The 5 Worst Things About Starfield

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man Bethesda just can't stop winning huh just one Masterpiece after another Fallout 76 blades and now Starfield you've done it Todd you really are the guy of all time this is going to sound weird coming from me someone should make a sequel to Skyrim in all seriousness though I am actually addicted to this game or at least I was until I canceled my Xbox game pass subscription so I could finish this goddamn video I'm a bit surprised my instincts told me were the right person but I suppose I was wrong if my heart wasn't as up as it is I would probably be streaming this game nonstop now is that because there isn't anything else out there that provides this kind of space fairing experience yeah probably I mean I've never played no man sky but that doesn't seem to quite achieve what I'm looking for which is specifically a space life Sim with kind of Star Wars Galaxies the closest thing would probably be Star Citizen and that game isn't even real so I guess I'm stuck with no man Skyrim instead but despite the fact that I am am enjoying this game the Internet isn't interested in positivity it's needless negativity that sells and you may say I'm just pandering to the crowd to get clicks and make money and yeah obviously this is literally my job what you think you were some kind of Genius for figuring that out not that it really matters because complaining about things is like my forte I am the Jedi Master of unnecessary negativity so anyway here are the five Petty Things I Hate About Starfield I really really hate Vasco man I'm sure some of you out there are bamb buzzed at me saying this but that robot is awful he's the most sanitized corporatized unloving designed Android that has ever been put to sci-fi history hi please disregard I attempted an informal greeting but I am dissatisfied with the results I do not experience enjoyment stupid bucket of bolts everything he says is the mosty trying so hard to be funny but not funny in any way possible and I wish I could replace him so godamn bad but for some insane reason he is the only robot you get excuse me doesn't Bethesda know the rule that there must always be two robots at least clearly they didn't get the memo but Beth this has also made a decision that's so dumbfounding stupid that my brain has melted out of my eye sockets robots in the Starfield Universe are not allowed to be sentient which apparently means not a single one is well actually that's not entirely true there is a 5 minute Quest but it might as well not exist it doesn't really matter at all how about instead of that lame Quest we get a robot the dis sentient and then there's a whole quest line around it where you have to decide to be a little cop and erase your friend's mind to uphold the dumb law or protect him from the law because he's human and deserves to live ultimately we are left with what could have been the best companion in the game being the most annoying and least interesting comp ever designed as a matter of fact all the companions in this game are pretty lame but H that's like a problem for another day I guess the planets in Starfield are massive and the stuff on those planets microscopic nothing kills my joy more than landing on a new planet and seeing the closest thing is a tree a th000 m away yeah n I'm I'm a head out I best the coolest undiscovered thing you can find is a base that might have a two-minute Quest a quest where all you do is give a guy a singular coffee bean and then he never talks to you ever again for the rest of your life what I'm saying is the game desperately needs ground Vehicles this game was built for ground vehicles and you know what this game lacks ground Vehicles now I get it I know why they don't have it they probably even tried to make ground vehicles and then they immediately stopped because their physics system is not designed for objects that heavy because then this happens but like I'm fine with that I played Halo 1 I remember the days of the bouncy hog that was awesome it's time Bethesda to admit that your games are kind of dumb and that's okay it's okay to make something dumb and bad Oblivion is a great game it's so stupid put in a car that can't go 2 feet without blasting into outer space cuz it hit a pebble at least it'll be more fun than this the ship building part of this game is pretty cool and it really well developed n I'm just kidding the ship building is lacking so many necessary features like being able to turn ship piece rotation just seems like an obvious necessity that I never even imagined it would be impossible it would have also been nice to choose where the doors will be in my interior instead of just having to pray I don't walk into pans Labyrinth just to get to the cockpit oh God where am I as a matter of fact any sort of interior decorating would be great with the Outpost I can control literally everything from the furniture to the walls themselves but the spaceships will only let me decide whether I want an extra coffee cup for like 5 minutes before teleported to the cargo hold which reminds me I need to empty it of dumbbells again man I feel like I'm the dumbbell here and yes Bethesda it's awesome that you finally figured out how to animate ladders congratulations but where are the stairs or the elevators every goddamn NPC has them this guy's cargo hold has two floors what am I supposed to do huh how am I going to possibly get my cargo up a goddamn ladder with a 2 by2 p haul if you told me this whole thing was a last minute Edition because they just forgot to make spaceships I would honestly believe you every