I Had To Stick To My Word... ft. Yassuo, Sanchovies & Broken Blade (TL vs TSM) | IWD LCS Co-Stream

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yo no way what's popping holy [ __ ] it's been a while oh is that [ __ ] bibi did i hear the man what's up no way it's popping bro yo baby what do you think about the uh gnar first pick that tsm had been running um oh man not tsm you mean oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] there's no counters to this champion top lane wait can you imagine how mad bb would be if his coach made him blind pick gnar first every single game holy [ __ ] i mean bb would just be like i could play karma i could play irelia i could play no armor is actually like you you don't even get ahead of 1v1 you have push early and then when he has marks you get out skill i'm lucky renekton into the gnar the counter pick i like it yeah it's really good [Laughter] this is what i do i literally just i just act like sarcastically positive the entire time on my stream and then my stream just goes on reddit and tells them how dawg and half my takes are like bro i hope tsm doesn't win this playoff i don't have to go bald looking like yasuo in 2016. no i i want there to be like some type of repercussions for that tweet i've said [ __ ] before and i had to pay i actually think it would be kind of fun i've never been bald before you know and like i normally get my hair cut pretty short anyway so yeah i will see how it goes maybe i have the best head i kind of want to see you're like you're living with kelly right now it doesn't even matter like it only matters when like you actually go out like and it's coveted to your home all day i had to literally like go live my day to day life as a serial killer for four months i was bald with pink spots on my head that was the worst part that picture with the [ __ ] rocket launcher that's a classic i love that one this is pretty hyped i like this [Laughter] dragon goes dsl dude i'm happy i brought us all together for this you know over the drag soul it'll happen like it's 15 more minutes no my favorite is like when the team shows up to drake and then like they can't actually fight it but like you know how cross mapping just doesn't exist here right so they just show up to the drake and they just watch the other team take the drake in front of them and then they just go back and then walk away yeah they just slowly walk away i'm like let's go we're doing it and i know in love right there where's by the way i don't know he's a fake he's a busy guy oh my god what is that what is that nothing yeah there's yeah i was literally just about to say how's csm just getting free towers like aren't they just gonna get punished for this like those towers why are three people bought like it makes no sense yeah 22 minutes three people are bought with the enemy team can do baron nice we just lost it for free guys no speaker steals it every time because no one ever turns on him oh he's there oh they got the combo he gets it every time oh my god oh my god that's so disgusting that's so disgusting actually like it's actually yeah it doesn't matter that much though i guess it stalls no of course it matters i think it's bad yeah like obviously it's bad hello dude it's so crazy dom's watched so much nlcs that like before it happens he knows what's going to happen yeah that's great he'll call it out every time what the [ __ ] is that oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why do they keep trying to kill this gnar i don't know but can you imagine that that guy just made that play and he still probably made more money than like we're all going to make combine this month that's insane who is going to 1v2 this for sure versus the victor nah he's got this he's got this he's just turning he's got a starex proc now just to make sure it's good oh actually that's just no way okay oh actually it would have killed him holy if you didn't have a goodness but i guess you haven't what's happening bot side by the way why is no one bot why why is wow why is tactical roaming up to the top plate instead of basing and going bot i'm going to santorum how come he's not playing i got like migraines and stuff apparently oh for the whole like just now or he's had it for like nine days or like 10 days something like that maybe that explains last week yeah i was thinking about the same thing because that was just like i still can't believe that series it's so hard to play league with a migraine like just looking at the [ __ ] monitor like the lights what is [Laughter] holy [ __ ] okay the jensen tp he's gonna fly in here he comes oh no oh okay he's there what the [ __ ] did i oh my god oh my god yo jensen is tilted guys it's like it's done wait wait it's actually so this is a competitive rule yeah oh he had zombies i think he wanted to do that look i got banned from lcs for a year for less than what he just did that's all i'm saying i did way less than that all right bro we got it