I had putting yips for a year. This cured them instantly

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I'm a three handicapper and for most of my life I've been a fairly decent putter it I tell you [Music] what obviously I mean most of my golfing life I didn't come out of the womb doing aim point and rolling in 20 Footers yeah at least I was all right putting until I got The Yips a I miss you though I'm right beside you and we're so distracted always in our so spaced out fig if you don't know what The Yips are they're basically a kind of involuntary movement that happens in your hands normally like at the point of impact it's a bit like a twitch or kind of like an electric shock sort of feeling almost don't have many more some people get chipping yips or even full swing Yips but pting Yips are a lot more common and yeah for me it was just on short putts and basically I could just feel that at the point of impact there's this weird feeling in my hands it would just make me like massively push or pull the part and obviously miss it lasted over a year and it was honestly the most difficult and demoralizing thing I've ever experienced in golf it's actually hard to explain just how bad it was but basically on twoot putts I wouldn't even be threatening the hole with tappins someone who'd never played golf before would genuinely have a better chance of just grabbing a Potter and knocking it in than I would I spoke to a couple of mates at the time and they were about sympathetic as you'd expect here he is every time you stood over a part with inside inside for foot I just don't trust that you're going to R it the confidence level from like old Rob to new Rob is like ah he should hold this to is he going to like is he going to touch the cup in any way see your whole body language is just like you're scared of like the pup yeah it gave me this horrible anxious feeling over every short part and basically because I couldn't trust myself to Hole it I ended up kind of just dribbling them towards the hole So that obviously if it missed I then didn't have another two or 3T AP potentially left obviously it was absolutely destroying my scores because I was having like 45 putts in a round but it was also just so embarrassing as you can probably tell it was pretty bleak so I tried pretty much everything I could think of to fix it the first thing I did was to buy a new putter I'm not normally one to think that you can buy a better golf game but I thought a new putter might help as it's kind of a fresh start but the new pter made no difference at all to my Yips and in a weird way it kind of made things worse as it added a bit more pressure so I just spent quite a lot of money on a new patter I was really hoping it would work imagine if I then went and for patted the first two greens the first time I used it yeah imagine being that [Music] guy oh hasn't fixed things has it I tried practicing so my mate suggested that I practice more and you think that makes sense if you're not good at something and you want to get better at it you practice it right but having Come Through The Yips I now know that anyone who just says you need to practice more doesn't understand what it's like to have The Yips I was absolutely fine in practice I got to stage where I could hold 53 Footers in a row row but as soon as I went on the golf course I was still absolutely awful I tried changing my grip and putting a left hand low to see if that helped but it didn't really make any difference I tried looking at the hole on short putts which kind of helped with the IPS a little bit but I wasn't very good at holding Parts doing that and I also didn't like the idea that there'd be certain distances where I was like is this short enough where I look at the hole or is it long enough where I don't look at the hole and it just make me kind of a bit uncomfortable on parts of like that in between range I Tried reading putting books but they ended up giving me more to think about in many ways and that just didn't feel helpful I tried selft talk and basically telling myself that it didn't matter if the ball went in or not but the trouble is you can't help but care about the ball going in even if you're playing for fun and you're not particularly worried about your scores you still want the ball to go in don't you so when I was telling myself it didn't matter I just didn't believe it and then finally I tried the one thing that I've been putting off the whole time I've been trying all that other stuff and that was going to a pencil grip so for me put my left hand on like normal but rather than my right hand coming you know around the back of the club sort of goes in like that so the grip kind of sits well basically the right hand doesn't do that much in it and that's kind of the point because me and for most people I think The Yips tends to be like your right hand gets active which closes the face or pushes it open as soon as I switch to that it fixed The Yips instantly and completely kind of made me wonder why I didn't try that a lot sooner really well that's because you're an idiot there's just so much better it's so easy now I just don't have any stress anymore about putts like I know that if I line it upright OB I've got this line on my Putter and then I'm just going to come through there's no yipping there's no weirdness obviously I don't hold every single part in the world sometimes you don't get the line right or the speed right or whatever but yeah I now know that if I've got a two-footer I'm probably just going to knock it in rather than having like a complete meltdown about it one of the reasons I put it off so long is that I was a bit worried about what the people would think obviously they see me with this kind of unconventional grip and think oh he's obviously got some kind of putty problems but that just didn't make any sense because obviously if I was playing golf with them they could see I had body parting problems because I couldn't knock it in from 18 in and also I just don't think anybody else really cares what putting grip that you're using so my advice if you're experiencing any kind of putting Yips is to try something like the pencil grip there's claw grip saw grip all sorts of different names they're all quite similar um just try it sooner rather than later because the longer you spend having the The Yips the more horrible experiences you have with it and because The Yips is basically like a mental thing then the more kind of scar tissue builds up and the more stressful it becomes and The Yips just get kind of worse and worse I think they're probably not going to go away on their own you know like I said I tried everything else I could think of this was the only thing that did it and it did it straight away and I'd say I'm putting now probably better than I ever have in my life and actually I've started hitting a few parts with a normal grip again just because I feel so much more comfortable so I feel like the iips have probably gone but yeah I haven't sort of ditched my pencil grip out on the course in competitions and you know friendly matches and stuff when it matters because ultimately it's working really well um it's just that yeah sometimes it feels nice to hit parts now with a normal grip but obviously there's nothing to stop me spending the rest of my life using a pencil grip so the left hand goes on as normal this one just sits underneath you can some people do this it's more like a saw I think they call it but was was just this seems to work pretty good
Channel: Rob McGarr
Views: 9,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, putting, putting yips, yips cure, yips fix, pencil grip golf, claw grip golf
Id: bMWlx7wOSLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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