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Hello everybody welcome back to hermitcraft I'm here in the museum and today I am going to well the plan is to start putting in the extra wings of the museum to either side I think we're gonna go this side first um and I've got like a bunch of stuff um like so where is it so I've got all this stuff I've got the begin button I've also started collecting the crowns uh just you know specifically to annoy things because we've got a sort of history of buttons going on here um I've also got like these things these uh advancement trophies which I think I am going to start collecting so I've got ethos one and I've got the pulled pork one I've also got my little uh Chris crispy uh pig from the pulled pork one um and I have like some like I've got like the total chaos stuff this is all my gear from the total chaos so sort of like a games sort of room that's where we're going with this trying to steal these advancements trying to you know just like do some stuff with the bun that's that's the plan that's my plan so I'm gonna go build the Box it'll be fine it'll be prettier than I've described it I'm sure while I was setting up to improve my museum a little bit Cub came over and we had a little uh text conversation about Chris which is my Vulcan Pig um and it was this uh so now of course I'm paranoid that my pig has been replaced and naturally I'll be blaming Cub for this uh but this was my threat thank you [Music] [Music] I've just got into contact with impulse which is this portal uh looking for these advancement trophies so yeah I'm gonna he says I can take his Advantage didn't ask for anything but you know that's fine oh hello hello you're invisible are you looking for me I am looking for you look at that beautiful trophy you like it yeah yeah how are you like I must have particles off because I can't see the park which are just straight invisible perfect floating trophy uh-huh okay where are we going we're going in the museum oh it is going in we are going in a museum um put the building up yet but I'm just collecting but you can come and have a look at the Museum if you want okay let's go I've also got things for you as a thank you uh I've got that and that don't hold on I can't hold stuff it ruins it the little okay let's go to the museum oh perfect actually looks really good hang on hang on hang on hang on [Laughter] thumbnail [Music] I should sit down he's so cute oh my gosh that's oh we're making a game out of this we're still making a game out of this this is so prop hunt it is it is oh my God oh God we can actually do which of these artifacts is a real person this is proper Night at the Museum stuff we gotta tell scar oh my goodness yeah this this trophy was for uh wooden wooden armor no the worst best armor or something like that I think worst best that's what this trophy was for hey cub um you've kind of impinged on my property yeah it's a temporary thing okay good otherwise I would have to kill all of them you understand that right oh I plan to kill all of them anyway good good when do you need to get out there covered do you need I got that covered uh not yet not yet not yet I'm trying to get a blue one oh yeah have you opened a zoo is that what's going on uh maybe maybe yeah that's different to a museum yeah there's quite a bit of uh yeah I've I've noticed quite a bit of um stuff yeah so in between recording all of that and the next part of the video uh 1.20 got added onto the server and I went on a little a little adventure with Jim and we got some baby snifflets the thing is I'm looking at these eggs and they would make terrific tops for mushrooms they would but now only I mean no not these ones these are our babies [Music] but you know if I were to use them to to make it's fine I need to start growing some pink trees oh I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait okay okay okay okay okay foreign [Music] [Music] oh and look at the way they walk hang on if I do this six legs six legs okay so here are all baby Snuffles they are not grown up yet which is not surprising because neither me or Jim have been on the server so uh yeah no this is this is fine when they're grown up they'll be massive and I'm just gonna wait around here until they grow up and then I don't know like breed them so I can get some some snifflets for my base so cute well they're big they're big boys they're huge they growed up and now we just need to wait for them to uh I think the term that was described was sploot which is splodge on the floor and just get seeds come on and then oh oh I know what I need to do oh torch flowers oh they spluted uh I guess but I need more of these to breed you sorry I'll put those away I need more of those to breed you with so if you wouldn't mind I would appreciate I would appreciate I don't know how to put it I would appreciate you flopping on your bellies and giving me more I want to see what these grow into as well okay there's there's a lot going on there's a lot going on it's fine all right so I'm outside Sif for daycare and we have torch flower seeds we've got like a bunch of other uh pitcher plants I think they're called but you guys you guys we're gonna make baby gonna make a baby one for you and one for you and what egg egg okay so I'm gonna wait over here get another baby egg and then we're gonna make a torch flower farm I guess all right so I'm gonna make a little farm and that's gonna involve like putting Moss over Hoppers that go into a chest you know like the usual deal when