you got bands twice actually you know that's pretty recent it's a really good rotation actually erickson taught me this oh turbo form this is why you never take inhibs at any point in the game okay the management of the of the meganard bar oh never mind he just procked it i just have to wait that [ __ ] out and then drag fight and then they can win the game look at that bot wave they win the fight yeah it's just a pure flip man i feel like someone should play like someone okay i guess it works yeah oh cool rory ultimate he needs better orioles like why is jump so fast oh nice that was a really nice ultimate from spika that was disgusting holy [ __ ] nothing to go forward do you think thorough is good here oh no yeah really uh healing like she has life-saving ruins that's good but are they hitting him first like i feel like he could apply it with his cc really is that how it works wait i just typed in thornmail.com to look at it holy [ __ ] i thought formula only talked when you when someone immobilizing okay let me read it immobilizing enemy champions also inflicts them with sixty percent grievous wounds so you get sixty percent if you immobilize really yeah it's broken even more wait what the [ __ ] baby come on we know this yeah you didn't know that no he has a soul no he did his name does he steal it oh gg that's huge that's huge oh my god the [ __ ] knight oh my god i mean i think that they can actually push mid and end the game no yeah can they just they can end mid i think i don't think they need baron 50 seconds just go man just had such a setup there for that dragon bro look like tsm didn't know that like soul dragon was spawning i mean i think y'all should have finished like 50 minutes ago not true but like then tsm literally had double inhib baron pressure like almost triple in him like come on like they had the game for free because teal threw and they just couldn't finish it but that's why we watch lcs boys you never know who's gonna win keem first 20 minutes of that game we're [ __ ] sleeping though kind of trolling here yeah or he's lost he's reporting of course trolling won't have enough damage to kill though like i don't know that flash from tactical as well but i feel like as much troll [ __ ] ever i feel like a tactical flash is up he's just fine i'm seven seven nine okay okay man you can pause right now okay just an unfixable problem yeah oh that's such a nice play man from sword art holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this guy is okay he's actually smurfing yeah so hard to deserve the salary but actually yeah that play wasn't that good from sword art okay okay [Laughter] obviously you're gonna try to body slam them like what the [ __ ] what else would you do but imagine just being on [ __ ] bb's team like limit just like makes the play of his life like [ __ ] flash body slam prediction whatever and then bibi's just like yeah it's a point of the pick man didn't you have that nasty gragas play dom uh hey it was a different time you know now everyone does that but you know at the time it it yeah it was revolutionary in the 80s it's true actually oh he misses thing that's fine yeah he just got a cleanse right here well i mean i don't know uh i speak it has to walk forward and start hitting the turret but i guess uh that's the rift herald drop right there there was one interview where i said that i've been historically doing well against licorice and then there was a guy getting so offended like i remember that yeah he said you think you're better than licorice and he's stated like 10 million facts of why licorice is better than me and i never said licorice was bad you know and he kept on going he kept on going for like two months and then when i when i beat c9 i told him oh yes yes oh my god baby jesus i told him to suck a dick [Laughter] and then and then he still messages me says oh he was winning at 1-1 every game [Music] wait didn't you like solo kill him wait didn't he like solo lose his team the series game four we're talking like holly poppy thing that one no the wukong jace the golly pop was another story yeah oh my gosh carter is fuming right now yeah is that gale for like tsm is just getting [ __ ] that was a gale force okay respect and auto might have came in too but first damage dude look at these towers dude team liquid just has zero answer yeah this is this whole time foreign are they doing oh gg is just unbeatable man okay okay let's go greg that's bibi's boy right there yeah we gotta yeah dom like we gotta take our boy arm out to like dennis like we gotta have yeah he needs the haircut for sure bro like our mouth just doesn't like haircuts or what i swear every time he comes into the lcs like he doesn't he never wants to like clean up his beard and stuff no what it is is it's like he he had a haircut originally when he came in his grig but everyone flamed him so now he's trying to like disguise his identity just go in there no haircut bro i haven't i i got a new