These FAKE Nintendo Switch Controllers BROKE My Switch?

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I think these third-party joy cons legitimately just bricked my switch what is going on hi I am really excited to make this video these kinds of videos are some of my favorites to make and I have lost count of how many I have made because I've also lost count of how many of these ridiculous joy Khan's add ons accessories variations third-party knockoffs that the switch seems to have I don't know who's out there asking for oval-shaped joy cons but apparently there was a market for them because made in China made them big cuts the company who is making these stop making these not only all of that but this video is actually kind of cool kind of special because we not only have the world's smallest tiniest Nintendo switch controller we also have the world's biggest most ridiculous Nintendo switch controller there is a lot I have to get through in this video so I'm just going to shut up and do it I'm not the kind of guy to set like challenges but 20,000 would be nice also I'm not the kind of guy to set subscriber challenges but a million subscribers would be nice whatever let's just get started I also for no reason in particular have three packs of pokemon cards I may have accidentally got into playing the Pokemon card game online so throughout this video at random points I might open a pack of Pokemon cards whoa find a controller for a tiny man am i right ha I'm six-two and what you eat right try and sell me something like ray cone again not like break on so actually right con break on yeah ok break on the best and wireless earbud they come in a range of fun patterns and colors I got the blue ones Bosch super comfortable and will fit into whatever Widow hole in the side of your face you've got your lazy son did you just use the same clip from last time we did this sponsor uh what uh no no no yes you did that's not even where you were standing and you were wearing different clothes ray cons started about half the price of other premium wireless earphones on the market I've had their latest model these e 25 s for a week now and it's by far the best ones yet look this isn't as easy as you think you know having a burst in here every time with some new funny idea every time I want to do a sponsor can you just let me get away with this this one time please can you be cool yeah alright fine just this one time assuming you let me get away with it as well sure well these are actually pretty cool the case acts as a power bank so when you're done listening to the rate constant back in the case and they will charge them back up now I'm really confused which me is me in which you is you I know me too but you know what isn't confusing that if they click that link below they'll get 15% off their order a TRACON yes all right well cool now where does that leave you and me hey guys dot there's a number one what's going on I guess we'll start with these ridiculous oval shaped ones because as someone who has made a few videos like this already I know that these are most likely not going to work automatically out of the box they're probably not gonna be like good joi cons well when you plug them in or the switch they just start working and connecting you probably have to charge them up first and then find some ridiculous workaround to actually get them to work on the switch these do not feel how you would expect them to feel in your hands they have mass of indents on the back which you would think are there for comfort but they don't really fit into your hand in any kind of comfortable way if anything that groove ends up jabbing itself along the ridge where my fingers connect to the palm of my hand and it makes it far more uncomfortable oh there I will say the other than that these feel very nice like the buttons and the sticks and the d-pad all of it feels pretty legit like it doesn't feel third-party it doesn't feel cheap at all yeah everything about these actually feel really quality these buttons at the top here if you are gonna play a game sideways like this they're actually raised up where is on an actual joi con they're kind of like these tiny little flat things in these grooves and they are really hard to press whereas these ones are actually really easy to access honestly other than that groove these are very nice synced automatically you have no idea how exciting that is because that just does not happen with these third-party controllers you know what is working right out of the books I don't even have to charge him and I think it looks really cool this actually looks like a thing like this actually looks like if Nintendo released enjoy clones like this originally I don't think anyone would have been you know what I'm trying to say I don't know what I'm trying to say when you're holding one joique on that groove is super uncomfortable I can't tell you how uncomfortable it is you just need to buy them yourself and experience it but when you actually click them in and you're holding the switch like this they've become comfortable the only thing that's gonna make these joy Khan's have a negative is if this doesn't charge them and you have to charge them separately it's charging them I'm actually gonna rank all of these controllers as I go along and I'm gonna go ahead and rank these bad boys at a number1 spot right now I'm gonna put him here at number one because they are number one let's do this one I see this one in game stop every time I go in and I've never actually bothered to buy it because it honestly just looks like a pro controller with a light inside but the cure got the better of me and I finally decided to pick it up for two reasons one it's cheaper than a pro controller so I want to know if it's as comfortable or more comfortable and true they don't look cool to me and I've always wondered is it like a thing with a camera can't really capture it it doesn't actually look much better in person I am so sick of all these third-party controllers and accessories not utilizing USBC companies please listen to me but you guys and off to Glu which is made by PDP and they make a lot of listen the switch only uses USB see for things it's not it's not rocket science your dumb bombs yeah your stupid smelly faces your [ __ ] it honestly does look really cool alright we are on and the lights are on and they're just as underwhelming as they've always looked to me I mean a little better right it's a little cooler right into the camera lens I don't