Full Book! | 150 x $2 Gold Rush Classic - Top Prize of $50,000!

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boom we got that 10x hype it up [Music] perfect [Music] hey everybody it's andre get richard i scratching today i have an entire pack of the two dollar gold rush classic with a top prize of fifty thousand dollars so it is a two dollar book uh a two dollar game it is a full book so 300 bucks so 150 tickets so i have tickets triple zero going all the way to the last ticket in the book 149 that's 150 tickets so why do you buy a whole book of tickets andre well i'm trying to find the top prize right so there's the top prize of 50 grand there's still four left the next prize beneath 50 000 is a thousand there's 341 left and then the next prize beneath a thousand is 400 and there are 198 left so it was a 300 book i'm expecting to lose about half half this this is gambling right so 300 spent i am expecting to get approximately between 120 and 160 back lose about half that's pretty average for buying an entire book the odds are 1 in 4.69 so the odds are for all the tickets ever printed and there are millions of tickets printed so we should win on about 30 tickets here so we're trying to find an outlier win most of the wins are gonna be between two dollars four dollars and five dollars we're looking for there are a hundred dollar prizes fifty dollar prizes but um we're looking for these big ones this is what we're looking for this is gambling this is the way it goes um don't do this unless you can afford to lose the money which i happen to be in a really good position and that i am able to do that all right let's jump into it let's get through this whole book of tickets as fast as possible it's a lot of tickets it's going to take a little bit of time grab yourself a cup of coffee all right we're looking for a matching number so these numbers up here have to match down here and then we can win the corresponding prize or we're looking for a 5x a 10x or a sack to win all 10 prizes let's jump into this i'll zoom in you guys can see it i'm gonna use my channel coin that's me that's my stupid nerdy face clutch corner there we go let's get going all right ticket triple zero i need a four or a 23. all right we got no win on the first ticket i will scan all the losing tickets because um i don't want to throw away any losers i mean sorry any winners i don't want to throw any throw away any winners i'm going to adjust this tripod all right i'm back i had to adjust the tripod it was the angle was driving me crazy here we go 22 and three all right no 22 and no three so the first two tickets are bust all right take it two and three here we go 19 and four we need a 19 or a four we have a 19 we got a win we are on the board with our first win there should be approximately 32 wins for two bucks all right on to ticket three i need a 13 or a four that's funny the four has been on three tickets so far all right no symbols and no matching number so just that win right there the two dollars on ticket number two all right i'll put that in the winning stack all right ticket four and five here we go six and thirteen got a six got a 13 another 13. all right two 13s and a six two it's probably five bucks four five nice five dollar winner all right ticket number five remember we are looking for the outlier 19 and one 19 we got a one awesome here we go for two bucks all right at least you found some wins six and seven sometimes you get started on a book and you don't find a win for like six or seven tickets so this is not bad all right 14 and 11 14 inch level nothing on that one all right ticket seven double 007 22 we needed a 22 or a 20. we do not have either we also can win if we find a 5x a 10x or a sack so far we have not found a juicy symbol yet all right ticket number eight 14 and 15. no 14 no 15. ticket number nine i don't know if you guys can hear that there is a dog losing oh there's two there's two people walking their dogs outside and they are not having fun one in 22. all right no dice on ticket eight or nine onto ticket 10 in the level 18 and 8. do you guys want to see this wow all right 18 and 8 no dice there ticket number 11 just a good you know afternoon scratch 24. if this was a regular ticket where the uh where there's corners that would be a clutch corner win because it's the last spot on the ticket two bucks all right pretty average there all right ticket 12 and 13. let's get it 8 and 18. all right no dice on ticket 12 on to ticket 13. uh 21 and 15 we do not have so those two are loses all right ticket 15 and 14 9 and 20. oh couple 20s all right we got four matches we have three 20s and one number nine for four bucks that's funny all right that's a four dollar win all right ticket number fifteen we need a four and a nine this one shows on the screen all right we got that four dollar win up top all right tickets 16 and 17. 