I FOUND PARADISE! | Backpacking YELLOWSTONE National Park | Bechler Canyon | Dunanda Falls

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we began this five night six day  trip at the bechler ranger station   joining me was my great friend joey  coconado the goal was beckler canyon okay we are on the trail here in yellowstone  national park the goal over the next several days   is to hang out in the bechler canyon so  we're going to be seeing some waterfalls and   lots of water which i'm excited about especially  because today it is about 90 degrees but it's   only supposed to be hot for the next two days  and then it's going to cool off thankfully   and our walk today is in the woods so i'm  thankful for all these trees surrounding   us some fall colors starting already which i  guess it's not already it's early september   before heading into beckler canyon we  would spend two nights in the meadows   leading up to the canyon with a  side trip to a gorgeous waterfall so it's definitely a hot one today so getting here  to the river is very welcomed just walked out   into the water got myself pretty drenched and  filling up on more water gonna drink a lot of   water at least the next couple of days but it's  beautiful here it's very it's been very smoky   the last couple of days there are a lot of fires  in idaho that are blowing smoke this direction   but down here you don't really  notice it too much which is nice so that is a black bear track  right there we're seeing   several of them we're just about to  our campsite 9c1 i believe it was   uh it's feels really nice now it's gotten a  little bit later it's probably about five o'clock   and uh yeah it's feeling nicer in the trees  and with the breeze it's gonna be a nice   chill evening at camp we only hiked about four  miles today it was all pretty level easy hiking this is our food prep area at 9c1 so we're  going to go ahead and get our tent set up   somewhere out there and hang our food first  before we do that and then have dinner soon so so that is indeed corn on the  cob picking on those coals living it up out here in the backcountry this  is what's for dinner tonight made in montana sun's poking through the trees  oh a whole thing of bagels good morning it's day two we've got camp packed  up we've got our backpacks packed and we're ready   to hit the trail we're gonna go another about  four miles today set up camp and then hike i   think another mile or so to some waterfalls  so i'm really excited about that it's going   to be hot today about 90 degrees another hot  day so feel good to be in the water for sure so hahaha i see trees ahead and i'm excited about  that because we've been walking through   these huge meadows completely exposed and  it's hot so yeah this tree's our welcome sight we've made it to camp number two 982 we literally just got to camp and these storm  clouds storm me looking clouds have moved in   and the winds really kicked up it's amazing  in the blink of an eye the weather has changed we're here at camp number two and a storm has  blown in we're actually waiting for a couple   to tear down their camp because they were here  before us and they're done they went over to the   waterfall so our plan is to go to the waterfall  as soon as we set up camp hopefully it won't take   too long it's going to be interesting in this  weather i just pulled up the weather report   on my inreach and it says 100 chance of rain  in about 15 minutes so we'll see what happens thankfully the weather update was incorrect and  the sun reappeared for our hike to the falls and this was the first of many  wow moments at these falls so soaking in a warm amazing hot spring next to   a gorgeous waterfall it doesn't  get much better than this we were treated to a gorgeous view of  the tetons on the hike back to camp tonight i am having chicken lasagna  it's got ants the ants already want it smells really good what this lasagna for the remainder of the evening we relaxed by  the fire and enjoyed the show the night sky put on good morning it's day three we're back on  the trail we had a nice leisurely morning   at camp and it was really pretty camp we had  some thunderstorms roll through last night   which was awesome great day yesterday at  denanda falls the place was absolutely   beautiful and today we are hiking into  beckler canyon very excited about that all right we are starting day three  off with a little creek crossing   and we're gonna have a few of these today  including the beckler river we've got about eight   miles to go and we're headed up into the bedclub  canyon we're gonna be seeing some more waterfalls we're not sure how deep this is so it looks  like joey's taking this stuff out of his pockets   just in case so as we stepped into the canyon everything  changed we left the open meadows behind   and stepped into the lush green canyon and then we spotted a couple of black bears  grazing the slopes across the beckler river   no doubt in search of the huckleberries and  thimbleberries that were abundant in the area and who doesn't want to see more bears wow that is a gorgeous waterfall   it's looking very ominous it's starting to rain  we just saw a bear up on