevant right now also I don't want to spend the money so let's go for Max life I'm trying to do like a poison build right now to see how it's going to go poison laser beam built by the way I obviously decrease my damage I'm not unaware but also I'm not spending Mana now so that's nice who that guy blinked on us since when do the ghost blink on you anyway we healed let's go on and I found another room here hopefully it's going to be a legendary or a plus one laser beam okay let's obviously do the loop here blue nope that's red that's also going to be red that's going to now become red so it's ready and then we do red ah that was ready man the the one time I tried to do a double dip which I have never done in this Zone ever before that was the moment I made a mistake well I did a double dip twice left spell releases right spell 8% magic magic cost when hitting an enemy um so I guess we go like this and see how it goes Max Mana okay now we also have bullets flying out but we also have a lot of Mana spandage for no reason it's even more of a rave now it's even more of a rave where are the snakes going stay away from his snakes rave party raave rave [Music] party got him okay obviously I don't need the bullets I don't this like at all does this how much Mana 33 uh you know what no forget it in general let's go let see what we get Mana region perfect and spell penetration Mana region is an instant take so we're going to go man region on the one I'm using and spell pen on the one I'm using what do you do lose 10% Max MP not really let's go on I still don't care about the chest are very not worth it is my main issue they're not worthwhile uh I feel like I decrease my damage by a lot by not including the is that true though not including the bullets that I was previously shooting it doesn't matter the build is going to become what I wanted to become so for now we're just chilling whoop big money that was a good roll 91 let's get this opened very nice I have three keys right now by the way be like I'm not going I need more keys no infinite keys that's useless five keys are going to be enough for the rest of the game Famous Last Words as always nice this is going super well and now I want more splits and then more splits and more splits and more and more and more and more or or that or more shots double shots triple shots more and more and more you know that that's what I want I want the super duper laser show it's going to be the most laser show laser build you've ever laser builded that's my plan and that's why I'm playing on easy so I can do stupid stuff like this because laser normally is not that good um it's mainly a cool on providing weapon or maybe an activator of other stuff because this thing has an ability that says minus 5 on the fire interval and minus 0.1 on the cool down of the wand so that makes the the wand better uh all enemies now we're going to roll these display un Health who car rare slow down enemy projectiles and 3 m close to we're taking this instantly this is very powerful in general over the shop I'm going to go Relic once again this might have a laser beam inside of it though is that actually true let's go shopping we fun tracking shots let's get the key I do enjoy the tracking shots this I think always Buffs the other ones but this is effect radius so it's useless for us uh tracking shots on laser is going to be weird because it me it makes the laser go exactly where you're looking at it but I don't want this I want uh locking lasers not tracking lasers I don't wanted to track my cursor I wanted to lock on the opponent I found splits the other splits so I can have laser Las is splitting into lasers so I want this obviously what do you do Mana cost is very low but you're shooting whatever absorption wand oh uh I take this it has a laser build in that already is enough and then also it has less Mana cost and it also has a crazy cool on already so we're taking this seems like a very weird want to have in general let's actually use this and go rotate over this wand uh yeah now I can by the way shoot even faster yep that's pretty fast what would it look like here though bouncing is irrelevant and I would like to also have regen so what does it look here oh yeah you see how fast that fire is because it has very low no cool on actually this is insane it's like done love it I'm not going to use it though we're going to go split shots that's what we do boom boom regen double shot so this should be stupid yep exactly what I wanted stupidity is what I wanted Perfect The Rave is happening release the right spell cheaper no rock and roll ball I don't care about this we're rolling into laser so otherwise we don't buy anything double Keys double Keys we buy the double Keys double Keys R them uh is this chance to lightning strike 25% chance to deal the lightning strike yeah but the damage is non-existent eight damage here and eight damage here that's another 25% chance to do eight damage no I care more about splits and weird stuff one another laser and luck would have it and we're going to go spells as I said today is the spell build so we're not going into those other things we always go into anymore what laser beam and by the way as I'm seeing on the map right now epilepsy warning obviously based on what I'm seeing okay obviously I want to do a poison build too because I need these things to be doing something uh cheaper cost I could go double birth cord and combine them into a higher version yeah we're going to do that level these two up so we combine them so these three are ready to get combined and these three are ready to get combined so I can then roll them and the laser beams are ready to get combined so I can then roll them into higher versions of themselves uh double the amount of keys you currently own I have eight this might be the best case scenario of this so uh we do this right now and now we guaranteed have infinite keys that was extremely lucky by the way that we got that somehow maybe never seen that before as a thing okay so from the choices we have I would say we