I HAVE A CRUSH ON SMILEY!?!? | Riddle Transfer 2 | Fan Choice Friday

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hey everyone it's your friend big noodles a No welcome to fan Choice Friday where I play games chosen by you and as you can see on screen right now expected of course since I recently played riddled transfer one is riddled transferred to which is the final episode in the riddle school series and if we're going with middle school I think it's like technically number seven but anyway before we get to the game on or a remind you to leave your suggestion for what you want to see me play next week in the comments below also don't forget to check the playlist and make sure I haven't played it before let's get started with the last one and I honestly it's wasn't better not add in a clip tank cliffhanger because I think that riddle transfer one like I think it was like many years between that cliffhanger and okay right isn't now how my master worded it I don't I don't know they'll see they'll all see how much word that I have oh oh well it's a short intro oh oh teenage be in the gym oh never mind okay so yeah okay we're trying to get away here alright close it yeah all right that should never mind the door it's not gonna put oh it didn't work okay I seriously thought they were gonna kick the door down again around the circle anyway you was here our lives are in danger here and you want to admire or spelling well I'm not in Mari oh wait some up here no circuit box okay wait what's power room key card oh that's from the first one okay or from the last one okay power box key card slot okie doke this is the second time in a row it could be you have the machine powering doodad on hand whoa all right okay circuit box is lit aha I got it so I have to connect this to either that one and this one to that one and okay it's a sliding puzzle that's an interesting okay so obviously that has to go there because these two are the only ones that come out of there okay then does that ever connect okay no it's gotta be nope not that one either cuz that one there we go that's gotta go there this one's actually not terribly difficult because you just have to wait until everything lines up that and then this one come on ah si si I thought I was gonna make a fool of myself by saying that but no no I got that right oh that looks bad the portal seems to be turned on but it doesn't have a destination yet let's give it a destination wait a second password there's something under here let's grab a paper woof okay okay that the woof is not so helpful your fede face it has to be it's having up there's a pacman up here oh wait there's a number here let's talk to Fred any ideas how we get on this mess Fred maybe if we just find a sleigh and some lemurs so no yeah no smiley are in education fun Matic can you MacGyver us out of here I'm sorry I love school you've always had better grades than me what and Zack thinking of an escape plan is spreading my head no I still yeah it's exactly it's the fire man it sounds like I've got too hot hey hey hey or it was there anything written on this No here and a woof have you turn that upside down that isn't anything woof hey I oh wait wait I just realized okay okay oh no no nevermind oh no no yes yes yes yes okay if you turn your head to the side it's four zero zero three that's it that's it uh-huh uh-huh 400 three yeah that's it now what okay it's a good thing zona 5.1 security kind of things okay yeah well bite um riddle oh okay so we're going we're going back to little Elementary okay so let's go Plus let's go for 30 36 42 37:32 wait I need to go to 39 37:32 how do I go to 39 oh man do you have to like play with it until it gets there okay or oh so it goes up five there we go okay good and this goes up five and this goes up six oh hey ope okay so this will go six and five right yeah okay activate teleporter will be active when power is on but power whoa all right here we go whoa we're going back to school I think why was he reading the paper where did he get the paper from cuz that maybe might have no actually oh my goodness we are back in the very beginning right or not okay crash whoa yeah we are yay so who's ready to repeat an entire decade of school yet no I was reborn ready there goes my drunken flash question okay miss coffee that's why have you been absent only only several days and she's not shaking anymore we were abducted by aliens then we got kidnapped by secret agents Yeti is a teleporter to get back to class yeah yeah I've heard those before it so what really happened that kind of is what happened there why couldn't we have been in a more convincing sounding double abduction well I've made it sure you have time to do your makeup work I decided I'm not going to be having a quiz so I'm thinking we have to actually we have to actually escape the school again actually oh oh no what quiz the new face of vis oh oh I remember you were the one with the blue text in that