I Got Blacklisted By EA AGAIN Over Anthem

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let me preface this by bringing up two youtubers two youtubers who some you're gonna think while you're bringing up then let me let me preface this by doing that there's a youtuber named skill up you might know him from leymah gaming in fact they just roped around about me just the other day on their channel skill up is an amazing reviewer and a great guy a guy who I've spoken to at length multiple times amazing dude who has my unconditional support he is an unbiased and phenomenal game reviewer that is what he does and he's incredible at his job the quartering somebody who just broke the apex legend story first to do it before anybody else I spoke about it just the other day he reports the news and he does so as objectively as possible almost all the time unless things don't require objectivity in which case that's fine too but the point is he reports the news and he does an excellent job at doing so these two people as you're about to hear this progress or the reason this problem hasn't gotten out of hand not them specifically but people like them objective in the face of everything let me tell you what has happened to me over the past few days this all starts about a year ago my channel starts getting a little bit bigger around the time the Star Wars Battlefront 2 comes out I make a video about Star Wars Battlefront 2 talking about how this is a mess this is not cool what you have done is unethical what you have done a is wrong this is not what you should be doing with your games this is a dangerous precedent descent and I think no big deal around this time I start becoming I guess you could say big enough to be considered for review copies for games and I start receiving review copies for games no big deal I'm good with Ubisoft and Capcom and every other large triple-a publisher I'm fine I'm around 200,000 subs at this time you know everything is OK right for those of you that don't understand how this works if you run a blog or you work at a gaming outlet or you've created a gaming outlet or you have a youtube channel most companies want you to talk about their game and they will send it to you early so that you can talk about their game whether it's a review or the type of videos I make they'll send you that game early so that you can play it and get your stuff out with a review the idea is it's a quid pro quo they get you the game early and you make a video about the game around the time it's coming out and everybody wins even if the game is negative or even if your opinion is negative it's a risk they're willing to take with our product your channel grows they grow a blah blah everything seems fine it's around this time I am I'm in a partner relationship with a partner or a management company I guess that helps me with the with that side of YouTube essentially that's what they help me with and the copyrights out of YouTube and they go to EA for an upcoming release and they go the regular route at this point I was not going to EA as a PR site but they were handling all that so I wasn't even signed up on their PR site anyways they go to EA and they say hey you know we would like X game for X creator excavator being me and I'm thinking this will be fine we're good it's okay and I get a weird response from them and they say you're not gonna be able to receive review copies anymore from EA it doesn't look like and I'm like why like why would that be like what has changed I haven't done anything EA other than be honest I I've given them Club publicity if you want to look at it that way I mean the quid pro quo relationship has been exactly what it should be and they say EA doesn't want to have a relationship with your channel anymore because they believe that you have mal-intent when it comes to EA essentially when I was asked clarifying or when I asked a clarifying question EA's PR that they were talking to said that they did not like that it seemed like I was only talking about the bad of Star Wars Battlefront that's the gist of that conversation the way I understood it in the way I was told now I thought this is crazy I've never heard of anything like this happening so I did some digging and I started to see that I wasn't the only person that EA has blacklisted and the YouTube spectrum not at all and then I did more digging and found out the blacklisting has become a massive problem now let me get to anthem before I tell you how big this problem really is and something I didn't even know so a couple months go by in battlefield 5 rolls around and I'm thinking there's no way I'm getting about a 5 early I'm gonna have to play this game when it comes out by it and then my video on it then that's just the way it's gonna be and then things get a little weird I'm under new management I have a new partner and they reach out to EA like I do with everybody they manage and everything's fine there's no problem with my channel on EA everything is okay it's great they're excited about the channel is the words that the PR contact that they were speaking with said and they're excited to work with me so I'm thinking wonderful back on good terms with the company that I don't have any emotional attachment to nor should they to me this should just be a normal relationship and then I start hearing things I get a message in my DMS saying did you know that skill up the person I just mentioned was blacklisted by EA now I do not know whether or not that's true I am Not sure I spoken to scale up about a lot of things that is not one of them it wouldn't surprise me but but it got me digging again I started looking at this point into black listen again I found a few stories before I get to anthem that were really important and that dictated the way I handled this this time with anthem I saw escape from tarkov a game a PC game and they were copyright striking as a company a bunch of youtubers videos illegally literally illegally now let me explain to you how that works when you do that as a company you have if that is appealed to provide proof that you are filing court papers to take this to court or it disappears in a case of a claim this is how it works as well so they we're not going to do that or maybe they were I don't know but it was just one example that of this happening then I started to hear about more people being blacklisted and more people being blacklisted more people in bakken's