throw out this so we are able to maintain Mana better and if I do this we shoot even faster Yep this way I think I can contain Mana better same goes with multishot by the way I think this is better ah maybe multishot is not needed to be split away let's see how this going to go let's go spell still uh the reason why I'm saying the idea in general is I want to be casting very fast so that I can poison opponents extremely fast what is this increase MP regen by crazy amounts for a while oh I got hit wait for the Mana to regenerate yeah Mana regenerate might be regeneration might be the most important thing here there is a specific wand I want if I can find it which says that it has like only one slot but it has like 200 Max mana and you can eat through that no matter what one you're using parasite do I have another one no thund I don't have any of these again so might as well pick whatever we're going to roll these away let's pick things up this uh Mana region thingy money gives you money I should have used that really right yeah money gives you money should have used that earlier throw this out for a moment give me this I guess drink it and go so we have crazy Mana region for a moment this guy as far as I know cannot capture laser beams he can capture my snacks though which he already has I'm waiting for him to shoot them yep and he's dead nope no ah it's okay I could have just could have should have just avoided just saying let's see what we get I have level plus and two rares I would say common Plus for rolling into a laser and then I don't have any of these two might as well go with this my crits are better uh you know what let's do my crits better over this yeah shoot a bit less but at least it's a bit more powerful and let's continue or I could go is there anything else that's better maybe is spell pen better than crits do more damage I'm not sure it is that's gone that's money yeah yeah we do get oh almost got exploded to death there but they didn't yeah pit the opponents as much as possible laser beams it's a laser show it's a laser show well a bunch of butterflies but who has the best laser show going on this is actually the epilepsy build man let's go a bunch of opponents just appeared started jumping and I'm pretty much stuck in a corner but I should be able to do this nice we were able to do this avoid got him what is this Max HP minus 10 that's a worth it chest I'm opening this thing up display unit HP okay and what is this this is a close observation oh that's so stupid I love it and I'm flying so I can go through poison and everything else let's go Relic force on us oh you can actually see the life the opponents have that's cool that's cool I mean that is literally what it should have done anyway but I do enjoy seeing it for the first time oh I got hit did I I'm not sure increase movement speed um stay away from me please everything and everybody who did I get hit I think I got hit give me this drink it I'm running faster forever I should have actually waited for the Comm The Relic because the Relic could have been potions give you more stuff because it seems like this for some reason is a potion build two man the reion I take that not a second thought open up I get the money's power Relic for free I'm taking it for free for sure uh I fly right so none of these should be an issue maybe the spikes nope maybe the Flames are an issue but I'm flying can I test this actually yeah flame was an issue good to know I found the actual tracking shots I wanted unbelievable so we obviously will go with this and now all my lasers that split that split that split that split have a crazy crazy good targeting which should break the game I'm going to still go even more spells yeah we have like these lots to fill these lots and these and then we're going to go there let's go yeah yep now the lasers are actually more value yeah now now they actually have more value as they are doing the tracking shots perfect yep nobody's doing anything I could have gone to combine a bunch of things though N I want more spells nice copy thing that's always good and accuracy in crit chance might as well go for that and I don't have room let's throw things in random slots just so we have them all organized uh cop a thing do I need bouncing at this point I wouldn't say I need bouncing so let's go copying Mana region immune to damage uh money makes you money yeah let's go money makes you money and keep their immune to damage nice and uh yeah we're going to keep this on hand between these two choices once again I would like to go shopping let's go shopping man we might find Relic here what laser beam I found a laser beam by the laser beam I don't need keys we have enough for the rest of the game this is not what I want roll them I'm not going to spend the money I don't need to spell cast but this W have a reversed recoil recoil means it pushes you to the other side uh double shot is here which I am already using so we're going to take this yeah we're going to put things that are important to slots that we care about like this one for example this laser beam important uh these up here are not important none of these are important other another thing is important and another thing is actually valuable uh 12% damage is good in general reduceing discriminate damage by this one by ah whatever uh this is good but I would prefer laser beam although we will need damage at the end of the day but still I will prefer to get laser beam rits this is the one I have right no warlock Satchel ah this is you get three spells but 25 I gain a laser beam which is nice and two common spells yeah I'm going to take this this is actually worth it specifically for the laser beam so um we go with yes it threw something on the ground which is pretty bad and now this thing just drop the things and get back my wand and put the things as they were boom boom boom let's go here and then my two laser beams uh laser beam the split shots and another laser beam and my X shots and another laser beam so I got one laser beam lined up to level up and