I Found the CRAZIEST Pal in Palworld

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hi purple Cliff 3 don't ask why there's a camera there in this video I play po World woo click like And subscribe if you like Po world are we dancing oh just hitting the Quan real quick for you oh this oh hey how long how long are we supposed to stay spinning for hey why is your never I don't want to put you on blast like that but your underarm looks really red mine yeah you okay it's I don't it maybe it's the fire you're lucky I don't have you're lucky I don't have a bullet right now don't don't shoot at me I got a gun and don't shoot at me you're lucky I don't you're lucky I don't have an oh I do have an arrow uhoh how do I let go wait if you hit the click button it it does the fire animation so now my gun's just on fire okay wait wait I have to update everybody uh I have a gun uh I got rid of my shiny I've got this now like he's like a he's like a drifloon he picks children up and and then when they run out of stamina uh it drops them I did took 12 damage um I'm leveling this thing we got this out of an egg uh I got this out of an egg this one's my favorite I think uh here's my here's my My Little Fly I I need a name for it uh and every everyone knows this thing every everyone knows Drake of LAN AG uh this thing won't stop making shiny sound for me is it doing that for you guys what oh that's the bush guy that's a bug yeah it's freaking me out cuz I loaded in and uh I think immediately looked for the shiny I I'll take it out uh I I don't think our shine or our workers are optimized at all I saw a Tik Tok that was like Hey you're not supposed to have Minions that do more than one thing and I'm looking at them and every single one of our minions other than the Sheep does more than one thing oh oh wait I had to show both of you this where where's yenna where is yuken not here I'm hello where are you my my computer's like Giga lagging give me one second I have two frag grenades for some reason cuz there's so much don't move happening on your screen oh wait let's test something yeah don't blow up my chillet oh that went way past me where are you was there was was that where our statue of power was uh yeah 100% that's where it was was being the key word notice is not there anymore hey uh YouTube uh everybody type hi YouTube in this video um we catch 18 shinies we beat the game uh mik does a 36 72850 scope um what else off of a pal sphere also I built this midberry uh this is my masterpiece I I had to crank a whole lot of 90s chat do you like wait I'll show you why I made this what is this it looks like a sky base from fortnite no no no no no cuz see remember how we had an issue where we couldn't find any iron well if you come up this all oh by the way don't fall in that hole that is the hole of death uh I made it so that way only I can get this iron CU everyone else will die look at this there's just hi oh wait the monkeys aren't supposed to be here yeah you better run or I'm going to do it to you next tany all right so I made this so that way we can get iron uh turns out it's really hard to build in this game and you have to like make a trillion supports so I can do this now though it is like the fastest mode of travel in any video game I've ever played wait oh wait where's my stamina go oh there we go that was almost dangerous is that a pal sphere nice egg on the tower what tower you mean these eggs chat how many of you been playing this I watched the last video I was level 17 uh there's another one and I go to 20 and we played a little bit off of off stream I'm at level 23 or 24 now type one in chat if you've been playing this game when you getting jragon I don't know what that is playing right now have you caught the bosses Micah do you know how to catch the bosses uh I I'm Afra I just throw pal sphere at it no someone I saw a Tik Tok that was like you have to get the cops mad at you first time watching your stream and then do it but it doesn't seem worth it to catch the B oh oh you're talking not the like boss no no no I mean like the actual bosses the actual like the gym leader bosses yeah are we doing that no no way are we going to catch no I I don't I don't want to catch the bosses they have like 880,000 X or HP they break the game and make it not worth it yeah that doesn't sound like a lot of fun it sounds fun in the moment yeah maybe not see long term you see this AR right here though there's in the weapon workbench they just have an AR-15 I want to like grab it but no I have to wait 18 levels what come over here the guns are actually real yeah look yeah I have one I've got a musket I'm helping you I'm out of ammo though that's why I'm helping you make ammo for your your gun I hope it doesn't the only one with a gun uh well I'm okay the pal stopped helping us you see how it says zero out of 50 on bullets I'm hoping oh they're eating they're hungry that it doesn't fill up and then just go straight to one out of 50 I hope it says like 10 out of 50 um there's no way they would do that right if it says one out of 50 I'm leaving this I feel like I've never even touched a bullet in my life but I feel like it I could make one in the last time it with three people as well yeah okay okay it's 10 out of 50 I I I clipped through the mountain uhhuh damn flipped yeah I didn't know there was a weight limit wow okay my bad my bad keeper where are you at where where you at dude I need to I need to give you a formal apology uh oh I forgot to I forgot to hit recording oh my god oh hi whoa hi YouTube Welcome wait wait just I need to I need to get my he's holding me hostage while uh uh kefir app all of all of the pals that we have in our thing suck what um we're not you're not supposed to use Pals that have multiple different jobs that they can do cuz it breaks them you you're only supposed to use ones that do one that makes a lot more sense cuz the AI in the game or like the the the way they interact is just bad this laughing are you guys are you still falling through the mountain can what if you guys look at my screen I don't have it open okay hold on oh no oh it'd be nice if you could uh like organize your pals to do what you want them to do you know yeah that's not a feature Pokemon didn't make it first holy [Music] moly I'm in dude this game of the year they're not ready they are not ready for what I'm about to do with this ammo Micah boom let's go all right now would you put it in the musket is that what yeah let's let's see all right how good is this gun yeah uh Kefir is just in the ground just straight up in the ground under us it won't let me out it won't let me out oh you have to you have to hit escape and respawn wait I think I'm making it it out I think I'm making it out how much damage does the gun do you got it shoot it here come take a test shot at me uh it doesn't do any damage don't shoot Pals any damage no did it did no damage at all oh it's still rolling minutes a large electric egg big news Gamers I'm out it's still it's still chat don't tell anybody no tell nobody where my pal is I blinked can you do it again it's working youing no I'm not about to waste all of my bullets just shooting Pals no Witnesses all right I'm on my way home yeah so am I I've made it I'm on my way all right what's the game plan today big men um bosses we got to do bosses o can we do Buie I I want to do bushie so badly I I saw bushie on Tik Tok it's like I have not okay so we need to do king Paca today we need to do bushie today King Pac okay um we need to do Nightwing today yo and then the very or Bron Cherry as well and our very final one is a hidden cave that has the fake Cobalion it's level 25 but people say You're supposed to be level like 30 to do it but we're doing it level 20 oh [ __ ] yeah okay uh I'm I'm I'm kind of ready do you want to you want to see my uh my my team yes look open up my stream I'll I'll give you a team tour oh right I'm on my way YouTube here we go Queen first up in my pals I have a few more shinies now shinies were killed lot of them were killed but a lot of them were caught we've got manen pose uh I've got a capri a tant I got a monkey I got a shiny gomos the largest thing on the planet um I got a Pyon knocked which looks like this from an egg but his saddle is like level 50 so I'm not riding him I got this from another egg but its saddle is level 40 so I'm also not riding it uh we you all saw me get this from the egg I got rid of my glider instead I'm using a hangu cuz he he picks me up and drops me like a drifloon uh and lastly I went and I farmed so many van worms to get one with a 20% increased movement speed yeah so that's my team I just realized that uh you guys are probably about 10 levels higher than I am just get better both it's just simple understand wait I got a really sick t-shirt you want to see I have shiny go goomas we got arrows anywhere give me points uh uh I can give you my arrows cuz I have upgraded to a gun oh oh my that thing's going through you dude yeah I like to call it the boob holster I stick them under there when it gets nice and sweaty and sticky and it just um under there also I just dropped a a shirt on the ground oh where I don't know I dropped it and it it went invisible so I think it just deleted I think I killed it I got this guy rep Tyro what the hell what's that oh yeah big fire grotal that thing's sick I got Brun Cherry I have so much did you guys catch all of these worthless stuff in my inventory I got uh just worthless I got her okay or him all right love Ander I accidentally I messed up and I posted that VOD early so I leaked the thumbnail that made for it it's just me staring at lavander SP I also have one of these things is now I want this on my team I'm gonna get rid of din aome Vixie chat do we wait where's our Lucario stat do I level up uh hand grenade chat do I level up lunaris or no this is this is lunaris it looks like Mewtwo it was there's definitely that's okay we don't need to talk about level it up now but I want to level up the PIR no I'll get rid of the Pyon I guess all right what boss do we want to do wlly pop is that like girly pop wait can I do like a trick shot off the top of this this hangu is there a oh hey you see that tomat oh I missed up I'm going to we I need a I need a I need a Target no that's not ours he he's chilling oh wait come with me Gamers all right I am going to show you uh how how good I am that I am silver inv valerant gold in don't kill that t Fant it's mine van worm what are you doing all right you see you see that t Fant right there this is what I call uh a 360 hangu uh no scope okay ready I'm watching hangu 360 oh that was it that was wait look to the left there's also a hooker okay I'm looking the gun's invisible when you reload it the way that you did absolutely no spinning at all on my oh sorry sorry sorry sorry no you see that Nightwing ready for the cooler to work 360 720 oh W he's 280 wait I can't even count that was a head shot it did that was a head shot all right can you guys uh I saw it it it's dead yeah I I got her I got that thing right over there I got her yeah yeah yeah I I got her I'm have no fear I got her I got her spin your camera don't look at it it's dead all right no okay I don't have her oh that's great oh oh it got too close oh my God all right I'm going to take this gun and go shoot some bosses what boss do we want to do first wait can you make me a gun uh we'll do it later we'll do it later wait did you see my staircase it's kind of hard to miss Bud okay yeah you don't know how hard I I sat here I watched three entire hours of anime while trying to build this because I had to destroy it then remake it then destroy it and then rebuild it so many different times I literally if someone does destroy this though you are dead to me and I will kick you off the server all right oh no don't worry man I'm not going to do anything this was three hours that's six days of our 100 days sorry there's a tan up here and it's not supposed to be oh rest in peace tant rest in peace tant all right do the boss which boss we hitting first um oh there's a hole what do King Paca that's are we Strong Enough For King P I'm down I I feel for any of these but I will uh tag along single of the BMI M mic is going to get so much xp from us doing these bosses that's so true think you're going to be