I Had a WHAT?!

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what the heck is going on there why can't I talk right [Music] hey everyone Chuck here for brand new vegan I am making a different kind of video today only because so many of you have wrote in and asked for a video you've asked where I've been you've asked about Instagram you've asked you know Chuck why you disappeared so I hope to address that today and kind of fill you in on what's been happening here in a brand new vegan world so we have to go back a few months before Koba 19 before the lockdown it was February 24th of this year and I woke up feeling not very good funny it was a I knew I was sick I knew something was different it's something I've never felt before it wasn't a cold and like I said I just was before that virus so it was just off and kind of blew it off and I talked to my wife about a little bit later and notice that my speech started to soar a little bit and she was immediately concerned and I thought what the heck is going on there why can't I talk right yes I know the symptoms of a stroke I did not have the facial drooping I didn't have any side of my face going left or right or Dallin or anything like that my arms were perfectly steady I had no muscle weakness so I thought something else and I blew it off not the smartest thing in the world but that's what I did so the next day it had not gone away it was worse and I knew something was wrong so my wife was going to her exercise session and when she came home I grabbed her and said you better take me to dr. I better check this out and we went to see the family doc who was busy booked and a nurse took my symptoms and led back to to consult with him and she came back and she said immediately get to the ER now so off to the ER I went I will say for 57 years old first time ever to go to the emergency room first time ever to go to the hospital first time ever to spend a night in a hospital and that's what happened they rushed me and got bombarded by a team of nurses and doctors asking me to squeeze fingers say my name say my birth date all that kind of stuff and got me into a our bed got me into the funny little gown started running their tests cat scans MRIs you name it and as it turns out I did indeed have a stroke surprise I was and it was a small one they called it an acute ischemic stroke so it's not the hemorrhaging kind not the bleeding kind it was the clot kind so shocked yes I was and mad I was really angry because I'm brand-new vegan I've been eating healthy for the last seven years at least plant-based diet how can I have a stroke and demanded every doctor I talk to to answer that question for me as funny because actually you know I tell people I don't eat meat I don't mean dairy I don't eat cholesterol I eat plants and I had to two different nurses come up to me and say well you know Chuck plants have cholesterol no they don't these are nurses so anyway I'm not sure what I was feeling at that point very frustrated I had a feeling they didn't know much more about what to do with me than I did myself so I was ready to go they made me spend the night and I had some more tests they checked my cottage they checked echocardiogram they checked all kind of stuff every single test they ran was negative except for the MRI and I'll show some pictures here in the video I'll switch over to some pictures you can see the MRI showed the spot for the stroke so after that they had me spend a night I finally got to eat and yes hospital food is as bad as I heard it was if not worse but I finally got a chance to eat something I forget what it was it was like a homeless and veggie dip or something and then the the other plate they brought out for my wife was a veggie burger and that was courtesy full of oil french fries or potato chips I forget which one is ridiculous but I spent the night and I felt fine other than the only effect I had from his whole thing the only way it affected me at all was my speech it was pretty impaired I got a video in here somewhere I took afterwards we went to the beach when I finally got home and just just healed rested for a few days and I took some video there and now if I can find it I'll put a clip in hey everybody Chuck here brand-new vegan I'm here to Beach I have some news for you sunny easy news but it needs to be said you may notice a slight speech impediment that is because six days ago in the February 24th I had a stroke does his speech was ridiculously impaired I sounded pretty bad but anyway that's the only effect I had it was a speech and I have no answers why I demanded the doctors tell me why did this happen to a vegan who eats plant-based whole food plant-based no oil and I had a stroke why and finally one doctor came up to me and turns out he was a vegetarian real nice guy and he said you know you're looking at this the wrong way that you shouldn't be asking yourself why you had a stroke as a vegan you should be thanking yourself that you were vegan because if you had had two stroke eating standard American diet cheeseburger steaks pork chops that kind of stuff this would have been a whole lot worse he said basically your diet saved your life and so that was a very unique perspective again that's the why it happened the first place I may never know why do people wrote in now that kovat is here and we've been locked down for the last several months of course this was great right after a stroke this cold with being happened I'm like wow what next but anyway they asked me I guess some of the symptoms of younger people with Kovac is they're having a clot strokes and they said could you affect hope it I don't know maybe I didn't have any other symptoms I've felt flying ever since so could be who knows like I said I may never know why I