and then I got two reverse in reserves and I got a couple of spells too I don't care about the crit although I already have it I'm not sure I need it I would like to get laser room something volle I'm not going to spend it coins for that let's go for money I would say but before we do that let's close into this and just destroy everything do the trees get poison do the plants get poisoned no it just splits and then splits again I see what's happening do I want snakes here I could have laser beams on this triple laser beams actually double laser beams with a volley cuz I do have a vol because I don't have a vol m single laser beam with double shot and bouncing yeah that's what we're going to do and let's go on obviously money as I said the one another key for six I don't think [Music] so nice now we shoot once in a while lasers while also shooting once in a while lasers anyway I'm always shooting laser not once in a while nice we don't really have Mana issues the way this is going I mean in general we do have Mana issues right now but it's not that bad it's a laser party it's a laser party nice destroy the corner and we're going to also go to a secret room over there I really enjoy that we're flying and we found our spell book nice this is happening you know what oh do I have a pet yes I have a pet easy okay pet goes here these go away for a second and Petco excuse me Petco pet boom okay it's the top boom it's the bottom boom boom it's the bottom boom it's the bottom still boom it's the right this trans this okay it's still the bottom and now it's the top and it's the bottom easy enough literally using using mechanics put these back to where they were these are all still useless and I found a charging module a leveled up a leveled up charging module what would that look like here boom boom how fast can I charge this thing up if I had another laser beam I want to see how fast I can laser level this up pretty fast pretty fast is the answer can I do it even faster yeah click shoot click shoot click shoot okay okay okay okay this this is going to stay put it down here the important ones man region back and poison back and this is my build this is not needed this is my build and we also had what else did I have I need to never this is what I had and what did I have down here I think a laser beam yeah uh let's go spells obviously as that is the [Music] build boom bo bo bo bo boom boom nothing will survive and I'm mind busted wh the laser beams are evil now and I should pay attention this is maybe my worst enemy by the way because this shoots lasers that shoot me oh that has life I didn't know that has life well then it's not my worst enemy what that thing threw a bone at me that I never saw stay away from me stay away from me just to make sure that this works as I think it does I want to see this in action actually so this is uh I have right now for shielding I didn't hit this it didn't hit us I see we already have one right yeah we already have one and didn't buy the other one I had the choice to and AOE we also already have one and passive Rune we also already have one okay this I mean is going to be useful in general to have a second one to shoot out so this is going to be taken and AE is useless completely so we're going to go with the crits and if we find a third crit we're good 86 by the way I can fly over spikes I would say we go shopping again for specific spells none of these though what is this AOE yeah I don't care about all the ones have AOE I'm going to first pick up the money and I'm going to choose what to buy right now this is not really a ready built but it's going to become one the force gas uh roll these I'm not going to spend money on things I don't want and I found tracking again uh laser beam no tracking is a yes I would like to have the tracking leveled up into a higher level to have like perfect trackon I've never had that also tracking is generally good so might as well put it on this thing bouncing is useless again R them what's this book standing still 20 points per second standing still this could also be a laser beam build build right just have a laser he be like this is a 3 + 5 N I don't want to really really want to spend 35 coins on this is this full solvo build no none of these either and another Dragon shot plus crit hits six points per crit and 15% crit rate what yeah but not really that CRA no no no no this is cool in general but I'm not going to take it we're going to obviously go with the a I just mentioned I wanted to test out so let's go look at how many keys we got here I have 12 we're never going to run out of 12 Keys there's just straight up no chance I'm not sure if there were more re rolls previously maybe I left the room a bit too early but it's okay stay away from me nice the second one isn't really shooting that often I start believing that I should rotate uh put another shooting thing on it yeah so let's make the second one instead of being double shots I have a higher chance to shoot again here we go 3% chance automatic has spell using this want let's see what we get oh when when your health is very low you start slowly healing that's nice I would like to get something damage related though you attack from fire no roll them AOE ah all of these were mediocre that's good AOE should have gone with a slowly trickle heal as if I'm ever going to go below 25 life man let's go laser beam is laser beam you know what I can actually use this on this wand yeah that's what I should do so uh we get this for a moment also this needs to go somewhere else uh I can put it up there it doesn't matter yeah let's go double shots and let's go chance to cast and then you here can get by the way it's the exact same setup over here look at this I guess this is going to be the slowing one and this is another double shots if I have one do I have another double shots no I have a split shots though yeah so we have a laser that once in a while suits double shots and that's it but it goes where I wanted to and then the other one that is do these ever fire I think they do I'm