Talkia Review | Better than Speechelo?

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today we're looking at takia this is one of the most requested video reviews that you guys asked me for in the comments all the time takia is a text to speech voice over generator and i haven't had a ton of luck with these voiceover generators i always say that the technology is not there to mimic a real human voice but a lot of you guys have a lot of good things to say about takia so i'm here to check it out we're going to go through the whole process i'm going to show you how talkia works i'm going to take you behind that paywall so you can hear the different voices that come with takia and then i'll give you my final thoughts at the end like i always do but then we're also going to be doing a side-by-side comparison between the voiceover i make today with takia and the voiceover i made with speech low if you missed the speech low review i will link to it right here so you can check that out and i just want to let you know this video is not sponsored i paid for the enterprise version of takia with my own money but if you're interested in picking it up at the end of this video if we get a good result i will link to it below all right let's get started here we are on the takia platform this is what the interface looks like once you get signed in and start a new project and basically over here on this top left is where you put your text over here on the right is where you can select different voices and down here at the bottom is your timeline where you can do some light editing with your voiceovers once you've created them so the first thing i'm going to do is copy and paste a script i've already written into the takia platform and this is the exact same script that i used with speechelo so at the end of this video we'll get to do like a side-by-side comparison and you can really hear if they sound different or if one sounds better than the other so the first thing i'd like to do is just do a high level let's hear what we're working with in terms of how this voice over sounds before we go in and try to customize it and make it sound a little bit more natural we've got our default voice here named sally and if we want to hear how sally sounds i'm just going to hit this purple speak it button to see what it would sound like with no adjustments made to the speech or pitch of this voiceover if you need video production services there is only one real choice plum productions plum productions serves all of south florida from palm beach to broward to miami-dade counties we've created amazing video content for some of the nation's biggest brands and we're proud to say we have a five-star google rating call plum productions to get started on your next project okay first of all it pronounced everything perfectly so that was really good um do i think it's the most natural sounding voice no i don't do i ever think these are the most natural sounding voices no i don't but let's see if we can make it a little bit more natural by playing with the actual voice character that we've chosen by adding some pauses by playing with the speed and pitch um so first let's dive right into the voice options now we've got sally pulled up here but if i click this drop down you can see all the different voice options that i have and these are just the female voices i am on the enterprise version which gives you the maximum number of voices that you can pick from and the way these voices are set up is a little weird so you've got your google voices and you can just scroll down and see all of these you see what um age range they're in it's either youth or adult or you can see what country the accents are they're all english-speaking voices but they have different accents i'm gonna focus on the u.s accents today because obviously that's you know i'm going to be the best judge of the u.s accent because i am in the u.s so that's we're going to be focusing on today now the other thing you have is these two tabs with wavenet or standard under google or the amazon poly voices this is a little confusing because takia does not explain what the difference is between wavenet and standard i did a little googling and i'm in no way an expert on this but what i found is that wave net is a like predictive technology that was developed in 2016 in the uk and it's supposed to generate more natural sounding voices in terms of inflection and stuff like that so i have played around with this a little and i do think that the wavenet voices are a little bit better but there are other options with the standard if you wanted something else so that's just something to think about now um let's click on over to the amazon poly side of things and again there's wavenet and standard and i'm just gonna do a quick scroll so you can see how many different voices there are for each category this again is just female voices there's a lot more in the standard voices than in the wavenet so that's just something for you to know let me just play a few of these for you randomly so you can just hear what they sound like we already heard sally let's listen to johanna this is a preview of my voice using the takia software this is a preview of my voice using the takia software this is a preview of my voice using the takia software i'm going to select lena and let's hit apply let's listen to lena read this script without any adjustments just to get a baseline if you need video production services there is only one real choice plum productions plum productions serves all of south florida from palm beach to broward to miami-dade counties we've created amazing video content for some of the nation's biggest brands and we're proud to say we have a five-star google rating call plum productions to get started on your next project so you can definitely hear that the punctuation is helping with the phrasing of these voiceovers anytime there's a period it kind of adds an automatic delay but there's a few places that i would personally like to add a little bit more of a delay in this read so to do that is really easy you just cue up your cursor at the appropriate place and hit this button here add delay and then you can adjust the length of the delay so i'm gonna make this like .4 seconds um i'm going to add a delay here the other thing i want to do is emphasize certain words in the read that i want to have like a little bit more punch and this is something that's great with takia as well you can easily add emphasis to just particular words by using these buttons up here so what you want to do is just highlight the text you want to punctuate and you can change the emphasis you can either reduce it everything here in white text is at normal uh but we can add it to like strong and let's just hit the speak it button so we can hear that again if you need video production services there is only one real choice plum productions plum production serves all so let's play with the speed and pitch of this voice and see if we can make some adjustments to make us like it a little more i'm going to pump up the speed just a hair by taking this little circle and dialing it up our little slider here and let's see what that sounds like if you need video production services there is only one real choice plum production i do think that's a little fast i'm gonna hit speak it again to stop it let's dial it down a little bit if you need