level 20 by the end of it Micah I'm going to Farm off of your uh strength and rewards yeah that's fine is this thing alive no I'd rather just tell you than you know someone just you said no I'll meet you at King Paca I'm here all right you're already there there's a yeah there's a there's a waypoint next to it where is King P wait till you see him he's such a chunk I I love its design so much okay chat we're going to do a little bit of speedr running mechanics here ready watch this there we go why fly on your Mount when you can use a glider that's five times as fast oh yeah oh I see him I see him I'm on my way I'm on my way I love his design so oh my God he's so cute dude right oh my God look at him look at him walk he's just like hops around like he's too big for his legs me me holy crap me oh there you are yo we ready to fight him I where's where's just meet you I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm going to use a gorilla oh he's only level 20 where did you get that I need one of those wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait one second I have an ability that I didn't see before that says full power gorilla mode what is full power gorillae you got to click it you got to go crazy wait are the boss is running away he can feel our Aura he knows that I'm going to go full power gorilla mode put a one in chat right now if we go full power gorilla mode how do I get out oh he's coming good luck yeah full power gorilla mode go what does that do what is he is he doing anything oh he turned red is he enraged yeah he's he's angry Story of My Life girl oh wait this boss is so easy yeah this Mr King Pala is not like he ain't living long I almost my reload is so slow I got out by jumping on My Guy ow 6% no 177% no way a I'm reloading do you have a yeah I threw one I'm going pick my gorilla up let's do a little bit more damage to him okay oh I did a good chunk yeah all right I'm at 24% oh this is it 56 this is it we got it let's go Packa beaten whoa wait this one has two uh two good abilities it's a muscle head and a Diet lover did mik you just got here hey Michael what's up man I clipped into the mountain on the way here uh-oh the baby the baby alpacas are angry at us a get a job what are you doing can't believe this thisa thought she could not have a job near me that's crazy I mean we did just steal like their husband husband you know their dad King oh okay I I mean try to say m I think all three of those are interchangeable looking at the the history of Kings I hear shiny I hear a shiny that's crazy I hear a shiny I hear that's just me girl wait I hear too no I I heard it where is it oh I found it oh it's another hog rider hog rider okay hold up we got to catch it we got to catch it we got to catch it I'm going to shoot him in the head hopefully he doesn't kill it no you will kill oh my God it didn't kill it this dude can take a bullet no way rider wait I gotta lower it oh wait if I shoot it it h who did that my ball I think that might have been my ball I think I want to sniff it should I shoot it one more time what happens if I'm inside of it like this wa who does that it's in there he caught it he caught it we did it shiny shiny uh number two uh okay now we have to in order to fulfill the stream title we have to kill every other shiny there's just a a level 35 mamist over here that's like about to die wait no way Farm it for XP I'm about to catch it oh my God it's two of them fighting oh 0% capture rate wait this is this is oh are they both hyper beaming each other wait we can catch that Mammoth now we might be able to catch this I'm going to try and cheese it 3% there's no way I catch a 3% Mammoth I I think it's actually possible oh it's dead yeah but let's take on the other one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Firestorm oh oh oh oh okay we do a lot of damage way more than I was anticipating whoa wait what's this move I have a flamethrower that's crazy there's Burly mercs over here oh this is the village right here should I fight the Burly mkss that's a crazy name where oh you guys get this little Journal Burly MK oh was that a person yeah I hope they're not I hope they're not towns people that I'm just like roasting and toasting yeah if they are you already killed one oh there's an effigy over here oh I think I got all these already what's our next boss Bushi that's a good question I'm down for Bui I really want Bushi let's go do bshi now mik do you have the uh the TP uh yeah I do okay Realm of the sword master yes sir yes sir I got it all right I'm almost there oh wait chat I do I bring pouet on the team so that way I can do the rocket launcher I'm I'm going to go grab pouet nobody tell them we're gonna we're going to bring all pen gouet at all times okay where are they where's my here's my pouet uh instead of I'm going to get rid of the gorilla for now all right I'm here I'm here with Pals you ready for for Piplup Micah I have uh my my running guy died but that's okay because I'm feeling still pretty lucky I'll meet you up pip let's go let's go Piplup yo what's up Gamers oh oops what are we fighting dire housee there's a van worm I'm catching this thing which one the worm oh oh I killed it never mind uh okay I know what this thing looks like do you want me to spoil it for you no this is it's probably it's probably the coolest of the bosses all right I'll meet you in yeah it's like Elder ring uh he he's mad in Mad come on lunaris he's like a samurai oh yo Jimbo oh he fro wait is my music off oh it is there we go oh my God wait this is a terrible time to be messing with settings how do I hit a Ply there we go which one of which one of us is catching this oh my God it does so much damage yeah yeah here I'm going to lower it HP there's no way nope it's a whip I'm down can someone get me Micah can you get me yeah where are you I'm keeping it up a just keep throwing balls Micah where are you I next to you you are oh okay uh it's at 31 HP I'm so scared I'm I'm I'm dark I'm dark this stuff right now oh 7% 7% we're all throwing balls at this thing oh somebody pick me up my I've got 100 Balls if you grab him wait what do you mean I I'll keep him at Bay I'll keep it at Bay it's going to kill us what do you mean oh no keep hold him I'm trying surely 7% is not okay this is the the unluckiest 7% I've ever seen in my life oh my God okay here we go what percent are you guys at five oh okay let me let me throw it and then I'll trade it so that way we're just not sitting here for 18 godd dang hours wait where'd he go what's he doing oh he's he's on the roof I'm scared I'm scared guys that auto dropped me I can't I can't get away from him why did that auto drop me 7% here we go I can't I can't I could revive killed me oh you did it teabag teabag here he lies Bull killed you here he lies wait wait wait wait wait I'm going to come trade you this uh this bougie it's got Vanguard you should trade it I think you should trade it to me and the reason is that uh I'm still here and kefir died so Elbo um oh no you know what's even funnier you could steal his stuff right now it's laying on the ground outside if you want all of kefir you just took all of your possessions live on cam you are robbing my man you are looting my man in a broad nighttime likeed in 4k wait why am I moving I'm sliding the hangu actually it takes a lot more stamina I don't know if I like it oh yeah I'm putting all my points into HP this pal is so crazy cool looking don't worry kefir I left your stuff but it SC it scares me Chad wait you did yeah oh dub okay it's the it's the BMI way just remember that next time you're trying to snipe a catch from me when have I ever sniped anything from you I can't even snipe I can barely move um 7 hours 23 seconds or 23 minutes and 18 seconds into VOD number two oh [ __ ] oh it's on there pull it up oh [ __ ] my fault man I came with the time stamp man damn holy crap he had receipts wait let's do a Let's do an iron run cuz if if if we get a bunch of iron from the base at the top I can make a gun cuz it it takes 25 ingots which we have enough to make one but we we're going to have to get to oh yeah no m m literally looted you bro I left it there how did you what do you mean you were looted your stuff I don't know skill issue dude get it I'm working on it girl what you what am I just G to get it for you that's I am wearing three pairs of clothes at the same time how am I wearing I'm wearing three pairs of clothes at the same time and I don't know how let me see I somehow I equipped my my armor to my accessory slots wait what happens if I shirts challenge what happens if I put my t-shirt at my glider it doesn't work what happens if my glider is my t-shirt oh my God what happens if I try and glide nothing wait I got to put my chillet back in the box for I need to make more armor I need more than just three sets of armor Pelt armor making it I'm opening this egg also I'm on fire uhoh he's he stepped in the the campfire uh one of the one of them is a huge egg that I've been saving so don't open that one it's a unival I think it was The Damp yeah it's not I didn't touch the huge one is it is it ready to go or is it still there no they have 20 minutes and 30 minutes there's a huge dance hug Dragon yep I'm hoping for a a Gyarados from the dragon and I'm hoping for whatever the big uh boss like Electabuzz is from the oh wait from The Damp never mind that doesn't come in damp oh you can just put on as many armors as you want by the way can I put my glider in my head no hey wait oh kefir come get come get bushie I'm going to put it in the in the worker okay you got this back I think I think I had more shinies in power world than I do in Pokemon scarlet and violet that's crazy all right are we doing another many shinies yeah what boss is next um we've got Brun Cherry wait where's the Brun Cherry at Brun Cherry is south of sweepa it's by lunaris we also have to do wait there's just a a level 11 goomas over there too bottom left here's the here's the the crazy one um I was I was exploring and I saw lights behind a waterfall so I followed them and there's this like Cobalion uh pal ooh it's level 25 it killed me three times I still have to do pen King King PKA and aerobe oh if if we've already you you can Farm those they they respawn every hour Micah okay I don't are we I don't know if we're strong enough to do okay I'm going to go do P King real quick kefir do you do you have this spot the one that I just TP to uh potentially probably one sec if you do let's try the Cobalion it's there's a very good chance that it murders us oh Jesus I'm getting attacked by relaxasaurus you're dead I'm just come over that way then cuz I I don't want to get further behind bosses I can take care of the ones that I missed and in the inter room please just get head shot thank you yeah Jack I can come to you I can come to you it's so surreal just shooting a dinosaur in the head with your musket oh my God what I just spawned on two dead bodies hey they rolled up on me all right I had to shoot them you see that you see that trick shot right there that was crazy come look at this this is so I was exploring this area there was a a green thing down here but you can you can literally see there's lights behind this Waterfall oh he stayed up there never mind not the dino chat the dino had to die youe you coming I'm trying to you talking I think your mic's having issues I can hear him he said he's coming yeah then he said stuff after that that it didn't didn't pick up oh not the quags ey ripoff that's not a quags ey ripoff in the slightest it's a dinosaur it's it's a it's just a dinosaur this thing the thing in here is for sure a Cobalion ripoff I don't know if they're coming or not I'm going to start this boss this oh it's not here what the boss isn't huh uh the boss is not in here huh the the boss isn't in there where did it go I don't know that's concerning something about teleporting into dead bodies breaks this game my just crashed again oh and like what it does is it just takes over my PC lags of CP ton until I can hit the the clip button it's crazy uh I am Rel logging I'll be right in [ __ ] well that's not my flyer there's my flyer why did that boss not spawn it's it can't be only nighttime you to do something first there's conditions the Cobalion one only spawns during a certain time oh