that in the one person or one entity I should say that seem to be doing this more than he was was EA more than anybody else now there are companies like for example look at the game warframe amazing PR team amazing studio they do amazing work and you can reach out to them as a creator and talk to them directly directly most of these companies have PR teams that are that are their only job is to handle review copies to vet channels to vet journalism outlets to vet blogs to make sure they are worthy of a review copy right so anthem comes along and I'm thinking great my management has told me on two months in advance two months before now that they've already been in talks about my channel with anthem he is excited about it there's events in and I'm at the very least thinking okay all I need to do all I want is just to get this game in my hands in a time where I can make a video just like everybody else talking about my honest impressions of this game right just like everybody else that does exactly what I do that's all I want I don't I don't you guys know this about me you don't see me at events or doing those things it's just not my style I also live in Manhattan I don't feel like traveling all over the place for these things it's just it's just not what I do I'm also not a streamer it's so I make my first Anthem video right the first antha video over the past three weeks about my experience the VIP demo which says in that video I love what I've played of the game traversal is phenomenal flying around is amazing the actual gameplay itself I am enjoying the shooting is great I just don't like that the game worked five seconds out of the time that I played it that I had technical mess bugs every 30 minutes in that the game continued to crash over and over and over again on my PC and also hey don't over monetize this game right that was that first antha video then I made a second video talking about the monetization rumors and then finally the open demo rolled around and I played the open demo and they have fixed a lot of the problems technical problems that I had add on PC the game ran smoother I was unable to enjoy it a bit more and I had a more positive outlook on it when I talked about the open demo great wonderful but then I start to think about something I haven't heard from EA or I management about this in a long time right it's been a while so I talk into my management and it's it's radio silence what has happened again I have been blacklisted by EA again over anthem over anthem over anthem I was fighting with battlefield blacklisted again I'm not an EA game changer I don't know how that program works and there's nothing wrong with being a game changer I'm certain that there are plenty of EA game changers out there that are not in any way bias or affected at all by whether or not they're a game changer I'm sure they're just as honest as everybody else and I genuinely mean that right but I am NOT a game changer i I'm never going to be a game changer I don't I don't really know what that even in sales but the point is that I'm not a part of EA's partner program right the problem I'm having with this it's not I don't care when I get anthem honestly I'm an origin premiere member I'm gonna get anthem on the 15th and then play it and talk about it no matter what I don't care I put out my SS Street origins you know video three months after that game came out I'm still finishing Kingdom Hearts that video is probably gonna come out a month off the game comes out I'm in no rush to get videos out sure I will put out an impressions video every once in a while like apex legends or an impressions on the anthem demo or the division demo or beta I should say but those are demos and betas and in the case of apex legends a single mode battle royale and they're just impressions videos but I don't I'm not it's not mine I'm not gonna rush out a video just them just to meet some arbitrary deadline it's not gonna happen so I don't care about that here's what I care about here's what I care about most companies like EA when they do these things and they blacklist people what they're doing is fostering a culture of strangling is the best word I could think of a culture of choke holding pigeonholing people into being nice right there are a lot of great things to talk about on this channel alone for the last five videos have been overwhelmingly positive about the changes that were made to anthem in between the betas about apex legends about Nickelodeon about Resident Evil I mean the list goes on and on and on and on and on right there's a lot of good stuff in gaming there's a lot of great stuff in gaming Resident Evil is one of them but it's not the point the point is is that look there's already an iffy relationship there for these four youtubers these these companies go to these smaller influencers these companies go to people like me and they say hey we'll give you a review copies of our games so that you can grow your channel you know just don't talk about it early and what that does alone is create a little bit of a sketchy relationship where it's like okay I'm getting this early I don't want to mess this relationship up let me try not to be I guess too mean because then I might not get the next game early and now there are a lot of youtubers doing this no I don't think there are very many at all but it creates the environments and that's not the problem the problem is when you cross through this environment of blacklisting when you are blacklisting people and it's funny because we are usually the same thing a game stop but it made sense there when you blacklist reviewers or youtubers or influencers what you're doing is telling people hey if you're not nice enough to us you're next you're next and when some of these reviewers especially smaller reviewers will rely on these review copies rely on them to grow their channels to continue doing their jobs and they are afraid to be honest when they're scared to be honest you know what I'm I'm optimistic here I think that 99% of youtubers are honest in the face of that but it doesn't mean that it doesn't stressed them out and cause them anxiety and panic to think if I'm honest about this which I'm going to be what could happen to me my channel my job this this environment where and I've had this happen and I and I know other youtubers have as well and I know I know you've probably seen videos on it developers even independent the