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what's up peeps its royal to Antonella come back inside some more minecraft and today we are back inside minecraft like I just said but look at this a working iron farm hello um I don't know I don't know what just happened there but pretty much guys this is a working iron front I'm pretty sure that I'm going to just walk off there a thing also we have to do something else about it but I want there's a few things I want to show you look how much iron this thing is generating Wow I just finished it like 10 minutes ago already a stock what's on earth okay and next flappy bird had a baby and it grew up and now you don't know which ones flappy bird and what else yeah Harold good I got a clock why not yeah I don't think anything else I might be forgetting something though okay but I want to go get a dog today yep that's how are we gonna get one we'll follow these bones and also let me just grab a water bucket real fast Oh anyways and I found out why this dirt never grows is cuz there has to be grown dirt around it but whatever it can be like a thing it can be like a thing that everyone knows about like the dirt that never grows okay we forgot blocks so I need a pack top fine up there right well not path fine but scaffold I don't have any scaffolding I didn't find a jack well actually I did but I just didn't want it so oh that's a slab okay don't okay I think we're good now yes absolutely yes I don't know what this is about yeah boys we got this in the bag she's frightened and then we got more iron okay so we solved that problem anyways we are gonna take your again I'm kidding we're gonna take Dexter and we are gonna find a dog how do you feel Dexter I want I want to have a name tag but I don't have one so maybe maybe hockey birds can get a new baby yeah okay let's go find a pets a dog why am I going down here did I forget something let's just clear over here here here you know we can bring a water bucket because you never know when it's gonna come in handy we got we got Harold and Jess and we got friendship let's go Dexter adventure come on jet not Jeff okay yeah swim Dexter swim okay there we go I saw a dog over here there it is guys we found a dog oh come on puppy orders to come back here I'm gonna make this one first time Joey no oh that they like us oh my goodness I already know what I'm naming you little popper oh let's go you are gonna be named the Benjy I kind of feel bad that's fine come on Benjy we are gonna get you a blue collar it's gonna be amazing you see blue flowers right here you see Benjy it's meant to be I wanted a dog for a longest time I found a dog off camera should be blue or light blue okay there you are Becky I feel like it should be like cuz I feel I guess more Benjy style now man I think dark-blue Benji I think you like dark blue more yeah come on just yeah that's more Benji like okay Dexter we left ooh I'm so happy I don't have a name tag unfortunately well I might one day I might ask a fish for like five minutes and then we'll check in I'll just afk fish once I get a name tag come on Benji you are gonna get a name tag very soon little buddy but for now let's go exploring now Dexter and Benji exploring time this is what minecraft isn't about isn't that right Benji now why are you going buddy Benji what are you going you're so cute Benji in the chat boys come on Benji swamp shrieks where to swamp Dexter Benji what do you want what do you want Explorer guys it's all up to you today okay we'll just rely on your teleporting because you go slow Benji you're not really the fastest on alive just say okay so um I think we can go find a job yeah I think a jungle will be more exciting but kind of be more dangerous and more like weird well not weird but like unconvenient cuz they're likes bumps everywhere yeah but it's finally fun adventure rights it will be fun where are you Benji Benji is catching up okay Benji you can teleport you have the magic power of teleportation come on teleport Benji okay next door wait here don't disappear okay come on come on Benji come on okay I'm not blaming you're so cute you're so cute let's go well I wait for it to be time to sleep [Music] aren't you - who you so cute okay you you have the leash let's go oh you're not so fast thank you okay we're gonna have to come on come on okay that was my contraption of getting villagers but we're past that now we can say hi to your friends Dexter or your family that is stole you from okay anyways no no Dexter's happy with me right Rice's Exeter already up here's the jungle guys are you ready for this Benji your first adventure Benji your first adventure okay well where's your family oh there's your family Dexter Hey okay let's let them know that you're still alive Dexter has not been touched okay you're the mother er do you have a new baby guys you don't I wish I'd we I want to breed you guys can you breed horses I don't know why is there cows in the jungle huh is that cobblestone no that's a skeleton get away from skeleton you are not too cute there you go you desire my also into that pool nope where's your leash yes okay I don't know if okay I'm gonna help you get out there you go okay leash come on bunny I don't want you to die in the first episode I want you to last long like spend spent is still alive we have to like beat his record of survival okay we found some bamboo we need this bamboo okay do we have a compass yes we do I don't know I feel like I should leave Dexter here no because then now we mean okay okay we have a leash so you can come out of the water quickly okay I think the leash is just gonna break because of all