one cutscene hey egghead thanks for rubbing out my boss now I've inherited his throne I am I am become quiz judge of all worlds and headmaster of this silly building look at me I guess stopping cliche supervillains is my life now he looks like so cool I'd like to see you try that egghead I won't be the pushover that biz was that's how worms what we saw did that make it work miss coffee okay she she's gonna let us out or like not I remembers picturing outrageously oversized signature good name is John Breaux anyway you should consider a name change it's tricky to reach mascara in the trash yielded a light tan paper bag name paper bag can I put on my head come on I'd never talked to myself what wouldn't talk to yourself are you old enough smiley leave I tried to put the bag on her but I miss coffee let me Scavo anything I would really go for a cup of coffee or six doesn't knowing you can we just leave but she told he lets us leave now whoa wait whoa okay so we can't leave our chair now what are these time off pull these things put it new Jurassic guns boy quiz and his minions made some fast modifications to this school uh yes yes they did ok let's talk to Zack I tried burning my way out of this building but that's too much property damage to pay for just don't pay for it hey friend is there anything around your doesn't seems useful there's a green backpack on the floor you I hereby confiscate this backpack or science nothing in there but the trash can I put that we go yep alright now we're talking now you've got to fill the like tree decoy there we go ah come on quiz you can do better than that I was easy right so this is the original school right yes this is where we started it all right here for you Ritchie uh oh yeah wait you look so different with better graphics I feel like I haven't seen you in forever uh hi we met you don't remember stopping me in the hallway before I show you my home bath of course not who remember something I do in that case let's start over hi nice to meet you my name's bill egg tree is probably wall okay yeah seriously how's life my teachers didn't like me ditching my post as a home on her son I'm in a special class don't you have a smart teacher I'm getting out oh I see I remember that yes you do buddy okay let's see do you like collect buttons well what kind of door collects buttons and what kind of dork says perchance call it a hunch but I bet you'll change your mind by the time we're in high school I see something under that desk by the way the school's under control of aliens bent on world domination any ideas well I can't get out of here there's an evil mastermind so mastermind is getting too much credit Oh Elmer's glue-all take it whoa dude I'm not gonna give it to you give you the only thing I remember to bring to school one dollar ah back to getting a dollar breadcrumbs and Beaver sprit spit okay there is money I think there's something right there yep I knew it chewing gum I saw that what is there something else there no that's just the desk outlet I'm an outlet okay 42 divided by zero equals amazing hollowmade you define perfect Comic Sans this room would have 100 windows if it had 90 at more.when yeah nice thanks Bill so we've been to mrs. coffees wait wait wait check in lockers check in lockers let's check these two ah ah yep it's an exceedingly long division book my opinion is it's very what water fountain okay Oh janitor's closet get out no okay take the mop this mop could almost be a pompom a mop mop room really literally sleazy help my food it's quite painful actually get the bucket all right all right there there's a lot of stuff here that we've picked up already and we combine any of it let's just try that put it in a bucket nope okay I always try that in real school I heart nobody five was not here orange are my fave cooler I'm pretty sure there's not even a toilet that's tall it's very messy ah yeah that's all seem to be untouched even up by alien hands hand soap let's stick alright let's put that in the bucket nope let's put in the chewing gum let's put it on the book okay nope vanity area the sinks don't work but at least they look nice same as always okay I can lockers chicken lockers I'm checking the women's room I'm not looking forward to this but desperate I know we've never been able to get into the women's room yeah what it's a cave what maybe that's why you're never allowed to go there because nothing else it's a gumball machine the little girl she is jammed crunch shot I wonder if I greased it up a bit hand soap it is a surfactant the gumballs slipped out quite nicely with the lubricant let's grab some gumballs okay can I combine it with the gum you use chewing gum the book put it in there no anything else wait what is that I've never been in a living room before today but I'm 99.9% sure this is not what most of them looks like well how would you know if you've never been in one okay so the sign reads any human DNA detected passing through