how does that look here's one thing that PDP controllers do have is it has these back buttons and you can program left and right to be anything you want that's a huge advantage one is a the other one is whatever I feel like at the time but having something back here like a it means that I can like hold down a run button in which a3 and I don't have to take my thumb off this toggle at any point it's actually really handy so it has three color settings which is strange it has blue green and then cycle between all and I I think that's weird because when it's cycles you get this nice red this nice yellow a cyan or a side it's a how you say that word the cyan blue it's a comfortable controller having the back buttons are really nice but you can also get those on any of these PDP controllers not just the one that lights up so all in all I think the lights are underwhelming but it is a very stylish and and cool looking controller one man's opinion let's get these studio lights back on bop - beep beep ebdb little secret reason why I'm doing this on top of the fact that I have got into the trading card game is that my friend Jordan there's a massive Pokemon fan has a Pokemon channel where he unboxers these things I'd be lying if I said he wasn't part of the reason I started looking at pokemon cards I mostly wanted this code I know people give away these codes but I actually bought the pack for the code because I'm playing the game online I don't actually care about the physical I bought it for the digital does that make sense oh it's all shiny oh that's cool I don't know I don't it's that good Jordan Jordan is that good I don't know the card looks cool it's time to wait even longer for the smallest switch controller so these joypads not joy Khan's these ones are essentially just supposed to be straight-up joy Khan replacements a cheaper variable if you will however I still paid like fifty forum Evo's version of just regular joy Khan a cheaper version of joy Khan nope right out the box I can tell you these thumb sticks feel horrible the buttons are perfectly fine however you'll notice they're really back buttons and close together I have fat thumbs so that's not good I don't like that let's see if they automatically sync there's no there's no charge point on them so they have to do they have to automatically sync they automatically need an update but that's fine to the naked eye to someone you know your old nema out there if you said hey me ma plays spot the difference you can use notice a difference between these two probably wouldnt I mean they do look pretty much the same I'm gonna assume just like all these third-party joy Khan's the first place they can end up cutting cost is the the amiibo reader the the QR scanner whatever the heck it's called is gone higher now this is now links to all this stuff below by the way and they are Amazon links that will help directly support the channel if you decide to buy any of this stuff but I will say that now it's been updating for like 20 minutes since I plugged to these joy cons in and it asked me not to touch the joy Khan's and then I immediately disconnected them and now it's frozen on this screen I might have to restart my switch oh I can't sleep mode is grayed out I think these joy Khan's bricked my switch no no I don't this is my new one technical difficulties guys um my heart has dropped into my stomach and I fell a little sick so I have come to failure what we have here is the smallest the teensy tiniest the itsy-bitsy established like I'm gonna stop a Nintendo switch controller it is ridiculously small it is adorably small it is so easy to take this controller anyway you go just in case someone else wants to play two players with you whether it's your switch light or your regular switch if you try playing games with this for more than an hour or so you're gonna start getting crampy thumbs but for a quick couple of sessions a Smash Bros or Mario Kart you could definitely get by with this but as far as a teensy tiny itsy-bitsy little controller goes if there was really quality the d-pad is nice the buttons are nice the little L and AH have a really nice click and give to them I was playing portal nights last night with Kim so I'm just gonna load that back up actually will I even be able to because it doesn't have a toggle oh wow okay so it is working I wasn't sure it would work with the d-pad it's defaulting to what the toggle would do so if there are games where relies on you needing to use the toggle and the d-pad this isn't gonna work the game at least or the switch recognizes that all I have is a d-pad and it makes the the priority for moving around which is really nice I can't think of if there's any downside to using this controller for a game like this oh I found it i found the downside okay so in this submenu I need zr + ZL to go across if i want to craft any of this oh i can't touch it but if I was playing dogs I wouldn't be able to access any of these menus it's really neat in concept and it's hard to talk about it without making a stupid baby it's my voice but yeah definitely not practical I had no idea what this mini pocket was for and it finally has a purpose so there's a bad next Pokemon card time all right that's I don't know what the little thing is here so I'm gonna take true back there mix them up who even knows Oh shiny Sabu that was my actual starter and sword and shield and then a Wobbuffet oh how boring maybe it's good I don't know this actually I may have just bought this for tax purposes and putting it in the video so I can claim it on tax cuz I really wanted this they've even used USBC for their controller because they're smart cuz they're smart big brains and they're not tummy dum-dums this is obviously a Super Nintendo controller you can use it for your Super Nintendo online games but they've also added toggles so you can actually just straight up use this on your switch for any game it just is a controller you can use it for breath of the wild you can use it for anything this thing is probably twice maybe even three times heavier than a S&S controller which is how you know it's quality unless I just stuffed a bunch of rocks in there oh they stuffed a bunch of rocks in there no they okay here we go back in back in Portal nights again just because it's the game I had in my switch and I'm really lazy as expected now we actually have full motion over everything now I have my sticks back which feel really nice these sticks actually have a much nicer feel and give to