I Got Plastic Surgery and Instantly Regret It...

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i have been thinking about this for a long time we need to convince her to not go through with this plastic surgery i got her can you come pick me up what happened whoa no this is so bad do you think that we should tell her what we did zamfam i am so excited today because matt surprised me with a giant date rebecca thinks that i'm surprising her with the date but really we're going to roast her who do you do with the poster boy put it over on the easel what about the balloons on the stage maddie let's do this okay zam fam i am ready to go but don't forget i have new azam fan lip gloss at rebecca new container so go get it but right now i'm about to go on a date with my husband okay everything looks like it is perfect rebecca is coming down the stairs everybody in the places okay okay ready to roast i'm ready for our date i know i said i was to take you on a date yeah but i have something for you come here what wait what is this yeah that gets roasted got a seat up here for you so we're not going on a date no wait a roast is way better than a date where did you guys find this photo of me that was my braces slash perm face your mom she sent us this photo isn't it great oh kathy they say that blondes aren't that smart too bad i'm not a real blonde but i think you prove that no matter what hair color you put on in wigs you're just not smart okay okay what is rebecca good at she's not a hacker not a snacker she's not that great at battle royale and then i got it rebecca is great at getting us all trapped kingpin mr x quadrant okay but i get us untrapped after people do say that you are funny finally funny looking okay i really wanted to graduate from ucla until i met you you proved to me that a degree means nothing it doesn't even make you smart congrats on finally getting a viral tick-tock sound oh thanks maddie it's really cool until you go and read the comment section among us in real life so you are like an older sister to me oh maddie i feel the same way yeah the older sister i've never had or wanted okay i can take it thank god you are tone deaf rebecca because you have no idea how bad you sound oh well i could wrap that's fine it wasn't long ago that we tied the knot but it doesn't really feel like a knot as much as it feels like a ball in chain oh and each year it just gets heavier and heavier and heavier oh they've been married for a long time so crazy maybe i should call my ex next up we have what i like to call the speed round okay zamfam this isn't a date it's a roast but i get it this is just a fun thing that friends do i mean it's not like they're talking about my appearance or anything yo rebecca why the long face i'm fine no i mean why is your face so long where other faces in yours just keeps going you lie so much that your nose grows every day or is that just your nose really i used to think that i wanted to marry a woman with curves i totally married you oh what yeah i used to think that the earth was round but with you it's like i'm living in flat earth there's nothing back there okay okay this roast is fun but i left my phone upstairs so just give me a second i thought i was going on a date i'll be back guys do you think we're going a little too hard on that roast are you kidding me you saw the game master note yeah he said that we have to learn to ignore the haters in these four categories so we roasted rebecca in intelligence talent personality and physical appearance i mean i guess we're all gonna have to be roasted today anyways right okay i'm not upset i mean obviously i thought i was going on a date and now it's a roast that's not a big deal because i realized on my calendar i had an appointment to get some things done and after the roast it made me think about it even more you know i might need to change a few things so i'm just going to get out of this dress and go to my appointment yeah yeah what is taking rebecca so long do you think she's really upset we should just show her the game masters note there we go get ready get ready so we actually actually i'm so sorry i have to get going i looked on my phone i have an appointment with my doctor but we can continue everything the roast was so fun but i gotta go okay well we have a blueberries game master what we still have to keep this going right i mean that's what the game master said we need to roast each other yeah so who's next rock paper scissors rock paper scissors shoot oh it did the wrong thing oh okay maybe it's just me rock paper scissors shoot oh boom okay i picked maddie can we want get changed out of more comfortable yes let's go let's do that okay zamfam so i have to get to this doctor's appointment you guys know i have been thinking about this for a long time i think that is time that i pranked them and made them think that i had gotten plastic surgery there is no way i am letting them get away with roasting me and making me feel bad so you know what in this bag i have all of these supplies that i