I Have ADHD and These Products Help Me!

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[Applause] it misses two fingers above your eyebrow and that's the right spot bro dude i'm so nervous you'll be fine that's not the right tone duty flatline this is a little claustrophobic guys welcome to dope or nope today we have a bit of a banger on our hands um are you okay i'm eating carrots one video we've been wanting to do who's we a doper note but matt you are a part of dopano we want to do a video based around pretty much like all things adhd so come get your diagnosis no all you losers down in the comments below because there's so many people they're like oh yeah matt's just talking about adhd he doesn't even have it no uh-huh diagnosed loser i was diagnosed but i think they were just trying to sell me drugs lucky yeah i told him i didn't want drugs and they're like that doesn't change it anyhoo let's look at that first product i wanted to do this one that looks really stupid and cool increase your productivity by boosting your brain's concentration i thought this looked super strange see neurodiversity customer service is unrivaled neurosity i just read this wrong dyslexic did you know dyslexia is commonly paired with adhd as just you witnessed one example is what just happens does this help you while you're wearing it or is this kind of like a brain training thing well you see it shoots laser beam frequencies up into your melon once your dome is fully encompassed with these laser beam frequencies your capacity to think is much greater why well these laser beam frequencies actually act as ridges for your neurons to cross into other neural pathways he literally said why in the middle of his own statement he asked himself a question and then answered it what's the tech behind this it just blows gently under your ears [Laughter] okay so i'm i'm interested i you got me i'm gonna get the crown the crown has arrived looks like it's like a like a sea creature so i put it like this and then i kind of like yeah just kind of put it in there oh you look like mr tumnus you want to get in my closet you want to see my lamppost so the idea here now is that this is going to help me focus yeah so there's a button here that says shift into focus all right so shift into focus using music designed to stimulate your productivity brainwaves music time travel version two blacks out until 2040. goes into a coma we're like it's working okay close your eyes during the bass line and while the music is playing just close your eyes think about mrs am i supposed to close my eyes cool so what lauren said matt can open his eyes he can do normal things and it's pretty much stimulating his mind not entirely sure what is happening it's very unpleasant for you how does it know what i'm supposed to be focusing on for the full 18 seconds i focus entirely on mr tumnus i'm not joking so it's just going to be one long distraction it's just going to be one long distance i've been critically struck maybe try to focus on mr tumnus a little bit okay right now oh for like the next 30 seconds i'll focus on mr tumnus it's so hard not to try and make him laugh dude what kind of name is mr dumbness it sounds like something it sounds like numbnuts yeah there it is mr nunn is that like a bad thing to say yeah it's terrible to people who can't feel it okay so how folks do you feel i would say still neutral congrats you are feeling more focused what a flawless idea for a product yeah so around that four minute mark my focus started improving when i started thinking about mr tumnus so over here the bass line i started thinking about mr tumnus and then over here i started thinking about mr tumnus again i wonder what happened where you got close to being back to zero in that moment you guys started mentioning mr thomas oh interesting so it's gonna learn what music i respond to so maybe i'll try this over the course of you know whenever i feel like it one time i slip in like photographed by nickelback and you just score really high they're like in terms of this product i would say it would require a lot more testing but it seems to be made really well the app seems to work really well but i'm going to need to test it for a much more extended period of time to see if it actually has any sort of real impact i think it's a dope i would say it's a preliminary dope singer bot this is exactly what i was looking for because like i knew we would go from like a map product where it's like matt's like really like invested in the tech and it was like fingerboard and i love i want that oh i have that at home i use this to actually automate my desk up and down by itself really i love the dew it presses buttons for you remotely it literally presses a switch for you where did you find them you put it on your garage door opener the scariest thing about it though one time i was driving home from california and i hit my garage door open and got really worried i was like i was like oh no dude does it open like and i was like oh yeah it's not going to break let's get it i'm excited about this what are a few different things you think we could use this on you you can put it on the outside and the inside of an elevator and you can open the elevator when someone's walking to the elevator and then you could have the one inside press the close button yeah so they don't make it to the elevator you wouldn't make this a prank product why not really use this let's keep let's farm this give me another one so okay so you can put it at the end of a long domino trail so yeah like you built your dominoes like a mile long but you don't want to walk all