not seeing this one with the tracking to be firing ah doesn't matter let's go I think we're good I don't even have room by the way that's bad we need to go into witch cauldron right now we're going to get more room because this boss is going to drop room on us theoretically my damn I was about to say theoretically my damage should be super low but no we have a decent amount of damage cool wh you come down laser beam and you're dead oh the closer to walls we are the worst it is for us because I my shots don't go look at look at this this is so pretty man look out how pretty this is It's a rave party we're not even there yet with a party by the way uh I want to be far away from you yep you stay in the middle please you stay right there you're in the perfect spot bullets yep that's not going to hit us no no no no no just stay away from me no no no no that's a good spot to be in bottom corner very easy boss in general unless it just jumps towards you didn't jump towards us nice Las beams go with poison gives us a win nice and we won and he never even touched us very nice and we got the secret room hopefully it's going to be that 25% chance to reverse direct shots and let's see what we get I open that a bit too fast I should have switched ones first what does this do manic fairy okay no Mana region if you have it on your hand or it's crazy Mana region if you have it on your off hand or gain these four spells I'm going to go with this and I'm going to rotate back to other wand and I'm I'm going to go from all my ones the most useless one is the toy dagger I think 18 Mana region 10 Mana region but this has very low costs yeah we're going to go here the toy dagger and we switch that and that's the offhand dagger guaranteed no matter what happens is going to be the off hand dagger because this is literally a crazy man the region dagger if you have it in your off hand and uh let's go on let's go on also put stuff in this like uh let's say lasers I mean crit chance cred chance and another laser I guess so it shoots faster it doesn't need to shoot faster and uh penetrating shots whatever crits do damage whatever it doesn't really matter come on plus one slot on that's Godlike after defeating a boss there will be definitely a blood dwell room this useless at this point uh coins give you m now we're going here plus one uh all the ons that's really really good these go one slot to the right um and we should add what to this thing nothing penetration I guess for now or bouncing so that the trackon is not going wherever into random directions let's go now I guaranteed want to go into a spell cauldron room to create the build nice founded 57 is 57 enough for this I think it is let's go might not okay for money there and also we got to go to the Next Room type of deal uh combine three things type of deal let's first of all level everything that is level you level up else come on you level up and you level up nice okay now these two are going to get rerolled into a laser beam is what I'm going to say so you get a laser beam and the other one gets laser beam you two I would like you to be the first one so I don't rotate through this whole thing 50,000 times per year boom boom and boom and let's do it laser beam no nope nope nope um uh you know what I'm going to roll this and if this rolls into a cord then I can combine the cords and get a laser beam 50% damage is good though uh here is the point where I should just go to this next room and combine four of my tier ones into tier two although although I can combine three of my tier twos tier twos whatever one Stars into a two star and then just straight up we roll a two star do I have everything lined up and ready to almost go think I have these ones the crits right yeah I have uh multishot is rare the crits are resonant Rune I can combo into each other but I want to keep the resonance runes crits I could get crits H I'm thinking if I combine all of them like if I combine all three you know what the one choice is combine the enhanced damage into birth cords the other choice is combine something into accuracy and then combine the accuracies and whatnot into these I don't think that's worth it I'm going to just continue rolling here uh 50% damage is good all but nice I got what I wanted so we combine these first of all I get the two star and now I'm going to start rolling the two star which is going to give us uh all of these are unlocking now 2680 poison let's go 380 stacks of poison and uh every time I po I hit something it gets four stacks of poison is that actually worth it by the way we need two lasers here this does not feel worth it what does the laser get at the next level by the way just to be clear the laser gets two penetration penetration becomes reflection and uh 50% crit rate and 15 damage and a bit more Mana okay I mean I I do need to have more laser beams than what I currently have or or I need to get a better wand 18 Mana this 23 Mana H it's a bit weird well I would say I should actually roll the high level poison away I shouldn't stick to this just because I found poison I want to go laser beams I I already mentioned that I'm I'm on the wrong side let's go here and roll them 80% Mana cost on the right side 100% damage thunderstorm 160% of the enemy hit if it's alone aring explosion makes explosions 120 AOE a very good AOE and 160 Max mana and I guess we're going to go with 160 Max man the way I'm seeing this yep which of these is better to see which of these two is better this is DPS not about 200 I'm about 300 this about 300 DPS yes and this is should be less yes no it's maybe even a bit more maybe smidge more this is useless by the way uh let's see how much money I can make out of this in case I want to roll that useless thing can I make two coins one come on no so let's combine two spells into a higher version I would say let's throw away the most useless ones we have Commons that is so I'm going to say thunderstorm stop time speed and a we the pet is going to be useful at some point use them and I got a pretty useless spell how often