packed i even have this right here and i'm gonna make it look like i had a nose job can drop everything they made fun of they will feel so bad about it i will make them think that they're the reason that i have plastic surgery so time to get strapped up oh that is daddy has more x's than friends oh she has more x's than letters in the alphabet what that's a lot also maddie i can tell what your favorite color is by the color of your skin right now so turn a little red which just so happens to be the same hair color as all of your exes that's true yeah okay so i saw people do this i have to make it look like i have black eyes like i just had a plastic surgery done i've gotta work fast maddie you say that you're afraid of ghosts right yeah is that why you're always getting ghosted okay okay we get it one of your exes used to fart a lot and i mean a lot but the way you've been putting down dairy lately i think it might have been you the whole time oh that was definitely not the truth back then okay sam fam so i put some of this on my nose i have gauze over my face you know from my long face that daniel said i had and i've got this this is actually just a fake pregnancy belly but it fit in my shorts i was like this works out great and of course would look a little bigger all right daniel so you're a hacker right that's right really good with computers yep so why couldn't you lock down your relationship with a robot good one guys good one good one okay daniel so you make fun of my love life you can't even get a robot who was programmed to love you to fall in love with you lay off there's more coming here daniel you are so weak how weak is he he couldn't even carry his robot girlfriend over the threshold when they got married we didn't even get married so obviously i cannot just walk in with plastic surgery so i'm going to call melcher who is at our house right now hey mulcher yeah rebecca hi i got hurt can you come pick me up uh yeah sure can you bring the wheelchair yeah where is it it's on the side of the house come out and i'll explain everything okay okay i got it okay bye bye okay zamfam so melcher should be coming out with a wheelchair i wonder if any of them are gonna notice that he is literally bringing a wheelchair out what do you guys think i've got a badge you guys see the makeup hopefully they react the way i do and they feel terrible that they roasted me because i got plastic surgery not really but let's see if they believe it snacking more like hacking and packing what happened don't worry about it just if anyone asks hey i got plastic surgery okay okay do you think you could wheel me inside and then maybe carry me up to my room yeah thanks melcher yeah no problem all right daniel i don't know if you remember this but you are so strong the top hacker you're so confident so good looking everybody loves you the best of the best oh but wait that was evil daniel okay okay okay you know what it's math turn you know matt rebecca has such a great relationship how great is it oh it's so great that rebecca took her ex-boyfriend to prom okay okay okay you know some people say that you have four eyes i think it's more like four brain cells what is that supposed to mean exactly and what about that bod i mean that dad bud he's not even dead and how you have to draw on your abs too bad that sharpie isn't permanent enough about my physical appearance okay i'm a little sensitive about that but we went hard about rebecca's physical appearance exactly and the game master said that this would help us build up our thick skin right by the way where is is that rebecca no that's melcher pushing something what is that wait what what rebecca what oh no what happened oh no rebecca rebecca i'm not talking to you guys it's not cheering can you help me she's not saying anything and she said she's not going to talk to us what oh no there's a bunch of like bandages all over her yeah did you see her and the no what are you talking about i think uh what happened to rebecca oh she got plastic surgery where everywhere what does that even mean i don't know i'm gonna go upstairs and figure out what's going on rebecca why do you think she would do that i don't know i can't believe she got plastic surgery what everywhere means oh no okay sam fam so i am up here hopefully melcher is telling them that i had plastic surgery do you think they bought it right now and what do you think of this do you think it's believable oh i hear someone coming rebecca we're back hey hey you okay what happened my chest is hurting wow man everest what's going on melcher said that you had plastic surgery how many surgeries did you have i don't think i'm ready to talk about it yet oh it's just oh wow sweet caboose what is that can you carry me downstairs i don't think i can walk everything hurts it's gonna take some adjusting to get used to but you put your arm over ow ow just tell me how many surgeries we had um you've done enough today can you just get me downstairs okay oh the junk in the trunk the pain you got a couple trunks there oh