developers will reach out to us and in in bribe us you know tell us hey you know we'll send you a review copy or will sponsor your video for you as long as you talk about all of these great things about this game and I've had it before - you've seen sponsor videos once talked about EA there was an opportunity with a company who I'm not going to name that was partnering with EA right and I received this opportunity three times I was approached by EA in this couple wall it was this company not EA about this this was right before I got blacklisted I was approached three times the deal was this and I had to do a Star Wars Battlefront and if you're a youtuber watching us you might remember this the deal was we have a new capturing card essentially or a new graphics card I don't remember if there's a couch card it doesn't matter it was a capture software that had to do with the graphics card I think and the deal was hey we'll sponsor your video we'll pay you X amount of thousands of dollars if you will do a video talking about how beautiful and how great battlefront 2 runs right so we'll pay you X amount of money if you make a video talking about how amazing this game looks and runs and feels right and the idea was to make this really cool slick looking video with this capture software showcasing the amazing parts right so the deal wasn't hey you know we'll sponsor your video word Dollar Shave Club amazing people by the way War Dollar Shave Club will sponsor your video if you talk about our razors openly and honestly which is how most of these deals work no the deal was you say nice things we give you money EA has as partner with companies multiple times do this piece I have been offered those deals multiple times I have seen things like this multiple times and now we're getting to a point where blacklisting people it's not just me like I said I did dig it I dug into this it's not just me but the point is that this isn't that secretive thing this is the thing that youtubers know is happening and it's fostering this environment of damn near bribery and and thankfully everybody that I know and every youtuber I've seen isn't falling for these traps but it's going to get worse it's going to get worse and that's unfortunate so I want you guys to know one thing specifically with my channel in the channel as I've mentioned hey people like the quartering people like skill up I I can speak specifically to skill ups character but the quartering I'm just going off of what I've seen but look I know that you guys think things a lot when you like games I know you see er things like the VIP demo didn't run well on my PC will you just hey EA you just hate anthem know I really don't and no one else really does either you know I get it about Fallout 76 all the time and I'm not alone it's skill up using him as an example skill up made the one of the first fallout 76 impression videos when the beta first dropped and he was railed he was railed for saying that it was terrible and it was not running well and it was not working well and he was right he was right he was honest and he was right and he took the heat and he was right the point I'm trying to make here is that if we're doing our jobs if I'm doing my job I'm just being honest do I have a sometimes pessimistic outlook on some things yeah I absolutely do I'll be the first to admit that absolutely absolutely I do sometimes but you know like I said for the last five videos in this channel or overwhelmingly positive because it's not all bad but the point I'm trying to make here is that on this channel I don't care how many people blacklist me or anybody else at EA I'm gonna talk about anthem and I'm gonna be honest about it I'm gonna be real about it if it comes out it's amazing and every technical problem has been fixed and the monetization is superb and the game has much better mission variety and the end game isn't lacking I'm gonna tell you all that and if the game is absolutely garbage and the end game is lacking and the technical problems of an amped-up 211 and it's monetized out the ass I'm gonna tell you that too and if it's both I don't know how that would be but I'm gonna tell you that I guess this is really me just trying to explain to you guys what the environment here is for people that do what I do for me specifically for this channel you know I don't have this problem with any other publisher or developer I never have even a little bit you know I have been unkind to Ubisoft at times and I still have a wonderful working relationship with Ubisoft I've never once had a problem would you be soft I have been overwhelmingly nice to Ubisoft and I was never paid more money afterwards I mean I know you guys love the memes and I know it's paid review and all that stuff but it's just people need to know that this isn't how things work anyways guys that's it for me you know I I do genuinely want to know what you guys think about this how do you feel about anthem how do you feel about this culture how do you feel about YouTube I guess is the question you know do you honestly believe that youtubers should be receiving review copies at all I mean is that putting them on a level with journalists that you don't believe they belong is a journalist different than you - BRR you know let me know the answers to those questions I honestly don't care what they are I'm just curious yeah as always if you enjoyed this video to like button if you're not even listening press subscribe put out game analysis and examinations twice sometimes three times a week so subscribe to not miss any of those as a quick aside about all this I can't confirm to you whether or not it's one person a TA that is making these decisions to blacklist channels I also can't confirm to you that those are the words that yeh uses I'm just using the word that everybody knows what it really is you know I've spoken to two different management groups now that I've been under and the messages come back both times is you know we're not interested in in working with this channel so I don't know what to tell you beyond that until next time guys you
Channel: Cleanprincegaming
Views: 602,223
Rating: 4.2189436 out of 5
Keywords: anthem, anthem game, anthem review, ea games, ea, anthem gameplay, blacklisted, how i got blacklisted, banned, anthem ps4, cleanprincegaming
Id: B7TNckVhzm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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