Yellowstone Grizzly Encounter off-trail, May 17, 2024

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for for I've been following some nice grizzly tracks up the trail looks like the Grizzlies have really been busy up here it's a huge day big for here's some older Grizzly tracks in the snow went right up through there for that Grizzly was very close just coming up over the uh little hump right there the grizzly was coming up the hump on the other side we met right at the top probably 20 ft now he's coming up from the trees I think he's curious to double check to see what I was I'm directly facing him and looking right at him the entire time I don't want to show any signs of weakness by looking away wow I came over that little hump right there and ran smack into that grizzly bear 20 ft maybe he was just right there in front of me now he circled up around I'm just going back down here to make sure he's not following me that is the normal behavior that you should see out of a Yellowstone Grizzly if you don't upset them I was walking very quietly when we met the bear was in a very calm State wasn't upset for any reason and simply uh ran off after he figured out what it was so as I uh point out all the time in my videos I'm out here hiking to see wildlife in a very peaceful quiet and respectful way I don't want to do anything that will upset them so that was the uh normal kind of reaction I've got gotten my entire life it was a great experience very nice grizzly bear I've been off Trail almost of the day but I'm back on the trail of course this is what you get garbage I'll pick that up and take it back
Channel: Stan Mills
Views: 85,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TXkXeXVWuzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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