guy instead of dennis because yeah he's actually sick though man this guy comes he's he has like a whole [ __ ] barber truck thing it's like how much you pay for though uh he only charges 50. i thought we should charge more yeah i think he's he's in texas not la so it's different i would charge like 150 in la for sure yeah yeah if you're paying 50 in texas no this guy like he was he was talking to me about it he's like yeah do a lot of haircuts to like pay the [ __ ] off but he's 130 000 like he's like a barber studio but in like a [ __ ] truck it's crazy he has like a nice barber chair mirrors everything like ever like a whole barber shop but in the truck also he like drives the truck to you and you go in the truck oh that's it yeah yeah my whole chat's freaking out right now the thing is like i get it like you know i just get like cuts for 20 bucks but now it's just different i live in l.a this shit's expensive to get a good barber 55 i give dennis 100. oh yeah because you do beard too oh i take off my shirt when he gives me haircuts holy [ __ ] bro i used to be on the 20 haircuts from floyds oh [ __ ] floyd yeah that is what it is you just get a different person every time it's just like random rice go to super cuts i remember the lady was cutting my hair and washing my hair she was laughing she was literally laughing at me while cutting just so bad bro i went to a chinese barber shop once and this like 40 year old chinese woman was cutting my hair and swear to god voila she was playing candy crush while cutting my hair i'm not even doing that everyone plays candy crush you know what mom's on the candy crush these days it's like the only new game she plays i wish i wasn't so [ __ ] i remember getting like so many haircuts when i was younger and i hated them i don't know the bar would be like yo like what's good like you [ __ ] with it or like you know like what do you think yeah yeah yeah that's good and then i [Laughter] [Music] okay i mean i still think they i mean they lose if tristan stays alive right trust is just too strong i guess never mind on the other side of the map oh my god poe just threw the entire game wait it's a baron it's a it's a really barren poe actually just entered the game away how crazy is that stride dude i feel like this ocean soul even though it's going to be good for tsm like it's not an insta game winner with this comp because if one of their two carries dies team fights should be it should be pretty quick i mean look at his items by the way is it playable oh my god what the [ __ ] is that i didn't see guys wait how did she have literally nothing what the [ __ ] i think she has a lot of gold i think she has a lot of gold wait but ldr doesn't even seem that good here i guess he's only yeah with that why is he getting ldr just because maybe he's only gonna hit if if he kills like he might have to hit gragas like even if even oh they're just getting gap they're just getting gaps straight up all right you you better do baron in this situation yeah wait what time are you guys up man uh 27 12 13 okay okay i did i thought i'd because my thing lagged for a second now they want to fight three five team liquids i mean they can't fight three five still no no no why don't like i don't understand why they're even trying to contest why don't they just like go why don't they go like an outdate yeah of course they're gonna die they lose the game here like they're gonna die for sure there's no way that they win this dissection oh i just dashed into and i have to burn flash but like oh man but why don't they just run down mid and start hitting like i mean they had to wave mid why not just go man oh tactical's just griefing for no reason he doesn't need to do that you literally get nothing out of the kill yeah holy [ __ ] if tsm lose this game like they don't deserve fans it's already lost the [ __ ] okay i'm just saying that's a fact holy man i'm sorry it's perfect though like imagine watching tsm this game and then just like i'm losing it especially after last game too when team liquid gave you a free win and then you just like you can't win that game bro you're part of a hundred thieves bro did you see what went on last week yeah hundreds doesn't deserve fancy they're like okay okay yeah but like 100 thieves is thriving elsewhere you know what i mean like we want a valerian event like we have that going for ourselves like we no one expects hundred thieves league to be like lcs winners that's tsm's goal if not like they were looking really good though in the beginning of the ultimate well like in the merch yeah oh [Laughter] i just feel like peo he's just not a lucian player you know i wouldn't be confident with poe lucian on my team i mean i think he got better as it's like he used to be worse yeah i think he had to practice it it's still not like comfortable it like looks a little awkward i know i agree i think i think he's gotten a lot better at it too but like when i watch him it looks like