I Got Stuck For 30 Days In My Crush's Apartment

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hey there on Zack and I have a 24 year old high school teacher in case you're wondering I teach math and yeah I know when you imagine a math teacher you think of a balding guy in his mid 50s wearing a vest I guess I'll get there eventually though and hey that guy has tenure so it isn't all bad anyway this isn't the story of my life well it mostly isn't the story of my life it's really the story of what happened after I met Adriana you see I live in a little place called vernal it's a drive too fast and you've missed it kind of town not too far from Bakersfield people don't really move here and even if you don't know everyone by name you probably know their face it means new people in the town outside of the holiday season stick out a lot so I spotted Adriana weeks before I ever really met her she swept into my life like a tornado of color loud and alive in a way that stopped me in my tracks in the middle of the grocery store literally and I do mean that she nearly ran me down with a car while she was distracted lis chatting with Mike a 17 year old kid from my AP math class who worked weekend shifts and was staring at Adriana like he'd just seen sunlight for the first time she barely apologized and I'd already planned the rest of our lives together we'd have a dog and a cat and however many kids we can afford and then she was gone to pick out some tomatoes I think so when my landlord Jack called and said he had found a new tenant for the spare room in my apartment I never expected it would be her she arrived on a rainy Saturday afternoon dressed for summer and directing the movers in a rapid combination of Spanish and English her hands flew while she spoke pointing to the bedroom the kitchen and then finally to me hey you must be my new roommate I'm Adriana I'm new to Vernal but I just totally fell in love with it you know I just stopped by on a trip from Fresno last year and I just had to come back and try out small-town living not that like I'm a big town girl mind you I did live in Sacramento for a while oh and Fresno of course high nodded pretty much struck dumb I had to remember how to speak again enough to introduce myself Zack I teach math at the high school nice to meet you and I held my hand out to shake like my brain was on some kind of weird autopilot usually reserved for parent-teacher nights Oh a teacher you must be super smart she said and actually returned my handshake as if I wasn't already acting like a weirdo so you have to promise not to think I'm like totally strange or creepy I mean I think all of us can be a little strange but whatever anyway I'm actually working at the funeral directors I do the arranging stuff it can be so stressful I tell you funerals really bring out the worst in people I'd become one of those bobble head toys or drinking bird statues nodding along with everything Adriana said while stuck in this weird limbo of wanting to spend time with an attractive and seemingly nice woman and also wanting to escape to my room for some much-needed silence the introverts eternal dilemma I was saved by the sound of a box crashing to the floor which sent Adriana into an immediate panic and provided enough time for me to make a well time to ease it into my bedroom by the time Sunday night rolled around I was more than ready to get out of the apartment and spend my day doing some quiet hours of marking between classes I needed to escape to the privacy of my corner classroom hey driana well she was incredible lively friendly and only half dressed most of the time I'd never felt so anxious and excited at the same time Zack Zack did you hear the news already Adrianna shouted from the living room we can't go out they just announced everything is locking down he's intact crazy oh wait my boss just messaged Wow emergency team call isn't this exciting my heart dropped to the soles of my feet locked down surely that didn't apply to teachers I grabbed my phone but justice Adriana said a message was waiting from the principal advising he was implementing our bad weather closure procedures and that we should all test our logins for the virtual system it was not exciting at all and okay you can tell me I should have seen it coming but it wasn't like I had a lot of time to check out the news with Adriana turning my life upside down all weekend no wait I should think of this as an opportunity locked down stuck isolated with Adriana maybe my dog cat and kid's fantasy wouldn't be such a fantasy if we spent a little quality time together Adriana was a lot and I definitely was not but this could be an awesome time to figure things out right wrong so so wrong let me tell you a little about our shared apartment we live in a purpose-built unit that sits over the top of a small gallery shop set back from the main street the apartment kind of splits down the middle with a bedroom on either side of the living room and an open-plan kitchen at the back each renter has their own bathroom and put together the whole place is just one big square what you might have realized is that this means there's no working space other than the living room or sitting on your bed trying to pretend you're in an office which that's a no for a teacher so the first thing on Monday I set up the living room laptop headset extra screen you get the picture I had just finished and was testing the virtual classroom when Adriana stumbled out of her bedroom dressed in what looked like a very large t-shirt I admitted I choked on my tongue and I'm pretty sure I turned bright red morning hi stammered there's still coffee in the pot you are such a lifesaver I totally can't even think until I've had my coffee Adriana poured nearly as much cream as coffee into her cup and added a spoonful of brown sugar then busied herself pulling out pots and pans and ingredients I flinched at every bang and clang but couldn't stop watching you want some eggs she called over I have this amazing recipe for my mom and I know you're thinking how can X be special but the secret is totally in browning some butter before you do the scramble it's heaven on a breakfast plate guaranteed ah yeah thanks eggs were a safe topic right I checked the time and realized I had class due to start in a few minutes um I have class soon so I'll just do that I said I put on my headphones and launched the virtual classroom space watching as the kids trickled in virtually attendance was low which I kind of expected but after running through how the class would work now we were moving online and I thought I had everything pretty much handled right until I saw some of my students grinning in the background confused I paused speaking and looked up to find Adriana leaning over my shoulder the plate of eggs on toast was balanced precariously on her hand as she examined the virtual classroom eggs are all done she said with a wide smile on her face I was flustered