time I use this I just think to myself man this is going to be so good when we get to Starfield 2 I'm sitting here already wishing for Starfield 2 because maybe then it will have the features this game should have had from the beginning you see what you've done to me do you see what you've done Todd I mean obviously mods will fix all these problems but they shouldn't have to this one you probably saw coming from me and it's a bit old hat I'll admit basically every Bethesda tuber has ranted about this at this point already but no aliens no aliens are you are you kidding me why even set a game in space if there are no aliens it's the only thing I hated about outer worlds and it's one of the many things I hate here now I know some of you lunatics are actually happy about this you'll say oh well the aliens are always too human when we find aliens they're going to be so alien will they huh because maybe they won't C the V sauce music thank you humans have so many things going for them with so many incredibly specific and necessary features you have to wonder if another civilization reaches our Point how different will they really be bipedal skeletons flexible vocal cords opposable thumbs carbon based life forms so many of our traits are shared by other animals but it was only when all of these factors came together that we ascended to the world destroying monsters that we are today and in such a massive Universe what are the odds that there is another independently developed alien identical to us now I do kind of understand why Bethesda decided to avoid this outside of the fact that they're going for a a quasi realistic world if you want aliens that are actually weird and different from us it's going to mean that all of the armor has to be massively different as well and that means either doubling the amount of work you have to do or having the amount of armor for each race but you know what I don't even care if humanoid aliens Mak sense or not because quite frankly half the real science in this game is implausible anyway oh yeah good luck with your warp drive loser you still need infinite energy to power it idiot besides you really going tell me aliens is too far but magic space Powers is totally fine where do you draw the line Todd I'm going to be honest with you this one's a bit less Petty with Starfield releasing in the shadow of Bowers Gate 3 the lack of role playing options in a game that sells itself on role play is disgraceful now before all the dingo brains out there start saying that an RPG is a game where you have any role just any singular role regardless of cont text or like a a game where you level up is an RPG Call of Duty is technically an RPG no it's not stop embarrassing yourself in front of everybody in the comment section what I mean specifically here though is you cannot act like the character you envisioned should during quests they even introduced character backgrounds and it might not even matter when it comes to participating in a villainous Quest like rugen your options are be evil or just don't do the quest you can't bring down the striker and religious Fanatics together you can't make reuion crimes public and tank their market value and any dialogue options for anything are Animal Crossing esque in the sense that you're either into what's happening or really into what's happening oo yeah you got me that sweet sweet sauce like this guy Tua was that his name he's like hey you want to join the military and me playing my anti Authority Bounty Hunter has no option to be like you and then just end the quest there the closest you can get is rejecting cyf and joining the Crimson Fleet Which is less of a choice than you really think it is because as a matter of fact you can be a Vanguard Captain a freest star Ranger and a notorious Crimson Fleet pirate all at the same time what morind may be a nightmare of a game but one thing I respect is when you join one of the three houses you're locked out of the other two if I'm a known pirate that's on The uc's Hit List I should not allowed to be a space cop also God this game and to make matters worse if you do want to be a villainous character aside from the fact that the most villainous you get is I like money you just you're just role playing Mr Krabs I guess what inspired you to build a second crusty crab right next door to the original money all of your companions will hate you for the rest of your life now this last one is definitely the pettiest of them all and that's bounty hunting is dumb despite what this guy tells you it is up to us to find them and bring them in alive or dead the only option you actually have is to kill your target there's no subd doing nothing I even have this Brig in my ship and it's literally useless it just makes me cry sometimes Barrett will sleep there and like all right I guess that's something yeah good actually now that I think about it the game I really just want to be playing right now is Star Wars Galaxy so I'm going to go play that now oh yeah now this is gameplay if you're a big fan of the canteen and haven't been getting enough lately you should check out my second Channel C of bonus features which will be the new home of the let's plays as well as some other fun things I do every now and again I'll see you over there or on another video in this channel goodbye
Channel: The Cantina
Views: 26,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Cantina, TheCantina, Bethesda, starfield, starfield bugs, starfield vs skyrim, starfield vs oblivion, skyrim vs oblivion
Id: tloQNoIcfAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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