I HATED Final Fantasy... and then I played it

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[Music] get down here [Music] M I'm not going to lie that was pretty freaking cool resident cool guy here is of course our protagonist Cloud he's a MK For Hire who was also an ex Soldier for the Shinra company Shinra being your classic big evil Corporation except they are also so powerful they double as the world's government you can imagine how bad that might be he's working with a ragtag group of terrorists named Avalanche why is he working with terrorists because they're paying him no but because they're Ecco terrorists and also because they're paying him essentially shinra's whole deal is that they provide Power for the entire planet by sucking the life force out of the planet itself the parallels are very subtle but similar to real life most people don't care because people like technology they like their lights microwaves and electric heaters how they get those things is a very little concern Avalanche wants to put a stop to Shinra and their slow destruction of the planet however they can and that just so happens to usually involve assassination attempts and terrorist attacks now Shinra might be an evil company but you know what company isn't evil the one sponsoring today's video rage Shadow Legends and you're going to want to stay till the end of this ad specifically because they're offering some pretty crazy rewards this month you'll definitely want a piece of now I know for a fact that if you've been on the internet you've heard of raid already but if you ever actually taken the time to learn what it is well I did and let me tell you it's pretty great the gameplay actually gave me major dun into dragons Vibes with fantasy elements and characters a crew that you put together and hordes of monsters to fight the combat also took me by surprise turnbas with auto battling and a weapon and gear system that allows you to progress level up and build your characters to your liking all things I absolutely love in games this game has so much and with constant updates you will never get Bor joining today is a better time than ever as raid has a special summer Tavern mini game running right now where you can earn smartphones gaming consoles Amazon gift cards and legendaries go to summer tavern. plum.com and enter your raid ID to begin searching for hidden items but that's not all because if you download before July 17th you can also be eligible to receive a free 2 months of YouTube premium I seriously can't stress enough how great of a time it is right now to get into the game with all the free things they're giving away so what are you waiting for click my link in the description of this video or scan my QR code on screen now to not only download raid but also get immediate in-game bonuses to help you get started and hey if you down down why not join my clan milksters of America so we can rise and power together and become the shadow Legends anyway here's me arming a bomb what is the timer for until I have to get out choose choose a timer just choose a timer what do you mean there's no shame in 30 minutes yeah I did it in 20 P 20 I picked 30 but P that how you will is there a downside to picking longer than shorter oh judge you for it I feel like there's no downside to picking longer what the [ __ ] is this for go ahead pick 30 is it how long to get out how long to beat the boss I don't what I just make decision I want to pick 30 cuz that's a better number it looks better it's a nicer looking number but I I feel like you're saying that it's like some difficulty [ __ ] go with 30 huh that long enough for you on this mission in particular they're here to blow up one of the eight reactors that power the city of midgar and cloud is the muscle to get inside I just [ __ ] die just you know you have to wait for them to turn off but like what if I did a sick action roll through it you can try you a [ __ ] Matrix back flip we got the among the rest of the crew we got wedge a big lovable goofball voiced by the same guy who played Badger and Breaking Bad there's bigs the stereotypical tough military man and Jesse a happy go-lucky girl with a love for explosives I don't really think she cares about the planet I think she's just a terrorist and finally there's Barrett a big ass [ __ ] with a gun for an arm who never really knows when to shut up you going to stand there and pretend you can't hear the planet crying out in pain I know you can you really hear that damn straight I do get help and together they are Avalanche Plus cloud and they are probably the worst terrorists I have ever seen which is I mean that that's probably a good thing Avalanche as you can see it's just like a big group of friends just like my group of friends who all want you to like And subscribe to the channel isn't that right guys yes see and of their own free will too now back to terrorism you're not even reading the same book and we're done here are even the same [Music] for no reason there's so much room czy we go one at a timeit your [ __ ] turn can't wait to get out the of [ __ ] bro hey you see me must have missed true if you couldn't tell cloud and Barrett don't seem to get along very well and even though cloud and Barrett are complete dicks to one another this entire time the banter and character interaction in this game are beyond anything I have ever played I went into the game expecting the story the characters in the world to be my main interest in selling point and they still blew me away every single time every character is incredibly fun to watch interact with one another and this is coming from a guy who has never played the original so it's not a Nostalgia thing they are just that well written he's serious cloud she'll beat the [ __ ] out of us not my problem this guy think you're making progress and then you hit a wall knock it down you're starting to sound like bar never mind it's a good plan Marco is the lifeblood of our planet those greedy bastards are bleeding it dry y'all better to rise up Barrett who are you talking to the people put me on TV I'm going to drop some truth monsters instinctively Target weaker prey you better watch out then cloud can I slide left stick taste you could do that there's no way you climb down every I climbed down all the ladders it's like an hour it took so got boy with Soldier Boys in this game oh me you are sold boy sold Bo that's not nearly as [Music] cool hey perfect timing that did [ __ ] nothing [Music] sir so there for us we're bad terrorists themselves he we are just terrorists yeah you're ECOT terrorist so it's a little better I guess think about how many hospitals just lost power because of you yeah think about all the people that live in that sector but we were like bad terrorists though like we didn't even blow it up they killed themselves cuz we were so [ __ ] so as you just saw we were such bad terrorists that the big evil Shinra Corporation who had been watching us the whole time on security cameras which we apparently did not account for decided to blow themselves up in order to make it look like we were actually good at being terrorists these they're like the people who throw d okay but it's like as if they threw soup but they slipped and they fell in their own soup and then someone came in with a flamethrower and then like bur down yeah that's what happened what I just [Music] sced hero what what is what are we doing here why is shepher Roth there holy [ __ ] my goat that just so [ __ ] dumb hey man I got to go now my [ __ ] brain is [ __ ] right now dude I'm everything's mixing together I'm sure you heard In that clip my friend Lucas big Square next lover and Final Fantasy 7 fan who appears many times on this vide as he watched almost my entire playthrough exclaim anger at the whole seph Roth appearing as a glitchy ghost figure in the first two hours of the game I could only imagine that this is something that didn't exist in the original Final Fantasy 7 but I personally enjoyed its inclusion not just because it shows us more Sethro which is always appreciated but it also introduces his character early shows us that he has some sort of backstory to do with Cloud establishes him as this looming threat and you get to learn that seph has the hots for cloud you kind of got to read in between the lines for that last one now does it make the game a bit more confusing and convoluted yes do I fully understand it no but compared to some other things that happened later this is honestly pretty normal you are adved that was completely accidental I will now be going not even yourself dude I am losing it are you okay [ __ ] no got an ibuprofen lady we are then introduced to flower girl aith and a bunch of ghosts and then she runs away we'll get back to her later that bastard couldn't have gotten far stay alert that bastard over here can you open this so much for the direct find another way use the rooftop I'm never getting paid after fighting through more Shin regards trying to get to my paycheck yes I I'm using cloud and me as like the same person like we fuse dance into one thing sorry I'm too immersed okay I eventually end up meeting back up with the gang and get a train back home where Barrett ends up getting racially profiled just who do you think you are a law abiding concerned citizen a gun for right hand really that's racial that's racist that crazy racist they've set up a checkpoint here to scan the IDS of all passengers heading in and out date of birth residential status criminal history all that and more is automatically cross referenced in their databases public security wouldn't have it any other way heads up don't worry our IDs are impeccable what' I tell you have a little faith long is that where we're are we're under like the Dome there's oh what the [ __ ] yeah we're under like yeah giant plates people live on the rich people live on all they have down here is Little Caesar and then they have [ __ ] Dom up there ah finally back in home sweet home the slums to understand what that means here's a map of midgar essentially it's just a big Carousel the entire thing is built around this Center building which is where all the big government people exist and then everything around it is split into sectors like a pizza each sector housing a top plate where all the rich people and Elites live and in underneath the slums where all the poor people try to survive we are now back in sector 7 and we just blew up the reactor in the top part of section one hope you were able to follow all of that now let's introduce you to the locals I got a hot dog [Music] there's like three people in line can I get a oh okay what if I made it Morphine Morphine Morphine [ __ ] cron just where do you think you're going excuse me due to an emergency entry into this area is prohibited sorry for the inconvenience you call that a warning no sir in accordance with emergency regulations entry into this area is prohibited please leave it once still too nice this area is off limits turn around and leave it once if you don't I'll have no choice for use Force now you're getting the hang of it up all your God Dam head off person it's sh no [ __ ] Cloud stop get back inside get off me what the [ __ ] is happening bro theend I am blaz who the [ __ ] are you you what are you doing Marco this is his apartment he's got a few problem but he's not a bad guy the asked posted [Music] upass damn right it is kid's going to fall [ __ ] [ __ ] just we got to do something imag hell there's another cat here it's the cat hole hello oh my god there just a ton of cats hello thank you that one's waving you're so nice you came back there's three different ones scary man was chasing them okay looks like we're officially on for tomorrow night then got to go