I Have 10 Dads, I Am Not Kidding

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i was getting ready to leave for a crazy party at my friend's house when mom barged into my room and declared mia we're moving tomorrow i was devastated because of her job as a supermodel we moved and traveled a lot but she'd promised we'd stay here till i finished high school i tried to argue but she had an even bigger bomb ready say your goodbyes to everyone tonight we're heading for my hometown tomorrow morning when i heard that i nearly passed out her dull boring hometown it was one thing to travel from new york to paris or switzerland like we had in the last 15 years but her home town that was taking things too far hi i'm mia and i have the perfect life a famous supermodel mom endless traveling crazy shopping sprees and 400 pairs of shoes but then one day my mom decided to move back to her hometown the day we moved back it was as if the entire town had come to see my mom not that 100 people is a big crowd but boy was it awkward everybody was awestruck at seeing mom and me too because apparently no one knew mom had a kid a few hours later as i was checking out the town i heard someone talking about mom one of the woman talking said that mom had left 15 years ago the woman said i hear her girl is 15 too you know what that means her father must be from here i was shocked mom had never told me about my dad and has always said she was both my parents i had to ask her at home mom was unpacking boxes in the lounge is that why we're here to find my dad is he here have you seen him does he know i'm here but what my mom said left me horrified you will not be meeting him i'll make sure of that i tried to ask her why but she just said that she was my dad she said she'd raised me alone and we didn't need anyone else now i beg to differ i needed a dad my dad just get ready for school tomorrow like hell i would i was on a mission to find my dad i couldn't stop wondering who he was and if he missed me as i sat in my first class the next day everyone was staring at me the girls kept giving me jealous looks and three guys had already asked me out small towns were so boring i was like a shiny new toy but i was soon to be very not bored you see as soon as my teacher mr jason came into the room he took one look at me and screamed joanne joanne was my mom's name i told him that we had moved back yesterday his eyes widened joanna's back and she has a 15 year old daughter that's what i just said immediately he turned around and left the room that was so weird a girl behind me laughed and said awkward no one really likes you or your mom around here i was furious i didn't even know this girl but before i could reply someone else cut in cut it out you're just jealous cause she and her mom are so pretty i blushed and looked at the boy who said that he was a cute brown-haired boy the way he looked at me gave me butterflies after school i was about to leave when mr jason ran up to me he pushed a huge teddy bear and a packet of candy into my arms and said take these did your mom tell you i'm your dad is that why you're in my class how could she hide you from me as he left sniffling i stared after him in shock what was he talking about just then a guy ran up to me and said hey sweetie want to go on a date with me you're the prettiest girl in this school ever another shoved him aside and said dream on loser she's going on a date with me first suddenly the boy from class came over to me and said stop it guys can't you see you're making her uncomfortable and he sent them away i thanked him and he introduced himself as aaron do you maybe want to hang out with me we can watch a movie my heart fluttered sure we had just walked up to his door when his next-door neighbor who was mowing the lawn screamed he was staring at me and looked like he'd seen a ghost joanne okay this was so annoying did i look old enough to be in my 30s aaron told this guy tom that i was joann's daughter to my shock he ran over to hug me i felt so embarrassed when he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said i never knew how could she hide this from me it's so cruel i gasped what was he trying to say were you mom's best friend could you help me find my dad your dad if you're 15 i'm sure i'm your dad she didn't even tell you i want to talk to her where is she before i could say anything though tom ran back to his house leaving the two of us alone then aaron said wow that was weird they must have been real good friends yeah looks like it yeah do you maybe want to get some ice cream now i was barely listening both mr jason and tom had acted so weird and emotional seeing me they both thought i was their daughter at home i wasn't surprised to see mom had visitors i could hear yelling and ran inside to see tom and mr jason fighting my mom was trying to break them apart but they weren't listening to her i grabbed a plate and smashed it the sound made them all freeze what in the world is going on immediately both the men dashed towards me and i kid you not both were crying tom yelled my daughter mr jason jumped in what do you mean your daughter she's my daughter i looked in shock at both the men and then at mom you want to tell me what's going on mom before mom could say anything mr jason said before your mom left town we were dating so clearly you're my daughter but then tom cut in after this cheated on her and broke her heart she dated me in secret for a month we were best friends and then she got scared and ran away i think i was taken aback while mom lazily on and said even tom had cheated on her so since both the men had broken her heart she would never tell them whose daughter i was tom looked hurt and immediately began to grovel for forgiveness he said mom was his only true love he said he never dated anyone after her this was so weird mom i need to know who my dad is i'm the only father you've ever had mia just accept it i came here to show both these losers i didn't need anyone to make it big and raise my little girl oh yeah so what about me huh i need to know for a minute she looked upset like she never thought i would want to know then she smiled and said just pick one whoever you want as your dad pick him all three of us looked shocked but mom clearly considered the conversation over and left the room both men turned to me the way they looked at me made me panic uh oh i turned and ran out i didn't want to be dealing with this right now unexpectedly having two dads wasn't all that bad at first both of them were clearly still in love with mom and were desperate to win me over so the next few weeks were amazing mr jason treated me like i owned the school he was passing me in every class and none of the rules applied to me everyone was so jealous i was showered with the strangest gifts mr jason would get me candy and dolls like i was a kid while tom got me all of mom's favorite music and movies i