the red lasers will be shot this school of seven students and more than 50 lockers with no sanity so with all the lasers in the way I can't reach the electrical box okay book something tells me these lasers aren't for printing laser printer nice gumball wait wait what is that oh I thought that had to do with the book and so oh I get it I get it okay I thought yeah so those lasers will cut you to pieces all right let's go back all right let's go back to mrs. coffees oh wait no no I some I'm a dollar I need a dollar and someone give me some money all right it's burning my way I think I've done all I can do not Phil look let's talk miss coffee what do you think about all this I could really go for a cup of coffee what I'm a coffee maker House can you make coffee I think I can conjure up a hot liquid that tastes like coffee but I Wow I've got chewing gum okay wait oh can I can I put this kind of put water in the bucket bucket is wet okay now can I put chewing gum in there nope gumball hand soap okay wait what were we getting there we're getting there okay let's go talk to this guy again wait let me look in the crack gang at this pile okay yo yo yo how's life to click buttons they're not helpful wait I tried that before that didn't work gonna Miko that's disgusting the chewing of ice herring it but I oh that was perfect you guys are dumb all right Oh chub is here hey chub I like fat jugs but I'm sorry calling you a fatty that was out of line oh yeah you should be sorry for that what if you have a dollar can I get the dollar bag it wasn't witty you can come with a better mate'll than that bald eagle I like the way you think earthquake generator now that's better do anything new with you I don't mind being obese except for the part where it's really on home I've got on the fence whether I should stay like this or lose some weight don't break the movie seriously better you'd probably feel better if you lost a few pounds could you scooch over a little bit I'd like to but I can't move I'm only here cuz the aliens set me in front of the door that's the same for you in front of a court usually I can't get myself to move without sugary energy booth like it oh yeah I'm sorry I misled you into think of the cooking machine wasn't broken when you all make mistakes I don't there's the dollar we get the dollar back after being abducted by aliens and everything blue if I find any cookies lying around let you know I did you hear the school's over taken by a fat blue that claw there's a little room for one fat girl right here that's me bread crumbs in beaver spit sounds yeah that does not sound delicious I mean breadcrumbs would be okay but beaver spit probably not alright let's go buddy here's your dollar okay gosh I have a dollar says I can solve a lien take over it with your help alright I'll trade you for my glue stick take care of it no worries this glue stick and I will stick together like glue please never say that ever again okay with that put this with that just trying everything okay we need to make coffee and I've got the bucket I'm sure that that's something we have to do next okay so passed to you what happened but I'm another cafeteria here Oh coffee grounds I'll carry these around because why not how about we put them in there I can't put coffee at the water's still lukewarm what do you mean wouldn't wouldn't you want warm waters okay death will come to us all because the coffee would use our the cooking machine's broken useless blueprints family blue blaring wet aid heck if I know that stain looks like spinach or vomited interior paint and mustard she's actually found funny because barely cause the smoking machine - oh can we get behind it because that's been a thing before and I glue it back together I don't understand a bucket of water let's just go out all the boards and barbed wire that used to be on these doors are taken off can we go out another just like like normal doors okay but seriously like waters still lukewarm does that mean it's not heart yet oh wait oh wait I got an idea hold on hold on we can eat it up we can eat it up okay let's put that in my it's less flattering to know I would close up wait I want it I want to put the bucket of water there so then maybe the gun will heat it up or whatever is that not what we're supposed to do oh wait there oh ha ha yeah ok let me know if this is awkward there we go boil the water there oh don't worry it's definitely awkward yeah it looks awkward all right now [ __ ] it of boiling hot water coffee grounds coffee for mrs. coffee she drank a bucket full of coffee she's gonna twitch like crazy oh let her go she's a helicopter oh man alright let's talk to her now I have no idea how her hand does that but this room just became a laceration hazard oh how about the glue the gum that's not what I was trying to do I was trying to use ok alright ok so we got that let's see let's talk to this guy again let's see yo yo yo ok oh hello sugar that's a good oh no no