you're making like a melon farm or so and on top will be the sniffers that I'm going to breed I've got the two baby eggs so I can always make more and uh we've got like I literally destroyed one of my melon farms it's fine it's fine and then we'll make a little baby habitat up here all right so I got like the the rail car ready and waiting I don't actually know if I got myself a rail car yeah there you go Minecart with hopper that's fine um which we'll go across here and up above here will be a whole bunch of moss blocks so I can grow babies how this works and then Harvest their droppings like you know like a normal person does okay so I've got the enclosure going I haven't put anything in it yet and I'm just gonna get the minecart Hopper started because if I just push it off that way and it should just sort of sort of go I'm no one's going to be over here with like Minecart sounds on that seems silly so now what we do is we go into our special sniffer pen and we put down the baby eggs they're so cute I'm gonna make replicas of these and sell them in my gift shop I have decided so cute okay so the farm works the farm a hundred percent works I've got some eggs I've got some torch flour seeds I have made some pitcher plants which you can put down on grass just and they're beautiful and they're wonderful and they will be great um I also did a fire one I put some of the plants up to the front but I can sell these seeds and I can sell these eggs I say sell I've also got some doubloons I made some with with my head and my face now what I want to do is I want to I've been uh working on some rooms now this room up here is going to be like the crossover and maybe some advancement rooms this room here as you can see with the bows this is going to be where the gift shop is now I want the first part of the gift shop to be um an exchange where you can put items in and get doubloons so for example like a pitcher plant might be worth one bag of doubloons whereas a bow might be worth I don't know tender balloons but you can put in the shards is this my box of yeah like this is the stuff that I have uh you can uh put in like shards and smithing templates and you know all the cool stuff that you find and where is my and I've got that record disc I found that record this when I was the gem so actually like I don't know if this is copyrightable but we'll see I guess we'll see but you can put you can put it in and it will play music [Music] Etc I'm not going to play any more of that because I will I there is a non-zero copyright chance um but yeah so they can like like danger Pottery shards are worth certain things Chief Pottery shards etc etc um I've also got these pots here which are just regular pots apparently you can put flowers in them but I'm not sure but if you break them and this is a a fortune pickaxe so I'm not gonna do that uh let's put the silk like I don't know if you can get yeah I can get ah poop I always do that I always do that I'm I'm very bad at game it's fine but you know seller selling just regular pots is like a nice kind of deal oh let me show you the what the the fire flower looks like over here yeah and I've started putting some in here this one's very pretty I like it a lot I like it like a whole bunch but anyway yeah that's the plan and I guess I'm gonna get started because there's a lot of things that I need to put in that I will swap for because it won't just be like normal things it will be the Easter eggs and all that sort of stuff that that club has got but not the animals not the animals because I'm not a zoo okay you know this episode feels definitely like it's taken a long time to get through because it has because editing those doorways back there editing the roof and and then building this thing and then 1.20 in the middle of it so uh let's just take you through the final room of the gift shop I like that the signs you can do both sides of because you know it just makes it cool I don't have a lot in here yet but I'm looking for Museum Acquisitions obviously uh doubloons and there's a whole chest of the balloons so things that I want and this is what I'll pay for them um so like misprinted TCG cards because I know that there are some out there um all the music discs uh the Easter eggs because you know if Cub's gonna do like King stuff why am I saying no to doing the Easter stuff that doesn't make sense um so I'm selling plain ancient pots uh I'm selling hot guy bows because these are genuine bows found during the expedition to the King's game and this is the only hot guy head I actually have so you know and then I've got all the stuff that I have been farming at the back of the museum like arguably people can take my stuff and just and just do it over there and it it's valid certainly valid but um yeah I just put them into pots and showed what you could do with the pots I put the egg on display uh one Doubloon for the picture for the seeds and the flowers and five doubloons for the eggs uh hot guy bows are tender balloons um Wonder balloon um I am planning if I can get some more stuff through the Acquisitions maybe just maybe I can start selling more entertaining things or at least things that you can't Farm like the hot guy bows but anyway it's been a long long time for this episode to come out but I appreciate that you stuck with me I've been zombie Clio this has been hermitcraft class her dismissed [Music]
Channel: ZombieCleo
Views: 61,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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