over the details with the others we're going on a date before you do about my pay you get your money so sit down and shut up until we're finished double time T I was promised I would be getting my money once I got back I got back I got $500 excuse me if I'm a little bit upset that I was like to I'm really sorry it's a bit weird should take much longer I also [ __ ] carried that mission so uh I think Cloud's in the [ __ ] right here I this whole Situation's [ __ ] I'm getting [ __ ] over what will it be holy [ __ ] [ __ ] me I guess I mean something's hard all right I'm not an alcoholic though just just once this is Tifa but you already knew that didn't you she's a childhood friend of clouds and also works part-time bartender part-time Avalanche Cloud eventually ends up getting the money's Ed and then is asked to join them on another mission this time to go topside and infiltrate a Shinra base but we'll get to that when it's important for now there are more pressing matters at [Music] hand perfect you literally get why does it want me to shoot one what why was he so hyped about that one I hit [ __ ] six bullseyes in a [Music] row oh he Binks it he Binks it yeah 150 point per round a perfect game put me at the number one spot give me that achievement [ __ ] out of here with this [ __ ] ass darts game anyways back to my seat we won't be needing you for this next job feel free to look for work elsewhere man [ __ ] you Barrett now can I get my money say that here wait actually rest of your payment you know what you're not half bad Barett I don't know what's up with the rized fruity ass walk Cycles but uh I guess it's intimidating [ __ ] off of me let go of me let go me let me go let me go dud I can't get out okay Jesus ah I can count on you can't I a down payment this material better be good oh it's a whole new tab if what the [ __ ] is that I can I can like summon Satan I I mean sure I have no reason not to well I guess besides the fact that it's [ __ ] Satan no take all the time you need nothing a woman likes more than being kept waiting but seriously get your ass in gear already I'm going to bed it's just another job how are birds flying around with all that 5G I know it was my fault I used a more powerful blasting agent than the directions called for it had nothing to do with the Moc she gas lit herself into reverse gaslighting herself to think she did the good explosion but really she was she didn't hey you do know how to drive right mandatory going my make my head what's going on damn damn damn okay ho [ __ ] [Music] [Music] what oh until we meet again my friend goodbye roach oh he called roach cuz he keeps coming back all the levels of writing the [ __ ] are you transferring in such a big pipe surely you don't need that much that's the whole theme of the game used too much in order to break into the Shinra base we first need a key card luckily Jesse's dad used to work for Shinra and has one but because Jesse's parents think she's an actress and not a terrorist she's going to have to steal the key card or well cloud is going to have to steal the key card while Jesse bigs and wedge distract Jesse's mom at dinner please tell me I can do this either silent or loud and if I go loud I just have to like kill her whole family I don't want to get your up but I don't think you get to cut her mom's head off no way she'll ever hear you I'm stealing her life support dad will be in there but it's okay breaking into his mom's house or her mom the thing I want you to steal is his life mother I assure you we're actors not terrorists ignore the bullets gun on my back is for acting I wasn't really paying attention to what we're robbing or for why but I guess that kind of plays into my role well I'm just kind of here for work I think you're building a bomb oh yeah she said she wanted to make a better no she [ __ ] she was like there's no way my bomb was that good they must have interfered and then she was like you know what I think my bomb was actually too good that it made the giant explosion I need to lessen the bomb this time between his body and the Heart of the planet so if we don't shut down the reactors soon he'll get caught up in the flow andof what's so funny so she wants to blow up she wants to get rid of the thing sucking out the life force of the Earth Earth because she believes her dad is tied to the life force of the earth and that they'll kill her dad he has a m poisoning like super cancer so to solve that cancer we need to blow up more nuclear rectors amen I get really hungry when I'm nervous like a to a flame man there's catch me if you can insane shot don't eat me he's doing good he's fine he twerked for him let see I need [Music] to if you didn't catch that uh neither did I but this wall of text right here is supposed to explain how you can level up your spells in the game but to use those higher tier spells you need to slide this cursor over and choose them I was under the impression that the Spells were just Stronger by default for my entire 30-hour playthrough let's see what this other one is do a hit him with a radiant all right that was I'm sure it was really [ __ ] cool just giddy with it it's been a long he didn't do much satisfied you come yet we really must do this again like what the [ __ ] man do a cool flip oh my God he so cool who are these guys these guys are Avalanche not to be confused with Avalanche I believe the story goes that our little group of Gremlins used to be a part of the big ECOT terrorist Rebel group Avalanche but our methods were too radical so we were essentially Outcast to our little group but HQ Avalanche ends up coming in clutch and bailing us out big time giving us enough time to escape with our new explosives and enough time to check if Wedge's ass is all right really oh he also did get bitten on his ass are we seriously doing this here this is crazy wow you guys are the worst huh your ass is fine may be singed but the only casualty is your underwear this is like a bruise or a mild burn at worst yo cloud weigh in on this now that was a gunshot stick a hand he did just smile at that dude get his ass SLA it's not safe here we should go this isn't a safe space anymore [ __ ] you guys hey man I just wanted to break in here but like it's it's been a while you sure you don't need like water or a snack or something I mean it it's okay I I'll be here when you get back go on now be free but not before liking and subscribing to the Channel with two easy clicks you can help support me for absolutely 0 but seriously take care of yourself for me me [Music] please I think if they didn't have that [ __ ] bucket helmet on their head they would have better peripheral vision might be able to see [ __ ] return to their homes and remain Indo until further notice dude that not even that guy he's talking to someone no one's pointing us out either does he not every years swing by my place after so I can pay you in full hey yo what give me a minute I need to get back to my place now go go and now for the cherry on top okay I get it mind letting me breathe depends M coming over tomorrow night my roommates should all be out for a while are you seriously that desperate just go already only if you promise to come back tomorrow night deal we've known each other 3 days lady oh I I actually get a choice here I feel like every choice of this game is a nonchoice I don't think the actually matter sure keep it up in the air keep it promises but I'll think really you who is it also does he really sleep like that yes he he does sleep like that and after tfa's Interruption he goes back to sleep and wakes up to what I could best describe as a fever dream of a scenario so much so that I for the next 20 minutes believed I was playing a dream sequence so what's going to happen to like reveal this is a dream state to cloud is Ste going to get like decapitated what the [ __ ] you I me a [ __ ] let me out hello if we look at Jesse all of her skins peeled off I get having T in my dream and I get having Jesse in my dream but why is Barrett here yeah I'm going to spoil something for you Steve this is the real world there's no shot not the real dud it has a blue tone to it I know this isn't the real world got to give this to you how much I got at the end last for taking the top spot on the darts leader board you earned it thanks G after you guys come back from the place around what kicking that can holy [ __ ] the story is that the the ghosts have been lingering around they've been lingering around and then out of nowhere one of them shows up to me and is like I'm going to eat your [ __ ] brain I wake up up the entire world is now light blue there's ghosts everywhere everyone can see them we fight them they break Jesse's leg and then we go into the bar and we go hey guys next plan of action let's go blow up another reactor who gives a [ __ ] about the grim reapers that we just saw uh and you're telling me this is all this is all real none of this is a dream is a thousand ghosts not like concerning well they're gone now what are they going to do they I we still be like wow what the [ __ ] was that seems we we were pretty nonchalant about that whole encounter what are you going to do ghost be ghost that was so funny you thought you were in a dream for this long everything it still seems like a dream state everything that H has been happening does not seem real especially with the blue t Hing it really like it looks like I'm in heaven right now well you heard me right even though we were just swarmed by a giant infinite ghost tornado the next plan of action is to go on another reactor bombing run because Jesse's leg was broken by the Ghost Cloud will be taking her place instead and now all we got to do is get to that reactor and blow it up should be easy enough emergency ID scan in we're [ __ ] emergency ID scan inog it's WS okay how many more of these are we he just wants me to walk to the end of the just going to keep doing this till I walk to the end of the car isn't it nothing suspicious yet a couple more scans will do it the door damn why am I fighting a big ass beetle look like an old model crab Warden [ __ ] yeah that's kind of hard actually hey see that that's his hard generator we for that this guys getting Fu up oh never mind cutting time it can never be that easy can it wa should I just use my never mind I can't use anything because it's another cut scene no bar it's not it of course oh good timing so long thank [ __ ] God and stay down good one Barrett you know Barrett actually wasn't completely useless that fight I'll give him back he did he did hit some shots speaking of witch what would you say that last one look like huh uh well a be looks dead now good one what's that behind the fan over there I can't turn my [ __ ] camera to look in one piece like seph silhouette just by the light of these magnificent lamps we shall lead our brothers and sisters of the unders City to a brighter future say what it's from a speech president Shinra gave talking up the importance of the sunlamp I was equally as confused what the [ __ ] down oneway path got possessed top sides going nuts after some terrorists jumped off a train nice and quiet here though so quiet I had no trouble securing your route into the reactor you magnificent son of a [ __ ] bring it here so where are the other just 40 minutes got all the time in the world this one comes with a remote Detonator we get out the same way we got in let's double back it's never that easy huh what where you going guys he's right behind me isn't he [Music] breaking news from M reactor 5 Shimmer has confirmed the no [ __ ] way he put us our ass on blast are we live and so to a people beset by chaos and uncertainty we will offer the finest Comfort bread and Circus the big boy I give you sra's