I gave $500 to Twitch streamers every time they scored a goal on me (Rocket League)

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hey gamer i don't know why i thought this would be a good idea but for today's video i challenged four different rocket league streamers to 1v1 what the catch is every time i get scored on i owe them 500 these videos are always nerve-wracking because every time i make any little mistake i have a chance to lose a lot of money so i'm gonna have to be on my a game for this video but if i do get scored on it's always fun to give back to the community and make someone's day a little bit better so this video is really a win-win someone's gonna be walking away happy either the streamer i'm challenging or my bank account if i manage to get a clean sheet but before we get into it i want to give a big shout out to audible because without them this video wouldn't be possible audible is the leading provider of spoken word entertainment and let's be honest audiobooks are much more fun than reading an actual book and whether you're listening to one of their many celebrity memoirs the latest bestseller or even a non-fiction book about lizards with the audible membership you can listen to your favorite titles anytime anywhere on any of your different devices and as an audible member you'll get one credit every month good for any title in their premium section plus you'll get full access to their popular plus catalog and the plus catalog offers you new ways to explore your interests with things like podcasts sleep tracks or guided fitness and as someone who sits around and plays video games most of the day i've personally been able to squeeze in some good workouts while listening to those fitness tracks which helps me stay healthy and boost my overall mood before i start my day so there are so many different ways to use audible and if any of this sounds interesting to you then click the link below and visit audible.com or text musty to 500-500 to start your 30-day free trial again that's audible.com musty for a free trial so thanks again to audible for sponsoring the video and let's get back into it all right so i decided to challenge two big streamers who averaged a few hundred viewers and two smaller streamers who had under 50 viewers and everyone's switch link will be in the description if you want to give them the following so first up we challenge the ssg mira yo musti how are you 1v1 but every time you score you get 500 you down okay but it only worked one way so if you score you get you don't get unless otherwise i've got to be broke as hell all right all right we're challenging mira to a 1v1 all right i need maximum concentration for this one maybe it was a good idea for me to warm up i i probably should have thought to do that i'm not gonna lie yeah she has been live for like almost two days straight now so she's gonna be low sleep low concentration and we'll see how it goes we'll see how it goes imagine he gets a kickoff goal instantly nice like i'm actually gonna play like super super safe super concentrated you know i mean i don't have to overcome it here [Music] nice there we go that's clean that's clean if he must be flexed on me i'm gonna retire no not kidding no no no not like this no not like this no no listen um i'm not even gonna commit for this nice let's go my goal for the end of the video as selfish as it sounds to give no one any money no shot no no no no one chance let's go let's go oh my god that was so annoying bro i panicked there's no money online i actually would say that so easily no shot literally no shot over here nice oh that bite my ass oh my god one of my strats could be to just stall the clock out especially towards the end of the game it's not about winning or losing i mean kind of but it's about just not giving her any goals whatsoever i'll let her go let her go wait surprise what oh you didn't expect it he didn't expect he did not expect the power are you kidding me oh look oh look i mean all skilled no look let's finish fine i'm i i think i should have sold out bro i'm kind of scared man double touch nice clean clean the demo give her no chances here no oh the audacity saw the clock a little bit let her come to me here and then i just hit it over here this is how i have to play this i'll have to play this really smart and then and then take it take a slow roller no don't do it i get musty don't miss musty mud again she's losing money every second she doesn't come back here today nice hey you gotta think outside the box here that might be the strat for every single time here i'll score outscoring nice that's fine big 50. hey kind of clean kind of clean no no no no no no no no no but i still have to give her a thousand dollars man that sucks bro thank you keep faking again she really can't score this let's go let's go we don't talk about it no shy oh my god listen i don't got that no i don't get no okay thank god thank god okay did you i am pretty proud of myself it was not ten zero [Applause] he really did it wait is this gonna add to the timer wait monka no no no no no no no no i was