wasn't complaining though i did enjoy the attention and gifts and money oh boy there was a lot of money but sometimes i didn't feel so sure it seemed like both these guys were just really in love with mom and wouldn't stop asking me to praise them in front of her the worst part was when every day mr jason and tom showed up at her house wanting to walk me to school i kept telling them that i wouldn't let either of them walk me there was no way on earth i could show up to school with my teacher and my crush's neighbor the girls would give me hell one day mr jason showed up with a huge doll and more candy tell your mom i gave these to you okay kiddo ugh i pushed it back into his hands i'm fifteen not five tom pushed fifty dollars into my hand yes take this instead youngsters need money they don't play with dolls gee thanks would you tell mom if i skipped school today uh no i mean i can be the fun parent i grinned at him and he looked like he'd won the lottery uh oh i didn't want him to think i'd chosen him not so soon anyway thanks bye i turned and ran thankfully i could outrun them both and i knew exactly where to go just outside the arcade though i ran headfirst into someone ow the man saw the money in my hand and looked at me suspiciously who are you running from kid did you steal that excuse me what did he think i was a beggar i told him to butt out of my business and tried to walk past him but then i felt a hard tug on my back he was holding me back shouldn't you be in school what are you my dad he said this part of town was dangerous and i shouldn't be here alone listen mister i'm not here to commit a crime i'm just going to play some arcade game so excuse me he looked around and then said fine i'll come and watch over you i was stunned was he some kind of creepy pervert he seemed normal enough but why did he seem so concerned it made me feel weird are you like father teresa of this neighborhood or something no kiddo you just you remind me of someone the next few hours were great the guy steve played games with me and even got me ice cream best of all he said he paid for it all i had a great time and got fifty dollars then he said he'd walk me home that made me panic there's no way if mom saw me skipping school with a stranger she'd flip he looked at me thoughtfully and said he wouldn't tell her if i promised never to skip again okay i won't tell your mom if you can solve this riddle how can you make the number 1 disappear i knew this one add the letter g and it's gone that was quick you're a smart one aren't you yeah yeah mom was always making me guess stupid riddles now goodbye dad when i got home mom came running and yelled just where were you young lady she and mr jason were on the stairs jason had snitched i was dead meat do you know how worried i was i had to tell your mom you skipped the whole day of school somehow when he said that i got really angry i knew he was really just trying to get close to mom listen you're not my dad okay you're just trying to score points with her by ratting me out oh no my child that's not but i wasn't going to listen i went to my room and slammed the door while mom yelled you're grounded forever missy so annoying just then there was a knock on the window i gasped this was the second floor i went to check and found aaron downstairs he was jumping up and down as he said there's a party tonight tom said you might be grounded so i should ask you like this i was psyched tom was the chillest i climbed down from the window using the tree right next to it wow you look amazing i couldn't help but laugh but then i found myself telling aaron the thought that had been in my mind all these weeks tom is great and mr jason is really in love with mom but i don't think i want either of them to be my dad i don't feel it suddenly aaron pulled me in for a hug and kissed me don't let anyone manipulate you you'll know if it's your dad you'll always know my heart melted aaron really was the sweetest i was glad he asked me to the party aaron and i had a great time the girl from the first day looked like she was going to cry in the ocean when she saw me walking with aaron i grinned at her aaron hadn't even noticed her we hadn't been dancing for long when the door flew open and mom barged in oh no mia where are you mia i tried to duck under the table but tom spotted me and ruined everything she's there i see her darling he really did me dirty as mom dragged me out of the room i saw the girls laughing at me outside i pulled away from mom stop it mom she yelled at me right on the road no you cut it out i've never seen a more troublesome annoying girl before i could reply someone cut in and said really because i might have joanne it was steve but when mom turned to look at him it was like she'd seen a ghost the color drained from her face steve the one and only i knew that kid was familiar fancy her being yours i was thrilled to see him and ran up to him i said you know my mom he seemed so happy to see her but mom's reaction seemed odd she grabbed my arm and pulled me away saying enough let's go home both steve and i were shocked he tried to talk to her but all she said was stay away from me steve and stay away from my daughter not until you tell me why you did it why did you just run away and why are you back now huh she yelled back that there was nothing between them then she said nothing that's a lie and you know it you didn't even come to meet me come on mia we're leaving for paris tomorrow i yelled what no i'm not going anywhere steve jumped in front of mom and said you're not going anywhere till you tell me why you just disappeared i was in a terrible accident and was unconscious for two days and when i woke up i couldn't find you anywhere you'd even changed your number mom shouted back don't lie you stood me up just like the other two i was going to propose that night mom started shaking and that's when steve took out a chain he was wearing on it was a ring you what of course we were in love and you said you had some great news for me what was it mom could barely speak the news it was she looked at me and then at him and for a moment i thought she was joking steve was my dad mom said i didn't know you'd still be here i thought i hated you but i still wanted mia to see her father's town before i took her to paris forever to think i would have just left without ever knowing the truth steve hugged mom and wiped away her tears then he turned to me come here kiddo give your old man a hug it's long overdue as i ran to hug him i realized in my heart i'd always known it was him from the first time i'd met him like aaron had said i just known suddenly tom joined her hug saying i'm still your best friend hug me too guys
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 1,220,088
Rating: 4.8826442 out of 5
Id: O5KwuTMQv7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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