a mage player trying to play adc like he's not like weaving in every auto he's just using abilities better all i'm saying is tommy's gotten a lot better too is it yours or his name now my illusion is better than his for sure okay all right now we know this guy is straight delusional [Laughter] you know it's crazy like i actually believe that so like maybe i am just a crack oh yeah no you're just crazy delusional but i mean respect i mean you should be delusional you know like that's the best way to improve oh my god wait how far wait wait wait wait did they just not get sold here oh my god oh my god wait what is happening this is so ugly oh [Applause] you probably are a better illusion all right you know what i i'll conceal it is it a burger clip oh it's a burger no way our mouth does it again he's gonna do what he did with the scuttle crab he's camping the bush oh my god oh my god dude that would have been crazy why didn't jensen go around though there yeah yeah he went right for some reason i don't know why didn't he go around oh my god i think this is a bad start better delegates yeah and they have mega like if they're forcing a fight here like with mega like this is their best chance now i mean jensen is six it's just all right okay but core is even bigger that was three men result and three man tippers i mean here you just go down mid right like you just don't tell me yeah if it's 40 seconds they will always end if it's 40 seconds i like that they have the jungler chasing here because you know yeah he doesn't do anything with his own teammate he can't defend anyways [Music] oh he wins those just hit the plant bro you got out micro him this is your moment there it is you gotta stall he's stalling but dude like imagine being a tsm fan and watching that game like i mean i'd be so triggered right now i'd be so triggered yeah i mean you probably just blame draft because you're just delusional if you're a tsm fan so they did the same same like they threw the game just like yelled at you know nice last game yeah but they actually couldn't win back like because they can't it's like the team actually doesn't allow to come back anymore well then you just can't make those mistakes but i'm thinking about how bjergsen feels right now dude i couldn't be a coach like if i if i watched my team lose the game tsm just lost i couldn't go i'd be like all right guys like i know we just threw that game but like we're gonna win the next one like i would be like you guys are [ __ ] dog [ __ ] sounds good i don't know i can always touch it it always depends on personalities you know like some some people actually like being screamed or like being flamed like i actually really like what someone plays me you know oh are you like are you are you [ __ ] are you a sub are you subbed up yeah or uh do you like getting beat up yeah i'm gonna kick bb in the balls okay you like that don't you yeah bibi do you know the ribbon one trick uh slaw bunnies he plays on us no no that's not no random pseudo wait are you sure bunnies are random that's disrespectful actually i haven't heard of slow bunnies no even sanchez knows that sanchez has been playing the u.s yeah he's like oh that guy's actually so good slow buddies yeah yeah you've never heard of slaw bunnies bb no hmm that's crazy like i don't have to tell you bro oh my god i'm sorry i guess you don't play more solo queue wait you're not high challenging you probably just don't care enough you're like low challenger right now me yeah i'm eight hundred points or something i think slob you're like you're still a little low yeah it's like he's like one oh one point three note yeah look him up baby let me see actually okay 1.3 you said yeah yeah or maybe he dropped yeah he might have dropped a little bit look up look up his name what's his name man he's not why don't you slob on these nuts phoebe [Laughter] can just heart attack any match up don't know and just scale i think the problem with cyan is like you can ignore him in fights all the time i mean you can normally bypass him in a lot of comps if he gets a lot of if he gets good old i mean i assume that that's why they picked kaiser to try to just like bypass them go for the back line i don't know why else you picked kaiser here kaiser is a decent shredder it's like her passive and [ __ ] kraken i personally feel like kaise is like a little overrated now oh nice oh it hasn't shown he does yeah uh that's so crazy wow varus is a pretty good champion i mean he just ruined like his entire lane phase yeah i think he's just cool no and then probably refill cool man make fun of the make one of his english like he doesn't speak five languages dumb okay okay about that [Laughter] only one language okay yeah but your mid just wins 2v1 like and then actually i mean i've been talking to ellis and he says that at the highest level league of legends is its language of its own so i actually speak two languages oh that's kind of beautiful but yeah well tsm