latest Triumph the Buster your executioner he doesn't like actually have it they we working on this but when it's ready engineering on the line no for real the estimates were optimistic I'm on man oh listen they want to turn this into a spectacle command center right now let's take down shinra's big ass Mech in front of everybody okay sold didn't need much convincing there Cloud well you heard Barrett after fighting our way to the Shinra reactor it turned out to be a part of shinra's plan all along who would have guess that the highly guarded facility with security cameras that controls an eighth of the city and was recently threatened by terrorists would have high security and W just allow this to happen not them clearly because they were [ __ ] clueless the big plan from Shinra now is to put our ass on TV as known terrorists who are sabotaging Shinra and then to use a big powerful Mech guy to stop us unfortunately for them the mech guy is taking a bit longer than Mr haiger the evil military Shinra man would have hoped and it just so happens that we're about to walk straight through where he's being constructed bar Cloud over here oh what do we program it to like be a [ __ ] could tamper a little with its load out and give ourselves an edge there should be a console now we're cooking it's still going to be the hardest boss way in the game surprise grounders all right what did he call me [ __ ] it I'm get rid of another a big bomber I don't like my robots firing nukes personally so now we're looking at a robot with uh half its Ai No bombs that should be good look they're still prepping it they're here hold them back buy us every second you can what is the status of report expected watch think it's supposed to sound that dude got the [ __ ] Xbox Live [ __ ] we really did it great timing right on the money yeah damn that high five and I get the Shoulder bro that was [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that seems to work best what don't rush it no need to grip it so hard how about a chance to help us time it right this is exhausting shut the [ __ ] up thank you what is Marco the life stream the life blood of the planet our planet but Shinra keeps on slurping it up like a Thirsty Dog what do you think's going to happen if you don't stop huh H we do indeed to keep on slurping it up as you say but there D big boy is tough hit it right after it strike my turn that was a lot did that so much faster than I did dude I was playing my [ __ ] heart out dude I was like micromanaging everything that's the type of [ __ ] like micromanaging [ __ ] you get from like I don't know I wouldn't expect it from a game like this felt like [ __ ] FNAF where I'm like checking every cam [ __ ] flipping up like like where the [ __ ] foxy where's it like that's what I was doing I was like all right what's the health what's the health okay he has a bar he has a bar so he has to attack now he needs to farm bar and then give him Shields so then he takes the damage like dude there's so much [ __ ] so we defeated the big robot and Shinra I think just blew up their own reactor a second time time to once again make it look like we're a good terrorists so I mean thanks guys I appreciate it but I wanted to take a quick step away from the story to talk about this boss fight and the combat in general you heard me kind of spouting about it at the end of the last clip but this boss fight is genuinely one of the best in the entire game at least top three and introduces the player so perfectly into what full party combat looks like I'm sure to some that makes very little sense so let me explain in this game you control Cloud he's the main character and you will always control Cloud his gamep playay is unique with a main attack and a stance swap ability for stronger attacks all characters deal normal attacks with these buttons which then builds the ATP bar when these bars filled they can be spent on abilities that your character learns with new weapons so playing as cloud is simple you just normal attack block roll around build ATP and unleash big attacks on opponents but when you then add more characters up to a total of three into the mix things start to get a bit complicated in combat with other party members Cloud can be swapped to any of the other party members who will each have their own strengths weaknesses and play Styles as well as a unique abilities the Allies will fight on their own when they're not controlled but build ATP very slowly still as any other character you could spend ATP bar on other characters while not in their control so for instance I could play as cloud and I have a bar of ATP on Tifa and I can use that bar on Tifa as an action to throw a healing potion towards my cloud so with a full party you're not only focused on your own HP and ATB bar but you're maging three characters HP and ATB bars who each have their own different skills they are best at and abilities you're going to want to use this adds such an insane layer of depth to the combat which leads into the microm managing play style that I mentioned in the earlier clip this game was made to be an almost realtime turn based game and on paper that sounds impossible but this is about as close as you could get and honestly I think they nailed it when the combat works it works beautifully and feels amazing to pull off now there are still parts of the combat that annoy me such as enemies that need certain Elemental types to beat them or Magic versus physical or annoying requirements in combat that really just take me out of it and feel more like a hassle than a fun mechanic but when you get those bosses that allow you to use every character they're the fullest and have you micromanaging everything at the edge of your seat those are where the combat in this game shines and even though I went into this game not expecting it to be a highlight some of the fights in this game will live forever in my head rentree this one being one of them anyway where were we oh yeah Cloud fell down a hole into an abyss Al a flower girl ath it's ath and you are what you don't remember what about the flowers oh the do imply this bed of flowers broke my fall You Came Crashing through the roof without so much as a lookout below fell right into my flow how am I alive everyone's trying to [ __ ] watch the flowers you heard the lady I'm up next [ __ ] I just wanted to Cloud no dude please they're in the Attic should we pursue leave them be but sir Partners got it we are out beginner's luck go gave up real quick push her off they gone yeah think so what are they I think actually I don't know let's just go good guess that suit from earlier he was one of shinra's Turks what's a Turk want with you don't know hey don't keep an eye out for potential soldiers and stuff they do more than just Scout for candidates Turks get called in to handle all kinds of situations with extreme prejudice professional bad guys got to love them so what's Ed to you looked like you knew each other maybe he thought I could be the greatest Soldier yet forget it h you mad she just Trollface me uh what is that hel what are those helicopters doing chilling you would surely get tetanus on this that's exactly what I thought that is it would hurt so [ __ ] bad that would not be a fun experience oh [ __ ] was in this game also this bothered the [ __ ] out of me look at that box that you just moved you couldn't have pushed it one more time to make it flush with the other two I no need now get little Heidi all the now I've got you she's confused as [ __ ] did she get out of there uhoh free at last so now that we've seen all the new friends and foes in this area of the game here's the breakdown of each this is aith the flower girl from way earlier I'm sure you remember about 40 minutes ago she is being hunted down by these two dudes in suits referred to as the Turks they are a subdivision of essentially mercenaries that work for Shinra the ones shown here are Reno your classic red-haired edgy Anime boy and Roode his Alpha boyfriend Cloud at this point was out cold for who knows how long after falling from the literal sky so for the time being he's working as Eric's bodyguard as they slowly try to make their way from Sector 5 back to sector 7 to check in with Tifa and Barrett you know to let them know he didn't die from a 500t fall that's it must have been a new breed how do you figure cuz they went for the stronger prey there check it out the heart of the slums is that the the pile of trash still a fair ways off well we can take a detail getting that's really misle abouted since I'm so generous I gather medicinal herbs for his patient sometimes here's the Le she's so humble want one of these oh wow there you go that's my house it's amazing why why does she have the one goodlooking house in this sea of my house is this way my bad the Sea of dog [ __ ] dude Big's lived in like a cardboard box what what is this damn the [ __ ] it's sh oh my God Fox tailes huh I got to hand it to you I never would have thought of that it'll definitely take them by surprise I think we still need a few more which should we pick next take another one of fox tail [ __ ] I can't go get any others it's just these three then yeah I'm going double dipping she said as many as you can carry so maybe a few more you know the TR don't even talk to me I think we're good now what do you say shall we go she not you're not entertaining that any further they did such a good job decorating did they actually just not decorate it cuz you did one just that was the decoration just just that I really went all out with this one pretty flower pretty blue flower won't you talk to me not blue it we still have plenty of time what the [ __ ] is that kid in the back I give you permission oh boy if you thought picking flowers to decorate an orphanage in Weeds was fun then you'll love the various side quest this game offers in various regions of the game you'll encounter areas where you can explore and do anywhere from six to n side quests the rewards from these usually are just a couple Gill or items nothing to groundbreaking or game shattering so they could be easily skipped if you'd like I personally did every side quest in the game that was made available to me and while the rewards were mid and some of them were pretty boring the overall World building in them outshines any game I've played previously the environments in this game already looked incredible and with these giant set pieces and storytelling that really immerse you into the world that they've created you learn the layouts of midgar you know how it runs its hierarchy its people's way of life the feel of its environments the World building is just amazing in this game period but the quests really add this other aspect to it after doing Quest NPCs in the region will begin to respond and talk about your accomplishments you will walk through the streets and hear gossip about the Beast you just slayed for some old man and that level of immersion blew me away yeah this is Hur someone talking about me this feature makes the whole world feel more alive and real than anything I've ever played before some quests even lead to World changes for example if you help out the orphanage kids enough they eventually see Cloud as their Idol and they make their own wooden Buster swords to wear on their back this helps so much in the immersion and liveliness of the world and although you could always just skip the quest and continue on with the story I highly recommend them for these factors alone I will say unfortunately there are some inconsistencies that do occur if you start doing a lot of the quests that you you might notice and some of them are just in the way Cloud acts cuz in some quests he'll be his same old edgy hater self I have a