so it's not just in there huh can I oneshot these things no not even close all right I'm going to leave this area what's in there is that a pen King oh it's just a flack not worth it o here we go this is the fastest way to travel in this game and I really enjoy it I think I like the glider more than any of the palons oh wait there was a meas sphere up there I can get up no no no no no no no come on where was it I saw a green aha you can't hide from me Great Balls oh I got more beans what wait there's where am I oh is this a higher level area this is where the the univolt spawns chat I'm going to run up to the unival I'm going to shoot it and I'm going to run away I just want to see how quick this thing is all right surely this does not go wrong okay I'm going to get to the top of the hill so I can slide down it why does it have a laser beam nope we got to we got to go we got to go we got to go um why bye-bye see you I'm going this way oh I missed could you imagine if I hit that all right I don't think he's mad anymore I do not do enough damage to deal with the the the laser beam uh horse hey remember that that shiny that killed me tell him I said that all right um where let's go up to this this uh fast travel and we'll head back I really like the uh the hangu I wonder it it feels like it takes a lot more stamina than the celer does but I haven't tested it I haven't been putting any points into stamina for a while where's our base oh here all right I'm going to make some more uh some more bullets W uh I don't know how to explain that all right what's up he's back we back in here baby probably because it goes upwards yeah it it raises uh it lifts you up I think Gail Claw is the best one big time died have you evolved anything there's no evolving in this game get Anubis we've already seen it all right where's everybody you can catch the tower bosses we're not breaking the game we're I think we're going to try and make a second base tonight as well like trying to find somewhere we have our our pal base leveled up to a spot where we can make a second base um though I created that like uh you can't really see it right now The Stairway to Heaven all the way up so that way wait I just had a really dumb idea kefir do you know if you could ride the rocket launchers in game like you can in fortnite I I mean they stole enough from other games I feel like you got to right we got to try it wait chat can you can you Rocket Ride in the in pal [Laughter] world are you able to Rocket Ride in this game kefir I'm going to try we could try dude I'm I'm going to no no I'm crafting bullets right now I'm going to try shooting you up to the top of the uh the iron help me help me make this ammo real quick though I need more shots to to murder tants and and civas someone said you can trust only one way to find out wait who who took the bullets I think one of y'all stole my inventory I'm trying to help I'm going to take this musket acquire it acquire it grab that wait you're going of you're ripped Micah yeah your character you got I count 10 packs it's deceiving you think I'm just a big man cuz I I'm full of Chunk but it's really just muscle oh there we go yeah wait we we can all agree though that this is this is a grass type Cinder rase this this one's just cinderace uh yeah put him down yeah why I don't like the way that you're holding him dude I'm just I'm just chilling bro I don't like the way come come work on these bullets what are you doing yeah yeah yeah put your ax away oh wait uhoh now now we've got it okay all right there you go I got my ammo uh how do I how do I okay kefir this is going to be really hard I think you're going to have to like um uh let's do it you stand here okay you stand on this I'm going to shoot the rocket to the top and you're going to have to jump and land on the Penguin at the perfect timing okay so you stand you stand right here kefir you there you stand right here and when I say man I love you do my man go but I need you I need you to jump when I say jump all right I will I will okay how do I I'm ready let me line this up I'm trying to okay can let me I'm going to practice my jumps CH look get ready this is going to be a world record we are going to set a world record in pal world right now the very first ever Rocket Ride to go get iron in three two one jump oh oh okay okay no no no we need another penguin you got to dude you when I say jump you have to jump I know there's like a two second delay though you know I'm doing my best um do I have another P I have another penguin I've got another penguin we have another chance at this I got it here I got it here I got it here now I now I have to do the uh I've got to do the the what's okay um no no no jump on I got I think I know how to make it work I'm gonna aim towards like the halfway point and you're gonna have to jump and grapple hook like right here like if I'm doing this put the grapple hook in your hand so that way when it when you get up there oh no no no this is going to be crazy you're absolutely right it's be sick there's a cool down we we have to do it fast or it's not going to work the cool down um on the rocket yeah when I pull the penguin out do I have another penguin I do why are you nak cuz I died so I don't do you have your grapple hook yeah gra ready just happy to see you all right okay let's move up just a little bit cuz I think you'll be able to yeah there you go there you go right there yeah okay let me test so I'm jumping like this no test no test here we go oh no test no test okay wait you're in the wrong spot three two one jump oh it didn't even fire the right direction oh where'd it go it l literally went to the right okay I confirmed though it doesn't do damage to uh it doesn't break structures so we're good I'm going to get another penguin trust me I've I've got a lot of these penguins don't don't worry damn how many penguins you got bro okay we're you've got we're going to try and Rocket Ride I got to do the intro this time though all right this right here is a world record we're setting a pal world world record we this is the first ever pal World Rocket Ride to get iron from the top ready in three two one jump you didn't wait a minute I I had fear for a second I had fear for a second it seems like everything's okay kefir you jumped a little late on that one I jumped a little late okay okay the Cannon's ready on this one it broke it it literally didn't look it's no no it's chill yeah Rockets don't break don't break structure okay ready we're good yeah yeah yeah here I got a good angle this time all right okay straight to the top three two one jump oh okay let's go get another one you were too far left on that one too far left too far left okay for this next one I I'm locked in I'm locked in wait I might need to go get more Penguins I got some I can switch them out do they just flat out die when you shoot them yeah every time you shoot a penguin they die oh hold up I got to get a penguin folder can I make a I have a folder for my shinies now I have a folder for my penguin bullets they die yeah well no no no they they you like the 10minute thing so yeah they die all right I'll be right back I got to go get more Penguins we're going to get this rocket we're going to get this Rocket Ride yeah yeah yeah yeah we got this are there wait aren't there supposed to be Penguins outside of our base you L really close last time did they ah there's some right here I was afraid that they saw what we were doing to their their friends and they were going to run brother's just hitting the slide what oh I got to do damage to it but it's going to kill it all right what happening this was on the floor uh who would have thought the hardest part about this Rocket Ride would be um finding bullets that work all right I'm G to have to take your penguin I think big man could you trade it to me uh it's already sitting in base just go rip her G don't tell anybody about this oh the the penguin here we go all right listen I'm so ready for this I'm about to go crazy hit the craziest jump you've ever seen okay ready yeah yeah yeah no no no over one over one over one I think it I think it I think it has to be low enough oh over here I see I see I see ready yeah yeah yeah you on it I'm I'm ready I'm lined up three all right two one oh man we waited too long again we waited too long what did he jump out of it so this is so hard no you only have a few seconds to shoot or they gain Consciousness and understand what you're doing okay I have it I have I've got it ready thing to say this is the one are you here I'm here all right Lock and Load Lock and Load Lock and Load jumping three oh shoot wait oh God I can't Crouch 3 two 1 Jump I didn't even it that was a terrible launch that was a terrible launch all right we need more Penguins crazy launch I aimed I aimed up towards the thing and it shot it to the right so I don't think this cannon is like too good oh there's a penguin wait I think that's a penguin I murdered already it iser what was that you okay did you like that I kind of there that was crazy see it again do it again I don't know how I did it do what hold on hold on hold on let me see if I can do it again 3 seconds 3 seconds 3 seconds why are you shooting white stuff out of you shooting ropes bro no I can't do it again I don't know what I did learning guys also love being here for a minute now I knocked her out I Ked her wait are we being why why is everybody alerted over here stop shooting those yeah why are they mad oh I think it's cuz I I just attacked one all right oh I see I see are any of the Penguins alive yet wait can we go make sure that there was no structural damage done to my ladder I would actually cry if if this was I can Che no no no no it's it's good I don't I mean shows it shows physical damage right yeah yeah but you can't damage your own buildings right oh you can't no it shows the numbers but I don't think it breaks them yeah it also doesn't show any like signs of physical damage which I feel like it would show damage if it were getting damaged right yeah we have we have got three minutes on our next penguin bullet but I'm going to I'm going to go try and find more Penguins it looks all clear I'm doing my my zoning check right now everything looks uh all Accord it looks up to up to board you're good I can't find any more Penguins though who would have thought Peng gulet is the rarest uh pal in the game it's literally just cuz they yeah it's just because we're murdering all of them literally murdering everyone you come across oh I got a copper key check the eggs oh how much time do we have left on our eggs oh they should they are probably done see I cannot wait to open those two Huges I'm I'm hoping both of them just have endgame Pals 5 Seconds 5 seconds on which one uh the Dragon one has oh Dragon one's done damp egg has 5 minutes left I'll be right back I got to reset my computer good luck brother huge dragon egg time M what are we expecting I hope it's not another one of these I do not want a drake of L if it is uh I'll take it don't worry I'll take it it is it's a a who's got a machete who who's got a machete what is it it's a stupid relaxasaurus oh give it to me I'll take care of it I'm the Humane Society except I don't actually put them I don't you might hate me m I don't want to say it no don't don't Hatchet it in front of me where is it I'm looking for it in my boxes can you put it in the pal at base for a second it looks like in there uhuh it was from a huge egg Micah I'm not going to let this thing just want to see what it looks like when it's in the base that's all I just want to see what the I can't even find it oh it's on my team that's why oh no oh no no no no no no no he's cute look at him he's only level one he's only level one Jack this guy's still in the floor what are you doing relaxasaurus hey there buddy I don't have any no all right I can't look I can't look he's in hell now he clipped through the floor M he clipped he clipped through the floor he escaped he clipped through the floor it had like the worst debuffs ever I I have another I have a better relaxasaurus if you want it I just don't want you to kill him that's all oh no he was a waste of it listen that was a huge egg if I didn't kill him you're already you your sins are piling up the amount of pullets that you've killed