the way back yeah boom you want to be there for the end dude i'm so excited because when i when i asked woods to do this this is exactly what i wanted it's so woods but it's so creative i would have never thought of that oh here's a prank um you could put it you could put it behind someone's book on a bookshelf and so when they're home alone you can just press the thing and it'll go and the book will fall out and it could be a specific book bro this prank's terrible let's get it add the card which pushes my button so easily now it's gonna help so look at this guys this gives like rick and morty vibes like what is my purpose you pass the butter wait hold on i'll hold it oh bro it actually pushes pretty hard it pushes hard oh yeah i'm not saying we should but we should we're just so excited we're so hyped for this my brain is exploding okay so woods you need to go actually find a use for this a real world use at your house i mean this thing you're gonna play a song it's just gonna get the bass we should have got like three more i can't wait to see what he does see what to read what to read so many good options thanks yes [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that was like way too much setup for that stupid bit i said for woods to find something that really just stuck out and gave him that dopamine novelty hit it's called perpetual marble motion is this what's doing it for you yeah dude oh i've seen that oh there's a switch on it dude yeah it's it's not perpetual motion professional motion doesn't exist bro that's not true think of us going through space perpetually in motion this is time now get off of that okay that's the one i think yeah i want this this is literally the same thing you just looked at so there's no switcher bro these can't work without electronics in them dude get it dude yes man you don't think like the the marble sound would annoy you after a while more than likely yes let's find out add the cart okay so this is the perpetual marble machine so that's where you put the big ball in it pops out right in that little hole kiss shoots it back meow oh no it's so loud yeah yeah yeah yeah do it again just turn around it actually irritates me that it misses bro you need a perfectly flat surface oh speaking of maybe you should put it on your butt dude have you seen my butt i'm not gonna lie it's not working super well but it still is like really keeping my focus like really really on it i'm like really liking it this is the reality of without it being on i'm gonna go ahead and say no it's also plastic and cheapy metal oh nice little bounce shot i thought i was gonna go i'm just short i'm gonna say nope nope next product i really like all these like biohacking devices that you found because that's really like the next wave of tech in my personal opinion hacking our own bodies actually this is a biohacking device right here let's talk about this one i'm gonna get this one get it yeah i want another one of these they're so incredible okay i cannot stress enough how much this works it's wild it literally takes away amanda's nausea whoa it takes away headaches basically it's touch therapy apollo wearable helps your body recover from stress so you can relax focus and sleep better and feel better i literally was getting altitude sickness put this on and it went away so basically it helps you take you out of fight-or-flight mode by simulating touch like this don't you feel a little bit more loved and a little bit more relaxed what about now yeah it depends on where you're touching me honestly the wrong place right time literally cannot praise this enough hey guys if you want to sponsor us hit us up yeah i like the stealth add a cart the next product i've been wearing it's called the apollo nero you know i've already talked about this no you guys thought up until now that i was under house arrest well that's on the other ankle this one is uh the apollo neuro so it's this small little device it literally just vibrates that's all it does you see this oh it's an app energy wake up social and open clear and focus rebuild so basically vibrates at different frequencies the one that i usually use is rebuild and recover accelerates your body's recovery after a workout after mental or physical stress when feeling run down or sick or after long flights or travel amanda likes to use i think the clear and focus because it helps relieve headaches and mild nausea which she suffers from this is a really really bad idea but here's what we're going to do put this on your wrist tanner i've never tried that and i'm going to use energy and wake up gives you a boost of energy when you're feeling tired or sluggish okay you ready tanner yeah we're going gonna go for 15 minutes this is one of the products i've been the most interested in that matt has brought to the table because i've seen him use it i've seen it actually work and it kind of tricked my mind up were you there when amanda first used that you told me about it i didn't see it she started sobbing so i'm kind of curious to really try this on it's comfy i will say that it's actually very comfy i mean if your energy's already up you might actually start to feel anxiety i don't really get anxiety in social settings i get anxiety prior to social stuff literally anytime we go to a drive-through and i make a joke this guy's like we've been to several parties together you get social anxiety it's okay everybody gets social well who have you seen throw back in the club more than anybody else you because you have anxiety no it's counterphobic bro maybe i don't know i just i feel like i get in my own head before but then when