don't give it oh there he goes wait why did that make him like Xfinity come job okay I should be good in that before we could have got it Oh eyedrops I see you eye my eye drops lay off if you know what's good for you what if I like click through winners okay what's in this box so this box right here then up and left the room this side left desk I wonder what's in it probably a desk guard monster hello howdy oh wow what's your name I'm a nitwit my mom and pop taught us on an intelligent they were probably new it's too I need to speak with your master he told me didn't want to speak with him and I take his word over yours all right that's fair of course may I have your eye drops no and it ain't easy to have no eyelid eyedrops keep me comfortable I mean I can function fine with the dry eye it just gets irritating because your eye feel dry right now now you mentioned I guess it wouldn't hurt to moisten it up oh oh way okay I see okay okay it's because it said conveniently situated something claw so I think I'm supposed to do something with that how do you do all right hey you're an idiot let's see does your eye feel dry yep okay it's my mouth pick it there's nothing I can do with this cloth while he's using rocks really but it's alright it's common idiot I bet everyone just one day one and beat your chest at the same time okay oh of course it on the way the Headmaster's ride to the store you mean quiz obviously I mean quit no I'll have to look I sneaked a look elsewhere okay breadcrumbs at beavers fit you like I could use wait wait what wait a second so I can't put anything there while I have an audience that's too hey okay okay so definitely have so I have to do something oh I put the hand soap in the eye Jess it'll make his eye burn how do maybe he'll like Tuesday ah Oh cuz he's smarter than me I bet math I bet you can't solve math equations of you birthing textbook you think I'm dumb do you oh it's on okay hand so what are you looking at oh oh okay can I can I get that back these problems are child's play I want your book back now you're probably just bluffing but I'll show you yeah I'm ready for you silly human math any day of the week now how is your eye all right I need I think I need the clock there clear this up container Oh what may have your eye drops wait but you're an idiot ah I thought I could get that but that's annoying okay if I got an industrial eyedropper huh and I put that with that kind of about let's go see miss coffee maybe we'll do something with this oh there we go I don't know why I would want to do that but now what is it it is a sawed open eyedropper okay and we do what with this oh but glues oh wait I was gonna say put the glue in it no no wait is that where he was let's see okay now can we make him do it again all right okay now do I swap this and put this the sawed open one yeah I'm pretty sure something is meant to be sitting why not take it so annoying wait wait I'll just take it back let's see yes oh now maybe he'll be like where's my eyebrows I need my eye drops wait wait what it better not because somebody swiped my eye drops I could I could give you that I could okay can I give it can I give this to him no huh okay well I got my soap back at least not actually a firefighters fire extinguisher ah there we go you put the saw I got him I got him I got him I know what to do I know what to do all right all right here we go move it back together it said yes I drop her full of soap oh yeah in the back there you go oh right okay again you are dumb because I've done this to you like four times okay there you go with that oh and now he's now he's in trouble yes you're truly superior hello how does your I feel right now I wouldn't hurt him wasting it up he's got one leg too he's got one eye on one leg I think he only had one arm - okay game saved nice Oh Oh he looks mad he looks mad quiz how did you get in here Oh quiz Oh quiz you underestimated I'm feel like tree what do you think yeah through the door and through your your one eyed guard dude I'm busy like dominating your entire stupid planet really you look like you're just dominating the school to be honest I mean you call exactly you call buddies about turns in elementary school dominating a planet it's converse oh really I don't think so I don't think so you can't just say that if you're our new headmaster maybe it's about time you did something educational quiz I'd like to propose a quiz what a you I'd like to ask you some questions and you don't have to answer them for me just give me a few answers to choose from and I'll take a guess which is right well that seems fine after all you humans are all bad at multiple choice okay you'll feel this because faster than your buddy did I left you behind who died hey it's not as funny it's longer running legs than my friends and I do it well you did kind of just take off in a spaceship without question not one vision was a project dedicated to destroying every planet with an