I Hate Everything vs Derek Savage - IT'S OVER

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God I love that animation.

On another note, let's stop the daddy Derek spam on this subreddit now guys. It's over, let's try and go back to some good quality content ay?

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

So, it's over? You've won? Derek has ruined his name? Good shit

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Drolykz 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/WackyPaxDei 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

I was wondering how this would all end.

Nice work, Alex. You may not have handled the situation "perfectly" but you kept your calm, and did your best to sort things out quietly and maturely.

Really, REALLY hope this doesn't happen to you again.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

FINALLY! Thank fuck it's over...

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/DestroyerOfAllLife 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

I told you that Daddy Derek was gonna have a bad time.


👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/NicoTheSerperior 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

Congrats on winning, if we can call it winning. To bad it came at such a high cost for everyone involved. All because a grown man making an "anti-bullying" fury video had a tantrum.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/LuckyASN 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

Good will always triumph over lies!!!

[Proceeds to lie repeatedly out of desperation to get what he wants]

You can't even parody this.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/The_Narrator_9000 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

It's Finally over, Thank God!

Well Done Alex, despite Daddy dipshit being... well, himself, I feel that you have remained the better (and frankly more mature) man.

Seriously though, Am I the only one who thinks that Derek really needs to be smacked by the law for impersonating a law firm, bullying and false copyright infringement?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Datblokewhointernets 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2015 🗫︎ replies
Hi there, kids! I'm cool cat, and I WUV you! Let's have some "Funny Fun Yum Yum Time!" 'goofy' laugh Why hello there, young man! Did you see my film about anti-bullying? Yeah... I did, And I thought it kind of sucked. *EGO SHATTERED* Th-Tha (mrrooooww) Th-th That's...not a nice thing to say! (EVIL ASS VOICE)... I will make you BLEED FOR YOUR WORDS, MISTERRR CRITIC! Would you mind calming down, I'm only saying the film is bad. No need to get worked up over it! YOU WILL BE HEARING FROM MY LIAR TEAM! (Gagging) dear god what is that (puke) Don't you realize that pretending to be a law firm doesn't actually count as being legal, (EYEBROWS ON FLEEK) "surprisingly" and only further destroys your reputation? (weirdness) badadadadaa ┗ (・o・) ┓ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┏(・o・)┛ ┏(・o・)┛ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┏(・o・)┛ ┏(・o・)┛ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┏(・o・)┛ ┏(・o・)┛ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┏(・o・)┛ ┏(・o・)┛ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┏(・o・)┛ ┏(・o・)┛ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┏(・o・)┛ ┏(・o・)┛ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┏(・o・)┛ ┏(・o・)┛ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ┗ (・o・) ┓ ♪ Title Theme ♪ ┏(・o・)┛ That amazing intro animation was made by the endlessly talented Pika petey. Subscribe to him and watch ALL of his videos. Animators are so screwed by youtube, that they need all the support they can get. Honestly, I really don't want to be doing this, because I feel pretty bad about this entire pathetic situation at this point. We've both made mistakes on how we've handled this. But Derek... I gave you every opportunity to the right, and LEGAL, thing here to remove your claim, but you didn't, and now the claim has expired on its own. If you done the right thing from the beginning here... then I probably wouldn't be sharing any of this. But you decided to be a big baby about it, so here it goes! By the way, this has been made over, like... days, and updated and changed around at times. So if anything sounds a bit weird, or doesn't make sense, that's probably why. *Also, I apologize if my voice sounds a bit weird, but... I've got a cold and it's a bit more nasally than normal.* (ah poor IHE hope u feel better) I've had pretty damning information on Savage that I've been holding, out of a weird, undeserved respect for him. But at this point I think it's too ridiculous to NOT make public. I have reason to believe Derek Savage impersonated a lawfirm, and used fear tactics to try and scare me into taking down more videos. Here's the email. Dear I Hate Everything, Our law office represents Ms. Anne-Marie Frigon, the Producer of the "Attack of the Jurassic Shark" feature film. Mr. Derek Savage contacted us, and brought to our attention the two 'videos' that uses our client's Copyrighted material. I personally reviewed both 'Videos', which links are provided below, and they are a violation of the US Copyright Code Title 17 USC, and you are Infringing against my clients Copyrighted Intellectual Property. We demand that you remove and delete both 'videos' that contains Ms. Frigon's- (Frygon, whatever.) Copyrighted footage from the "Attack of the Jurassic Shark" feature film. If both 'videos' are not removed within a twenty-four hour period from the time-stamp of this email, we are filing *COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT* charges