can I shoot this though is this better it feels better is yeah definitely is doing more damage yeah this is doing more damage so I'm going to stick to this for the time being Max Mana is very irrelevant uh I would like to have laser beams down here do the other lasers shoot yeah the other lasers also shoot once in a while so would I like to use charging mode boom okay would I lose charging mode with laser beams um it is definitely higher on DPS but I'm not sure I want it for now let's go with this as it spends less mana and let's keep these in the up and ready this has a 40% chance to crit so I'm thinking this power of tactician whatever is better than bouncing like this and definitely not go with the charging shots and poison go somewhere like here yeah I can apply poison with something else I don't need to specifically apply poison with my own weapon if anything I would like it to be here and uh penetration here I guess and I think we're good to go I think we're good to go I don't have money to roll anyway I mean I do have money to roll for three coins a rare two coins are common let's roll this neck it was a stone whatever let's go money laser beam okay nice destruction easy enough opponents are literally dying off screen nice I'm not sure if I enjoy this or if I want laser beams to shoot laser beams got them easy enough maybe laser beam shooting laser beams better because it shoots a lot more out also need money for the shop because I want to get another wand uh let's try laser beam shooting laser beams yeah this is definitely faster let's go with money obviously by money I mean this thing which is definitely not money lose life I got a when you drink a potion chance to get another potion for free you know what seeing how much life opponents have is really nice I'm actually enjoying this nice potions give you stats I would like stats actually straight up stats no% damage yes money for sure I want to be able to roll more I want to be able to get more stuff let's go what play your Carnival laser Carnival you know what Mana region would be better than Max Mana to be honest like 12 Mana region which is the legendary version of that M can get so many good things I'm going to roll that 50,000 times until I get what I want up against Relic I'm going to go shop with 43 I might not be able to buy that many things but my laser beam here a trackon shot there which I got by the way uh let's get the trackon shot what is this it's a very good thing that has a cheap Mana cost by but I can't really use it roll him although there was the crit thing there this thing the power stti was there uh what is this isn't this one kill yeah on kill spawn a tentacle whatever we had that how is this you don't move it charges up scatter a shot you know what I found the thing I want the power tactician because I'm using this in the first place so this is going to increase my damage even more I also found a snake I roll the snake I think goem and this is what I actually wanted this is the wand I wanted other wands may use Mana in this wand to cast spells and it has 250 mana and 20 Mana region this is one of the best wands in the game in my opinion and it cost 60 coins so it's good to know that it cost 60 coins obviously I'm not able to buy it right now but still that that's like in my opinion one of the best ones in the game because it obviously makes everything better uh as it works on everything that's the trick you might think okay yeah but your Mana if doesn't have an issue yeah but that is irrelevant because the other WS might have an issue right I mean the build the way I have made this build that's not a thing either but you know it's it's very good to have 250 mana and 20 Mana regen on a secondary wand because that makes it so that all the wands get 20 Mana region if you think about it whatever runs out first boom gets a 20 Mana region a medeor a rare and Mana box I guess a leg wi I know meteor in leguire I don't know shopping time let's go see what we got here well options minus one backpack slots minus one I'm okay with this and that course cannot cast any spell for 5 seconds that's no 50 manager no no no teleport random when you get hit not really crit Rao less no casting coola no teleport back 3 seconds ago when once in a while no we're going here and here at least we got money on one of those two okay with 18 coins I'm not going to go shop I'm going to just be cringing oh let's go all I pretty much didn't get a downside there I'm like finding less relics isn't I have reverse directions there for one second I don't know what what why did I have reverse directions I don't even know by the way this gaining three life but the St defeat room is actually helping look at all the opponents just straight up dying from all the laser beams wait a minute we have Mana issues yeah Mana issues is the thing Mana region easy enough we definitely go spells I think money is what I actually want do I have enough spells to roll into getting what I want I think we're going spells on the one hand it's like do I have enough spells to roll enough times and on the other hand is like do I have enough money to roll enough times it's a l l scenario n you know what I should have gone money hopefully oh this is mini boss the reason why I'm thinking I should have gone money is because I want to roll specifically the level two I have and these are useless we don't have any of these to even combined so these are completely useless let's go let's go mini boss and see how this going to go as a fight okay we have begun no I mean I'm doing a decent amount of damage pretty quickly here who he hit us we might die just because I have a good build doesn't mean we have a one a one a vctor he's about to jump I'm going to Blink over who didn't expect that now did you unbelievable that I didn't do the same mistake twice okay get our meta progression again and off we shall go into navigation plus yes I might for the first time ever get the thing I want let's go here first I'm going to get I'm about to get rear a rare level two and then I can roll