them than even the regular joique on and honestly I actually think I like these sticks more than a pro controller stick like it's just got really nice give on them we have both our back buttons now whereas in the other game we didn't and now I think about it you actually need r2 to even attack in this game so I couldn't even attack with the little mini controller even these buttons the XY ba feels super nostalgic but awesome at the same time this is a quality controller I wouldn't even say it's like a gimmick it's just if this looks nice to you if it's something you might like to have if you are hardcore retro and you only like control is like this and you're sick of all the murderer everything I don't know this could be perfect for you but it's nice and it is absolutely worth every penny oh my gosh these are the most ridiculous ridiculous looking control I can't even say I can even say the word ridiculous because of how ridiculous these control is look smash like on this video for my switch breaking can we make it 30,000 instead of 20,000 my switch breaking oh my gosh what is in my hand right now which side is up which side is down I don't know what's going on I don't know what I'm looking at I think it's like this whoa oh my gosh that's some slimy the plastic is like slippery I can't really explain it it's not wet it's not actually like covered in slime but the plastic is so glassy I guess that my hands just slipping down it like they slip straight out of my hand unless I put like a big grip on it these protruding sticking out freaking funds that look like if I hooked up some cables to one end and my car battery to the other these might give me a jumpstart if my car battery ever dies turbo there's a turbo button turbo function programmable turbo for any face or shoulder buttons that's kind of cool I keep expecting the a button to be about here but it's actually all the way over here comfortably to use the sticks I'm holding my hand here like this is what feels natural this is a normal natural position for my thumbs to be in the back button is a little bit of a star but it doesn't come around and wrap around the corner like on a joy car I have to stretch my hand out wide and kind of hold it in like a claw position terrible these are absolutely god-awful e disgustingly waste of money ly terrible these are officially the worst joy con knockoff controllers I have ever experienced terrible knockoff joy cones so stay away from these consider buying these if they look like something you might like and I'm very whatever on this links to everything below but make some space ladies and gentlemen cliff sunroom for a huge box because it's finally the time you've been waiting for and this has been in my house since before I left for Australia I am so excited also I do have to give a shout out to Bob wolf because I found this thanks to his channel so go check him out oh my gosh you know when I was a kid I actually wanted one of these so bad not this one because when I was a kid this exact one didn't exist but a steering wheel to play games with I thought it was just the coolest thing in the world oh my gosh it looks so cool ah it's got little back triggers what are those for changing gears ah to play this I'm gonna have to take it downstairs and set it up at my computer and have Kim help me filament so I didn't take too long to set up I will say that because my desk has been stupid draw here I couldn't really get in there right and it's a little temperamental I'm sure it's a lot more solid when you don't be dumb uh all I did was I hit Ellen ah and it worked so I was like okay stop I gotta go get the camera so I haven't actually tried it yet but this is kinda one of them things that were on my bucket list when I was a kid I wanted one of these steering wheels with the pedals I was always jealous of my friends that happen all right that's good oh okay this is gonna be really difficult so the back pedals do the little bunny hop thing I guess I'll quiet no that was sort this is so much auto to get my head around I don't know how to how do I shoot my bananas oh it's the left one can when I went to the arcade for Valentine's Day and we played the Mario Kart okay and that's what this feels like oh it's so much more fun with the steering wheel like really none of this none of this we steering wheel crap that didn't really work oh come on that red show with right on me the only thing I need to figure out is how to stabilize these pedals I didn't think about it but the more my excited little feet push at them the further back they're getting pushed under the table but I've gotten a lot better at steering in general in fact if I can pull out a little magic here I might even be able to come to us no but I've set off a second that isn't bad for my first time with the wheel again everything about it feels really quality this isn't really the table for it but it's great I can't remember how much it was I think was like a hundred or something but I loved it and it's kind of made me wanna play Mario Kart again so yes I love this it's my number one for the entire video cool you know it's been a really fun video when at the end of the video my table looks like this again links to everything below I know it's a huge mess but I hope you had fun in this video I know I did if you like this video please show it some support cuz these are they're fun to make but that difficult to make and they're expensive to make so again thanks to the sponsor links down below sure your support by either checking them out or liking the video or pants on the subscribe button and getting us that much closer to a million oh I never opened the last thing a pokemon cards score bonnie pikachu metal saucer cuz i mean who doesn't want a metal saucer well um it's a waste of money oh did i do it just by holding it down longer oh I'm so dumb oh my gosh
Channel: BeatEmUps
Views: 2,106,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch, joycons, cheap joycons, fake joy cons, switch, nintendo, switch accessories, best switch accessories, switch controller, joy-cons, joy con, joy cons, best joy cons, fake controller, fake nintendo, fake switch, cheap switch, cheap switch accessories, fake nintendo switch, fake nintendo switch controllers, weird Nintendo switch accessories, worst switch accessories, strange nintendo switch accessories, fake, smallest switch controller, 8bitdo
Id: DCBJW42zmmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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