it's only a matter oh my sins have been piling up for 26 years man karma is just you know it's a it's a tough thing I don't know where my body is I died and I've been running around my underwear for the last maybe 20 minutes wait why didn't you go pick up your body cuz I wanted to I wanted to see you uh Rocket Jump wait I think our Penguins our penguins are almost done uh oh we do have a penguin Micah Micah I think the difference I think kefir just couldn't jump I think uh it's the do you know how mad he's going to be if he gets back and we've done the rocket jump and he's not here pretty mad but you know what he also got bushie so that's fair where where are you at I I don't see you I'm picking up my body okay when when you're back we're doing the Rocket Jump I want to do it before kefir gets back okay I'm coming back I got it chat do not do not leak it though you cannot leak it to uke don't tell him this is oof oof kill him did you get it o kill him o kill him I'm really afraid of uh sliding back into the the uh oh out of bounds 23 seconds on this Piplup okay all right I'm coming I I can't build the real rocket I can only have penguin Rockets there's a real rocket oh I guess that makes sense I'm pretty sure there's there's like tanks all right M are you ready I'll have three bullets for us so we only we have three tries before kefir oh trust me it's easy just jump when I say JUMP I will line everything else up okay all right little bit right there there there now you it's going to explode no no no no you look the other way because if you're looking if you're not looking at the bullet then you're not going to be able to jump on it oh so you've got to like jump onto the bullet so face this way and then look a little bit to the left I think that'll work all right let's try it on jump ready let me hit the jump real quick yep okay ready I've got to like aim a little bit left cuz it shoots right 3 2 1 Jump now it shot way right okay let's okay same spot same spot same spot same spot same spot I'll look a little bit right this time all right I'm going to fire like far left okay oh 3 two 1 jump that one didn't even go left it literally that went a little early okay I'm here uh three two one jump jump jump wait no that was the worst one yet okay let's go get more Penguins kefir okay we were we were trying to hit before you got back but we've not gotten a rocket jump uh we've got one more bullet we've got one more bullet do you think you have it I think I have it I think this is me I think this is my time to shine wait tell him to jump on three ready no no no no we'll get this we'll get that after ready keeper oh I already pulled it in the bullet I already put it in the bullet yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready all right on three one two three oh not even close dude all right let's go get another penguin that was it I really thought that was it my mic is dying of cold yeah what watch this damp egg is just going to have a penguin in it ready this is a huge egg these are supposed to have like legendaries in them chat and and out of our huge damp egg I just pulled I'm so excited what is that is there something crazy suzaku Aqua what what is you just said words you said two different words what luia what the why is can be ridden as a flying Mount as soon as it wait what level is this saddle can be ridden as a flying mount dang that is just Lugia oh no it's late game I think oh it's level 43 43 you get it when you get relaxasaurus is missile launcher oh my God yeah I'm I'm this is it's being named Shadow Lugia immediately that's the coolest thing ever that's so cool it has terrible stats though it only has capacitor Wow worth it all right someone in chat said we are doing damage to the stairs I'm going to go check I looked at it too if it's damaging I don't want to I don't want to accidentally mess this up I don't think it's worth it I think the damage numbers we're seeing are just from the trees in the area I don't think they're from anything else I'm checking just in case cuz it would be the I it would be literally the dumbest clip ever if I break this no it's all good it's not giving me any repairs okay chat's lying yeah they're lying I went to go check over here too there's nothing yeah it's just breaking the it's just breaking the trees they dropped wood I don't have no I've got one in eight 18 seconds it goes right yeah half the time it doesn't go straight my chat's trying to to tell me that I'm wrong they don't know all right I'm going to do this one without you kefir to try and get the line up because sometimes it goes straight sometimes it just it way curves off okay yeah so I want to get here Crouch maybe I'm not close enough maybe okay that one went there that wasn't the trees nothing broke yeah nothing broke I'm out of penguins anyway what boss do we want to do I think there's a shiny glitched above us no it's uh if if you hear the noise it's one of the the the pals in our base yeah it's glitched in the base we put Shadow Lugia back it's not strong no I can level him up where do you wait where do you hear the shiny oh I see the glow where one sec I'm going to see if it if it is just yeah I had the glow too on when I first logged in okay uh I also don't see what you're seeing um on Jack's screen is in the air on my screen it's in the ground so I don't know what's happening at our base right [Laughter] now it's looking a little rough let's see if uh if that cobalion's still there I'll meet yall over at the TP all right sounds good on my way this should be an insane boss fight if it's the there it wasn't there when I checked during the day maybe it's a nighttime spawn I don't know it's in such a weird spot all right follow me okay I'm teleporting it's behind this waterfall uh you need a you need a uh a torch down here I brought one okay it's it's pitch black you won't be able to see it yeah chat we caught sui we just did that one we're we're doing a bunch of bosses today I was trying to figure out before where this was I could see it on the map but I couldn't find where to go now I got annihilated by relaxasaurus I came by here at night time and I saw the lights behind the uh the thing I'm here all right let's go in let's do this hopefully it's in there it demolished me every single time time that I came in really yeah well I came in and I was like oh it's level 25 I can deal with it it murdered me and then I cont it's there it's there it's there it's there it's there m stairs and walls will lose you are onch outside of your blue base Circle turn it off the server config to prevent smile brother you got to keep the torch up it's Pitch Black in here all right ready wait wait yeah yeah keep torch keep torch here we go bam I missed I'm about to hit with I'm about to hit it with a brandishing blade it's going to be the craziest thing you've ever seen don't let your guard down this thing will twoot you it attacks are very quick I do 72 with my bullets that's actually crazy damage that you do I think I think oh bushy Buie no can we talk about how M with this torch is actually changing the way this fight is it's like this is supposed to be a pitch black but we just have a [Laughter] Micah just a mic okay get ready get ready he's on me yeah I'm going to get a shot in so that I can register it as like being so that I get otherwise I don't think I will bam uhoh watch out yeah he has acid rain yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm I'm going to keep running I'm running around I don't think he's low enough oh was that you% yeah 4% 4% is crazy 4% from a back shot pause hello oh I got a 10% you have 10 all right uh pull pal in pull pal in p p in m m you chill it I got a 133% let me try one okay oh you he's on me got him 32% no way we got 63 yes I caught him what level is the saddle oh good idea let me check tech did you get XP M I did yes I did I did I'm going to gather as much of this iron as I can he's level 26 uh what's it uh it's thing it's saddle the saddle 26 yeah level 26 is the saddle dang I'm I'm almost 26 I want one of these so badly yeah well well let's let's get 26 and you can just use this no look at it look at its pal decks uh see where it spawns oh okay got you got you cuz we're going to want to farm farm ones that are high speed if we can run around on them chat what's the name of it [ __ ] whoa we haven't discovered where they spawn they're in the bottom left most Corner oh oh Fang Fang Lop chat is f Loop good oh wait is it daytime so we can see in here now uh yeah it literally just turned daytime as I croaked my way out of the dark cave without my torch oh wait I'm an idiot I have my torch it's really good it double jumps and it's the fastest Mount oh oh my God okay so not only is it good it's the pal okay good to know good to know I don't think I like hangu as a glider by the way oh yeah it loses not working um no it works really well but it it consumes stamina at a much faster rate I believe oh plus it doesn't T pose went the store what's happening uh we're doing bosses we just finished the Fang Lop boss um okay next one is Bron cherry and that's the last boss that we have uh before that they turn like level 30 huh fully trapped I'm fully trapped in here wait what do you mean I I'm just like glitched into this barricade and I can't get out I'm coming how do you I'm going to try to like force gu and see yeah hit respawn cuz we're right next to the uh the way point oh okay okay I don't even know if you can reach me I went to the store what is happening you look crazy right now straight South I'm Reviving I'm Reviving where going to me I'm going to go I don't know bro but I'm getting a full glimpse of your cheek I'm going to go find the uh the Brun Cherry boss and see if there's a another spawn nearby any new shinies yes we got a uh we got one shiny today I guess will you will you grab my stuff you need Gail claw I what's better about GA claw you just I'm going to fully uh give up and okay is power world worth the $30 bu buy a long shot yeah it's really good dude holy crap this oh I I've gone from telling people to to get this on Game Pass to it's just it's worth the $30 that's a really it's really interesting timing considering how I just straight through the game three times in a row bro my screen is crazy looking like oh o that was nuts big chest old bow schematic discard already have a better one of those I wonder what Pal's in this area oh wait there's a boss here oh oh that's lunaris what's in there is that a ribon I'm not saving Chad today he can go deal with his own problems I love that there is just I love that there is just balls all over the ground wherever you travel man you would love that okay all right get over here I'm going to use this musket on you next I'm coming how much do I do the guns in this game are so much fun I'm not saying that if they added guns to Pokemon I would go around and involuntarily shoot all of the Pokemon in the the head for no reason whatsoever but that's what I'm doing in this game it's just chat how how you like you just look at a thing you're like okay bye-bye and it's gone so real so real gone all right where are you jack I'm here uh hold up I'm I'm mugging some kaas for their lunch money come over here kativa right here I want one palan fragment or I shoot you better not run you better not run told him I told them red berries he didn't even have a palan or all right sorry uh I was uh I was dealing with somebody I'm coming all right where two uh it's south of here yeah also I went to one of those those things that's like if you look at my map it's straight East from here oh wait there's a uh there's a a waypoint down here that we can grab okay it had pen Kings on it oh wait that was the Waypoint that I couldn't find I have that whole section of the map unlocked but I I could never find the Waypoint there wait mercenary with a Wounded Knee there's a wait there's a traveler with a wounded me down here there's a Skyrim joke I want him wait you want him put him out of his misery I mean where is he oh I didn't even see him oh I almost did the wrong thing hold on I'll be right back don't make me shoot you all right where's your foot he I think I'm going to kill this person if I shoot them what if I hit him with a torch yeah that's better wounded me you're coming with me I once was a traveler but