that into just seeing all the level two so I unlock them spell pen against Mana reg Mana conservation I mean I guess Mana conservation I wouldn't like to use any of those less damage is not needed we have enough Mana region anyway and spell pen might as well go spell pen I don't know this is to both have more pen you know what more penetration means it does more damage right and more tracking means it hits better I want to see how this going to go let's go money forced on us this feels like it should be doing more damage the reason being that with more penetration it just hits the same opponent more times that's why I'm thinking about this I'm losing a lot of life here all over the place I don't really have a good spot to sit on nice and just like that I'm out of mana and I should lose some DPS yep I'm not sure if the better tracking is really helping us I'm low life we might lose we might lose that's still a thing it's still open for interpretation okay Relic or money I would say money because we're closing into getting where I want to uh let's make this powerful again so what did I throw out throw out the power of tactician am I stupid penetration stays power of tactician also stays I I I threw out Mana region that's what I threw out what did I put in did I put in two things what did I do whatever let's go money money over Alex as I always say I don't say that like almost ever yeah the crits actually doing more damage is pretty important now that I'm seeing it we are critting often enough the laser has like a 40% crit chance anyway so this is just a bunch of damage that I just threw out previously let's see what we get another money or Relic Choice I'm going to go money again hoping and assume we're going to find either a shop or um I would hope shop or um actually yeah I want the unlock everything locked in the current room useless might as well use it for that one door there here drunk open that door up and I got it money gives you money nice yep let's drink the let's drink the money gives you money boom nice good money and let's see what we find on there I actually should have fin gone there didn't find anything irrelevant when entering a room your current magic value of all ones is zero magic value what when standing still reduce casting toble cool on and scatter by 6% this is a really good Relic this is a very bad entering a room your current man I think this is Mana it means Mana value so this is going to kill us unable to read the label who cares no this is really good I would like it but I'm not going to take this and risk not being able to literally attack so oh we're going to go next room that thing I think is damaging you when it touches you and if you're in the zone something else happens but I don't know what happens when you're in the zone man the fact that it just shows a very small circle an enem is about to appear there and then boom an insanely huge enemy appears lose the life to get slow down time for 12 seconds okay we're still not there yet 5 HP on entering a door or stats R them crit damage I am crit build more spells slow down time against gaining a bunch of Shield I'm going to just take the slow down time and drink it maybe it's going to roll something else it w gain levitation uh I'm going to also drink the gain levitation and let's go on should have definitely gone for your potions give you stuff look at everything being super slow down look at the opponent not being able to play by the way I'm a bit sad that I don't have a better wand you know what now would be a nice chance to get either a shop yeah or or a witch Workshop both of those are would be really good right now and there is a good chance I might find both of them I like that with the health I can easily see what the two one is permanent increase or decrease body size you uh first of all let's take this uh multi shot's nice I'm using that and also bur firewor is nice I'm using that and we found which coldon we're going to decrease or increase permanently I'm bigger is that good I don't know what bigness does to you and we found a relic that says we get this secondary Relic for free and boom I got the damage let's go comboing spells time has come to build the build for the boss there is money there but I think money is irrelevant after two or three rooms so we're going to most likely go Max life this is 3d2 Max Life by the way uh anything ready to get comboed yeah these things 27° boom and then 48° boom nice done so the other lasers are going to lose out because of that but my current laser is not so let's actually make the build you go here Mana box is useless that's the first thing I'm going to throw out so let's roll the Mana box first and foremost arm damage this is not useless so let's keep it as it is for now and let's start rolling some other stuff I want this leveled up so first let's reroll this one into something else no no um rebounds maybe next one uh leg wire I would say I'm not going to use another leg I'm not even going to use Arin explosions time to throw that out okay you guys stay next uh Rock and ball I'm not going to use that either butterfly no Salvo no yes splits is ready let's level the splits up now it splits even more did I even have splits I wasn't even using splits what are you doing sift well let's continue I would like to have more multishots I have multi shot leveled up we take multi shots boom now it shoots out three is there anything else that's ready to get upgraded I don't know why I'm flexing my voice like weirdly right now uh let's go for the next thing that's useless mimic tube I'm not even using it right now I should be using it let's have it down there so remember I using it let's use pop pop you're gone no water useless triple crits we take those our crit chance put it down there we found a rebound I'm not using let's roll that what am I trying to roll this thing brilliant fireworks is what I'm trying to roll roll it roll it roll it no no no no no fin rebound very funny no no man region where I'm going to take that H the leg wire off I still want the brilliant