problem it's the anniversary of my wife's death and I wanted to gu would you do me a favor and go there in my stad she shouldn't be alone today it'll that's fine that's fine the graveyard right the head ofur this is the key run it back toi I just told you about my legs why don't you just give it back okay it'll cost you 5,000 Gil though 5,000 it's always money with you people fine it feels good to help people out doesn't it and at other times he's just really nice in like a distant way you know how cloud is I bet a soldier could beat him up easy oh yeah real easy but here's the thing I don't work for free they're [ __ ] cough it up cough any money I'll do it for three Gill huh I'm offering a special discount right now on toad King jobs looks like it's your lucky day and this just seems to be the nature of the quest versus the storyline version of cloud but there's also a later inconsistency where a character says something to the likes of cloud you should go to the orphanage and see the kid kids and my cloud is like no promises but like I did that and the kids loved him so what is cloud on about but I I don't think these things take away from how well done the quest system and its immersion actually is and I would still highly recommend them if you want to get this full experience that this game offers even with their small problems story-wise anyway back to the main story line again guess who we're talking about this do you SEO the war hero I know he died in an accident 5 years ago they said so on the news maybe they did but I've got a feeling he's still alive hey out [ __ ] nowhere come on let's go why does he have cowboy music hello aith what you want haven't seen him before he your new boy toy dude that voice is he the one who beat up Reno and what if I am [ __ ] he's just spamming bro what is this [ __ ] I'm fighting King now he's done that glasses [ __ ] broke he has another [ __ ] P I don't believe that I have of course he [ __ ] does oh son of a [ __ ] get him God damn it bro it's everywhere hey there partner get your ass back here now understood bro okay oh my God he does even they don't even land in either B judging by those eyes I'm guessing you're a soldier ex Soldier I hate to ask but would you leave tonight without any fuss no questions you boys made a trade a normal life for power you can't have it both ways she going to like hear me the middle of the night I'm not exactly quiet oh be careful not the bump into anything by accident [Music] wow what are you doing St so how do I get it's simple enough just cut through sector 6 promise me you'll never talk to aith again please you got it thank you she a [ __ ] I'm sorry oh never mind oh [ __ ] character what wait I don't have to actually do this wait no I do can she teleport what are you doing here her mom's going to be pissed oh for sure oh my God another migraine I cried Cloud a fake tear ER back so what was seph Ro was he like midgar like Hindenburg explosion oh like what disaster would you rank him like when he first showed up and burnt down that town then died he's been a homie like before that like G knew who he was and then he just what's a historical like G who went crazy oh any mailman that like shot people basically just went postal was that a pun what fan of that one if it was intentional I wasn't Lu here boys caught us some B the [ __ ] are these guys he looks like the [ __ ] dude with the fishing rod from JoJo okay guys whatever you do don't move why can't I just don't look I'm super dead is he the only one that does it a even a did it not half bad so do you Moonlight as a crane operator or something yeah damn oh no look does he not understand what the [ __ ] a that went pretty well sure did uh huh wait a minute did you just nope don't worry we'll be on the same page next time what are you talking about I'm sorry okay Cloud up top oh my god dude why is it so long you're about to leave her hanging guess this is it then ready oh yeah what the [ __ ] what what I was gone for like 8 hours I'll explain everything later not back was I out for like a [ __ ] month dude what happened you've seen how much ass I can kick I have yeah yeah okay off to the circus with her oh no you don't you're going after her she's a big girl good she can handle the likes of him and where is she going to meet him a mansion filled with his goons his what what is the wild west doing down here what she look like well uh uh great description um well they wouldn't know she's a great fighter what I don't even what does that imply she has glasses she's in great shape is that really important what the [ __ ] are you you're talking about Tif oh he knows whatever rest of gang how [ __ ] long have I been out hea's now just like getting kidnapped by a clown man Barrett's nowhere to be seen Jesse and all them in gang are not a part of this operation seemingly I what is what is happening South welcome to wall Market the pleasure capital of midgar that's got everything for everybody no all right what about that one um like hotel ah I think it does it does say it right [ __ ] there oh there you go holy [ __ ] he's good at this this one you got this one uh Tong dong Tong store dong Tong is like a name I guess I know it says store at the very least that's how Noah would have pronounced this bro well yeah you wantong is that better what the [ __ ] is a phone book good for anymore like actually you know what the only thing I've seen people use it for is to like test if they can rip it in half like as a strong man my dad told me you can use it to beat your kids all right well I'm sure he's he's not wrong never did it to me but he was like if you punch someone and they're holding or hit someone with a phone book it doesn't leave a bruise or something like that he said don't act up he like don't talk crazy you're like four years old no one would know I don't have any more funny bits or likeing subscribing but if you got this far without doing either that's just impressive well if you must know I've wanted to be a dancer ever since I was a little girl I come here at night to live the dream I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell the children okay that's fine I thought you were like a teacher with a side job of Alleyway prostitute I was going to be like that's that's crazy oh there actual cats up there oh my God hello he's reaching his hand down oh my God all right surely some shit's going to happen here it out I think we might have found our housekeeping damn this place is like a [ __ ] hole seriously Les she's not half bad with a little work I bet she'd clean up real nice Cloud requesting permission to kill gooded you're really sure you want to join an audition then you're going to need to get official approval the only ones in town who are considered authorities on cornel's particular tastes first there's Chocobo Sam and then there's Madame M over at the massage parlor last but not least there's the honeybee ins Andrea rodea they're an eccentric bunch to put it mildly and you should know they don't recommend just any girl stupid enough to come knocking so how did they get Tifa all right well time to go do some quests this is chocoo Sam why not then how's about we play for it how much have you lost on a coin to us guess right and I'll grant you your wish guess wrong and you'll leave me in peace just going to [ __ ] this up why am I doing it think I miss what the [ __ ] is this me uh I'm always more of a heads guy with Tails never fails is the saying but I I heads tails you lose [ __ ] mind if I see that coin of yours it is just a [ __ ] like it's rigged show me the coin just bird on either side I had a hunch well at least doesn't think I'm a [ __ ] now I feel like find No Deal there she's just like oh you're a [ __ ] welcome welcome just the two of you step right up we are a hand massage parlor an excess of fatigue and tension can make even the simplest task a terrible strain gulp stra got it anything which course will it [Music] be Jesus luxury uh the poor man's course I always want to know what that looks like though I mean I can afford luxury but what is the poor man's course I have no clue I had to grind for the 3K I was like out fighting little monsters for 3K and she like gave me a handy I have no clue what the [ __ ] a poor man's one is I feel like I should just do the 3K one since I'm balling out then make your way to the room in the back and wait can I like pass it to aith clown very concerned dude if I did the poor man she like slap my hand around breaks a finger this does sound crazy to to anyone else this is how you like it how about this bro if that was to your liking do come again oh I will oh I will how was it exhausted dude oh my God am I playing as air I am you're one of the trio right I want to get into coro's next audition and why in the world would you want to do that was that not the trade was that just for him yes put in a good is something wrong with my outfit looks comfortable these all kind of say the same thing except this one it matter what I think well I think it's pretty cool there's an underground Coliseum in this town up for a fight Cloud good because I'm getting you into that Arena all right so at this point I haven't had to break in and explain anything in about 13 minutes because I've been letting the cut seeds just speak for themselves but I think now about an hour in Jesus Christ this game is long is a good point to stop and recap quickly everything that has happened so far and explain what's going on right now for those who haven't been following Cloud ex Soldier for Shinra the Big Bad Evil power company that sucks life from the earth is hired as a mercenary by a subdivision of avalanche the Eco terrorist group separate from the main one because of how radical they were containing Barrett Jesse wedge and bigs they triy to blow up a Mako reactor Mako being the life for of the planet but the Shinra Corporation were watching the whole time and don't intervene the bomb goes off but does basically nothing so Shinra explodes their own reactor in order to make Avalanche seem like a big threat Cloud heads back to the slums of sector 7 and meets back with Tifa an old childhood friend and member of avalanche Cloud then goes to sleep and wakes up to a ghost hurricane attacking the city the ghost break Jesse's leg preventing her from going on the next terrorist attack on Reactor 5 tafa clouded Barrett go instead with bigs already on the inside they plant the bomb and hiar shinder head of public security reveals himself in a big hologram form along with his plan to put avalanche on TV as terrorists and kill them with a big robot Avalanche ends up disabling the strongest parts of the robot via key cards and computers in the facility and then after a short talk with the president of Shinra about how he's a dick they fight the big robot they destroy it but in its aftermath a ton of [ __ ] blows up and cloud falls from the top of the sector and is separated from Tifa and Barrett Cloud lands in er's church where a Turk one of shinra's little baby soldiers they send to do their bidding finds them this one being Reno after Cloud wipes the floor with him Reno leaves and Cloud ER head towards sector 7 once in sector 6 near erth's home another Turk rude interrupts rude as in like that's his name interrupts and fights Cloud before being called by Reno who says they are needed at base cloud is then told by erth's mob to leave alone without ERI to which he obliges but aith follows him anyway they then make it to sector 7's door but before Cloud could say goodbye tifo rides through in a chocobo carriage and a dress aith demands that they go after and so they do when they arrive at wall Market they learn that in order to get to Tifa they need to get into Don Cornell's