evil population now tell me doctor visits death who was the first subordinate eligible to take his place who was the first ma I I would say well I would say diz and then quiz right diz if he was second in command he'd be calling the shots we'll see about that wait I don't understand wait what was business opinion of you wait so I'm answering for him what was business impression of quiz okay and me useless useless what do you mean useless where does my own invisible ears quiz back when I was waking up from a long dream yeah I do remember that quiz you're completely useless why you uh-huh question three how many am i answering these right and okay how do you Lackey a visit like to be allowed to use his data and Technology regarding division many minions hide division did this let access his data I say nobody nobody huh obviously told me because I wouldn't be the new world conqueror otherwise intrigue question for you said a minute ago you'll fail this quiz faster then your buddy diz left you behind to die how could you have known about that I skip this one get your paper how did I know about dis running up told me yeah die he told me when he uh I have no idea what's going on right now he reconsiders Finzi respond let's try that one again I saw it explained qo so I was getting them right explained a queue I uh I am and now the final question zone 5.1 the plays are my friends and I were trapped oh that place there is no I guess this quiz just became fill in the blank like Phil like pH I'll get it ha ha ha here's what I believe is the whole story oh boy the three leading figures of vision were biz is a new quiz ok this was second in command you were third because biz considered you a useless underling as such biz entered shared than to be greeted details of the plans with is so when viz was cut out of the picture is moved out in that moment did look secondly in charge of the faint of vision but it does decide to put it you would never inherit powerful top spot you limited is fast but not without learning all the project secrets that's where zone 5.1 comes in don't 5.1 isn't machine read minds and translate it into data if you get dizzy min about that machine you can extract all the necessary data and to keep disobey so your signals done by point when I'm with this is whereabouts I killed two birds with one stone this was an easy task because vision owns a zone five point one the place even uses vision television there must have been years of studies done before the project determined earth would be Zone 5.1 isn't just a place to research rare animals the testing ground where visib you month in got the way of your plan to steal disses newly inherited throw me the machine never got all the data you needed a reign over the cosmos uh-huh now you're here hopelessly lost in your quest to be a true leader now you're just the headmaster of an elementary school it's true I'm no leader that's right you're not I even let you walk all over me with that whole quizzing idea there's still time to do what's right quiz let the children go just let my friends and this school free and get out of here because we don't need any alien headmaster you humans can be smarter and wiser than I gave you credit for but all security measures are now offline whoo that's it there we go he's taking his little space car and heading back after I return to my home base I'll put an end to this vision nonsense myself oh man what a good dude you've opened my eyes it is up to the civilizations of the universe to judge themselves ah that's very very wide thank you I think egg free egg free who fill egg tree stay classy quiz and go and make peace like a true leader Oh way way way way way way way way could that be what what oh no wait I thought wait what Joey of joys this doomsday device can use ice from comets as fuel its biz finally nothing isn't my way not being overweight nothing is not quiz not those meddling kids weed is now vision is my vision no we're beating around the bush the judge that planet's garbage your cathartic destruction of all civilizations in sight what wait business up there must be him wait but the quiz wasn't actually that bad I mean I guess he would have been bad for us but not bad for people in it wait I thought this would be I thought that was it take me up there and your ship quiz I'll do what I have to to stop him oh now we have to leave the school we're going back to space this mean you have a plan now not really yeah but we have no choice but to try you're right I'll take you closer to the light all right but before I go I must say goodbye to my friends smiling keep on smiling I used to tease you a lot because I didn't understand you but now I realize your true role model for me bill any other beautiful smile of course she does smile come on let's see it it's wait I have a crush on smiley and the Crips Miley alright hopefully I can get back to her life I've never tried to use this shuttle for combat before so let's