21 and 17. we got a 17 and a 21. awesome three dollar win i missed the 21 up here i was gonna say three dollars is not a prize you cannot win three bucks so you're gonna win either two or four all right that's a four dollar win all right ticket 17 24 and four we got a match that's what we'd like to call a bike to bike win for two dollars all right tickets 19 and 18. good luck to me 15 and 11. all right no matches what's funny is we even have we haven't found a symbol yet we're almost 20 tickets deep four and 17. all right nothing there on ticket 18 or 19 ticket 20 and 21 16 and 11. nothing there take a 21 6 and 14. all right no dice that's okay it happens all right ticket 22 two and four be sweet to find a money bag or a multiplier two and four no dice there on ticket 22 ticket 23. 22 and 23 that's funny some one-offs all right nothing there take a 24 here we go 22 and six we got a six that's awesome we got a match two bucks i have a feeling like the 50 grand is gonna be a single match all right ticket 25 8 and 7. if anyone here has won a huge prize like that like 10 oh we got an eight 10 grand plus leave a comment down below we have two matches an eight and a seven was it on a single match or was it multiple like the jackpot of a ticket like 10 grand 50 grand all right we have the eight and the seven two four bucks all right not too shabby ticket number 26 6 and 21. no 6 no 21 and no symbols 20 ticket 27 22 and 1. we got a one pesky number one for two bucks i used to be like um super new to this right so i've been scratching for a year and a half so i used to be every time there was a match i was super excited and then as i've been playing more and more maybe it's jaded maybe it's just all the losses adding up 14 i have a 14 and 13 to match um i kind of like know a lot of the times what the prizes will be two bucks so um but what happens then is when the prizes are bigger it really is exciting because you're not expecting it nine and 17. take it 29 and you have to realize um the lottery is geared to make money right so you're gonna have a lot more losers than winners so you're just hoping to get really lucky all right no nine no 17 but we did have the two bucks up there so that goes in the winner's pile ticket number 30. 7 and 12. we got a 12 in the last spot awesome whoo see 10 bucks that's awesome that's the biggest win so far that's great on ticket 30. take a 31 can we go bike to bike 13 and 16. no 13 no 16 and no symbols we need some symbols the 5x the 10x and the sack all right ticket number 32 21 and 1. all right no dice there ticket number 33 21 and 13. that's funny no dice there all right ticket 34 8 and seven got a match we got a match two bucks all right ticket 35 2 and 16. no dice but we got the two bucks upstairs so that's not too bad all right ticket number 36 19 and 18. so typically you get approximately half back most of the time there's no guarantee in florida on the books there is no minimum back guarantee and the odds don't always work out for the most part they're pretty good meaning if you're supposed to win on 10 tickets in a book typically you do find about 10 winners we need a 21 and a 13. but the gamble there is that again there's no promise there's no guarantee so you might have a really good book in terms of number of winners this is these are both busts where let's say you're supposed to win on 10 and you win on 13 so you win on three more tickets than your quote unquote supposed to per the odds but they'll be average wins so you won't win even your money back even though you won on more tickets than you were supposed to you won't even win your money back so what we're looking for we don't really care about the number of winners we just want that one big winner if that makes sense that's what we're after all right we need an 11 and an 18 and i don't see either all right ticket 39 12 and 14 and i really highly highly suggest everyone that you guys if you play scratch offs the two things i would like to say is stick to a budget 12 and 14 we don't have either that's the most important rule and the next important rule is scan your tickets no matter what even if you think they're losers you just never know you might make a mental mistake people find winning tickets in the trash all the time all right ticket 40 4 and 20. doesn't matter how often you play you can still make a mistake all right nothing there ticket 41 15 and 16. nothing there all right take it 42 as you guys can tell i don't like the scratch dust i try not to touch it take it 42 3 and 2. we got a match two matches three matches probably a five dollar holla holla ooh ten bucks nice all right that's two ten