audition and to get to the audition they need to be chosen by one of Don coro's three there's the chocoo guy the bee guy and the Hand woman the B guy only chooses people he sees potential and naturally the choba guy [ __ ] him over with a coin toss and the handw woman will do it but only if aith and Cloud fight in an underground tournament for her so she can make some money and that all brings us to where we are now and I hope all that sunk into your brain well because trust me it only gets more convoluted from here these pills that from Don Cornel drink it and they say you'll be raring to go for hours on end it's yours if you want probably what the [ __ ] tast mystery drink yeah I don't trust that [ __ ] no I'm good fighting dog is unquenchable dogs of Hell the sanguin stalkers not a dog oh there are dogs okay I thought it was just a dude can you believe it I don't think anyone saw this damn emoted and the winners of our match are cloud and AR he was seven and one I think you just gave him his one yeah bro is [ __ ] ass what's wrong the rules don't make sense yeah true but maybe it'll be better in the next match n wouldn't bet on it better next match she brings in a silver back like bro what the [ __ ] [Applause] is these [ __ ] guys dude how did they even get here un freaking believable what the hell did I just see they faking their deaths again doesn't make the noise this time though he's got I might be dead might actually be dead I could see him blinking oh dude it' be like a [ __ ] Thor Ragnarok scenario they throw Barrett in as the other guy that would go crazy sleep come on oh it's just robots the final match of the Coro cup begins now no [ __ ] how did he get that in here so me and aith ended up winning the tournament unfortunately for us Don Cornel seemingly liked us fighting in his tournament so much that we are now fan favorites and he wants us to fight another fight in order to get our grand prize money we came for it sounds like complete [ __ ] and it is complete [ __ ] but there's not really much we can do about it surely one more fight won't be that bad right the secret star of Don coro's stellar stable enter the hell house under the floor what is it though okay it's a house presumably from hell it's just a house how long is he keeping this that's no ordinary house that's a hell ladies and gentlemen what is happening what the Yeah that's a bit bit more what I was expec sorry I know it's sudden grab your coat folks you're going to want to bundle up for this we've got the queen of ice herself coming in for me that's very cool where the chairs come from who do they belong to who needs all those chairs I have so many questions [ __ ] yeah Jesus Christ that took forever oh winner yes God they they made me use a [ __ ] MP refill on that fight that's [ __ ] so you know was bad that boy aome oh my thank you thank you thank you well I was expecting more people but I guess this is all right I'm going to put aith in the most gorgeous dress you've ever seen it'll be a real jaw drer sure all right then let's get started you look like you haven't experienced the best of what this town has to offer not interested then maybe you can show the town what you have to offer instead you got this come on I knew you could do it your looking good not bad at all what are we doing here Cloud quit talking oh Jesus what did this look like in polygon forms she's not bad at all what dude you're don't be like that you're still the most beautiful girl that's so [ __ ] what the [ __ ] a dude what is this oh [ __ ] Cloud delicious D I didn't know he had it like that yeah [ __ ] it run it back yeah kind of the best cloud you're going to be a stripper what is happening in this game all right kind of a hard ass entrance and he's got the Holograms going all right work your [ __ ] Cloud you seek my approval D I understand this guy also want to my favor must first prove that they know how to move oh [ __ ] damn Cloud don't let this guy [ __ ] show you up bro dance off about to run this guy's fade pull me on the [Music] sticks where's it going where's it heading D I'm so I'm just staring at the thing I don't even know what's going on in the dance all right what what did this game become I'm all here for it but what is going on no dude I hit that dude I swear to God I hit it how is that not perfect I missed one I hit like one mid I either missed or I hit it mid no I actually missed that one that one was like insanely placed I couldn't [ __ ] see it I'm distracted by [ __ ] Cloud's ABS dude no I'm joking no I'm trash I'm a fraud honey I'm in love okay he does want to [ __ ] me yes I will transform you into a vision of beauty not a word not even one what happens if I walk around town with this she is the most beautiful girl in the world wait a minute thought you said that I was the most beautiful girl all right then you're the most beautiful girl in the world but she's the most beautiful girl in the entire universe you such an [ __ ] this game's so [ __ ] good dude who that is one hot chick dude why is this in the game am I walking into the [ __ ] palace with this oh please let me in no way yeah I think that was to be implied Cloud you pretty ladies too feeling a little lightheaded but they can't have that let's say we escort you to The Parlor so you can make yourself more comfortable stringle some real Lookers this time though know what I'm saying dude why literally everyone in this game wants to [ __ ] Cloud it's not even a joke at this point Tif wait a minute you're justess like a girl is that you oh my God that makeup and that dress nailed it I know thank you moving on we got to leave huh right now no not until I've got what I came for what did you come for after we made it back to the slums some guys came around around asking all kinds of questions sure so I did some digging and found out they were coro's men right they were interested an avalanche but why I couldn't figure out why okay so I thought I'd come and ask the man himself that's seriously stupid as [ __ ] when I realized I'd only be one of three candidates and that if he didn't pick me it would all be for nothing then your worries are over aren't they because the other two candidates are right here they're going to pick me bro the one and only D corado Ladies God he is ugly shall I you I hate this what is he going to do to Cloud bro today's lucky lady is the big bone girl yep dud Cloud pull out the sword or something bro I love it drop the ACT shank this [ __ ] we got guests and y'all got first cracket [Music] entertaining yeah courtesy of the ever generous D Corel please let me beat the [ __ ] out of these people the oh my God I beg I know you the Coliseum what the hell get down thank God got him with the [ __ ] foldable chair bro that's why ER is the best Andrea filled me in on the situation I come bearing gifts the sword wait Andrea is the goat dude what the hell sorry but your boys had to learn some manners too what the cloud your clothes change right now now he literally is it was the director of public security haiger it was haiger Shinra and what were they Planet since Avalanche blew up two reactors shinra's decided they ought to stamp them out home base At All by targeting the support pillar and blowing it up the pillar what did I stutter the plate will come crashing down villains only divulge their plans in a certain situation what situation what the why is it a questionnaire Li in the sewers what why is there a Rancor pit in his room so he just actually had a hatch that goes down to the sewers so it wasn't like a like a Rancor pit thing he actually just sent us to the sewers cuz he didn't want to deal with us anymore or does he [ __ ] down that hole I mean I guess it's both it's more than likely both a has limit can you heal with this can you res no come on let's finish this let's [ __ ] go big win for gang and aith definitely didn't get knocked out three times okay what is going on here oh he gave us a little way out you don't believe that crazy story of his do you what was that so to recap we won the tournament Madame M agreed to take aith as her chosen bride to present to Don Cornell or whatever that whole thing is except her fit was trash so she ended up having to get a makeover and after the makeover she told Cloud that apparently Mr Andrea rodea the bee guy I mentioned earlier that wasn't really shown much until now had a particular interest in Cloud after watching him fight in the arena when they arrive Cloud ends up locked in a heated dance battle with Andrea who afterwards ends up picking Cloud as his chosen bride and then puts him in a dress his bride as in like the one for Don Caro not him himself although I think he wanted that as well now everyone somehow thinks cloud is a girl and he's able to enter into dog coro's temple with ease and then they're gassed and put into a basement who would have seen this coming down there they find Tifa and she finally EXP explains herself and her whole plan apparently Don Creno's men were sent into sector 7 to find Avalanche members Tifa in order to find out why they were searching for Avalanche decides to become one of Don coro's Brides so she could ask him herself but she realizes that she would have to compete with two other Brides for the chance to meet him but now that all three of us are brides nothing can go wrong Cloud ends up getting chosen Tifa and AIS beat the [ __ ] out of Don cornel's men and finally we were able to get some answers Don cornello reveals that heiger plans to drop the the entirety of sector 7's plate down onto the sector 7 slums in order to destroy avalanche's base would this kill Avalanche maybe but will it kill hundreds of thousands of people on both the top plate where the rich people are and the bottom play of the slums yeah does the president seem to care not at all but this one guy who works for him does not that it matters much anyway hidden trapo fall into sewer fight big dog you just saw this let's get back into the action just to get back at us this supposed to be this [ __ ] dark oh my God imagine any way I can't [ __ ] see caus for press his girl took his other girl I hate you gay [ __ ] stealing all the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] me mother what the [ __ ] why is it so [ __ ] fast oh second try guess I got her what I hate those [ __ ] Turtles they're so [ __ ] annoying hey bur the ability and I'm a Frog the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] off the Avalanche missions been proved we ought to proceed as planned that was fun that what you call that this time you were waiting for someone to come and play with you that was playing he set us on fire we put a little kid soul to rest by beating the [ __ ] out of him my kind of game I don't think I like mind this area aesthetically and like gameplay-wise but it definitely feels like a like a filler episode storywise it's like we're doing some some weird random [ __ ] with some ghost children feels kind of unrelated from the the main Central thing seems like we just kind of like fell off the beaten path Cloud what's what's the Box Little Mac that tornado just ate ath like that scene in Wizards a Waverly Place where like it starts eating the kids [ __ ] it limit left wheel Let's Dance ask holy [ __ ] [ __ ] up his dead god dude I forgot I got the like level two limit break that thing was insane and finally after cruising our way through the sewers and a train yard full of unimportant ghost children we finally made it back to sector 7 just in time to witness the allout war going on between Avalanche and Shinra for the fate of the pillar holding up the plate surely this will go smoothly with no weird Grim Reaper hooded ghost trying to get in our way there's too many okay arith come on ith knows something about