careful down there right here i'm just taking her to the couch it looks pretty bad it's really bad why would she do this to herself no clue and it was kind of fast too oh it's right there is good soft like a baby's bottom owie i'm bottom are you okay hanging out here for a second yeah oh okay same fam this is working so good now is my chance to make all of them feel guilty for all the mean things they said about my physical appearance i mean no one roasts me and gets away with it let's see if anyone else comes back but if i know them they'll probably be sending maddie okay that was a roast going dad what yeah yeah it turns out rebecca does not have thick skin actually a little thicker now what she has had at least two surgeries that i know of right now so i'm here and something here can you figure out how much she's had maddie can you go over there you're a girl plus she kind of likes you a little bit so maybe you can like figure it out yeah i'll go try and find out there's been multiple surgeries going yeah but dunks oh rebecca oh i'm surprised you're here maddie i heard you got a couple plastic surgeries what it's no big deal ow baby did you get your nose done the pinocchio thing you're right ow there's one good thing maddie that came out of this i won't be able to lie anymore okay that was pretty good right good thing this bandage already came off i've gotta wrap it up so now they think i've got this done this done and my nose done now you guys remember what daniel said he said why the long face i'm gonna show him why it's gonna take a long time for me to ever forgive him what'd you find out man he's bad she got her nose done too and there's like blood i know she can't lie anymore good one with that pinocchio thing okay matt i was joking about that just cut it out is there anything else i think there might be another surgery or two you found out too you found out one that's three surgeries so far i'll find out about the wrapping on the head i'll find out oh man this is bad maddie what do we do why do you have to make fun of her curves why'd you have to make fun of her nose i think she's actually gonna get a nose job i know i didn't think she was gonna get a new butt oh my gosh rebecca yeah i heard that the things that maddie and matt said in the roast kind of caused you to do this is something wrong with your chin it's been really long and just wanted to you know like smush it up they just chiseled away at my chin they took off part of your chin so wow at least i have 24 hours to make it permanent you're saying that we have 24 hours for you to if you wanted to reverse this you could reverse this and go back to how you were they said they could maybe pull my chin back out sure all that chiseling they have to collect it and put it back on 24 hours i don't think i can talk anymore it's the surgery okay just relax don't talk i'll be back okay zamfam they are right where i need them to be because if they want me to not get plastic surgery then i am going to make them say yes to me for the next 24 hours and i'm gonna get to do whatever i want so hopefully they make the right decision because you cannot get away with roasting me okay there's hope so she also got her chin done what that's terrible because of the long face comment that oh my gosh daniel you made her get a chin job and maddie you had a nose job wow well lisa didn't cause half of the plastic surgery's mask listen listen there is hope because she told me that it can be reversed in 24 hours it's a 24-hour surgery challenge we need to convince her to not go through with this plastic surgery we all need to work together on this one okay let's go find out all right rebecca we have us talked about wait i'm sorry it's hard to see you guys the three of us talked and we want your old stuff back so your giant nose your huge chin and your super small what that is trying to say rebecca we like you the way you are without all this plastic surgery done exactly exactly what can we do to convince you to just go back the way you were yes i'm pretty sure i want this permanent butt i also do really want some cake can we get a cake can we find a cake yeah is there a cake yes yes we have a cake okay cake it's like feeding candy to a baby oh okay okay this will help my hope look melted has been cooking this cake all day oh it looks so good i don't know if i can see is it a pink cake you're here i can't see that well it must be the medication from all these surgeries did you see it better yeah it's white i don't know if i'm gonna like that kind of cake i mean it's awesome it smells so good can you tell me what it smells the stuff came out of your nose just now so the blood oh oh come on come on come on hold on sorry about that oh they said it helps absorb all the bleeding you know from all the nerve damage oh okay back to the cake okay this is amazingly good delicious tell me what it smells like is it cherry is it oh this one let me see it smells like a little bit of um ah that must have been my hand reflex from the medication how is it i'd say it's