these stumps and there's like no water in the jungle you can tell her up here yeah okay okay Dexter yes okay 13 bamboo 14 let's go okay Benji you having fun oh yes you are Oh cocoa beans cocoa beans if you make cookies Oh Benji don't you just love cookies well I'm pretty sure I mean Benji Benji yeah you love cookies [Applause] Benji's having lots of fun and believes you really like the jungle don't you Benji alright he said another dog number village oh okay where's Benjy Dexter yeah you're more mature but like Angie oh there you are Benjy okay yeah you can play the leaves but don't get me scared buddy okay we need a name tag on you and then guys I'll show you how to spell Benjy well at least my way okay let's not fall down there okay Betsy do not fall down there okay Benji I trust you because you're cute no because you're nice look at you Dexter let's go okay yeah come on yeah okay teleport okay I don't like that ravine it's kind of scaring me okay let's get these melons okay don't don't look over the ledge Benjy cuz then you're gonna fall don't do what I did okay come on Dexter why are you in the water you like something I don't think so okay oh my goodness there's a floating house no don't take fall damage I've no rotten flesh for you oh my goodness um okay come down just come down please don't take him okay yeah guys we gotta go home we don't have any food for Benjy I don't I don't want Benjy to die okay guys Benjy is gonna bring us joy Dexter - I don't want any of them to die so we're gonna bring all whole stack of wheats and a whole stack of rotten flesh cause Benjy just loves rotten flesh let's go home home bed do you see my home from here you see my massive sugarcane from the I hardly even farm okay I don't want any of my pets a diet we can also check on the heart frog does it work when we're all the way over here well it does probably work when we're afk fishing okay huh Benji Benji Dexter I'm not gonna give Benji a tour how dare you are Becky huh yeah fortunately we don't have a name tag for you okay first of all been Jake and okay Benji first of all here we have Garrett and then here we have Jerry and okay here we have Jerry but he doesn't really like me wait does he know we wanted the light okay whatever okay so here's a here's Gerald there's Jerry and one of those two are flappy bird I don't know who okay that's my iron from my let me just quickly go check how much it's made because I don't really trust you around the zombie oh wow Wow okay Benji okay yeah we're gonna have to bring you downstairs because it's getting dark and I don't want you to die about to go in go in I guess he's denying okay eventually Oh God okay let's go let's go inside this is my blown-up house this is the dirt that never grows teleport where you go D go outside Benji Benji Benji Benji okay come let's go the other way let's go do you ever why oh my goodness Benji okay buddy we're okay okay comes out okay just wait huh okay spring you to our village you're dumb so here's where I lock up my prisoners um the pig is gonna be here soon you're you're not my prisoner that's not spend what um I guess I watch too much beautified Benji and then there's the breeding room okay you don't need to see that come up here and this is my actual place where I stay okay okay I'm just gonna rely on teleportation please don't make him take fall damage he's not really that good at teleporting up and down places see come on buddy there's monsters out there okay Benji so stay down here don't climb the ladder I don't think you can come over here Benji okay okay so here's where I live you can sit on my bed so yeah basically where are you going Benji he's gonna go let's sleep together Benji are you so cute today's travel day well kind of okay and 45 wait for Dexter okay are you ready for today Benji actually you know she changed things up Benji do you want a prison do you want a prison um the pig we need her name for the thing you want a prison Jacob Boinky Boinky Oinky Oinky Oinky Oinky Oinky okay that's good okay ass fat no knots man Benji Benji you can't climb ladders can you okay we need a different way Trent no take there you know no now are you okay are you okay okay we have to go the other way come on why are you darken why are you dark is it cuz you're what I don't know okay come on Benny oh there's a cat should we get a cat no I don't think they'll like each other very much okay come on so lanky Twinkie it's right here I took the foot okay so here's my old foot I only have one foot left I'm kidding up too but this is what's my shovel and this guy was guilty where are you Benji Benji you okay what was it what T what do you what do you want to do with this guy what do you want to do if one key joint [Music] okay well I think we need a prison in it okay so can I trust you right there good night ah okay yeah I'm gonna oh no what I want you to be part of building this cage okay come on aren't going to spawns okay nice Benjie nice teleportation skills all righty buddy come in here okay come on why are you so uninterested oh there's a creeper there's a creeper come in fast you're scared of creepers okay I think oh this is the perfect spot for the cage oh no I don't want montz responding oh no oh no oh no okay okay there we go okay let's go get some cobblestone and then we're gonna make some iron bars I never gauged someone before okay oh okay you know thirty to thirty two should be enough Benji just has his loose that look in his eyes like yeah we need to do this oh you wanna play some music buddy [Music] it's pretty decent okay now should we make like a toilets yeah we can make a toilet stick and iron