then I took an arrow to the knee bro can you not catch him are you are you just fighting something there's cops in the wall that's something someone oh wait wait we're out of here wait huge W I'm going to catch a cop it's ethical to sell police right yes I'm doing a little bit of damage to it oh oh wait a second one in the wall I've been spotted they don't know me they don't know my story how do we how do I make them not angry at us um I think we just run away after we catch one wait wait wait wait wait wait okay I'm pretty sure now that we're that that they're after us we could do the cheese all right I'm not saying listen if we catch one of the bosses we have to delete it all right because it's too broken but would it be really funny if we just caught one anyways just to butcher it like to see if it works I it it would be it would be really funny actually I'm going to go do it I'm going to I'm going to go do it cuz they're after me what do we have to do um I'm trying to remember the Tik Tok that I saw I think if I bring them over here hey guards oh okay I'm I made them really mad now okay now they're they're like turbo mad wait they take a lot of damage okay I have to go in here to the boss and let the boss do or them do damage to the boss oh wait this sounds crazy and now it gets stuck and I run over here and I go kmo no way that this works uh uh guys man did it work it it worked but now I can't get out of here uhoh and there's a lot of cops wait where's my penguin where's my pengin oh my what happens if you just fully uh like despawn do you keep it do you keep it with you it's in my pal right now oh yeah yeah yeah then yeah you would um one second I've got to go get my stuff there's there's no way that this works wait can you just like throw a ball Auto catch it oh wait hold on I accidentally went in he says accidentally he did not accidentally hold the F button to go in I accidentally held the F button oh my God wait the PDF PD PF you have to wait till they shoot it and then it it it freezes okay mic I'm at the base are you here no but I can be yeah come here all right moment of truth okay she killed the guard I'm terrified this is wrong I you can capture the bosses that is that's a bug why does pokon have guns it has 30,500 HP at a level 10 it also has special moves that we're not supposed to learn like lock on laser and plasma tornado put him to work no I got to kill him I'm I I need to butcher it nope nope it's getting butchered 07 goodbye worse I can't tell I I don't know but I just did it my Penguins back up I'm going to test the angle again with the Penguins cuz I I'm telling you sometimes it shoots straight sometimes it doesn't that one went straight let's get another penguin don't kill the Penguins the these things were bred to die yeah all right penol it last test maybe it's cuz if I don't right click no that one went straight too I'm going to stop doing this I feel like I'm going to break my ladder somehow even though chat's saying that it doesn't do any damage I'm afraid that it's going to do damage if it doesn't have a repair option on it then it's probably fine I would imagine right yeah I just don't trust them Mike you want to help me uh craft this I have to cuz I was crafting a bow and I can't get to it till I craft your musket oh wait it didn't even show a bow what my bad I would I wouldn't have crafted I wouldn't have crafted if I knew that you were crafting I'm sorry no that's okay I'll just uh you just have to craft me then no you why are you building a mo a bow cuz I don't have the materials for a musket that's why I'm making this musket for you oh okay well then I won't build the boat yeah saved saved you have a beard no this is my morning glory or morning Shadow Glory isn't that isn't that the word a flower what is that a flower yeah those are the blue flowers we used to eat can you eat them should you eat them I don't know we did you're here so we used to eat honeysuckles mulberries that you can eat snap I don't know if you're supposed to eat snap dragon we used to just eat grass all right there you go there's your musket oh thanks I'm going to go I got to go get more ore to make another one someone said morning glory is the name of the superhero from Dexter's [Laughter] Lab that's your favorite pal the penguin I like the penguin I don't know what my favorite is right now wait this is broken it did take damage no way wait oh I'm going to have to no Micah we are going to have to repair it it did take damage I think chat was messing with me the whole time and it just didn't it didn't fall over there's damage up here it took damage yeah I couldn't see any damage on it all right we're protecting the stairs why are there skibby kids here I don't know because that's like the 10 the one video that's get 10 trillion views on the internet SK clip that someone clip that youee give me your best skib clip that out of context wait how does it go it's like the skimy D you know that one sky D you know that no you know that one person on Tik talk that that Mike as sends and says this looks like kefir and he dances with SK I didn't say that crazy that you said it looks like me bro that song that that that song okay that's crazy I would never say that yeah no for sure wait I'm I'm too heavy I'm slow walking oh no story of my life the way that you can just equip things to any slot is so funny I don't know what those sapphires are but they're gone now hopefully we don't need them bur give me DB do yes yes let me get rid of like shredded that fiber while I was gone what fiber oh we're just out of fiber do we get fiber from the uh from the wood like resource gather thing it's on the other side I think we're supposed to oh dark egg is done oh it's just a regular dark egg though it's not big or huge or anything not big or huge you going slam it that electric one was almost done too that's crazy see what's in it I'm putting apro or something oh it's a [Music] m it's a m we've got 130 ingots being made so we're going to have a lot of ingots I'm putting uh German tide on it hey bro you're supposed to we have a slot open for the pal of Base do we want to put something in there um I mean we're probably going to have to take out most of the stuff the the thing is is none of our Pals in base are doing anything other than the one that makes berries right I have a dire howl with logging Foreman Three N you Lo foran um for wood you got to do the the elk and I have an earth version M uh um Anubis is the best mining uh the elk is the best of deer oh SE by the way I got to do something with my flyer cuz I don't have any ability to fly anywhere look at my gold deer that thing's crazy looking yeah it's golden wait what you see oh wait is that an like anther deer yeah yeah yeah it's the uh Gold version It's a earth it's a ither deer Tera it has the skill guardian of the Golden Forest what the hell that's awesome oh wait here's the here's the mercenary with the the Wounded Knee oh he's invisible on I once was a traveler like you but then I took an arrow to the knee where is he dead I took an arrow to the knee I mean I'm going to help him save him it's I was going to kill him it's fine oh Penguins no need to hide from me penguins Next Level I get a Nightwing SLE I'm going to come find you Penguins chat they're surely not hiding from me sorry I got to go level I got to are you low are you low like low level little little fell level 15 little little man low level I'm not not a big man a little man such a tiny little dude holy crap couldn't be us I found more Penguins all right okay I I should have looted your body and next time I will okay damn all right man whatever whatever bro oh those are arrows that I cool okay so I don't one-hot the penguins from this far away yes I do never mind oh that was a snipe he's sniping wait where are you blew away a lamb ball I'm trying to these penguins are running away so I'm trying to BL they probably know what you're going to do to them that was a good shot blam okay they know what you're going to do bro they want nothing to do with it Kobe Kobe do my balls ever finish come on catch these are good throws there we go there another penguin shooting at me somewhere yeah I am going to have so many bullets by the end of this do we know if their bullets uh like if they do more damage if they're higher level I would imagine they would can you shoot while you're riding yes I don't okay wait that's crazy can you yeah you can do you can use any of your tools uh while you're riding on the back yeah you just have to right click I see I see you can breed two humans together and they make pal eggs huh I heard that gunshot where was that above you you just [ __ ] just fell in front of me see that tany yeah oh oh harambe moment oh my God you can't say harambe moment hey what happens if I'm dying inside of a boss fight uh your stuff drops outside yeah all right okay wait are you what are you doing you in your trading Arc right now yeah yeah oh my God okay girlfriend I was doing really good with P King and then he one me deserve app apparently I have a level 11 gumos I never went and killed hey man you're coming at me do you guys want to come do it wait if I we never did that Bron Cherry we went over to the Bron cherry and then just never did it let's go do the Bron Cherry I can't do anything cuz I died my cuz I'm a little baby it's the the level 23 oh Aqua no no no no by the gumos go to where we got the adventure with the knee and then uh oh where I'm flying I'm on my way I can't wait till I can ride this suzaku it kind of it kind of looks like blue Caesar with wings chat is this not the the coolest P like pal not the one I'm riding the one I'm riding is kind of ugly this one is that not the coolest thing ever it's like a mixture of of Shadow Lugia and Caesar yeah if Caesar had wings yeah it's where did I get it I got it from an egg so the eggs in this game can are are like gacha pools right it could be anything I think I see you I'm on my way to you oh [ __ ] it's right over here oh wait I don't see you I just see Shadow Lugia oh I see you now over this way make hop on my flyer uh I think it's see all those structures on the mountain I've been over there it's terrifying oh yeah it's all level like 40 stuff so that is terrifying uh and when I went over there it's it felt like uh a lot of the stuff was just knocked versions of Pals we've already already seen oh so I'm I'm guessing that's like the the evil area I don't know which uh what other gyms we're supposed to do in what order but I think once we once we beat this last level 23 boss then we're in like the all right time to do level 30 bosses and fight the other gyms mhm there's a a a couple life Essences over here too I'm going to grab o and a chest yippe 13 arrows yay I can't wait to shoot these out of my musket I wonder if chests in the the bigger areas drop um ammo o we've been I mean we've been throwing away ammo like the the whole time we've been playing right all right oh there it is there it is all right this should be a breeze to kill ke are you near me wait wait wait wait wait I'm almost there over here too them died to it I I already have a bunch of pets okay oh they say back bonus and you know I can't turn down a good back shot so um if we pretend he didn't say Micah then he doesn't get the satisfaction yep yep yep how far where are you uh I am on the like you can see on the map I'm like north of you oh [ __ ] they're far as hell uh do you have I'm run I'm on my guy I'm running I'm coming to lead the way we're going to have to get you cut up caught up at some point yeah yeah I'm at a significant disadvantage right now just want to catch a pingol I'm coming M yeah I'm like right about to hit that Shore head towards the fire breath oh wait no I'm B of stamina the fire breath do you do you have a glider a glider Manon there there a lot oh bro you need to catch one n it I have some I just don't I'm not high enough level to craft a saddle for it yet they're level wait they're like level five what you should be a to saddle yeah I have a glider I don't I I don't have a saddle for a flyer though oh no no no no dude the gliders are faster than flys flyer mons are bait you you'll go three or four times faster with a with a glider like I I have my uh the speed bonus on this thing and the van worm and it's faster than