against you, and your channel with Youtube Incorporated, and we will take further actions against you in the court of law. THIS IS YOUR ONLY NOTICE. Sincerely, Joel Shapiro, of Shapiro Law Firm! :) Look, I'm not going to lie... I kinda thought this was legit at first. I didn't really know to react. But after showing it to YourMovieSucks, (who has been super amazingly helpful in this situation by the way, he knows his law stuff.) he highlighted a couple of very obvious things, that point to this being blatantly fake. ONE. There is absolutely nothing legal about this at all. It was sent from a Yahoo email address, for god's sake. I wonder who else is infamous for using Yahoo mail... I WONDER... And why is there no phone number or address anywhere? Oh. I wonder.. TWO. Like why would they even bother sending me this. If they seriously thought my videos were an illegal use of their copyrighted content, They would've just flagged the videos end off. And it's been well over twenty-four hours from this being sent and I've heard nothing about it since, so it's clearly LIES. Also, for a producer to involve an attorney when YouTube already gives them the tools to remove the videos themselves or by a lower-paid content manager, having a law-firm handle this would be a gigantic waste of money and doesn't make ANY SENSE. Oh yeah, there's also the part where if you try to Google their name, you get no results because they don't exist. Obviously, I don't have any direct proof that it was Savage who sent this, but it seems extremely likely that as a last-ditch effort to live up to his previous threats of approaching the producers of the other films I've "blasphemed" He probably looked through my history of videos and chose a movie terrible enough for me to believe that he'd conveniently have their number handy. I'm not exactly sure what would've been achieved if I had given in, apart from it being a slight annoyance? But all of this would make sense when taken into account the ego that Mr. Savage has proven to have. So I replied to this email two times, saying I recieved only one response back, where the sub was Your Movie Sucks decided to go digging, and actually got into contact with the director of Jurassic Shark, Brett Kelly. and asked about the legitimacy of the law-firm, claiming to represent the film's producer. Kelly's response was and on Facebook even responded to Adam with It's also interesting to note that the director and producer are based in Canada. So why would an L.A based law-firm be contacting me? *hmmm* Clearly the threat was all fabricated LIES, but I needed more proof that it was linked to Derek Savage himself. So, I figured it would be a good idea to pretend to email Derek as if I was fearful of what he could do to me. You know, to stroke his ego a bit. Surprise, surprise he took the bait. He pretty much confirmed it was him by saying, So, I decided to stay quiet for a bit and a few days passed. Then, out of nowhere I got a strange email from Savage. who I can only assume realized how much he messed up by impersonating a LAWFIRM and threatening me. which said, I've seen alot of false information and fake videos being spread around about this. Most notably, some comedian impersonating Derek Savage made a fake video that made out my full name is Alex Patterson. and that THIS is what I look like. This ISN'T me, that's not my name, this video's fake. Now stop sending me it. This should've been made all clear by Derek of uploading his own video on the 16th of November, called COOL CAT: Copyright Infringement vs. Fair Use. , that I guess was supposed to shut me down and prove me wrong? But no, that was not at all the case. If anything it helped me. First off, I guess thanks to the negative reaction it got immediately, he cancelled the plan for Part 2 of the video. He turned the ratings off and removed all the comments letting only the ironic support remain. Look, Derek you're clearly sensitive to critisism. This is the Internet. You just need to get used to it. Believe me when I say that, I know what that's like. You probably already know that Your Movie Sucks explained all the reasons why this video is wrong in terms of the Fair Use Law. Despite what he'd said, Derek directly brought Adam into this by publishing lies about the situation. Pretending as if though he'd defend him on this. Pretending as though Derek was the one who tried to make a calm appeal about this whole situation. And so because of that, Adam's been forced to prove that none of these things are true. Adam sent two giant ten-paragraph long emails to try and mediate the situation, explaining to him why what he was doing is illegal, and why it's bad for business regardless, But then after Adam uploaded his own video explaining why Derek's wrong about fair use, Derek, being the mature adult he is, reuploaded the trailer to his upcoming gun safety movie, but edited out any mention of Adam's cameo. Hey Derek, don't forget that Adam made you and Cool Cat a thing. So, despite how none of his examples provided about why I was breaking the law were actually commenting on or criticizing his original works, and how he goes against every point he tried to make by turning the video into an ad for Cool Cat merch at the end,
Channel: I Hate Everything
Views: 5,532,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I HATE EVERYTHING, I hate, everything, hate everything, comedy, satire, IHE, I Hate Everything vs Derek Savage - IT'S OVER, Funny, Parody, cool cat, cool cat saves the kids, Derek Savage
Id: jzXSQ5f08sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2015
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