the hillside there   and it's exciting it's so beautiful in  here absolutely gorgeous we've got hail it's freaking pouring hailing oh my god wow oh my god it's a flooded current situation huddled under a tree   waiting at this pretty gnarly thunderstorm  the trail is already a river in just seconds the storm had lightened up so we booked it to  camp so that we could set up our tents before   the next wave of rain came through and indeed  it did we were set up just in the nick of times fortunately after about an hour the rain  did end and we were able to come out   and enjoy a warm fire and a nice dinner good morning it's day three the sun is out  it finally stopped raining last night we were   able to come out of our tents and have a nice  dinner a nice fire and it was actually really   peaceful and beautiful here woke up to like i  said clear sunny skies we have just a very short   hike to our next camp today i think it's less  than a mile the plan is to set up camp and then   head up to mr bubbles which i'm very excited about  uh this is day four we have two more nights here   and it's been amazing so far i've absolutely  had an incredible time here in yellowstone starting off with the crossing of the  beckler river and it's not too deep right now we're already set up at our next camp  and the reason that we needed to move   is because you can only stay one night at each  camp otherwise we would have just stayed there   two nights so yep only 0.7 miles already set  up and ready to hit the trail for the day a little bit shallower than earlier so so all righty we have made it to mr bubbles  which is this pool right in front of us   you look right in front of cat there you'll  notice all that water is boiling up that is   hot boiling water ferrous fork the beckler river  over here to the left that is all ice cold water   you can see people kind of dammed it up a little  bit to kind of force some of that water into the   mr bubbles pool it's just a cool area in  general sorry i'm rambling on cat's camera but that is the ferris fork  and then this is mr bubbles and the water fluctuates throughout that pool like  the closer you get to the bubbles the hotter it is   and then also this little side stream over here that's all hot water too like  boiling hot can't get in that one you would pretty much die after a relaxing and nice soak in mr  bubbles it was time to head back to camp we've made it back to camp it was just an awesome  day mr bubbles was amazing so relaxing especially   after days of hiking soaking in the warm hot  spring and yeah it's beautiful the lighting coming   back here to camp was just gorgeous i did lose my  microphone somewhere along the way so uh you'll   probably notice a audio difference so that's just  part of what happens out here in the backcountry   it's hard on uh equipment gear  and everything but it's worth it i hate to interrupt your dinner selection  but i have a question for you yeah so you   just did this trip right before i met up with you  yeah and you decided to do it again why because   it's awesome cause it's just a fun place to  come i can hang out it's a beautiful canyon   a ton of waterfalls a ton of pools to  swim in uh thermal features you always   get like thunderstorms and hail storms the  camps are great it's just uh i don't know   it's a nice spot so it wasn't really  a big deal at all to come do it again   i would do it again next week too and what did  you like best about this trip this time around um then on to falls because i didn't go last  time so yeah yeah that was awesome i loved   it there actually having the hail storm  right when we were like in between the two   waterfalls that was pretty cool yeah yeah i  agree with that a little more exciting awesome   yeah thanks lasagna was on the menu for  dinner and then we called it a night so good morning it's day five and we've hit the trail   we are heading to our camp which  is a short under two miles away the idea on this trip is to spend as much time  in beckler canyon as possible and just enjoy   it and go at a nice leisurely pace and that's  why we've been moving camps from camp to camp   because you're not allowed as i mentioned earlier  to stay in the same campsite for multiple nights   that's why we've moved back and forth but  we are headed back towards the trailhead   and uh this is a great camp we have all day just  to chill out and relax and it's gonna be awesome we spent our last full day of  the trip visiting the nearby   and beautiful colonnade falls  and just hanging around camp good morning it's about 8 15 and we are hitting  the trail it is day six we are hiking out today   just got an early start packed everything  up and we are bailing it's really   chilly this morning and uh yeah we're  gonna make a d line for the truck i had an amazing trip to  denanda falls and beckler canyon   a part of yellowstone i never  could have dreamed existed so you
Channel: Catherine Gregory
Views: 85,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yellowstone National Park, Dunanda Falls, Bechler Canyon, Backpacking Yellowstone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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