the Nightwing and it's still so much slower than my glider I think the uh the huge eggs I don't actually remember it was was having a little bit of a lag issue it was a suzaku aqua and a relaxasaurus the relaxasaurus I butchered because it took up a a huge egg all right fight time I'm starting it oh sh I'm on my way I'm on my way oh I literally [Laughter] missed I'm hitting him be careful this thing one shots yeah I'm going to put Shadow Lugia atam I was going to say can't one shot me if I'm all the way up here and then he shot me with rock It's not taking much damage either M oh Shadow was kind of saucing it though this okay the musket might actually be the worst weapon in the entire game it's so slow you have to it takes like 10 seconds to reload and if you do anything czy it cancels the animation oh my God big hits though wait I'm going for a back shot yeah we kind of saing it oh that wasn't mine that's somebody else we got it it was me first time let's go oh my gosh that was with a regular P sphere that's it we did all the bosses all right now we can go we can go farm stuff until we uh until we're ready for the level 30 bosses that's all we needed to do that's now I go into my training Arc where's the uh the um Waypoint over here oh there's like no Waypoint close oh yeah yeah I have this part of the map unlocked cuz I found it before but I couldn't find a way point I I don't know if I just missed it I'm thinking of boxing my van worm and just not using a fly Li anymore oh there it's so lame wait what does he have oh he's not that good wait you can ride the Brun Cherry what level that's crazy oh let me check I can make a king Paca saddle that's hilarious I didn't know you could ride King Paca chat my goal is to get to level 29 so I can make hand all of them what what boss is the best way to get XP pick what I want to ride breed no I don't like breeding in these games get a flaster flying pal oh okay let me just level up the handgun's good I what level it's not showing I really don't like the musket the musk's funny but it's it's bad also so are the Flyers yeah I want him oh it's level 20 chat I'm going to show you right here why you do not need a flyer in this game catch Pals you get a bunch of XP from Catching Pals uh do you get more XP from Catching higher or higher level Pals or just literally anything all right this right here is why you don't need flyers oh wait I got bugged there you go this is this is three times faster than flying oo and I've got an egg it's just a regular one no this is a large it is a large yeah I I know about the XP boost i' I've played 30 hours I'm asking if the XP boost is like exponentially better for higher level Pals so like a pouet versus if I were to go over here and try and catch something oh you just Spam Glide oh I see yep you just press space bar and you don't lose any altitude what the heck uh also you crouch while or slide while going down Hills and then hit space bar cuz you keep uh you keep forward momentum in this game yeah it's it's night and day faster if you look at my screen real quick I'll show you yeah I was watching that's how I saw the what you were doing yep you just pull this out um the the spam glider doesn't really do anything for hang you but for celer it really does celerate you'll be able to hold the glider out for like 30 seconds how much for you to shave I see I see uh I have way too much money I I don't like asking other people for money nor doing dares for money so never what level am I uh 25 24 no 25 I hit Level 23 and I'm going to go make some Gail claw gloves because apparently you can use them as a glider it was just pointed out to me that there is a makeshift handgun that I am able to craft right now oh handgun moment wait what level 25 I we we make it right chat this is going to be the greatest thing or the worst thing ever let me grab the spirit thing how do I get out of here oh there's a a waypoint up here bring me up hang you it's faster and better is um is Gail claw better than hang you chat hangu has a thing where it pulls you up in the air but I'm really not liking how much stamina it uses I might go back to celer or try Gil claw Gail Claw is better let's test okay so one two three four five okay so I've got about 10 seconds of gliding with hangu now let's try T pose which is a shiny oh yeah I can already tell it's going to be way more than 15 seconds the only the downside is that it it doesn't it doesn't lift you up so you have to already be at a high altitude One Mississippi two Mississippi 3 Mississippi 4 Mississippi 5 six yeah seven it's way longer eight nine all right thank you yeah hang you is not worth what's up it's not worth it close to me right oh I got the cops on my ass bro uhoh bring them home I got a musket I can deal with them well I I was I Lear if you catch a uh a merchant you can bring them back and they act as a merchant in your base no way wait ser seriously yeah I'm going to make these and try it chat there's a way to catch the bosses with the cops yeah we know if it could be any Pokemon would to be Dragonite there's a level 50 boss need a bre to get Runner and stuff no you don't I did without breeding just catch a bunch you need to catch a bunch anyways to level up their skills I think the musk's better than the handgun but only if you have good aim the problem with the musket is it's just so long in between reloads it's not that it's good it's I get bored in between shots you know for quick levels catch the boss a few more times nah that's that goes into glitch territory we're we're trying try not to like break the game you know I I don't want to do any exploits there's four different running mods yeah we have a we got a a wolf with three of them already also I've got a 100 days in this game I'm not wasting that time trying to Mid Max a a van worm just to switch to the next thing as you speed Glide yeah that's not an exploit though it doesn't break the game it just makes me go real fast and we love going real fast you like gaale claw someone in chat ear earlier said this gives you a a a a passive movement speed is that true it's literally abusing the momentum system Nintendo fan shut up you use edrien cuz I haven't had to deal with fall damage when you ride them what's aledin I haven't seen that one yet power world free everything could be free what was that sound hey uh uh who brought the cops home keep didn't mean to do that they're only going to get I'm I'm leaving I'm leaving I got to get out of here man I got oh my God my game is lagging no way this guy teleported the cops he brought the cops to our house and then leaves our our our things are dying he's got a major injury I'm lagging so hard it's crazy That's a classic keeper moment right there yeah maybe we shouldn't have summoned the cops into the base hold I'm teleporting away wait they're dropping ammo no bring them back they were these things are dropping ammo oh okay okay okay I'll stay oh never mind it's handgun ammo leave them we don't have a handgun F yet you can shoot your gun while riding Gil claw are you serious that right there is the selling point you did you that's all you needed to say to make me go to Gail claw okay listen everybody in chat has been keeping a major major thing away from us uh between the the ho is celer better than hangu better than Gail claw Gail Claw is the only one that you can use your gun while you're gliding with oh that's the best one it's Gail claw don't even get a hang you hang you sucks I think where do you get Gil Claw at Micah I'll tell you when you're level 24 okay how do we get Micah how do we speed level Micah up to our level I'll just go in and uh catch the boss a bunch of times and they were telling me and I said I I I know I heard that I don't want to I don't want to break like go into exploits you know no I don't either but oh God forbid I use my Glide and Nintendo fan 813 is like you [ __ ] dirty little hacker well quit hacking oh my bad someone said hog rider just wrote $19 fortnite gift card but they wrote fortnite wrong that's the wrong night try again what do we think's from this uh this little oh my God I finally unlocked this little fast travel spot I got a I had a large egg that's been cooking it's an electric what do we think we're getting from it uh Gizzy what's his name that huh glizer what's the guy's name Electabuzz Pikachu that's not Gizzy wait what is his name no 50 c Gizzy from Ikea is love Ander no no no no no the it's uh Gord gzy Grizz I I do not know the this Gizzy Pokemon that you're speaking of the electric guy Electabuzz watch it watch it be this gzz thing oh no it's a univ vault oh okay it used to be considered an emissary for the Thunder God and now he's going to water my plants where'd he go power of Gia what's that oh good news good news my uh my Drake of L is a positive thinker oh good for him yeah yeah yeah so happy for him it's really helpful for us wait this King Pac is kind of crazy apparently there's a known issue right now I'm waiting oh no you died oh that's it I love he goes apparently there's a known issue and then goes oh my God hey purple it's been a long time since I caught a stream just wanted to say love your vids and keep up the great content yeah apparently there's a known issue with the game that makes it kind of unplayable for certain people I like can't go like 10 minutes without my game becoming like 10 frames per second and really laggy uhoh and I Googled it and apparently it's like just an update thing there's not there's no fix for it hey Jack this is the last of days qu I'm quitting this game the stairs fell apart no they didn't it how did they fall apart oh my God you guys don't know how long it took me to crank these 90s when did they fall apart I don't know but I got to rec in front of you I I I just walked over here and it's broken oh my God all right sorry I got to watch how quick I crank these 90s chat you ready for this dude I'm cranking right now they call me they call me uh the Benji fishy of pal world the way I'm crank in my 90s who calls you that everybody dude you didn't hear them they call me it today I'll call you you didn't hear me that they were like bro dude's the Benji fishy of power world the way he cranks his 90s oh that's what they were saying what did you think they were saying I thought they were saying uh purple Cliff is the queso of power world that's what I heard you're lucky that he's the Guild Master I can't kick you chat I'm just saying what they said don't don't shoot the messenger don't laugh at that one chat just dog I got my hood up and everything today come on just lean back really far and uh put your camera so only your forehead showing wait wait I'm trying to crank 90s why am I doing this cuz you have to it's so dumb you have to have support so in order to do it check my last you have to like kind of go this way you know it's so it's so scuffed okay so now okay so I know that the musket is bad however the feeling of using firearms in this game feels like I'm playing fortnite with Pokemon and it's it feels really good wait have you have you used the Gail claw the Gail Claw is actually insane I haven't it I actually don't even know what a Gail Claw is I'm going to be honest with you oh it's just it's literally a bald eagle it is the most bald okay wait wait what how long can I Glide with it is the question one two three oh yeah this is it Gail claws the glider 31 univolt let's see what else we got I'm just I'm I'm in my training Arc do I want to make a serent saddle let me see what other uh Saddles I've got so we make Gil claw metal armor probably a skip repair my armor let me unlock the handgun I need more ingots and fiber so we're going to have to get fi we need anything specific for lot of fiber we need a lot of leather and we need a lot of Ingot still okay no we don't need inot oh is it over here I just I just grabbed here I see gotcha gotcha yeah I did a lot of Ingot oh my God fber no I had you say fiber and what I had a chest that the the pals weren't putting random [ __ ] into and they just started putting random [ __ ] into it a building Decay over time outside your base normally you can custom R set it to make Stu to zero in the thingy I've got a few all just regulars some of our pales over here are bugged let's just let's honestly take out all the workers that we know