ingot and a plank [Music] okay okay Becky you always scare me buddy okay okay let's make the iron bars like one inner [Music] [Applause] okay so since pigs cannot press buttons we are gonna make an iron door with what's in buttons because wooden bat buttons last longer so then like it's better because stone buttons are just okay okay that kind of exactly ah Benji how do we make this iron doors maybe we can make it like like a turn like the door can be like here no because then like this makes it can be like here the iron gates are like one in ER because they have such big space come on it's gonna kind of be like so iron bars here so yeah like like that okay Benji and then we'll put iron bars like this area let's replace that okay now to make it look much like unco z ER we're gonna make it all cobblestone ah cuz then it looks more like a jail cell and we gotta bring the fellow in here lead to spawn will I be spun I don't know will he I mean cuz he's put in an area where he's not really it's not really his natural habitat well I mean I don't really want him to die but well not really it's your fault you killed my foot okay maybe we shouldn't add some grass and dirt so one he doesn't like die it's not like his natural error here and - so he doesn't like spawn I don't know the same thing [Music] hey Benji no don't go that's not for you that's for you did nothing wrong you just more cute and nice and amazing okay come on we're gonna bring we're gonna bring um wanky Torquay down here come on come on buddy no UI you are gonna be tortured no Benji Benji hi hi Becky hi Benji okay Benji we're good okay you are not you you yeah this this is not gonna be this life is not gonna be good for you okay coming down Benji we have to yeah yeah band you're learning how to go down these stairs all righty um okay I guess we can just do that come this is your new home come what are you doing okay there you go there you go nobody hopefully you teleport Benji Benji this place is not for you Benji Benji all right Benji you're out ah okay okay Benji I think we have this finished kind of all right let's all we already have a room for it and want some of that don't you okay now scrub a sign for 12 Avenger you can stay down there you can slow down there Becky I think he's starting to like oh no it's night don't come out here Benjy clean up grab this no Benji okay it turns out he can't come on Benji I'm gonna have to sleep through tonight I don't want him to die - monsters aah he might be lit on fire by like something that's like a zombie on fire okay Benji I cared about you a lot more than Oinky Oinky Benji I don't have a name tag on him okay I was about to say I don't have a name tag on him so it wouldn't say if he died but once we do we will find out when he dies because like it will be helpful if he gets lost and he dies but at least we know that he died okay come on Benji teleport one you when I don't want you to but you don't when I want you to okay okay stand up first of all come down here come down here buddy no no no no there you go you're fully okay this pig is guilty of a crime what do you say for yourself what do you have to say for yourself white has such a strong thing against this pig oh my goodness okay now to finish off the episode we need to make a nice area for you okay first of all let's read a bunch of sheep okay Benji please now Benji don't tell poor in here [Applause] I can just go inside hopefully Benjy doesn't teleport filling up this area [Music] Darry Benji where are you ooh late at night how many eggs the only one okay Benji I'm gonna have to go sit you down and check on the iron because I don't want you to fall into log Benji Benji Benji where are you Benji oh you're making me so here I don't want you to die oh my goodness Benji Oh Benji Benji why are you in there I need it you go far away so you can teleport teleport Benji oh my goodness I want to get him out but I don't want to let all the other sheep out was I thinking [Music] Benji you're getting squished come on got you buddy good honestly I don't care how many sheep you lose I just want Benji back Benji we didn't lose any sheep okay good Ben J let's go okay honestly I should just probably don't you know all right okay now okay you gotta come with me buddy down here okay Oinky Oinky he's regretting oh I forgot to put down the toilet let's do that now there's your toilet okay Benji hopefully you talk we're uh hopefully you don't stay in that cage forever I don't want you to stay in that cage all righty okay Oh Oh what was I going for okay yeah I needed to sit him down that's what I was doing No excape buddy yes yes teamwork makes the dream work okay now come on I want to check on the iron come your team you should love me no no oh my goodness you're scaring me okay honestly I don't trust myself with this lead teleport okay good sit down here check on the yarn to end this video to finish off this video I got to check on the iron that iron golems just been sitting there [Music] do I have a bucket yes I do okay there okay let's go check on the iron go to Benjy and end this video almost two SEC's not that bad that's actually pretty good for entire episode nice especially if I ever go afk fishing for a while that baby guys I am gonna end this brew here with Benjy right here so guys I hope like that makes you rather I hope you liked it if you smash I like better I'll see y'all next time goodbye
Channel: RonaldOMG
Views: 929,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, pet dog, getting a dog
Id: s1rllkXeLaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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