more vanilla and chocolate kind of like an oreo oh wow yeah you picked it on the top of the cake maybe a slice will make you oh okay if that you had your face on it oh you know what maddie yeah can we just have a little girl chat yeah maybe with your laptop i was hoping you could help me with something you're for sure okay why did you have to put your face in i don't you want a slice no we had your face in it i guess i can have a little slice i saw that i didn't okay rebecca here's my laptop you know what i need your phone i mean anything to get you to reverse the plastic surgeries it's just in the other room okay okay same thing while maddie is gone getting her phone i am going to mess with daniel you guys know that i tricked him and dressed up as rz twin and said i hacked into my phone and that if he got any text from my phone that said rztwin that it was communicating with him so i'm gonna text him right now and i'm going to tell him to put on the stranger things dress and wear a wig and do the chicken dance because rz twins set up surveillance cameras in the living room okay guys i just got another text from rz twin it's a new secret mission that she's gonna send me on she put some new cameras in the house she doesn't want to tell anybody but she wants me to test them out by dress up like 11 from stranger things and do the chicken dance it sounds really odd but it's for arzy twin i'll do anything hopefully this works you guys this is going to be the most hilarious thing ever okay oh oh it's just the nose it hurts them i think it's breathing again okay okay oh that's a lot of wood i'm just gonna put it back can i see your phone there you go i just needed to borrow this app why are you doing that i just really need to swipe right you know i'm married so i don't get to go on these dating apps i'm just going to keep swiping with swiping wait a second you got a dm ezekiel rainbow beard yeah that was who the boys swiped right on anyways is your face feeling better oh this was fun i think it just got my mind off everything you know i just get to like look at all your crushes so i can like drive you to the doctor right now no no no i think i need to do something else oh are you sure it's gonna take a while do you think you could grab the wheelchair and get a ring light set up yeah of course anything to help okay uh thanks for taking me outside for this fresh air feeling better yeah i mean it was a lot of surgeries but it's gonna be okay we have to reverse it yeah speaking of that i got so many things fixed that were wrong with me but there's there's like this hair of yours it's just like really long could you just cut it you want me to cut my hair yeah wait ow oh oh oh oh oh okay you're all hurting cut off my hair yeah this zamfam really wants you too that's a good idea just like cut it cut rebecca that's a lot of hair this is a lot of surgeries there's one more thing though can you show the zam fam your six-pack abs they've been talking about it no they're not ready yet i feel like this should be permanent oh no no okay okay let's see it okay yeah wait who's that rebecca no no no stop ow ow ow okay oh oh there's those pencils i was looking for that is so you can pretend that you have a six-pack i was losing my pencils all the time so i just needed some place to oh really yeah see those are just indentions you were trying to fake that you had a six-pack okay okay are we good now you feel like we can just reverse it i should just probably keep it i mean i'm a lot curvier this way right no no i like the old way way better let's get your better okay okay the dress doesn't really fit i mean it fits rebecca really well but it's kind of tight on me it's the best i could do rc twin said that the camera is there in the foyer for your foyer however you pronounce it so i'm going to go over there and do that chicken dance damn fam i feel so bad about all this i mean the only reason that we roasted rebecca about her appearance was because it's what the game master told us to do and now she might have permanent plastic surgery this is so bad do you think that we should tell her what we did thanks for wheeling me in what do we need the wheelchair and ring light for actually i want to do a tick tock in the wheelchair with this unless you don't like me the way i am no i i do like you the way i am and if you want to do a tick-tock you're not going to post this though right oh you know what my nose is hurting really bad i mean i mean you are going to post this right yeah of course i was going to post this why wouldn't i what if you just copy me okay but like do a dance cause i can't because of all my surgeries okay like that yeah and then i wanna the helicopter oh yeah and that's gonna be tough for me so you're gonna have to go full out and then the last one you gotta jump jump higher maddie no you're not high enough higher i'm higher i'm in a rope okay you know what that's good that's good let's save it for the tick tock okay can you uh yeah okay damn fam i'm so excited they do not want me to post this tick