had it I kind of blame it on like I said I'm 57 years old I've been eating this way at least seven years before that I was all standard American diet cheeseburgers fries I was a cheese burger connoisseur bacon cheeseburgers chili cheeseburgers green chili cheeseburgers french fries white beer some fried chicken blood pizza you know standard American fare I ate it every possible bad food you can think of I probably ate a ton of it pop-tarts Cheez Whiz chips dips processed food microwave food everything we didn't know any better so maybe this was 50 years of catching up and it finally caught up to me who knows also during that 50 years I was a smoker I smoked about it back and a half to back today I've quit sense but I'm sure that didn't help stress it was a huge part of it I've always had stress financial stress I lost my business in 2008 had to go back to work work night shift my entire life and graveyard shift has its own set of stress who knows it could have been all those things or it could have been everything combined I don't know at the time I was checked into the hospital they did check my blood pressure and it was ridiculously high of course I was mad I was scared it was like 175 over 100 and something if I have a picture I'll post it and my cholesterol was high borderline high in their standards it was like 202 total and my LDL was 129 again I demand it to know why I don't eat meat I don't eat cholesterol Italy animals I don't eat dairy cheese anything like that why it's bad cholesterol 1:29 and of course they can't answer that so I left the next day and came home with a lot more questions than I have answers what they did do for me at the hospital was send me home with a fistful of pills I had blood pressure medicine I had baby aspirin I had lipitor for my cholesterol great and I had clap X which is a anti platelet it's like a blood thinner and you pair that up with baby aspirin which is a bit blood thinner and you can have some nasty side effects so I had some bruising all kinds of things I hate pills I don't take pills normally so I was not happy about this either and then kovat hit and we were all in lockdown so I never did get to go back for my 30-day follow-up but I guess I should say the very first thing that happened when I got home with all these questions and determination immediately to get off of all of these pills as I called the one person I could think of who I knew would help I called two people excuse me I call it dr. Caldwell Esselstyn first wrote him an email and he did call me back and he said you're in Portland right you need to go see Craig mcdougal go to Craig let's hear importantly and I know Craig he was my doctor a while back before he left Kaiser so I thought great I'll go see Craig how do I reach him oh I know it's dad dr. John module so I emailed dot dr. John and I said hey Doc how can I get in and see your son Craig I just had a stroke blah blah blah and the first thing he said to me was you need to come to Santa Rosa now come to the next 10 Dave MacDougall within and we'll fix you up and I will be there and if I have to I'll get involved myself and I thought wow that's awesome so I spent the money I had the tickets I had a plane ticket I had rent-a-car I had it all set up to go and then covered it so it was canceled first time ever no module today and I got my money back but I thought wow now what I do so I did what I knew they were going to do for me they're at the edge of Center at Santa Rosa I started eating a very very clean diet I started exercising and I started trying to not wet stress be a big part of this I knew that's what the three thing is they would concentrate on at the Women's Center so I cleaned up my diet I took out anything remotely questionable as far as a high-fat food so tofu what's gone definitely nuts and seeds no peanut butter at all no beer no alcohol what else that cut out of course that was no oil to begin with but white tahini anything it's a avvocato anything it's got a high fat content I cut it out and so in 30 days the result of that I dropped from my weights of 206 which was in the hospital to 188 so however many pounds I'd is 15 or so and my blood pressure has no more lives I am no longer taking employ pressure medicine in fact I so today I no longer take any meds no whippet or no plavix no baby aspirin no nothing so all of that happened in 30 days after the hospital and drink Ovid it works a good clean diet and exercise works wonders that's all I can tell you so ever since then that's I have been up to I've been putting out new recipes they're cleaner than they used to be you won't see that many recipes with cashew sauce or avocado or anything like that anymore I've committed to eating a really strict starch based diet so most of my foods come in from searches as dr. McDougall recommends a lot of vegetables white greens and so they've been doing I've been walking every day like I said I've lost a ton of weight my blood pressure I checked it yesterday it was like 122 over 75 that's why I've cleaned up my diet that's where I am now perfectly fine now healthy you cannot tell anything happened and it was exactly the weapon weeks ago today that I had to stroke hope that answers your question yeah so I am going to try to put more food videos get started on that again please be patient and thank you for all who have showed your concern and asked about me I'm fine I'm good no problem I had a stroke big deal I'm healthy because the way we eat so don't let anybody tell you foods not important is very important [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Brand New Vegan
Views: 10,511
Rating: 4.9638553 out of 5
Id: HGTrTTv94-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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