dollar winners take a 43 24 and 20. do not have a match down there all right ticket 42 for a ten dollar ticket 44 so far 10 bucks is the largest win we have found 22 and 20 but we are far from done 22 and 20 no dice there be nice to find a symbol we're almost the third into the book 22 and 2 and we have not found the symbol yet 22 and 2 we have a 20 which is two off and a one which is one off no dice there all right on to ticket number 46 15 and 3. nothing there ticket 47 18 and 17. no dice close close but close means nothing in the lottery you have to be on you have to have as a match all right take it 48 20 and 3. nothing there ticket 49 49 6 and 3. we got a match 2 dolla all right ticket 450 exactly one third through the book here we go we were looking for a 7 and a 21 and we don't have either come on baby give me that 10x 22 and 7. no 22 and no seven look at the prizes the lottery guys are with us we have what i had a 14. all right no dice there ticket 52 six and four no six no four we did have a three all right take it 53 four again 23. no dice dang rough all right ticket 54 17 and 13. i got a 17. i would rather like let's you know the odds say we're supposed to have 30 plus winners four bucks i would rather have one winner in the entire book for 50 grand i mean duh right all right take a 57 all right sorry 55 17 and 18. no dice there all right we did win four up top we'll put that in the winner's pile ticket 56 for the sake of time i split them into uh tickets of two tickets together just for easier to make this video not super super long all right take it 56 let's get it so far it looks like we're gonna crack half an hour six and eight i gotta hurry six and eight six i need nothing there 21 and 17. nothing there all right 56 and 57 were a bust don't worry i'm chasing i got 58 right here 2 24 2 and 24. no dice all right ticket 59 are you out of your mind 7 11. let's get a slurpee it should be a promo the should make a special uh ticket for the 7-eleven convenience stores all right ticket 60 the big 6-0 15 and 30. oh whoops 15 and three no dice there all right take it 61 one and four nothing all right ticket 62 18 and 4. nope all right ticket 63 16-9 come on baby nope it's okay ticket 64. 2 and 12. boom we got that 10x hype it up hype it up for the 10x awesome please don't have one dollar under there oh 50 baby that's awesome let's hype it that's the biggest win so far that is the biggest win so far that's awesome three and one all right no dice there that was awesome ticket 64 came through 50 ticket 66. six and eight no six no eight all right ticket 67 now we gotta find the five x and the sack eight and seven and then we'll have found all of the symbols all right no eight no seven ticket 68 oops maybe that was i said 68 earlier maybe i meant 64. four and three no four no three tickets 69 6 and 22. nothing there all right ticket 70 almost halfway 13 and 14. all right nothing there ticket 71 1 and 15. just some one offs we had a 14 and a two we needed a one and a 15. 72 and 73. seven three boom another 10x sweet awesome sauce hype it up all right 10x please don't be a dollar that's what i was expecting last time because that's pretty much what we call the florida special around here they'll give you a multiplier with a prize less than the value of the ticket so if this is a five dollar ticket they'll have like five x times 2 bucks that's pretty typical of florida all right ticket 73 hey 10 bucks is 10 bucks 4 and 20. no 4 no 20 but we have a 10 win upstairs ticket 74 this is exactly the halfway mark on this ticket 18 and 14. 18 and 14 no dice take it 75 because the first ticket is triple zero six and 14 is what we're looking for no six no 14. okey-dokey i'm going to do a halfway count all right so i think i'm at exactly 120 back so we have the 50 winner then we had a 10 winner that's 60 another 10 winner that's 70. another 10 winner that's 80. uh that's a five dollar winner a five dollar winner that's 90. an uh four dollar winner 94 a four dollar winner 98 a four dollar winner 102 104 that's a two dollar winner 106 108 110 12 14 16 18 20. so 120 back so far we are halfway through the book let's keep it rolling we got a lot of tickets left to get through clean up this dust all these tickets left to get through so actually almost halfway back and halfway through the book so hopefully this take this book is what we call back loaded where the back end of the book has more wins all right here we go ticket number 76. need a three and an eight nothing there all right ticket 77 i need a one and an eight all right nothing there okay no worries ticket's 78 here we go 20 and 24. nothing there tickets 79 16 and 20. i got a 20 awesome awesome sauce four bucks not too shabby all right ticket number eighty two and