video production services there is only one real choice plum productions plum production serves all of okay i think that that pace is a little bit better i do like just a hair faster but not too fast let's play with the pitch the pitch um kind of changes like how high the voice sounds and sometimes a little higher gives it a little more energy so let me just play with that i'm going to slide this one up just a hair let's hear it if you need video production services there is only one real choice that sounds a little too much for me i'm going to dial it down if you need video production services there is only one real choice plum productions plum productions serves all of south florida from palm beach to broward to miami-dade counties okay i think we found a bit of a sweet spot with this um i do like lena as a voice and at the end of this video i'll highlight what i think are some of the best voices in here in terms of u.s accents um but let's do the next step would which would be to add it to the timeline okay and we can do some light editing in this timeline if we so choose you'll see the playhead here it's got three colors it's green yellow and red you can actually select areas of your voiceover and use these cut copy and paste tools so you could get rid of a gap if you wanted to and then you can just queue up the playhead prior in here which you just said counties we've created amazing and then if you wanted to undo it just hit ctrl z or apple z whatever you use on your pc or mac in order to undo what you've just done the other thing you can do is add an audio background so you can add some music [Music] let's insert that cut and we can make it shorter so it fits the length of our voice over and we can change the level right you can see the waveforms here get bigger or smaller as i slide up or down the volume button so now now that we've got our mix and we know the music we like and the level there's some adjustments we can make with this timeline so for this part if you were going to add music i do think this timeline is really useful what we can do is take our narration and drag it a little bit further down the timeline so that the music starts before the narration starts which is normally how you would edit and then we can extend the length of our music to to keep going a little bit after our voiceover ends and then we can uh select this music make sure you've got the teal box around it right click with your mouse and click fade out and what you'll get are these little circles here where you can actually drag your fade so you can decide how long you want your fade to be and that's uh you know this isn't the most sophisticated audio editing feature but in professional editing like this is actually very a common feature where you would be able to extend the length of your fade and really customize it um so let's just listen to what that sounds like if you need video production services there is only one real choice plum productions plum productions serves all of south florida from palm beach to broward to miami-dade counties we've created amazing video content for some of the nation's biggest brands and we're proud to say we have a five-star google rating call plum productions to get started on your next project okay okay you know is it a professional real life narrator no i think the music definitely helps it sound a little more natural um but i'm gonna delete the music because we're really just focused on the voice over here and i want to just be be fair with speech low because i did not add music under the speech a little voiceover because i really was assessing the actual narration so we've heard lena we've made some adjustments what i will say in terms of what i think are the best voices in here are for male i do like uh david this is a preview of my voice using the takia software and the other male voice that i think was pretty good was matthew here under amazon polly under wavenet this is a preview of my voice using the takia software and then for female voices i liked lena who is under google under wavenet this is a preview of my voice using the takia software i also kind of liked kimberly this is a preview of my voice using the takia software i think it's just that trisha takanawa sound i don't know i kind of like that one too so those are my thoughts on takia as it stands alone if we're going to talk about comparing it to speech low i will say that i definitely prefer the interface on takia i think it's just a lot more user friendly it's more aesthetically appealing i feel like the controls are much easier and it was just a little bit easier to navigate i definitely prefer the takia interface but what really matters is the end result right so let's have a side-by-side listen of our narrations from each platform let's first start with the takia version we just created if you need video production services there is only one real choice plum productions plum productions serves all of south florida from palm beach to broward to miami-dade counties we've created amazing video content for some of the nation's biggest brands and we're proud to say we have a five-star google rating call plum productions to get started on your next project and now let's hear what we created in speech low again if you missed that review i will link to it below so you can hear all the voices that i uh could choose from this is the one that i liked the best um and if you doubt me you can go back and look at that video if you need video production services there's only one real choice plum productions plum production serves all of south florida from palm beach to broward to miami-dade counties we've created amazing video content for some of the nation's biggest brands and we're proud to say we have a five-star google rating call plum productions to get started on your next project all right so we've heard them both you guys can judge for yourselves which uh platform you think turned out a better result i'm gonna go with takia i think that being able to control the speed and pitch of the narration and how easy it was to add the pauses i was looking for definitely helped take that robotic tinny sound out of these auto-generated voices i don't think any of these voices can replace a natural human voice maybe someday they will however i do think the talkie ones are better i like the interface better i just i just think you have more control and yeah that's pretty much my verdict but that's just my opinion you guys you heard it for yourself which one do you think is better let me know in the comments or if you have found an even better uh text-to-speech software let me know about that too because i'd love to check it out thank you so much for watching you guys i will see you again
Channel: Jenn Jager
Views: 34,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talkia review, talkia, is talkia worth it, is talkia good, talkia vs speechelo, talkia versus speechelo, talkia review and walkthrough, talkia speechelo comparison, speechelo review 2021, talkia walkthrough, talkia demo, speechelo review, jenn jager, text to speech, best text to speech software, best text to speech software for youtube videos android, best text to speech software for youtube, text to speech for youtube videos, Text to speech software, speechelo demo
Id: f24fCafF0UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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