whatever [ __ ] going on with those guys oh Barett Jesse does not negotiate with terrorist oh is this the thing that holds it up no about time you showed up why does it feel like they're trying to kill bigs don't let it be for nothing you're not dying up here we can get you got like a medic er's like two flights down bro just walk over to her what about you I've still got some fight left in me okay good chilling enough for another platoon or two oh one more thing the leaf house it's an orphanage in the sector five slums yeah the kids they're great I used to [Music] isit damn that you'll have to do yourself what let me goess not a fan of kids no you're a real piece of [ __ ] cloud like Al it doesn't even line up because my cloud went there and made friends with the kids the kids like admir it doesn't even work with this our future is in your hands I got it G oh he said he had two more platoons in him attention scum we know all about your evil plans that destroy the pillar wait I know you in the church right first class first class [ __ ] got watch you now you ain't got nowhere to run I'm not sure what's going to happen next but I am sure I don't want to regret the choices I make tonight our lives are in your hands if you don't open up we're all going to die that oh yeah it's that guy from earlier wait I actually would an arc for that guy shout out security officer look out holy [ __ ] oh no who who's [ __ ] flying the it's just Shinra Shinra are they [ __ ] morons this place isn't safe now I'm going to take you somewhere safer okay all right now when we walk out here hold your breath there's a lot of smoke you led us on a merry Chase aith who the [ __ ] are you there it is out thank you we make a deal what is that easy what is your relations with this man a he's been shooting these pipes for 5 minutes I forgot to record this Parton game so I'm Ming get in post there's Jesse she's in rubble there you go there's a little bit of context we run over oh my god oh so you're the guy who gets to hear my last words lucky me like hell they're your last it's okay Cloud it's okay I just wish that I could have had you over again everyone with Mom's cooking yeah you owe me a pizza Cloud's not taking any of these deaths well [ __ ] furious he's not getting that pizza they built up so much just dare you know damn I can understand like killing big cuz like Bigs like to be fair he didn't really do much like he was just like kind of there and he's like the the muscle guy but like Jesse they like they took us to her [ __ ] house we had dinner with her family we like learned her backstory why she fights and [ __ ] and then they just kill her that's insane I don't want to fight Reno Pitbull Mr worldwide apparent personal [ __ ] I person damn PL separation authored he's quick with itation authorized awaiting confirmation press it what no CL we don't want him to press I think that's the opposite of what we wanted Cloud what you mean pressive holy [ __ ] prepping for bombing run how cop say what special deliver rud does he just take he does light work that Root's fine he's always got another pair of glasses y lipped your wings huh was fire flames where she going right that where you going damn your aim Troopers and the ghost are on his side PL separation initiated you son of a [ __ ] what have you done cloud keeper what do we do nothing there is nothing you can do now I found Marlene erth Marlene my Marlene what did you do with us where are you I'm at the sir come on your activity unwittingly brought you into contact with the ancient who is now back in our custody where she belonged the what now [Music] ancient that we're using as a zip line yeah that's not good oh wed is [ __ ] not the cat holy [ __ ] yeah no they do just [ __ ] level the top place is that thing that is a cat with a crown who is devastated so they did just level the entire top area as well and wedges 100 million per Deb what about uh Jesse and bigs they probably made it out in time right yeah we got hope for them marene Marlene was fine allegedly they terrorized didn't they actually the the government just terrorized us oh missed they dropped to the sky they bombed the roof basically they like they Dropped a Bomb on like a million civilian homes essentially uh and they blamed it on us and now like half our team is dead she's pretty chill with it I guess she seems he's scratching his beard and [ __ ] I don't think anyone's that break broken up about it except like a cat with a crown who lives in a kingdom far far away he he seemed pretty broken up about it he was he was devastated bro me everyone here is kind to chill that is not even a lie 100% what happened so uh yeah they lost a lot Jesse is dead bigs is dead wedge well he he's most certainly dead tifa's bar and their home base are both destroyed and aith got taken by Shinra because she's an ancient whatever that means Marlene Barrett's daughter is the only somewhat shining Grace as it seems she is alive and well of apparently being held with erth's mother at her house so that's where we're headed next she seems relatively call and destructive she's not taking the B of the bombing well TI know anything about ancients I know I've heard of them at least they come up in planetology books meant to be the original stewards of the planet could even commune with it talk to it and stuff oh no he's back in my veins flows the blood of ancients long time no see this planet is is this guy like yeah it's like Captain America if he was Hitler and why is Hitler haunting uh but he's like really [ __ ] cool but he's a bad guy he's like my schizophrenic nightmare but is he real uh not right now no yeah I'm just tweaking well this is a fine mess how bad is it here compared to sector 7 we're doing fine but that's hardly an accomplishment yeah I I'd say so okay the last time we were at this house she said never show up again leave my daughter alone and now we're busting in all three of them is she here shh yeah no [ __ ] aith is an ancient probably the last one living she's not my daughter not by Blood I mean if that's what you were wondering and then came the knock coming that man knew exactly who aith was where she'd come from and what she could do they knew where she was but they didn't just take her doesn't sound like the Turks I know yeah she had to come willingly otherwise it wouldn't work they said that's why even if they did take her away I'm sure she's still being treated like a guest and that they'll send her straight back home once they get what they need I doubt it you're not planning anything are you uh don't make things worse than they already are maybe they'll let aith go when it's all over doubt we'd be better off waiting a little while doubt let's head back to sector 7 got things to take care of like checking up on the bar how are you going to get in there we do we not just see the giant plate fall on it and level the entire place what do you mean go check the bar wedge is somehow like [ __ ] under like a piece of R is this all that's left of Wedge's Place hey we're coming down stay right where you are what is this what Wich wa [ __ ] hell I'm playing this bar shout if you can hear me hey I am [ __ ] on this shoot oh I can't oh my God that's beautiful Al why do I hear a [ __ ] T-Rex my window you'll probably hear one what the fuan hello he flashbang oh my goodness and there you have it I guess oh we're finally up here wedge buddy you good he's okay that's insane I don't know how he got down here Barett oh here comes the t-rexx what is that thing oh there's a lot of those things not a dinosaur but hey there's the boy Cloud dude where have you been that whole time you're up late to the party and you giving me orders that is crazy what' he get that h so how did you manage to track us down followed the trail of bullet holes nobody leave leave that kind of mess a lot of those what the hell is AI doing here this is a [ __ ] dream how is this yeah that's what I'm wondering your mom's really worried too H too so you're worried about me of course I am damn open and honest you've made me more happy than you know and I'll always cherish what you've given me but but whatever happens you can't fall in love with me damn even if you think you have it's not real damn do I get a say in all this it's almost morning time to go I'm coming for you if that's what you want thank you time to go free arith you remember that nice girl who came to find you well now we have to go find her and when we bring her home you need to say thank you okay okay everything that's happened the trains still aren't running well we could walk along the tracks the city's on high an orb of what now because boy do I have some news for you so after bombing reactors one in five what did the Eco terrorists do they go for the trifecta and take out Mao reactor 7 but wait did you know wuai is the one funding their activities who is a Wai all their claims knew we couldn't trust Wai to leave us alone it's the reactors is this like America and China propaganda the Chinese are funding this terrorist group inside of the us we ain't no damn pwn rout yeah the Hidden Mickey yeah they're everywhere dude you got to find them there's a guy who came up to me and told me if I find a thousand hidden Micky he'd give me a slug of ketamine it's like a little reward how do you give them to I take a photo each time there's a folder in my phone most of the space on my phone is dedicated to it shout out Country Roads cuz you can just go 90 on them and stops you I got beef with the Double Diamond intersection do you know those little like um little snares they put on the front of police cars like to wrap up your wheels is it legal to just buy one and put one on my car who is that little guy Yoda creatures purchase on the black market these green robed fiends will slowly approach no expression on their faces but a lan a chef's knife in a hand he isn't doing much oh my god did he just one tap Barrett holy [ __ ] he just say death touch not no way what is he goinging to us please no please please let God no when this is over you going to go on being a mer that's the plan reckon it suit you used to think you were a little [ __ ] with a big attitude and a bigger inferiority complex quite possibly the worst person I have ever met but that was before I figured you out all this it ain't you deep down you're a pretty nice guy didn't see it when we were kids but don't know about any of that the kindness is no use on the battlefield if anything it's a liability hey no one's asking you to treat Shinra with kid gloves arth's up there waiting for us then we better get a move on huh I see the bad guys oh [ __ ] so I got an idea frontal assault guns bling make for a good story why we bring you along again rear entrance we'll get inside via the parking garage damn dude this place is beautiful this is really unfortunate game design don't look at me like that TAA you guys having fun I might be able to disable security from here huh hot downam girl that's not good I I didn't do anything yeah that helps the theory there's someone else here who would be helping us I mean I don't know what what's up with wedge but I doubt he's in any position to do all this the only other person I can think of is sephos but seph doesn't seem like the hacker type have got to be [ __ ] me nope we're a lot less likely to get caught this way but choice I don't want to go up the stairs oh it's only it didn't look that oh my um well maybe we'll just maybe we'll take the elevator dude but the stairwells kind kind of funny though I kind of want to do the stairs yeah we're taking the stairs not even a sweat bro come on Barrett keep it up Barrett come on that's 10 Cloud why you losing momentum no do your slow as [ __ ] now what happened Cloud put some