aren't working um so we want T Fant right we want uh the deer should stay the Vixie should stay actually no screw the Vixie they only give us regular pow balls we have hundreds of those um I'll put in a van Worm for fire oh no no no they they also do so I'm going to I think if I just put Drake of L in there it'll that'll be our fire thing uh verd Das we went out he does way too much stuff melpa we went out pen King we went out catus we went out and vorm we went out so let's put in Deer and the Gyarados we also want um a t Fant for the watering so that's our watering one um gumas is supposed to be a a planter but I'm trying to see if we have better Nightwing is a gatherer let's put Nightwing um we'll probably go with our our shiny gumos yeah but Brun the oh oh I was looking at Capri what's Brun Cherry have uh three on the farming and nothing else nice okay you perfect for farming uh we have a waterer we have a gatherer we have a Kindler we have a logger we need someone who does just does mining which is supposed to be digo which I have oh I got one too I threw mine in Le three um yeah can you take the verd Das and the malpa out yeah I'll pack of bir Dash both out um I'm putting in Looney Tunes because he's a two handsman ship I have a foran but I don't know if that oh you're looking specifically for yeah not not uh no no no we're not looking for passives we're looking for uh things that only do one singular set of skills yeah we have the Dig stor did you say we already have all of them I think last to okay yeah I think this is it now let's walk around and make sure that they're just doing all their uh their stuff BTO is on theer is huge Nightwing is bugged so take the Nightwing out what is he doing we want two t Fant so I'm going to take Nightwing out and I'm going to add another T Fant another T Fant yeah is there a shiny T Fant on any of us or no yep okay sick you want to pull this ither deer huh one that's starving and has a major injury is and is on a short break uh I'm just going to reset it real quick cuz it probably just was bugged bugged yeah yeah holy crap you guys see the way this thing mines yeah the Dig toys out he's hitting it what happens when you get on there dang he's kind of killing it yeah he's bless he's really hitting that okay we still have three more places we can put pets trying to organize stuff we put that away put that away I don't need in there I should take the shield for logging and farming I'm more than happy to give you whatever you want out of my team but I don't think any of it's going to contribute anything but if you need anything just let me know heal this um Chad I'm going to go explore do we want to go try and find a shiny here I'm going to do some should we go to a base wait wait wait wait wait base stuff real quick I'm we're we're going to get back on the my let me put my PO my Penguins away though Penguins you go away uh I've got Gail claw I've got van worm um I should be fine right do I go after the boss though I'm afraid if I go to this Nightwing boss I'm just going to get one shot wait let's check the uh let's check this devil fruit tree why did I get rid of those tomato seeds uh they were annoying me I want to go north oh my God this gailing is so cool I thought I heard the sound I I swear I thought I heard a a shiny sound happy birthday Angry Bird build a ramp at your base we have one uh but it's hard to fall apart make the handgun um we only we didn't have enough fiber those are hard to come by the only uh Source I've seen is Bron Cherry we don't need tomatoes for anything there's a devil fruit tree up here do I want to catch a robin quill I don't have one yet uh um I'm afraid it's going to oneshot me though and I want to I want to go check this Devil Tree I'll come back oh wait wait wait what's in here a Vixie Vixie is not worth saving let's get the let's try and get a robin quill you didn't see me you didn't see me just a moment I'm reloading bam oh that did Big damage wait does he still not see me oh no way I catch this first one wait I'm reloading I'm reloading reloading I'm going to try and get behind it 5% oh my God that did damage uh I'm trying to catch a robin quill but now Gail claws are are also after me me a robin quill yeah yeah yeah yeah deui yeah yeah deade you have one yeah I have one good luck it's it's not the robin cool that's scaring me it's the Gil claws shooting turd bombs you got this you've H been hit with turd bombs before okay what don't let it f bombs this is this does not need to be this stressful game oh my God this musket does not you got to you got to read a whole ass Magic Treehouse book in between shots on this thing look I'm about to figure out where miss frizzle's taking us by the time it takes me to put a bullet in and then pull the trigger and by God you accidentally Miss okay I'm reloading it's taking so long you know maybe I should just drop the musket maybe this musket is just making me lose years of my life more than it's helping me in power world you know what I made a decision [ __ ] you Robin quill it's dead rest in peace I need a a a better a better method of capturing these things or better balls better what better balls I'll sa it again our balls suck dude it says 5% I throw 30 balls at it does [Laughter] nothing speak for yourself I'm proud of my balls yeah and they that's where I'll leave it I'm I I guess I just need a trillion more of those uh little green green things wait did I just find a hidden cave there's no way I just found a hidden area read song is this a hidden cave is there anything special in here doesn't seem like it huh oh there's literally a a a a life monk Effigy right here how I get to that let's go grappling gun in hand boom and then grapple now oh okay you can also use your grappling gun from the back of a gaale wing that's that's kind of Awesome how Gail Wing is for sure the glider what does that do does that like whip you around no no no no it's like if you're gliding up a hill or near a mountain and you want to go higher up you just grapple while you're on its back it doesn't it doesn't do anything other than just like allow you to use the gra gun yeah but it it's still helpful I thought that said you caught a Grenadier and I was about to question whoever's fighting them I was showing boss oh I found a dragon egg um is it is it worth picking them up if they aren't large at this point at this point I feel like no no all right I'll leave it then I agree chat at night time um these life monk Effigies glow and the more of them that you pick up the better like the better better your pow balls are or your Poke Balls essentially if I get enough of these I should be able to start catching higher level Pals I thought I was really far ahead on life monks but if I can't even catch a uh something that's my own level I think I've got to start getting more and more borm to get to this one wait till you get till pal infusing we've started getting uh a few of them just naturally spawning I have the I have the Earth deer or or even look at this oh wait my bad I had to hop off him first look at this thing that thing's awesome do I have any idea of what it is uh nope do I like it yes all right where's the where's more glowy things for me to go grab okay so there's one there and then there's one in the middle I'll grab that one first oh wait I'm not I don't have enough speed for this um oh jeez wait there's one here have you explored the entire map no way I feel like I've only gotten half of it um I went down here there's like pen King's there I found pen King and um I think there was a bron Cherry there as well there we go what's Su Ryan oh wait am I going to die uhoh uhoh I am so glad that I didn't wake him up all right let's go get this thingy uh I might have to use the grapple gun chat I'm sorry he looked at me funny all right he he looked at me funny you going to get a shiny today yeah we already found one uh we've only found one shiny the odds are like one in 5,000 how far does the gun go do we think that I can kill this serent all the way from over here oh I'm not even loaded he was just sleeping well this one's not sleeping oh it does like no damage he's just mad now bye-bye you don't see me bye-bye byebye I need to get out of here before it turns daytime he's asleep I think it's asleep I think it's oh my God leave leave uh hey um if you see a a a little green LIF monk Effigy in the middle of a pond and you're like that looks like a really good thing to do make sure you do it at night time like I just did because there's a level 45 Gyarados boss and um I didn't see him until I was 2 ft away from him but he was asleep so I am still alive holy cow uh so yeah be careful and I oop and I oop yep there's two of those on the map I have a fire one I have the I got the fire version Lucky Bor palal is lechon Incarnate I feel like kativa is lechon uh oh who watched our uh our thousand packs did you see the lonks pulled I I cannot believe believe I I seriously cannot believe how many shinies wait I just started I I literally just lost my train of thought chat what was I saying before I said the word Chinese my brain just literally short circuited and I oh no oh yeah so many shinies for the packs how much were the Thousand packs normally we spend about $3 a pack uh paldan Fates was a lot more expensive we spent $5 per we went through 400 sleeves Oh my Jesus what the hell I'm gone oh um um um and this is why birds are useless van worm you suck I'm leaving bye-bye this is so much faster there we go that's so much fun I'm giving you two chances to run that was one I lied about number two all right uh I got to get out of here let me let me just get on vorm oh it didn't die um do we have another statue of power or is the one that I accidentally threw a frag grenade into still in I rebuil it oh sick okay so we got one I've been grabbing life monk Effigies just cuz uh I've hit that point where my balls aren't catching anything depending on your weight you fly faster or slower I don't think that's true I I'm pretty sure it's a it's a static speed um up until like you go over and then you can't even hop on the backs of stuff van worms it's it's not that slow van worm is is ridable I think Nightwing is less fun than just walking there any I don't see any more of the glowy things uh next time at night let's hit this TP and get out wait what's that pink thing over there wait what was that pink thing I saw something pink and it it is it a oh it's just an egg never mind it's a regular one it's 132 shinies did you get all of them um we got close oh wait chat you aren't going to believe this um I don't I pulled a second Charizard so out of the Thousand packs I put like CL right now I put 10 or 15 aside Gil claw glove there we go I put 10 or 15 packs aside um to open later as like a if I get bored I opened one of them and it was another sh shiny charizard so technically we pulled two shiny Charizards out of the Thousand packs but because I it wasn't on camera so no one's ever going to believe me but we pulled two shiny Charizards the Iona we pulled more than anything going on this game's just screwing what happened I got the Gil claw glove right now baby oh it's help me good oh this is huge I got I really like my Gil claw this is huge it gives you it gives you a speed boost to where you don't need to slide you can just Glide you don't have to you don't have to do the uh come slide down a hill Oh that ither deer just walked straight through the fire that was crazy that's maybe that's why it's sanity is 14 and it's SI right behind me come right behind me come come right behind you all right oh okay oh I've raised my capture power again W let's go have you uh have you all leveled up your mounts yet with um the condensation with the what the condensation condensation over here the soul Pals no oh what you uh you feed pal Essence it's been this machine that's been sitting here oh yeah I thought that was how you fuse stuff like change their types or whatever uhuh no no no that's breeding you you can't change types you have to fuse them oh what did I just walk into hey hair band thanks cold resistant armor I'm going to go look at this real quick I where is this man that's supposed to be helping us with this how come he got [Laughter] me com you want to you want to level look at look at my screen yeah yeah yeah