fireworks to level this thing up or I would like to get one more laser beam to get my laser beams going no no no no come on and it's broken and that's that's it that's it I'm going to go live for sure I don't think we're going to find out one of these so this is most likely going to be the build what it looks like we got crazy damage up on these things so now we should be doing more does the split on split Works does this like work I think it does yes it does look how fast my Mana goes away crazy I have 1,800 DPS 1,800 DPS what would this look like instead of having this I go with this is it going to get 1,300 DPS because if it is then we stick to the almost yep it has almost the same DPS 1,700 almost with this one I think it's not going to do as much let's try again I don't think it's going to do 1,800 or whatever it was this feels a bit less this is a 14k and this is not enough so we're going to go with this as that it definitely seems more powerful I'm going to say crits go here um is is this better than penetration by the [Music] way let's see if this is better than penetration cuz that's something I never tested I'm waiting for my whole Mana to run out that's why we're testing the thing 1,900 almost yep that is the better than penetration then because that gives you also crit chance so by definition it's better I keep the damage yeah I keep as it is the rest can stay as they are this should mimic something Mana region I guess guess I should try get more Mana region on this is that a good idea can I have a permanent upkeep I cannot have a permanent upkeep that's for sure but I can maintain the DPS for longer still not worth it though we're going to go with more damage and the rest I just deck it out with whatever I guess so penetration here Mana region here I don't know R chance on this one oh I didn't test the splits out what would this look like first one laser that splits a bunch of times is that more than 1,800 let's see I'm going to also do the switch again because let's see 1,600 let's switch again just to make sure that this is not the thing that got changed the [Music] most and let's see I think it's not going to be more yeah 1,800 is more so and now what I would like to do is I would like this instead of having penetration to have split shots into dashes is this going to increase my DPS oh that thing has Mana issues oh yeah that thing has Mana issues is my DPS higher though 2,000 yes it is so uh this build should go up so this should be like this this and the poison should go up obviously forget the slowing you are the slowing team and Mana region should also be in this one let's actually see this now in action oh look how fast the second one just got melted and they go into random directions too it used to be 1,200 how much is it now it is also about 2,000 okay this is obviously better this is not tracking Shots by the way why doesn't this not have trackon shots because I wasted all my trackon shots into having all of them in one navigation well it is what it is what it would look like if I don't do this and do this for example my laser beam are what I want but the question is will I have 2,000 DPS like I used to have no I won't I'm not even remoted close to 2,000 okay so the build is this plus that plus that and by this and that by using this words do I care about vicious Crystal here I want to copy one of these here poison over crits uh first of all this crits is Borderland useless thinking if there should be Mana region on this one so if I throw this and this out we go Mana region and Mana region and you can be the poison boy yeah you are the debuff build so we got the following things going on the rest are not going to get used this is the build so I got my 100% damage plus a tracking shots double shots and that every time I crit which I have a 50% crit chance it's going to do the same damage to nearby opponents and then that splits into splits into splits and then we got the magic fairy her that has a 180% Mana region Madness that shoots leg wires that shoot lightning dashes and then we go absorption wand it could also be meteors by the way but no I think we're going to go with lightning dashes and then we got absorption wand which just poisons and slows down opponents with a laser once in a while so that's the build now we have random electricity flying all over the place this might not be do that much the random electricy playing over the place but it is something you know it is something 1,800 wait a minute didn't I previously was I think I was doing more damage with the absorption wand but the main thing is because it had tracking the Mana issue was still a thing right that's what I'm thinking here and then this becomes splits and then the Mana region is just instantly out the window but when it fires it fires well and it does a lot of damage I'm seeing 2.5k DPS there I see this for a moment yeah it's like 2.7 or something for half a second it's a lot more than what it shows it is Boom 1,700 I also have this electricity following us around let's maybe do that I'm not really sure what's better man let's go with this I mean at the end of the day I'm doing the most damage not anything else and we also have the electricity that I can control I guess to maybe help us out with a little bit of look look at the madness we're doing man nothing really survives even remotely this is a laser your show and just like that there was another one of these uh what did I choose to get Max life yeah Max life well I'm going to go there to continue rolling immune to whole damage for eight seconds definitely better than getting temporary Shield drink the temporary Shield give me twice immunity man I was not expecting another one of these so shopping time I guess again look at this who those pop and then they pop again I love it h yeah these are the trash we're going to roll so rolling time do I want to roll the harson damage I don't really think so it seems to be very busted hold the common come on give me another laser beam man give me another laser beam give me another laser