pep in your step man let's go we're at 17 of 59 20th floor baby on Barrett copy what was that I don't think I heard you speak up I'll keep an eye on bar thanks for the assist we're almost there Barrett we're like halfway are these stairs ever going to end I don't know ask the stairs slow I don't think the stairs are talking well duh I [Music] mean duh I was joking that's enough everyone hates each other 50th floor we're almost there let's go damn cloud is so slow now this sucks I want to go back yeah you want to walk back down you want to take down all those stairs you just climbed we're almost there this is it we're at the top oh my God we made it welcome to the circle Barrett good effort team the real challenge starts now okay let's go visitors have access to floors 60 oh great more floors you think everything's going too well yeah I do think this is a trap yeah whatever reasons they might have had destroying an entire sector is it's beyond the pale director I would strongly advise you not to say such things outside of this room don't I know it okay so he realizes that like they're Psychopaths but of course they have security cameras everywhere yeah they already know we're in the building all right the president just threw up his cigars his Golden Gun his miniature coffin what who are these dudes that's it Advanced Weaponry oh those guys so so she works on that this this little Gremlin does space and aeronomics scientist guy does research haiger is the military public security yeah and the guy who having second thoughts about dropping the pillar is urban planning thanks to the miracle of Mao energy our lives are richer and better than ever before nothing but a bunch of Lies except that Mako has made people people's lives better it's made people blind blind to the cold hard truth this game was pretty woke for coming on like 1990 very uh ENT I would say the Ancients developed the means to harness this Bountiful energy and bend it to their will with her we speak her flesh we shap oh the summons is that a dragon one day return by her loving grace and Providence may we take our place in Paradise alas the Ancients themselves are long gone 2,000 years ago a meteor brought an end to their civilization they were the dinosaurs but before their fiery end did the Ancients find their Promised Land even now we have only to wonder times have changed and the Shinra electric power company is committed to changing and evolving in with them like the Ancients we've harnessed the power of Mako Shinra is working for you to fulfill the hope of the Ancients and lead us to that Promised Land we shall not rest until our dream is realized why is this lore building so good dude the World building is insane oh my wait the dude from the the hotel that's a lot of fire tornadoes oh meteor what is going on oh sephar Ro's back in my dreams damn that is a cool shot SEO oh dear oh dear oh God he looked bad in the Hologram but this is so much wor that seph that just walked by it couldn't possibly have been seph is here or someone's here I think it's seph though is seph really a hacker man I don't understand what's going on this can't be right wonderful you finally made it I am the mayor of the great Metropolis of makco domino At Your Service I wonder who's been cleaning up all your M okay so this guy has been helping us out you've been caught by security several times yeah walked in front of every other camera and scared an accountant half to death do you hear the alarm no you're welcome am avalanche's man on the inside say what oh [ __ ] the mayor of the greatest city in the whole wide world World ched away in a secret broom closet in the Damned archives the nerve okay so Sethro is not a hacker man but Sethro also is probably in this building would you like to see your mother what albe it through the lens of one of my microscopes did you really think we'd leave such a precious specimen to rot in the gutter we collected and cataloged every last bit of her hair skin organs every fragment of every bone this was supposed to convince AAR work with him some real redditor [ __ ] oh my microwave done I got Bagel Bites cooking o don't want to get caught by that people have embraced the wuai Avalanche conspiracy wholeheartedly I've almost come to believe it myself W's response so far nothing need to find the bathroom where is the bathroom this one's the M I'll way out here Tifa it'd be better if you waited inside maybe in the men's bathroom never mind you're right guess she's one of the boys come on in oh there it is gotcha that's actually a pretty sizable duct no shot is Barett coming in we're out of your goddamn mind I pray to God that we fall through the vent so that I don't have to crawl the full Way Back Sir I've also drafted a reconstruction plan for huh not with the ancient in our custody once more sir I don't see words ree Neo midgar in their Promised Land we will build a new mop powered Metropolis Mr President we still don't know for sure that the promised land even the specimen is somewhat lacking compared to her pure blood mother but for our purposes she should more than suffice so she can lead us to the promised land well Mr President that remains to be seen I would like your permission to secure her cooperation through more forceful memes yikes forceful yet gentle she is a precious resource that must be handled with care dude he's such a redditor I've never had a problem with torture my we might mitigate the risks simply put we could have the ancient reproduce in the absence of a second specimen we would need to identify an alternative mate quite frankly there's no telling what kind of properties a crossbreed specimen might possess so what say you all please let me cut this dude's head off we follow him okay and then we kill the son of a [ __ ] yep can I enter the women's he not hear us I ain't bluffing what is this a dozen bullet tell us where ER is oh so she's your friend just imagining how she might react if I to present to her your fresh corpses why didn't we just shoot the guy okay what is that he's about to unleash goddamn cthulu I don't okay that is pretty sick I'll give him that oh oh my God we barely got that okay dude I was why are the ghosts back what is this fascinating the he could see them hey that is insane that that let him out yep I you okay mhm thank you no biggy let's get out of here damn popping off good doggy oh oh damn I imagine he's about to go [ __ ] up the stist dude which I'm all for he a real one for that dude does he have seph Roth flashbacks too so what the hell is it a fascinating question did it just talk Dog with a Blog you more dog or lion I can't really tell tiger he's got a lot going on red 133 the designation given to me by Hojo oh no seph's nearby bro oh the Sethro boner going off I can sense his chiseled ABS massive sword it's almost like he's he's inside me inside the elevator I come for you dude it doesn't that didn't help uh naked lady headless naked lady mother he died back to this guy I guess what a transition yeah the boys what are we're going to do about sector 7 we are going to do nothing been thinking was all that necessary had we refused someone else would have completed the task we have spared that someone the burden of a guilty conscience Fair perhaps that will ease yours yeah no let's try another tack then they will so they actually feel bad like they have a little bit of remorse inside though that's pretty good it's good to know after this guy is just a [ __ ] though thank goodness you're awake where am I you okay where I live damn that rug is child [ __ ] you're kind of good with them crayons but like what what happened here I'm the one who carried you here no shot [ __ ] off how I'm a descendant of the Ancients they've been searching for the promised land for a long time and they must think you can lead them to it can you nope I fig maybe I'll find it in me okay new plan y'all take aith and get the hell out of here me I'm going go bust some shra heads Barrett wait you can't do that Whispers perhaps best described as Arbiters of Fate they are drawn to those who attempt to alter Destiny's course and ensure they do not like capital D Destiny the flow of the Great River that is the planet from inception to to Oblivion you're saying that that flow is somehow fixed yes for it is the will of the planet itself so if we're destined for a bleak Future these Whisperers would try to keep us on that course how in the hell can you possibly know any of that when aith reached out to me I found this knowledge of The Whispers The Shinra Electric Power Company isn't the Real Enemy it started with them sure but I promise you there's a much bigger threat I just want to do everything in my power to help aith what are you not telling us it's okay we'll find a way out together okay who's there oh I'm there what hey guys long time no see did wedge get in here listen any moment now what was that an explosion H2 is running the show this time they're raising hell to try and flush out the president this complicates matters that exp complicate matters a lot so Avalanche is going hard in the paint like the full avalanche now Hing I doubt it not after all the [ __ ] we've pulled true I have some really nice duper nicely just get to the roof okay okay so the Whispers The Ghost guys are the Whispers And they're the the Earth and Destiny trying to push someone towards what they're supposed to be doing like re fixing the timeline sort of is that what's going and then erth said that Shinra isn't the big bad threat there something worse which I believe is seph Roth seph Ro's whole dealio nice job come on don't leave him hanging damn [ __ ] what the hell red that out of pocket what is in the Pod mother oh yeah it's headless all right what did they goova go goova oh no that hurts my head why did you say that mother together we will reclaim our world do you see that am I not the only one who sees that oh yeah no okay he's really here oh [ __ ] oh that's not good is it really you that's what I'm wondering oh oh the headache is getting a lot worse oh his left arm too that's a heart attack [Applause] damn oh [ __ ] A touching reunion oh [ __ ] what the hell kind of research is this the cataclysm that came from the Stars Genova Hojo has devoted half of his life to her study again you Triumph I'd be disappointed if you didn't I hate him and we are ready to proceed to the next stage oh what is he holding is he holding goova did Sethro break into this place to steal Genova's corpse we're back again yeah we at the top okay yeah he definitely stole Jova yeah that what the hell's going on who was we may find out soon I think we know who the only guy who was here what I don't think we should walk in that I wonder where SEO went just leaving a goddamn snail Trail everywhere how much just leaking out of goova did he jump out the window is anyone out there hello help me please hey is that the president hey and threw out the window of it you want something more don't you more than this right here talk to me again like you know me Barrett stop it now Barrett drop his ass a you're going to get on TV and tell them tell them what you did to sector 7 that it was you who killed all those people then you're going to tell them the truth about Avalanche that Avalanche ain't boot let him run away he has some button on his desk dude he has some [ __ ] Avalanche is that really all you want for your names to be cleared that is what matters most to you more than shutting down the reactors than the future of the planet itself you're lying to yourself even now yeah what what do you why did you let him go away where is everyone else bro what is going on how did this happen we had him on the edge of a cliff with their old world ruined will they thank you for the new