fight so it's up to you to find something we can use to fight that [ __ ] I got a glue stick I've never used mother come in in the shuttle okay let's let's go look I'm sorry okay behind the seats are got an escape pod beyond sign it's good that the pod is clearly labeled if we need it read compartment green compartment blue compartment and dialpad panel babies okay so there's there are six letters so green compartment Oh oh my goodness okay so Wow okay so this is this is one of the most complicated puzzles he's ever given us oh so I got to turn it all red huh well hello okay let's go look at all of them okay this one is well I mean this one whoa okay not oh man I had I had it hold on I can get this one there's that and then this that's it right if that not it where does it all have to be facing oh just reset so I definitely couldn't get that one right okay this one is oh man okay so to answer all those then we can get in the escape pod is that the completely what would that say abandon ship is gonna help save the planet true alright let's start here oh I did it okay wait how do I make it like check I don't want to lose the progress here please yeah okay we okay okay okay that got one got one got one okay all right now I assume that this one needs to go right-side up so to be like that and then that okay this one might not be too too bad oh I wasn't bad at all nailed it okay uh I don't even know what this one's supposed to look like oh I think yeah there is oh okay now what I don't know what the answer is to this I don't know can I ask maybe I can ask him now like cuz I got all the other ones I've never used mostly clear homage wait whoa whoa whoa whoa wait the it keeps flashing the same pattern over and over that that's it that's it that's it he a is C no wait i what was it e a CCA the ACCA e a CC a oh okay now what is there a key slot here to get on this ski oh here we go en what wait a minute oh really I would have thought you had some enemy ammunition this fancy spacecraft isn't there anything else no my son hey whoa dude wait wait we can't we think about this for a second pick the escape pod Oh Cruz is gonna sacrifice himself but you'll die there's only room in that for one of us in that escape pod bill clock is ticking I will finish this go and be with your friends on earth it's crazy because like all of the aliens were evil and then this guy is the last one who wasn't and he's gonna sacrifice himself goodbye project vision well that thing came out of its butt sorry sorry diz Wiz is gonna take you I feel bad I feel bad but you know what I saved Earth and I saved the school oh they think Phil died oh there we go do we get to keep the spaceship oh no I guess it's an escape pod yay smiley huh my girlfriend I think yeah squeeze ah he loves it go fill a little album oh it's gonna be like up alright let's get ready let's see the photos so I do I open it okay here we go yep aliens over the school okay okay okay okay this is like the credits nice nice and credits here originally inspired by Pecos school ha I don't know what that is I assume that's another flash style game or something like that the Chavo I remember that in band class big thanks to Dan jacksepticeye cinnamon toast can miss cream and other youtubers me yeah thanks to Scott Cawthon for inspiring a change my outlook on life and creativity wow math huh and to tell Jill geng for keeping the point-and-click genre alive with amazing games Wow oh look he proposed did you see that he proposed special thanks Wow well done yeah well that is it I think that there will not be any follow-ups and and truthfully I mean the game ended perfectly I mean the whole story ended right there rather than at the end of a little transfer one hmm that was a super cliffhanger this fitting ending right it's all over you would think right now usual thanks to the fans old a new for all your support this game is for you 10th anniversary for riddle school can you believe that guys 10 years since the first one until this one I guess because he said a happy 10th anniversary that's incredible well anyway guys that is it for this episode a fan choice Friday don't forget to leave your suggestion in the comments below so I can have something fun to play know they got old and his leg up next week I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course live
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 3,726,544
Rating: 4.7834234 out of 5
Keywords: think noodles, funny game, thinknoodles youtube, new, funny moments, fan choice friday, funny, think noodles youtube, let's play, kid gaming, no cursing, gaming, playthrough, riddle school, games, family gaming, hilarious, commentary, thinknoodles, youtube thinknoodles, phill eggtree, video games, riddle transfer, no swearing, lets play, free game, gameplay, family games, game, family gaming channel
Id: rdi7FClxI0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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