twenty four nope all right ticket number 81 2 and 19. we got a 2 and a 19 2 four bucks all right we'll take it ticket number 82 20 and 11. nothing there all right we need to find a 5x and a sack one and 14. no one no 14. all right ticket number 84. come on baby 7 and 20. no 7 no 20 ticket number 85 1-4 come on no dice there it's okay ticket number 86 2 and 20. all right nothing on 86 87 four and eight [Laughter] no four no eight dang rough it's okay we got plenty of tickets left ticket 88 i like to i hope that you don't mind viewing at an angle i like scratching at the angle 2 and 24 it just makes it easier we needed a 2 and a 24 we did not have either ticket 89 and i have to scan all the tickets so like i said guys earlier scan all your tickets i scan these even though they're only two dollar tickets how heartbreaking would it be to find out you threw away a winner i mean you never would find out so you're tired you just happen to miss a match and you throw away a jackpot winning ticket i mean that's just crazy right ticket 90 3 and 22. no dice 91 i'm sure it's happened 19 and 21. we got a 21 we ain't going home broke two bucks hell yeah take it another one sweet all right ticket 92 22. no dice we needed a 2 or a 22 ticket 93 1 and 11. nothing all right ticket 94 4 and 20. no 4 no 20 we had a twenty four that's not how this works oh that would have been nice all right ticket ninety five nine and six we got a nine we got a six whoop ticket 96 that's funny because we matched the nine in the six last ticket three and 19. no dice there ticket 97 24 and 19. we got a 24 and a nineteen four five bucks it's better than four bucks all right ticket 98 1 and fifteen no one no fifteen we gotta find that five x and the sack we have found two ten x's so far that was awesome 19 and 18. no dice there all right ticket 100 come on hundo better than a nuno 19 and 15 no dice ticket 101 101 dalmatians 101 winning tickets four and six nothing all right it's okay because i got ticket 102 four and three nope ticket 103. nine in the level nothing there ticket 104 17 and 1. all right i'm going to assemble hunt so that means i'm scratching where the number should be to see if i can find a symbol all right no symbol let's see if we can find a match 14 and six no dice on ticket 105. all right ticket 106. here we go come on 5x 10x or a money bag no symbol 16 we have a 16 22. we do not have a 22 just 16 for 2 all right take it 107 24 and 2. nothing all right we got the two bucks upstairs it goes in the winning pile ticket 108. all right 12 and four we got the four for four dollars the four for four 109 what is this wendy's 18 and 12. 18 and 12. no dice but we got the four bucks upstairs that goes in the winning pile ticket 110 we got about 40 tickets left 2 and twenty four no dice there ticket one one one seven and sixteen all right nothing there ticket 112 14 and 15. nope all right ticket 113 9 and 22. no 9 and no 22 points ticket 114 6 and 20. no 6 no 20. all right ticket 115. there's a six out of 20. four nope nine we have a nine for two bucks all right we'll take it ticket 116. come on moneybag show your face twenty two no all right ticket 117 we have two 22s we know this is a winner all right 23. 22 10 50 bucks awesome that's some hypeworthiness on ticket 117 awesome another 50 bucks sweet i don't know what we're at but we should we were at 120 halfway through so with the 50 and all the other smaller wins we should be close to i think 190. all right 118 so we're over the halfway point that's for sure 20 and seven that's good ideally i would like to find a huge win but i will take over half back all day 119 i've had some bad books before and um over half back is not too bad for the lottery six and 11 no dice the game is to find a huge win you can't win if you don't play so you got to sacrifice some money all right ticket 120. nine four no nine no four all right ticket 121 9 and 17. no 9 no 17 no worries because i got ticket 122 15 and 8. no 15 no 8. all right ticket 123. nothing three we had a four seven we had a nine point point take a one twenty four eight and six eight and six nothing there if you walk into a store and you buy a single two dollar ticket and you hit 50 bucks that's pretty good ticket 125 12 and three i'm trying to think what's my biggest win 12 and three i don't think i've won more than 50 bucks on a two dollar ticket i could be wrong i don't see a 12 i don't see a three my biggest one on a one dollar ticket is a hundo ticket 126. i think i bought 10 of them 11 and 17. 