no no i wasn't ready wait no nothing no no no no no no no no oh my god we might be oh we have a problem that's i'll be streaming for another year she has to stream three and a half more days for the 1500 with her her subathon thing she's doing so she won 1500 but who really won here next up we challenged pavlov gaming and it turns out he's actually a sub to my twitch channel all right let's see if he's down for this one viewing now you're challenging streamers to 1v1 every goal i get get 500. i mean that's pretty good deal no way he doesn't take this oh yeah pretty good deal pretty good deal i mean it's a no-brainer to take this all right i'm down musty uh give me a second and we'll uh wrap this up imagine being like no thanks for the outfit though imagine all right orange team look orange team lick this rlcsx champion geez listen oh god that's a good say nice i didn't want to go back reviews i knew i had a potential challenge you take every day of the week and we get the first goal nice nice kick-off all right so kick-offs are like the most important aspect of this video like if i lose a kick off my chances of getting scored on go up like 70 oh god it's awkward i'm scrambling i'm scrambling good nice took your time on that challenge and uh we gotta begin nice shot okay kicker nice sheesh i don't have time to land here we got three and a half minutes though i just need money to screw up but that's not it [Music] this is bad okay there we go why did i do that why did you do it i'm extra generous today i'm just extra generous today [Music] oh bro okay we bumped him we bumped him beat him here all right let's see let's see if we can finagle here maybe a nice a nice solid double touch for the boys triple touch i said i said triple touch nope wow oh my god that was kind of sick that was nice nice let's make sure we we don't get scored on again here and we are all good nice all right we need at least like five more goals shot a tornado flick nice it's turning really slow i think we can speed it here nice that was really clean sorry we got one goal i feel pretty good about that two would be better though nice no mercy bro no mercy yes if someone could unplug musty's controller and turn off his monitor and maybe the power to his house i'm not quite here nice to be taking nice clean clean well played though to pavlov and this guy i've seen him in my streams before he's actually a tier three subscriber to me and i didn't even know that before challenging him to this 1v1 so i'm going to thank him for the support and let's get him let's give him 501 dollars he wants to be extra generous here no monsieur's great i like his stream did he see the 500 donation he he didn't he didn't see the 500 donation thank you for yeah i totally miss it oh i see it now musty i appreciate that musty donut 501 ggs gg musty i appreciate that so much seems like a really cool guy pavlov is giving the money back to his stream or to some charity or something he's not exactly sure yet but good for him to do that wholesome streamer here make sure to give pavlov gaming a follow-up i have this link in the description next up we challenged cho won't be with me but every time you score you get 500. all right musty all right right now are y'all ready for this it's time and guys she's she's champ three in one viewing she's grand champ in other pilots all right let's get that orange team look i'm so sorry for my name okay huh oh the best kickoff i can already tell from the kickoff he's a lot better nice clean clean we're good we're good it's all time here dude dude i'm learning it earlier in the game oh no time is ticking okay he's risking it for the brisket you already know i get a goal here today nice perfect no shine no oh oh my gosh okay nice i'm feeling a lot more confident in this game no okay it's okay because if he scores a lot get this if we let him score a lot you know it gives us time to come up with a game plan so far all the kickoffs have been really solid win nice feeling good feeling good [Music] i'm gonna play the 50. i'm not going to try to hit it past her so we get back here hopefully hang in let's go let's go okay okay okay that's good just got it get that fake oh my god that's a good thing you can't score that i try no nice good shot there all right the game is officially halfway over i'm gonna go for demos and stuff be annoying bring it back to my own half stall the clock the squishy muffins will be proud of me here the situation oh oh time's wasting it's all the clock here no what is that control nice that sold a lot of time perfect perfect perfect she knows she definitely knows what i'm doing i think she's a little higher ranked in the mirror no bad vibes that's called a mustache she really tried to mussy flick me bro what was that oh no we're good we're good are we though can we give one more for the road come on come on come on why did i do that why did i do that my bank account is hurting right now you better you guys better like and subscribe all right don't want to be giving out thousand dollars left and right we're giving back to the community so you know being