and then it it raises their ability so like my van worm is already one star out of five or four star cuz I I fed it uh eight van worm or four van worms and then 10 van worms so now I need 16 more van worms to make this uh a level three and what it does is it it levels up the skill not the pal the skill so uh it being like aerial Marauder 2 can be written as a flyer flying Mount the higher that level is the faster the flying Mount is I see that's crazy yeah you want to do it with your your Mobility thing um I don't I don't think it's worth too too much right now though because like we're going to just get better Mobility Pals by playing and getting higher level I feel like I've not gotten any any XP today though so I'm going to go Farm chat I I know exactly where we're going this is the place that I was so scared of earlier I think it's ready we're going to farm some Gob fins I want to catch so many of these things so many but they're they're kind of terrifying also there is a big egg over there we're going to grab grab this chest first I got to get some Fiber and leather wait what the what spawns here War sect I don't know what that is oh oh wait a minute what level 29 that's not worth it I can't do that I'm not strong enough we're going to we're going to get some gobbins chat is the I'm not going to die to the gobin am I hey buddy don't mind me don't mind me don't mind me I'm just grabbing that [ __ ] I'm gone see you later bye Boos see that's not what I meant to do oh vorm you are useless get out of here please go go go run run run run run vanor you're so God dang slow okay screw the van worm I'm leaving him okay we got away now Goin time how much damage do I do these things 200 I don't know how much 200 is not much at all what the they took no damage I wonder how much lunaris will do not much either that's the one I'm going to catch though watch I'm going to lead I'm leading these two away get ready this I call this the Batman pal catch no way oh no okay I'm out I'm out catch that one shoot this one oh God oh God leave me alone yeah I got it okay now we got to leave now we got to leave leave and reset all right I'm going to reset I just got to do another Batman move that was the play I come up here I separate them and then I Batman all right let me first off I got to reload my musket let me brush my teeth while singing happy birthday cuz that's how long it takes to reload this thing I'm going to throw down one of these and boom mess him up vanw mess him up that's right hit that super effective move oh vorm you wer supposed to kill it where's the other one there oh how did he snipe me there by the way did that was that was a trick shot that it just did Dodge all right van warm light attack light attack that might kill it 50 HP come on dub ah maybe not all right how much xp that gave me a th000 XP okay catching gobins is the best way to level up this has got to be the best way it's the number one thing about muskets how long it takes them to reload yeah oh my God van worm why am I not reloading oh my God I I'm actually getting really frustrated with this musket this useless ass weapon dude it takes so long it's I'm it takes so long to reload it's not satisfying in the slightest it it is but it is an unsatisfying weapon let's go make the uh the the hand gun chat I know I said that I was going to wait I can't anymore you never made the musket cuz the reload time it's not fun it's it does a lot of damage but like I'm pretty sure my triple bow did way more just just cuz you could shoot shoot shoot mess these guys up oh sh that did no damage all right we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I think I made it what happened to Steve I'll go check on him he's in the base somewhere yeah that gives so much xp it's just so dangerous did I get any good Gob fins that one's abnormal what's this one insulated body none of them are good hard skinn cold blooded yeah those are kind of L gobins how do we craft the better balls Ingot it's an Ingot per pow ball what about gigas speres it's two ingots per ball hey Gamers what yeah guess what what' you do is it good news I have bad news one oh we're base level 11 what ises that wait what 12 you're welcome I'm about to hit it again too that how many how many levels did we have stored up can we get three uh I was I was just working I was just increasing stuff this one is a really easy level up oh I just got to add two more pal beds and we got to put two more Pals in wait that's awesome we have another level up yeah what does uh figured we needed some progression yeah what does a uh an upgraded base do we it just gives us more access to stuff I guess more Pals in our base which means we can create more resources we should try and automate pal like pal ball production cuz yeah it it takes two I think we just need an Ingot B base like we need to go make a base somewhere that's giving ingots there was one on Tik Tok that I saw that has ingots and coal I don't think I'd be able to find it right now but for our next play session for sure okay fluffy pale beds I got to make them better beds what do they think this is don't say it they want better beds they got to work harder true wait what level is it though they only made $83,000 of our Sheen products into I mean uh our pal products in 2 hours that's not enough work them harder true I hear a shiny really yes no way it's another goomas no way no way there's a mega goomas wait that's our third goomas that's the I think this is the biggest shiny can we make an army of shiny goomas dude imag no no no imagine we get 30 of these things and we go take on the Final Bosses of the game with 30 Mega gumos that would be so funny stop it you got it m no yeah I give me give me a second let me get it okay all right that's what you get okay I got to hit Level 24 to be able you got to do you have to do damage to it you got to do damage to it I don't I don't want to shoot her I might kill it I'm I'm afraid I'm afraid yeah it's I don't want to shoot it either cuz I know it's good to okay well don't put out your Bron Cherry anything anything other than your Bron cherry pick someone with like 12 attack you have you have a hand it's attacking me use your fists wait you sent your Nightwing dude stop using Pals use your there you go there you go it's too big I can't see his health bar there you go it's on me now it does I don't know what that move is but it's crazy all right you know I'm coming in M coming in actually heard it careful careful careful it's on fire I got it oh oh my God I saw that one I saw I saw that first you see anything you panicked through that one this is it climb on it climb on it climb on it climb on it I how I can't a yeah we didn't fail it that's all you you had me scared there for a moment when when when you're want to kill it you're you're the gomos I'll be you okay ball what am I listening to what what what are you guys doing what were we making weird sound effects Dodge roll Dodge roll all right let's get out of here are you farming are you farming this pen Kang for XP I was try I was coming to find him I haven't beat him yet how much xp do I get from beating GIS bolt that's his Same by the way grisol oh not not gzl Lord keep was calling it gzz Lord I called itzler I don't know you know it's close oh wait a minute no I have to get rid of this musket or I will have a contion this musket is by far the worst gun in any video game I've ever used kefir do you want mine I'll give it away yes yes yes take it yes you're saying yes excitedly you're going to be Beyond disappointed with how garbage this gun is does this mean I get ammo too no go make it yourself oh okay the the the thing that I'm trying to make uh also needs the ammo so oh sh oh my God it's like fortnite yeah oh my God it's like fortnite but you have to do your taxes in between reloading oh oh okay all right you know those you know you know when you swipe on a Tik Tok and it's like was this informative or or like blank blank blank and you don't want to see it that's what happens in between every shot okay well I caught pen King but I'm dying that's all that matters though I got it I beat him I got capped a little bit it's no big deal I need fiber go in C on no we have 30 21 is that enough nope 25 we're almost at the the gun I really hope that this makeshift hand gun is ass if it is I might cry a little what do you mean by that the gun the makeshift gun oh isn't ass isn't he said is an ass no I I I didn't know what you meant by that holy crap it's fzy chat what do we think about her I see huge gig man in the distance dude I'm hit trick shots up the Wy right now I miss the to POS did we ever figure out what the to pose bug was no but I love it and I wish it was like on every character I got it when we fought coal coaler F really yeah I when you gave me the torch I picked it up and equipped it and Ted out of 10 it's pretty strong it gives you life steal when you have it in youry here I got you what's her deck number 69 he'll do it faster then my love Ander oh he's up there look at him craft up there he looks like M while don't look at the animation someone said don't look at the animation they gave love Ander for the hot spring I got to go check this out I mean you know what we got to do it's not really how do I put love Ander in the hotring wait wait keep her keep she doing it it's not doing anything do it oh it's it's broken got to go it's broken so none of them we need a repair kit it's broken so none of them have been that's why they're losing their sanity is cuz our thing not working ba yeah no want this base stink so much we okay how do we how do we make a one I got this do you have a repair kit guys down nope what are you doing I actually don't even know how to make one neither do I I was just going to just disassemble it and then I'll throw my love Ander in what is your love Ander doing bro hey man she's excited for that hotring all right love Ander on love Ander action what the hell what is she doing uh all right she's helping you the only way she knows how all right I'm going to disassemble how did you how do you disass oh okay I guess that's how cool waiting for my grass egg to be done do you guys see that I since we have two Blastoise things they are like speed farming the stone it's already at 800 almost yeah they're beating the hell out of it's awesome I love every minute of it you think they Converse build what do you guys think these pales are talking about uh how we pay them and how much we're making them do do you believe they got me working this Farm only for only Tre berries and Andy they got B on the other G back up I'm going to do it I'm going to put in the love Ander here we go I'm so ready it doesn't do anything I think she's got to go in there maybe I got to go in I'm putting it in yeah can't be assigned oh chat's just lying to us it literally can't be assigned to the hot spring I think it just can't it's got to go in there on its own right like they get tired and they go they go on the hot spring can you force it to go wait I'm going to force it I'm going to no no no wait wait keep keep wait yeah someone in chat told me how to do it but I need I need help because all these other things keep getting in the [ __ ] way okay so I need to put her in our base I'm GNA get rid of oh yeah yeah yeah uh good idea I'm getting rid of the Lamb ball okay now I need to pick her up and put her in I do not like this pickup I do not like this pickup dude I was just doing it too fre all right all right I'm ready here we go oh oh I'm coming in baby hey there we go oh no no no she left us she got hungry you got hungry bro oh it's just sweaty man oh what's the problem with that all right chat that's it for me I'll catch you guys around if you haven't already click the Subscribe button thanks for watching uh yeah that's it if you want to see more pal world click subscribe right here we're going to be streaming pal world and also Pokemon Mystery Dungeon this week so uh you might see a couple videos from that thanks for watching
Channel: Purplecliff3
Views: 70,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: purplecliffe, best pokemon player ever, tiktok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 56sec (9296 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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