11 and 17 no dice ticket 127 9 and 19. no 9 no 19. we had an 18. all right ticket 128 come on money bag no money back 24 nope 15 no dice ticket 129 19 and three we got a three a couple okay what do you guys think 3 19 19 3 1 1 1. when you start playing a while you start to learn the lottery's tactics all right that's four dollar holla it's okay that's why sometimes you get shocked all right ticket 130. nice to find a money bag for a 5x 22 pesky number one we had a two all right ticket 131 seven nine nothing all right 132 23 and 20. nothing there all right ticket 133 20 nice two for two bucks we'll take it all right winners pal i think i can crack 200 bucks on this book that's awesome all right ticket 134 i know i'm like yeah i'm only losing 100 16 and 20. but i'm trying to win the big one you know 16 and 20. 16 and 20. no dice all right ticket 135 seven and three no seven no three point point take a 136. come on symbol give me one more symbol before this book is over 23 three ticket 137 one two three four five six seven eight nine i'll take the win all with a dollar that would be so florida we have a 16 and we have a couple thirteens which i did not notice all right we got a four dollar okay winners pile ticket 138 24 and seven no dice 139 boom we found that 5x baby nice awesome just need to find that money bag let's see if we can find a helper four and an 18. all right just a 5x sweet 20 dolla holla holla [Applause] awesome nice we might i think we definitely cracked 200 now all right ticket 140. 19. pesky number one all right ticket 141 17 22 it's a 22 pew pew pew all right no dice there ticket 142 all right no symbols 21 we have a 22 13. we got a 12. all right take a 143 8 and 6. no 8 no 6. could have had a three that would have been nice or four that would have been phenomenal all right take it 144 come on money bag i need that money bag 18 i have a 19. eight i have a six and a nine point all right ticket 145. no symbols 24 i got a 23 11 i have a 13 and a 12. take it 146. 14 i got a 14 nine i got a nine two four dolla holla 147. pesky number one 18. and we got the four bucks upstairs we'll put that in the winner's pile all right last two tickets of the book black box special ticket 149 if you ask me that's a white line ticket some people believe that when the ticket has a white line it is a winner winner chicken dinner see how the top of this is no white line down here there's that thin white line here we go two tickets left let's see if we can find that money bag that would be so awesome to find every symbol in the book all right nothing there three nope six nope all right ticket 149 this is it come on baby seven let's go out with a bang 17 yeah we went out with a bang all right all right let me quickly do the count and i will come right back all right i'm back so the first half was 120 okay remember this is a 300 book plus 50 70 right so that's uh 190 so there was 120 plus 50 is 170 1 plus 20 is 190 plus 5 195 plus 5 is 200 two hundred and four two hundred and eight um two hundred and twelve two hundred and where is that 212 plus 4 is 216 220 224 224 226 228 to thirty two thirty two unless i did my math wrong it's about two thirty two back i knew i was going to lose um if i didn't hit one of these so i was looking for these these are the three denominations of prizes i was hunting for ideally that one the top one it did not happen but overall this was actually a great book let's see how many winners there were i think they were supposed to be 32 for the odds one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 exactly per the odds i think so that's really close guys so that was a great book i hope you guys enjoyed it i really had a lot of fun my name is andre the channel is get rich or die scratching i primarily do scratch off tickets i host a live stream on tuesdays at 7 00 pm um eastern i typically host an entire book of tickets i'm filming this video way in advance but for instance this tuesday i'm doing this entire book um it's going to be really fun so if you guys like scratch off content feel free to subscribe to me smash that like button leave a comment down below i love all your faces the channel's been blossoming blowing up doing great and it's because of you guys and your support i can't thank you enough and i'll catch you guys in the next video see ya all right i scanned all the tickets and this was a winner that i missed ticket 73 for an extra two bucks gotta always scan your tickets so i took the time to scan all these tickets and i found one that i missed imagine this had been more than two bucks though you know it's like you gotta scan your tickets i know it's annoying and it takes extra time but you gotta do it you
Channel: Get Rich or Die Scratching
Views: 55,210
Rating: 4.8066783 out of 5
Keywords: Florida Lottery, Lottery, winning the lottery, scratch off tickets, gold rush, lotto, Florida, scratch, tickets
Id: V0hSL9rb2Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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