and surprised I could already see kids picking up their phones to take photos of the screen I tried to grab the plate and managed to knock it to the floor in a spray of hot butter egg and bread I I'm so sorry I began and jumped to my feet the corner of my headset was caught as I stood and it yanked hard before springing away and clattering to the floor to join the eggs I swore loudly and inappropriately and my class on the screen fell apart laughing I slammed my hand onto the end class button without another word and stared at the disaster surrounding me hi what a mess Adriana scolded she grabbed a claw from the kitchen why quietly panicked the whole school is going to know within minutes if they didn't already it was hard enough being a young teacher now I'd be fodder for the latest gossip hey Adriana I'm really grateful for the food and I'm sorry I ruined it you can't do that you can't interrupt my class I'll I'll clean it up sorry Zack I really just thought it would be fun to see the kids and breakfast was made I promise no more I'd like to say Adriana kept her promise she was so contrite about the accident that really I thought it was just a misunderstanding but that would be a lie over the next week various accidents interruptions and incidents happened each time I fumes silently growing more and more frustrated the thing is I don't think she was doing it on purpose she just really was like a tornado of extraversion everything about her was loud and curious even when she was talking to bereaved clients she was caring yes but she filled the conversation he'd almost felt impossible to deliver classes with the sound of her scolding a supplier for any one of thousands of noisy activities it also didn't help that students were still clearly sharing clips from that video one of them had taken of me throwing the eggs all over the place each with new captions that might have been funny if I was at the subject but I pushed down on the frustration over and over I bet you can imagine what happened next stop you have to stop talking just an hour an hour of silence all my anger pouring out in one hateful burst because and this is the most embarrassing part Adriana asked me if I wanted a coffee I'd like to defend myself by saying that it was the third time she'd repeated the question while I was trying to finish off the last page of grading but if I'm being honest it was just a chance to finally let loose Adriana looked hurt that her face went red and then she looked furious she was swelling with angry words I backed away but it was too late I couldn't take it back I expected an explosion fire and brimstone in Spanish instead she packed up her laptop walked to her bedroom and slammed the door shut be find her silence the thing I had wanted more than anything in the world in that moment a better person would have apologized straight away but not me I'd nursed my irritation for days so I worked on for a while though I was too distracted to finish anything I'm not saying I hid but with my temper beginning to cool I decided to grab a sandwich and watch a movie on my computer eventually I heard noises from the living room the clanking and rattling I associated with Adriana and decided that maybe shouting hadn't been the worst idea after all I was proved wrong when I got up the next morning all that clattering I'd heard it was for this electric blue tape marking a dividing line through the living room and kitchen my site had generously been provided with a complex arrangement of half the fridge and sink the cupboards arranged so each of us totally had separate cups plates and so on it was impressively thorough and instantly enraged me only Adriana could be so well organized in chaos he was early but with Adriana's revenge in sight I didn't try and stay quiet making a single serving of coffee and fixing a bowl of cereal at maximum volume Adriana emerged in a cloud of irritation that matched my own no good morning no offer of breakfast she perched her laptop on the coffee table on her side of the room and pointedly ignored my existence I might have apologized if the tape had never emerged now I too was stubbornly silent shooting resentful glances at Adriana while I put my work space together for the day he was so quiet in the apartment that when her phone rang both of us jumped Adriana speaking she said then went very quiet her face turned pale as she listened okay that's that's a lot of people I'll get right on it she hung up and almost immediately burst into loud messy tears I admit it I panicked totally are you okay I ran over and she threw herself against my chest I patted her on the back tentatively at first but she settled against me I realized the way she fit in my arms was kind of nice what can I do I asked this time she sniffed a little and mumbled something into my chest what it's it's just a lot doing the work I do with everything that's happening she said sitting back and wiping her face I could have hid myself for being so awkward with her while I'd been getting mad about these noise and accidents she'd been dealing with sadness and loss all along man I was the worst I'm sorry I took her hand the perfect image of the dog the cat and however many kids floating in the back of my mind this could be something I was just stuck in my ways but Adriana she could help me be different I was really rude to you yesterday you you're amazing you know you do this awesome hard job and you stay so bright and positive really she asked and I nodded wiping at her face yeah and you know I could get you some breakfast I'm sorry too she exclaimed then swallowed hard maybe maybe sometimes it was a little on purpose when I was loud I just think you're kind of cute when you're mad you get this little frown line and I just couldn't resist you know I talk so much but I'm just so bad with feelings she smiled and my heart lept this was it this was my moment I opened my mouth to confess but what she said next stopped me in my tracks but it's just like you're my brother I stab my mouth so fast my teeth clicked anyway I just keep talking over you what were you going to say you mentioned breakfast she looked up at me yeah you uh you didn't do the dishes last night so I can't cook I lied what her happy smile turned to a scowl I can't believe this I cleaned everything this you you making coffee in that disgusting sugar cereal clean up your own mess Adriana carried on in a mixture of Spanish and English that I tuned out brother I'm just like a brother well if she wanted to be treated like a sister she had a big surprise coming
Channel: Zach SOL
Views: 637,066
Rating: 4.9223156 out of 5
Keywords: zach, slice of life, zach slice of life, anime, animation, animated, zach story, stories, story time, story time animation, stuck with, stuck with my crush, crush, crushing, love, love story, loving, art
Id: -eUEL4vyeH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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