just lost the series good night i mean that's drake actually i mean i guess they could just not go forward too just go for time this varus is going to get lethality and then just hit people from like i don't think he's going without screen away i don't think he's yeah he went uh he went greaves he's gonna go uh crack and slay this game pretty sure i can only play ranked if i play like normals i just hate myself i don't know why an entire trip may drop in the mid lane so far outstanding spike comes into speaker threshold i mean they they've tp here hoodie tp's back i mean i think this should be completely fine he just thinks he's like tank uh renekton to tp to five people getting out he's just in think like they oh that's so sad for tsm thresh wastes ultimate uh varus wastes ultimate and they're just like still all super healthy and then huni just tp's in [ __ ] hints i feel like so crazy i feel like people are so pressured to tp in pro play like they just see the other guy tping and then they're like oh [ __ ] i have to tp too or i'm just gonna be a bad teammate honestly like there's also a lot of times where you just get mind controlled by yeah your team's just like calling like tp tv yeah yeah i like the orianna build floyd's really he's never gonna like really be hitting anyone else yeah so cheap they nerfed it a little bit it's still good oh it's pre-nerfed oh this might be pre-nerfed i'm not sure there's eleven five yeah i don't know i can't i don't know people keep track of like what happens per patch i barely keep track of what's happened in general i mean the only time is like when you watch these games then you have to check because people ask you questions like that because i feel like you don't really buy void for no reason like you used to after the nerf how does he catch up i'm actually so confused i know he has rw speed but like no but he has his versus moby's like the fact that corey didn't just outrun that's kind of wild yeah i mean that's cool tactical's fishing for the old he has to flash the recon again or it's doomed oh that was so insanely nasty but tactical's also just like stepping up way too far i mean pretty unnecessary i would say yeah he doesn't need to walk up for anything like he's allowing baron minions that do nothing like i said like they're not going to probably anyway oh that's a nice [ __ ] play from tl's bot lane and lost is just running it down for fun yeah i mean tsm just looks so they basically they don't deserve to win [Music] they literally can't walk into this guy there's no way really i mean i feel like they just found him over the top oh my gosh look at that that's him for the team speak as a real ass [ __ ] no he doesn't live there's no retirement so if if your flash flashes someone stuns him and or gives him the ball yeah is it balling with his bros what are you saying man [ __ ] man i'm trying to clarify something here yeah yeah yeah he's balling with his bros falling with the bros yeah that's really bad thank god he's good at the game man thank god you're good at the game that's all i'm saying i've never seen so many l's in my chat at one time well played in fact po we got medjay for zero reason like he had four items why don't you just get stop watching like a pop it's just sometimes better now before they just try to make the case yeah like if you're in a fight the game is literally over anyway so the bad guys knows i guarantee you the the logic is just for the mythic passive he wants the haste oh that is true actually the mythic pass i didn't take that into account but i mean i don't think it's right i think stopwatch is just too broken of an item has he not had one game i agree but no who oh he hasn't used it being abused for being eu yeah that's what it is that's why we were abusing him he's just a bit emitted better yeah he's gonna get banned again wait saints have you ever got banned on twitch no somehow god knows how broad knows that i've done some [ __ ] on twitch now you've done so much [ __ ] and bro you're literally watching a video the other day tackle just whiffed ulti yeah you're watching a video of the other day interacting with girls matt you watching the video should have got you banned alone the video was hilarious wait he actually got what a flank from our mouth i actually really like this too just [ __ ] ran it down but it was actually a really good angle yeah i mean he lost his team the game and like he deserves the report but like i like the idea yeah that was a [ __ ] degree but it's about the thought it's a thought that matters oh look at that magi stack 24 stack i'm [ __ ] stupid we're just dumb we're dumb as [ __ ] oh wait oh fire's gonna get him here [Music] that was a [ __ ] hard carry though damn this series is yeah i lost one behind that one yeah it's getting more intense i mean tough looks really [ __ ] goofy guys yeah top is just a bad world by the way wouldn't you rather or in here like if instead of like uh renekton or scion score