i'm in the moment i'm like it's not bad wow it's going so fast now that's crazy you feel a little nervous yeah i guess i'm like a little like what's happening right now you know who's touched me so much yeah should we like let it kick in for 15 minutes and then come back to it matt's gonna believe this is a dope he uses it every single day i'll give you my opinion somewhere after the next product or two i have a product fit earbuds what are these doing for you what they use is they use this plastic molds into your ear and then you harden it with a uv light which is inside the earbud so you have a perfect form of your ear oh that's huge she got huge ear holes i mean i wasn't gonna say it that does look kind of dope it hardens in there yeah cause the rubber they use it it's like moldable and then it hardens upon uv light you can't hear anything all you hear is the sound oh i see what you're saying all right that's a car let's mold some things around yours heck yeah dude so we got these uh ultimate ears right here let's get it started ear tips are light sensitive set up properly after opening so i have to like [Music] that's satisfying that is very satisfying yeah you could rip me open like that wow they must be super light sensitive turn off the lights yeah should we turn off the lights like that i'm trying not to touch it i'm excited a little nervous a little nervous for something to uh harden in my ear hmm fair thing to be nervous about though okay it looks like they're connected now let's get to the fun part it says pop both earbuds into your ears gently adjust them until they feel super comfortable and secure you will mold both sides at the same time all right woods you're shaking a lot yeah they're not right really i can't really hear much that's what i feel like all the time are they comfortable now we can tell the lights too next get ready we'll do a quick sound test to ensure a sound isolating fit before we mold okay let's do this how's the bass the louder there it is during the molding process the tips will feel warm as they mold to your ears huh it's gonna be warm three two one he's all like lit up dude he's listening to our spellbound theme song it's warm and they're still playing the music oh that's why he can't hear i didn't realize he was hearing music it was just off and i was like it can't be that much what song are they playing it's like ah wow wow congratulations your earbuds are custom molded to your ears how do they feel oh he did thumbs up share the love take a selfie the frightened look in his eyes i don't know where that selfie went but it went somewhere the ceo i like them they're pretty clear i could like hardly hear anything now take them out they should be really hard now yeah it's hard it wasn't hard before i actually didn't feel them before we should make you film with those in at all times because you project way more yeah yeah good idea put earplugs in and he's like yeah yeah that's what we'll do you're doing great what bro 10 products to make woods talk louder this is definitely a dope do you feel like that adhd defeated adhd do you feel like you have 80 hd's yeah i'm gonna be honest this thing made me way more tired i'm gonna throw in my review for this right now uh works give me a little anxiety at first made me sleepy after keep it on i'm going to set it to social and open do you feel it do you feel it okay do you feel the vibes the next product hear me out lifted you ever seen this doesn't it freeze your forehead train your brain it's supposed to i'm i don't know how this is going to work but transcranial direct current simulation it's just too stupid looking like the one you found earlier looks dope does this do the same thing they're all designed to do the same thing this makes it so that focus is not a problem if you understand anything about adhd you understand i'm [Music] my memory dumped so that's adhd too i totally forgot i was saying usually we cut this stuff out if you understand anything about adhd yes you understand how adhd works i still don't know where i was going with that you see what i'm saying dude i haven't seen a single thing you said yet but the problem with these types of devices is that you you can't actually socially wear these you know i mean like the apollo i can nobody is is the wiser but i feel like you're assuming that they can't look if you look closely they're gaming together yeah i'm gonna get it and see if it works you know what they said who's they answer that first everybody oh that snoring thing that you put around your chin looked like a chin strap and you look stupid tanner but did it work we don't know so that's what we're going to fix this time so we're going to change it up on this one it looks dumb but let's give it a shot yeah tana you found this product right yeah oh gosh what a preface i tested everything except this one guys this is lifted this is what lifted looks like what you do is you take this naruto band i'm not going to turn it on bro you can test it on your arm too if you want yeah i was going to do that first i'm not gonna go straight to electrocuting myself i haven't had my last meal yet so you slap it on here suction cups my floor do you see a dot wait what are these for so these are the foam pads that you put inside of the holes you wet them and then you put it to your forehead so you know how like in the green mile and the electric chair they put foam pads that are wet yeah and they forgot to wet him and then they yeah essentially same thing someone really thought like yo let's take the electric chair and let's make it healthy and i don't know how i feel about that what about