tock but i might [Music] oh there's the camera right there okay you can dance i don't know if this is the chicken dance i hope that was good oh thanks maddie i think i saw daniel in a pink dress that's interesting you were right you know all the line like i'm sure my nose is like huge like is anything oh i think i need matt i can go look for him okay they obviously are worried that i am going to get plastic surgery so you know what there's one more thing i need matt to do for me but he is not gonna like it okay zamfam i have no idea if daniel actually did what i sent him to do the mission as rz twin he really thinks that i am though i'm texting him right now to put an x on his chest in red so i will know for sure if he thinks these messages are from rz twin okay that was really strange but you know i'll do anything for my wife well you know i'm not married anymore but oh i got another text it's from her again more secret mission okay this time i have to put a giant x and red tape on my chest maybe she'll look at me through the secret spy cameras that she put up i saw some tape in here right back okay so this is the last and final prank you guys if matt actually goes through with this i will reveal to all of them that this was just a prank to get them back for roasting me but look at this you guys this is manure my feet are going in and i'm gonna ask for a little massage okay i had a thought while i was putting this x on maybe she's using a drone to spy on everybody and this is how she's gonna designate that i'm there something's going on oh man i cannot believe that we have to say yes to my wife for 24 hours you okay yeah just fashion you trying okay well anyways we need to get that badge from the game master and he's not gonna give it to us if rebecca has plastic surgery so we need to get that reverse matt maddy daniel can you come here let's go come on guys this is supposed to help with circulation and healing it's manure i did a lot up here but i didn't really go down all the pain is just dropping into your feet yeah oh daniel red x what's that for well it's a tick-tock challenge don't worry about it i'm talking about that yeah yeah yeah well anyways i feel like we have to transfer the energy and if you could just help me matt and just whatever you need just kiss my foot and i feel like it'll help take away the pain i have all the plastic surgery my chin is hurting daniel you know because of my law face man i mean and my curse is gonna work maybe you gotta kiss your feet this is actual maneuver oh my gosh it is it's just poop i really just like dug my feet in it as much as i smell good can you just kiss it i really don't want to do this but i will do anything to make sure that you can go back to the way you were because you were perfect here we go oh man still got the long face what this is fake blood maddie ah makeup oh and matt i'd call these sock number one oh stop number two and i didn't know that you can put a pregnancy belly in your booty no way you got a pregnant butt no just pull it out oh oh man that was a lot wait a second wait a second oh come on couldn't you just like clean your socks before okay you know what that's what you guys get i came from rosie we only did this because the game master told us we had to and then you swiped right on a bunch of ugly boys and then you made me do a creepy tick tock wow wait so you guys only roasted me because the game master exactly yeah and we all have to roast each other but you left before we could continue you must learn to ignore all the haters in these four categories intelligence talent personality physical appearance yeah we all made jokes about we were just doing the direction we really thought we meant those you know what i'm sorry i'm sorry if we need this skill let's just take a second i'm gonna wash my feet up get dressed and let's finish this roast okay me back in one minute does she still have poop on her feet probably ugh you know what i left my phone in the movie theater so i'm just gonna go grab it i'll take a break i'm gonna go get some snacks i'm gonna go check my phone in case any boys match with me maddie hey okay here's my phone i wonder if i'm gonna go this is where i keep all my snacks it has been a long day no no no two new matches yes this is so crazy taking off the makeup i am just so happy that
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 9,343,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plastic, surgery, instantly, regret, it, plastic surgery, instantly regret it, rebecca zamolo, rebecca, zamolo, zamfam, matt, maddie, daniel, surprise, trick, woohoo, danig bros, mystery buttons, sml, 123 go, preston, brianna, jelly, mrbeast, sssniperwolf, faze rug, ssundee, battle royale, final battle, ending, defeat, defeated, finale, lazarbeam, in real life, trying, viral, 24 hour, snow, camping, challenge, aphmau, cheat, hide n seek, cameras, sneak, fun, funny, comedy, mystery, dream, vs, friends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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