i got chatgpt to write mean reviews of my book

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so I was at this party the other night and I was talking about writing book reviews and one of my friends said to me couldn't you just get an AI to write the book reviews for you and obviously I would never do that because I think this is all about the mix of objective and subjective opinions like it's all about my response to the books and so I I could never like replace that with an AI however it did get me thinking and I was like I wonder how well an AI could review a book like basically am I replaceable you know in the in that big fear that we all have that maybe our jobs will just one day be replaced by AI in the nature of that I was thinking about whether an AI could replace me by just giving you book reviews and so I've got chat GT chat chat what's it called chat GPT up on my phone and I'm going to um ask it to review my book cuz I'd love to know what it has to say for reference I wrote a university Survival Guide in 2020 which came out in the year of the pandemic so it kind of went from being like a useful handy Survival Guide to being like a historical document very quickly um so that's always been a bit of a weird one for me um cuz I worked so so hard on that book and I was so proud of it and then the moment it came out it was basically the least relevant it could ever have been and it's like more relevant right now than it was when it actually came out which is kind of a crazy thing so anyways that book is is like an odd um part of my kind of career I suppose um but I'm going to ask chat GPT chat GPT I don't know why my brain literally cannot cannot process that let's ask it okay please please review please write a book review whenever I've used these things I always feel like I have to say please isn't that so stupid it's literally a robot but I think you can still have manners you know and one day when these AIS try to wipe us out they will remember that I always said my please and thank yous okay please write a book review of I think we need to put the whole title in the ultimate University Survival Guide the universe by back Edwards okay let's go oh wow it's typing okay this is cool by the way I am wearing my pitbull merchandise this is the stupidest t-shirt that I own and I love it this comes out on days where I need to do laundry um it's a laundry day today all my stuff is in the wash right now that's actually kind of why I'm killing some time right now um while I wait for that but this is what I'm wearing this is my OOTD I got this when I went to see Pitbull Enrique glacia and Ricky Martin at Madison Square Garden it's like such a fun night possibly the most drunk I've ever been genuinely and actually the most humiliating thing is I to do the Walk of Shame the next day wearing this t-shirt was like walking through New York wearing this t-shirt anyways that's beside the point the chat GPT has given us a book review so this is it I'm going to read it out the ultimate University Survival Guide the universe by Jack Edwards provides a refreshing and comprehensive of approach to navigating the challenges of university life so true couldn't have said it better myself chat GPT thank you so much Edward skillfully Blends humor with practical advice making an engaging read for students I always find it funny seeing myself referred to by just my surname it's so like academic makes me feel like a a real like writer you know um because like there's no other real context where people would do that in my life aside from like in articles or in a review like this um so that always is like a weird moment for me um but I'll take it the book covers a spectrum of topics from academics to social dynamics social dynamics does it cover what do you mean by what does what do they mean by social dynamics yeah I'm not sure I would say that the book covers social dynamics maybe you could say like to the social elements of universe social dynamics is a little bit of a weird way to put it anyway offering valuable insights that go beyond typical survival guides wow it said this is the best thank you chat GPT no one else said that Ed's personal anecdotes and relatable tone make the book feel like a friendly companion for students entering the university realm overall it's a well-crafted guide that balances wit with wisdom making it a valuable res resource for those embarking on their academic Journey huh that's so interesting I'm wondering how it kind of generates these I imagine it is based on other reviews on like Goodreads Etc and like the book description on book retailer websites maybe I guess it's like an amalgamation of other people's reviews like it must just kind of collate other people's reviews and then kind of pick out the common threads I don't know really that's kind of it's kind of shocked me how accurate it is to like the contents of the book like the fact that it has personal anecdotes and that it was designed to be like relatable I guess um and that is meant to feel yeah like a friendly companion it's kind of strange it's kind of this is kind of frazzling me a little bit maybe I am replaceable after all oh my God wait I just had another thought I should get it to write a negative review okay I said write a negative review of The Ultimate University survival guide at the universe book by Jack Edwards this is self sabotage like why would I encourage the AI to be mean to me okay well here we go the ultimate University Survival Guide the universe by Jack Edwards fall short of expectations while the author attempts to infuse humor into the guide it often comes across as forced and distracting the advice provided though covering a range of topics lacks depth and originality offering little more than generic tips found in countless other survival guides edwards's writing style intended to be relatable can come off as insincere and at times condescending oh my gosh well I have to say I've never had that feedback on this book uh I don't think I don't think the tone is condescending any point but damn the book's attempt to be an all-encompassing guide results in a lack of specificity leaving readers wanting more substantial insights this is really random I'm wondering where it got this from overall it fails to stand out in a saturated Market of University survival guides offering little beyond what can be found in more well-crafted and insightful resources Jack Edwards found dead 1998 to 2023 oh my God how do we recover from that jeez Louise that's actually me than any review I've actually got I remember one time like before the book came out there was just one one star review where someone said this book has rickets and I'll never forget that for some reason that like someone would go out of their way to review my book one star with the criticism this book has rickets like before it was even released before it was even possible for anyone to have read it other than me and my Publishers and I don't think they would write that at least at least I hope not holy moly damn okay well you can use this for evil too it turns out anyways that's that's pretty much all I had to say um I just thought this would be interesting for us to experience together oh my god look behind me this how cool is this a signed edition of the gold finch by donat look it's signed by Don Isn't that cool like if my apartment was burning down in a fire I'm saving her and also I'm saving this so touch wood I'm touching the floor um the wooden floor touch W this house does not burn down and I don't have to ever think of that but anyway thanks for watching this video all the best stay in touch have a wonderful day you can like it and subscribe to Jack in the books and my main Channel goodbye and read my book if you fancy it if you're heading to University um I loved writing it okay bye
Channel: Jack in the Books
Views: 32,596
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Id: jQL6GMLppvc
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Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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