just should tanner be doing both of these things yeah this is just touch therapy this thing they recommend that you use it for like six hours a day this thing they recommend using it for the last six hours of your life you know what else will reduce adhd to zero death are you nervous about this product yeah i'm not gonna fully do this but we're gonna try it on my arm to start and if i feel safe douse it in water and then stick it in there i'm gonna stick it on my arm dude i hate it already bro it's not meant for your freaking arm put it on the underside of your arm bro yeah put in the more vulnerable side of your arm it says don't just rip it off turn it off if you're gonna get it would you know what to do i can't really tell what i feel put it on your forehead then big shot should be such a terrible way to go out it's on a dope nope episode two fingers above your eyebrow and that's the right spot bro dude i'm so nervous you'll be fine i hate it here i'm not depressed again no it's working what are you feeling tanner i don't know i don't know how to put it it's like it feels like your forehead's kind of itchy almost a little are you okay yeah i'm just like you look upset it's just like i don't know how to put this product it's like why you know what i'm saying why bro i think this is chilling you out this is kind of doing good too i'm honestly i feel like i'm hooked up to like a nurse's bed or something like this i don't really think i've seen tanner so like uneasy about anything and like we've almost been in bites together like yeah he's like usually there's a comment there this is such a waste of money like there's no other way to put it meditation is probably 10 times more effective at minimum just like turn upside down on the couch you know let the blood flow to your head that's such a smart idea but also so dumb that's not the right tone duty flatlined least favorite dope or no product we've ever bought he got so upset bro it's like i don't know what they're pushing in there i'm not sure there's much to push but hey there's a lot of room for pushing though empty forehead so nope that's a nope next product you're gonna do anything after this besides you know go sleep and get better what would it be oh were you talking to me right now i literally zoned out because he has a very soothing voice like he's like passing a spell on me for a second like what are you what are you hankering for right now like what do you sleep besides that oh things like sleep this might help with that it's just tape this can be helpful for adhd we both experienced when we were hyper fixated we can't stop from talking about something he'll shut you up and make you go to sleep yeah it says it promotes nose breathing during sleep says it's comfortable and easy to apply oh it's not supposed to stop me from talking i think we have to get them now add to cart yeah mouth tape this is what i've been waiting for baby and you're gonna sleep with this yeah sure with your beard you're gonna have to shave a little uh gap i need to anyways whenever it gets too long haley doesn't like kissing me anymore because she's kissing my hair not my lips look how many there are i don't see how this would work at all i can totally still breathe bro if i was sleeping next to you at night and i turned over and saw that rolf i'll sleep next to matt in general at night i'd be surprised if you were sleeping next to me too it wouldn't matter what matt was wearing i would be that sounded weird with no contact they didn't matter alone but woods is wood's brought in the context of if i woke up next to matt and he was wearing that but if i was wearing like a small little red piece yeah if matt was wearing anything when he was sleeping next to me i would be really weirded out so if i'm wearing nothing then not weird [Laughter] see you're supposed to it's supposed to shut your mouth my lips were too wet my whips my whips were wet okay so what about going let's go sideways is that better no i can still open my mouth if i wanted to it's better for me this looks like how they keep the crazy people quiet in the asylum with a tiny little sticker yeah it's like [Music] does it keep your eyes shut oh bro that works when you're like a kid and you just like got like heck uh just sleep what happened i can't see and then you open up your eye and it's like you know what i mean the crust flicking off yeah did i miss sleeping like that what happened sleeping that deep right straight up eight hours all last night i'm like half awake all the time when you were a kid though you're sleeping so long your eyes were fermenting fungus over them this is a little claustrophobic it pulls your skin in a way that looks like you'd be in my nightmares oh that was such a good shot in the eye that's a nope thank you guys for watching this episode of dope for now send it to all your exes you reignite this the flame with this sweet and voluptuous doper nope episode they can also click out one of those two videos down below and uh you got anything you want to say perfectly sad we'll see you beautiful people next time and remember subscribe hit the bell icon and nick cannon wasn't that great in drumline we'll see you next time
Channel: Dope
Views: 1,221,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dope or nope, dope, matthias, hi5 studios, funny, funny videos, comedy, jokes, amazon, amazon prime, adhd, products, unboxing, dopamine, matthias vlogs, amazon haul, funny video, fun, hi5, amazon favorites, amazon must haves, comedy videos
Id: 7grOTlVslXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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