I Got Stuck In A Room With My Crush | I Saw Everything

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hi I'm Jean and I'd like to tell you about one of the most awful nights of my life you see I used to have a big crush on this girl at my school she was absolutely perfect in every way Gabby was pretty but she was also so sweet bright and funny I couldn't get enough of her and would stare her way whenever we were in class together the problem was I was a bit shy around her now I'm not usually a timid kind of guy but something about Gabby made me really nervous It was as if I knew she was the right girl for me and I got butterflies in my stomach whenever she was around I know that sounds really corny but that's precisely the way I felt I wanted to be perfect for her all I could dream about was having Gabby noticed me I wished she liked me back but something told me a girl like her would never date a guy like me I wasn't bad looking but I was nowhere as handsome as she was beautiful her smile could brighten up any room she walked into you know that popular girl everyone turns to stare at whenever she arrives well that was Gabby she also had the best grades in our class It was as if Gabby couldn't do anything wrong I couldn't understand how a girl like that wasn't already taken as far as I knew she wasn't dating anyone and I knew every single guy in my class wanted to go out with her math class had always been kind of dull to me but ever since Gabby began taking it with me it became my favorite subject I'd find ways of sitting close to her and enjoyed being around the prettiest girl I've ever met whenever I knew we'd share the same classroom I would try and look my best I wanted so badly to impress her after all I would wear my best clothes and use a lot of Cologne my mom even bought me a cool shirt to take to school one day noticing that I had a crush on a girl my age i was super-embarrassed that mom realized I wanted to date a classmate but I thought that maybe Gabby wouldn't notice it if she saw me wearing it unfortunately she didn't even give me a second glance I couldn't blame her though because Gabby was always surrounded by people she was after all really popular that meant boys were constantly trying to get her to date them and girls argued about who got to sit down by her side now I know you must think that she was really conceited about all the attention that she received she really wasn't Gabby was the nicest girl I knew and she was always super sweet with everyone who talked to her I wanted so badly to ask her out on a date but well I was terrified she'd say no after all I wasn't the only one vying for her attention my dreams to spend more time with the prettiest girl at school became true thanks to our math teacher mr. Harrison was not much fun but that day I could have hugged him he decided to split us into pairs to get a home project done I couldn't believe it when he called my name next to Gabby's I must be smiling like a madman because my friends chuckled when they looked my way I gave Gabby a little look and she smiled back at me that time I walked over to her the minute the class was over she was so sweet and asked me if I wanted to go to her house to work on the assignment of course I was almost giddy about her question I said yes at once we arranged to meet up on Saturday so we could spend the whole day working on the project and make sure we got a great grade I knew we'd get an a because Gabby never got anything lower she was the smartest girl in our math class and I think maybe in the whole school you can imagine exactly how nervous I was when Saturday finally rolled around I think I changed clothes six or seven times I also took two baths and had such a hard time deciding what cologne to use I wanted to impress her I wanted her to finally notice me and ask her out on a perfect date I knew it was my one chance to be alone with her and get her undivided attention I wasn't going to let that opportunity go to waste when I arrived she received me with homemade cookies she was really such a sweetheart we went up to a room and sat on her bed to begin working on our assignment I was stunned by how easy she got everything done I didn't want to slow her down so I really worked so hard to impress her that meant we got our homework finished in record time I was so upset about that because I didn't want to go home yet so I suggested adding a little bit extra to make where we got a great grade Gabby loved that idea I was so proud of myself for thinking of such a clear way of spending some extra time with the prettiest girl I knew at first I'll have to admit I was really nervous after a while though we began chatting and laughing more openly she was really friendly and seemed to enjoy hanging out with me which was amazing we were sitting right next to each other on her bed I'd tensed up every single time my knee brushed against her leg she was even more beautiful up close and she smelled like flowers could any girl really be that perfect I was falling harder and harder for her I couldn't keep my eyes off her stunning face when the time to leave was approaching I decided I needed to take a leap of faith if I chickened out and miss the perfect opportunity to ask her out I would never forgive myself so I gathered all my