one last opportunity to consider what your principles are truly worth but bear in mind that time is of the essence and what about you Mr President what are your vaulted principles what principles did you understand even a single word of what I told you I know what I want and I take it I take advantage of whatever I can and discard that which I cannot yeah he's an awful person we knew this and yet we we picked him up and let him grab a gun SEO oh that's why he's the C oh the specters did not [ __ ] with that what that can't be real the Barett actually just get shanked no it's like there's like Mist coming off it is any of this real what is happening the specter's oh yeah the spectre's like it's not your time bro they picked them up and healed them go there it is [Music] and out comes the ghost man oh the [ __ ] forg body but zod's still chilling and he is here it's always a question HQ this is Avalanche 31 making another pass to search for friendlies SE this oh dude he [ __ ] the ultra instincts around and now he's flying thanks two damn also he did just jump jeez Jus is it oh it's Noto oh it is Reno and gang whoever that is oh so this dude's going to be the new [ __ ] president damn that is a spray painted ass doll am I fighting these guys or is cloud fighting these guys you're a soldier aren't you which of course course would mean that I own you ex Soldier I quit just the two of us well maybe three let's get this over with don't say that sorry to break up the sexual tension but is it just me or is literally everyone in this game trying to get in Cloud's pants what the [ __ ] is this music he made it by the skin of your teeth he whatever I bet you yo what's going on I might be falling after [Music] all you turn the king put it in my hole the engine Roars with excitement it hungers to be set free that's got to be a sexual one come here everyone wants a piece of cloud [ __ ] you think that was who was that guy what the [ __ ] was it do in the bike no one it's just a [Music] friend I thought that was Cloud's hand I was like that what is going on everyone try to [ __ ] Cloud dude look at his muscles a he's flushy honey I'm in love okay he does want to [ __ ] me I'm scared of ghost you're just being going on after you mind letting me go then not good you know what on second thought I I must be tripping that that's my be H God damn a shotgun now there go through think you got my number not at all you're making me sweat good thing I came prepared money is this enough to pay you off leave me alone what the [ __ ] is in those coins just watching him decapitate his [Music] dog what okay the dog's leaving now it's just the two of us I will say already though this guy is a much cooler and stronger than the other president ever was but he's got he's got spunk you know I don't know if i' use those words you don't sense his spunk hey there we go I could end this here and now but I won't because we have two other games tonight marks a new beginning that was pretty sick he's not going to hold on to like a handlebar he's just holding on to the floor of that that is insane upper body strength oh not again we're supposed to die you can't stop would you die fat boy for Bigs for Jessie Tia and Barett too I'm sorry Cloud just tell me that that I made a difference like they actually said wedge you were supposed to die threw him out a window damn does it feel good to be alive quite but we could still die later tonight okay oh hiig wonder where he's been at surrounded sir what is this ragtag group of Misfits I see before me Avalanche local florist labat dog and where are the rest of you up your ass is it no [ __ ] way Ro no okay dude if it was [ __ ] roach I would have lost it everyone get in [Music] go d let's roll okay why is he always got to [ __ ] look that is a lot of them Whispers it's like neemat toones they're eating the tower they're going to disappear it's just going to be the framing of the building nice CL all of my friends died in that explosion but it looked [ __ ] sick a testament to people who built what I can't be real yeah he's not here yeah okay hey guy okay [ __ ] let's don't oh okay I didn't think about it like that those who look with clouded eyes see nothing but Shadows everything about you is wrong damn that hurt his feeling the world won't end in today but you you will are we still not concerned with what's going on at the tower oh Destiny comes over for these are loud as [ __ ] then you couldn't take the noise you just left oh this is not cloud with black hair we drag our asses all this Zach also that's the Buster sword I have the Buster not on me but it's in my pocket come and get it yourself in a portal I'm waiting Cloud don't go into that don't follow the strange man with the sword into a [ __ ] void portal it has lightning coming off it boundless terrifying Freedom okay you turned the portal into just just fire I don't know if we can walk through that one there's no greater threat to the planet than him SEO has to be stopped he has to be and that's why I'm asking you to help me I know that together we can do this but if we do Red's like lady we just met what is going changing more than fate itself all right time to go into whatever this is sure that just take us across the gap or it just took us out the other side just walked into a r where there weren't specters over there oh but they're okay they're up there this might be worse here we go what am I looking at here big purple tree monster that has black holes so that thing that's a whisper too huh looks a lot more like an Arbiter of Fate than the others we can beat them viate excuse okay excuse I I figured it out and he's regening the arm or never mind he's shooting bolts into our head what the hell did I just see a glimpse of tomorrow if we fail here today is that just the oh it's a me here I thought that was just the Earth this is tomorrow if you [ __ ] up I mean the meteor's still probably really bad but there we go Destiny has been destroyed allegedly where are we and why do we look like that okay dude he's [ __ ] they chatted him up I'm waiting Cloud what is [ __ ] happening is game this is giant meteor SEO what the [ __ ] is going on dude this [ __ ] was so coherent until 2 hours at the end oh [ __ ] they got the theme oh just one come Cloud what already dude we just started he going to throw a rock at me and then blow it up for me oh [ __ ] there ow [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that F we're going to get another one of our oh we got the wing Barett better late than never they for my final form oh my God [ __ ] sucking me in Jesus what the [ __ ] is dude SE walks through fire for fun bro that ain't going to do [ __ ] you weren't expecting this I'll take care of you okay I'm [ __ ] tweaking right now but once I'm done tweaking you better be ready for this here it is for me oh the [ __ ] meteor how did we forget it's made of the okay what was the point of that shot oh the lighting changed bar just shoot him in the face or something seven he's counting downwards sorry kill him now let's [ __ ] go oh there you are about time you so for real Cloud quickly go that didn't look good that really doesn't look good did he take the bifrost what it that which lies ahead does not yet exist our world will become a part of it one day but I will not end nor will I have you end this is the edge of creation you can just go here let us defy Destiny together never he just wants to be friends wants to team up with his boyfriend time to get abusive what is this Sho shot we'll fight there for eternity not yet 7 Seconds till the end time enough for you perhaps but what will you do with it let's see so do I call like a like an Uber the [ __ ] do I get out of here Mr Vice President that's Mr President now Mr President there it is he just wanted it turn around dude that guy is the goat that guy is so good wait was that all of them Zach buddy why do you have my sword hey Cloud you see that what I'm talking to Buddy is that a nuke close oh they're all gone no way bigs is fine they just killed Jesse I'll come back SEO long as he's still out there I I thought you beat him we can what how do you explain even what just happened to you to that will he took me to the end of creation and we and then we fought and then he like put his hand on my shoulder and he [Music] T I'm in too bastard wants to destroy the whole planet doesn't he an enemy of hers is an enemy of avalanche almost there Cloud we're almost there [Music] this guy's going on I don't like it okay little clear the unknown Journey will continue okay wow uh well lot to unpack there yeah interested to hear your interpretation of what happened I have I have I have some sort of like idea of what I think when down all I first want to say everything in the story felt very coherent until the last like 2 hours that basically that last chapter two threw everything out the window there's something with like Realms I think going up based on the fact that there's there's there was two clouds and they also went through a magical portal to a parallel world so something with that and that's about all the story explanation you're going to get from me as even I'm not sure what the [ __ ] happened at the end there as they say you can lead a horse to water but you can't tell them to drink and you guys are probably some thirsty ass horses but I have no water to give you I don't think I'm using this idiom correctly but honestly it's probably best you come to your own conclusions on the ending uh the same as I did as it is very much still up to interpretation unless you're seeing this in 2028 and the trilogy is already finished and in that case hopefully you have some answers this game is phenomenal and I hope you could tell from watching two plus hours of me playing through it but I really enjoyed it I want to play rebirth the sequel but I don't have a PS5 so I'll be happily awaiting a PC release in the future and maybe I'll make a video of that too depending on how many people want to see it the game has its problems of course and it's not my favorite game of all time but it's easily in the top five and even though you just watch me play through the entire thing and explain it I still think it's worth a playr yourself if you have the time and money or at the bare minimum you're now caught up and you're ready to play the sequel so that's pretty cool thank you though really for sitting down and watching this featurelength film of a video I assume if you sat through it for this long you're more than likely asleep or I force you to watch it because you're my friend right friend but no matter who you are no matter why you watched thank you this took so long to make and I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to make it worthwhile and of course if you haven't a like and or a subscribe is always appreciated goodbye oh he did the thing oh my [ __ ] go I don't know why but he did it's kind of [ __ ] weird it so many times for no reason for just [Music] our okay
Channel: Milk Man Steve
Views: 21,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milkmansteve, milkman, milk, the milk man, how to, tutorial, comedy, funny, youtube, youtuber, new, update, twitch, twitch streamers, streamer, w/, with friends, the downfall, bad, evil, sales, gameplay, rise and fall, new game, dlc, w/friends, review, ff7, final fantasy 7, ff7 rebirth, ff7 remake, final fantasy 7 remake, final fantasy 7 rebirth, reaction, first time player, first time, first time reaction, final fantasy 7 walkthrough, playthrough, story, explained, ff7 story explained, maximilliandood
Id: y9wDM2i3gQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 19sec (8719 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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