beam another laser beam laser beam Mana dime three okay we're going to obviously level that up and put it on my want uh this got more penetration H whatever yeah more crits now the next thing we're going to roll is the common penetration nice nice that goes to the the one I'm actually using and now what's left rare rare and rare and do I really not have a single useless common that's a laser beam that's going to stay I wanted to combine the laser beams but it's not worth it to combine the laser beams the way I'm playing this at this point I should stick to what I already have working out these are all working out I just roll the charging mode into something else it might give us something that I'm not aware of right now uh not here here chance to repeat the damage 150% of the damage wait a minute 30% chance to repeat the damage at amount of 150% oh yes you see I found something that I'm not aware of I think I'm seeing 4,000 DPS in there it's very hard maybe the editor was going to edit something in and it's going to zoom in and something it's like 4,000 DPS I can definitely see it there so this this is the build now this is guaranteed the build now and I think we're good to go I'm not going to use any of these I'm saying I'm good to go but if I'm not going to use any of these might roll them you can have the crit chance and you two are going to get rolled uh spawn project I don't really care about this tracking yes that's nice and the lightning I really literally already have so let's go tracking on you because this has literally no this has control oh wait wait wait you go down here you go down here you become the laser beam and you become the thing you are but this time you do actually have tracking and you also can get Mana reg no you cannot but you have more Mana regen anyway and yeah let's go like this actually make this cast more often so how much damage am I doing [Music] now almost I'm doing a bit less but now I don't really now it's everything is automatic so I don't need to be targeting anything so I'm going to go with this it seems a smidi bitty better to me smidi rebound is useless let's go here rebounding includes duration though I haven't cast a single one of the tier tws now yeah I think this is better 4,000 DPS again let's rol the rebound no no no no no no no oh Mana region here we go and the Mana region goes to I guess this thing right does have man issues it doesn't have that crazy Mana issues it doesn't have Mana issues continue rolling [Music] this region again I don't think I need anything I I want the laser wand man I never found a laser it's unbelievable that I never found a laser let's go in the game Let's rush it down easy enough and speak thing let's take a one here boom boom boom boom boom bo boom bo boom oh yeah lightning Armada laser beam lightning Armada what are you going to do man what are you going to do huh blink to our side look at this madness look at this madness yep I'm waiting Mana is running out and go ler beams opponent's dead and look at this yes I'm right you get more meta progressions at when you play at easy mode because I did get rewards this time the game does not give you rewards if you win while you're playing on the hard mode and I got another three Rewards because I beat this in in Easy Mode unbelievable man easy mode gives you more rewards that's this needs to guaranteed get fixed I need to send something to the D or something they need to g g guaranteed make it so that hard mode gives you this reward I just got here from normal mode because I just got like 15 rewards instead of less let's see what we going to like exactly 38 Perfect come on give me I don't know oo what this is insane okay reduce how many Max HP we start with and definitely go with more Mana region man how much can I get into Mana region by the way uh the one is the most expensive one okay up to plus five plus five let's good to know 300 I need a couple for the wand Let's Lose a bit of backpack space and let's maybe lose a bit of Max life this something boom and let's go with the back and the backpack slots yes four Mana region this is literally a 22 Relic this is very powerful Max man is a bit less relevant but 3d3 is cheap like 26 for five life I would prefer 15 Mana over five life the same goes with backpack I would prefer 15 mana and the reason is not because Mana itself is good but the reason is because there are some things that are very very expensive like you can get a maybe a mad lad crazy build that's something I would like to create I would like to create something that cost like 200 Mana to cast and it just pops the whole screen in one in one click so maybe that's what we going to do next time or maybe I'm going to play with a water gun that's a useless spell that I've never used before so who knows should I play on easy mode so that I can get more meta progression or should I play on hard mode to just get a fight against the doo at the End by sacrificing about 5 to 10 meta progression every time we beat the game anyway I don't know you guys decide I'm still recording these back to back Al together because I'm going to go in vacation with my team so um yeah there is a good chance that whatever you're going to say is going to pay more role in uh I guess 3 to four videos from now I don't know depend on how big the vcation is anyway hope you guys enjoyed as always thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 27,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Action, classes, Guide, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Vampire Survivors, survivors, rogue like, Magicraft gameplay, Magicraft playthrough, Magicraft guide, survivor, survival game, bullet heaven, bullet hell, Magicraftbullet hell, Magicraft roguelike, Magicraft win, dungeon explorer, bullet hell roguelike, dungeon roguelike, guneon, binding of isaac, enter the gungeon, Binding of isaac
Id: WtMgf3fz2Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 31sec (4171 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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