back in the community yo gg musty all right one thousand dollars to chelsea i cannot i'm still so mad at myself that i let her get a goal at the end man i was like oh man that's so annoying [Music] wait did it not show up why did that show up i see it musty i got it i don't know why it didn't come up anyways check this out thank you musty thank you i appreciate it uh thank you for the offer and um i'll have to get the muzzy flick on you next time and the final straight murphy challenge was chewy empty yo is this the real musty cow hello yo what's up brother how you doing today 1v1e but every time you score you get 500. um i don't know about that but what i probably won't even get one go but we'll try it out okay at first he seemed like he didn't want to do it but this dude he only has 50 viewers and he has like a much crazier setup than me this dude is like going all out shaving man all right 1 versus chewy let's get that let's get that orange side of luck let's not get scored on here but he is a grand champion so this is not going to be super easy i'm leaning incredibly far forward in my chair right now no shot bro look at that kick off it's crazy no way okay nice good first shot good first goal dude i got it's so weird like i'm playing different than normal like at any time i could just get a bad 50 or he gets a weird challenge and it's five hundred dollars down the drain i'm gonna try to demo me here put it around him make him awkward here nice he's putting a really awkward spot there not much he can do honestly that's bad what am i doing i'm being i'm being weird okay i can't get the booth this time we got one never mind we did get one i actually like threw so hard man this actually isn't that risky i feel like nice oh here comes musty he's gonna get this others touch i missed it i knew he was trying to get that damn that was such a good shot nice little ceiling shot could have been a little more clean but hey we think i'm trying to do like the most non-risky ceiling shot i can possibly do fake here go for an air dribble bump play the low ball nice ah i got destroyed so i was gonna go for an irritable bump or even like a high ball here but i see him go on his own backboard to defend the high so i go low instead all right so i think he's had a weird kick up there honestly i'll do the same thing with her nice man he's so much better been hitting the training packs those open nets are hard man nice a lot of kickoff pills coming up i'm getting destroyed in a way like i keep looking on the clock and there's still over three minutes left man like i just want the game to be over already all right so i play this really slow still sometimes again okay he's getting back i'm thinking this fade him in here nice i don't have to go for that shot there's no reason for me to i gave us a go there nice spar down perfect we shall see if i can get another one probably not okay we actually lost that kick off we got bumped into a perfect spot somehow and we actually get a goal from it like i don't know how i got bumped so far back then that's really weird i don't trust the process you know it's still okay nice it messes way dash here's my chance to sell time here spread it around them nice little power shot and here's a chance to take it back we're all part of the the long con we're gonna stall the time it's all the clock all the advantage here we're just trying to sell the car look at that look how strong my car is right now look at these 50. now we get our chance zero second goal random pancake reset uh not quite all right dg gg musty he absolutely clapped me we do unfortunately get scored on once in the beginning there if they're pretty dumb played by me but we played pretty good aside from that but congrats to chewie and let's go ahead and give him 500 here what the heck man i can't believe you i appreciate that and thank you so much for uh letting me 1v1 you man because typically not that many people get the opportunity to do that and you are a legend keep doing what you do man like i knew you were good it's just like when seeing it up close in the actual game it's a different thing playing it like in the actual game compared to just like looking at it after everything we ended up giving away 3 500 back to some rock league streamers with mira being the winner of the video because she scored the most goals on us and i hope you guys enjoyed this one make sure to give the streamers a follow using the links below and sub to the channel if you enjoyed this video and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 775,908
Rating: 4.9631648 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, I gave $500 to Twitch streamers every time they scored a goal on me (Rocket League), musicty donating, musty challenge streamers, 1v1 vs twitch streamers, rocket league twitch, rocket league streamer, amustycow donating, chell, miramasa, $500 rocket league, donating every time i get scored on, donating to streamers, giving money to twitch streamers
Id: j6gxpVdlOZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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