courage and leaned in to kiss her when my lips brushed against hers I felt like I had touched the sky with my bare hands what was best she didn't move away from me instead Gabby actually kissed me I couldn't believe my luck the girl of my dreams was kissing me back and it felt like the best moment of my entire life unfortunately things were about to take a turn for the worse when I moved away I couldn't stop smiling she smiled back but there was some kind of guilt in the way she looked at me I immediately got worried because it didn't seem like a good sign Gabby explained that she liked me and thought I was really cute she told me she had really enjoyed the kiss but it had to be a one-time thing I felt my heart sink as she explained that she was kind of seeing someone it wasn't so serious yet but she had a feeling that he'd soon asked her to be his official girlfriend she didn't want to get my hopes up I was super disappointed but I understood she had the right to date whomever she wanted I was just sad that she hadn't chosen me perhaps if I had made a move before it didn't take us long to finish the entire project and I knew I had to go back home I kissed her goodbye and I knew it would be the last time I ever kissed her that was unless a wild idea got into my head I still don't know how I thought it the right way to go back then though it seemed wildly romantic and like my one chance to get Gabby to change her mind about dating me I walked out of her house waited a few minutes and then climbed back into her room through her window I wanted to surprise her and let her know I was crazy about her I wanted to ask for a chance to show I was the one for her so I hid in her closet waiting to surprise her when she walked back inside I wasn't expecting her to leave though I freaked out when I saw her car driving away from the house I stuck around for about 30 minutes thinking maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all I now wish I had just left because when Gabby came back she wasn't alone a guy I had never seen before came into the room with her he was ridiculously handsome I knew right then and there that I had no way to compete with a man like him the problem was I couldn't leave the closet then I would have to wait till they walked out of the room or fell asleep you can imagine how horrible those hours sitting there in the closet were Gabby and the mystery guy made out and talked about their relationship I was heartbroken it came obvious to me that I didn't have a chance with Gabby sneaking into her room had been a big mistake and I was paying a high cost for being so silly I was so worried they'd end up noticing me Gabby would think I was a freak or a stalker fortunately they were too busy kissing and being super romantic with each other to realize there was someone watching from behind the closet door eventually the two of them fell asleep I was so relieved I wanted to rush out of that room and go back to my house at once so I finally managed to sneak out tiptoeing back outside in the middle of the night I'm so glad no one saw me because I think they would have called the police when I got home my mom was freaking out she asked me where I had been and why I hadn't called her I explained that I had been hanging out with friends and lost track of time I apologized but she grounded me for an entire month not only did I get my heart broken I was also in deep trouble with my parents talk about an awful night monday arrived and I was really looking forward to going to school when I got there Gabby said allo to me and smiled so sweetly I couldn't even look at her in the eyes it was so awkward she seemingly now considered me a friend and I felt awful for basically spying on her while she made out with that guy we ended up getting an a on our project but I didn't pursue a friendship with her it hurt too much to be around her I just decided to move on with my life understanding that I wasn't the one for her it heard of course but it was better to accept I didn't really have a chance with her then keep my hopes up for something that was never going to happen I learned a few weeks later that Gabby was now dating that guy officially and they were something of an item apparently he was a senior at another school in the district I ended up meeting a great girl who liked me back that same year but I'll never forget the night I had my heart broken while stuck inside my crushes room thanks for watching have you ever had a crush on someone who didn't like you back tell us all about it in the comments don't forget to subscribe and check other videos on the channel
Channel: My Story Overload
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Keywords: my story overload, story time animated, actually happened, share my story, animation short flim, my story, story time, real animation stories, animated life stories, animation, short story, short shories, animation channel, my amazing life, I kiss my crush in her room, I Got Stuck In A Room With My Crush, i got stuck with my crush real life, stuck in a room with my crush i saw everything, i saw everything my story animated, i saw everything my crush, i hid i saw everything
Id: bEr_r1ceff0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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