what happened to oran what actually happened to that they just nerfed the [ __ ] out of it like you just the no the item's [ __ ] up yeah well uh yeah but the fact that you only get one item now like upgraded level 13. yeah it's really bad wait what happened to speaker speaker was like holding his stomach dude maybe he's sick from the n.a gameplay oh no oh it's doomed as well isn't it a problem if tom kench is only playable with cena i mean they play it like i don't know in in china they play it with all the hyper carriers like pretty much if one team takes thresh and the other team wants to play hyper k vs hyper carry they'll just play like uh tom ken just encountered a thresh and they'll play tom kendrick phillips tomkins jinx tom kench varus tom ken cena they play all those lanes yeah i never see it wait speak is dead it's huge no flash on uh no flash on lost lost might be dead [Music] no i think it's dead that's so crazy wait this is actually really good the series is just over the series just like hinted so hard like when they replay just watch sword art he just like actually ended that fight with his he's reported for that one for sure oh that's actually huge getting like can't they burn his flash off this because he failed to see [Music] holy [ __ ] all right they're just feeling it now it's gonna be a [ __ ] slaughter yeah that's what this one's done oh wait this guy's he's dead yep and speakers is just dead never mind bro how come no one has the word never mind oh my god as well oh my god everyone's dead everyone's dead everyone's dead holy [ __ ] oh he's back at it nasty yeah for this one man this game is [ __ ] hard oh so hard bro this is gonna be like the most disgusting lcs score of like playoff history right like it's never been this bad dude there's never been a series this bad i feel like i probably got stomped this bad before in lcs at least once this has definitely happened to me before okay speaker this guy with the jungle man i'm just saying you know it's such a broken world not like midi say the same thing he'd be like yeah i think hecarim is so big that you can just put anyone in there yeah exactly true that's true please dsm it is my birthday dumb [ __ ] it's his birthday step it up bro like start coming back 10k gold deficit for the guy's birthday my question is like in the game like this bb if you're tsm what is the columns like are you just like okay let's just stand around until it's over or are you actually looking for comeback angles sometimes if if you know it's lost yeah like no one is like being delusional about it people are like okay we just have to try some [ __ ] guys like and then five minutes oh yeah we just gotta like get the shut down if we get the shutdown the worst thing is like doing nothing and just getting choked out you know but like it's better to to try a random play and then lose faster than just doing nothing you know yeah it feels really [ __ ] losing slowly what does this renekton build can someone tell me what's that oh dude this is the one he's going to go prowler's claw next he's doing it well at this point you have to like you're going to matter no matter what like why did you change his build though no but i think he was building this anyways holy [ __ ] dude renekton is such a useless champion man is so bad no that's just bad it's never good oh poe yes sir but i think he just actually wanted the game to end he just got bored he's like let's just [ __ ] end it like there's no point i don't blame him either like well it was a four before the score zero that is just like wow like tsm fans are not eating good this series holy [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] thorin are you winning son at reginald come on man i love this guy he's such a psychopath i remember he told you it was he was like yeah he's like how about you stick to selling merch for an apparel company i think it was because there was something like about like twitch rivals or some event like going on and like monte cristo was on it i like me and monty chris like bantered with each other a bit but like it was an actual flame i think like thorin like i don't know he just like flame me on twitter because like he's boys
Channel: IWDominate
Views: 158,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iwd, iwilldominate, christian rivera, iwdominate, how to jungle, jungle main, pentakill, LEAGUE plays, diy, best jungler na, lol best jungler, LEAGUE highlights, LOL HIGHLIGHTS, graves, pantheon, kha'zix, jungle, kindred, rengar, gragas, jungler, LEE SIN, best of, best plays, pathing, path, best path, how to gank, gank, teaching, tutorial, how to climb, climbing the ladder, gain elo, funny, HOW TO DOMINATE, LEAGUE PRO, TEAM LIQUID, EUW, TOXIC, LCS, IWD Unbanned, Perkz, TL, TSM, Yassuo, Broken Blade
Id: y-abN1zz4rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 9sec (2289 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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